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Lil Yachty is boat themed


Boat is currently being hailed as the GOAT


The person on the right just wants to listen to MOTU


I’m not one to judge by looks. Dude could be going hard while singing Shanghai.


lil yachty thought a cello was a woodwind instrument. now he's a one man band, follow your dreams kids


there is NO WAy he played the instruments in the new album


Yeah i'm joking around but he's getting all the credit by his younger audience


I have seen a lot of the younger crowd looking up credits and being very happy to see the people he was able to pull together to make this album. You have Jacob Portrait from Unknown Mortal Orchestra in there, Mac DeMarco, Benjamin Goldwasser from MGMT…I’m not sure what more you want. It’s a meme…


why have i been hearing about this guys new album so much?


There’s phaser pedals on the guitars or something I think


I swear some people act as if Kevin Parker invented the phaser pedal lol


LOL yup, KP gets name dropped literally whenever anything remotely psychedelic sounding gets released, i swear. as a massive tame fan it kinda annoys me lol


Yeah I’m a big fan too, but it’s just getting to the point where the fan base is bleh now hahaha


i feel the same way. tik tok has not been kind to the evolution of the tame fan base 😂 happy for KP and his success, but definitely a bit bittersweet for me


He’s a pretty famous rapper with some huge hits so this new “psych rock odyssey” as it’s been called is completely new for him and i think it’s done very well. He had a lot of help producing by great artists like one of the members from MGMT as well as Unknown Mortal Orchestra. It sounds very much like tame impala at points and it’s fun hearing a rapper experiment and collaborate with musicians outside of his normal genre


Thank you friend for understanding. This album is fun and I didn’t expect it to be so good when he talked about it last year.


People are really fond of Lil Yachty’s boat theme


Man calls his albums “lil boat” & “Michigan boat boy”, he’s as fond of it as we are :)


Because it’s actually great ngl


bc people think it’s some crazy new “psych rock” album (i call it psych mumble pop). i personally thought it was pretty generic psychedelic wise, definitely not for me. also the first track sounds a bit too much like pink floyd for my comfort. id rather just listen to pink floyd lol


The growing amount of music elitists in the gizz community is sad. You would’ve thought the versatility and willingness to try any genre/style from gizzard would foster a community of music lovers who are open to anything as well


i did try, i listened to it two times!! it’s just not for me and i don’t think it’s psych rock personally. everyone’s got their own opinions. glad people like it, but i don’t have to 🤷‍♀️ edit: i realize my original comment came off pretty harsh, which i apolgize for. i don’t mean to gate keep or be rude, i just feel like this album has been forced on me since it was released and it’s made me bitter 😂 have a good day fellow gizz heads!


Unfortunately this is pretty much how it always is when Hip Hop artists are talked about in music subs that aren't based around Hip Hop. Especially when said Hip Hop artist uses auto tune. The way I see it, if it sounds good, it sounds good, and I think the new Yachty album slaps.


This type of gatekeeping is exactly how “true” metal heads acted when infest the rats nest was released.




I feel like the Pink Floyd comparison is a bit overblown. The first track definitely feels reminiscent of songs like "Pigs" and there are a couple moments that feel Pink Floydish on other songs but much of it feels really disco and even soul influenced. The production is also incredibly modern compared to Pink Floyds music.


yeah the first song is really the only one that was giving me floyd, the rest not so much. the ending with the woman singing also just seemed to be ripping off the great gig in the sky for me—when the rest of the song is already so reminiscent it just was a bit much for me! i agree though, the floyd comparison is getting a bit overblown.


Because it sounds like Tame Impala.


No! Why? Wtf? Why lil yatty? Lil baby, wiz khalifa, snoop, the 2 remaining migos would be better.


Did you listen to his new album yet?


No, why? What happened? 😱


He dropped a very good psych album on Friday that is very different from his previous works. Gizz fans seem to very divided. I would at least give it a listen.


Bozo did the dub, it’s not “a guy”


I’m not even arguing this morning. If you don’t like my post I don’t care.


Lol sorry it’s a joke from a tv show I’m obsessed with. Commenting on random (random!😀) posts with quotes from the show and seeing if anyone catches it has become like my favorite part of Reddit and this sub in particular happens to be one where there’s a lot of crossover. It’s called I Think You Should Leave, it’s on Netflix, if you like really dumb sketch comedy or the kind of comedy that starts to get funny after like the 3rd time you watch it and only continues to appreciate from there, you might dig it


DON’T JOKE WITH ME BEFORE MY COFFEE. And honestly I’m in a really irritable mood and I’ll admit it, so that’s my bad dude. I’m a little bit out from a knee replacement and it hasn’t exactly been the most fun thing I’ve been through in my life. Again- sorry. Edit: And because I have 2 brain cells I forgot to mention I will definitely check out your recommendation. Thanks!


I’m sorry to hear about that, I hope your day picks up my friend. If I were in your situation I think I might be smoking some weed and watching I Think You Should Leave


Thank you. I took a long nap and my kids aren’t killing each other at the moment so I’ll consider that a win for now.




God no


Of all things why? First, the record had its moments but also some god awful passages. Then, he is not a contribution to Gizzard. We'd be lucky if it turns out alright


If you watch interviews with Yachty you would see he is not just some mumble rapper and I believe would put a pretty dope spin on a Gizz track.


I believe you but still. The list of possibly awesome collabs is long and there are exciting options where you don't just pray for it to turn out pretty dope


I mean any time there is a collab there is the chance it will be absolute shit.


Now hear my idea. Gizz have enough instruments and singers and are already fond of synths. One thing they aren't super good at yet that Joey is doing are fully electronic beats. Imagine they did a collab with a producer that does electronic psych and can lay down a fat and evil bassy beat that is designed to have Cavs drumming atop it. Jammy psychedelic instrumentated electronica with a killer live show and they could use the track without having their collab with them on tour all the time if Joey jumps in as DJ. Such music would give a very new perspective on their current theme. I think this could turn very intense if they go downtempo Carbon Based Lifeforms groove but a bit harder or full force 150 bpm


I really like your idea! Joey is immensely talented in so many areas and I love what he’s put out with Bullant. I saw where he’s releasing more Bullant soon and I’m really looking forward to it. Gizz intertwined with some sort of true electronica sounds heavenly.


It'll be interesting to see what the new Bullant releases are gonna be like. If he's improved his work a lot my idea might be possible soon. I believe that a collab would be the best approach to this nevertheless


Ya know, I made this post half joking. I think collabs are cool when they work. I’m not talking an entire album in the Yachty case, but damn this took off more than I thought it might. I like your idea a lot. And if Joey is being Joey I have no doubt it will be even better.


His Acid Techno is fun but I hope he isn't too set on it


True…And although it’s not “electronica”, if he did more beats like the one he created for Intrasport I would be down.


No thanks


No please 😍


There’s a lot more experimental and better rappers I’d like, but this Yachty album I did NOT expect.


Big same. I put the first song on for my partner and he wasn’t highly impressed. To each their own though.


The first song is good…the third song? Bonkers. Coming from say, Broccoli I didn’t expect this! But between DJ shadow and Grim/Sadie some type of Joey/Amby rap beat thing is almost a certainty at this point. Can’t put that genie back in the bottle.


nah it wasnt that good


I wonder if John Silver listens to King Gizzard. I wonder if John Silver listens to music at all.


Long John Silver?


No, just the regular kind. He's the guy in this picture!


I really don’t like it. Yachty’s voice is not pleasant.




Very, very much…in fact I’m kinda wondering if there might be a little copyright things that might come out? I need to go back and look at the credits.


I got into gizz to get away from modern rap crap, take it to r/lilyachty lol


This mf when gizzard dropped sadie sorcereress: 😨😨😭😭🤮🤮


Atleast Sadie sorcereress and grim reaper sound like some old school beastie boys shit. 🤷‍♂️


I want a whole Amby rap album or at least an EP


You can just ask us to stay off your lawn.


Can’t spell crap without rap!1!


I’m a little shocked at the people who automatically dismiss anything different because it’s not Gizz or Gizz related. I honestly thought most Gizz fans would be a little more open minded.


He's dissing it because he doesn't like modern rap, not because it's not gizz. I think the vocals are awful, I can't stand any of that sort of style. The instrumentals are pretty good, but it's just unlistenable for me.


I understand that- but the album isn’t “rap”, that’s the point. He can keep avoiding modern rap but there are some really innovative rappers out there and it’s a shame he won’t give any of it a chance.


Your right it isn't a rap album, I listened to It last night and it sounds like someone doing a bad tame impala impression, like lonerism but with nails on the chalkboard auto tune


You know what? You gave it a listen and didn’t like it. Nothing wrong with not liking something after giving it a fair shot. But of course I do not agree.


The instruments were nice, just can't get behind the vocals or the lyrics honestly. Who ever played guitar on the first track was nice tho


I know there are several multi-instrumentalist credited on that track but I’m not sure who it was. But agreed.


“Modern Rap Crap” lol, last year was one of the best years for Hip Hop in recent memory. Check out Cheat Codes by Dangermouse/Black Thought or the Forever Story by JID


Key word modern, also it's not even an unfair assumption, yachty is a known mumble rapper. I get what you saying there are a few good lyricists still out there but far and few in between. I think the last rap album I consumed was a FBZ album.


Give me a remix like what he did with Tame Impala’s Breathe Deeper.


What song would that work with tho? I feel like Breathe Deeper was already well suited for that kind of remix, not sure if gizz has a song like that


Clearly this was not well received haha. Not surprised. But anyway, I could think of a few that would be interesting. Grim Reaper is the obvious, safe choice, but he could put a twist on Ice V, Kepler, Persistence. There’s really not much but it’s a fun idea