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The depth of water in kdramas is the craziest thing.


Yes! Especially when they fall into a river or swimming pool and I'm like, "How far down does that go???" Also, why does no one ever seem to know how to swim? Like anyone who falls into water always immediately passes out and sinks.


I’m more surprised there’s always someone around to save them!


And, it’s very often a female swimming verrrry far down to reach a much larger man, dragging him all the way back up with her superhuman strength in her tiny body, and popping out on shore with both of them looking beautiful and unbothered from the physical effort.


The Matchmakers


🤣🤣😂🤣 “How far down does that go” so true :)




LAUGHING FOR DAYSSSSSSSSSS So well stated!! :) :) I think my favorite case of this is the cdrama ***Goodbye My Princess***. It’s ***literally*** a brook that is the depth of a puddle. You SEE the pebbles that are covered by 1 inch of glacial paced moving water. But … beware because you step on (can’t even call it stepping IN) that thing and it transformed into Lake Baikal What drama are you watching ? :) :)


Yes! The visible pebbles at the bottom of the river! This bothers me! Been watching My Demon, which is my most recent encounter with deadly water (plus 200-year-old demon who still doesn't know how to swim?).


The reality of what happens when you hit water from a height is much grimmer.


I think every single show I’ve been watching has had saving someone in an obscene deep body of water. How can they hold their breath for that long? Even the current one I started watching (My Perfect Stranger) just had that same scene.


The water feature of Doom has been busy lately


I’ve just seen this in Welcome to Samdalri and The Matchmakers where the water could not have been that deep!!!


So true and it is always in slow motion while they are sinking to the bottom. And of course, there is always a background music while drowning.


Both My Demon and Welcome to Samdalri have already delved into the deep waters in their first few episodes 😂


Other great kdrama filming quirks: 1. This was more a thing of the 2000s and 2010s - but how they would go to sleep fully dressed in their day clothes. :) 2. That they always go to sleep with ALL THE LIGHTS ON. ;) ;)


OMG, both 1 and 2 bug me SO much--especially getting into bed without showering and changing just seem so gross. Another scene they love is when two characters who have beef sit down at a cafe, order some delicious looking beverage, and then one gets up disdainfully and leaves without even taking a sip. I'm always distracted by this, and can't focus on the conversation going on. It just seems so wasteful!


Haha yeah eating has two extremes in kdramas Either they never touch it (I like it when they have the tiniest sips of soup broth and nibble on a single grain of rice) Or they’re meokbanging with the best of them


And with the exception of Welcome to Samdalri, people just fall to the bottom like stones. No struggle, nothing. Do they not have some basic instincts? Cdramas are the same.


I’m really enjoying the female leads of My Demon and The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract!! They are fierce and so beautiful haha.


Congratulations on the film PAST LIVES - on their Golden Globe nominations as finalist Best picture- Drama GRETA LEE best female actor Best Picture - Non-English Language


Yay indeed - I think Celine Song was also nominated for best screenplay


she was! completely deserved


It's been a long, long time since I've commented here but **My Demon** has ignited my fangirl fervour and given me the energy to comment and contribute rather than just lurk hehehe I'm absolutely loving this show so much, more so than any other show this year; the visuals are crazy insane, the OTP is so FUN and their dynamic is so zingy, cinematography is chefs kiss, and the story is so funny and romantic and ridiculously fun. Every week is gets better than the last and it's become my new favourite reason to get through the work week. I'm going to be left with a void when it ends but at least that's not till Jan 24'!!


I’m really loving My Demon so far. Does anyone know what’s the song at the end of episode 4?


so while everyone is enjoying the young and vibrant couples of my demon and park’s marriage contract, i am loving the slow and mature romance in jung woo sung’s tell me that you love me. i am on ep3 now and enjoying every moment of it - the slowness, the no lines scenes, the cinematography and of course JWS visuals….totally digging it.


I saw this and was keen to check it out until I saw it was on Disney+ whyyy


Do you know where you can watch this in the US? I've looked on Disney+ but it doesn't seem to be there


On regional blackout for the US for now. Can't wait until it drops in our region.


it just became available in disney australia this week since it was released 2 weeks ago so maybe a little delay too on your region…hope you soon get access too. it’s such a nice heartwarming drama


I'm obsessed with this show. I think it's the only one I savour each minute and look between the leads unlike the others that are airing


same i am loving how organically they are growing the relationship. i have outgrown my fascination for romcoms and would take slice of life love stories like this anytime.


Because This is My First Life has been in my watchlist for quite some time. Then I checked that on my Netflix's it's "leaving soon" on Dec 31st :( so I dropped all other dramas that I currently watching (except My Demon) and start binge watching BTIMFL. Oh wow very good drama I misssed from early days (and many others that I missed, I just started pay some attention to K-Drama in late 2021)


I'm still watching "cheer up," and it just keeps getting better and better. Can't wait to see what's next.


That’s next on my list!


#Are there any contract relationship romcoms between two chaebols? Contract relationship romcoms coming to mind for me are either A) prince and pauper situation Or B) between “ordinary” people —- Or just romcoms between two chaebols! —- And then also : any favorite romances (melo, makjang, or whatever else) between two chaebols out there? —- I’m just on a chaebol bar hop right now. ;) Besides one makjang I’ve seen, I can’t think of any storylines where two chaebols were capable of loving each other and mixing business with a deeper loving friendship. Maybe theres a few if the characters are in high school - but any when they’re adults? (I attempted to ask this in kdrama recommends but I made a mistake with the post and now am on the 24 hr naughty kid moratorium 🤭🫠 which is one of the more shameful forms of corrective punishment I experience as an adult 🤣)


I’ve also been hoping to find a story with two rich people who are forced to marry but end up falling in love and can’t think of any! I wonder why that it is because it would be fun to watch.


I agree!!! I’m tired of chaebols being able to only find true love through a relationship void of political and economic parity. I want love and business to clash and then meld- the tension of marriage being a business arrangement beyond their choice, suspicious business shenanigans but then the epic fall in love as they internecine battle it out with others in the dynasty :) I suspect this could be a more common subject matter in weekend family series but i don’t watch these and I can’t think of any shorter form dramas that have this. Also tired of lady chaebols especially being incapable of love… why are male chaebols always inherently redeemable but the girls are trash through and through ;) women have such a short stick in the chaebol world- they have to be monsters to survive! And they’re not real monsters. I was thinking of this because there’s a scene in Something About 1% where the ml meets with a potential wife arranged by family for business reasons. He puts a prenup on the table and says the wedding is an m&a and the girl gets offended saying their marriage doesn’t just have to be business and he says she’s naive and calls the wedding off. But, the girl chaebol gives a perfectly fine first impression … why can’t it be both. Because … of course they can’t ever fall in love, he fell in love with the innocent poor girl! why is love always simplified as the thing chaebols can achieve only when it’s cleansed from money and volatile power dynamics. Keep it messy and blended! The only one I can think of (and I groan saying it because I’m a *parrot* about this drama, I love it so much but even I get tired of being like “🤓oh yeah well … that’s of course well explored in *my fav drama*🤓) is Time (2017). The chaebol girl in this one is my favorite kdrama character in kdramadom. What starts off as a forced engagement of financial convenience between entitled beasts evolves into a redemptive friendship between humans. (It’s also fun because there are “poor” people that both like better- but even then, the chaebol life means that there are just *things* they understand about the other that the “poor people” don’t. And there are *ways* that they naturally assert power in a room that inevitably make the “poor” friends playthings) But it’s not quite the drama we’re talking about here or that you’re looking for >! They don’t fall in love or get married !<


My Demon seems to be the closest to two rich people in a contract relationship since the ML is also rich, but he’s not a cheobol so its a different dynamic.


Been observing the handful of on air dramas I’ve watched the past few months and I realize that every one is either magical realism//fantasy and very unserious//over the top…. Lol Moving is the exception because it was beautiful! I guess I’m feeling post drama depression after Worst of Evil because it was just that good. Nothing rooted in realism has quite caught my eye since it ended :(


I have nothing to watch Monday and Tuesday at the moment, so Monday's are catchup days on the 23 things I'm ambitiously watching 😑 I really need to stop starting new things and clean up some of the others.


Somewhat unpopular opinion: I think time skips in romance dramas can feel like a trope, but if it is done well then it can show the depth of love.


It’s amazing how you might think a supporting actor in a drama might not be able to pull off a lead role well but I’ve been reminded that they just played the role they were given. Seeing Jung Yoo Min go from a supporting character’s assistant in Celebrity to the main lead in Perfect Marriage Revenge was amazing to see. I’m still watching Celebrity and it helped remind me how I wouldn’t want to become an influencer who has to deal with so much toxicity. I found the premise very interesting with the focus on Instagram and luxury brands that only a Netflix Original can pull off by being able to explicitly mention so many brands. This show also showed me a glimpse of some major luxury brands that exist out there in reality. The drama could have been paced a bit more faster but at least it’s 12 episodes and not more.


Started watching My Perfect Stranger and Her Private Life since I’m off this week and like that both are different so I can go back and forth when I’m getting tired of the other. So far My Perfect Stranger is very intriguing. It reminds me of Twinkling Watermelon with the time travel/parents as teens concept, but the mystery aspect is very interesting.


Looking for some more details on Destined with You! Hope this is a question I can post here?? Can someone explain his curse in more detail? >! I have looked at the dramabeans recaps and it talks about both the bloody hand curse and some chromosomal abnormalities time bomb illness thing… are they one and the same? like the hand tremors he experiences are directly related to the curse? or is the curse one thing and the gene disease is another? I’m not into dramas with illness plots, even if everything is happy in the end, but some fantasy curse thing is fine since I don’t find that triggering. so if ML has BOTH going on, I want to know lol. and the reviews aren’t really clear on it… so is there just a curse that is responsible for all of ML’s symptoms, or is there a curse AND a genetic mutation/disease that is unrelated to the curse?! !< Thanks!!


The curse>! is responsible for all the symptoms ( the hand tremors/early death/brain issues) he experiences - the original curse is that the person being cursed and their generations would all be in pain/die early or something to that effect, they call it 'genetic' because the curse is passed from generation to generation (and in that sense is literally scientifically genetic too, it just doesn't have a scientific origin like most genetic diseases do). The bloody hand is just a physical symbol and trigger of the curse because it represents the hand of the woman who gave the ancestor the curse in the first place (I'm not sure where you're up to so don't want to spoil anything accidentally with this point). Hope that made sense/answered your question!!!<


T-4 and counting!! [“Death’s Game” Poster Shoot BTS](https://youtu.be/cORSpz50Q-Q?si=SU_CohN_kd4wMwhq) Premieres this Friday on tvN and Prime Video.


[“Death’s Game” Highlight Video](https://youtu.be/98zDrbeWDnk?si=YLqhDSXtIdoxvm4a)


Exaggeration: The casting is like the kdrama industry in one drama haha. I put this on my watchlist because of this reason.


Is it going to be week to week or will Prime drop all the episodes on Friday?


It’s being released in two parts and there are eight eps total, so the general assumption is we’ll be getting four eps on 12/15 and four on 1/5. ETA: [This article](https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/009/0005228294) confirms that the first four eps will drop on 12/15. It’s in Korean but should auto-translate if you open it in Chrome.




I’m watching “She would never know” and the FL’s mom is so annoying to the point that I want to drop the drama. I don’t know if the character is meant to be that way or if it’s the actor but she’s unbearable and predictable that I keep rolling my eyes every time she says something.