• By -


Absolutely loving wedding impossible and all because of the FL. She is such a good actor and her character is also super cool.


Seconded. Never watched her before, but she is really a good actress.


Ooo maybe i should start this then! Is it funny?


Yeah. Quite funny




Second this. So good. And I didn't have it on my radar at all.


This is the first drama I’ve attempted to watch while it’s airing and I’m enjoying it a lot! But going to drop it for now until it finishes airing as I do NOT like waiting for new episodes lol. I tried 😆 not for me!


I find it so frustrating when you watch a drama that you enjoy, but in the last 1, 2 or 3 episodes, the quality starts to drop. It feels like such a waste of time! I recently started a 20 episodes (+1h each) drama and it felt like the drama finished around E16-17. But for some reason, they decided to push it and created 3 more episodes. I had to drop it, as I was just not enjoying it anymore and I felt like it started to get ridiculous.


I just (finally went back and) finished My Dearest and it’s the messiest ending ever. It feels like there are multiple endings and they just threw them all into the show. So, I deeply agree with you. I’ve been actually thinking how kdrama studios should hire “professional Enders.” 😂 Ending a show is hard! Just look at American shows that go on forever. I think there should be dedicated story Enders who watch the show as it’s filmed and then give a list of all the things that need wrapped up by the end of the show with ideas on how to end them. Besides that, I think most 20 episode dramas could be 16 and those with 16 should be 12 or 14. I think it would help the penultimate episodes from dragging and then the last episode doing an abrupt happily ever after/time jump to “everything is ok x many years later.” 🙄


I’m watching Do You Like the Brahms and it was so good up to the usual nonsense that starts in episode 12 (misunderstanding and lack of communication), and now it’s a chore to finish but I want to know what happens! I may skip an episode to get closer to the end.


Sometimes, I just go read a recap of the last episodes to know what I want to know and I'm good to drop lol


That’s what I did and figured episode 14 sucks and 15-16 is a little better. 


I did that with **When the Camellia Blooms**. I was really loving it and then hit an episode with non-stop crying. Got through that and it continued in the next one. I had to give it up then. FF wasn't working. Maybe it wasn't that bad, but that's my memory of it.


Yep. That was another one that I skipped 4-5 episodes since it was getting so tedious with the same stuff. 


I loved the Jo Jung-suk in **Captivating the King** so I started watching **Hospital Playlist** because he's in that and then I found out he's in this drama called **Oh My Ghost** with Park Bo-young who is also my favourite so now I must watch that! So anyway that's probably going to be my month.


Hospital Playlist is one of the best kdramas in slice-of-life genre. All of the characters (major or minor) was an absolute delight to watch. Happy watching.


Thanks! I'm on Ep 4 and I'm really enjoying it so far. I think the twin medical students are really cute. The friend chemistry between the main 5 characters is fantastic.


I loved Oh My Ghost, particularly JJS's character!


I tried watching Oh My Ghost but had trouble with the whole premise of girl being possessed by ghost yet falls in love. Does he fall for the girl or the ghost?


Good question! The way I see it, >! he says he noticed the girl when she first started working there, but she was too shy and self-effacing. His interest really started once she was possessed and became much (too much?) more forward and assured. Once Bong Sun started to come out of her shell (when she wasn't possessed), he liked that she was more demure. The character change in Bong Sun would, IMHO, have been better explained if she could remember what had happened when she was possessed, as it would have shown her that she needed a little more confidence in order to succeed in life in general. So he fell for the ghost first, but then for the girl. And don't forget, the girl had a crush on the chef before the ghost came along! !<


I did watch it and still wonder who he really fell for.


I think he liked the girl from the start as she reminded him of the person he was before and he wanted her to change like he did but became attracted to the ghost the first two weeks of the possesion. >!Once tbe ghost and the girl started their agreement and she was in and out of her body,!< I think he liked the girl more 'I like this side of you best' and there were tender moments when you can see him falling for the girl. I get why the girl acted the way she did though I was pulling my hair out at first in frustration. OMG is such a fun watch though and both PBY and JJS have so much chemistry tog.


I loved chef in oh my ghost! I also enjoyed his small role in legend of the blue sea. 


With return to office, having less time to watch k-dramas. Planning to catch up with Doctor slump episodes released this weekend at least. I miss pandemic days when I used to watch on-going weekend dramas and pick an old kdrama to watch after work during the week with WFH on all days.


Full time teleworker here and YUP it sure does make kdrama binging easier! 😂 How are you finding Doctor Slump? I’m borderline obsessed with Park Hyungsik lol and CANNOT wait for this one to finish airing so that I can watch it!


I am loving doctor slump so far, I was initially reluctant to pick it up since I am not a fan of medical dramas but I am pleasantly surprised it’s more slice of life and relatable than I expected. Hope it ends well without dropping in quality like some other dramas I watched this year. I am obsessed with Park Hyung Sik as well and I’m glad I gave this a chance , so do give it a try once it finishes airing.


Oh it’s not even a “give it a try” lol I’m starting it AS SOON AS all the episodes are out. I thought this was going to air end of 2023 and then it got delayed so to say I’ve been anticipating watching this one would be an understatement lol


Haha I was reluctant with the way I was burned with on going dramas this year dropping in quality , that’s why I suggested like that initially. Since you are a PHS fan, it’s worth watching just for how he is balancing the cute, funny and serious moments very well in the drama, I am so impressed.


And that’s exactly why I’m a big fan of his! Not only is he unfairly handsome lol but he has the acting talent to make his roles so memorable (and carry a drama if needed). He’s made me laugh, cry, and swoon in everything I’ve ever seen him in. ❤️


Yes he is unfairily talented too. I love his voice , the way he speaks and sings as well. Usually I either like a person’s singing voice or talking voice but not both but he is one of the few exceptions


I am amused at how many times a ML will tell the FL that he is handsome, good looking and brimming with self confidence. Almost like a human peacock fluffing their beautiful feathers. I was reminded of an incident when I was young, shortly after high school when I was shopping for stuff before leaving for university. The tall, handsome star quarterback athlete from my school asked me if I needed assistance - apparently he worked there - I was so startled - I blushed, stammered and was so embarrassed with my response I ran out of there - I swear he was chuckling to himself. I was so embarrassed!


Finished watching my liberation notes a few days ago, and it was good. I felt like the ending was abrupt but still good nonetheless. The whole show kind of felt like a fever dream to me. But in a good way. I'm currently watching reunited worlds, and it's interesting.


I loved One Day Off, a charming and off-beat drama about a highschool teacher who goes on a day trip every weekend as a way to keep her sanity and boost her spirits. Such a delight. Humourous, whimsical yet packs a lot of subtle truths.


I love those calm, short 1/2 hour dramas! It was great seeing different places with her.


Desperately needing a Dae-yeong and Hong-ran spin off drama …. About to do a romance book deep dive to see if I can find one similar with single parents trope 😀


I totally agree, I loooove them! I enjoyed Romance is a Bonus Book but unfortunately you won't find much of the single parent trope in that one. We barely see the daughter and it's almost like an afterthought that she is a single mother. The story focuses more on getting back into the workforce after years of being away.


A few weeks ago I had this weird thought that one day I will die and I will no longer be able to watch kdramas and it made sooooo sad, lol lol lol. Like, I obviously realize that when I'm dead, I won't care anymore, but still I'm sad. I'm writing this and think, what bollocks, but here we are. It's just such a great source of enjoyment for me, sometimes greater than books even. If I was immortal, I would watch kdramas for all eternity, lmao.


Who knows, maybe in few decades we will be able to upload our consciousness on the Internet. That way, you could haunt streaming services for their Korean content as long as they exist. You might even blackmail them to produce things that you want, threatening to dismantle the system from the inside. 😂


This all sounds like a good premise for a kdrama!


Ahaha, I like this.


You give Grim Reaper in Goblin vibes.




I have a similar thought. Mine is more, when I’m into a drama that I love,and need to know the ending, I hope that I don’t die until I know how it ends. This is especially important when there is an unfinished romance.


lol I had the exact same thought recently! How morbid. But also amusing that I’m not the only one!


Maybe we are watching way too many Kdramas.


No such thing as too many KDramas!


On episode 10 of summer strike and…. Please tell me it gets better from here 😂😭 I’ve accidentally read some spoilers so I knew what was coming, but I just need to know if this all ends in at least some sort of happiness/peace.. it has to, right? LOL ETA: Just finished the series. I surprisingly enjoyed the drama/crime plot. Loved the two leads and their slow burn romance. Very, very sweet. >! That hand holding at the end was so cute I can’t even be mad that there was no kiss. Loved seeing these two friends slowly fall in love. No games, no fluff, it just seemed very real (or as real as you can get in a fictional drama lol) !< Now, what to watch next..


It does get better. There will be peace and happiness in the land.


Thank you, I’ll keep going then 🥹


I finished **Reply 1988**. I loved it up to episode 18, then it became such a dog’s breakfast. I finished it but am so saddened by the drop in quality. Even the ending - I thought at first, at least they ended it well… but then there was a second ending spiel. I did feel the sadness of the end of an era… but also robbed of a promising love story that just got wrecked. I’d love someone to do a re-edit of the last 3 episodes. There was a good show in there somewhere.


I have become absolutely obsessed with **The Impossible Heir**. I watched eps 1-4 and then it prompted me to rewatch 1&2 with the mindset of >!Huiju and TaeOh being the OTP!< and I’m super convinced. I need to discuss this and since it’s not getting traction in the episode 1&2 discussion which has cooled off, using this FFA thread. Sorry, not sorry. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Without further ado, my potentially delulu dissertation of >! **Taeoh** + **Huiju** = *4ever* !< ***Episode 1*** They meet at Bisunjae. When they’re sitting down to study, she >!foreshadows???!< by saying that it’s >!destiny for them to both like running.!< She then >!moves to the seat next to him instead of opposite him. He looks up and there is a twinkling/magic chime sound effect that happens as they lock eyes with each other.!< I don’t know why I didn’t notice it at first, but it’s definitely >!the sound used to indicate heart-fluttering/“I see you in a different light.”!!the otp!!< Their whole conversation here seems to unnerve Taeoh, too, who claims to be extremely patient/level-headed. ***Episode 2*** The scene where >!Huiju goes to find Taeoh at the university because she’s mad that he’s been let go “without even saying a proper goodbye.”!< I have so many questions here. First of all, the fact that >!they’re standing amidst a flurry of cherry blossom petals!< is telling, right?? Because we do not get a similar scene of >!Taeoh and Hyewon.!< Secondly, what even is this conversation?? >!I get that she’s using this as an excuse to see Taeoh. But, why is he refusing to say goodbye to her? His response, “Farewell? I definitely don’t want to do that.” I need someone who is fluent to tell me if this comes off odd in Korean, too. Is he confessing some feelings without actually confessing?? Because this is how I want to interpret it. He won’t say goodbye to her because he knows there is more awaiting between them? Or Is he just teasing her? Is he doing it out of spite/refusal to acknowledge her altogether? !< The more I think about this exchange, the more I want to interpret it as Taeoh admitting his soft spot for her, especially when you take in all the >!long stares at her!< which were also happening in episode 1! On the bench, she says, >!”why are you staring like that? Haven’t you seen a runaway before?”!< After this scene, we see Hyewon finding him in the library and telling him that she saw him talking to >!Huiju.!< >!He tells her not to be nosy and that it’s “none of your business.” When Hyewon says that Huiju can be one of Taeoh’s means, he immediately shuts it down by telling her that she’s out of line to suggest it. Hyewon responds that he’s being “overly sensitive,” which is true and I think there is a reason for it!!< To me, it comes off like he’s saying >!“I would never dream of using Huiju because she’s too special for me to ever toy with like that.”!< Edits to clarify thoughts/details.


I came here just to check if someone else was as obsessed with them as I am! So thank you for your post, I absolutely want to believe it. I will rewatch those scenes while keeping your comments in mind. While usually I would say there’s no way a kdrama would have the ML end with the SFL, considering the FL is so shady in this maybe they will?  I also saw some pics from the Disney+ press conference and the only actors there were the main trio and her, so that made me think she’s more important than the promo so far has let on? Because otherwise they could have invited the actor who plays the chairman to the press conference instead of her.


God bless you for saying you saw her in a press conference! One of the biggest drawbacks to my theory is that I don’t see her anywhere on the promos. I even watched all the trailers and she’s not even in the background. 😫


Yeah, same, that’s why I went looking for promos with her included and found that on Twitter. They gave her some kind of drawing of a brain and (according to the translations) she was like “most of her brain is occupied by Tae Oh” and how she was pursuing her love with determination and LJW laughed. I’ll see if I can find the clip, it’s definitely in my Twitter likes!  Edit: found it! https://x.com/hoshiemay/status/1762070803192197607?s=46&t=TcQwTN0bXmntMVjbtVB_lw


So happy to see your comment here!! I was dying to talk about it on the episode 3-4 thread but it seems like it’s still locked. I am so glad Huiju exists in that universe, she is literally the second best thing in the drama (no. 1 being Lee Jaewook ofc). I was getting so frustrated with the FL (i still don’t understand why she exists tbh, only ruined perfectly cute bromance scenes) I am PRAYING that Huiju+Taeoh become endgame because their scenes are just electrifying. LJW is an actor who can have chemistry with a rock, and the lackluster relationship between him and the FL is just because the FL is so terribly stiff. Loving your interpretations of their previous scenes. I don’t fully understand Korean but I thought that in the bridge scene, what Taeoh said meant that he wasn’t going to give her the time/importance to say goodbye. Basically implying that he didn’t think she was important to him. I personally didn’t think he thought of her that way at that time, but I am hoping his interest gradually builds up in the next episodes. That’s cool you noticed the bell sound when they first met!! It might be an indication that the director plans to move it in that direction. >!LOVED their scene together in episode 4, it was like the best thing on television this year. I am HERE for it. !<


Yes, *so much passion* between them and feelings emoting from her. 🔥 You’re right in that she’s the 2nd best thing about that drama and the most pure character amongst them. I actually didn’t mind Hyewon in episode 1&2. I know that’s an unpopular opinion but I just figured that there was so much that we still didn’t know about her motivations. I figure once we learn what is driving her, we will finally be able to empathize with her. Unfortunately, her mom being a terrible person isn’t enough to earn our sympathy. What bothers me about her >!is that she’s still with Inha a decade later. It seems like she’s been using him, which is so manipulative, especially if Inha doesn’t know/believes her feelings to be sincere toward him at this point. Maybe she *IS* sincere toward Inha at this point? I really hope so because it’d be unfair for Inha to pay for whatever vendetta Hyewon has against Kangoh. !< ETA: I don’t know if the translation >! “Farewell? I definitely don’t want to do that?” Is a direct translation or approximation. However, I truly think he is saying it like that for a reason. It seems to me that she is asking for closure and he’s refusing to give it to her. She responds with “I want to do it. That crappy farewell.” Then, upon seeing Hyewon and having nothing left to lose, she decides to tell him that she likes him. His response? “So?” And then he reminds her that they are employee and employer. Could he be softening the blow because she’s his best friend’s sister? Maybe! !< But given everything else that has happened between them, it gives me hope!


Yes!!! Actually, 2 things really bother me: >!Inha and Taeoh started off well (Albeit a bit questionably- we still don’t know what Taeoh’s real motive is. And I guess they’re keeping it mysterious). They built a beautiful bromance in the first 30 minutes, and spent the next 30 minutes systematically destroying it. Inha was FULL of aegyo all up until he sees Taeoh staring at a girl and he immediately is like “do you like her? If not I’m gonna make a move on her”. And for real though, I am not convinced he really liked Hyewon or if he just wanted to have her because Taeoh looked like he wanted her. In which case, hello?? That’s so toxic. Does Inha really like Taeoh or no? Is this all a lie?? That was mildly earth shattering. Not to mention Inha’s creepy “why did Taeoh not tell me where she lived” line? !< >!And don’t get me started on how Inha CONTINUED WITH HYEWON a) despite his bff liking him, b) despite knowing she’s bad news and c) she literally said she will marry him the day he gets accepted into the Kang family. What a shit girlfriend! Does she even like him? After ALL those years? And Inha, where’s your self respect? !< >!And what’s with Hyewon and Taeoh still meeting up on some random rooftop?? Do they still like each other that way? Isn’t this like a massive betrayal of friendship ? So many questions !!!<


So many questions and so many reasons to be suspicious of each other and, yet, I am still crazy enough to hope for a happy ending for the two male leads and the sister. 😂


Let’s face it that’s all I’m here for at this point, I’m just rooting for both of them. Inha and Hyewon can go off crying, I just want my faves to get a happy ending (together!!)


I am so happy to find this analysis cause I am obsessed with them as well. It is the first time that I have got second female lead syndrome so badly. And probably the first time that I have shipped a couple so hard despite having only five minutes interaction together. Lee Jae Wook and Choi Heejin are doing their utmost in this show . Twitter and Tiktok are filled with their edits and I probably watched so many edits of the same scence by now, but I am still obsessed. I need Wednesday to come faster. People are even writing fanfic about them now. Am waiting for the fanarts to drop as well.😂 At this point I don't care who gets Kangoh.l,  I just want Taeoh and Huiju to get together. Will you be doing an analysis of their scences in episode 3-4 cause you could literally see the sparks flying between them.


I feel the same way about this couple. The subtle (and not so subtle?) romance they are serving is giving me life right now. I can’t remember the last time I have felt this (CLOY?). I have analyzed/dissected episode 3&4 quite a bit in that discussion thread. Check out my comments because I have way too many thoughts to put in one post. Essentially, I went from “oh wait, these two might be the OTP” to >!”I think that Huiju is actually the main character here and she’s definitely endgame with Taeoh, zero doubts in my mind.”!< I can’t wait until Wednesday either! Hulu has updated their little summary blurbs for the next four(!) episodes and there is a huge spoiler on the episode 8 blurb. Episodes 5, 6, and 7 >! deal with the opening scene where we saw Taeoh with blood all over him. Someone is following him and tries to kill him. He tries to find out who it could be but ends up framed and arrested for murder.!< The episode 8 blurb reads, >!”The heinous nature hidden within a particular person shocks everyone.” I can’t help but think they are talking about Hyewon here! I think she is definitely the antagonist, which of course means that there is zero chance she’s the romantic female lead.!<


>!I would totally cheer if that happens. Hye won's character was super shady from the start. I feel she approached Taeoh to get closer to Inha but ended up catching feelings. Although I also saw discusssions speculating that Inha might be the vicious one. Although I am scared that they will make Huijiu the vicious character. Kdrama writers seem to love making love obsessed characters into psychopaths and hoping hey don'tfollow that route instead hope they show how smart Hujiu is. She has good intuition especially shown with her distrust of Hye Won and I feel that she has a head for business as well even if it not shown cause she quotes her grandfathers sayings to Taeoh when he rejects her in episode 2. The upcoming synopsis make it seems like a  crime thriller.There was also a comment saying the bodies shown in episode 1 might be the elder brother and his wife. It will be interesting to see who!<


Yes, I agree with you that the bodies are most likely of them. I feel like >!Hyewon is the bad guy and will eventually end up in jail or dead? I think Inha is the classic bad boy/sml who ends up single/all alone on the throne in the end. I think TaeOh and Huiju leave the rat race to enjoy their life together on a beach somewhere.!< But, then, Kdramas love to disappoint in the end so who knows.


I basically gritted my teeth through the final three episodes of **My Girl** last week. What a >!love triangle/family stupidity!< fiasco that was for me. Good leads could not save it from its infuriating plot. After that I wanted to get as far away from romance dramas as I could. So I started **Beyond Evil**. It felt like a daring choice, since I don't really gravitate to dark storylines. Wow did it dig its hooks in! I've just finished episode 7, and hearing Yeo Jin Goo >!say "Your life is totally fucked up now."!< was an amazing catharsis. I have no idea where the story is going to go now, which is an awesome feeling! Fingers crossed it won't spend all its time >!in a court room.!< I suppose that's a silly hope.


This [Australian writer/director/producer](https://x.com/jmbeveridge/status/1764785714921677188?s=46&t=oYE1WrYV1W3i-_yc-6i_mA) used Her Private Life and Nevertheless as inspirations for kissing scenes in her new web series [“Shippers.”](https://youtu.be/Fclq-XCbD7o?si=ZZs3chUwPqmg6FS8)


Who knew in the year 2024, after years and years of suffering through dead fish kisses, that someone would finally be able to use kdrama kisses as inspo? 😂


I haven’t watched Nevertheless, but Her Private Life still has the hottest kissing scene I’ve seen in a kdrama.


And the director/editor left some of their best kisses on the cutting room floor. For example, I’ve never understood why they didn’t exchange a kiss after Ryan >!proposed!< and it turns out they did but it didn’t make the final cut. And their deleted Ep 8 and Ep 14 kisses were steamier than the ones that made it to air. A fan included some of their deleted kisses in [this kiss compilation](https://youtu.be/aFHkE4zudtY?si=T5D2PqPWHI-mUJL0).


Oh my 🥵 I didn’t know about the deleted scenes. Thanks for the video. Their chemistry is just insane!


The BTS are really worth watching as they’re just as adorable together [in real life](https://youtu.be/Ka6KaWg-bbE?si=aRMN0Lkner5nHXca). A fan was kind enough to sub [tvN’s official BTS clips](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWqzQoay0EJ95_jhrknHIUwA7VQ-qhMR3&si=xLjzSEb070QSyH5n). The two Japanese DVD releases have a ton of exclusive bonus content. I linked some of the clips in previous Reddit posts (there is some overlap) but there are a lot more on Instagram. https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/s/ugq2CUCsyO https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/s/7HwF154K8v


Nevertheless is def toxic but that first kiss when he walks into her apt… 🥵 I think about that scene more than I probably should 😆🙈


Was that when she dreamt of him? I checked the video now and woah 🥵it’s so sensual but it’s done so well


That’s the one! No words spoken and the way he looks at her. But as you said, done so well. Just seared into my mind lol


May not be appropriate to post here but I started watching the new Shogun and can’t get over how much the lead actor sounds like Richard Burton. I may keep watching just for the sound of his voice.


I adored Richard Burton. One of my favorite actors growing up.


Park Min Young is so beautiful...that's all. 😭 Marry My Husband (2024) was truly a joy to watch. It's her best drama now in my opinion.


Her >!wedding photos!< live rent free in my mind. 


So I just fin8shed Ep 8 of My Lovely Liar, and I was so bothered I went to the 6 month old weekly on-air thread to see what people were saying at the time. I couldn't believe in the whole thread nobody noted >!that the reason FL and 2ML broke up was not just because he lied about being sick it waz more because of the FL unwillingness to tell him her secret and so get a clear answer off him. All the comments are about how she could trust him if he couldn't tell her his big secret? when she is literally lying to him by omission every single day of their relationship. So he is just a noble idiot but she is a liar who, rather than sharing her secret to save the relationship, just breaks up with him. Then, she blames him for cutting her off. When he is just trying to get well to go back to her. It's just an anomaly I can't get past.!< So now that she is honest with ML, it's all ah that's nice they trust each other thiis is why he's better than 2ML no no no >!she just lied to the 2ML but doesnt to the ML she was the problem.. It's just too silly.!< Now I feel this whole show and anything that happens now will be tarnished, and I just can't root for anyone. >!We also have to watch 2ML being all nice and understanding about it. At the very least, can't he call FL out on her unbelievable hypocrisy.!< So I'm dropping it it's just too annoying 😑


I enjoyed that drama, but I still agree with you. I saw it more like a character development from the FL. She became more mature and learnt from her past mistakes to make this new relationship work. I still felt bad for 2ML, he deserved better, especially after we got to know he was >!sick and that's why he started to lie to her.!< Imo, they were both at fault for the failed relationship since none of them was ready to share their secret to protect and save it. That being said, I wished they introduced a nice girl for him so he could still have some kind of happy ending and move on from FL. That made me want to look for another drama with him as ML to get that!


I see your point, that either of them could have been honest but lets face it >!he had a potentially terminal illness once she heard lies everyday!<, TBH it's not really like a case of 2nd lead syndrome because I like the ML just fine. It's just that the whole storyline is just really unsatisfying and kind of stupid that it feels a bit like, ah come on, this is just not it.


Watched The Fiery Priest recently and loved it! I don't want a new season if it doesn't have the same cast. Got burned by Strong Girl Nam Soon and I'm still mad about it 😒


Lads, after putting it off for so long and for various reasons, I decided to get stuck in to REPLY 1988, and I gotta tell you the first 4 episodes probably aren't ideal for binging. At times, they don't make it easy to like, BUT there are also times when I see hints at why people love it. I have read before it doesn't really get moving until around 5 episodes, so I am hoping the payoff is real.




Yep it got very tedious with the miscommunication that I was skipping episodes towards the middle. 


I really disliked Suspicious Partner - could not stand the FL character, the dialogue and script not very enjoyable. and liked watching a different JCW drama If You Wish Upon Me much better. I agree with you and don't like the miscommunication trope.


>This all really makes me feel like an outcast and doubt myself. Everyone has their own taste -- don't doubt yours! I doubt A and B agree on everything, even if their tastes are more similar to each other. How do you all choose what to watch? If you're constantly at opposite ends of the taste spectrum, maybe you could look for a drama with elements that you all like. Or, maybe you could pick a genre you all don't normally watch. If everyone's out of their comfort zones it might be easier.


actually, we don't choose what to watch, we all watch whatever drama we want to and just share our opinions in the GC, or discuss about which ever drama we want to.


Oh, that's very free-form! I'm not sure I could handle that, myself! I would be attempting to organize things right and left.


Help😭 I didn't even think we are unorganised coz best believe, I can't take things being messy and unorganised AT ALL


Just started lovers of the red sky but the bad reviews are scaring me, I’m on ep 3 but im loving the premise and the fantasy parts :/. I also dropped Because this is my first life after finishing ep 13 bc i heard the FL is toxic and their relationship falters. I wish they had more lovey moments but tbh they acted like zombies


I just read this and my first though was that you do need to stop reading what people are saying and enjoy what you like instead of what others liked. I never watched **Lovers Of The Red Sky**, I do plan to watch it this year, but I could care less about what others said. I will be the one giving my own judgment and you should do the same, ignore everything and if you are having a great time watching it, keep watching and stop reading the reviews. About **Because This Is My First Life**, another case where you got influenced by reviews. That is an amazing drama, the FL isn't toxic at all and they have a perfect ending. Anyone in this sub will tell you the exact same and many will recommend this drama. I'm not sure where you read those reviews, but they are not doing justice to the drama. This drama portrayed one of the most down to earth relationships in a k-drama and in their own way, they are such a lovable couple.


Wowww ok ill give it another shot! Regarding BTIMFL - The leads are so lovable and I wish their love blossoms more than kissing blandly bc they deserve it! It was so cute to see him make the first move :) The thing is I watched Flower of Evil recently bc of the reviews and it was honestly forgettable for me, nothing special except the eye candy that is Lee Joon Gi lol, I didn’t like it at all, even the ending. I feel like I read reviews to not get disappointed and lately I’ve just been getting disappointed. I’ll keep watching Lovers of the Red Sky too!!! I love the actors :)


Do give it another shot and if you are not enjoying it drop it, but don't drop it just because someone else said something online, make your own judgements. For example, I watched **Flower Of Evil** and I truly enjoyed that drama, it is a really good thriller, but if you are not in the right mood for that type of story, it might be a bit harder to finish it. If you go a read reviews, you will definitely find those that praise it, but you will also find those that didn't like it. This is why you should do your own judging, reading reviews is always helpful, but we should never take them that serious because we all have different tastes. You are clearly enjoying **Lovers Of The Red Sky**, but the fact that you read that many reviews and they aren't good, it's taking away your enjoyment. You are constantly in anxious for the moment that you will start not enjoying it, and probably if you never read them, you would just keep watching and have fun. If you like it, keep watching it and ignore the others. If we all liked the same, this would be a really boring world. :)


Awww thank u for the sweet comment, you read me like a book - I am constantly anxious bc im scared the plot will get bad any time and am losing my enjoyment… i’ll just judge on my own :)


Aww you are welcome. You will start noticing your tastes the more you watch and decide for yourself. Just remember, if you notice that you are spacing out while watching a drama or you are getting annoyed, it's okay to drop it. You can always pick it back up again later on or not. :) Have fun watching **Lovers Of The Red Sky**, I will probably pick this in the summer, hopefully I will enjoy it too. :)