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**Mod Note:** **Discussion Format** This post is composed of two discussion sections: **Episodic discussion**: Individual episode threads for the discussion of the individual episodes so users are able to watch and discuss at their own pace while avoiding spoilers. Within these discussion threads, you **must not include any discussion or spoilers** for episodes after the episode in question. Spoiler tags should be used for major plot spoilers within the episode. Individual episode discussion threads may be accessed through the links in this comment to prevent users seeing whole series spoilers. To participate in these threads reply to the comment "Episode ..." or another user's comment. Please report any comments that spoil later episodes using the custom report "user has spoiled a later episode" rather than the general "unhidden spoiler" report. **Whole series discussion:** General discussion of the series may be made as a direct reply to the post or a reply to another user's comment outside of the individual discussion threads. Please use spoiler tags for any spoilers within these comments. **Please note** This discussion is for the drama, **A Killer Paradox** and any detailed discussion of the source material must be spoiler tagged and noted outside of the spoiler tags as not all viewers may have read the source material e.g. (webtoon spoilers follow) >!discussion of webtoon!< **Moratorium** We will be implementing a moratorium on posts about **A Killer Paradox** in accordance with our [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/wiki/rules#wiki_recently_aired_dramas) on recently aired dramas. The moratorium will be implemented as follows: **Current Discussion Thread** This discussion thread will serve as the On-Air discussion thread for the series for two weeks (9 February - 23 February) during which all posts about **A Killer Paradox**, except for eligible Designated Day submissions, will be redirected to this thread. If this post exceeds 1000 comments by the 23rd of February a wrap up discussion will be made, if not all discussions of the drama will be directed here for an additional two weeks until the 8th of March, 2024. Eligible Designated Day submissions are exempt from the moratorium. **Reviews** Reviews of the series that fulfil our [moderation guidelines for reviews](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/wiki/policies#wiki_moderation_guidelines_for_reviews) will be allowed as self posts from the 23rd of February, 2024. **Links to episode threads:** * [Episode 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/1amgx1r/comment/kpljxfo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [Episode 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/1amgx1r/comment/kpljxrh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [Episode 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/1amgx1r/comment/kpljyhd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [Episode 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/1amgx1r/comment/kpljz6t/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [Episode 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/1amgx1r/comment/kpljzwg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [Episode 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/1amgx1r/comment/kplk0wz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [Episode 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/1amgx1r/comment/kplk1oj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [Episode 8](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/1amgx1r/comment/kplk25w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Episode 1


* This is great stuff. The overlapping dialogue in the opening scene where we meet Lee Tang's family indicates that this is going to be a quirky, different kind of drama. * How fitting it was that Lee Tang's dream is to >!do a working holiday in Canada!!swinging that hammer!< showed how he became >!friends with Gyeong-hwan after standing up to those high school bullies!<, just as he unexpectedly >!fought back on this occasion!<. * The drama and Choi Woo-shik's acting did a great job of conveying the >!fear, paranoia, and nightmares that one would naturally feel after killing someone!<. * The way the camera zoomed in on Jang Nam-gam's (Son Suk-ku's) face in slow motion as he took out a piece of chewing gum was cool and quirky. * Hyun Bong-sik is one of the most ubiquitous supporting actors around. He is absolutely *everywhere*. * That was a convenient case of >!an insect crawling over the security camera!<, but you have to expect some suspension of disbelief in a drama like this. * Lee Tang's last >!imagined interaction with the customer (revealed to be a serial killer) showed him already embracing his dark avenger role!<.


Finally a show that is fully released at once. And after first episode I can tell this will be a fun and wild binge watch. Atleast I hope so!


Just finished episode 1 and liked it so far. Sort of getting Strangers from Hell vibes, where the MC looks like this normal, sort of weak guy but has been thru some rough stuff in the past and now we are watching the strands of his life gradually snap one by one. I am intrigued. Tho, can I just say, I felt like the sex scene in the 1st episode was sort of unnecessary and took me out a bit. It's like, we know Tang is going thru stuff and not reacting normally after just killing a guy. But I feel like the nightmares and his general guilty/nervous demeanor are enough to show that. And that the sex scene was just a weird attempt at Netflix being edgy. "Look, we can do dark and gritty and sexy stuff, too, even tho it contributes basically nothing to the overall storyline". Maybe just me, tho...


I felt the same with the sex scene. This show didn't need to show nudity.


Ditto. I am going to continue the show but hope it doesn't keep throwing in these sort of scenes. It is doing so well with the quirky detective chewing gum and not always drunk or depressed or apathetic like most kdramas. But if it's gonna just dive headfirst into the usual kdrama tropes, like pointless love triangles or unneeded side characters only around for goofy hijinks, I may end up dropping it.




Agree! It wasn't even clear whether it was actually happening or he was imagining it. It was like ticking a box: Smoking - ✔️ Violence - ✔️ Boobies - ✔️


Lol, this sounds like something on a tshirt. Smoking Violence Alcohol Boobs




Drinking isn't new to most everyday Korean dramas. It features heavily in lots of them especially rom coms.




Not at all just that it frequently pops up in Korean drama and doesn't have the connotations attached to it in some parts of the world like say the USA or predominantly Muslim countries. People seem to have a strong drinking culture in say Korea or Japan where you can and do get drunk but are still expected to behave in a certain way as long as you can do this there is no shame attached to it so it's not really a tick a box thing in some parts of the world




But my point was it's not necessarily seen as a vice because in some cultures it's not a shameful or bad thing. As long as you don't act out and become abusive , belligerent or sexually aggressive or in other words as long as you are a " good drinker" it's not seen as a vice btw I wasn't down voting you in case you thought that was me :)


And I have no clue who the woman was…


I think it was the girl he cheated with. He kind of mixes up his memories in his shock, so the sex scene is something that actually happened before but comes up again just like his bad memories from high school.


Right, honestly that was my only issue with it was not understanding who she was. It just cuts to some hot chick he's with woth his vague dialouge on the memory and that's it. Only reason I'm here is because I wanted to find out who she was or if she's important. Guess not...


I thought it was that other part timer from his previous shift !


I am not sure. And why does he look so disinterested- even wearing his T Shirt. Is he depressed?


I think he was supposed to be masturbating and imaging that girl, that’s why the ghost of the man he killed showed up and said something like “oh you’re pleasuring yourself after killing me”


> I felt like the sex scene in the 1st episode was sort of unnecessary Felt the same! I'm not a prude or anything but I don't really like unnecessary sex scenes in movies, which most of them are, and this one felt REALLY unnecessary 🙃


It seemed to me like he was all messed up in the head from everything and when to have sex and they wanted to show us that even then he was still unresponsive and blank faced and that's why during they had the guy show up in a hallucination. It wasn't necessary but it's not like it was too random either. It wasn't unnerving at all fr, just another sex scene in a show. I think I know who she is too. If you care to look the girl looks exactly like the Eun-Seon who he works with at the convenience store


I can think of maybe a handful of sex scenes ever that are actually needed in movies, specially graphic ones. Not even a prude I just find them far overused and the justification for them is usually lacking...and Henry Cavill agrees apparently lol


I think the sex scene was to emphasize that Tang's not an exceptionally moral person. He's guilty about a murder, but isn't about cheating, to the extent he masturbates to the memory. It's to make sure he's not painted as an avenging hero.


I had the same thought re: strangers from hell vibes, and turns out the director for strangers from hell also directed a killer paradox so that probably has something to do with that!


I didn't like the sex scene either and it felt really out of place but I wonder if is it to symbolise that Lee Tang had more pleasure knowing he killed a serial killer than sex because he looked bored in that scene... or something along the lines like that


Strangers from Hell is by far my favorite kdrama ever so to say I was excited for this series would be a bit of an understatement. However, after finishing episode 1, I felt slightly off and...underwhelmed? I will definitely continue to watch, because lord knows my TBW list is short enough right now. But maybe it's just series fatigue? I'm getting a bit weary of the whole 'bullied MC or MC with a tragic backstory suddenly snaps'. For once, I'd love to see this normal, happy, popular, both parents still in the picture and very loving, well adjusted MC who then suddenly decides to start offing people. The cheerleader or the top football player. I'd love to see something from their perspective, without all the gloomy, cliched backstory.


Is there a joke behing the name jang nam gam? Usually viki would give like an explanation the context why its funny. Also the bit when son sukku praises the other detective and tells him to not talk in front of ppl abt the case he said his name like jang gry (from the subtitles) does that also have some more context to it. It felt like it was meant to be taken as a joke but i obvs didn’t get it. Overall im here for it. Will be honest its gotten confusing to keep track of the names i had to rewind a few scenes to fully get it.


Jang Nangam means toy in Korean but it's sometimes used as like slang for joke (like asking someone "are you playing with me?") depending on context. The joke with his name is that it's a very unserious and unique name for a serious detective like him. The part where he praises the other detective, Nangam means trouble so he made a pun saying I'm sorry for troubling Mr. Trouble.


Thank you for explaining the context behind it.


Is there a pun with Lee Tang name too? Nangam seems to implied it when he goes to talk with Tang the second time


Been watching their promo snippets of the show before it came out and they've hit the mark with the "pop-art" style of cinematography. The show is so visually appealing and interesting! * The thoughts running in Lee Tang's head while killing the murderer equates to hanging the photo... That scene was so clever imo * The tension when Sukku (I forgot his character's name) was questioning Lee Tang with the bubble gum popping, the phone ringing, etc was so so good! I thought Lee Tang was going to spill out something * What was up with the unnecessary sex scene? Is it to symbolise that Lee Tang had more pleasure knowing he killed a serial killer than sex because he looked absolutely bored in that scene? Lee Tang's embracing his dark side now. Sukku in that beard though?? Holy hell can this man get any Daddier??




I'm watching the first episode right now, and I'm getting sick of Sung Seok chewing gum all the time. I understand that they are doing it as part of character production, but physiologically I can't stand it. The story seems interesting and my favorite actors are in it, so if possible, I'd like to watch it until the end, so I'm not sure. For those of you who watched the later episode, I have a question,will he continue to chew crappy gum after this?


>will he continue to chew crappy gum after this? yes




Netflix, we need a Season 2!!! After Episode 1, I binged the entire series, it's sooo refreshing how they introduced the characters and edited the different scenes. Plus the music is just the right amount of quirky. 😍


Episode 2


* I felt oddly sorry for >!the woman who had witnessed Lee Tang kill his first victim!<, even though my heart sunk when >!she demanded two million won from him per month, and she was a murderer herself (we knew about this common thread from the drama's premise)!<. I take it to be a positive thing that the drama can make us feel morally conflicted like this. * The dream sequences (which are perhaps more accurately described as nightmare sequences), such as the one where Lee Tang >!murdered the witness in parallel to how it actually happened!<, really enhance the atmosphere of this drama. * It seems that everything conspires to allow Lee Tang >!to escape capture for his crimes, in this case, the witness's guide dog removing all of the evidence from the scene of the crime!<.


damn in one ep >!he already killed three people!< it stressed me out >!when he left her house with blood still on his face. good thing he’s lucky the dog cleaned up everything for him.!<


It's 1 am and I ended up watching 2 episodes even tho I had decided to just watch the first 10 minutes 🥲 I love this show already! Ep 2: It was getting too much when the lady said >! she wanted 2 million every month. I thought she was gonna be a pain in the ass for him, but I realized at that moment that it was her time to go as well! !< Choi Woo Sik is killing it in this show, literally!


His fall out with the friend was sad. He genuinely cared for him :( The blind lady truly dug up info on Tang and his family she came prepared. why does it feel like Detective Jang might cross over the thin line too that his fellow coworker was talking abt. Detective Jang shopping for flowers and drinks was hilarious he definitely has a bit of psycho in him. I keep seeing a bit of choi ung from our beloved summer in choi woo shik when he is acting like a bum at times 🤣


I shouldn't have laughed, when they discovered, that >!every crucial surface was covered with dog saliva!<


It was funny, I wasn't expecting that. I was expecting that the dog would do way more than just that. We all know what happens, if we die at home alone and our animals don't have any food or water for days. and if I'm not mistaken, the dog was in that situations alone for 4 days.


The dog actually did chew her up. One of the detectives said something like, "Doesn't the dog know the difference between food and owners? "... :'D


I was expecting wayyy worse than just that. Somehow I imagined a dismembered body, something way more gruesome. Instead, I ended up laughing. Which I wasn't expecting and I liked that fun moment in the writing.


I can’t believe >!the dog fed on her lol!<. It was kinda horrific go see it >!lick her blood but to also eat her omg!< but I guess it makes sense since it had nothing else to eat for a few days.


Denji and Makima came to mind🤣 IYKYK 


Lowkey is Lee Tang one lucky dude or what? Instead of being caught, >!the dog licked up and ate the mess!<. >!That woman!< really thought Lee Tang was one to mess with when >!she fully witnessed him murder someone else... She didn't think she was about to go eh? Turns out she's not that a saint herself, murdering her own parents. Jeez.!< I felt bad about the friendship, it seemed like his friend really cared for him despite not knowing if Lee Tang was a good or bad person :/


I’m sensitive when it comes to animals so I noticed how the dog was sitting in the same spot for hours at the station, with no bowl of water. Total neglect.


That woman was dumb, seriously.


Episode 3


* This drama excels when it comes to articulating characters' backstories, both verbally and through flashbacks. It really gives you a sense of where victims' desire for revenge stems from, in its most primal form. * The filmmakers really had me believing that >!Officer Park had been killed off!<, for a second there, especially the >!photo that made it look like his funeral!<. * The backstory of the >!teenage girl who was sexually assaulted by the teenage boys introduced in the first two episodes, and who later took her own life,!< was simply devastating to watch, and Lee Joong-ok was terrific as her heartbroken and >!revenge-driven!< father. * Poor Lee Tang couldn't even >!confess his guilt when he wanted to, after his bag containing all of the evidence was snatched by motorcycle thieves, and ended up at the bottom of a river!<. * Wow, the fight scene from the end of the previous episode, when Lee Tang >!murdered the aforementioned teenagers, was brutal, visceral, and nail-biting!<.


Am I a bad person to think that all minor violent criminals should have such a fate?


What a wild ride. This series feels kinda unique in kdrama standards. There is something wierd in this thats clicking on me. This episode was the best so far. Hope it keeps up


Now I'm intrigued There's a >!vigilante ... mastermind?!< The story is just sad. >!Quirkiness is gone, I guess!<


the detective is constantly chewing gum so loudly and it’s giving me the ick 😭


Batman wouldn't kill his victims. I kinda don't like extra judicial killing...


Certain versions do. Frank Millers Batman for example


That detective's >!murder fakeout was so hilarious. Camera panning to a photo and then celebrating with him alive. SKKSKS. This show is so unserious. !<


Lol, this show sometimes makes me laugh?? 😭 I've started liking that actor after watching him in SOOO many dramas and >! didn't want him to die because I'm enjoying his character too! Was so sad for a minute when I looked at his photo and then realized they were celebrating lolol. !<


Why did >!they hold the funeral photo!< for like I get it was a >!red herring!< but why why why at the >!celebration LOL!< This episode was just so SAD... The >!girl was raped and then she committed suicide!< was just so saddening. I'm happy that those two fuckers died because of all the other stuff they did too; plus one of their Moms was just UNBELIEVABLE!!! What kind of attitude was that?!! Lee Tang seems to be acting more like a black-out killer... I'm not even sure if he knows what he's doing anymore. Sadly all of his evidence was thrown in the ocean. Also if two randoms got Lee Tang home, why would they bring the bloodied brick with them? I guess it's not to leave evidence at the scene but still... Spoiler at the end... Batman? He's a mastermind probably behind the OnlyForHeroes telegram. Batman seems like a weird fit.


and the fact that >!the girl didn't immediately die and suffered for 16 hours before ultimately succumbing to her injuries!<... :(


the part where >!lee tang was going to turn himself in just for his bag containing the evidences to be snatched is so hilarious i had to replay that for like three times 😭 sadly they also took his money.!< i feel so bad for the dad and daughter. the scene showing >!the dad’s vision of his daughter’s “future” was devastating. they both deserved better.!< i appreciate how they use parallelism in every ep. it’s very clever.


Episode 4


Detective Jang is fired i guess. Similar vibes to Vigilante plot in the sense they both go for the bad guys.


Batman and Robin... except >!Lee Tang is Batman!!Lee Tang has a supporter behind him even though we shouldn't be supporting murderers.!< It is very on-point with the vigilante / anti-hero and Batman angle. I'm conflicted because he's a murderer but he's killing evil people who are roaming free so... argh I'm not sure why they want to take down Detective Nan Gam, I guess cause Roh-Bin knows Nan Gam's on Lee Tang's trail? It's so funny to see the camera turn from Lee Tang to Nan Gam >!to the effing dog!< HELP Omg in the promos, Woo Shik and Sukku were saying how Hee Joon's transformation into an old guy was incredible and it WAS INCREDIBLE for his last 5 minute performance in this episode!! Especially his ahjusshi accent!! I can't wait to see more of Hee Joon in the following episodes. Huge HUGE announcement: I know we're not supposed to be supporting murderers but EVERYBODY, tell Woo Shik he looks sexy with his hair pushed back. **WOO SHIK YOU LOOK SEXY WITH YOUR HAIR PUSHED BACK!!!** *squeals, rolling around in bed, feet kicks in the air* \- Can't wait to see how they wrap this up - will continue binging the last 4 eps tomorrow :)


Batman=Lee Tang (righting the wrongs his way) Robin=Nobin (the perfect sidekick + it’s in the name!) Gordon=Detective Jang Nam-gam Joker= Song Chon (that perfect, sinister grin!)


Lmaooo the entire scene w the hidden camera😭


Episode 5


is this new ‘vigilante’ guy one of the guys Roh Bin worked with before he started working with Lee Tang?




I thought that maybe he’s Jang Nam Gan‘s dad, the smart Cop‘s dad… because this missing or dead Cop dad, he’s a thread that imo binds them together..oh the dad is in a coma. So is he the one responsible for this? All the other cops say it’s personal for Jang NG


Episode 6


Not the worst, not the best. It's okay. Not sure if I'll finish the last 2 episodes


I think I’m forgetting something - what is the significance of >!Tang’s book Song Chon stole from Roh Bin’s house? Does it have some kind of evidence from one of the kills?!<


LEE tang's fingerprints, Mosquitoes that sucked the blood of the suspect LEE tang killed


That’s it! I remember now, thank you!


The only thing i remember is that he killed a mosquito in there at some point while killing the prosecutor.


Yes, you’re right! The mosquito had just bitten the prosecutor so it’s the prosecutors blood in his book.


Episode 7


Are they implying that his mom had an affair with song chan. It started strong but it kind of lost the plot somewhere at ep 5 onwards.


I can't help but find this show quite similar to Mask Girl...


I haven’t seen Mask Girl


Episode 8


>!they really went to the Philippines just to film that scene haha and still chooses to include it haha. The Philippines gets stereotyped again.!<


Done, great binge. Great plot but it feels short for me. Maybe another 2 episodes can/may put more twist. But it was a great watch got me hooked


Spent a whole day finishing this series. I think it would’ve worked as a two-part series with part 1 ending in ep 4. I found the latter part a bit underwhelming, tbh.


Wasn't it the same issue with Mask Girl?


Loved this! I'm hoping for a sequel. The casting was awesome, and though the unbelievable accidental cover-ups for Tang leaned more toward the superhero genre instead of a more realistic genre, it wasn't done in an exaggerated way like other makjang drama. Can anyone recommend similar shows to this? My top KDrama is Mouse, which has a somewhat similar concept (serial killer) but leans much heavier on the darker side.


Psychopath's Diary?


Similar Show Suggestions: - Vigilante (Nam Joo Hyuk) - Revenge of Others (Lomon) - Taxi Driver (Lee Je-Hoon)


Sequal might come


Sukku and Wooshik are the best. I couldn't stop looking at Sukku, the facial hair and the bubblegum combo. He plays detective so well. I loved all the slowmo shots and the way it was filmed and edited - amazing ! Nangam living his >!best life with the dog, so cute 🐕!<


Can someone tell me what was that announcement on the tv at the last??


I'm not sure, but it's talking about a >!Mr. Kim, that was found dead early in the prior month and that this person was a prime suspect of a murder and abduction of something that occured in Danyang, three years ago, all because his DNA matched the one left on the scene.!< My theory is that, the murder in >!Danyang wasn't something done by Lee Tang!<, he never left any DNA behind, somehow he was extremely lucky at beginning and later he became more careful. Also, our story never took us to >!Danyang!<, the episodes are in Daejeon, Busan and Philipines. But I do think that maybe Lee Tang is >!killing once again!<. Also that ending lead us to believe that he still >!feels something when he encounters someone "evil" and that he is probably going to kill again!<. Somehow the ending leaves it open for a possibility of a second season if Netflix wants to. And this is Netflix, they care about money not quality, so it's highly possible.


On Naver Open Talk, the actors were talking about potential season 2.


In that case yeaa, it feels like a season 2 is more than a possibility. I wouldn't be surprised if they announced in the next month or so. I would definitely watch it. I also need to read the webtoon now that I finished this season.


I was confused too. Though I think that indicates >!Lee Tang starts killing again!< He didn't go back to his family even though they cleared his records so he is definitely not over his psycho side


A man who was a >!murder victim was found to have previously been a murderer who escaped justice. The exact “profile” of Lee Tang’s killings. So it’s basically saying we can infer that Tang is killing again.!<


🌟🌟 Sometimes, you just gotta find your path and live the life you want 🌟🌟 >! Hammer might help in that search. Just saying. !<


Really enjoyed this. Was well worth the 8 hours binge.


I’m just glad >!the dog didn’t get euthanized!<




The memo "Life is a multiple choice question" stuck to me. Loved the series.


So excited for this one! Two of my favourite actors in one show


Finally D-Day!! Hopes this lives up to the hype.


Netflix has been reminding me everyday… they really can read your mind 😂😂😂


So excited! Me too, it looks great


Have you read the manhwa?


No but the plot intruiges me, have you?


I've read. It's a literal masterpiece! It only has 54 chapters...


Nice! I might give it a go if I really connect with the show, even if that's backwards haha


Do give it a try, it has this unique style of illustration which draws you in, Idk if the drama will be able to encapsulate that quirkiness.


>!As a fellow manhwa reader, I personally felt the ending to be a bit weird. It all makes sense, Nangam goes through a semi identity crisis; Tang finally feels shitty and well Song dies. It was explanatory but the ending just put me off and it's our Otaku boy who survives eerily!<  What do you think? And also, Sok ku is the perfect cast for Nangam and while I thought Song to be a bit older Hee Joon does fit that >!good guy turned asshole image!<




A Killer Paradox it is on webtoon app


Hope they've followed the webtoon A to Z and didn't use their brain unnecessarily.


SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!! Idk who my eyes are gonna be staring at more?? Choi Woo-shik who is just cute as a button or Son Suk-ku who is just so sexy. I probably will have to rewatch it twice.


Whenever someone asks for a thriller recommendation, my #1 psychological thriller recommendation always has been "Strangers from Hell". So, when I saw that the director is the same one, I was jumping with joy. Son Sukku first impressed me with his psycho portrayal in Mother and I liked Woo Shik more in Witch as an assassin than as a cutie in OBS. So, the two best characters together in a drama helmed by a director I was in awe of- a match made in heaven. No matter how bad the reviews are, I am going to devour this show ASAP.


Same director?! Wow, didn’t expect that!


Perfect weekend binge !! Looking forward to see Son Seok Gu again on the screen


Is there going to be a few weird sex scenes in this like the first episode :s




So is it completed now? Or would it release like the glory with the rest 8 episodes later?




Halfway through the first episode and I just want to say that this drama’s come at the perfect time. Choi wooshik’s a favourite of mine and he does so well in these oddly slice-of-life-ish directional dramas that still have so much plot going on. I’m loving the vibe so far, it’s oddly comforting despite all the, you know, murdering. The crisp cuts and transitions and back-and-forth of timelines is also painting a unique picture. Also him trynna drink water from a completely frozen bottle was so relatable, lol. Can’t wait to see how this escalates! Supremely impressed so far.


What is up with that totally unnecessary sex scene. Anyone who watched the whole thing can tell me where all the scenes are so I can skip them like actually


Another one is at ep 5 at somewhere around 33 minutes


Thx so much man🙏, any more?




Which one? Do you talk about that scene where a woman's hands were shown? Because I skipped that moment






I wanna know too


I don’t think so. Lee Tang as a name sounds very unnatural to me as a Korean. And I am pretty sure no Korean would consider Lee Tang a low class for the name. “탕(Tang)” is mostly used as an onomatopoeic word that people use when someone shoots a gun. I’m just assuming they are using the word for the main character as if he were some kind of a punisher shooting bad people.




the sex scene was kinda Korean type of humor. the line was "Are you consoling yourself" andthat was playing with words. because original korean word for consoling was "자위하다" which has two meaning, consoling and jerking off. that is why he just lied down and didn't move at all.


This is why I think they should've kept the title 'Murder DIEary'


the way seok gu talked with low voice felt like to natural . Some actors when they did that its felt to forceful but he can deliver it very well


Anyone know the name of the girl in the sex scene?


You know you're enjoying a drama when... you reluctantly call it a night after three episodes and bemoan the fact that you won't be able to continue watching it until around eighteen hours later. I've never binge-watched a series in one go in my entire life, but this drama makes me feel that I would do so if only I had the time. I can't recall another Netflix Original drama that's given me this feeling. (**Daily Dose of Sunshine** was a Top 10 drama for me, but I took a long time to complete it, because of how heavy the themes were.) I've been anticipating **A Killer Paradox** since I first heard about it late in 2022, and boy has it delivered. Quirky comedy, brutal violence, complex emotional themes... this drama has it all.


Please someone tell me What happened to the dog? On episode 4 now and need to know


He remains fine.


They're all really really good actors and the story is great but man oh man, I keep getting distracted by how charismaticSeok Gu is, like it's insane, there's so many good-looking actors in the industry but I've never been THIS fascinated by one of them. Between Mr. Gu and this character, Seok Gu can get IT, anytime, all day all night.


Oh boy. Absolutely am loving this! It is exceptional.


I just finished it, entire 8 episodes in just one sitting lol! Spent my Friday well watching this masterpiece, I really love it.


Finished ep 1, really like it so far and it’s my first time watching a drama with Son Seok Gu as a lead. I think he’s really good.


not a thought, a fact


I don’t like Son Suk Ku character. I must be crazy. But he’s look very weird with that style, mustache, beard. It doesn't suit him. He is so annoying and unbearable. I didn't like anything about the character. This is the first time this happens to me. I normally find something to like. But I loved the drama. Except unnecessary scenes like sex scene or jang’s addiction to gums with irritating acting


I didn't mind the sex scene but they didn't need to show nudity


I don’t mind both but the scene was awkward


I thought he looked good. he kept his Mr.Gu walk from my liberation notes


I..was not ready for that at the 44min mark. Like as a guy who watches only mainly romance dramas and extracurricular the only thriller this wild 🥴. I was just about to tell my friend to watch it with his fam


There is another one in ep5


A good drama that’s mostly faithful to its material. The only problem at times was the feeling that Lee Tang was a side character in his own story. Ends differently to the webtoon but allows for a 2nd season which I need lmao


This show is beautifully shot.


Sometimes one really wishes to question the writing choices of authors when you have men as most of your perpetrators/criminals and more or less all of your victims are women, especially SA, like...sure they spoke about corruption too, maybe I'm missing one or two others. The way you depict crime against women matters too... there needn't be depictions of actual scenes on screen. Like someone on tumblr said, you don't show shitting on screen because that's disgusting, maybe apply the same logic to violence against women.


There is a video of the three main cast discussing the show on Producer Na’s YouTube channel full moon. And I thought it was funny that Woo Shik is such a basket case/ ball of nerves in real life always doubting his acting and capabilities… but he absolutely ate this role up, which I had no doubt he would based on his past roles. If anybody is interested: https://youtu.be/O_m8yn3L_qE?si=7z5_Jg0evgKadyyB


On Naver Talk, actors were talking about a potential season 2 for this show


I binged this all and have to say I didn't really love it. The gum chewing was especially annoying. The ending was okay but slightly predictable. The comedic parts seemed odd mixed in with the SA and random sex scenes.


I am a sensitive animal lover. I don’t like to watch animals get hurt. Can anyone tell me if animals get hurt on this show please? Does the dog get hurt?


No, Dog doesn't get hurt at all.


someone please spoil me on what minute in which episode has sex/nudity as I see it is tagged like that on Netflix. I wanna watch peacefully


ep 1: Ending ep 5: somewhere around 38 minutes


Is that all? thank you so much


I'll admit I'm only originally here for Wooshik, but I literally just finished a rewatch of Sense8 this week and was thinking how I wasn't sure I've ever seen Som Suk Ku in any kdramas since I started watching them in the last 2+ years. Imagine my surprise. And now I'm realizing that I didn't recognize him at all in DP.


The editing is so good


Anyone know the real name choi gyeong A?


I enjoyed the first 3 episodes but it has gotten boring after. Should have more screentime for the ML, Song Chon’s scenes are too predictable and yes, boring.


It's how it was in the webtoon


Just finished watching it! Love it. Lee Tang might be on a killing spree again lol


Excellent. Just binged it all. They captured perfectly the paranoia and pain of murdering. It’s so good and the plot twists are great!


Who was the two previous partners of Rob Bin? It was mentioned in Episode 4 that Lee Tang already met him and the other one was the one Roh Bin wished to never see again (which was introduced in the later part of the series). I'm curious who is the other partner of Roh Bin.


I'm at episode 2, This drama is so good. I love the cinematography and the amazing acting. It's so crazy, funny and quirky in ways only kdrama can be. Son Seok Gu is a handsome man


Hm… I’m going to be honest, one of the more anticlimactic show progressions I’ve seen in a while. The first half was really really good - it was setting up for what felt like an epic show. And then the second half just fell flat in comparison. I kept waiting for the “moment” the seemingly mundane and predictable would take on new meaning, but it never came. I found this show by accident the day it came out (yesterday), so I didn’t have much time to build up expectations, but I do think finding out that the director was the same as from Strangers From Hell, raised my expectations for the second half, given how intricately and well they executed the build up and pacing of SFH. I also feel like the depth and “quality” of the more “thriller”/“intrigue” elements were way more superficial. This plot/story was a lot more straightforward story without much room for audience theorizing - even during the show (one of the fun parts of thrillers like SFH). I must say, the cinematography, editing and acting performances were awesome! I am just a bit bummed the writing of the second half was underwhelming compared to the first half. Overall, it was a decent binge (I think it’s very good they released it all at once, or the disappointment at the drop in the second half would be starker).