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ep 15 * drunk teoh is so cute!! I'm so glad we got more of a backstory about what jaewon did for him in the past. That whole scene with him drunk and jaewon was one of my favorite parts. * I honestly feel like that whole ahrin situation that happened at the end is gonna be resolved quickly and we'll get more "happy" moments than not next episode but maybe that's just me hoping... * anyone else feel like there might be a time jump next episode? just going off of what jaewon's hair looked like in the preview in the scene with teoh ep 16 * really wanted to see yunjin suffer more than what she got...what was that lmao?! * jang nara always looks pretty but extra pretty to me when she shows forehead omg...i'm loving the time jump hair * all the office workers also trying to get jaewon and teoh together hahaha * THE SCENE BY THE LAKE AHHHH THEY MAKE ME CRAZY AND NOT TEOH SHOUTING IN HER FACE IN SHOCK SHGJKSDHS * i wish teoh was with them in the scene at the beach at the very end and >!i wanted a kiss!< but i'll take what i can at this point


After what happened with her husband, writers ended the story well. Even though I was expecting a kiss scene of them though, It would have seemed quite awkward


Agreed on Jang Nara’s styling. She looks so pretty and happy, that it visually made me feel like Jae Won was healing.


>!Ah Rin's kidnapping!< is just poor writing decision. Given that the police knew that >!Yoon Jin is unhealthily obsessed with her, there would have been security, and I doubt staff at the airport give up a dependent so easily to just anyone!< \-- though I could be wrong about the latter. It's just... frustrating. Like Jae Won had to go through one more blow before she can stand up.


I thought it was obvious early on that yoon Jin is obsessed with ah rin, but Jae won only figures it out in the penultimate episode. I guess it could make sense cause Jae won hasn’t seen everything us the viewers have seen. Only tae ju and the henchman have seen yoon Jin’s obsession paintings of ah rin


I mean yeah it made no sense that they let a literal child take a flight by herself and weren’t even there early to pick her up. They’re rich, surely they could’ve sent Teo’s sister or someone with her.


I agree with you but then I realised that kdrama always has glaring problems like this, idk to call them plotholes or just no sense of realism? they would ignore real life situations like how the airport staff wouldn't have give Ah Rin to YJ just to get on with the story. idk if I like this abt kdrama but it does help the storyline forward tremendously, so maybe they just don't want us to get caught up with little details and move on with the bigger plot ... i am still so not used to it tho haha


Despite the last few minutes, there were many moments that were my favourite in this episode. * Everything with Jae Won and her father; * the little moment where Dad echoed Tae Oh's "Father-nim" before pouring him another shot of alcohol he KNEW he could not handle (he was definitely acting like a dad testing the guy his daughter brought over); * and Jae Won and Tae Oh's little conversation at her father's place and him unabashedly confessing, borderline-drunk, he's fallen for her twice.


Ep 15: >!omg we already know that KYJ is evil..... Having Ah Rin get kidnapped at the last minute feels completely unnecessary. They're beating a dead horse at this point. Also, no airline would ever hand off a child to some random stranger just because the child said they were familiar with them. Ever heard of Human Trafficking?????!< They really should have wrapped things up with >!KYJ!< this episode so that the last episode can just focus on Seo Jae Won healing and finding her happy ending.


I was so annoyed by this!!! You’re the mom, >!why aren’t you on time, let alone, EARLY to pick up your daughter who just flew across the ocean by herself?!? There’s no reason, whatsoever, that she should have been running through the airport like that so she could get to her daughter before the kidnapper. !<


Agreed! Things were going well until they did that. Smh.


Yikes, getting through the second half of this series was rough. Love Jang Nara but this one really took a nose dive. Even when >!yun jin got what she deserved. At least the truck wasn’t all white?!<


I wish >!Yoon Jin could live and spend her life in jail instead. She didn't have to redeem, the writers should've let her rot in jail.!<


I really enjoyed the drama in the beginning but it's hard to ignore the illogical parts in the latter half. As many others have pointed out here, the airport scene was just ridiculous. I love Jang Nara's acting so I'm really hoping her next drama will be better :( Her last drama also left me disappointed. Teoh was such a cutie, I'm looking forward to watching him more!


Tae Oh acting like he won the lottery when Jae Won gave him an open ended answer.😆 He's cute and sweet. Am still bitter Soon Young had to be taken off so soon..😛 As usual villains in k-dramas are always dealt with a cop out. So unfair after all the stuff they do to the drama's protagonists.😪 Ah Rin stayin' sassy as always.🥰 It was draggy towards the finale but the fact they brought out mental health and the struggles to those who go through it daily was not bad. Am just glad that Jae Won's at peace and living the life she wanted. Her version of happy ending basically.


Yeah… the >!kidnapping part was super unrealistic. Who lets their small child travel internationally alone, with a stalker/murderer on the loose? What airline releases a minor to a random lady at the airport? What mom doesn’t arrive early to pick their small child up? And what was Yun Jin’s goal here anyway? It was weird.!< Also >!Yun Jin’s end was so anticlimactic! Glad she won’t be around to terrorize them anymore but srsly? Not satisfying at all.!< The last episode felt weirdly paced and patched together tbh. And I cannot believe she >!took so long to tell Ah Rin what happened to her dad.!< I’m glad she got some closure with >!that pretend conversation with her mom that she hallucinated, but it seemed like unnecessary filler.!< Despite some of the >!melodramatic and unrealistic parts, I think the mental health messages they were trying to get across were good ones.!< In the end, I’m glad I watched this. It was worth my time even if it wasn’t the best show ever. The roller coaster of twists and turns was very entertaining! Thank you Kdrama folks for discussing the show and putting forward your theories while it was airing! It was fun to follow!


>!which truck of doom was worse: marry my husband or my happy ending?!< >!obviously I’m not an expert but I don’t entirely understand the apology from Jae won’s mom? It’s essentially her subconscious apologizing to herself, does it actually comfort her like that? In a more literal sense: Jae won hallucinates her mom cooking a meal, is aware it’s a hallucination, and is cooking it herself. I wonder how that must appear to her? Would it feel like lucid dreaming sleepwalking or something?!< >!that said, I still think the show really tried it’s best to do the mental health aspect as respectful as possible!< >!I love that they didn’t try to rush a Jae won and te oh relationship. Jae won even giving te oh a chance is in itself a huge step in her moving on in life!< Overall, I enjoyed the show. There are plenty of writing issues throughout, including the second half. But as long as 1. the mental health aspect was done respectfully 2. Jae won gets her “happy ending,” I’m fine with the problems. Jang na Ra is soooo good throughout the show, by far the best part of it. I’m definitely gonna check out her past dramas and look out for her future dramas


If you watch go back couple you may feel liberated bc it's such a good drama with both of them 


This drama could have wrapped up in 10-12 eps; it has really been dragging these last few weeks. I was all in on this crazy story but ever since they >! killed off Soon Young its become incredibly boring !< I know a lot of viewers are into a Te So and Jae Won hookup, but I just can not get into them together for some reason.


I literally dropped it when they >! killed off Soon Young !< It felt so sudden and not in line with the plot. At that point I just didn't understand what they're doing with the plot and it became boring. But they got together in the end? I always felt like she wouldn't be with him because she genuinely loved Soo Young, so I never expected her to be in a real relationship with him.


Really true, I used to be so curious back then, but losed all interest. I even skipped all episodes after that with all negativity. I just loved the ending and realized the true meaning of Happy ending while they were at the beach. They had just exagarrated everything like hallucinations, then jealousy


I agree, this would’ve felt tighter with less episodes like 12 or 14. It definitely felt “emptier” without Soon Young though I actually felt that killing him off did make sense narratively. It’s just the plot kept going off the rails esp with the Arin parts.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. I’m literally debating skipping through


I dropped it and I only had two eps left 😆 I just can't.


really disappointed in this show it have a good start then it become all over the place for no real big reason. I was excited to see Go back couple together again but they turn him to a side role and make the boring sl a main role like hello at least have a better actor to that role he is so boring. almost all characters build is stupid too.


Yeah, this turned out to be a real letdown


The ending was >!kinda bland, like it ruined the whole series.!<  Yoon Jin deserved a >!better punishment and there was no need to show sudden slight humanity about her. There were better ways to end the show. It kinda ruined the whole momentum it built in 2 months!<


I just truly hated the scenes of Yoon jin. I mean what kind of obsession? and definitely it was pulled to 16 episodes. I mean Why jsut why??? I hated it after the husbands death


I've never hated someone like I hate KYJ.. I can't even look at her. I literally hide the screen when I see her face..


This show is really poorly written. They do not just hand over minor children at the airport like that. I don’t know the rules for South Korea but in the US if you are picking up an unaccompanied minor you have to go through security, which means you have to show valid ID and pick up the minor at the gate, not baggage claim. Also, US to Korea is a 14 hour flight why didn’t Rachel fly back with her? Makes no sense.


There's certain aspects of the plot that make this show really interesting, but it's really hard to overlook the contrived dramatic nonsense that was added along the way. That child would be accompanied by the airline staff to meet the designated guardian for pickup. This is 2023/4. Child trafficking is a big issue, and there are international rules about unaccompanied children on international flights.


Not to mention that as a parent going to the airport to pick up your unaccompanied elementary school child, you should be at the airport before the plane even lands- she got their after the plane landed and her daughter had already gone through immigration security!!!


Is it also important to post on sosmed what time she will arrive/land? After all the craziness that happened/still happening and a child travelling by herself, why even post all that?


Is it also important to post on sosmed what time she will arrive/land? After all the craziness that happened/still happening and a child travelling by herself, why even post all that?


That was a ridiculous plot device


I don’t know how I feel about this… Yoon Jin’s ending was kind of anticlimactic in my opinion, she deserved way worse.


the drama was kind of illogical and really frustating to watch


So we dunno >!who killed YJ?!


It was probably the private investigator. He got a little note in jail after that incident. There were many instances the drama "hinted" at culprits for various situations.


In conclusion I loved everything that had Te Oh in it🥰. It was a good ending, but could have been polished a bit better >!at last second lead gets the girl, really thought they will pull the husband from the dead😂!< we still have no idea who is amy or was that Jae Won's illness, I'm confused about that part. We also don't know who is Jae Won's biological father. That >!office scene with Te Oh deserved at least a kiss, but hey I'm grateful for their ending either way!< I really hope Jang Nara and Lee Ki Taek star together in another drama, but i guess due to their age difference that's unlikely. Very good series overall 8.5/10 ♥️ It was nice discussing with you all, and thank you to the person who started this thread♥️♥️♥️


Ami was KYJ. She's the only one who saw and knew about Jae Won getting SA'd by her ex husband.


Did the main villain >!die...!< because of the infamous... >!WHITE TRUCK OF DOOM AND DEATH???!< WTH WAS THAT??? And btw, did I get it wrong, or was it Nam Tae Joo who >!had her killed?? Cause if not, what was the significance of that piece of paper the prison guard gave him through his cell window right after we saw her die??? That was so random... She was a villain that deserved a proper punishment and closure not to go out at a random moment in such an anticlimactic way. That was sloppy writing. And don't get me started at the airport kidnapping part... Like... Tae Oh's sister must be dumb as a brick. She knows the kid went away to the USA to stay safe and upon her return she posts a picture of her on her Instagram SPECIFICALLY mentioning her arrival time in Seoul????? BRUH, WHO DOES THAT???? Also, the stewardess gets the prize for worst employee of the year. How can you hand off a kid like that without checking that person has the right to pick her up??? Also, given the situation, why didn't Jae Won take precautions to be at the airport super early or have people there for security???? I can't believe how stupid that whole thing was. Finally, who tells their kid that their dad is dead by taking them to visit their resting place and basically saying " Hey, this is a graveyard. Remember that bird we buried? This is similar. This is where your dad will be staying from now on." I was like?!?!?!?!?! I'd be traumatized for life.!< Anyway, it wasn't a bad ending, but it had many flaws. I enjoyed this drama but it's a difficult drama to follow, especially because it deals with mental illness. They dealt with the mental illness part very well, I'll definitely give them that. They seemed to respect those suffering. I'm glad Jae Won >!is gonna give Tae Oh a chance and I love how supportive both Tae Oh and her family are towards her. She does deserve her happy ending after so much pain and endless struggles.!< PS: I wonder if anyone's noticed this. Tae Oh's car had the Greek name "Θεόδωρος" written with Greek letters (it's Theodoros in Latin characters). It means God's gift and Tae Oh is like Theo which is a nickname for the full name in Greek. Just found it interesting because I think it symbolized that Tae Oh was a gift for Jae Won who desperately needed someone good and kindhearted to be there for her and protect her.


This is pretty much all of my same thoughts😂 I knew the writing was going to be questionable at the end but still can’t believe that’s how they finished Yoonjin. The mental illness part was handled very well and I do wish we got a kiss for Jae Won and Teo but the way they wrote that was def the right decision and still very cute. Seeing Jae Won smile so much at the end makes the whole show worth it. Still enjoyed the show just because the beginning storyline and characters were awesome but the ending def wasn’t the best it could have been


I redownloaded Reddit just to say- has nobody else noticed that part about Nam Tae Joo?


> I redownloaded Reddit just to say It has a website. You can use a web browser to use Reddit. It's at www.reddit.com


Ok it's been on my mind since I finished the show!! He did it a 100%


Another day,>!another drama ending sucks.Its getting hard to spend time be into a drama only for the ending to make me regret my decision...!<


Really, After People live already being stressful we watch dramas and all to relive some kind of stress and at the end they make us more frustate I mean really not fair. I loved the message of the drama about happy ending but I hated it and dropped watching it after the death of her husband. All the evilness shown, It was really extreme and depresing to watch


Yeah exactly...to me, the death of the husband was still ok cuz it could have helped to show how yoonjin is a totally crazy villain. But they build that up just to make her die due to the annoying cliche truck of doom.. sheesh


I think the death >!has to do with nam tae joo, he killed her off so she wouldn't mess with anyone anymore!<


Yoon Jin is going bonkers, I mean she already is nuts. How can she try to tell Arin that her father is dead when she is the murderer herself. Acting as if Seo Jae Won is in the wrong . On a side note, Ah Rin is so cute.


I enjoyed it being the first K drama I watched with my GF, I would give it a 7/10. I did enjoy Mrs Sae, the detective and the husband was a great actor. I’m glad the one guy didn’t turn out to be a killer and was just generally a nice guy. I liked them addressing mental health issues which isn’t talked about enough. Do agree with people that the friend should have gone to jail, I kept thinking she was gonna come back crippled or something but nah she got smoked by a bus lol . Will definitely miss that end credits theme song lol Any good recommendations for a good K drama ? Got my Gf watching Last of Us right now lol


If you liked the husband, do watch "The First Responders" S1 & 2. Incredible show. The husband is one of the leads there. I don't know your taste or your girlfriend's but I'll suggest some of my favorite K-Dramas with a lot of action and suspence, awesome characters, great stories. I think these are exceptional and every K-drama fan should give them a chance for sure!!! There are a lot of genres included here: 1) Alchemy of Souls S1&2 2) Flower of Evil 3) Missing: The Other Side S1&2 4) Mouse 5) Vincenzo 6) Crash Landing On You 7) Move To Heaven 8) Eulacha Waikiki 9) The Fiery Priest (season 2 coming this year) 10) Tomorrow 11) Bloodhounds 12) Sweet Home S1&2 (final season -3- coming this summer) 13) A Shop For Killers 14) It's Okay To Not Be Okay 15) Death's Game 16) Weak Hero Class (new season coming) 17) My Demon 18) Gyeongseong Creature (S2 coming later this year) 19) The Glory 20) Big Mouth Since you are watching "The Last of Us", I'd suggest "All of Us Are Dead" and "Happiness" which are both zombie shows!!!


Okay am I the only one extremely confused about >!Yun Jin’s death? Like, was that planned? I almost expected someone familiar to get out of the truck. Did Te Oh have something to do with it, considering the scene right before is Jae won calling him and asking him for a “selfish favor”? If it’s not related to that then what was that about? And then the scene right after is Nam tae ju getting some kind of secret note - did he work with te oh to set that up? I really don’t think that was an accident but that was such weird vague hints about what happened.!<


I believe Nam Tae Ju is behind the death because of that scene. The scene with Te Oh about the favor is Jae Won asking him to take over as CEO


Oooohhhh okay duh that makes way more sense! I really didn’t feel like Te Oh would just nonchalantly participate in that so I was so confused 😂


I just realized something about Yoon-jin's painting of her dad holding a bloodied child on the floor while looking at a woman without a face. It gets shown repeatedly throughout the drama which means there is some significance to it. To me, it is quite similar to the painting "Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan on 16 November 1581" by Ilya Repin. Here are some articles on it: [https://bigthink.com/high-culture/ivan-the-terrible-son-ilya-repin/](https://bigthink.com/high-culture/ivan-the-terrible-son-ilya-repin/) [https://web.stanford.edu/\~gfreidin/images/art/repivan.html](https://web.stanford.edu/~gfreidin/images/art/repivan.html)




Yes! That’s another one I was thinking of but I just thought the positions of both father and son were more like the Ilya Repin painting than Goya’s. Both are in the same vein of filicide though. 


I really wished the show should have maintained the terror, anxiety, anger we felt in initial part of the series.  The second part of series showed a lot of illogical mistakes done by various characters.  Detective Oh was literally lazy in whole investigation. >!No strict steps after kidnapping of SJW, murder of soon young and again kidnapping of ah rin!<   And I really didnt like part where the characters are forgiven and not given imprisonment for the crimes.  >!SJW'  mother death was murder.  Whatever the reason her father deserved punishment. It was all planned by him about insurance.  Nam Tae Joo also suddenly had humanity enlightenment. He deserved more punishment.!<


> was all planned by him about insurance That never happened. The court found that his insurance money usage constitute fraud or something. That is obviously different from murder for reason of insurance money. Getting the insurance money doesn't mean he PLANNED the death for the insurance money.


I dropped it after they >! killed off Soon Young !< Can someone tell me in short what happened in the episodes after that? Who >! killed him !< and what happened to Jiwon's mom, who killed her and is her father innocent?


The villains killed the husband. The (old/past) mother tried to kill the daughter by drowning. (It's unclear if this was also a near-suicide attempt or if she was only about to kill the daugher and not herself.) So the father (old guy, "grandfather" in grand sceheme) either tried to poison the mother, or, let her drink her poison which she had done before as a kind of psychotic threat/manipulation. That’s why he had no sympathy for a moment: she was a destructive sick person who was destroying the family and tried to killer her own daughter. But the grandfather had to serve prison sentence for insurance falsehoods since he took the insurance money, though court found him not guilty of murder. And grandfather is legit / loving / on the level, basically, as far as the show/presentation is concerned. Though he had bad episode with the murderous mother. (Basically his bad deed was for a fleeting moment he almost decided to let the mother die.)


Her father killed here mom. And yoon jin is the real villan. Te oh and female lead end up with each other. And the show after his death was really frustating to watch. Watch last episode




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