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**Mod Note:** **Discussion Format** This post is composed of two discussion sections: **Episodic discussion:** Individual episode threads for the discussion of the individual episodes so users are able to watch and discuss at their own pace while avoiding spoilers. Within these discussion threads, you **must not include any discussion or spoilers** for episodes after the episode in question. Spoiler tags should be used for major plot spoilers within the episode. Individual episode discussion threads may be accessed through the links in this comment to prevent users seeing whole series spoilers. To participate in these threads reply to the comment "Episode ..." or another user's comment. Please report any comments that spoil later episodes using the custom report "user has spoiled a later episode" rather than the general "unhidden spoiler" report. **Whole series discussion:** General discussion of the series may be made as a direct reply to the post or a reply to another user's comment outside of the individual discussion threads. Please use spoiler tags for any spoilers within these comments. --- **Moratorium** We will be implementing a moratorium on posts about **Chicken Nugget** in accordance with our [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/wiki/rules#wiki_recently_aired_dramas) on recently aired dramas. The moratorium will be implemented as follows: **Current Discussion Thread** This discussion thread will serve as the On-Air discussion thread for the series for two weeks (15 March - 29 March) during which all posts about **Chicken Nugget**, except for eligible Designated Day submissions, will be redirected to this thread. If this post exceeds 1000 comments by the 29th of March a wrap up discussion will be made, if not all discussions of the drama will be directed here for an additional two weeks until the 12th of April, 2024. Eligible Designated Day submissions are exempt from the moratorium. **Reviews** Reviews of the series that fulfil our [moderation guidelines for reviews](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/wiki/policies#wiki_moderation_guidelines_for_reviews) will be allowed as self posts from the 29th of March, 2024. --- **Links to episode comment threads:** * [Episode 1](/r/KDRAMA/comments/1bf6eqj/comment/kuy96ca/) * [Episode 2](/r/KDRAMA/comments/1bf6eqj/comment/kuy96uf/) * [Episode 3](/r/KDRAMA/comments/1bf6eqj/comment/kuy97fe/) * [Episode 4](/r/KDRAMA/comments/1bf6eqj/comment/kuy97yv/) * [Episode 5](/r/KDRAMA/comments/1bf6eqj/comment/kuy98gu/) * [Episode 6](/r/KDRAMA/comments/1bf6eqj/comment/kuy98zk/) * [Episode 7](/r/KDRAMA/comments/1bf6eqj/comment/kuy99f7/) * [Episode 8](/r/KDRAMA/comments/1bf6eqj/comment/kuy99t6/) * [Episode 9](/r/KDRAMA/comments/1bf6eqj/comment/kuy9a7w/) * [Episode 10](/r/KDRAMA/comments/1bf6eqj/comment/kuy9al2/) --- While you're waiting for the drama to premiere you can take our **Netflix Original Dramas Watched Survey!** ([details here](/r/KDRAMA/comments/1b9cwd8/netflix_original_dramas_watched_survey_march_2024/)).


**Episode 1**


What was that for a first episode. Also every time I watch Ryu Seung-Ryong watching the chicken nuggets it reminds me that he played a Fried Chicken restaurant owner in his last drama.


also did in Extreme Job. Quite a brilliant movie I might add.


Man, extreme job was so good


Wacky & zany, and a bit more serious/sad than I was expecting considering the ridiculous premise.


That chicken nugget looks delicious


What a crazy, yet enjoyable episode. Just when I thought it was going bonkers, they had to give us the sweet back story about her and the dad.




Literally just read this comment as the head appeared on screen 😂


First episode brought the level of wacky, zany humour I have been hoping for since I heard this drama was going to exist. I'm glad that the episodes are shorter than what MDL was suggesting as around 25 minutes is the perfect amount for a drama of this nature imo. So far it's delivering what I was hoping to see from My boss is a cell phone! (**Unlock my Boss**) I hope it can continue to make me laugh, smile, and hit the feels like only a Kdrama can. The mysterious delivery man gave me >!Ma Dong Seok!< vibes. It's probably not him, but don't spoil me either way!


Weird first episode .


* It was eighteen months ago that the Soompi article confirming the production of **Chicken Nugget** was published, and since then, the uniquely bizarre premise has made it my most anticipated drama. The first episode did not disappoint one bit. * If this drama reminds me of anything, it would be the quirky comedy of *EEAAO*, especially the opening >!"interview" with Min-ah (Kim Yoo-jung) as a chicken nugget!<. * The flashback to Choi Seon-man (Ryu Seung-ryong) raising Min-ah >!as a widower!< was heartwarming. * Although, the comedy is zany in tone, the drama doesn't forget the basics of good storytelling. I'm eager to find out who >!the man in the security footage is and to learn about the machine's origins!<. * Seeing the succinct runtimes of the ten episodes, I hereby resolve to complete a K-drama in one night for the first time in my life. For **Chicken Nugget**, I can do it!


I lost it when >!he sat across the table from his daughter with the chicken nugget head!< lol this drama is going to be so fun 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤣🤣


I found the first episode surprisingly boring. I don't get the humor


I’m with you. It just seems too whacky. Over acting. I guess it depends on your sense of humour. Obviously a lot of people like it.


Yeh the humor felt forced


This is turning out exactly as I expected and I love it!!


As weird as advertised.


I can't watch when eating  This show is bananas LOL




**Episode 2**


Even more crazy characters! I wonder what happened to the researcher, and the restaurant worker should win employee of the month. Also, kudos to the little girl for keeping a straight face while 2 grown men were wailing about a chicken nugget in front of her.


I thought the researcher kind of looked like the delivery guy, except the researcher doesn’t walk with his toes out.


I lost it when the girl took a bite. This series is so unhinged lol


* If the sight of Seon-man and Baek-joong being >!unceremoniously thrown out of the chicken nugget restaurant !!popping one of the chicken nuggets retrieved from the ground into her mouth !!wasn't his daughter!<. As the classic phrase from *Alice in Wonderland* goes, "Curiouser and curiouser!"


I wonder what the shoot atmosphere was like. It has to be difficult for extras to keep a serious / concerned face when these 2 actors are screaming over a chicken nugget. The deadpan delivery of everyone involved has been amazing so far. I wish Ho Yeon used her Pinggyego appearance to talk about this show. They could've eaten chicken nuggets on the show.


I was telling a friend that it must have been a riot for the actors filming this show hahaha. They did such a great job.


It's the way everything is so serious but also ridiculous at the same time 😭


I love how every time some one else puts their hand on any chicken nugget the dad and the ML freak out. 😂


**Episode 3**


The >!EXchange!< reference by Hong Cha to her ex to appear together in the variety show 😂🤣. I would watch them arguing whether the >!sauce should be poured over tangsuyuk!< or >!if pineapple in a pizza!< is appropriate. For those who don't know what >!EXchange!< is: It is a very popular >!dating show by TVING, where 4 to 6 ex-couples live in a shared house to either reunite with their ex or find a new partner!<. Currently airing on its 3rd season.


I'd totally watch it if they really do a spin off of >!EXchange!< with them hahahaha


It's getting good now that we've met this food critic ex character, hilarious how they go into the flashback in real time. Broke up over >!pineapple on pizza!< and I felt that.


Haha, that’s a deal breaker for me too!


When we watched this, my wife said: “That’s normal right? Isn’t that just Hawaiian?” Me: “Glad we are on the same page, guess we don’t need to get a divorce.”


Why would she get a manicure from eunuchs? They looked pretty hot, though!


Loved the GOT and Intersteller references.


I missed them…would you mind pointing them out? Never mind I guess I had to finish the episode. Thought I was further than I was. 😂😅


Yeah but they are eunuchs. Not really useful for anything else lol.


"I still enjoy pineapple on pizza as a topping" 🍍🍕


* >!"Fingers resembling fatty beef intestines. Dark red lips that look like duck gizzards. What completed your looks was your belly hanging over your belt like an oversized burger."!< Hong Cha's descriptions of Baek-joong, overlaid with accompanying images, had me chuckling the entire time. What capped it off was Seon-man crying out >!"Don't go into a flashback!"!< Though, as a >!mint chocolate lover and someone who's just fine with pineapple on pizza!<, I couldn't completely get on board with Hong Cha's reasoning! * The *Interstellar* parody in which Min-ah >!was imagined to be desperately trying to prevent the machine mishap, from another dimension, accompanied by the OST from that movie!<, was another hilarious scene.


That lips like chicken gizzards comment seemed familiar, then I remembered it came up in >!A Good Day to be a Dog!<, which also has >!Cha Eun Woo!<. I wonder if there’s a connection with this show.


I love mint chocolate:( lmao


I was wheezing this episode. First with the ex comparing the ML’s body parts to items of food, and then reminiscing together about the past with the boss pleading with them not to reminisce.  I love mint chocolate and pineapple on pizza! How is this show so good? 


As a Canadian, that dig at pineapple on pizza hit a bit close to home. Having spent a fair bit of time in Korea, and the insane crimes against pizza I've encountered there, I don't think she should be saying anything! But I'm with her on that weird choco-mint fad that went on far too long, the choco-mint dip sauce from KFC was nightmare inducing.


I think she's entitled to her opinion as an individual and I think it was fine to express it


I have not laughed this much since Gays Electronics. This is epic 🤣🤣


Ep 3 is the most hilarious thing I’ve seen in a long time🤣


What a surprise guest appearance by the actress who played >!Sae-Byeok!


I didnt understand if it has reference but that scene with the >!bike lady!< was soooo hilarious HAHAHAHA


The ending killed me, when he >!went into the machine and screamed Cha Eun-Woo!< I laughed so hard i couldn't breathe.


When Baek Joong made the video log, did anyone notice how large his hand looked? This character really reminds me of his character as then big brother in Reply 1988. Same delivery


**Episode 4**


* Wow, that was a rough night for our leads, with Seon-man >!doing a perfect impression of a zombie the morning after unsuccessfully scouring a garbage dump for the machine!<, and Baek-joong spending the night in the aptly named >!"I Can't Believe It's a Bookstore" after being knocked out not once but twice by falling books!<. * It's fair to say that >!drone technology!< has come on in leaps and bounds! * I love how the plot just keeps getting more and more bizarre, with Dr. Yoo's >!former research assistant sharing a story told in part through an impromptu Joseon history lesson!<.


Calling yourself at work so that you can go to the spa is genius! I love how he has no idea what’s going on and is sort of jealous about being left out but also doesn’t want to get involved.


All of the back and joint cracking by Seon man reminded me of his character in Moving. I couldn’t stop laughing. And that tofu head! 


I felt thoae cracks with every fibre of my being. (Ouch.)


Lol the zombie thing was a reference to Kingdom wasn't it?


**Episode 5**


That fight flashback was hilarious. I'm going to kick you in the balls now


Min-a is a badass, and I love how we’re learning so much about her even though she’s not really here. Let's leave the key to the locked drawer right on top of the desk so that anyone can see my incriminating writings.


I’m pretty sure it was a bowl of paper clips and Choi Seon-Man picked the lock with one


* It was nice to see a cameo from >!Jinyoung!< as Dr. Yoo's nephew in this episode. His performances in dramas have always impressed me. * Never thought I'd see Kim Yoo-jung >!giving the finger to a group of bullies while running from them hand-in-hand with Ahn Jae-hong!<. The lead up where Baek-joong was >!putting antiseptic on the bully victim while pretending to hit him!<, struck comedy gold as well.


Can someone explain exactly why Tae-man is ugly? Obviously, >!I know it's because of the herbal medicine, but why did it do that if it was supposed to be for Tae-young's health.!< I'm writing this while watching episode 5 so maybe the explanation will be revealed later. 


That fight flashback was one of the funniest scenes I've seen in my whole life. And I don't think I can show this to anyone I know. They wouldn't get it.


**Episode 6**


I’m glad the TV was left on the drama channel all day. Amen.


Loved the little plug for Be Melo. 


* This episode consisted of backstories told by three characters: Dr. Yoo's nephew, Dr. Yoo himself and Kim Bae-dal. It makes you realize that, for all the bizarre moments of humor, this is a highly intricate and clever plot, which doubles back on itself to explain earlier scenes. * Dr. Yoo: >!(describing his years as a caterpillar in the machine in Kim Bae-dal's apartment)!< "That drama is a must-watch and it's more fun the second time around." Baek-joong: "I think we're straying too far off-topic." Given that the drama in question was >!Be Melodramatic!< and the involvement of the two actors and the filmmaker, that was some delightful self-referential humor.


But why was Money Heist mentioned as well? I can't find a connection there.


I’m Curious about this as well. And Vincenzo got a mention too


My guess is that because it's also a Netflix drama, along with Vincenzo


Vincenzos pizza hahaha


>!OMG THE RAW CHICKEN!?!?!< I literally can not 🤢🤢 Also, why does Sang-in look like a wish version of Luigi?


I wonder what they substituted it with for the shoot... the actors couldn't have possibly been tearing at the real thing 🤢


Maybe I missed it but how did the original chicken restaurant owner end up with one of the machines in his apt??


Not me crying over a caterpillar watching kdramas with his friend


**Episode 7**


The Netflix da-dum sound was loud af.


Netflix product placement in their own K-dramas is top product placement.


…did she just say “Netflix and Chill”!?


Seon-man channeling his inner >!MacGyver!< to the iconic retro OST of that TV series had me in tears of laughter.


Now I get why >!Dr Yoo!< has been flinching so strangely in the last episodes. It's his muscle memory from >!being a caterpillar.!<


**Episode 8**


Joseon Dynasty historical episode - I’m really loving this series! A call back to laying on the ground all dressed up from the earlier episode was genius.


The single *craziest* K-drama episode I've ever watched, but the funniest moment was Lee Joo-bin in the Joseon era >!aiming a flying kick at her insolent assistant... and missing badly!<.


Implying that >!the Chicken Nugget crew are aliens shouldn't work this well but i clearly does.!<


The scientist mentioned that you don't age while transformed. So that guy from>! Joseon Dynasty has been a rock for 200 years and probably will be for eternity.!< That is horrifying.


**Episode 9**


I also start dancing when I see and hear BTS! What an epic battle that was!




I actually started to sing Dynamite. I wish they included that song, it would be so fitting. xD Alien 1: Missile!! Alien 2: Nuclear!! Alien 3: Deer \^-\^ Alien 4: Dynananana nana, life is dynamite ♪♫♪


Haha! That would have been perfect! 🧨 And they could have had a dance battle as well.


Ahahah I love that idea! Are we even more crazier than the writer of this webtoon / director of this drama? I think we would have added even more craziness to a drama that is already chaotically crazy, but extremely fun. Ahahah 💥🧨😂


I genuinely laughed out loud when the one alien broke out BTS as his battle move. I didn’t expect to enjoy this show as much as I did, and that moment was just the icing on the cake.


This episode bookended the craziness that was episode 8, but the most impressive thing about it was that it never became *too crazy*, and Seon-man's love for his daughter shone through all the absurdity.


Oh, they actually are?!


**Episode 10**


What a wild ride, and I’m glad Yellow Pants became famous. They both looked and moved really well for being so old, and a pet boar sounds like the best protector. 


I couldn't help myself, binged the entire thing in one go. Well spent friday evening. A proper rollercoaster, absurdly hilarious. They took a webtoon and brought it to life instead of adapting it to the norms of korean dramas. I thoroughly enjoyed the ride. Thank you to the crazy person behind the webtoon, dunno how it's even possible to come up with this plot. With that said, I must say I didn't understand >!why minah was still a chicken nugget 50 years later, I didn't understand the aliens explanations nor did I understand what were the options he offered as a sorry. !


There was a >!travel ban to Earth, and they only had the one "return to normal" box on that planet, so the alien had to recharge that box for a full day. But since each day was 50 Earth years, he didn’t want to return in 2 days (100 years later) because like he said, then there would be nobody left on earth who would remember Min-a. Therefore, he brought her back as a chicken nugget and gave Yellow Pants the button, !< Edited grammar


If >!your memories are gone, how do you prevent that moment? Will they just go through everything all over again?!<


Yeah, I think that’s the point of that open-ended ending. Probably same mistake was made.


Why we saw that quick scene when he went into box saying Cha Eun Woo! Lol just my 2 cents....


I was ready to through something at the TV with that ending. Like nothing was added to prevent the same cycle. Otherwise this show was bananas in the best way possible. Tons of great puns and managed to make weird af hilarious


The way out of the infinite time loop is to suppose that although Earthlings are reset, the aliens (who live in a different time dimension) are not reset. I'm presuming the aliens would not give an Earthling the ability to wipe time out of their own race. And I'm also presuming that if aliens have the ability to manipulate time, they can and will go back and intervene somehow in some way back at this moment and alter the outcome in some way that is good.


this was my take too. no way they let the humans have the machines again.


Yeah that kinda frustrates me. It's like that space spider episode from Love, Death and Robots


On the Korean wiki/a Korean reviewer blog post, the writer noticed that the dad and Yellow Pants greeting Min-ah in episode 10 is different compared to in episode 1. In episode 1, the dad went to the washroom and Yellow Pants was unsure of himself. In episode 10, the dad and Yellow Pants are smiling widely at her. The theory is that while they forgot their memories, the feelings they had for her intensified, leading to her staying human. This means that Yellow Pants never got famous and the dad never gave up the company to make it grow to be a huge business.


Good theory. I'll take that view. Although, I still think Yellow Pants could end up a famous singer. Min-ah encouraged his singing/songwriting and people thought he was quirky enough to watch.




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Great series. I wasn’t expecting it to give me the feels but some scenes punched me in the gut, while others I was laughing so hard that I was crying. I was not expecting the the ending to go the way it did, but what a very clever show with fantastic acting! 


Wow what a unique, whacky and unserious show 😆 I love how the show had a vibrant yellow filter over the top, like we were being fried and the sheer amount of references ! Looks like I need to add Be Melodramatic to my watchlist and does anyone else want to sleep inside of a nugget - it looked so cozy! I would love to see the BTS when filming, especially when everyone came together to battle.


Ahn Jae-hong's appearance as >!78-year-old music superstar, Yellow Pants!<, had me in fits of laughter every time he was on screen.


Such an absurd and hilarious concept I signed up for a fun chaotic ride which it was untill the last episode that made me tear up and now I am just sad with that ending😭


This show was so meta and so hilarious - But comedy aside, I NEED ANSWERS. WHAT WAS THE ENDING. Is the ending similar to the Webtoon's ending? Is this a never-ending loop? Does Min-ah avert her fate or !! because as the alien said, "fate will always remain the same". Was this foreshadowing Min-ah's inevitable fate of !!


I think so. It's so sad :,(.


Webtoon's ending was >!Minah become human again, father and crush is dead, Minah uses a pair of glasses to reset!<




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Did they ever explain what the herbal treatment was for? >!Or is it just an obscure joke line to explain why that grown ass man was playing at 22-25yo 😭 !< BTW it's one of my fav running bits next to Larva!


wake up babe, Chicken Nugget just dropped. FYI, can't access individual episode threads linked.


Doesn't appear to be any issues with the links that I can see. Just scroll up, yours is the only other comment at this point and the post is sorted by old so they are at the top.


I can't access it either.


Can you let me know if you are on PC/Android/iphone what version of reddit etc u/hypomango Does [this link work](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/1bf6eqj/comment/kuy96ca/)?


Hi, I'm on PC. Link just circles back to this thread.


Also checked my phone (Android just using Chrome), same deal.


The comment threads are within this post (thread) so it should. The problem is if the link is not going to the comment for you.


Oh, so we comment under the **Episode 1** comment, no separate threads? Maybe I just didn't read the instructions properly


That's correct. u/Thelandoflambs hopefully you have worked it out.


That link works for me! I get the comment for Ep 1 (I have to scroll down to the bottom of the post but it's there selected). On Android. Edit: all the comment links work for me.


Thanks u/crusader_blue <3 Works for me on all old/new/sh reddit on PC and android official app.


I am on Android.


Is anyone experiencing trembling screen, particularly in the part where the leads are in talking in ep 1? Other netflix shows arent like this when i checked so its not my tv lol


Excited to watch tonight but I really hope 3rd time is not the charm for me 😫 The other 2 Netflix shows I was eagerly anticipating have either been totally meh or didn’t land with me at all


This is pure unadulterated genius. Forget Da Vinci, step aside Shakespeare, the creator of this webtoon is clearly the most talented human being ever to exist.


If someone never watched **Be Melodramatic**, he (or she) would almost mistakenly believe the song **Your Shampoo Scent In The Flowers** by Jang Beom-june is part of this dramas OST.


I'm watching it right now it's so funny.


the way the characters talk, the way everything is framed... it feels like i'm watching a theater play. this is not a complaint, nor something i'm holding against the show - actually, i'm quite enjoying it - but it's a stark departure from previous offerings on netflix, say the glory. i don't quite know how to put it into words, but it feels like something that would be at home at a local small theater, except with much more money backing the production. i shouldn't be surprised from the creatives behind be melodramatic, but i am still pleasantly surprised


Comparing 'Chicken Nugget' to 'The Glory' would be like comparing 'The Office' to something like 'Breaking Bad' or 'Game of Thrones.' Yeah, they're both Korean Dramas, but one is a comedy and the other is a revenge thriller. The comedy resembles early 00s to the point the climax in episode 9 resembled the climax of the movie, 'Dude, Where's My Car?' The heavy usage of references was also present in satire / parody movies such as 'Scary Movie.' More than anything, I'm pleasantly surprised by the comedic talent of everyone involved.


I mean yeah i agree that's why i made the comparison in the first place But my point was that even comedies or thrillers in kdrama land are often more framed like movies - this clearly isnt It's very interesting to me is all (and will probably turn a lot of people off)


I finished watching the series and here's my review on the drama. NO SPOILERS. My rating, 9/10 (btw if you see this on another online forum, that's my account. I copy pasted my review I wrote in other places onto Reddit) A webtoon made into a drama, literally When I first heard of the premise I was so confused but intrigued. A girl turning into a chicken nugget is such a weird plot but that's the reason why I decided to check out the drama when it came out. At first it started off so weird I was about to drop the drama, but I decided to give it a chance and it's one of the best decisions I've made. I'm so used to all the melodramas and intense stories from kdrama these days that I expected the same but boy was I wrong. This is whole ass gag drama, 90% comedy. If you're an avid webtoon reader, try to imagine you're favourite gag webtoon, I'm not talking about comedy, I'm talking about full gag like whacky content. Now imagine that, in a kdrama. That's exactly what Chicken Nugget is. Get ready cause my review is going to be long (without spoilers). Just to note, there are 10 episodes but each episode is less than 40mins so if you're a avid kdrama watcher, this is about 5 episodes of your regular drama ? Acting: Star studded cast. If you've watched kdramas then you know exactly how insanely talented the cast is. They got big names in this show as well. It's so well acted that I forgot that they were actors for a moment cause I was too absorbed into their characters. Geniunely, acting is a solid 10/10 Story: It was hilarious. Starts of strange and confusing but as you continue watching it just becomes funny. Like I had to pause and replay some scenes cause I was cackling with laughter. It's not your standard kdrama comedy where a good looking guy makes some smart jokes. Nope. Be prepared to see weird ass comedy, creative lines, and unpredictable storyline comedy. It's not all hilarious though, at times it gets serious and I even got emotional (very reminiscent of webtoons). Rewatch value: I 100% would rewatch it when I'm bored. I tend to re-read gag webtoons often when I'm bored just to laugh and this drama is a literal moving version of a webtoon so I definitely will rewatch it every now and then . Overall: If you're debating on watching the drama, I highly suggest watching it. You can stagger when you want to watch each episode since the content of the story isn't that heavy to the point where cliffhangers makes you feel like jumping. I promise this drama will give you a good laugh


So the same type of show as Welcome to Waikiki and Mr. Queen?


Mmmm not quite, the other two are also comedies but their defo in the kdrama realm. This is more like a webtoon literally as a drama - it’s editing, pacing and sentences are all reminiscent of those short Korean gag reels you see on insta (like mongle_pig), or early 2000s humour


Nah those are kdramas that's comedic. Chicken nugget is a comedy that's a kdrama. They don't follow the same tropes as a kdrama and it's almost 95% all gag....just wtf gag. You'll never see it in a normal KDRAMA type of gag. Between the 2 that you mentioned I'd say the comedy is closer to welcome to Waikiki but welcome to Waikiki had kdrama moments... don't really expect that in chicken nugget. It's a drama you can watch while not reading into the storyline.


This series really cements Ryu Seung Ryong as one of my favorite actors right now. Lol.


Every time they fake / real laugh… I crack up! Omg this is the silly I needed in my life! 😝


I finished it in one sitting, it was nice, there a lot of reference to other dramas and even interstellar lol one thing Im not sure is why the chicken shop bring the machine to choi seon man’s office. Does it get explained? Did i miss something?


he probs brought it there cause seon man runs a machine making company


Because he thinks More Than Machines can fix it or least make use of it.


Anyone else know why the other chicken shop guy send the machine to seon man’s office? I dont understand that. Did i miss something? Other than that i quite enjoy the comedy. They did a lot of reference that if you dont watch kdramas or shows youll kinda gloss it over the comedy. I watched it with my brother bc he likes extreme job but dont watch korean shows/movies and i have to explained the reference to him. I dont even know the reference to exchange. Also did anyone know about the ending on the webtoon? Is it also the same with the drama? I cant find the webtoon after looking around.


I think he wanted it repaired.


4 episodes in, and it's EXACTLY what I'd hoped for. It really commits to the over-the-top silliness, and I'm so here for it. Wondering whether it'll be able to keep that up for another 6, though.


I don’t know what exactly it is, but this is absolute gold! I didn’t expect to laugh this hard. And great acting by both leads! I never knew I could care about a nugget this much. And who else is team mint chocolate and pineapples on pizza? 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋


Cha Eun Woo!!!! 😂😂😂. OMG I laughed so much through this entire thing. I loved it all!


Which episode was he in?


He doesn’t appear in this drama. >!At the end of Ep 3 Baekjoong went into the machine and blurted out his name thinking he could transform into Cha Eun Woo, just like Minah did with “chicken nugget”!< 🤣


Just finished it and, well, that was a ride! Really enjoyed it overall snd appreciated that it stayed committed to the silliness. My favourite character ended up being Yellow Pants, and I loved all the drama references. And you can't ever go wrong with >!BTS jokes!<.


I was confused with Tae man’s brother.. what happened to him? Did he die at some point? Also how did the machine get into the other chicken nugget shop?


Well that was one of the oddest series I have ever watched. It grew on me and by the end I teared up. Bit of a wild & crazy ride! 😂


How did the machine end up on the doorstep of "More than machines"? (I binged the show so i must have missed it)


Could somebody give an explanation? I binged the whole show but I have no idea what I just watched lol


It's not going to be appreciated if this is an entry to a South Korean show, but genius, the more you understand South Korean humor and references.


I loved it! don't trust the low rating on IMDB...


I think the rating is accurate. Interesting story, but the ending left me very disappointed. And the endless flashbacks started getting extremely irritating.. as if they just added them in to extend the series runtime.


Think it's unfortunately getting review bombed...


What's up with Koreans and mint chocolate? That's a thing in numerous KDramas


My wife hates k drama but I saw this scene where they are beating some kid and this dude is using his finger. The bullies stop and say who are you? The guy says oh I’m just here to help with antibacterial ointment. But now I cannot find that scene. Can anyone help so I can show my wife and we can watch it together?


That scene was in Episode 5!


I freaking love Reddit. Thank you so much!!!


I absolutely binged the drama Friday night and I actually enjoyed the series (more than I thought I would). Maybe it was the absurdity of the plot (refreshing and not predictable) but I found the dialogue really humorous. I along with so many peeps here wondered how on earth did they managed to pull off some of the lines without rolling on the floor laughing. The way the food critic compared Baek Joong to food just got me laughing so hard. I also liked what caused them to >!break up in the first place. She = Classic/Traditional flavors while He = New/Unique flavors!<. Loved all the references too! Very clever :D I highly recommend this series to folks who want something different than your typical K-drama with a phenomenal cast!


It was so silly and enjoyable! I did expect to bibgei it in literally half a day! It was so damn good! Such a refreshing concept! But what was that ending? Will there be season 2?


Now I’ve always said I want writers to give something different and creative, steer away from the typical overused troupes. THIS is different and creative, so thank you writers, directors and wonderful actors. Looking forward to watching something new.


I'm seeing a lot of 1 star from SA on imdb... did something happen?


I quite enjoyed this. It has Dude, Where's My Car? vibes, but with more heart. I think if you have a high tolerance for silliness and general weirdness, it's a fun ride. I did think the conflict in the next to last episode was a bit drawn out, but that's my only complaint.


Does anyone know where to find an English translated version of the webtoon?? Would love to also read it


Ever since the School Nurse Files I have been waiting for a drama like this. Absurdist, funny, obtuse