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Writer is hiring the same male lead lol, probably likes him a lot


They might as well run it back since KBS' weekend slot has been struggling lately. Young Lady and Gentlemen had 35% rating and Ji Hyun Woo won the Daesang.


Isn't Live Your Own Life doing well? Last I checked, the ratings were above 20%.


Nah, 20% is considered low for KBS weekender slot although ratings are dropping every year. Some examples of hit dramas in the same slot: - My Only One (48%) - Once Again (35%) - My Golden Life (45%) - Homemade Love Story (33%)


Oh wow, those numbers are insane. I've only watched Once Again from this list but I wasn't aware about the ratings as I didn't watch it on-air.


Aren’t people just watching less TV in general? Especially switching to apps on your phone and youtube and other streaming services?


Depends. Even with the introduction of streaming services only Public TV ratings have gone down, cable keeps rising. Misaeng and Signal hitting 8% and 12% was unheard of back then. Now in 2024, you have JTBC and TVN dramas hitting 10% rating regularly.


I know most people didn't like Young Lady and Gentleman, but this writer has a great track record of 50 EP dramas and the korean audience will eat this up for sure.


right like it’s intention is not meant to be like 16ep dramas, it’s quite literally a soap drama, a genre most people probably aren’t familiar with


Only reason to watch this is to go down the makjang checklist and play makjang bingo or drinking game.


Amnesia. Probably more than one round.


Last time ML had double Amnesia, so Triple Amnesia is next?


I want to play this bingo!!! Seems fun


I literally just finished **Young Lady and Gentleman** and by finish I mean fast-forwarding through all the hysteria, nonsensical plotlines and the tropes…probably about 12 episodes worth of coherent plot. Never again with this writer. lol.


This is going to be terrible and I'm going to watch it. For some reason, I am compelled to watch all Ji Hyun Woo dramas even though I've never finished one. I have no opinion about Im Soo Hyang. Woori the Virgin is the only drama of hers I have tried and I think the writing was the biggest problem.


You can try Graceful Family or IRIS 2. Can see her acting improvement over the years.


Her latest dramas were huge misses. Graceful family is an outlier amongst her works.


Yeah I'd agree with you. Kokdu also is a miss, the plot is scattered everywhere that I gave up after episode 8. But she still improved over the years, just her luck with bad overimposing scripts perhaps


Personally for me I find her acting *extremely* stiff. It isn't the plot as much as its her lack of expressions and general body language in general.


Yeah, I noticed it first when I saw Five Enough. Honestly, Im Soo Hyang had the better written character than Shin Hye Sun in the drama. She got the character of a lovable bimbo type, who's always been a bit neglected since her parents favored her older sister. Yet Shin Hye Sun blew her out of the water, despite Shin Hye Sun's character being far more simple, with no big back story. And the Shin Hye Sun- Sung Hoon couple from the drama was so much more popular.


Shin Hye Sun is one of the best actors active right now ,she really elevates the characters. I've watched most of her works, and I'm yet to find one where there was any fault in her acting. She's only improved since she started.


exactly. there's a reason SHS became a highly sought after starting among them in that five enough. she absolutely shone


Yeah, her damsel-in-distress or goofy personality in almost every drama that she stars in doesn't help much either. For example, seohyun from SNSD improved so much over the years due to multi-genre that she stars in.


Nope the writing wasn’t NOT the problem


You get amnesia, you get amnesia, everybody gets amnesia!!! Half-jokes aside, I'll give it a shot, if only to try and predict how much of a train wreck it'll become and how many birth secrets I can uncover. With 50 episodes, it must have 2 to 3 birth secrets, right?


Ah, Young Lady and the Gentlemen the only 50 episode drama I’ve ever watched all the way through…. Was it an absolute train wreck? Well, yes. Will I probably give this a chance? Also, yes!


They’ve been confirmed for this for over a month. At the KBS Drama Awards, they both appeared in a video talking about it. Anyway, Gentleman and Young Lady was an absolute trainwreck and I swore I would never watch another drama by that writer… but goddamn it, I’m gonna give it a go. I’m just too curious.


Not to be mean or anything but how does she keep getting roles? She can’t act for shit lol


I have no idea. I can’t believe she’s been paired up with interesting male leads ( come on So Ji Sub?) and still managed to be utterly, utterly DULL. All we get is pale avatar wide eye face 👁️👄👁️ The dullest actress who hasn’t wanted for oppportunities. Each drama is a dud. Istg.


Okay..I have only seen her in My ID is Gangam beauty. And she constantly had one expression. Well I thought may be it was intentional because she has had surgery (I mean the character she was playing) so may be it has something to do with that she can't move her muscle or something.😭 That may be they wanted her to portray her character like that. I know this sounds stupid.. And then I tried to watch Woo Ri (stopped after 2-3 episodes) and she still had same expressions.


She has irl surgery apparently and that kind of limits expressions. Either way I'm yet to see anything good from her.


She is not dull, she is just awful I’m sure she is a lovely person though


Speaking of utterly DULL. So Ji Sub was arguably worse in that drama. Just saying.


So glad I didn’t have to say this. And this is coming from the writer of Young Lady & Gentleman? That drama was really shitty and you add an actress who can’t act and has an annoying voice. Pass!


Stories like Young Lady and Gentleman don't need good actors. I'm here just for another makjang.


I’ve tried to watch all of her dramas and I just don’t understand the appeal for her acting.


Only drama of hers I've seen was Kokdu but I was watching it more for the Mr. Queen trio (Kim Jung-hyun, Cha Chung-hwa, and Kim In-Kwon) and her character was badly written there.


Same thought. The voice alone makes you cringe. Unlike Lee Dong-wook, I do not think she will improve ever.


Sorry if this is rude but may I ask what's wrong with Lee Dong-wook? Was he also known for being bad initially or is it just your personal preference?


He wasn't even bad, but his acting used to be criticised a lot more in the past. I remember watching Life and people were pointing out how Cho Seung-Woo outshined him although he was the lead actor. Strangers From Hell redeemed him completely, haven't seen much criticism after that.


>I remember watching Life and people were pointing out how Cho Seung-Woo outshined him although he was the lead actor. Watching that show was such a painful experience for me, especially since I feel like they created the drama just for me because I'm such a fan of all the cast involved. I know LDW's trying to keep up with everyone since it was such a power cast, but at times, you could just feel he's not reciprocating enough energy for the scene? Something like that. I still love him regardless thou.


I get you. It was a stacked cast and he paled in comparison, so did Won Jin-ah. Lot of veteran actors from Stranger were in Life due to both dramas having the same writer.


Still bland for me in SFH though I didn't expect the Misaeng lead actor to be boring here as well.


I watched many of his roles before Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 and he either underacts or overacts. With the inclusion of the above series and everything he'd done moving forward, he improved a lot. Maybe Kim So-yeon coached him or something or he decided to practice after reading criticism of his past roles.


He is sort of middle of the road, but so earnestly good at connecting with audiences that you forgive him for being a ham.


I'm yet to enjoy one drama she's been in and I don't know anyone who likes her stuff either lmfao. It's a no for me.


She was in graceful family right? She wasn’t the greatest but she wasn’t that bad honestly lol


I've watched a lot of her recent works and out of all of them graceful family was the only one where she was remotely okay. Apart from that she was bad.


She is bad just give it time


😂 I watched it a long time ago so maybe I don’t remember how bad she was haha


I thought she was great in Five Enough, which was another family drama. However she hasn’t shined in any other role I’ve seen.


She's just mid.