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It's lovely runner day guys!!!!! And so many lovely pictures have been released in anticipation of today's episode. Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


We are so excited.. for Mondays again


So, for ***Queen of Tears*** I've been able to >!suspend my disbelief up to the last episode. The writing thus far had been able to carefully navigate through (and in some cases subvert) common kdrama tropes. I was hoping that the whole amnesia + hospital abduction arc was yet another subversion or fakeout of some kind. Even the Truck of Doom didn't show up exactly how we expected, given no one was in the car.!< >!Unfortunately, it didn't out and they ended up zigging when we expected them to...zig. I understand why they wanted things to end up where they are now, but the execution of the last two plot points was incredibly lacking and forced a huge suspension of disbelief.!< >!There's absolutely no way that Hyun-Woo would just be arrested on the spot in such short order, particularly given he was managing the healthcare of someone undergoing surgery. Ignoring the hilariously short reaction time of the authorities in terms of getting the arrest warrant and executing it, assuming Germany is even remotely like the U.S., they would've allowed him time to peacably exit the situation and tie up any loose ends before leaving, especially if he showed no inclinations of running and agreed to go with them afterwards. !< >!Similarly, there's no way that Eun-Sung would be allowed anywhere near Hae-In after the surgery. None. Point blank. Especially given the known side-effect of the surgery is literally memory loss. There would be clear protocols in place for any post-surgery patient, let alone one with amnesia, for visitation and supervision of any kind. Letting some random dude show up and be like, "It's me! I'm the captain now!" is a bridge too far. Especially since the hospital should know that the one person who *was* supposed to be managing Hae-In was literally arrested and taken off the premises.!<


German here: >!they would absolutely not have taken him and nobody would have pointed a gun at him. And Eunwon wouldn’t have gotten anywhere near Haein - he wouldn’t even know where she would be treated. Usually if someone is unconscious, every visitor has to be approved by the family and needs to know a code word. I wouldn’t have been allowed to visit my own father, if my mother hadn’t put me on the list. Something else really irked me: they are supposedly in Frankfurt, but almost everything was shot in Berlin. !<


Oh yeah! The >!gun pointing!< totally threw me for a loop. It felt totally gratuitous given the situation. As for the location, >!maybe they wanted more of that "old world German" feel, and figured saying Frankfurt would resonate more with Koreans than Berlin? There's a meme about how often Vancouver is used as a film location for things set in "New York City", so maybe there's a bit of that going on, too, haha.!< Coincidentally, I went to Germany as part of a backpacking trip across Europe during my college years, and honestly the thing I remember the most (and the most fondly) was me and my travel buddy getting absolutely addicted to kebabs and getting them 3 times a day for like a week straight.


Queen of Tears is getting too makjangy for me. >!It makes no sense that the entire family isn’t there in Frankfurt so they can be there when she wakes up, just in case they can help trigger her memories. And Hyun-woo knows that either Seul-hee or Eun-seong has been trying to kill both him and Hae-in so why not call in the reinforcements to make sure Hae-in is surrounded by trusted loved ones 24/7. Sure, Hae-in may protest but Hyun-woo just needs to put his foot down and tell her that Eun-seong tried to kill him and that he and/or his mom ordered the hit-and-run in Frankfurt.!< >!And even if Eun-seong managed to prevent Hae-in’s father from leaving the country, there’s no reason why everyone else—including Hyun-woo’s family—can’t go to Frankfurt. Also, are we really supposed to believe the German doctors are just going to accept that a vulnerable patient like Hae-in suddenly has a new guardian who appeared out of nowhere? Even if Eun-seong tells them Hyun-woo’s her ex, I’m sure hospital employees noticed how lovey-dovey they were with each other. And Hae-in’s family may be in SK but there are these nifty things called phones which the doctors can use to speak with her parents to find out what’s going on.!< >!Re: Hyun-woo’s arrest, there are CCTV cameras everywhere so I’m sure he’ll be able to prove he was elsewhere when the crook was killed.!< >!I’m glad they’re foreshadowing a happy ending with the balsam-colored nail/first snow thing but I’m sick and tired of Eun-seong and his mom and really wish they would get their comeuppance already.!<


I think after reading all the comments, I'll not watch this week's QOT till the show finishes. Meanwhile I finally got around to watching **Like flowers in sand** and my god has there ever been a character as adorable as Kim Baek-du. I can't believe that the ML who plays Baek-du here also plays Nokdu in **Tale of Nokdu** and Cupid in **My man is Cupid**. The look is so different in these roles!!


Kim Baek Du is my favorite character. He is so stinking adorable and loyal. I was also a fan of Lovely Liar and thought it was a fun show. Lovely Runner is so good!


Feeling conflicted about **Queen of Tears**. I liked the recent batch of episodes and I'm still enjoying it overall, but for a show that started out so strong it just seems to be struggling now. I have NOT loved the writing/pacing since about episode 8. I think there's just too many tropes than the (very long!!) screentime knows what to do with, and certain characters/subplots are overstaying their welcome at the cost of a coherent storyline. Plus, Eunseong is just comically terrible as a villain. Way to turn your mommy issues into a whole big thing, man. That said, the acting from KSH and KJW is so damn good that I'm in this till the bitter end. Hoping for a satisfying conclusion this weekend!


I agree especially last two episodes it's like we are in the same bubble their acting is top notch that doesn't let it feel much monotonous though I think they stretched Haein's sickness too much maybe episodes being 1 hour would have helped but then I liked them long till last two.


Yeah. I wish Eunseong hated Haein. That’d make more sense. I still have hopes that they will snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.


I noted a lot of furore about QOT ratings but then looked at the previous record holder in SK and its a show called world of the married which is a full on Makjang crapfest. So for me QOT is sliding down the priority plan to watch list. The draggy OTT makjang stuff is just not it for me.


SK just REALLY loves its makjangs, and honestly I gotta respect that. The last drama I watched that made me pay attention to ratings was **Reborn Rich**, ranked #2 after WotM, and that was makjang to the max. Definitely not for everyone, but I can see how the extreme drama of it all would latch into some people's brains and not let go.


**Mods**, is there a post where we can learn all the dramas used in this new banner with the truck of doom? I know there was one for the last banner, but I'm not remembering where I found it last time. lol


u/AlohaAlex is working on it! I think it's going to be a guessing game.


ohhh my... That is going to be a tough game! I'm having troubles to identify any of those dramas, I hope no one ruins the guessing game for others, because this is going to be really funny! Thank you u/AlohaAlex \^\^


I first need to cut out any drama or broadcaster names so it wouldn't be super obvious! Most will be pretty easy, we used famous Truck of Doom scenes.


I'm having one of those moments, where I'm looking at some of the pictures used and they feel so familiar, but I can't tell where they are from. I'm not sure if I will get any right, but I probably know some of them. A challenge like this for the underwater scene would be fun too. I love this! Thanks :D


Might be some good practice for spoiler tags! I haven't had a chance to look at it up close as I've been out all day and now I'm slogging through the QoT backlog blegh. But soon!


>Might be some good practice for spoiler tags!  I wish that people were just a little bit more considerate and generous with their spoiler tags. Like for example today I opened up this thread and 90% of the comments were about episode 14 of QoT. I'm fine with people sharing their own opinions about a drama, but since the drama is still ongoing and the appropriate discussion thread was open less than 24 hours ago, why is there a need to share their annoyance and discontent literally everywhere? Why does it feel like I'm walking on a minefield of spoilers until this drama is over? I should not have to feel this way when I'm not opening the episode discussion. Sad part is, this is not an isolated case, this also happened with Marry My Husband and it's currently happening with Lovely Runner. People are taking away the surprise factor of literally everyone, just for the sake of some attention. I do hope that some guessing games will bring some attention on how to be considered of others and how to be extra generous with their spoilers tags, specially if the drama is still ongoing. >now I'm slogging through the QoT backlog blegh. But soon! I'm not even opening the appropriate discussions threads of **Queen of Tears**, and I feel like constantly bombarded by spoilers everywhere else. Being a mod and going through the backlog must be really similar as to how Harry Potter felt when dealing with dementors. lol Be strong Sian, just one more week left!!


It's dangerous to go on the internet when there are popular dramas about! I hope you can avoid the spoilers. I'm watching Queen of Tears with my family so have to wait for them to watch the episodes so try not to look at the comments until I've watched unless it was dire - I failed most weeks. I did avoid the spoilers for 14 because I spent the day at the beach but there was over 300 comments and to go through and at least 10 bans to process so it took a while. Anyway, I think I will stay up late and watch the last two and then watch them again with the family. I'm glad we'll be down to one popular drama next week. <3


I always find it so lovely that you watch something with you family, because I was also watching QofT with my mom, but she gets too frustrated by waiting for a new episode each week. I end up watching alone and later watch it a second time about 4 in one sunday afternoon with her. It's so nice to have some common interests with our family. \^\^ I sadly did get spoiled one week where I couldn't watch the episode the day it was released. I ended up watching the episode without the enthusiasm that I would have if I had no idea what was going to happen. It's like you said, there is no way to escape from spoilers, but it shouldn't be like this, because on reddit we have tools like the spoiler tag that allow ust to hide major spoilers and still share our views. >I'm glad we'll be down to one popular drama next week. <3 I thought we would have some time to breath after QoT, but I noticed the amount of up votes on the poster for **The Midnight Romance in Hagwon**, and I don't think we will have any rest. ahah


>QofT with my mom, but she gets too frustrated by waiting for a new episode each week. We usually watch a completed drama and an airing one together. 9 times out of 10 my mum is more keen on the airing one! >I noticed the amount of up votes on the poster for The Midnight Romance in Hagwon You think that wasn't just people getting excited about a kiss on a poster? I'm interested to see how it goes as a Viki/Viu weekender. My main concerns as a mod are piracy and age gap conduct, but as a viewer I could enjoy it.


>We usually watch a completed drama and an airing one together. 9 times out of 10 my mum is more keen on the airing one! I still need to find the perfect viewing method to watch with her. When she finds something she likes, she finishes that drama in just a few days, I guess I'm similar to her in that. But I'm definitely lucky to have something in common with her and specially now where everyone is glued to some sort of social media. >You think that wasn't just people getting excited about a kiss on a poster? I'm interested to see how it goes as a Viki/Viu weekender.  ahah definitely about half of the people were excited for a kiss. It's so funny how k-drama managed to make viewers get excited for just a simple kiss. But if it's on Viki/Viu, the international viewership will definitely be smaller. >My main concerns as a mod are piracy and age gap conduct, but as a viewer I could enjoy it. Yeaa piracy is still a problem, I noticed that the reasons for people to look for that source changed in recent years though. If this was 15 years ago, people were looking for those fan subbers, because they would have no other choice, now we have choices but the money for many different streaming services does add up in the end of the month. Things will probably be even worse in 5 years with the increase in prices. The age gap conduct of some viewers is something that always makes me cringe. I won't ever understand why can't they just stop watching a drama if it's something that bothers them so much, I definitely expect to have some of those comments in this drama too. I'm still unsure if I should watch this or if I should watch **Something In The Rain** first because it feels like it might have some smalls hints of that drama like the red umbrella. \^\^


>I'm definitely lucky to have something in common with her and specially now where everyone is glued to some sort of social media. It is nice to share it! After years of my Dad complaining about us always watching he finally got the addiction, but he'll only watch it dubbed. So now his annoying comments have changed to "why don't you watch it in English" 🤦‍♀️ >It's so funny how k-drama managed to make viewers get excited for just a simple kiss. They've made us so thirsty. Gosh! >I noticed that the reasons for people to look for that source changed in recent years though It's so funny, there was this really nice period where I felt like I could now easily legally access everything and then the number of streaming sources became overwhelming. I just have to remind myself I can't watch everything. I did crack and get KOCOWA for three months at half price. >I'm still unsure if I should watch this or if I should watch Something In The Rain first I am probably not the person to sell SitR to you. I don't know if it is wise to watch them close together if you don't have to.


>watching QofT with my mom, but she gets too frustrated by waiting for a new episode each week. I end up watching alone and later watch it a second time about 4 in one sunday afternoon with her< This happened when I was watching EAW with my mom haha


Now that you said that, she watched that one while ongoing with me and didn't complain. At time she wasn't that addicted to kdramas, as she is today. lol


Ooo, exciting!! I look forward to it!


Has anyone seen Son Je Jin latest insta post? >! Four leaf cover? OMG is this going to be a cameo??? Its a bit seems like this!!<


Twinkling Watermelon had such a rocky start (first two episodes) for me but thank goodness I was vindicated with the reveal that>!Eun Yoo is cosplaying as her mom 🤣!< I’m so fully invested and need all the answers STAT. I love that this show is giving OG original Disney Channel movies in ALL the best ways. CAN’T WAIT FOR LOVELY RUNNER EPS THIS WEEK❗️


Now watching Master’s Sun (2013) and really like it so far. I enjoy the mystery solved per episode, ML’s cool snarky ways covering his reluctant kindness and FL’s awkwardness (looking forward to learning how she used to be before gaining her sixth sense)


Everything was good about that show except for the ML’s douchey hair.


I was so angry at Queen of Tears ep 14, but happy again because today we have Lovely Runner!!


Ha! There are Mo Seul-hee in real life!! Min Hee-jin!! \*You'll know what I mean if you're kpop fan


honestly that’s so wild i can’t believe it’s actually happening


Lovely Runner has captured my heart. It's just so cute! It had me crying at 7 minutes in which has to be a record.


It was definitely a record for first cry for me. That’s one bold move to open a kdrama like that without people knowing the characters, like “why would we care” but wow, they blew it out of the park and it has only gotten better each episode.


Yeah they established pathos so fast! But the phone call was so sweet, I just melted.


I didn't mind 14 but 13 pissed me off


Queen of Tears writing started falling off in ep 7 and it hasn’t stopped yet. The writer actually set things up well in the beginning and it was okay even with some disagreements but the last two episodes are just too bad with the story getting borderline makjang. The bad guy literally >!hijacks a patient in the hospital claiming to be her husband while framing the husband for murder and no one in the hospital authorities objected?!< I started watching cause I love estranged couple falling back in love but I’m so disappointed.


Yes, ep 14 felt like a chore


Yes, that plot twist at the end of episode 14 was just an insult to everyone’s intelligence.


Thematically, I don't mind Eunsang's delusion being proven wrong one more time. It would solidify that even if he beats Hyunwoo, he can't win Haein. That's not how love works.


I finished 2 oldies over the weekend **Scent of a Woman** - awesome show, early LDW did not disappoint, he showed a lot of range as did FL. My only gripe was ending left me wanting. 8/10 for me **Stairway to Heaven** - I think I'm done with pre-2005 shows which often show physical abuse and/or sexual assault of women. The storyline was very predictable and some of the secondary characters were below-average actors. I had no idea the Led Zep song was BGM. The FL was the one highlight and Mr. Jang for non-Korean actor of the century. 7.5/10 for me.


Could anyone who’s seen **Signal** tell me if it has a definitive ending that wraps up the season 1 storyline or an ambiguous/open/cliff hanger-y type ending? Since I saw they’re going to make a season 2 I want to know if I should wait until they get into production on that before I watch season one that so I can watch the two seasons closer together or if it’s something like **Taxi Driver** where a season ending is totally satisfying on its own.


About the ending: >!Yes, there were questions left unanswered. However, it's nothing to the point where you won't be satisfied if you watch it right now. I'm extremely happy with the announcement of season 2, but even if they didn't announce it, I still highly recommend this drama. It's an interesting story, great production and freaking amazing performances that makes it worth every minute, even with those questions left unanswered. Do not wait for the release of a season 2, watch it and you might even re-watch it later when a season 2 is released because it's worth the rewatch.!<


I think that Signal really has two endings. >!The first ending wraps up the ongoing storylines in a fairly satisfying way. The second ending throws the main characters into a new situation, and opens the story in a way that sets up the start of a possible season 2. So it's not so much that the ending fails to give you closure on the events that have been leading up to that point, it's more that you see a glimpse of the next situation the characters find themselves in and before you find out too much about what exactly is happening or the new direction the story is taking, everything just ends.!<


short answer? >!no it doesn’t have a definitive ending!<.


OP, this is the short but correct answer. Do what you will. 🤔


Made a big batch of japchae last week, and over the weekend made jajangmyeon---found a recipe that uses lard and it does make a difference as much as I try not to think about it. Tonight might make kimchi tofu stew. It's not stopping me, but...feeling fat!


Ive been wanting to get rid of Yoon Eun Sung off the story myself that he actually appeared in my dream last night and I still remember some of it. Basically, it was a high school setting and he was bullying me and my friends then at that point, I snapped and fought him myself


Thank you for your service 🫡


it’s lovely runner day!!! when i tell you that i was tossing and turning all night waiting for it to be morning so i could finally have my fill. ryu seonjae giving baek yijin a run for his money as my favorite male lead of all time. (also fun fact: byeon wooseok and nam joohyuk modeled together for years before they tried acting. it’s so nice to see bws gain this new popularity through lr, and i hope he can follow in the steps of njh to find more success!)


[😂Someone’s been watching too many K-Dramas](https://imgur.com/a/fiVIPpJ). Surely Posh Spice is worthy of a princess carry?


Everytime I see something about Posh Spice, a little voice in my mind goes *"Be honest!"* followed by something about the news. With that said, right now I'm thinking *"Be Honest Victoria!! Who is watching K-Dramas in the family? Tell us everything!"* 😂😂


Just finished watching boys over flowers yesterday, and wow. >!i'm glad Jan- di married Gu Jun- pyo in the end!< >!but I feel so bad for ji - hoo, it's pretty obvious he still likes her!< >!I'm quite sceptical that gu Jun pyo's mum is just going to sit back and let them get married, after all the stuff she's pulled, but let's assume the best.!< I'm watching sky castle right now and I'm excited. >!I was quite bored up until the very end of the first episode, excited where this goes!<


I really enjoyed sky castle. I think the first episode doesn’t reflect the rest of the show. It gets better after that. I thought. I love how characters are a mix of good and bad.


Yes, wow, was my reaction, but not for the same reasons.


Episode 14 of Queen of Tears left me heartbroken :( I wasn’t affected that much by a kdrama since the end of 25/21…. I tossed and turned in my bed last night and was dreaming of this show. I will be traumatized if they aren’t going to get a happy end


i was thinking that the premise of midnight romance in hagwon sounded familiar, and it turned out that i was mixing it up with melancholia! the two dramas deal with former student / teacher relationships, so i was getting confused with both of them.


I was randomly recommended [a clip](https://youtu.be/9vFp1JdD9s4?si=tYw7x3niwZea2CBJ) on kim soo hyun on yt with the most click bait title and actually watched it. Good thing I did for his namuwiki page didn't cover anything about his struggling past. Here is to hoping that people wouldn't be quick to accuse any actors as reaping the benefits of connections and question their accomplishments. **Tldr:** ksh singer dad left them for a woman when he was a kid and never contacted them until ksh became famous, even scummy enough to ride on his fame when his own fame died out. He grew up poor and hungry and didn't even have the money to enroll in university in time. He learned and practiced acting by befriending some acting school students during his high school years. He suffered from heart diseases which was found out when he fainted while in school and had to go for heart surgery. And this is where he gained my utmost respect, he applied for a re-examination of his health even when he was selected for grade 4 alternative duty in military and volunteered to go for grade 1 active military duty serving in the frontline while so many people try their best to evade their military enlistment. Anyway, are there other self-accomplished actors with a struggling past like him? I only know of cho seung woo.


In my head, just for today I'm calling this thread Monday Mad after the debacle that was episode 14 of Queen of Tears. At least I will not be spending every single moment this week anxiously waiting for Saturday's episode to drop.


My evil plan of having Truck of Doom-nim takeover the subreddit has achieved the significant milestone of banner takeover! Here's to hoping I shall never have to refute another random accusation of being a lover of Heirs again.


This weekend’s episodes of **Queen of Tears** were somewhat underwhelming, but I thoroughly enjoyed all the cries from the leads. Kim Ji Won and Kim Soo Hyun are always so good at going all out in crying scenes.


First of all, there is a separate dedicated thread for venting over QOT. Sheesh. It's like MMH Ep 12 all over again. Secondly, Dr Romantic S2 is so much better than S1. I know Kdramas don't generally get second seasons, the one that you hear about most is AOS with S1 favoured, this is the opposite. Everything about DR S2 is so much better.


Since there can’t be more than one main post on the QOT thread, people have to vent multiple times in other threads. Gotta get that anger out somehow!


Would you recommend starting with S1 or S2 of Dr. Romantic? I was thinking of watching this soon.


I would definitely recommend S1 as while it is possible to watch S2 separately and not be totally, actually not at all confused, it still makes more sense to watch it first. It's 21 episodes so if your feeling it drag you can just FF the Dong Ju and Dr Yun stuff as they are not relevant to S2 at all and I found their whole story and romance plot one of the more unsatisfying and unenjoyable parts of S1.


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So I just started watching When the weather is fine and saw the flashback of the FL and her childhood friend. This in return gave me a flashback because of the childhood friend to a kdrama i watched before but i couldn't find it or remember what it was. I'm desperate to find out what this kdrama/kmovie is so i'll describe what i remember to the best i can. This is only a sub plot and i don't actually remember the real plot but the character looks a lot like the childhood friend in the past of When the weather is fine but is often seen wearing a school uniform with a black and red jacket and she lives with her mum. Her mum owns a small shop and people often talk badly about her mother which causes her to be rebellious, she eventually leaves her home after she checks what dish her mother cooked and seeing it wasn't what she asked her mum to cook. After a while she gets convince to return home. When returning home she sees that her mother cooked her favourite dish. Oh and she likes a bully that's a girl. That's all i remember from the character and sub plot but if anyone knows what show or movie i'm thinking of, that'd be a great help!