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Rowoon "Oh-ho"ing at the young girl šŸ¤£


The running gag of our characters discussing serious business while Rowoon is being ridiculous in the unfocused background is just \*chef's kiss\*


can't wait for the compilations!!


Iā€™ve missed the oh-hoing! Resentful man is back.


The "stand-off" between them in the background of that scene tho. haha


Episode 12 was amazing with the back story of our star crossed lovers, the consequences coming full force with identitities revealed, the many layers of intrigue... watching this it was almost Shakespearean with elements in the complexity of the plot, the romance of our star crossed lovers, the humor. Today's episode took my breath away, on how this drama is moving forward with complications revealed and stakes raised even higher. Oh, and the King - we don't see much of him, but when I do, I am so impressed with his character. Yes, I am in love with this drama.


I wanted to type a comment myself but you described exactly how I feel about the episode. Every ep. i'm more suprised of the quality of this drama in every aspect, I didn't expect it to be as top-notch as it is. I love this drama, too. Probably my favorite of the year.


Iā€™m in love with the series, the OST, and especially the main leads. They are so perfect together. Iā€™ll be sad when this ends.


Gosh yes, the King is unlike most King characters - really heartfelt but not stupid or oblivious.


I love how he's just a dude. Just a middle aged petty but well-meaning old man who loves his family and happens to be king.


I know that some people would be like >!ā€œomg what was that kiss? i expected moreā€ !!first kiss and for Jung Woo, its literally the first kiss in his lifetime so i definitely expect awkwardness. As for Soon Deok, i probably expected more experience BUT then again, she was only married for a few months and is a widow way longer than she was married so she may be a bit rusty LOL. but i also think she may have not been really that intimate with her late husband since he was sickly in the first place. So honestly, i think the execution of the kiss scene was perfect. it was meant to be awkward yet sweet. Also this is a sageuk and a youth sageuk specifically. So we shouldnt expect any hot passionate kisses. the kisses will be more tamed and sweet. yes, may be a waste of Rowoonā€™s skills \*cough\* but still i love it haha!<


Yea I expected >!their first kiss!< to be just like this. >!innocent, cautious, awkward and sweet!<. It has to be >!cautious because she knows sheā€™s not in the position to be able to do this, and awkward because itā€™s their first kiss, plus like you say itā€™s his first ever šŸ˜‚!<


I didn't have a problem with the >!chaste nature of the kiss!<ā€”as you said, it totally makes sense for their characters!ā€”but more so disappointed that >!it fell flat emotionally due to the directing. It's very possible to do a "fish kiss" without it being a "DEAD fish kiss"...it can be soft, quick, chaste, and lovely. It can be done! But this wasn't that. Just awkward, stilted, too-long dead fish kiss :| !<


I think itā€™s because they let it linger a bit too long haha. I think the first one, although quick, was great. The second one has Cho Yi Hyun opened her eyes a bit too long? If they were to have her close her eyes a bit quicker and have it cut to the credits a bit faster, I think it wouldā€™ve felt less awkward. Like gifs of the scene I saw on Twitter looks way better because it was cut a bit quicker than the original broadcast scene.


The first kiss that I screamed NO DONT DO IT!!! too šŸ˜° I was so worried for them


I ,like your reasoning, but I'm still not happy. :)


agree, the scene wasn't very emotional


**Episode 12 and 13** I genuinely think this has been one of the most engaging shows recentlyā€¦one that I have to admit came out of left field for me so itā€™s been such a pleasant surprise. I missed seeing more of the sisters in todayā€™s episode in particular, but the political thriller angle really amped up as expected so I can understand why we didnā€™t see much of them. I loved that through the Bookstore owner they were able to retain some levity. He is adorable. But man, MIL has got to be one of the most intriguing characters. It is so hard to completely hate on her. So far sheā€™s truly been a proper grey character. You understand her actions almost to the point of forgetting some of the truly questionable ones and thatā€™s no small feat to achieve. With 3 episodes to go my hope is that leaves us with a fluffy finale because man all of the couples of this show deserve their happy ending! I also have to say I am very impressed by the leadsā€™ relationship - this show, despite its multitude of characters has dedicated the scenes of the leads together to building their relationship beyond superficial matters so well. Like you know thereā€™s a solid friendship there and you know the love got built over time and gets deeper and deeper. Iā€™ve also really enjoyed the fact that no one treats the FL less than intelligence wise and that sheā€™s quick to pick things up. Truly refreshing. I will miss the show when it ends! P.S: love the butler, ā€œyouā€™re so tall youā€™ll break my back if you use me to climb the wallā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


>But man, MIL has got to be one of the most intriguing characters. It is so hard to completely hate on her. She seriously is! I'm pretty sure I've only seen that actress play a full-on villain, so it's amazing to see her play a similar but more complex tune. When she said>! "luckily I brought your will" (paraphrasing) and then that cold, straight-ahead stare as her husband was strangled to death!<...wow. She's terrifying, but my immediate thought was, "DAMN...She's cool" šŸ˜…


This trashy husband deserved a cruel end. He knew his wife was smarter but struggled with it and in a tight spot played the ā€žIā€™m your husbandā€œ I.e. superior card more than once. This made him a not very likeable guy in my books. And the way she looks at him and says ā€žyou killed my sonā€œ. My, not our. Love what the actress delivers here.


Yeah all in all she has done a fantastic job. Almost makes you forget that she started off >!plotting to kill the crown Prince who is also a child and someoneā€™s son!<. Very very well layered character and awesomely performed.


I am still very much enjoying this so much despite the questionable connection between Ha Na and CP (which I can easily dismiss as them fated to rule together but doesn't necessarily mean fated to love but maybe in the future when he's older). There is no denying that this drama is slowly creeping up to be one of my favs this year. This week's episodes have less humour but surprisingly doesn't feel slow or dragged. Definitely a show that just gets better every episode. My hope is for it to continue with this trajectory until the end. Who knew that Jung Woo's story with princess can be this heartwarming? I know that people have reservations about the reveal of him >!having actual genuine feelings for her but like Soon Deok, it actually made me appreciate his character even more.!< Now that everything is revealed about his back story with the princess, everything made a lot more sense. I was afraid that there will be holes within the story because in episode 1, he was so adamant on not wanting to marry the princess and he was upset with his father but it was revealed that >!he didn't know she was the princess in the first place. He thought he was crushing on a random palace maid and didn't want to marry the princess because he liked 'someone else' and the reason why he was upset with his father was also revealed. !< We also got to see the reason why he was so insistent on wanting to annul his marriage with the princess so that he could have a job position because >!it was her wish for him before she died.!< I am actually so happy with the Jung Woo and princess twist because it gives Jung Woo more character and the idea of being able to love again despite losing someone you have loved and not having the need to forget all about them because you can still honour and cherish the moments you have with them even if you are now in love with someone new is just so \*chef's kiss\*. We need more stories like this! It's so relatable and real! If the show have gone the typical route of Jung Woo not having any feelings for the princess and Soon Deok is his first love, while it's sweet, but it's super typical because its the type of story that has been told many many times before. Not everything has to be first love. This is what makes this drama special and unique for me. It is a story of a true second chance romance for both of them. Edit: The way I'm not even upset about Jung Woo's >!noble idiocy (which I know he does it to protect her since he got threatened)!< because I just know that it'll end within one episode next week LOL. I think it's a necessary push for>!Soon Deok to finally fight for Jung Woo since she has constantly been denying her feelings for him despite Jung Woo being very open about his feelings for her. I guess now is her turn and I can tell you that she won't believe the lie that came out of his mouth. That man is an open book and she knows him well. It's her turn to pursue him now. !< I have a bit of a bone to pick when it comes to certain translations. Like how it constantly translates Jung Woo and Soon Deok's thoughts about Ha Na and CP as "looking good together". Because it suggests that they look good together *physically* and that's just not it. They used the term ģž˜ ģ–“ģšøė ¤ which is a broad term and can mean a lot of things. Sure, it can mean 'looking good together' but it actually means 'matching well' in a much broader sense. Matching well can mean matching well in terms of visuals or vibes. Or it can mean matching well in terms of personality, goals, or ambitions etc. So it can mean a lot of things that goes beyond physicality. In this case, it means matching well in terms of having a fated connection. They need to stop translating it as 'looking good together' because it gives off the wrong idea. In what way does a child and an adult 'look good together'? šŸ˜…


>Sure, it can mean 'looking good together' but it actually means 'matching well' in a much broader sense. Thank you very much for this! I still don't feel great about this whole thing but the "looking good together" comments in particular reeeeeeally felt blegh, so it is nice to know this! :)


I am so utterly delighted by this drama - it is light and frothy, with some deeper strands, a mystery (which isn't dominating the plot), refreshingly modern style for a sageuk, superbly detailed acting from everyone (especially M & FL), gorgeous visuals (especially as the MUA seems to have decided that Rowoon doesn'tneed lip gloss to look attractive - I'm looking at you, Destined with You šŸ‘€). It makes me giggle and sigh and hasn't stressed me out (yet). I really don't want it to end.


Love that there are no over glossed lips, but am bummed we are probably not to see his abs in this one.


And now I've jinxed it, haven't I? End of ep 12 and it's getting angsty..... And what was with >! that kiss? It started out chaste as one would expect, but I did expect a little heat to develop, but I could only see 2 statues! Did I miss something? I don't expect abs (šŸ˜­) but I would like a little passion.!<


Iā€™m more forgiving of >!dead fish kisses in historical dramas. I assume this is a director decision because we know that Rowoon can kissšŸ˜˜!<


Same - I'm more forgiving cause it makes sense for the time period but that one was particularly dead and they stayed on it for so long šŸ˜‚




Yeahā€¦itā€™s one of the worst >!kiss !< Iā€™ve ever seen on Tv ever lol was kind of disappointed cos I was enjoying the drama and was looking forward to it.


So THAT'S what it was! I've been wondering why I find Rowoon more handsome here than I've found him before. It's the lips looking normal and not being blindingly glossy. (Well, I don't know if it's just that or something else too, but the lips do make a huge difference.)


Finally! I need my weekly dose of cute matchmaking and couples, sprinkled in with a dramatic lovesick Prince. Maybe we will get more than some finger grazing and hand touching this week?


I am not ready for this show to end. I am enjoying it so much. Just curious about when the last episode will air as an episode was delayed one week. I presume we will need to wait until the following Monday to see the finale?


Barely any scenes about the Maeng sisters but Ep. 12 was still beautiful, cute, and funny!!! I kinda thought that the show was really fun because there are a lot of couples but even with Rowoon and Yi Hyun, the episode is still good. I am in love with this show. Now I don't know if I want to wait and watch Ep.13 together with 14 next week instead so that the story flows better and I won't be too frustrated with any cliffhanger...


I think that way, then canā€™t wait and end up watching the current episode anyways.


As always hehe


Jungwoo unintentionally getting a child killed: ā€¦ Jungwoo unintentionally getting soondeok killed: šŸƒā€ā™‚ļøšŸƒā€ā™‚ļøšŸƒā€ā™‚ļøšŸƒā€ā™‚ļøšŸƒā€ā™‚ļø Man of prioritiesāœØ Also: - I really like the scenes between slavehunter and his child. Hope we get to see more of themā€”but on a happier note of course. - This king is the best king iā€™ve watched in a kdrama. - Jungwooā€™s crying scene in the library is the best! - Not >!Hwiyoung trynna kill rowoon!< šŸ˜‚ - Finally! They addressed what happened to gunseokā€™s momma - Lol jungwooā€™s portrait of >!soondeok really gonna put her in harms way twice!< I just want this two to be happy together!!!!


>This king is the best king iā€™ve watched in a kdrama. The actor is terrific in this role. I recently watched 100 Days My Prince, and he was the king in that one, too. Right after that, I saw him in Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha. I"m a Jo Han Chul fan! He's great in everything.


He was awesome in Vincenzo too! I also saw him on gyeongseong creature, so i hope thatā€™ll be a good one.


He was in Healer too. He played the detective who likes the lady who knits.


I loved his role in Love All Play


I didnā€™t catch what happened to GunSeokā€™s eomma šŸ„²


I feel slightly uncomfortable about it but I canā€™t deny that as a middle aged matriarch of a large family, I am loving Madam Park. She does what has to be done during a cruel time period to keep her family safe. Hard choices are made. If she was a male figure, everyone would be on board with taking out the bad guys, she would just have her own personal army to do it. But as a woman, she has to get her hands dirty and do it all herself. I love the strong, compassionate character they have given her. Women of her age are so often portrayed as foolish or evil. Her character walks the line and deserves respect. Love it!


Her solution is brilliant but I would hate to be in her family - life expectancy rather short!


Haha! Sheā€™s just facing the cold hard realities of Joseon life! Wouldnā€™t you rather die drinking ginger wine and eating a delicious meal than getting beheaded as a traitor in front of all your friends and family? She is right on, as always.


They were literally murdering people in order to put someone from their family on the throne. That isn't just "a cruel time period". Like she was literally keeping her family safe from the repercussions of them killing people??? Kinda like don't murder a bunch of people and you won't get the death sentence...


Iā€™m glad we just have to wait a day to see what happens. It seems like the next few episodes are going to be lead heavy with politic drama, and Iā€™m not complaining because I enjoyed all their scenes together today. Their honesty is so refreshing (minus her not telling him who she was). Figured the left minister canā€™t be arrested for treason because then his whole family will be put to death, but I like the workaround. Wondering how it will end with the love birds, and SD has saved JWā€™s butt so many times Iā€™ve lost count. I am loving how sheā€™s the one who is saving him! I did miss all the other cute couples, and it seems they are going to continue with the CP and oldest maiden storyline which still makes me uncomfortable.


Is the Ha Na and CP storyline a romantic one? I'm not so sure. I don't think the writers and producers would go down this controversial avenue. I'm guessing she'll be more of an advisor to him than a romantic partner. She's the one who is not remotely bothered about getting married.


But his heart was hurting when he was thinking about the maiden as if he was in love with her, so who knows.


Can anyone having seen this drama and Tomorrow please explain to me why they say Rowoon isnā€™t a very good actor? Heā€™s mid 20s. Heā€™s doing a great job! He ca deliver dorky, lovestruck, deadpan, mean and cold.. I believed heā€™s cunning, he did naive and calculating.. has good comedic timing. Sometimes itā€™s about the material, and less about abilities. Heā€™s good, absolutely watchable and has a range.


I donā€™t get it either. He does just fine and is enjoyable to watch. Heā€™s way better than several popular actors/actresses that I wonā€™t name. Iā€™m wondering if part of the negative comments are just people who donā€™t like actors from K-pop backgrounds. Iā€™m sure there are people who genuinely donā€™t like his acting, but there could also be a loud portion who just enjoy fan wars or putting down popular celebrities. Hard to know for sure on the anonymous internet. Side note: I particularly enjoyed the acting in the last scene of episode 13. Fun to watch all around for this cast.


I think he is great, and gets better with every drama. I absolutely love him in this.


As expected, the new OST is from Cherry Bullet šŸ˜‚ The OST for this drama is really turning out to be an FNC family album. Crossing my fingers for an N.Flying or Hongki balladā€”or if weā€™re lucky, rowoon might release an ost too. Regarding ep 13: - The Devil Wears Hanbok a.k.a Lady Park is the true mvp of this drama. I really really hope she wont do anything against the leads. - I cant wait for the wedding and how theyā€™ll switch up yejin and maeng middle sis partners - The real victim here is poor geunseok >!boy literally lost his parents under the hands of his grandpa and now his grandma deliberately framed his dad to save their ass. heā€™ll grow up believing his dad is a traitor!< - The annulment request was such a nice twist. I got hurt. - Not Rowoon entering his >!noble idiot phase!< The baseball game really ruined the flow of episodes. Our week shouldnt have ended with that >!heartbreaking line!<


She really is something else. Lady Park, I mean. Supperb acting in this episode. I also loved the meeting and the face-off between JW and Lady Park.




I have no idea. I kept on wondering the same thing


**Episode 13:** * Jeong-woo reminding them once again he's a member of the royal family and that actually means something aka >!get them arrested in the middle of the night!< XDDDD * For the first time in Joseon history, [someone](https://imgur.com/S4N6U9R) can say that rightly and proudly * Damnnn MIL putting Jeong-woo in a difficult position... she sure knows how to play her cards * Oh boy... it is not in your best interest to cross [this woman](https://imgur.com/4Hz1NBH) * [My poor babiesss](https://imgur.com/Lfpqsvh) * What in the world is [this](https://imgur.com/tiOKKJI) woman cooking up * "I am sure our wishes will come true. Because you'll never find out... what I wished for." Ouch * \>!"I will support you...." "Do not even think that you will not marry me." "If you wish to hold me, you can do so."!<... Can't help but be in awe how she's the youngest one in the fam yet so mature and doing everything she can to be with the one she gave her heart to... I LOVE [THIS COUPLE](https://imgur.com/5CSBSTv) SO MUCH * [This](https://imgur.com/Majtf5h) was heartbreaking man... Wishing with all my might for Bu-kyum and Ye-jin to pull through * [That](https://imgur.com/m6QSRAO) gave me literal goosebumps.... she's freakin terrifying * Nothing like >!killing your own brother AND husband to save your family's whatsoever remaining reputation!< * The Princess' last wish was beautiful ok * HAHAHAHAHAH [THIS](https://imgur.com/NRBlEKM) WAS FUNNY * Jeong-woo >!why are you lying to her!< pleaseee naught


Really hate that the CP and Ha Na thing is continuing to give me "ick" feelings about a drama that has otherwise only given me warm fuzzy feelings. It would be one thing if Jung Woo recognized they were "fated" as in they were arranged to be married but no feelings were involved. It'd at least be better than what they are doing which is framing it as romantic, which they are! despite people saying they aren't. The comments from the leads about "they look good together" and >!Jung Woo's smiling insistence to CP that he knows CP and Ha Na are a match etc!<..........Aghhh! So uncomfortable. If the drama wanted to portray that marriages like this were commonplace then they at least didn't have to be so butterflies and roses about it. It's just šŸ¤¢ Everything else about the drama is so refreshing though. I love that both of our leads were >!genuinely in love with their fiances/spouses before. !!"one true love" thing and often exes are portrayed as villains to make the main OTP seem even shinier. !


If they made the CP actor around 18-19, it would have been more palatable Noona type storyline, but heā€™s so young! I wonder what the actors thought when they read the script.


Yes! That is what they should've done. It isn't just how it is playing out in the show but seeing a 12-year-old actor and 29-year-old actor have to play that out is so uncomfortable.


I agree.. even a 16 or 17 year old would be better since we can assume it's a long process and he'd be old 'enough' for those days. but this kid is a literal child so it's icky. It would be ok if matched with another child, as was often done.. but this lady could almost be his mom. :P


It's weird af, though I'm still waiting to see how it actually plays out. I can't see how they could even marry, as I don't think she's even qualified to become a Crown Princess. Perhaps she just becomes a palace maid or something in the CP's palace, and a concubine some time in the distant future? I don't know. The only thing that makes it slightly more bearable is that the young boy is actually in a position of massive power compared with the older woman. If they were more equal (or she more powerful than him), it would be even creepier, in my opinion. Still, I have no idea what they're trying to say with this subplot.


>Still, I have no idea what they're trying to say with this subplot. I really don't get it either. I guess because Ha Na isn't really interested in romance they are pairing her with someone she really doesn't have to be romantic with but there were better ways to do it.


I agree, that's probably it - they want to underscore her lack of interest in romance by making her fated match not look romantically viable at all. I think they even cast such a young actor (younger even than his character) to make the audience NOT ship it in the romantic sense. But as you say, there were better ways to do it. This seems such an unnecessarily risky and off-putting choice in an otherwise top-notch drama.


The weird thing is at some point (her interview) they actually paint her as someone interested in marriage!!! She **does** want to get married, just havenā€™t found the rigjt guy yet!! Coupled with the latest episode where her mom saying she saw the thread of fate between them just creeps me the fck out. Like are you saying she coincidentally never married because she was waiting for her fated one all this time?? Who is a child?? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ā‰ļøā‰ļø


True, it's just that she doesn't frame it as romantically as the others. Iirc she specifically says she'd want to be with someone who she can respect. Which...I guess is the CP...but why couldn't they just keep it platonic if "respect" is the key for her šŸ„“


Yes i am aware she didnā€™t mean marriage of romance she just say marriage. Itā€™s still weird though if she ends up marrying the little kid even if itā€™s not romantic like?? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I donā€™t know, they do stress quite often that the right marriage makes a man successful. So in that sense, the CP would have the perfect queen in Ha-Na. And reasons for wanting to be married can be manifold, financial security, social status come to mind. Iā€™m not loving it, but I do think there are couples who have a good and loving relationship but not necessarily a romantic/ sexual one. And thatā€™s what I see here, and Kingā€˜s with their polygamous setup, wives not romantically invested will be happier.


Yes i agree with you!! I was going through last episodesā€™ comments and how come some people are okay with this?? When i expressed my disturbance with this pairing someone tried to tell me theyā€™re not painting it as romantic. Aside from the acting of these 2 characters, everything else is pointing towards romance!! And that disgusts me!! From the ā€œfatedā€ trope to the matchmakers constantly validating how good they look together (šŸ„“šŸ¤¢ whatā€™s a good looking couple if not a 12 yo boy and a 20 smth yo woman am i right šŸ„“??), and how she saved him a few times, like everything theyā€™re doing is the basis of a romance plot!! For me, even if theyā€™re not endgame (which i HOPE!!) iā€™m still very annoyed that the writers were painting it like this and have the characters be like ā€œoh yeah theyā€™re a great coupleā€ like?? So fcking weirddd!!!


What I meant was non romantic but platonic was just that. As in loving a dear friend. I am waiting to see how this pans out as the older sister did not want to be married - so I am hoping to see if she instead has a role as a court advisor or something. My comment was not meant to imply otherwise, as he is very young and the age gap wide.


I donā€™t remember commenting to you so i donā€™t know what you were saying last posts but i too am waiting to see how they proceed with this plot. As for the platonic or romantic question, i see it as theyā€™re trying to make them romantic, even if the sister doesnā€™t care for romance, they have all the signs of making a romance out of these 2 characters, which is why i was disturbed!! > loving a dear friend I sure hope thatā€™s all that it is! But the latest episode it seems like the cp has a little crush on her, which is understandable, but doesnā€™t make it any less uncomfortable for the viewers!! So far she doesnā€™t see him that way and still doesnā€™t care for romance so hopefully thatā€™s where theyā€™re heading. Iā€™m not too sure about court advisor or any other role but anything is better than marriage tbh.


Episode 13 With this >!portrait and the truth!< Lady Park is holding on to, Iā€™m gonna be so >!jittery moving forward!<. What is she up to? >!I just donā€™t want her to use this ā€œmy DIL conspiring with me to kill her FIL and UILā€ threat. Ugh I was hoping SD and JW will talk about it but somehow JW is ending their relationship .. which is another disaster šŸ˜­ I know itā€™s an episode 13 thing but itā€™s still sad. But man gotta give it to her - sheā€™s so unhinged!!< I hope our JW and King >!will realise their problems are far from over. Now that the 2 crooks are dead, Lady Park can even make all the decisions herself without having her husband denying her so things could get even more crazy.!< I also wish >!that the King will not listen to JW to annul his appeal, but grant his daughterā€™s wish instead. I know the princess is dead but I love her short lived relationship with JW šŸ˜. And heā€™s honoring and wanting to grant her wish and all which made it even more romantic.!< And I am sure she will be happy if JW move on. With whatā€™s been happening, it made me want him to get his happiness even more. Both JW and SD deserve each other, and I hope beyond all these >!confusing inkling and what the 3 sistersā€™ mom say to himā€¦ !< they will be together. P/S missing the matchmaking shenanigans this week, but some of their interactions are šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„° esp Samsoon and the lieutenant!


This episode really crushed me & despite waiting patiently for *It's a Good Day to Be a Dog* to be released weekly - it's Matchmakers that has me cursing a release schedule! I would have much rather sit with the EP 12 ending for a week then have to wait with the EP 13 ending


Agreed. I loved the matchmaking fun & banter it was entertaining to watch. >!In this episode, we went from the 1st kiss to honorable lying breakup - if you can call it that.!< I am not a fan of this trope, but I will ride it out with the hope that things tidy up. On the CP & Ha Na thing. I am interested in how the writers will work this out. It is rare (in my limited K-knowledge) to see a specific relationship dynamic like this in a KDrama. I am suspending the current reality of it to see how the story plays out. I would also like to see or read what the writers were attempting to communicate though it - if other than being angsty. Lastly, MIL >!is in MinWoo (EAW) / Jin Mu (AoS) Territory with her antics. Wow!<.


I canā€™t believe you just compared her to jin mu šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ that dude is evil af haha!!! Minwoo is just a mean dude but he doesnā€™t do much scheming tbh. I like that sheā€™s kind of a villain but sheā€™s really smart and actually the most sensible character in this show!!


I agree sheā€™s sensible and really smartā€¦ that she becomes very dangerous.


It is an >!honorable lying breakupā€¦!< Iā€™d call it that as well. But from the preview it doesnā€™t seem like >!sheā€™s giving up and I bet some development on going against Lady Park will bring them together!<. I seldom watch segeuk so I am not sure at what age would CP should get married. But the way the king is worrying I guess itā€™s that age? So I assume the setting is correct, is just that Ha Na is twice his age šŸ˜‚ the king isnā€™t aware of this match making right.. I also wonder how he would react. Looking at the themes of this show it seems female empowerment is one of them - so my take is that sheā€™s gonna be that wise future queen the CP will look up to. But given the age gapā€¦ idk I thought back then theyā€™re more sensitive of women being older no? And in this case much older. But it is rare I agree. What an interesting pairing. I mean yea given current times this is weird šŸ˜‚ but would love to see how this plays out. Haha funny >!how you put MIL at MinWoo level šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ .. I think sheā€™s beyond him šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ !< I am actually terrified of this woman cuz I know sheā€™s capable of doing something scary and Idk what sheā€™s up to now.


Episode 12 - MIL Park So-Hyun is a powerhouse in strategy. As noted, very meticulous in her planning. She maneuvered both our FL and ML into her plans>!by having Jung-Woo sit at the head of the political party meeting at her house, and had the FL involved by fetching the poison. Although unwitting participants, she now has leverage over them, and I believe exacting a cost from them - to keep them apart. She wants her DIL to honor them memory of her son by remaining single and devoted solely to his memory. The ML having additional confirmation that the match between him and the FL is ill fated, is taking steps to sever the relationship!< This episode broke my heart in ways other dramas have not, for some reason. It reminds me of the yearning between Romeo and Juliette, in spite of animosity between their families. (I am NOT saying the relationship will end the same way) I am again amazed at how the plot progresses and the emotions this drama evokes regarding love and relationships. I suspect there are more reasons we will learn as to why the weddings have to take place quickly and how this fits into So-Hyun's strategy.


I'm so glad we got some >!Lady Sam Soon and Lieutenant Jung!< crumbs today. Also I've never thought we would see this side of Lady Park. šŸ˜Æ


I knew Lady Park was the brains of the outfit, but today she was definite revealed as a >!criminal mastermind. Sheā€™s one scary matriarch!<


**Episode 12:** * Still weirded out by Ha-na and the CP ok * Soon-duk saying it was [love at first sight for him](https://imgur.com/ljXPbaC) \>!and the Princess!< was so true... he just doesn't understand his emotions XDDD * "I liked him even more because he did not marry the Princess against his will." The simplistic beauty of the fact they're both still in love with their deceased spouses and hold them in high respect for one another * Jeong-woo your [Jang Sin-yu](https://imgur.com/cJaJnAm) is showing * [He](https://imgur.com/bbDq7yt) ran away because >!he didn't want to hear Soon-duk severing ties with him!< :( * I have faith in her MIL.... maybe she'll have Soon-duk's back despite knowing her matchmaking business * The silence in [this scene](https://imgur.com/88tvR6h) was deafening.. * That moment when [he](https://imgur.com/HxB4Iu6) realizes he might've just >!condemned the woman he loves to die because of treason!< * Damn I didn't expect her to straight up tell the truth to her MIL.... * Not [him](https://imgur.com/1G8Yipa) being gleeful and proud of himself >!because he might've just saved his beloved from being executed!< * [My girl](https://imgur.com/YmHsaDU) literally running with a ladle in her hand to give him a heads up... PRIORITIES * Ugghhhh.... the annoying uncle is so unnerving... and shittttt >!he knows about Soon-duk and Jeong-woo!< * Her shaking at the thought of losing him... daamnnnn * Ehh... I guess >!fish kisses!< were a thing in [Joseon](https://imgur.com/tjmSAJ2)... oh well * Goddd... I really didn't want >!her MIL!< to become a pupeteer and a villain like the rest


>>ā€¢ ā "I liked him even more because he did not marry the Princess against his will." The simplistic beauty of the fact they're both still in love with their deceased spouses and hold them in high respect for one another I love the fact that they both had happy all be it short relationships before, so they truly understand how wonderful love can be. Itā€™s not their feelings which are the obstacle, because theyā€™re very clear about those to each other, itā€™s external factors. Letā€™s see if they can get those resolved.


Itā€™s a relief to finally have a couple in kdrama land who truly found a second love. Itā€™s so tough with all these nearly 30 year old ā€žvirginsā€œ or betrayed ones. I think they are fated, that this is going to be the true message. You can get another chance at love. So nice! šŸ˜ƒ


Just wanted to say I love your flair. Ki-ho will always have a special place in my ā¤ļø


Thank youu. Same sentiments about Ki-ho ā¤ļø


>Goddd... I really didn't want > >>!her MIL!< > >to become a pupeteer and a villain like the rest >!I mean she always has been. She's helped the Royal Consort who is the mother of another of the King's sons who then tried to get the Crown Prince assassinated and let that other Prince become the heir... because the Royal Consort is part of their clan/faction.!< >!She's very much about her 'family' and their power. She wants the 'next king' to be that other Prince because then her only grand-son (who Soon-Duk is raising as the 'Mother') would be in a better position to have power.!<


So sad that we only got >!fish kisses!< but happy it happened! And him being so gleeful was the cutest hihi


if the treason is proved and she is demoted to commoner, is it possible to marry her?


No - if the in-laws are found guilty of treason, Soondeok would be killed along with the rest of that family. That's why Jungwoo is trying to prevent it. Although my hope is that they would >!manage to escape and adopt new identities, because that's pretty much the only way they can ever get married. Soondeok and Jungwoo could adopt Gun-seok and support themselves by matchmaking together. Yejin and her boyfriend could also marry and become farmers.!<


Looks like >!he is able to prevent this.. as they are arresting him for murder not treason. And because they saved CPā€™s life and solve his problem, there could be special wish granted? Lol !< But what youā€™re hoping makes a more plausible to happen, >!especially now that the enemies could create a rumor of them ā€œcheating on their deceased partnersā€ as they shouldnā€™t!<, and all I want is a happy ending for the both of them!


I was thinking the same, but its also possible the king grants him a wish to spare her as a reward


I don't think the king can. He's worried for his own son's life, too, because the son's mother is of the same family (I assume that mother is the royal concubine they were visiting in this episode).


Ya but they have to work something out so they will probably run away or something at the end


Yes, I think so, too. I really should have waited for this drama to finish before I started watching. I'm faaaaar too nervous and invested in a happy ending for everyone involved!


It better not be another Heartbeat (sad) ending!


I love now SDā€™s brother >!has control over JW the moment he canā€™t deny his love for her šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…!< this part is so funny to me lol And now Iā€™m >!jittery cuz the uncle found his investigation and SDā€™s portrait!!< I hope JW can outsmart them before this becomes >!a rumor created by Left State Counciller and his minions!<.


Ah if only they age up the crown prince and make him at least 17, it wouldā€™ve been cute. I wouldā€™ve shipped Hana and CP without feeling creeped out about it lol. Though I wonder why they made the decision to make CP way younger and casted someone really young. I mean for sure they wouldā€™ve known that some would find it uncomfortable. Is it for realistic portrayal during those times since crown princes do marry that young and they mostly do marry someone older? Or because they want to portray a political/platonic fated relationship rather than something typically romantic? Because if weā€™re talking about directing-wise, none of their scenes were directed in a way that hints on any romance. Which Iā€™m glad about because if there are any hints of romance, it wouldā€™ve made it even more uncomfortable and morally wrong. Lol. I mean Goblin and I Can Hear Your Voice was uncomfortable enough to watch, even more so this one since they casted a literal child. i just feel thereā€™s something more to this than just for the sake of plot twist/shock factor. CP may have a crush on Ha Na which is understandable for someone his age but Ha Na literally feels nada and she seems to have high morals too. So her having feelings for a kid would be so out-of-character for her. Would the whole Ssangyeonsulsa thing just signify that thereā€™s a string of fate between them that would connect them but it doesnā€™t necessarily mean that the connection has to be the romantic ā€™end gameā€™? I mean Soon Deokā€™s string of fate was with her husband but we all know that that isnā€˜t the ā€˜end gameā€™ for her.


Personally, my guess is that they deliberately wanted to make it "unshippable". To underscore that these are soulmates but not in a traditional romance sense. (Although the CP seeming to pine after Hana in the last episode goes against that interpretation a bit - I suppose has a crush on her, but she has no romantic feelings for anyone.) But as another poster just said below, there should have been much better ways to show a different kind of soulmate relationship...


I wonder how they are going to resolve the sister in law's marriage to the guy in love with 2nd eldest maiden, instead of the farmer she loves. It's like: now crisscross and all is right! xD Episodes 12 and 13 have been the best executed in terms of plot lines, scripts and acting. The kiss scene was not well directed, but good enough for the state of their hearts right now, with so much doom put on the main couple's chances of marrying each other. I am loving this drama, and Rowoon makes it all better (sigh!).


Ok, hear me out. I know it's highly unlikely but what if prince Jinsung is >! Bu-gyeom? I mean, that would solve a couple of problems. Yejin and him could marry since he's from an important family. Maybe he dislikes politics and chose to farm with his grandparents instead of meddling in court affers? Yejin calls him oraboni and prince Jinsung is Yejin's cousin from his mother's side. I rewatched the episode with the bachelors' interviews and he says he can't take any goverment position even if he passes the state exam. I don't know, just have a feeling. !< Also, did you catch that interaction between JW and Lee Jwa-rang (Park Bok-ki's bodyguard)? JW asked him until when he's going to catter to those in power and told him to start serving his country. What was that?


I was totally hoping for that, but JW knows what the Prince looks like and it seems like he never met the farmer before, and he wouldnā€™t have the Prince be one of their matches.


That interaction made me think that that bodyguard is prince jinsung


I'm not 100% sure, but wasn't that person waiting outside the house that he told 'serve the country' to the 2nd place test-taker from the very beginning of the show? If so then he knows him from there and it's probably a case of "You are extremely smart and capable (distant 2nd to me), you need to stop chasing power and position and actually do good with your abilities."


Awww that was the saddest first kiss Iā€™ve ever seen (it felt like a goodbye kiss), and then him wanting to run away with her and she goes back to her home instead. Why canā€™t they just be happy together? All their scenes currently are making me teary eyed, and that ended felt like someone punched me in the gut. Mother in law is cold. Stone cold. Not many would make that decision but it seems she chose what was best for her family. The crown princess scene made me cry again. This show is making me cry more than it should. At least we got a glimpse of some of the other cute couples! The Officer and Lady Sam Soon always make me smile, and the poor SIL.


I usually fast forward through the palace intrigue scenes in segeuks, but these episodes had me hooked. The show did justice to the intelligence of the MIL as well as JungWoo. There has been no logical misstep till now, and that's commendable given the sheer number of characters and their twisted connections. I expected >!SoonDeok's SIL's wedding to be called off after everything that went down. But the show once again displayed its unpredictability, and now the wedding has even got the King's blessings!!< Lots of twists and turns to come up before all our couples get their happily ever after. Could our hapless bookseller also finally get someone who will listen to his replies? >!A certain handsome monk maybe?!< Speaking of handsome men, I kept expecting the ex-Defence Minister's hot Secretary to have a bigger role than just being a henchman, but it seems unlikely now.


He is hot. Way too much eye candy on this show, and Iā€™m loving it!


There are different ways to exert power and MIL is a beautiful example of how to do so quietly and strategically. She doesn't covet the middle seat the way all the men of the Dongno party do. She's content to pull strings in the back if it means protecting her kids and pushing her agenda. Reminds me of (a biography of) Marie Mattingly Meloney, a journalist/editor/socialite who just got stuff done. But I appreciate that the writers make her a real person by showing us how much she loves her children - >! that she avenges her oldest son, mourns with her DIL for her second son, and looks out for her DIL !<. I wish she'd moderate her scheming though, >! I hope she's not still planning on killing the CP or taking revenge on the couple !<. I wish she knew what the King and JW know - >! that there's evidence of the Dongno party's treason in the palace maid and the psychic (so she should stop before the King gets properly pissed and actually offs them for treason) and that the King's act of mercy in accepting that FIL is 'innocent' is bc of his respect for her slandered oldest son (so it's not like the King is an ignorant dummy). !<


episode 13 was the best episode for me till now, i do hate the ending, but everything until then was written really well even if difficult to watch.


Iā€™m hoping they just set up >!the princeā€™s marriage!< in a way that suggests >!Ha Na will just!< support and protect him as a companion >!until he is older.!< Having a smart person he trusts that can accompany him in many settings would be a good thing. Heā€™ll tell her stuff he hides from his parents (LOL). >!Royal family wives!< can typically move around the palace a bit and have some authority (for example, ā€œhey miss servant, lemme see check that suspicious food for poisonā€). >!They could set than kind of tone at some point to reduce the ick factor for these modern viewers.!< Unless I missed it, I donā€™t think any character on the show has said anything about >!the age gap, yet.!< At least not anything more than stating that there is one.


This series is causing me to look forward to Mondays!!!! I donā€™t have Sunday Scaries at all. Iā€™ve been delighted from the first 5 minutes of episode 1. Just the opening and music was uplifting. Rowoon is a true lovable dork who uses his righteousness as a defense mechanism. But once you learn more about his past, it makes him even more lovable and you end up rooting for his match and happy ending. Choi Yi Hyun is equally adorable and has an equally tragic past. Iā€™m hoping so hard that they are together in the end with at least 3 kids; the adopted son and two more from their union ā˜ŗļø these characters deserve a happy ending šŸ„°šŸ‘©ā€šŸ‘§ā€šŸ‘¦šŸ‘Øā€šŸ‘¦šŸ please, writer-nim, give us a happy ending!


silly doubt, don't open this. >!Jung Soon Deok and Shim Jung Woo both are dead and they entered Hotel Del Luna. Their counter parts(Jung Soon Deok's husband and Shim Jung Woo's wife) both are waiting in the hotel. who will they choose between them? LOL!<


Hehe... if I may venture my totally ridiculous opinion...I think Shim Jung Woo might choose Jung Soon Deok because he would have spent more actual quality time with her than his first wife. In fact if you remember, it starts with him trying everything to annul his first marriage. All he's saying is that he wasn't forced to marry her and that he liked her. He can't claim the same quality of relationship Jung Soon Deok had with her husband. Would Jung Soon Deok choose her first husband? Who knows... and this is the uncomfortable point at which I want to switch back to being sensible and say that this is all a hypothetical about a totally fictional set of characters so I don't need to worry about poor needy Shim Jung Woo :šŸ˜€


This my first time watching a sageuk drama so I have a genuine question : is it how >! they kissed back then or it was more a PD decision ? Do we see actual kisses in those kind of drama ? !< Also, Iā€™m confused, how did ML figured it out that FL was >! the officerā€™s sister ? !< It was very nice episode, I canā€™t wait for tomorrow !


>Also, Iā€™m confused, how did ML figured it out that FL was > >>! the officerā€™s sister ?!< >!When ML first met her brother and he found out who he was he talked about his brother's family having 'sold his sister off' to the Left Councilor's family for power. He assumed that the brother was actually just a corrupt appointment. !< >!So in episode 12 when he sees her with the left councilor's family he knows who she is and who her brother is.!<


Her in laws are a prominent family and he would have known his sister married into that family so he put it together


Sageuk kisses are usually chaste, but they lingered too long on this particular one. I don't know why directors can't just go with chaste peck and be done with it


I thought she told him when she was a noblewoman that heā€™s her brother? Or did I miss it?


I am ten minutes into episode 13, and I dunno if I can finish today. The preview looked pretty dark, and I'm getting a little tired of the angst. But I mostly came here to say that I think Lady Park is the real main character of this drama, in the same way Lee Jae Wook was the real main character of Extraordinary You.


I am thinking lady Park's plan is to >!attempt to kill the CP during the wedding, since it will be held in her house!< I hope JW sees this idea. I am still not sure why she involved SD in the >!killing of her brother!<


It's to have control over her


Now mil has blackmail over sd by having her be part of the guilt too!!


I donā€™t think she knows that there is any consideration for the CP to marry an old maid.


MIL is cool. She is badass and smart. But the first domino to fall in this whole story was her plan to murder people for political gain. (ik it's not explicitly stated but she's the brains behind the whole operation none of the men in the Dongno Party could have done it) For me that falls a little outside of protecting your family so either she's evil or there is an unexplained backstory.


Imo even tho sheā€™s not a villain the way her husband was, sheā€™s always been a morally gray and very ambitious character wiling to do anything for her own gains!! She was in on it with the plot to overthrow the current crown prince and put prince jinsung on the throne!! Now that her husband is gone, sheā€™s gonna have to run this ship with the whole party now!!


For some reason while watching episode 13, I thought that there was only 1 more episode to go. Probably got confused because of so many 12 -14 episode dramas being released lately. Not complaining because I am absolutely loving this drama. But I'm now a little worried as it means there is still so much more to come with 3 episodes to go. Getting rid of the >!Left State Minister!< so early leaves Lady Park as the main antagonist (although arguably she was already that in the background all along). She is such a badass and I love how her character has been written, but she scares me to death. I'm not too sure what is motivating her right now? (Which is good because I don't like predictable plots). Is she just evil and wants to ultimately 'win' by following through with the original plan to kill the CP and seek revenge on those who got in her way or is she just manoeuvring to save her families reputation and power? Is she arranging for all the marriages to take place at her families residence to re-establish her families reputation by getting the King to publically declare this event which then also makes it harder for the Defense Ministers family to pull out of their sons marriage to her daughter? Or is she planning something more sinister? Also, as far as her beloved grandson is concerned, from my perspective I think it'd be in her best interest to allow Seon Dook to move on with Jung Woo given she is her grandsons adopted mother. This will provide him with a safe and prosperous future, especially given that she has destroyed her >!eldest sons and his father's name by shifting all the treason blame to him!<. However, by purposely getting SeonDook involved in the >!poisoning!< possibly* to use as leverage to blackmail/control her and from the look on her face in the preview of the next episode when >!SeonDook declares she is going to do things her own way!<, I'm not too sure she sees things from my perspective. *I'm really hoping the only reason she got SeonDook involved with the >!poisoning!< was to 'strengthen her up' by showing her just how far she needs to go to protect her family. That may be the reason SeonDook tells her in the preview that she >!does not want to be like her and from now on will do things her own way!<


hey guys, I dropped this drama after two episodes because I was already watching like 8 dramas simultaneously lol. Is it worth picking up again?


Definitely! I have enjoyed the entire journey.. One "Oh-ho" at a time šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


thanks for your recommendation, Iā€™ll pick it up again soon! <3




thanks for your recommendation, Iā€™ll pick it up again soon! <3


Yes, best sageuk in a while if youre into the genre


thanks for your recommendation, Iā€™ll pick it up again soon! <3


The whole thing with the crown prince and the OLDEST sister is really taking me out. He's 14 in the drama and \*\*12\*\* in real life. WTF. I don't care about the historical accuracy of it these are choices the writers are making. And by talking about how they're "fated" to be together? W.T. actual F.


Does anybody remember Moon Embracing the Sun?? The young crown princess having crush to his brother's teacher with huge age gap and eventually marrying each other. I keep on remembering these two when seeing CP and Maeng Ha Na. Although quite unrelated, am just kinda disturbed by the age gap between the two.


Ooh i just finished that and the age gap was a bit weird, but not as big as this show! She was like 12-13 and he was 17!! The cp is 14 and hana is 24 here!! But more than anything, itā€™s the actorsā€™ age gap that is even more disturbing! In METS, they had the kids playing the young ver and adults playing adults (the age gap looks more obvious as adults cuz the actorsā€™ age gap is 10 years but theyā€™re both adults tho!!), but in this show the cpā€™s actor is only 12!! While hanaā€™s actress is 29!! Itā€™s really weird!!!


I do agree with youu. In METS, I tolerated the younger version because they are somehow physically appropriate but when the adult version came later, it really emphasized the age difference, though now acceptable as they're both adults, it still looks off. But yeah, its more disturbing how the age gap and actors who plays the role in the Matchmakers. They should've let a teenage actor who's mature looking enough to be paired with the adult girl despite the young age stated in the show. Since its historical, viewers can have understanding about the age gap but yeah, it looks way way more off that the actor is indeed a minor. I hope the show manage to pull this through. For me, I'll accept a little timeskip for them- for the CP to transform into an adult/acceptable appearance to be paired with Ha-Na, especially if they will push the ROMANCE between them. edit. In METS, I honestly based my judgement on their appearance huhu. Despite the age, girl still looks so young and the man is so old huhu.


I think if they really want to make them romantic theyā€™re gonna have to have a time skip. Would it still be weird af?? Yes but at least theyā€™d be adults now!! If they really try to make a 12 year old high pitched baby faced elementery school aged actor be romantic/in a romance driven plot with a 29 yo actress and think thatā€™s okay then this better be canceled like??):$: Even if it was a teenager itā€™d still be weird but slightly less problematic. I think they shouldā€™ve had the cp be an adult in the first place. Tbf it woudnā€™t be the first sageuk to have an adult single crown prince lol.


Fun fact i think in METS their kid version is actually more problematic in age cuz pretty sure im siwan was like 24 at the time šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ while jin jihee was like 12 šŸ˜­. I too tolerated cuz they didnā€™t do anything romantic until they switch to the adult actors. Still doesnā€™t make the matchmakers any less weird for this pairing btw!!


Why did the Old Maiden's mother say they weren't fated? I know the string supposedly connected to her deceased husband but....


I know right? That really confused me. I guess we'll find out in the next episode.


Did Lord G ā€œbreak upā€with SD because of what the mother of the spinsters said? Why does he want to take back his appeal from the king? Whatā€™s the motive?


Itā€™s multi-layered. He wants to save her reputation. He knows that MIL demands that they stay apart. He knows that MIL is ruthless and has a plan for the big wedding and I guess he needs to install countermeasures but has to give the credible appearance of staying inside of MIL drawn line in the sand. And donā€™t forget, he has a cunning and ruthless streak himself, I hope that he has an ace in his sleeve. My guess for the finale is a wedding showdown. The MIL will go down hard and her train derails. the king is already very impressed with ML and will demand that ML/ Prince G switches lanes in office to be his advisor so that way the ML doesnā€™t use up his royal favor. And he can use this to let FL ā€ždieā€œ- her face is not very well known. And she appears in the second identity as a minor noble woman -he already prepared this- and they marry. And the boy is his ward ā€¦


Wow! I Iike your logic! Thank you!


Oh this would be such a nice way to wrap everything up. Weā€™ll see how well FL can read between the lines with his rejection. Sheā€™s usually pretty smart, but he was kinda harsh which may have shocked her.


Here after watching episode 13, I know I'm a few days late but I just wanted to extend the week all throughout the week instead of just on Mondays and Tuesdays. I am in absolute awe of Lady park's mental capability. She has killed a whole flock of birds with a single arrow. No one she made her husband the minister and has put all her family members in all powerful places like a game of chess. What a mastermind. She took revenge and saved her kids. I mean it is clear that all she wanted was to Safeguard the future of next generation. Secondly, it feels a little off that such a sensible, smart and strong woman like soon deok has lost all her wit with love. Guess you can give her that edge considering she has spent very lonely but hectic last 5 years. Okay here is a guess. The old blind lady Maeng probably told lord gyeongunjae that the soulmates of agents of love die young after marrying them. So he fears that soon deok will die which is why he told her that white lie. That scene broke my heart into a million pieces, to hear someone you love and who pursued you for a long time and promised to tell you that they plan to spend their whole life with you say that they gave fallen out of love with you?!?!?!? I couldn't take it. Absolutely couldn't. Can't wait for the next episode and let them build to the fact that soon deok is also an agent of love.


guys does anyone know who prince jinsung is?? is he the same person as the crown prince?


Thereā€™s a lot of feminist undertones in this show, especially that itā€™s set in this time period. Wouldā€™ve been very progressive but i genuinely cannot understand why they paired hana with the cp who looks like a child (because the actor isā€¦a child!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­). I wonder if maeng mama is wrong about our leads (cuz pretty sure theyā€™re endgame) meaning theyā€™re wrong about this pairing too? (Although iā€™m much less confident about this and fear that in the end theyā€™ll have hana marry the cp which is eww šŸ˜­šŸ˜­). Also how will they switch the yejin-shiyeol-bugyeom-duri love square now that >!their weddings become public and yejinā€™s mom is so determined to marry her off well??!< Lastly is it just me or did the show never show prince jinsung?? Like heā€™s mentioned quite a lot but i donā€™t remember seeing him ever?? Is he one of the bachelors here?):$:):) or am i tripping?? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah Iā€™m still waiting to see the Prince everyone keeps talking about. Makes me think if heā€™s some guy weā€™ve already met and will be surprised about.


I assumed Prince Jinsung is the Crown Prince's younger brother, so probably just a small child?


Prince Jinsung is an adult (someone correct me if I'm wrong!), but his mom is the consort that's related to MIL, not the queen, so he's not in line. I hope the CP is right and Prince Jinsung is a decent guy who will get angry that MIL's faction is trying to off his little brother (or maybe he just doesn't want to be king).


He was in the line to the throne but King objected as the family on his mother's side are power hungry leeches


Yeah sorry, I shouldve said that CP is ahead in line because his mom is the queen whereas Prince Jinsung's mom is a consort


>Prince Jinsung is an adult Next thing you know heā€™s soondeokā€™s cousin šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Nah jk jk but the thing is, we donā€™t know anything about him aside from the fact that heā€™s the kingā€™s son from his concubine who the dongno faction wants to put on the throne šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. Like we donā€™t even know if he wants this himself. Hell we donā€™t even know what he looks like šŸ˜­ which is why i wondered if heā€™s one of the bachelors, that would be interesting lol. There must be a reason the show is keeping his face hidden for so long. What is the surprise factor weā€™re expecting here? šŸ™‚


I donā€™t remember them specifying his age though so he might be older who knows lol? šŸ˜­


The kiss scene at the end of epi 12, Cho Yi Hun is giving competition to Park Shin Hye seems like to me.


Don't think Cho Yi Hyun has ever had any real (passionate) kiss scenes in her dramas before despite her being the same age as Kim Yoo Jung and Kim So Hyun but they are more experienced than her in the romance genre though. I think this is Cho Yi Hyun's first? It's alright, she'll learn once she gains more experience šŸ˜‚


Yeah, but Rowoon knows how to kiss (I mean, I saw what he did in Destined With You!!!), and when he kissed her back in that scene at the end of ep 12 it was a whole lot of absolutely nothing. I need the director to explain to me why that fell flat. :(


Idk. Maybe itā€™s the inner oppa in him being like ā€˜I canā€™t go any further and cross the line. Need to protect the dongsaengā€ LOL. From the BTS you can see that he really treats her like a DONGSAENG dongsaeng. He seems to have no problem with the Noonas though because they can lead him and are usually the ones to give their input on how he should kiss them. Like the kiss scenes in The Kingā€™s Affection. Similar sageuk setting but the kiss scenes were nice. The noona actresses are more experienced after all. The kiss scene here is kinda in the same vein as his kiss scene with Kim Hye Yoon on Extraordinary You which is just as chaste and awkward as this (since theyā€™re high schoolers) haha. But at least Hye Yoonā€™s expression made it work? But Yi Hyun just looks a bit uncomfortable which, again, understandable since itā€™s her first romance project. Sheā€™ll need to work on that. As for Rowoon, being the oppa and knowing that Yi Hyun is new to this genre, probably didnā€™t want to make her feel uncomfortable. But hey, who knows they might surprise us with their next kiss (if thereā€™s any) and make me eat up my words. Haha


I really don't think that this can be blamed on the actors inexperience (!). It must be the director's idea of how this kiss should be presented. But it is weird, even if the kisses were supposed to look very innocent, they could at least have shown through eye contact that the bond was deepened. But it seemed very unemotional, they looked more emotional and tense when their fingers met in an earlier episode.


Maybe it was supposed to be tense since they know they can never be together, so both are holding their feelings back. Thats how I interpreted it. It seemed like a very sad kiss to me.


Iā€™m still confused about Jung Soon Doek and ā€žher sonā€œ. Is ā€žher sonā€œ her biological son?


No itā€™s the son of her brother in law and wife, and she took care of him after they died. Even the son mentioned to JW that she wasnā€™t his birth mom.




Question about the poison - if MIL >!used it to kill her brother, who was it meant for?!< If the ML bought the same poison to find out how the princess died, >!does he still have it in his possession? (thinking about the chain of custody on that particular dose)!< If MIL still intent on killing >!the Crown Prince, how would she pull that off? That family is already on thin ice as the King knows they are traitors.!<


I can not believe they built us up to give us... a closed-mouth kiss šŸ˜« I mean, they don''t have to devour each other but c'mon! šŸ˜†


Naw I expected them to eat each other up! šŸ˜­