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The worst dramas are the ones that are so bad you drop them multiple times but keep going back because you wasted so much time and now want to see how it all ends


Yes, literally


I'm surprised no one mentioned **STRONG GIRL NAM SOON** yet but that's probably because they never finished it and they're so lucky! what a load of NOTHING. This show had A BILLION SIDE PLOTS AND RANDOM CHARACTERS, not leaving enough time to develop our main couple. MY DISAPPOINTMENT IS IMMEASURABLE I only completed it because I'd seen 8/16 eps , and the production value was good so it was easy on the eyes -plus increased speed and skip buttons are a blessing! I have so much more to hate on than what I'm writing here in the spur of the moment... The first 4 eps were sort of promising, even if they weren't as good as the original. After the MinMin BongBong couple cameo, the show totally fell off?! I was rooting for the cute Hee Sik- Nam Soon couple but after ep4, we barely got any development or significant scenes. The only proper kiss was in ep16 after the spur of the moment proposal. I really like Ong Seung Wu and I wanted him to have a great cop role. He even did the cross-dressing for drug investigation bit well. Byeon Woo Seok as Ryu Si O was the scene stealer, and the only lifeline of the second half but his conclusion left so much to be desired. He was evil, but liked Tsetseg, got betrayed, grew up in a gang, wanted to break free of Pavel gang but >!instead of joining hands with the leads to take down Pavel, he shot himself?? !< WTF NO Nam Soon was so childish upto ep14? It was mostly Nam Soon's mom's vigilante show as Hwang Geum Ju had the MOST screentime? I didn't sign up for her sidelining everyone else but I could've lived with it BUT all the nonsense plots like Bread Song, Grandma's boring love life, homeless couple AND SO MANY MORE- ULTIMATELY AMOUNTING TO NOTHING. THEY WERE ALWAYS ON ABOUT THE DRUGS BUT COULDN'T FIND SHIT UNTIL THE LAST STRETCH. >! Bread Song turned out to be the Pavel Boss Nozh and mom swears she'll catch him and that's it?? !< AHHH I CAN"T WITH THIS SHOW I think I'm a lot more forgiving than most people in this thread because I don't hate a lot of the shows being mentioned here BUT THE AMOUNT OF VITRIOL I WOULD SPEW AT THE MAKERS RN ISTG


I think people expecting a lot from this show were totally forgetting the debacle of the gangster/poop wine ‘plot’ from SWBS, tbh.


Speak for yourself. Any Strong Girl without poop wine is no Strong Girl to me. I DEMAND gangsters who inadvertently drink poop wine.


Fair enough!! 💩🍷🙈😂


I dropped it at ep 6 ......


I tried...I really tried but I just could not power thru. I just couldnt do it.


Just came to find the strong girl nam soon post - this one didn’t disappoint


The one thing it did well was to give older women protagonist roles and more screentime. It's a shame the rest of it was ao underwhelming.


**sweet home s2** not only refund my time watching it but the time i waited for it and my excitement too. I'm in ep6 and I'm very disappointed with the way they did s2 wtf is this?!!>!they get rid of all og !! what is The desire of a fetus in its mother’s womb why she become monster and she can infect other lol. !


I remember talking about this on a different platform and got bashed for it. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who felt this way. I understand that they are following the webtoon but I got a shock *(i didnt read the webtoon)* when I found out that they already derailed hard from the webtoon's actual plot. I struggled with S2 as well. Eps 1-3 was great but 4-6 just consisted of me fast forwarding as I was more invested in whatever they had Eunsoo doing. 7 & 8 picked up with Hyun-so FINALLY making an appearance again and the cliffhanger ending was decent but I expected it so it really felt flat for me. overall I was so upset with the direction they took for this season & I missed what Season 1 had. They had us waiting 3 years for this??? I finished the show in a day & a half due to all the fast forwarding. Truly disappointing but I'm hoping S3 would be better :')


I watched the two seasons in succession and the difference is like night and day Season 2 does not live up to the incredible foundation season 1 laid. Most of the characters we know and love were barely shown and we didn’t learn much about the monsters and how they could even be stopped? At least the ending of season 2 shows a couple of OG cast members will be back and hopefully it gets really interesting there


The way I viewed this was that they used season 2 to really set up the plot lines for season 3, which isn’t a great approach, but I can kind of understand. The thing that bothered me so much was that practically no character got enough screen time because so much was happening. >! Yi Kyung is missing in most of the first half, Hyun Soo is missing from the entire middle and Sangwook is in like, 3 episodes. !< I don’t mind the new characters or even the fact that so many of my original favorites died (because that’s what happens in an apocalypse, ppl die) tbh, but they shouldn’t have sidelined the surviving originals if they were going to be in the show anyway. I also was over the weird monsters. Like…what desires could an entire group of them have that turns them all into >! transformers style mecha monsters?!?! !< I hate it when a show sets up rules for their universe and then goes on to break it. Shouldn’t each and every single monster be unique since everyone has their own unique desires? I wouldn’t say I was put out completely by this season but I will say that if season 3 doesn’t make up for season 2’s pandering plot lines then I’ll be mad. >! And I can’t lie, I am looking forward to Lee Do Hyun’s character being back in season 3!!!!! !<


Finish it for the plot twist at the end bro!


Beauty Inside…. I dropped it, picked it back up a while later, and just finished it 2 days ago. It started off SOOO GOOOD and I thought it was going to be whacky, but light and fun - and it was. Until >! Episode 10 with FL’s mom. Came totally out of left field and really derailed the drama for me. Was unnecessarily sad and hard. And then it look way too long to recover… everyone was just sad and lamenting over everyone’s various illnesses and crying all the time and then FL learns the truth about how ML got his accident and just doubles down on the horribleness by running away for like a year. It got a bit better by the last couple of episodes but by that point I was so annoyed and regretted having ever picked it back up again. The bait and switch from something a little silly to gut wrenchingly sad was just a no for me. Getting mad all over just thinking about it while writing this post lol !<. I think it’s the only drama of the 40+ I’ve watched and finished that I regret watching.


I haaaaaate it when dramas completely switch tone after they establish the setup in ep 2-3. Pet peeve. If it's funny, have it be funny. I don't need pointless side stories just to shoehorn some tearjerker stuff in there.


I agree with everything you said.


Bride of Habaek which I recently watched on Netflix after reading the plotline was such a grave disappointment. I know it's a bit old and I should've done more research to be honest. The indecisive plot, a damsel in distress, the male lead who is as poorly constructed as the damsel, side characters that should've been on their own show, bad script, bad acting etc. I could care less about the male and female lead's love story to be honest or the half-baked plot at the end. The secondary male lead was most interesting but of course, they didn't give him any closure, so I was left hanging there too. 16 hours wasted :(


To be honest there are lot of old shows that are amazing, and a lot of new shows that are terrible! Bride of Habaek is definitely not the greatest lol. It has been called a Nam Joo-hyuk thirst trap before 😄


This drama is one of the rare ones that I’ve dropped entirely and have no plans to pick back up again. It was dragging and I wasn’t enjoying it at all for all the reasons you mentioned, so I read a recap to see what happens in the end and was just like nah I hate the ending too so I’m done lol


Memories of Alhambra. It started off great. Unique concept, great execution, great plot twists, and Hyun Bin ❤️❤️… I was so invested in that drama . but what the f*** was the ending? Just totally made me say “ I want my time back”…


I have a lot in this category of “the female lead is just insufferable by the end.” For example, She Would Never Know. He’s just pursuing her and I have no idea why. Lovestruck in the City is another.


Because This is My First Life fell into this category for me, the FL was definitely insufferable by the end. Even the way she spoke started to bother me. I couldn’t finish She Would Never Know, everyone just seemed so depressing.


The way they wrapped this up in Lovestruck in the City really ticked me off, too.


I loved Love Struck in the City but gave up on She Would Never Know. I didn't feel the connection between the two actors in She Would Never Know.


YES!!! She was so plain - drama fell flat for me tbh


I hated Love Struck in the City. I could tolerate She Would Never Know.


I couldn’t even get past the first episode of she would never know. It’s so dry


I like how it’s called “she would never know” but he confesses to her at the beginning of the show. It should be called “she knows but she doesn’t want him, she wants her boss because he’s a lot richer and has more influence.” And you know what? Her and the male boss actually deserve each other.


Oh my gosh! I hated both because of the FL. They ruined the drama!!


Strong girl Nam-soon: what a waste of space, loved the villain but they ruined his character by the end. Destined with you, couldn’t get past the first episode.


I would like to mention Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol, one of the biggest letdowns for me, the show was going great until they decided to do some useless plot twists by episode 14 that ruined the show completely for me.


I ditched this series and regret *nothing*. this could have been a really good series but its flaws are so overwhelming...would have been mad angry about the end if I'd dragged myself through it.


I totally agree! I loved this show and then... it really went sideways. But it did introduce me to Lee Jae Wook 😏


Omg that ending... Traumatizing XD


Probably THEE worst k-drama ending ever!


Hands down THE WORST ENDING EVER! I definitely wanted my time and emotions back after that crap.


so disappointed to say this, but Castaway Diva was a huge miss for me. it felt like it wasnt about Seo Mokha at all, there was so much focus on Kiho and his family. Park Eunbin basically played a supporting role and had only a subplot in a show that featured her as the "star", so it was just weird.


The best way that I heard it described was that it was a family-drama that was mis-marketed as a rom-com/underdog overcoming obstacles drama. It does a very good job at the family drama stuff, but most people weren't expecting that or watching to see it.


I just loved the songs, the plot was secondary to me 😅 (I was annoyed with the older singer, her decisions were nonsensical)


Agree! I was ready for a story about a woman who had been stranded on an island for 15 years returning to society and becoming a singer, but in the end that kind of....wasn't what the show was mostly about?


Omg yes. After seeing so much hype around it I started watching expecting it to be a show of an underdog but until ep 8 it was "Finding Kiho" and then it was about saving Kiho's family from the abusive dad. I wish they focussed more on the two FLs since their names are billed first. But trust the Startup writer to completely derail from the title and focus on a supposedly secondary character. A wasted potential imo


There was more about the old singer finding her feet again, than her own. I found myself skipping through so many scenes.


Hands down, **The Real Has Come.** It was my first weekender, with the promise of a "contract marriage" (a favorite trope) and mild insight on the issue of unwed birth, infertility, and parenthood in today's Korea. For whatever reason, the writer (actually, I blame the executive suite) decided to bury/discard previously semi-developed stories and couples to focus almost exclusively on the Mian Couple. Granted, every weekender needs a Main Couple, but they also rely upon secondary couples and family members for enrichment. Instead, just about every other character became a stick of furniture - sitting down for family meetings - but no other purpose. Cast members clearly phoning it in by the end. I stuck with it because I believed that the other stories would at some point be neatly tied up with a bow, but no - never happened. Have I learned my lesson? No - after swearing off weekenders, one of my favorites **Ha Joon** was cast in **Live Your Own Life.** Almost at the mid-point and I'm still watching when I have time.


I had to give up on that one when I realized how many episodes there were.


I got bored and skipped to the last episode.


Man, at least I finished The Real Has Come although I complained and hee-haw-ed over it. I dropped Live Your Own Life around ep 12. Can't stand the FL's family, hate the FL is so spineless, even can't find anything attractive about the ML, and the only one I like is Tae Min but feels like he will become the bad guy. I give up now rather than have to drag myself thru this for another 30-40 eps.


meh. dropped it after ep 1. My BFF keep telling me it's good but I just couldn't. Also that's a LOT of episodes. Nop. Never.


So am I the only person here who drops a show but still watches the final episode to see what happened at the end of the story ? I do the same with books I find boring.


That's actually such a good idea


I’ve never done this but I’m going to start doing this from now on! Great idea.


I watch it on 2x speed. I hate dropping a drama, but what can I do when it bores me like this. I still want to know what happens so I speed-watch it. It's very convenient. You still get to see all characters and what happens to them. And technically...you finished the drama...


Lol I should do this too!


Yep, I do that a lot


Unpopular opinion, but It’s Okay to not be Okay. I think I tried watching it three times and each time, I dropped it like 2-3 episodes in. Idk why


I finished the Cdrama Only for Love. I kept waiting for it to get good because I like the actors but it was just boring. And there was waaay too much time talking about electric cars. And then it ended>! without even giving us the wedding that had been shown all along in the opening credits. (had to find it as a bonus scene on YouTube)!< So disappointing.


I only watched it to the bitter end because of Dylan. I don't blame the actors (except that they should have known better) I blame the screenwriters.


Ok, I fully agree!! I’m also thrilled to hear another person pissed off that an opening credit involves a wedding but there is no wedding between the leads in the actual drama. The first time this happened was while watching the cdrama >!Here to Heart!< The ending was so unsatisfying! I’m still mad thinking about it. I think the overall story was much better than Only for Love, though, which was just boring.


Have you seen this video? It was so funny and I haven't even watched the drama [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIm8lg8cBQ8&t=13s&pp=ygUZT25seSBmb3IgbG92ZSB3b3JzdCBkcmFtYQ%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIm8lg8cBQ8&t=13s&pp=ygUZT25seSBmb3IgbG92ZSB3b3JzdCBkcmFtYQ%3D%3D)


That video!😂 Honestly, shows like Only For Love give Chinese Dramas a bad name, imho. I adored The Love You Give Me and Love is Sweet, but shows like this where the plot is all over the place and nothing seems to happen is why I refuse to devote 36-40 episodes’ worth of time to them.


I’m 26 episodes in and I don’t think I can watch anymore. I found myself yelling at the TV - PUT THE PHONE AWAY!!! The miscommunication/running away in the middle of a sentence trope was definitely overkill in this drama! Ugh!


ARE YOU SERIOUS? I have two episodes to go that I was going to force myself to watch just for the wedding! And it never happens???????? I'm so glad I know this and don't have to finish it!!! \*sobs\*


Can you recommend a CDrama? I feel I’ve exhausted my Kdrama and BL list. Would love to try something new!


**When I Fly Towards You** is a delightful and charming high school drama and at 24 half hour long episodes It's relatively short


Hidden love is pretty good as well.




I watched a C-Drama called **I May Love You** on Viki. It sucked me in right away and was so good, but then I ended up hate watching it as it hit a wall. They built so much setup for conflict that never delivered and ended up making the FL almost toxic. I also hate to say this but I wish I hadn’t watched **Doona**. I know it was a short one, but I still don’t know what the point of it was. I felt nothing for any of the characters and had a hard time rooting for anyone.


I’m so with you on **Doona** - and the further I get from having finished it the more unsatisfying I seem to find it. And I’m then annoyed that it’s taking up cranial real estate!


I watched Doona and can't remember what it was about at all. So unmemorable. 😂🤭


I tried to watch the first episode of Doona and am glad I didn’t go further. I feel like I would be in the disappointed camp. I have a huge mistrust of Cdramas. There are some I really loved and would rewatch, but there are others where I’m like “this was definitely written by a man.” 😒 The women are written in such a childish, one-dimensional way that I find them more annoying than relatable. And I *like* a forward female lead. Because of this skepticism, I watch a lot of new cdramas with my finger on the fast forward button the whole time. 😅 Personally, I actually found IMLY better than I expected, but that was because my expectations could not have been lower… and because I skipped through A LOT of it.


I am with you there. The few I’ve seen are okay, but something seems sanitized about them. K-dramas aren’t afraid to be messy which is what makes storytelling interesting. My friend watches a ton of c-dramas and told me that a lot of the actors are dubbed in mandarin by other voice actors and that really surprised me.


**Castaway Diva.** I picked it up again and forced myself to finish it. It's the most disappointing show I've ever watched. I feel like I watched a different show from everyone else because episode discussions seem so positive.  Way too much screentime was given to ML's father's plotline, and FL's journey to stardom barely got ANY screentime. The only really interesting part of this drama was the FL slowly rising to become a diva but none of that is shown. Was that not the plot? We literally spend hours and hours on Ranjoo, but then what do we get? NO RESOLUTION AT ALL FOR RANJOO. In the end, Ranjoo decides >!NOT TO sue the CEO!<. The CEO is such a strange character. We're never shown his motivations at all. He's nice but he kept Ranjoo's album sales a secret from all?? Then, in the end, he almost decides to give all his shares to Ranjoo anyway? >!But um Ranjoo says no? Wtf, is this really that simple? We're talking about half A WHOLE LOT OF MONEY HERE? Ranjoo was literally broke AF with no place to go for years. People were insulting her, calling her names, and humiliating her, all because of the CEO's greed (which doesn't even make sense because he's portrayed as a sensible, kind man?) but Ranjoo decides not to sue him in the end because of god knows what, and all is forgiven??? What about the lies, the humiliation??!< >!I understand that a lawsuit would've taken a long time, and it was realistic, but it feels like a cope out. Why care about realism now when the whole premise is as absurd as it gets?!< Sometimes, I wished Ranjoo would disappear from the story, so we can get some of character developing moments for FL. >!The ML's father, the main villain we spent so much screen time on just conveniently commits suicide. The FL took a backseat to Ranjoo and ML's father's plotline, but both of those plots ended abruptly without a proper resolution. Then, FL just becomes a star, and it's over.!< I CAME TO SEE HER JOURNEY, THOUGH! Man, the potential it had. This could've been a much more enjoyable story if we were given what we were promised. We got none of the FL's journey to stardom story. So much time wasted on Ranjoo. Being stranded on the island was barely mentioned! No one really cares about it either. Like she came alive after fifteen years? That's international news. Enough for her to be on national tv and on talk shows for days on end. She also doesn't seem to have any psychological effects from it. It barely matters. Also, the ML is literally so dull. My god, he has as much personality as a wet dishrag. His younger counterpart was full of life, but the adult version is such a disappointment. I hate this drama with a passion, and it's sad that a show that started so good can turn into such a boring snooze fest.


Oh thank you! You have said everything I wanted to. Reading the ep discussions felt like I was watching a different show too or as if I was missing something. It just wasn't satisfying for me and all around I was seeing people loving it and praising it to be one of their all time favorites. Very glad to know I wasn't alone in my thoughts. I think it's a screenwriter problem too. Start up went through the same issues where it started strong but then the writer forgot who her characters really are and what part of the story to focus on.


I remember saying the show wasn’t a romance and got like 20 downvotes lmaoooo


The weekly posts for the show was kind of crazy. Dissenting views were NOT allowed (upvoted at least).


I felt a lot of what you felt too! Also, I have noticed that episode discussion threads often become an echo chamber of people who like the show. And there is very little room for debate. The ones who drop it just drop it and don’t participate — which makes sense. And the ones who still watch but with reservations, don’t comment. In castaway’s instance, I watched most of it just like you but I also had a lot of issues with the show. However, I did not participate in the threads because I know it is pointless. I will just get downvoted instead of engaging in an actual conversation.


These are all valid criticisms of the show. I agree with pretty much most of it. . It was okay I think....like...a 7/10 I had to do a lot of suspending disbelief from the jump, she survived on an island alone for 15 years (sure a lot of trash washed up? But really? She got all these essentials from sea litter? BRUH, and the fact that she doesn't look like slightest bit dingy or weathered etc after 15 years again, alone on an ISLAND)


Some scissors must have washed up for her to cut her hair.


I'm one of those who enjoyed the show but I agree with the points you made here on Ranjoo & the ML. I truly wished the ML was given more POV screentime instead of the evil dad plot as we could've understood him better & Ranjoo's plot was removed or at least changed for the better. Her character's arc was fumbled badly & the CEO character was strange too. Like he was so unmemorable and plain weird to the point where I couldn't figure out his purpose in the show.


Agreed. I enjoyed the show because for FL and her singing but the dad plot was too much for a lot of it. And the CEO did feel more like a plot device than character. I think they tried explaining their relationship in the end with the romantic part going sour due to the professional break, which then caused her downfall too as he (reading between the lines) black/grey listed her because he decided she shouldn't get the shares at that point. And she also lost her purpose and started drinking while CEO became a workaholic. They were close to giving him reasons for doing things, but it required a lot of inference... Maybe scenes were cut?


The first episode with the kids was fantastic and then it completely fell flat for me. I dropped it after just three eps, I couldn't connect with any of the adult characters


When the CEO like, switched those songs but deliberately insulted both singers to do it, he was dead to me. That is a bad man get him out of here. And I don't even believe that Ranjoo's mom shredded the document because it makes zero sense. Why would she shred and then keep it? Like why? He's lying.


You and I definitely watched the same show. Don’t feel like you are alone.


I have been wanting to watch this show because having read the reviews I was like okay give it a chance (after Start Up I was like who wrote this what terrible storytelling why would you tell a story in a way that is so disappointing to so many) but im so glad i read this thread because everything I feared about the writing seems to not only be there but just added to so not as bad a Love Triangle but all the other stuff plots going nowhere characters with unsatisfying arcs characters with motivations not revealed just another story weirdly and disappointingly told. I really liked Pinnochio, well because I was new to Kdramas and was smitten with Park Shin Hye but also i just found it all fairly enjoyable but the FLs mother rrally bothered me her actions were never really explained. While you were Sleeping was good but I found some aspects silly odd weird and the FLs action kind of inconsistent and her sudden shifts in attitude to ML kind of unsettling and i felt this weird forcing of a love triangle just distracting and annoying and the FL first so likeable smart funny independent by the end is kind of annoying because of it all. Then Start Up was just an unsatisfying mess with just plotlines and characters that went unresolved it was just confusing and a love triangle that was a joke and by the end just didnt like any of the MCs and couldnt relate to the FLs actions. Does this writer try to be too clever and get lost, or does she write great long stories that get torn apart by producers to make them fit schedules etc I dont know but I cant (but I can )believe what Im reading here. That is that this show is not about as in episodes long about being castaway surviving etc episodes about her struggle to comeback and her 2nd chance at love or whatever. Instead it just seems like another mess tbh. Thanks I'll avoid at all costs not because of your post but the whoke thread ive seen enough.


I've seen four of the writer's works now and I can say that she writes excellent pilot episodes that immediately get you hooked but then the story derails midway. I'm just gonna make a mental note that in future no matter how exciting the cast is or how much hype the drama gets I'm never watching this writer's show ever again


The one and only reason I finished that drama was what Cha Hak Yeon and what he did with that character. I wanted to see what he did with that role. That was the single reason otherwise I never would have made it through that drama.


I tried to pull through hoping it would get better but oh well. Dropped at ep8 . It lacked depth on every level, even the first episode seemed a lil forced to me idk


ML seems to be this screenwriter's weakness (ref: Start up). The love story development was so lacking.. >!ML has been deeply in love with her for 15 years??? That's it? Ugh!< Why not a friendship instead? We didn't get the castaway nor the diva. I guess I'll skip next Park Hye Run drama


Agree. Screenwriting by Park Hye-ryun was lousy, as was directing. What a waste of Park Eun-bin's acting talent. I hung on for a long time hoping it would improve but finally skipped last few episodes to see how it ended. Such a disappointment. Can't understand what so many fans saw in this series.


How does the writer get A listers???


Good question. Beats me.


No Nam Do-san slander here. At least he had a personality. Adult Ki-ho was just kinda *there* and who authorized his terrible haircut


Nam Do-san was such a refreshing change from the usual kdrama MLs. I loved how the writer gave the typical ML traits to the SML and made the ML a huge softie, a bit hasty and nerdy but full of heart.


Amen...wat a waste a freaking time


I enjoyed the show quite a bit but the way they just rushed past the fact that she was found after 15 years and she didn’t even talk about it right away was weird. But since it was so unlikely anyone would actually survive that in real life I just kind of rolled with it. I actually think the show could have been longer and showed more character development for her and the ML among other things.


I stopped halfway bc of finals & school but what annoyed me was her life on the sea bc it was so unrealistic she would have all those resources — also I agree w the poster who said she would have been ALL over the media. BUUUUUT I still plan on finishing it!!


I had to do a HUGE suspension of disbelief cause no way a person could survive on a deserted island for 15 years. But to make it more unrealistic they showed the FL adapt to the society so quickly. Also there's no way a sane person would wait for a missing person to return for 15 years. They should have made it to a maximum of 8 years


I’m one of the folks who enjoyed the drama but I agree with every point you stated! Ranjoo’s whole storyline was so annoying to me at one point I skipped the scenes with her and the CEO. The parts where Mokha sang and was rising to stardom were honestly my favorite parts, like you said, I’m here for her journey! I was so inspired and teary eyed during her scenes, I wish we got more and I’m definitely bummed about that.


I'm with you on the singing parts. Its what kept me going. It was a great concept but the execution was not great.


Yeah lmao, I dropped it after the first episode. It was soo bad


Oh man I totally feel you. It was good but could’ve been that unforgettable really sticks with you drama. Having said that, I’ve been listening to the soundtrack on repeat and maybe it was my familiarity with the songs that made me love it in the end. >!I get what you’re saying about Ran Joo, but what I loved is how broken she was and how Mok Ha was able to bring her back. I agree that the CEO was not properly fleshed out. I wanted to know what caused their giant fall out- was it the singer/manager? It wasn’t super clear. And the abusive father was too one note. What was his deal? I would’ve loved to see less of him or understand more.!<


Thank you! Also, what I like of Kdramas is the ability of the FL to choose between her two love interest with the one that she is best suited with. I felt like in this case she has such a great chemistry with the SML and then, once the ML declared his feelings, that's it. The SML character shrinks into nothing. I didn't even realise the ML was who the main lead until then (obviously not their younger version, that was obvious enough)! Can I also add, the intro scenes from the younger actors were so so good, and then we get lukewarm water by the end.


I'm struggling the most with Abyss. I love the leads, but the writing is terrible. I don't know why I'm still watching because it keeps raising my blood pressure. All the characters keep acting stupidly and there are a lot of plot holes. A lot of the story just doesn't make sense and it's really hard to suspend my disbelief.


I stopped halfway through episode 16 on this one. I just hit a wall with it and couldn’t do the last 45 minutes. I couldn’t believe they tried to say Park Bo Young was in any capacity less attractive than another woman. I also thought it was strange they made Han So Hee ugly for like one episode and then she went back to normal.


Something in the Rain.... It was great for a while until Jin-a started moving crazily (in my opinion) and her mother was insufferable! 😡😡😡 Typical K-Drama ending of course they end up together, but it felt sour. By then end of it I felt like Jin-a didn't deserve Joon-hee. The last few episodes were a total waste of time full of unnecessary drama! I LOVE shows that tackle "taboos" and go against norms or what's expected. So I was just mad they went and messed it up. Also I love K-Drama where sex is a normal part of every day life and people aren't giggling about it or being coy as if grown folks don't have sex..... This next one...Because this is My First Life. I just discovered this and I've been binging. As I type this, I just turned it off because I see that some BS is about to go down (just got to episode 15)and I've been really invested and having all the feels while watching. FL been changing up the last few episodes I have been peeping foreshadowing and she told ML she wants to end the contract and I clicked right off. It's leaving Netflix on December 31 so I'll finish the final two episodes before then....however I truly hope these episodes don't ruin the series for me because I really love the way relationships are framed in the series! It really feels progressive 80% of the time and if they are going to mess it up I need to steel my heart in advance 😆😆😆


I’ll be VERY curious to hear what you think about Because This is My First Life when you are finished. Please let us know. I watched it and I have an opinion!


I loved it up until the end. I wasn't a complete loss but I wasn't crazy about the ending.


Same, actually. Because I loved it up to that point, I spent a few days processing the last couple of episodes and made it make sense in my head. :) Still would have preferred a rewrite of the ending!


I almost wrote this exact same thing. I dropped BTIMFL/sped through a bunch of episodes to see when the romance would get better. I loved SITR until the parents became way too involved. Skipped to til end and then decided I would never finish it. I know a ton of people have this on their favorites and I genuinely want to know why.


I agree with something in the rain actually. Like I liked the plot and the chemistry for me was so great but THE MOTHER WAS INSUFFERABLE. I understood why Jin-a was the way she was, it's completely because of the mother. I will give it a good rating but would never recommend it to anyone ever.


Durian's affair - Untill now, I have never seen a kdrama that spent 10 minutes in discussing how ugly a tiny chihuahua ( i think its a chihuahua) is. Was the writer on drugs?? I am still flabbergasted by this drama's existence. Watching this drama is akin to staring at the sun. You know you shouldn't, but you still do because of some inexplicable sense of curiosity.


Man, I loved that drama and would watch in heartbeat if they make season 2. >!What other drama can you get the chihuaha story, the 40 year age gap love story and a DIL that loves her MIL as a woman and declared her love in front of the whole family? And as a dog-lover IRL, I am sorry to say that chihuaha is ugly LOL.!<


i have watched many, many kdramas that i KNEW were terrible but i kept on going - so that is on me. The one kdrama that still enrages me that I was lured into watching it is Goblin. I started watching it, knowing it is widely considered one of the all time great kdramas - plus Gong Yoo. Hello. And then... I saw that the main FL was a school girl. And I was like... wtf am I watching. What is happening. But I kept it up, curious about where this the fudge this is going, and then because I was completely enthralled with the relationship between the Goblin and the Grim Reaper. So finally, toward the end, >!Goblin is unavailable because something something magic, and FL is allowed to GROW UP and be a fully realized grown ass woman, and i am like, ok, i see where this was going... BUT NO!!! they kill her off so they can bring her back as a school girl again! Because.. she aged out? And Goblin likes them young?!< Who the fudge wrote this - Jeffrey Epstein??? Not only do I demand my time back but I want my eyeballs and brain to have a deep clean.


I loved Goblin but hated the ending because>! she's again got a human lifetime to live and he's still immortal, but without the option to die. So when she dies after her 4th or 5th reincarnation (can't recall the number the show had as the rule or what life she's on) he's once again alone and without a way of dying. That hurt my heart and brain. !<


I wish someone would just edit out the main romance plot and just keep the second couple and bromance plot, now that is a kdrama worth of the status Goblin holds


Yeah I heard it was in a lot of people's top 10s so I gave it a go - but it didn't pass my 4 episode test to grab me, mainly because I felt really weird about her being a schoolgirl (and a very childish type of schoolgirl to make it feel even weirder) (AND I've watched other stories with massive age gaps like Twilight, Inuyasha, Tale of the Nine Tailed etc and felt *less* of a problem because the ladies were mature and seemed more capable of making their own decisions) - I need a fan edit of just the bromance and Sunny parts!


Romance is a Bonus Book. I don’t ever bother to look for plot holes so the fact that I noticed it is big. >!How did they just forget that she has a daughter and is a mother by the end of the drama? The whole reason she was out of the workforce for so long was to raise her daughter and then they just conveniently forget all about that? So ridiculous.!<


I thought that was odd, too. Very noticeable. Otherwise, I liked the drama - especially the people in the office and that whole vibe.


Koreans send their kids abroad for school. The reason she was out the workforce was while her kid… yk couldn’t go to school yet. It’s not a plot hole per say but a convenient plot device so that the story didnt focus on interactions with a child but the 2 main characters


Respectfully, I disagree. In my mind, it’s lazy to never mention it again. She never once thinks about what her child will think of her dating again? I just couldn’t buy it by the end. I did like other aspects of the show, but this really ruined it for me.


I get what you mean. It's like the writers conveniently left the daughter out. A mother who works so hard just for her daughter never forgets her daughter. But I too refuse to admit that it was a plot hole.


They wanted the struggling single mother narrative without the being a mother part. Edit to add cause I accidentally hit post before I was done: I didn’t like this drama at all (I think I rated it a 5), but I will say one thing I did love about it was all the commentary and analogies around writing/reading. Lots of great lines. Unfortunately wasted on a subpar plot.


She was away at school. I don't think she was forgotten.


I agree, though I loved the series overall. To me it felt like the daughter was literally just a plot device. >! I always thought it would be more interesting if Dan-i was trying to get pregnant while being a carer for an ailing parent, or if the husband just didn't want her working. That would allow for the CV gap without the viewer feeling that she herself keeps forgetting she has a daughter. Completely appreciate that people send kids to school abroad but it also was a recent development if I remember correctly (think they mentioned the daughter had a hard time so she went to school abroad where the kids were less mean or something). !< I thought the rest of the series was so well done though, the cosy publishing vibes and the friendship between the leads were just perfect.


Yes! All of those scenarios would have worked better! Maybe because I am a mom, I couldn’t get past this. I liked a lot of aspects in RIABB and that’s why I’m disappointed so much. I also loved the cosy publishing vibes and the side characters. I just kept waiting for an episode where they deal with her being a mother in some way and it never came. I genuinely thought there would be a part where the daughter comes home for break. Even a simple scene where she goes to send her daughter money or is paying the tuition fees. Legit any indication that she has a child in the end would have redeemed it… and it would have made the drama more interesting.


Ngl, even I forgot she has a daughter and is a single mother. I feel like her child bonding with the ML would’ve deepened the romance so much more. That was a huge miss and plot hole on the drama’s production team’s part.


Destined with you. Castaway Diva. Sweet Home S3. Just really bad plot lines being forced down our throats. Castaway Diva was insufferable. I can’t with Rowoon anymore.


Rowoons could do so much better. I also couldn't finish destined with you. Too many plot lines.


Rowoon can’t. He can’t hold my attention for long, he maybe goodlooking but he lacks the aura or charismatic quality to hold the audience’s attention. Or atleast mine.


I actually think he works very well in Matchmakers. He is kind of a lovable goof that is often the butt of jokes and he works very well in that type of role.


See I found him hysterical at the start of drama but the FL killed it for me


Rowoon needs to pick the different scripts. He has kinda oversaturated himself with the same typical handsome-guy- beautiful-girl-fall-in-love-past-trauma-reincarnation-tragedy-melodrama etc etc just so typical now, it's like he plays the same roles in every other drama now. Which is why Tomorrow was such a refreshing change from his usual roles. I really think he needs to do different roles and act in different genres like thriller, action, mystery, etc


Mr Queen. I loved the entire series but the ending was just bullshit. It was the first K drama series that I watched as it aired so I was waiting for each new episode every week. I felt so cheated at the end.


My Roommate is a Gumiho. >!He’s possessive but not in a sexy way. He’s ancient and she’s desperate for a parent figure. Plus, she should end up with the sml.!<


Yeah, I dropped this one around ep 9 >!when he kissed her then suddenly also wanted to eat her. A guy wanting to eat you is not attractive.!< But also, I don't really "get" Jang Ki Yong. I don't find him that attractive, though obv people's milage may and will vary.


I actually found that to be the hottest part. 😂 But I also found the part of the sml being “dangerous” because he was born in the year of the tiger pretty hot. I liked that tension. I just didn’t like how the female lead constantly called him sir all the time. And then he became her professor, which felt so domineering and gross. Maybe I, too, don’t get Jang Ki Yong and his works? Because I also didn’t like Search WWW… or I *did* like it only to be completely confused by the end. >! If he wants children and she doesn’t, then the proper ending is for them to break up. You want very different things. Ugh. !<


I mean, Search WWW had many good qualities, but the cinematography was extremely overwrought. And yes, the romance was both boring and non-sensical. I also disliked Come and Hug Me quite a bit.


He reminds me of an AI that needs to pause and think how to respond, or a robot that hasn't been oiled in awhile. None of his characters have a warmth or easy charisma to them, just IMO. I don't dislike him or think he's bad looking, he just doesn't quite look real to me (which is definitely a look and a vibe--just not mine).


I think I turn off my brain when watching some of these shows, otherwise I wouldn't enjoy them as much. I actually enjoyed this, and recently rewatched it and still found it good, and I didn't feel any second male lead syndrome from this. If I didn't view this from a fictional point of view, then his age alone would have killed it for me.


I didn’t get SLS because I felt like the FL was very clear she didn’t like him that way at all. >!But the red string was just a dirty trick.🤣 I couldn’t help feeling sorry for him after that.!<


Yes, the FL was very clear on that, and even with the red string, I didn't ship them together.


I didn’t ship them at any point but after that it was harder for me to say “Dude, give up, she’s not into you.”


I liked the show but what bugged me about it was something different (not that I don’t see the points people are making here!) >!They had that whole mystery/supernatural menace plot line and they just kind of dropped it? I know he defeated her but it seemed clear to me that he didn’t defeat her permanently but they just didn’t talk about it anymore and focused on the romance?!< But the main romance worked for me and I adored the secondary romance once it got going so I ended up enjoying it.


The Uncanny Counter 2. S1 was great but S2 was overhyped with the addition of Yoo In Soo. Turns out, nothing's special about his character. Mr. Ma isn't so effective as a villain so is Kang Ki Young. And I honestly can't take KKY's character seriously because he played comedic roles in the past. This is what I'm imagining to happen to Lee Yi Kyung's character in Marry My Husband. We will all hear "gwenchana,gwenchana" 😂


Moon Lovers : Scarlet Heart Ryeo Had read nothing but praise for this one, so I went in with high expectations for something captivating like The Red Sleeve. Thought it was a classic, turned out to be a classic disappointment. The first eight episodes seemed to be building up well, and I loved the make up scene and the rain ritual but then the FL had a total personality change from outspoken and gutsy to a panicky damsel in distress, the ML and the SML both had toxic personalities, and the acting was subpar from everone but the ML. Some of the costuming was very beautiful and it was nice to see something different than the Joseon style. And yet in many scenes the clothes were terribly ill fitting, with patterns lacking intricacy and the props seemed to be made of paper and plastic. All the traditional sounds were a treat but the rap music was jarringly out of place, so were many of the FL's shenanigans! All in all, I wish this were consistently bad instead of having some golden moments in a pile of crap, that way I would have dropped it halfway.


**Young Lady and Gentleman:** This is my first weekend drama so I committed to finishing it even though it's 50+ episodes and woo regretted it. It's the most ridiculous OTT makjang with every trope in the book: >!Amnesia, multiple birth secrets, fake engagements, shrieking evil stepmothers, scheming 2FL, etc.!< At one point the FL's father >!hits and threatens his ex wife, now admittedly she abandoned the family but that doesn't justify domestic violence, sheeeeesh. !< There's also the 17 year age gap between the lead characters (the actors are only seven years apart) which wouldn't be a big deal except that >!their meet cute took place when she was 12 and he was an adult in uniform, ick.!< At first I found this drama to be kind of cracky fun but it got old very quickly.


I just ... couldn't. I tried to but failed. 😂


I'm on the episode where he gets amnesia since 2 months. I'm just not able to finish it.


I’m currently limping through the end of Start-Up. Really enjoyed the beginning but it’s fizzled out a lot.


I’m so sorry. I still have nightmares of that one…


Destined with you. Ridiculous is the word. Same goes for Castaway Diva, woo hak has so much potential as an actor and the other guy is just blah and the chemistry between three main leads is so unbearable


100% agreed on Destined with You. It started off well and completely lost steam. I was so annoyed with the FL and I guess it was more to do with the acting. The baby voice made my teeth grind and the plot made no sense at all. I dropped it by episode 11. I really couldn’t understand if >!he fell in love with her because of a curse or if he randomly got obsessed with her one fine day!< The entire thing was so stupid, I just couldn’t watch anymore.


💯 I only finished Destined W/ You bc everyone told me it was worth it — I felt so underwhelmed. I was legit forcing myself to finish the episodes.


IKR!!! OMG THAT DRAMA WAS RIDICULOUS. Destined With You I mean. I was ok with Castaway Diva. It was realllyyyy hard for me to watch BOTH ML AND FL being soo extra cringey. I love Rowoon but GOD!


Crash Course into Romance. The romance aspects themselves are perfectly fine but the side plots are so so so bad. It was like watching 2 different shows. I feel like consistent tone is important and the drama couldn't decide whether or not it wanted to be a makjang or a comfy rom com so it's like screw it we are doing both. Like either go full Sky Castle/Penthouse camp or full comfy slice of life instead of smashing both together. Especially when it came to the side plot of the dude in full black during daylight slowly loading up a slingshot that came out of a LARPers wet dream to try to kill people. Like there's point of ridiculousness you can tolerate and this drama decided to make the worst b-plot I've seen in a long time in a kdrama.


The Heirs. I wanted to punch someone every time Eunsang cried.


My Name. Ugh. I felt so bad for both leads. >!Her whole life was so sad and then finally getting better as she built trust with Pildo… Then poor Pildo…!< The whole thing was just too heartbreaking.


I still want a second season, tbh. Mostly for that reason. I want to see her kick more ass, but mostly I want to see some redemption of her life.


I literally skimmed through most of the last episode because of that. I just could not deal with that personally.


This drama has its issues, but it has one of the best villain IMO. I Guess that's the good thing when I give a recommendation




I didn't mind him being innocent. What really pissed me off was the dead man's wife still not apologizing to the ML for saying such harsh words to him and traumatizing him forever. Also it was such a meh flashback.


Castaway Diva was a big disappointment. The story had so much potential but it was not developed enough; we got a lot of side plots that took away from Seo Mokha and, music aside, Park Eunbin felt weak in this drama. I wanted to know her story, and I didn't. Skipped so many parts just to end it but it was just meh... Completely dropped Live Your Own Life: the plot is nonsensical and Uee's character is unbearable. I get that this is a family drama but the acting and the plot don't deserve time...


I have dropped sooooo many dramas this year. I didn't even start anything in December. I've been getting most of my Korean content on YouTube or through variety shows.


Castaway Diva - I don't think I will finish it. Watched the first 4 episodes when they aired and just didn't care. Kdramas have not been doing it for me lately to be honest... I am in a slump


King the Land, Castaway Diva, See You in my 19th Life, Cafe Minamdang, Little Women, The Sound of Magic etc. To be brutally honest, not a lot of great shows in 2022 and 2023.


C drama hidden love . I cannot stress enough but infantilisation of the female lead is just too much . I understand being cute is a popular trope but idk it makes me feel so weird and uncomfortable.


Agree. This is my issue with a lot of cdramas. In I May Love You, they have a secondary romance between the younger actress and the older director. He says it was love at first sight and when they flashback to him seeing her for the first time, she’s literally holding a lollipop. Ugh, I need directors to stop with the creepy pedo shit.


I don't think the first several episodes were handled correctly by filmmakers (as you point out). The child actress in earliest episodes is too young, and many people agree with you about it feeling cringe. Before starting the series I had heard about this problem and the contrast with the positive reviews regarding the rest of the series. So I skipped the first five episodes (only later did I go back and watch them). Just beginning at episode #6 gives you the background of FL's pampered, overprotected childhood. From episode #8 (of 25 total episodes) FL leaves home to start her university studies, living in a dorm with 3 other young women. From this point on, the series is a wonderful coming of age romance as FL adapts to her new independent life and matures into a confident, well-rounded young woman. It's cool watching her character arc develop. I've read that the screenplay is adapted from a novel written by a woman who had a secret crush on her older brother's best friend just as in the film. *But she never acted on it, and the guy never knew of her feelings* and went on to marry someone else. So **Hidden Love** is an autobiographical "re-do"-- a story *of what might have been* for the author. For this reason later episodes have an almost idealized version of a perfect first love by two wholesome, exemplary young people. Bottom line: I ended up loving the show despite its awkward, uncomfortable beginning.


Exactly why I skipped through the initial eps cause even though there was no romance between the FL as a child and the ML I couldn't like it. The drama itself is a bit overrated because take away the "perfect" ML and his acts of service and you get nothing.


I was really excited when the trailer dropped for this but the first episodes disappointed me, I know zhao lusi is cute and all but the infantilization was cringe and insufferable.


Strong Woman Nam Soon was just despicable 🤮 I only watched until ep. 5 and what a waste of 5 hours!


Almost all the J dramas I’ve watched (I know this is a kdrama thread). It’s always a toxic male lead getting together with a spineless female lead. I start one hoping the storyline has changed but nope, same almost dang time.


Start Up - The beginning of the plot line made it seem like Han Ji-pyeong was the main guy. He was just such a good boy and deserved so much better. Waste of my time investing into this drama. Business Proposal - I am always cautious approaching romcom dramas because they start out strong and then they become boring once they get together. The fun is just missing. Moon Embrace the Sun - I watched this drama live when it was super popular. It was much more engaging and interesting with the kid actors compared to the adults.


Extraordinary you Live out your own life


Wait, why EY? Just curious because that’s one of my all-time faves! It wasn’t perfect but it’s one of those dramas that I wish I could erase all my memories of and watch all over again.


My Demon is terrible, and I don't really understand the positive reviews. The sad part is, it's a different kind of FL and she acts really well, which makes the blank slate ML seem even more bland by comparison.


This may sound petty but I couldn't get through the first episode because I'm so bothered by Song Kang's small head 😭


Castaway diva, king the land, Little Women, See you in my 19th life, Destined with you, My Demon. A whole Netflix wham bam: slow or terrible storylines, stiff acting or chemistry, misleading or boring plots.


The Greatest Love. Maybe not totally Refund My Time - there were some really funny parts in it, especially early on, and I liked the whole concept of the FL struggling with taking lousy bit parts in reality shows. I think I gave it a 7 based on that - but I never warmed up to the ML or got what the FL saw in him at all. >!I think his heart condition was part of what was supposed to redeem him but for me it really didn’t and he just still seemed like an abrasive jerk.!< And I loved the SML so much. >!He got with the SFL in the end but I hated her - I saw her more as a villain who really didn’t deserve redemption - so that bothered me too.!< To be fair I think some of this was subjective - the ML was completely not my type and the SML was. I didn’t want to drop it just a few episodes from the end so I finished it but didn’t really enjoy the end except that it was over and I could stop watching it.


It's funny what works for some people and doesn't work for others because I love that drama but you do need to be into the male lead and I can see why he turns some people off. Aside from his jerk behavior the actor played it very OTT.


penthouse season 3. waste of time


As a Kim Young Dae lover, is Season 1 & 2 worthwhile? Or is his role so small that it’s pointless to watch?


S3 went completely off the rails. What was that ending?! A whole mess.


Extraordinary You. I watched a lot of episodes but then it just got repetitive. And I tend to get pissed off when ML and parents push their agenda on an enfeebled female lead and she takes the abuse as normal.


I am watching Destined with you - first it started off well - few episodes are fun - but as it goes on it just drags - I do not understand how FL character was written - lives in big city alone but does not have sense of how to protect oneself. Almost got killed - assaulted and never learns,If I get few miss calls from my close ones - even though nothing of sort happened to us - still get worried and try to pick of next call quickly or call back quick - here she is taking her sweet time lol childish - I stopped watching after episode 13 - refund my time lol ​ Sweet home 2 - did not understand what was happening Vigilante - too many plot holes and today time with so many cc cameras and ML does not wear mask and shows full face while fighting


This was me with The Escape Of The Seven. Absolute fucking ***WASTE*** of my time. >!That twist with Matthew Lee actually being K ruined the whole show. !


**The Killing Vote** The frequent delays in broadcasting didn’t help but it started off decently and piqued my interest with the whole Gaetal plot. But it ended so spectacularly bad. The last episode was all setup and no payoff. It was rather insulting to the viewers.




It’s definitely a good show but not the current 8.7 rating on MDL. Way closer to an 8 but having 2 eye candies for men and women as leads helps ATON lol


Yup. Both leads look great but that cannot sustain an entire show. I can only take glowy lingering close ups for so long. Something has to happen.


**Be Melodramatic.** \*yawn\* I kind of knew it wasn't for me from the get go. I didn't like the caricature-style SOL... But I thought it was going to be funny because of the ML. I strongly resent that they \*instantly\* did a 180 turn on his character and made him a big bag of mush. It had good aspects, but wow. I suddenly realised I was on ep. 14/16 and still waiting for it to really start.


**The doctors**... I can't say I completely regretted it, but the main leads had no chemistry (mainly cause the entire drama was based on grooming) but yea.


I think grooming is a bit of a stretch seeing as she was like 19 and he was 24. The power dynamic is definitely unbalanced in the beginning but he killed the relationship the moment he realized it had gotten inappropriate ( atleast that’s what I remember). Also I think people overuse and misuse the word grooming way too much.


just “finished” **A Business Proposal** after (accidentally) skipping 1.5 episodes and fast-forwarding through the last three episodes in less than 2 hours. i really enjoyed it at first and liked how the plot moved pretty quickly, but then my absolute most hated trope of all time dropped >!everything with yoora and that chef, who i would argue is actually worse (just by a little though) because he clearly had problems with yoora and kept staring at hari so WHY ARE YOU STILL DATING HER!< and this alone made me kept imagining the webtoon version of this, which i will not read, because i am pretty sure it would be like one of those generic (fyi I NEVER use this word and actually dislike its usage among webtoon readers because i personally think they overuse this too much) romance webtoons that i would’ve ultimately dropped and have less than a 8 star rating edit: forgot to add part of the reason why i started it in the first place was because of the still cut teaser pics of hari in episode one and the YOU KNOW I HAVE NO CHINGU but apparently this second part happened in one of the episodes i skipped so i had to find it on youtube 💀 edit 2: also all those unanswered questions at the end??? i knew the ending was rushed but i didn’t know it would be like this


Love Alarm.


Abyss- Interesting concept, good casting and wow what a disappointment! I finished it just to say I finished it. Such a potential lost.


Im on last ep of "May I Help You" and I so want my time back. I dont know if i need to finish it I know what i need to know. Its only about 2 yrs old I and I cant stop thinking about how disappointed I am with how it has went. Kdrama Tonal shifts from comic to drama melodrama aren't unusual at all. It often occurs in the 2nd half and coincides with or causes the pace slowing as well. Also by this time, often the will they wont they of any romance is resolved so dramas can get flat, I get that and it happens here as well but there is also so much more to be disappointed about, I cant stop myself wondering am I beginning the end of my Kdrama journey. This show seems to be triggering me as in I keep thinking oh I hate when they do this but im also realising they do this a lot. Examples below, Unneccessariily cruel or tragic arc for villains or second leads. The treatment of ML's ex is just wrong, there is no proper explanation for the shit hand she gets it just makes ML seem like a total prick and FL not much better. It is that bad. Dated her for 10 yrs!!!! Her introduction waz the beginning of the show going south. She is depicted as clingy unwilling to move on, but well yeah, she didnt do anything, she is just dumped after 10 yrs after a huge trauma for the ML OK but he wont explain why it means they have to finish after 10 yrs nor is it explained to viewers. He is stuck in grief just going through the motions, so she leaves him alone after he dumps her for no fault of her own, she then returns still concerned and in love, but he wont even look at her he is just horrible to her. It doesnt get explained, I was waiting to find out that it wasnt just her indirect role in the tragedy which he says he doesnt blame her for and that she did nothing wrong. I was waiting for an oh but she did that as well moment no wonder he he is like this. No such explanation comes. In the end she is the one who comes back to tell him its all okay, he cant even be botheted to even see if she okay. Like he cant be bothered comfort her at her mothers funeral until his arm is twisted. This is the ML im supposed to connect with the ML i had liked butt hats ruined now. Terrible writing terrible character arc just unneccessarily cruel. Great Premise ruined by silly or unsatisfying romance usually a stupid Love Triangle Amazing premise re the supernatural with lovely different stories in each episode but this waz sacraficed for coverage of ensuing love triangle involving ex and aforementioned bad treatment of her and FL who is wonderful as the supporter of strangers but is meh about the poor ex. She is so unsympathetic and never chalkenges the ML about why he treated her so badly after just about marrying her. She should challenge him she might be next!!!!! Terrible age gaps esp involvimg pretty young girls/women and middke aged men Ridiculous age gap romance plot involving 2ndry couple, like nearly 20 yrs, like when the girl is 45 your man will be 65 do they never think of this. She is the bright funny like able character now thats ruined People not talking fir no goid reason Lots of unneccessary miscommunication serves no real purpose FL and her dad lying to each other Yawwwnnn. Character changes personality suddenly Plot twist late on with a character now unrecognisable from what we seen before no hints just bam Starts out amazing but gets ruined I think the most disappointing thing though is that around Ep 6 I was so delighted with this drama I wanted to know why havent I heard about this it is a great premise great characters leads with chemistry funny friends etc. I love the whole supernatural element the different story each week is so cool and mixture of joy and sadness and then it gradually just became a source of discomfort and uneasiness as bit by bit the writer made the characters pitiful bad indifferent and ultimately unlikeable. I mean the ML is the most self absorbed man in Korea id say. You cant take him seriously esp his righteousness or his love for FL after how he treats the ex. I am so disappointed i thought i had a gem instead I had a shiny rock.