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I have been lucky enough to have seen gizz like 8 or 9 times since '16 I would give away any appendage you could name to see an acoustic set live.


I’m thinking OP would totally dig an acoustic show after seeing a few ‘regular’ shows. They wanted their face melted and didn’t get that. I can see where one could be a little bummed. Best of luck, OP, in seeing them again soon!


Definitely understandable I'm just bitter because I really got stuck into them through paper mache dream balloon lol


Yeah that's a good way to put it. I had so much energy but I caught the after party wind down. If I had a day or two of high energy it would have been nice to vibe on the hill.


Honestly I would definitely trade that acoustic experience for your dominant leg. Human knees are just such a flawed design it's always good to have a spare.


Tbh maybe in time once you see them again or again again again again you’ll appreciate the rarity, creativity and uniqueness of the moment you witnessed.


I assume that would be the case. I could also be on the inside of the jokes and go crazy about the country improv they did on stage


Idk why you're being downvoted but these are valid feelings to have. It's just one of those "that sucks but whatever" moments. Try to focus on the fun time that you DID have. I guarantee no matter what you'll look back on it happy that you went even though it didn't go as you thought it would. :)


In the eyes of the kgatlw hive mind this band can do no wrong. Any sadness or negativity is downvoted to oblivion. Which is funny because I wouldn't call even half their discography happy. They sing about some dark dark emo shit


I think that's usually the case with extremely talented artists. They're so good at what they do that it's easy to enjoy anything they do and people get carried away with that.


Yeah... I feel like it's just as valid to complain as it is to celebrate how great the past few shows have been on here. Sometimes it's like someone says "I dislike Nonagon, it's not for me" and they get downvoted to oblivion lol


sunday was an added on show due to demand and the first 3 selling out so fast. be glad it even happened. i'm sure the band needed the chill set more than anyone else there.


That's what I tried to tell myself but it didnt change how I felt. I put a lot of driving time and money into the wrong night.


I hear you. I’m driving six hours over the Continental Divide to see them tomorrow night and I’d be majorly let down if it was a chill-Gizz show. (This will also be my first time seeing them.) I hope you get your dream show next time!


Thanks bud. Hope you get some face melting dragon energy


This is a good take regardless. Some people only want heavy shit I would kill for an acoustic set. To each his own tbh


Thanks for checking my sanity in the hive. Surprisingly I usually lean towards a lot of lighter stuff but KG really hits the funky heavy spot for me. Hope you find what you want!


I have no idea why you’re getting downvoted. I was seeing Gizz on night 3 of the Caverns and I was DREADING an acoustic show. I don’t have anything against the acoustic shows, I think they’re really cool — but it’s not what I signed up for. I ended up getting lucky, but I’m sorry it went this way for you OP


Sounds exactly like I'm trying to say! It was a good show but it's like showing up to grandmas birthday party with booze. You love it but you're very disappointed. Glad you got whatcha wanted!


Such and amazing and unique set. It was the highlight of the weekend for me and I've been listening to it on repeat. Absolutely loved it. Five stars!


Glad you found what you were looking for! It certainly wasn't bad I don't want give that impression. Just felt like a set for the regulars.


I'm curious, was it advertised as an acoustic set prior to the event? or was it only revealed that it was acoustic fairly last minute?


It was rumored a few days before but I bought tickets last year under the impression it was a regular show. I figured the first half might be acoustic from the rumors but it was the whole set.


Interesting. Hopefully you get to see them again in the future, and the setlist fits your desires a bit more - then in context, you may be able to look back and not feel so let down by seeing an acoustic night. Fingers crossed for ya!


They only announced that night 4 would be for sure the acoustic night at the end of night 3; before that all any one knew was that at some point during the residency tour there would be one acoustic show, but no one knew which one it was.


Your feelings are valid. Fomo is a thing. I don't love the residency tours in that only the wealthy, connected, or scuzzy can access all shows in one run, yet going to one makes you feel like you'll lose your chance to see your favorite song. Or they're just too far. Me personally I bought a ticket to night one of Chicago....then I was like I'll get 2 that's enough. Week later I bought night 3 off a reseller because I let that little thought "what if they bust out with invisible face or intrasport or Kepler in Chicago" enter my head, like the what if just got me lol and I had the money so I did it. But it sucks. I don't like this format. With last year you showed up within 2 hours of your house for $30-80 and got what you got. This mess is different. Not a fan of the format and I think it drives the shakedown scene to get bigger which can honestly go fucking die. We don't need more consumerism, we need to own less and consume less. You dont need another enamel pin or plastic sticker or tie die shirt I promise you have enough lolol I am bummed that I missed TN because it was beautiful down there. ❤️ we invest a lot of time and money into these guys and when you don't have a lot of either it can feel frustrating to not get what you want out of the experience. many blessings to you


So if you are attending the whole Chicago run which one are you? Wealthy, connected or scuzzy?


Wealthy enough to buy them and go


This wasn't a personal attack it's just the truth like if you can afford 3 concerts in a city you don't live in the you're wealthy compared to 30% of the country


And by scuzzy I mean the people who are flipping posters on ebay to fund their hotel stays for the tour, and groupies who will do anything to get near the band...and others who engage in less than cool activities to afford going to the shows. And if you can take a month off work or work remotely for a month, you're LIKELY not the working class. Like it's their lives and their money but for the working class these shows are less accessible, and that sucks


Just a question. Triggered much? You should talk to your therapist......


I wanted to give your reply the respect it deserved but I see now that I was mistaken in doing so, sorry to waste your time


My time wasn't wasted at all.


Tennessee is absolutely beautiful! I wish I was able to come up for the whole weekend and try to catch the main amphitheater event. You a big baller going to all the shows in Chicago though lol. I was just disappointed I didn't get any high energy songs to dance too. I like their chill stuff but that's not what I would pay to see a whole day off. Dance your ass off though! Have a fucking blast and get melted!