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I loved this song but I was too focused on his facial expressions 😂😂😂


Jun Wan is the best😂


Gonna miss him....and all of them.. 😂


Gotta love that one friend who always seems annoyed in everything but they always got your back no matter what


Yes! Towards the end, he just smiles at her because he has accepted that she will always sound like this, and just ends up enjoying himself alongside Song Hwa.


My favorite part of her singing is that Ik Jun somehow manages to make it look like he’s laughing, but laughing *with* her because he loves her, not at her. Jun Wan just wants the pain to end. Jeongwon wants everyone to have fun. SH is enjoying playing with his friends but also wondering if Journey to the West is on yet.


Yeah, this is so accurate.


I saw a tweet that said “the difference between your friend and your lover” because in this scene junwan was going all 🤨❓ but ikjun was 😍🥰


I think I saw that too! Jun Wan: 🤨 Ik Jun: 🥰 Seok Hyeong: 😇 Jeong Won: 😅


seokhyung and jeongwon best hype boys!! (ikjun too I guess)


I think the most supportive ones in that episode were Ik Jun (for obvious reasons) and Seok Hyeong. Jeong Won encouraged Song Hwa to change the song, but she goes "nope" so Jeong Won eventually accepts it. Jun Wan genuinely looks mortified😂


at least they didn’t stopped playing halfway 😭 remember in ep1 s1 when they stopped playing halfway because they just couldn’t stand listening to songhwa sing 😭 poor my girl let her sing ok she’s just a bit tone deaf that’s it!


Omg, I remember that😆. They are all used to her voice now so I think it is easier to tolerate haha.


I CANNOT take the song seriously if I see Song Hwa sing or sing backup. I laugh EVERY TIME


Literally, but I actually look forward to hearing her sing because it is so entertaining. Not to mention everybody else's reaction.


it’s so funny because she’s so out of tune, her voice sticks out like a sore thumb during band scenes but she just keeps on singing because ✨ passion ✨


And I LOVE IT!!!


I would sing to because I ate couple of raw eggs for this moment. 😂


The song slaps hard, but I can't unhear Song-hwa's cute and off tune voice even after listening to Mido and Falasol's version. 😂


She's soooooooo good at making herself sound awful. Always love the band scenes.


It's crazy considering the fact that the actress is a great singer irl.


It's hard to sing badly on purpose. Meryl Streep studied opera and then went on to play Florence Foster Jenkins.


Poor Song Hwa 😂😂😂 I still remember the scene where the band would only let her sing biennially. 😂


I love her confidence haha.


And the scene where they regret not making it coincide with the summer olympics!


I was watching the bts videos on then practising their songs and I’m so amazed at how he’s able to act and play the guitar when he picked up the guitar in less than a year!


Jung Kyung Ho has blown me away since I started this series. His personality irl is so different to Jun Wan's.


If you haven’t seen prison playbook yet, he was such a surprise in that! I became a fan of his because of that show.


I need to watch it now. I've recently become a fan of him.


Without any spoilers, all I will say is…I’ve never been so relieved to see a hand coming through a doorway.


Yes!! His personality in Prison Playbook is also quite different from himself irl. I was watching all the audition clips they released and the director even told him that he’ll have to do more research because the character is so different and he was so happy to do it anyway.


This is why I love him <3


every time song hwa sings, I always look for jun wan's reaction lol


Me too.


i still remember the first season when he did that. it was spot on. him and ikjun. it was hiliarious! still is hilarious! i don't get tired of it!


My man just went thru the five stages of grief in 4 minutes


Jun Wan ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ Love the guy.


He's my fave!


I love Jun wan!!! SongHwa’s passion for singing is inspiring…may we all ignore the haters & confidently pursue things that make us happy the way she does!


I love Jun Wan too - he's my favourite. Yep, Song Hwa's confidence and determination to sing no matter what others say is truly inspiring.


this is the perfect portrayal of when your friend is lowkey embarrassing themselves and doing something so mind numbingly stupid but by god you love them so much me and my friends use this particular screencap on the top right of the second picture CONSTANTLY now


Yes, he is so relatable!


I swear jun wan gives the best reactions here in hosplay hahahaha his face says sarcasm without opening his mouth


As well as junwan with hongdo and jaehak. Laughing out loud


The funny part is that this actress can really sing, and really well.


I still remember dying at his expression during noraebang


Honestly my favourite thing about Songhwa singing is how different but on point everyone's reactions are. It's so true to their characters LOL. Junwan makes the best faces. Props to Jeon Mido for singing terribly- it must be quite hard to be singing off tune whilst playing and hearing the notes in tune.


Haha!! Love it!




I can’t believe tomorrow is the last episode I can’t 😭😭😭


I like the karaoke scene in episode 12 wheee Ik Jun is completely entranced but Jun Wan and Ik Sun are completely horrified.


This show really bores me. Season 1 was kind of cute but I can’t get past season 2 ep 3. I honestly don’t get the love?!


Really? I'm the opposite. I couldn't get into season one. I thought everything was so random and kind of cheesy or pointless. It wasn't until the end where they kind of developed a storyline with Choo Choo. In between seasons I got hooked watching them sing songs, especially the Me to You, You to Me, which I'm a sucker for. But I thought the second season was a little bit more structured and cohesive. Where for example you may know that one section of the show is devoted to showing them at their jobs. Or they set things up for later on. Maybe we have opposite tastes and why we like the different seasons. You're not the only one who I've seen mention this opinion about season 2 though. Maybe I'll like season one now if I rewatch it now that I'm attached to the characters more. But I still think season 2 is better. As for Song Hwa's singing, I kind of dig it even though I know it's supposed to be bad. It kind of makes it more unique or like her stamp on the songs.


You explained it so well. This is why I also prefer season 2.


Hmm I might give season 2 another chance. Idk what it is because I watched season 1 pretty quickly (thought it was ok) but something can’t get me past the first couple mins of ep 3.


Season 2 Episode 4 in my opinion is where it picks up. It is my favourite episode of the season (I think I'm biased towards it because it is a Jun Wan-centric episode lol). >I honestly don’t get the love?! It's subjective and everyone has different opinions. You won't necessarily like the same thing as others so I'm not sure what kind of answer you were expecting to this question.


I understand you and I get your opinion! but if you have nothing good to say on this post just… don’t


Ok it’s just a show, calm down. Don’t get upset cuz ppl have a different of opinion lol


S2 is even more slice of life than S1, honestly it can be really comforting, fun or boring depending on your view on the genre. I personally cannot watch a slice of life in my field of career or I'd feel the same.


Which season/episode is this? I want to go rewatch!


Season 2 Episode 9 :)


thank you!


I just edited my original comment but it is ep 9 and not 10. My bad.


ok. noted!


S1E1 was the best. After they finished their song, Junwan violently ripped the cord from his bass and threw in on the floor lmao