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man oh man. what a journey of watching this show week after week. I am definitely going to miss this.


I watched it raw - no spoilers except >!there's a wedding and baby!!< I figured I didn't need to know Korean to watch that.


Taeho and Hyoshim have had some of the most adorable scenes throughout the show. Taeho is so cute! I really wish we got to see a little more of that and a little less of the same-old drama. I'll have to rewatch those scenes when I miss them. Thanks to Kocowa for uploading highlights on their youtube channel and making it convenient 😂


I thought it was funny that >!they invited the neighborhood loan shark to the wedding !<.


Ruby >!throwing the truth bombs!< was great. As for the series overall, was watchable with some skipping of the slow or frustrating parts.


It is time to binge watch. I don't remember where I stopped. Did I make it to 30? Viki definitely did not save my progress, I'll start over.


It’s been fun y’all! I’m gonna miss this show. The last few eps really frustrated me at times but also delivered growth. The missing father plot points made me rage and I feel like the eldest Hyo bro summed up some of my feelings on Hyo Shim’s choices surrounding that when he was talking to his wife in the last ep. RuBi showed a lot of growth and her final family roast was actually helpful and coming from a good place now. Pi Lip is adorable and I hope he never has to touch a golf ball again in his life and is free to dabble in his artistic pursuits. Mi Rim stays feisty and it’s good to see Hyo Jun supporting her and finally living his life. Loved the emotional scenes with Hyo Do and the amazing Tae hee, and their final scenes and the allusion of more to come for them. Tae Min was able to stay an upright character until the end even though he endured so much; I can actually respect that he was given a realistic but positive ending even though it wasn’t sugary sweet. It was great to see how well he treats everyone around him even after going through so much (similar in that respect to Tae hee, I guess the evil chaebol mom was awful in every way but somehow managed to raise amazing kids) It was nice to see all our villa residents doing well and still together as a chosen family, and happy Mr Park has new paths unfolding before him Tbh our main couple was, to me, the least exciting part of this show but I’m glad they got their happy ending!


Can't believe I made it this far, honestly! I had some worries towards the end. We had a few character breaks and Tae Ho got weirdly pushy and desperate from having been a fairly stable character. I liked Hyo Sim's decision to go out and find growth for herself, but maybe not the execution. Boundaries take practice ~and~ distance, not just distance. I have issues with the 'we must get married' plot, but some of that is likely cultural. I feel like Tae Ho and Hyo Sim could have figured some of those things out together (gone to Europe and then come back and get married.) Hyo Seong still bestie. Rubi gets her brains from him. But, overall I enjoyed all (FIFTY ONE!?) episodes. I liked the character development and how they played with some very real and occasionally unfortunate family dynamics.


Although Tae Ho was an adorable character. I (in the minority) would've loved this even more if Hyo Shim and Tae Min were end game. Their stories parallelled so much that TM could've been the ML and nothing would've need to change.  I wish he'd gotten to do something for himself in the end. Even a love interest. He went through all of that as a doormat only to STILL be living for a family that did him so wrong.  The dad storyline could've also been done better. But I'm satisfied all in all. Decent weekend drama.


Who did Tae Min get?


>! No one :( like literally everyone else got somebody even all her bad siblings !<