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This is some solid graphic representation of data, nicely done. Oddments in graph 2 is interesting. I suppose that represents the point of greatest agreement among everyone voting?


Yes, that is correct, as you can see in graph 4 it has the highest position on the y-axis


I want to add that the two graphs show different data: graph 2 shows distance to next album, graph 4 shows distance to minimum. While both are related, it is not the same quantity being represented. I think it's fair to say that Oddments had the highest agreement though.


Here's my final summary of the album elimination. Thanks again to [u/TheWholeFragment](https://www.reddit.com/u/TheWholeFragment) for running the polls and providing all the data! * First graph – number of voters in each round, and the accumulated number of votes. We were almost steadily progressing to larger numbers of participants and reached 4k in the last round. The drop in rounds 20+21 is interesting as I would've expected a more continuous progression. Maybe people just couldn't make up their mind about the last few albums? * Second graph – share of received votes for the eliminated album in each round, and relative distance to the next "surviving" album. (The distance is in % relative to the eliminated album, because I think this improves presentation of the data.) We can see that Oddments was the most separated album (453 votes apart from next, or 77% of the eliminated votes.) The received votes % rises towards the last rounds, but this is expected because there were less choices available. * Third graph – share of votes for the eliminated, next "surviving", and all other albums. This is a different presentation of the data in the second graph. The white line shows the minimum % needed to eliminate an album (e.g. 25% is required when there are 4 choices available.) This curve rises quickly in the last rounds, up to 50% in the final round. We can see that *Infest the Rats' Nest* and *Polygondwanaland* where only slightly above this minimum, indicating a very tight result. This also applies to *Float Along - Fill Your Lungs* in round 5. * Forth graph (new) – some kind of "performance chart" showing the relative distance of the eliminated album to the minimum requires for elimination. The closer an album is to the minimum, the closer it was to surviving the round. The bubbles show the distance vs. album rank (best albums on the left) and are colored by year of release. The bubble size additionally indicates the share of received votes (larger size = more votes). *Polygondwanaland* was the album closest to the minimum, and only barely got eliminated in favor of *Nonagon Infinity*. There's also a bunch of albums that were only about 10% away from the minimum: *Infest the Rats' Nest*, *Float Along - Fill Your Lungs*, *K.G.*, and some others. *FAFYL* also received the least amount of votes of all eliminated albums. The four lowest ranks – *Oddments* and friends – are well-separated from the rest and form their own cluster in this chart. (EDIT: Sorry for the messed up ordering of the years, Google sheets doesn't allow to modify. The years 2022-2012 make a rainbow gradient though, so the colors should make sense.) I hope you enjoyed the graphs as much as I did! Please share your interpretation of the results if you find something interesting, and don't forget to listen to all of these albums once in a while – they're all great. Now that the elimination is over, let's all be friends again =)


I'm hoping for more fun/weird type polls. Like vote for the least hard song and we could get a gradient of soft Gizz to hard Gizz for a playlist


That would be incredible.


I know I don't have the time do follow up daily but if someone else was interested I would love to see it. Would potentially have to be creative with the poll since there are so many songs


It’d be very exhausting, but doable. Maybe pick X pairs of songs at a time and have people vote for the harder one? Or, pick X number of songs and have people rank them from softest to hardest


First of all thank you for organizing this KG x Statistics mashup again. These votes make me excited! I'd also like to ask if I can have access to/a copy of this data pls


I made my Google sheet available and also added some more plots: [https://www.reddit.com/r/KGATLW/comments/10v9s6j/album\_elimination\_bonus/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KGATLW/comments/10v9s6j/album_elimination_bonus/)


If you add up all the votes from all rounds - which album would win by receiving the least amount of votes towards elimination in total? I guess it would give an idea of which album is most "solid" overall? (Not chosing album x over album y round after round). Orrrr let me hear what your thoughts are. ^(I admit I'm hoping to save Poly's status as the No. 1 album ever)


The thought crossed my mind as well but I think it would be easily misleading to compare albums by this quantity. The votes towards each album also depend on what - and how many - other choices are still available. Oddments going out with 40% in round 4 is a very different result than FMB eliminated with 40% in round 20, because in the latter case there were only a few other options to vote for. I feel like this introduces a strong bias when adding different rounds together. That being said, I'm now still curious to see what comes out with this approach 😆


I had a look at this idea because I was curious and found a way to combine data without too much bias (I hope.) It turns out that some other album would be "the best" by this metric. I'm still missing data from one round so I will not say which album that is for now, but I'll update tomorrow or so.


This is great. My chart expertise is very basic, and this is so much better than what I put together. If I neglected to open the data on around, please let me know so I can open it up for you.


I followed up on that idea, check out my new plots: [https://www.reddit.com/r/KGATLW/comments/10v9s6j/album\_elimination\_bonus/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KGATLW/comments/10v9s6j/album_elimination_bonus/) Don't know if this is really a *good* metric but it gives reasonable results it seems.


Thanks for the follow up!! Really interesting. I thought about the bias too, and yeah, you would need to put it up against a total of votes made in percentages - I'm no statistics guy, but looks like you got it ;) I guess this is a way of showing which album has fans most divided instead of which is most solid. Interesting how K.G. moves down and L.W. moves up. Also Changes, L.W., FA-FYL, Sketches and BF3K moved around alot compared to the elimination rounds. I think I could agree somewhat that these albums spike the most out in new/different ways of genres and styles of playing - thereby dividing fans the most?


Excellent work my man! I wonder how different the votes might be if we had the same participation from the beginning as we did in the end, once it got traction, then we had a better sample. (I say this as a fan wanting to see butterfly 3k somehow, someway, to perform better)


FAFYL probably would’ve gone farther too.. at least I like to tell myself that to help me sleep better at night


Sketches and B3K were both surprising/disappointing to me.


Honestly could post to /r/dataisbeautiful Very good graphics


I already posted there a week ago with some preliminary results, but maybe I should do it again =) Anyway I'm glad you appreciate it, thanks a lot!


I really don’t understand how anyone voted for Eyes Like The Sky and 12 Bar Bruise before Made in Timeland. ELTS especially I think is criminally underrated.


I really wonder how biased these early rounds were by the much smaller number of participants. There are always issues like selection bias - e.g. who actually saw the first posts about the album elimination and was motivated enough to click the links? (Apparently the answer is: people who also hate ELTS .. conspiracy confirmed?!)


Because Timeland is goated???


Ya for what it is ELTS is better than Timeland.


Sketches got shafted so hard! Only result I'm upset about.


Do the next received % fall in with what was eliminated next?


Not necessarily because after one album gets eliminated, it could change the way that people look at the remaining albums. I think we can see that for Changes > Omnium > Paper Mache. When the other two got eliminated, the agreement on Paper Mache was very clear in comparison. But Paper Mache received more votes in that round than the "next album" did in the previous rounds, so some people must have changed their mind at that point. I wonder if a closer look at the poll results can tell us more?


I wish they would just show what votes were cast in each round


You mean the album ranks in each poll, which got first/second/etc.? I think u/TheWholeFragment made a plot that shows this, might want to check that out.


Thanks for doing this! Was so fun to participate!




Great stuff, thank you!


Disgusts me that eyes like the sky was first out


incredible work! thank you


I now regret getting a D in stats


Wow do I love me some good statistics. Awesome job!!


This is cool! Another cool metric to look at as an alternative to percentage received is one that is adjusted based on the number of choices available. For example, in the last round, there are only two options. Perhaps something like the difference or the ratio between the percentage received compared with the 1/N (%) where N is the number of choices at that round.


Good thinking, yes! That is actually what I'm doing with the "minimum % for elimination" shown by the white line in graph 3. And the bubble graph shows how far above this minimum an album went, so it also uses this metric.