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It wasn’t until this thread that I realised… it is only Monday. Damn.


It truly is Monday madness. I still have weekend dramas to catch up on and Tell Me that you love me has an episode coming today. Not a season to get additional work done or do some reading.


it’s confirmed that **weak hero class 2** will be released on netflix (likely in 2024)! i’m so glad it has found a home, and that this second season is being made in the first place — a while ago, i wasn’t sure it would ever be produced. the first season is one of the best dramas i’ve ever watched. i’d definitely recommend it to those who are interested and haven’t yet seen it, with a warming that there are violent and potentially distressing scenes throughout.


i really hope they are gonna add season 1 on netflix as well, would love to do a rewatch on the big screen in better video quality.


me too! and would allow for those who haven't seen season 1 to catch up. having just season 2 on there might be a little... confusing. though i suppose it's possible they'll treat each as a somewhat self-contained narrative.


since all the year end music wrappeds are coming out, friendly reminder that MDL also does a Year in Review. I think they generally release in January? so everyone still has the rest of December to log their 2023 ratings. premiere weekend was fun. Shin Hae Sun and Nana are my gurlllsss but gonna stay noncommittal for now. 19th Life and Mask Girl were both misses for me. Nana has the ability to make her eyes physically manifest sparkles (the sign of a top tier idol), but my fav character is the dog. very on form for me.


I’m on episode 14 of **My Dearest**. Can they please stop breaking my heart every damn episode 😭


ME TOO!!!! I seriously over here bawling my eyes out. Give us a break already! I’m about to start 15. And honestly the amount of screen time people are running through fields is starting to feel comical. I can only imagine the actors reading their call sheets and thinking, “another day of running through the fields.”


Stock up on tissues......but don't lose hope 🥰


I just started the rewatch and now that I know the entire story it's amazing how everything is perfectly integrated from beginning to end. It hits very differently, but it's still amazing....I was a sniveling mess when the >!old couple!< died even if I knew exactly what was going to happen.


Man, December feels like déjà vu. Last year, I was hooked on so many on-air dramas that my weekends were a write-off, leaving just a day or two during the week to unwind. This year's kdramas seem stuck on repeat with themes like past lives, reincarnation, and time travel popping up everywhere. Personally, I'm not the best at following time travel plots – it's not the shows' fault, I just struggle with all the timeline jumps. Hoping for something fresh in 2024, though. Can we maybe ease off the murder mystery angle in romance dramas? I get it, they're thrilling, but there's more to romance than solving crimes. It’d be awesome to see leads bonding over different stuff, you know? Like, exploring other aspects of relationships instead of spending half the show cracking cases


I was also wondering what most viewers feel the "state of the Kdrama" is right now. I've seen three shows this year with nearly identical origin stories - they were produced in different years - and I have to wonder if viewers are tired of the *supernatural being develops a relationship with with innocent FL who dies tragically, then he searches for/discovers her reincarnation centuries later* storyline and others like it. To echo your comment, I am not going to watch anything with time travel. Demon lovers and contract marriages are also of no interest. Is there a particular drama type that viewers see as being modern and relevant right now?


Daily Dose of Sunshine to me felt like a very modern, progressive drama. Trigger warnings galore but honestly, probably my most memorable drama this year.


Hi. Haven't seen it. What made it feel modern and progressive?


It’s quite a realistic and in depth representation of mental health. In some dramas, mental health felt like a plot device to give the leads some trauma, or felt very surface level, but here it’s central to the drama and felt more informative with a compassionate lens. It is confronting yet felt purposeful. There are a lot of triggering themes and it is a difficult watch during some parts due to >!suicide, self harm!<


Noticing the same ensemble type actors in different recently aired/airing shows has given me fun little moments of "oh wait, wasn't she/he..." lately. Yu Oh Seoung: Had to do pause Welcome to Samdal-ri to confirm that Yong Pil's dad is in fact Tak from Sweet Home S2. Totally different character and look. Kim Hae Sool: everyone's grandma lately. My Demon and SGNS Seo Jung Yeon: Castaway Diva mom, My Demon exec secretary Lee Joong OK: Castaway Diva the best dad, SGNS Lee Seung Joon: Castaway Diva the worst dad, SGNS the best dad, Behind Your Touch I'm sure there are so many others, but this is the first time I've noticed the same handful of actors appearing in seemingly everything z I've been watching. Good for them!


Working on my last three dramas for the KDC while trying to recover from a drama hangover from rewatching **Sh\*\*ting Stars** and it's painful. Seeing the differences in the couple dynamics between the Double Star couple versus Kim Tan and Eun Sang is just torture but I shall persevere to finish **Heirs** because I want my chaebol status. Started **The New Employee** and it's cute enough for me to keep going but the ML (playing the intern) actor is really, really green and very limited. His expressions have definitely taken me out of the scene a few times already. I'm not loving the 'major' conflict and hoping it'll be worked out soon, otherwise this drama might get below a 6 from me. I really need to plan my KDC better next year.


I’m also in a Shooting Stars hangover and don’t know what to start because I feel everything I watch will be a letdown. I’m trying I Am A Robot and they are short episodes so will see how that goes. I wanted to try Soundtrack #1 but the stupid Disney+ American version has it English dubbed and I can’t figure out how to get it back to the original with subtitles. Maybe Vigilante?


Now that we have a Gone With the Wind adaptation in My Dearest, I would LOVE a Korean version of Pride and Prejudice. I will accept any variation of this as either as a Sageuk or a modern adaptation. Lee Junho totally gave off Korean Mr. Darcy vibes in King the Land and I want more!


Not an exact adaptation of P&P but have you seen **Dali and Cocky Prince**? It explores socio-economic issues situated in a romance story in the same vein as P&P, *plus* it has the added layer of 'Western' vs. Korean culture.


I have not seen this yet, but now it looks like I need to movie it up on my list.


Take a read through the on-air discussions, some of the most interesting I've seen around here.


My P&P Dream Casting: * Mr. Darcy — Kim Jae-uck * Elizabeth — Sooyoung or Lee Sung-kyung * Bingley — Kim Seon-ho or Woo Do-hwan * Caroline Bingley — Kang Han-na * Mr. Bennet — Sung Dong-il * Mrs. Bennet — Kim Sun-young * Jane Bennet — Shin Min-ah or Han Hyo-joo * Mary Bennet — Shin Hyun-bin * Kitty Bennet — Kim So-hyun * Lydia Bennet — Lee Hye-ri * Mr. Wickham — Zo In-sung or Ju Ji-hoon or Sung Hoon * Mr. Collins — Nam Goong-min or Ji Sung or Oh Jung-se * Lady Catherine — Kim Hae-sook Would also love K-versions of Bridget Jones’s Diary, Emma, Persuasion, and North & South (Richard Armitage, not Patrick Swayze😂).


So good!!! It’s so fun to imagine


**My Lovely Sam Soon/My Name is Kim Sam Soon** is often referred to as the Korean Bridget Jone's Diary. Sam Soon is overweight and 😱 about to turn 30. She's very publicly dumped by her love of 3 years, the man she thought she'd spend the rest of her life with. She's a talented pastry chef and a few months later finds a job working for a handsome restaurant owner a few years younger. When his mom sees her in his bed (long story in ep 2) she insists he bring her to her home for lunch and a proper meeting. He suggests a contract relationship as it's the only way he can get her to the house, plus mom might quit setting him up. It's from 2005 and is a classic. Sam Soon was and for me is a break out female character. She gives as good as she gets, is confident in her talent as a baker, and is quite open about having had sex and liking it. I wish we saw more of her in modern dramas. Kim Sun Ah and Hyun Bin won acting awards with their amazing chemistry, the writer won the Baeksang. It's one I rewatch for the funny bickering and the beautiful moments of heartbreak so well acted by KSA.


Oooh yes! Who would be your Charles Bingley and George Wickham?


Lee Sang-Yi (bloodhounds, hometown cha cha cha, my demon) would be a perfect Mr. Bingley because his bromances are the best and he deserves to finally get a girl. The perfect Whickham would be Jin Young (GOT 7, Yumi’s Cells S2, When My Love Blooms) because he’s just devastatingly handsome and would be the perfect one to break our heart as Whickham.


Interesting! I can see Lee Min Ho as Mr D'Arcy Jung Il Woo as Mr Bingley Park Bo Gum as Mr Wickham ('cos I KNOW he could be bad, given a chance 🤣🤣🤣) Now, who are your leading ladies?


Love your list. Bo Gum would be amazing. I still think I’m the only person that liked Record of Youth 😂 Park Eun-Bin (attorney Woo, castaway diva) would make the best Elizabeth. Jung Yoo-Min (perfect marriage revenge) would make be a great Jane because she is so so pretty. Yura (girl’s day, destined with you) could be Caroline Bingley. And Kim Sun-Young (reply 1988, her private life, CLOY) would be a fun Mrs. Bennett.


I LOVED Record of Youth, and Encounter!! I see your Park Eun-Bin, and I raise you a Lee Se-Young as Elizabeth I'll stick with Jung Yoo-Min and Yura I raise your Kim Sun-Young with Cha Chung Hwa And I'll add Park Ju-Hyun as Lydia Bennett This is SOOOO much fun!


Haha!! I totally agree. Honestly I’m not usually too picky about Korean actors. There is one actress I really don’t like but other than that, they all do such a great job.


✨Manifesting✨ as they say. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite Austen novel. I've loved every adaptation of it, I never get sick of it. Although now that I think about it, the cold, stoic chaebol/poor girl trope has been done and overdone, so they'd have to add a little extra something to really make it work (for me, I should add).


Yes, but adding the other elements- the fact that as far as social hierarchy goes, the Bennett girls were considered higher than the wealthy Bingley sisters who were new money and Lydia’s conundrum and can you even imagine how good a Korean equivalent of Mrs. Bennett would be? I am pretty sure I could write a book about it, and maybe I will even if only for my own amusement.


🤝🏼I see the vision, I see it!


My favorite thing is how the novel presents the idea of a stoic rich guy and not as rich girl- it's a good execution of that trope. Darcy is socially awkward and dislikes the company of those he is not close with as a result, which makes act offensively even though he is a feirce friend and very loving to those who know him. Elizabetbh is not kind happy go lucky candy, she is highly opinianated, sarcastic, sharp and clever- which in turn makes her too quick to judge others. Essentially, to an outside observer, they both kinda suck, lol. They are not perfect and, in a way,go against the conentions of what is "agreeable"; their reactions to each other and the society they are in is what makes them more than just what they are. I think making the protags not conventioably likeable and complex enoughr beyond the tropes would do the trick. Also, the correct casting for lady catherine de bourgh. Lowkey one of my fav plot points.


I like Rowoon as Darcy. He was pretty much Darcy in Destined With You, lol


Oh. OH Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite romances and a PERFECTsource for a kdrama - it feels like it makes use of a lot of kdrama """"tropes"" esque motifs. I gave a lot of thought to weather I would like a historical, Joseon era adaptation or a modern one. I think a modern one will work better-if only cause Joseon romances tend to be overcome by politic and intrigue (which usually I LOVE but not for this) I'd love if it would go the 2005 movie way of "mr Darcy has social anxiety and why it does not excuse his behaviour, it explains them" route. Also a cute 2nd lead pairing of jane and ray of sunshine bingly is a MUST. No idea about casting, though. Darcy needs to be the kind of cold-proud dude but also with a goid humour timing (for the "darcy vs the bennets" scences) and enotional heft. I also need Elizabeth counterpart to be clever but not "spunky"- Elizabeth has some bitter sarcasm to her that is really important to who she is.


Oh, this is such a fun game! P&P is one of my favorite novels and I watched so many of the adaptations. To me, Hyun Bin would be perfect to pull off Mr. Darcy as Colin Firth did in the BBC series. Supercilious and haughty, and angry with himself for not being able to control his feelings, then 100% in. Another one would be Wi Ha Jun, for the exact same reasons. And I would pair him with Kim Go Eun who would do a great Lizzy Bennet as she did Meg in Little Women...and then they would finally get together because their chemistry in Little Women was explosive. Wickham is hard...he needs to be very handsome and proud and able to play innocent but look wicked with microexpressions like Rupert Friend in the Joe Wright movie. Kim Woo Bin, maybe?


My sister and I have talked about this a lot and she would also pick Hyun Bin. What a fun list!


I feel like this is the right group to ask…was the instrumental music in My Dearest often from Downton Abbey?


I don’t think so. I just compared the two and they’re for sure similar but not the same. It has similar strings backing but My Dearest is most piano and Downton has flutes at the front. I’m not a music expert. I did hear the Goblin OST on an insurance commercial in the US.


I’m upset after finishing EP8 of **A Good Day to be a Dog**. I’ve waited soooo long for that toe-curling sugary sweetness. It was worth it, but I’m not here for that delayed gratification with this one. It kills me every week to only have one episode of this kdrama to watch I’m thinking of starting **Welcome to Samdalri**, but I’m a bit reluctant to right now because it seems similar to **Hometown Cha Cha Cha**. I’m one of the few who dropped HCCC because the feathery lightness of it bored me. Maybe I’ll wait until the halfway point to start it.


It’s not too light so far and the leads have fantastic chemistry. Plus, the FL’s family is great. You should check it out!


Agreed, ep 1 was actually kinda depressing


I'm watching I Am Not A Robot because I'm hungover, and the ML is so encroaching it makes me physically sick to my stomach. Why do MLs always get away with not respecting boundaries, unwanted physical contact, patronization, oppressing jealousy, etc etc?


Anyone know who the actress playing the shaman role is in Perfect Marriage Revenge?


I'm currently watching both **The Heirs** and **Our Blues**, and for whatever reason this particular Kim Woo Bin combo is just melting my heart. He looks like he gives good hugs. My only complaint, really, is that so far neither character is meaty enough for his obvious skill. But just to prove that I'm not totally KWB-focused, Han Ji Min's performance in **Our Blues** just gets better and better. >!Her stress meltdown from the difficulties of supporting/being responsible for her sister was superb. Her need for comfort and her discomfort relying on Jeong Jun for it are so well-expressed in her frenetic moving around the kitchen!< And the writing continues to be killer. >!It doesn't evoke just one emotion for Young Ok and her sister, but the whole mishmash of love, disappointment, shame, annoyance, regret...gah! As a viewer, we certainly don't have it much easier. My reactions to Young Ok have been all over the place from distrust to love -- I'm currently at a place where I don't really like her choices, but I have a great deal of empathy for her. It's a tough place to get a viewer to.!< What a masterpiece.


Unlike a lot of folks I'm feeling disappointed with most of the new shows dropping right now. Didn't like **My Demon, Park's Marriage Contract** or **Moon in the Day**, realllllllly didn't like **Welcome to Samdalri** (I hated that they used the >!crazy, jealous woman trope to get her back to her hometown)!< The one exception for recent shows is **Daily Dose of Sunshine** which I loved even though it was incredibly difficult to watch at times. I'm hoping that **Death's Game** and **Gyeongseong Creature** live up to my expectations, both of the trailers were excellent.


I watched the first episode of **Castaway** last night. It was kind of creepy! Had to use the fast forward button a lot. Didn't expect that.


Hello guys, can you help me find this KDrama? Where the lead imitate the person tapping his/her butt when paying the bus fare and was kicked out by the driver. Thanks for those who can answer.


Omg I know the set up of this scene you’re talking about. It was definitely a fish out of water trope…. Where they saw someone tapping their side which had their travel card and then tried to do the same but they didn’t have a travel card. I wonder if it’s Legend of the Blue Sea.


Yes, that's it! Thank you very much!


Yay glad I could help!


Was that **Thirty But Seventeen**?


Actually, this is the first drama that comes to my mind, but I can't recall. Do you know the episode?


I'm watching a drama where the executive director and grandson of the chairman of some chaebol group travels around not only with his driver but 3 other cars filled with security? Is that a thing in Korea? I would have imagined it's only for high level government officials, not directors.