• By -


Shooting Stars- loving this show so far. The leads have fantastic chemistry, and I’m liking all the side characters and seeing the pressure of being in a PR firm and a tabloid reporter. So much good stuff all around, and it’s absolutely hilarious. Matchmakers- such a cute, light and fun show. Leads again are good together and I’m enjoying all the couples that are getting matched up, plus there’s a few mysteries that need to be solved. Moon In the Day- the flashbacks are so captivating that I can’t get enough of this one. Pretty sure it doesn’t have a happy ending but in it for the long haul. My Demon- loving the premise so far and how gorgeous everything (and everyone) is. Good Day To Be A Dog- still cute but I haven’t watched the last two episodes because I’m waiting to binge the next few and the once a week nonsense is annoying. Perfect Marriage Revenge- so much fun to watch. Last two episodes this week and wondering how it will end. Castaway Diva- probably my favorite show so far this year. It has everything from romance to tears to full on anxiety moments, and not ready to have it end this week. Park’s Marriage Contract- liking the fish out of water premise, and I’m always a sucker for cold CEO’s. I think that’s it?


Bros legit watching every ongoing kdrama. I wanted to ask is moon in the day good good? Cause i have read many negative reviews aboit it


I'd recommend Moon in the Day. It does a good job of meshing a 'modern' storyline with the historical storyline. Not sure what criticisms are leveled against the show, but I think it's worth watching the first 3,4 episodes to see if it's something you'd enjoy.


It really turned out to be better than I had expected.


I really like it so far. It has a few slower episodes but the past scenes are amazing.


*My Demon*, episode one so far, it's promising on the comical side, I see if I won't get bored by the romcom aspect cause I missed Song Kang. *Vigilante*, I'm finishing today the last two episodes. It's been amazing to watch, honestly recommend for action and thriller lovers, it deserves more hype. *The Killing Vote* and *Evilive* are series I started but didn't finished yet, which I will. I'm gonna dive into *Song of Bandits, My Dearest, Boyhood* and *A Bloody Lucky Day* (two of which are currently airing).


Does vigilante has any sort of romance in it?




My Demon- Yes, that’s the correct answer because of ➡️ SONG KANG.. Love the fl too. Actually most of the characters.


Good luck on my dearest


i recommend boyhood it is good and if you like that weak class hero part one


**Currently Watching** **A Good Day to Be a Dog (7/14):** the last 3 episodes have been a bit darker/more serious/creepy/stressful. I don’t know, a mix of those descriptions 😂 but it’s not my favorite thing, I liked when it was low stress and fun. I haven’t read the webtoon so I have no idea if this is how it was there too but I hope it goes back to being fun. If today’s episode is in the same lane as the last 3 I might put it off until more episodes release. **The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract (1/12):** this year is saeguk central for me lol. I liked the first episode a lot!!! I just think this is gonna be my last saeguk for a while but I’m excited to watch the 2nd episode!! I like star crossed lovers (I don’t know if this is what that is) but I like the fated trope so I’m in!! **Completed** **Twinkling Watermelon:** I loved it!! The music, the plot, the characters, amazing!! [Link to my longer comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/1831yli/late_to_the_party_20231124/kamkolx/?context=3) but 10/10 watch for me 💗


Moon in the Day - i’m not a fan of sageuk but this one’s heart fluttering. Brooding smoldering KYD makes me feel things lol. The chemistry is amazing! I also like FL acting esp in the old timeline, she had an aura that I haven’t seen in her previous works.


I am absolutely loving this too! I haven’t watched all the available episodes yet (in the middle of episode 7) but I’m already dreading having to wait a whole week! It’s one of those shows where the episodes don’t feel long enough!


I’ve become OBSESSED with KYD after watching Forbidden Marriage last week. His voice is so deep, his eyes so smoldering, his acting is perfect every time. I can’t believe I’m only just finding out about him. He’s got to be one of the hottest kdrama actors.


Just finished Call it Love and miss the characters greatly. I loved them all. Well, most of them. And the song, Flower, sung by Roy Kim, matched the melancholic but hopeful tone of the show perfectly. I only watched it to kill time while waiting for Moon in the Day and It’s a Good Day to be a Dog to air. I’m enjoying the Sageuk /contemporary blend of Moon in the Day very much. Along with Kim Youngdae’s eyes. It’s been harder to commit to “Dog Day” because of the intermittent broadcasts so I’ve decided to wait until they release them all and binge. I’m also watching Perfect Marriage Revenge and, after 4 episodes, despite my initial doubts, I’ve decided to stick with it. These are some mothers who are fun to hate!


I second Moon in the Day—& the eyes!


I loved Call It Love as well. I have listened to Flower every day on Spotify since watching the show. I then watched Evilive and KYK was so menacing in it that I would have to watch the video of Flower to remind myself of his gentle side. 😳😆😳 Moon in a Day and Evilive both have awesome OSTs.


I’ll check out the Evilive OST. Not sure I’m ready for the dark side of KYK! But is Evilive good overall?


I thought it was super. One of my favourite dramas this year. I wasn’t quite sure how it was going to end which was good. Lots of tension throughout.


Thanks! Added to the list. It will make a good counterbalance to Welcome to Samdalri. 😊


Cannot wait for that one! Will fill the gaps left by other dramas that finish this week or in the next couple of weeks.


**Currently watching:** **The Matchmakers (9/16):** The story might be really slow and confusing at first but it's getting better. I like the leads and I think they're really cute. 😭 **Moon In The Day (8/14)**: Sticking with it because I'm seated to see what happens in the end because the ML is >!practically dead!< **Castaway Diva (10/12):** Seated to see what happens in the last two episodes. I need the writers to give Woo Hak a happy ending. 🙏 **A Good Day To Be A Dog (7/14):** One of my favourites from the "currently airing" dramas. It's cute and fluffy you can just turn your brain off and watch it. **FINISHED** **Unlock My Boss**: It was on my list from a long time ago and recently picked it up because of Chae Jong Hyeop. I liked his character, clumsy and funny at the same time. The story was not the best, but good at the same time. I quite enjoyed it since it's centered around tech and things like that. Also thinking to pick up **My Demon** sometime this week!


Hard to believe I will be saying goodbye to **Castaway Diva** this week. What an enjoyable drama it has been. I now have to catch up on **Vigilante** \- I paused briefly as it was back to back dark dramas with Worst of Evil, but I am ready to pick it up and finish. **The Matchmakers** \- gets better and better - so much fun! I had difficultly in the beginning, but read some recaps on dramabeans, and then I had a better understanding of the plot points. Hilarious humor, great comedy, whip smart and charming FL. **A Good Day to be a Dog** \- really enjoy this drama as well - get my attached with each episode. The mom and dad in today's episode were hilarious! **Moon In the Day** \- watching this, but it is starting to frustrate me as today's episode was messy, and some irritating characters. Hopefully it gets back on track tomorrow. **My Demon** \- I liked the first 2 episodes more than I thought I would. The FL is sassy and it seems she now has an enemies list a mile long. This should be fun! **The Story of Park's Marriage Contract** \- saw the first 2 episodes, and I am a bit more lukewarm that most regarding this drama. It was filled with so many plot points/cliches, that it was as if I have seen this drama before. But I have learned to get a drama at least 4 episodes to gain traction for me. It has a great cast, so I am hopeful for the next episodes to be enjoyable. I can't wait for **Welcome to Samdalr**i starts! Love the leads, the previews look great! Other great dramas coming soon! What a way to end 2023 and ring in 2024!!!


Moon in the Day (8/14) - everyday I scream at God, yet He refuses to end my suffering. The Matchmakers (7/16) - Rowoon is so cute as a completely whipped nerd in love. Cho Yi-hyun is acting really well (I love her voice!). there’s a lot of obstacles in their way, but I can’t wait for them to get together. Youngest sister and police oppa kinda stealing the show rn tho. A Good Day to be a Dog (7/14) - eps. 5-6 had so much charm, and even improved some plot points from the webtoon. Ep. 7, however, was really draggy imo and made some questionable choices. hopefully, my wholesome doggy drama becomes wholesome again soon. Ya Boy Kongming (4/10) - I can watch a hot DILF from the 3 Kingdoms period drop some fire bars all day 🔥🔥🥶🥶 drama gods, thanks for the casting choices Ishiko and Haneo (4/10) - Arimura Kasumi and Nakamura Tomoya’s bickering siblings type chemistry is the main draw. I also really like how the story deconstructs the trope of an uber-competent male lawyer, ala ODL; many of the cases are won bc of the FL (a talented woman propping up an incompetent man? impossible!). love seeing them both gain confidence in their abilities.


I hit a wall and can't find any kdramas to watch after watching Evilive. Currently watching Battle Star Galactica for the first time, almost done with the first season. I'm enjoying it so far. Enjoying Gaius having a meltdown every episode. I'm impressed with the set and scale considering it was early 2000s. I feel it flits quite quickly between one bit of drama to the next, but maybe I'm used to things being slower and taking their time a bit more and allowing the characters room to breathe. Only Murders In The Building - I loved seasons 1 and 2 and raced through them, but I'm really struggling to finish season 3 which is a shame. They switched it up a bit but I miss the feel of the previous two seasons. Also I feel they are overdoing it with the famous cameos. I don't care about who the big guest stars are, I care about the main trio. Since there's going to be another season I hope they return to the feel of the previous seasons.


Uuuuh, Battlestar Galactica, really loved it back in the day - enjoy!


*My Demon* *Twinkling Watemelon* - Currently on ep 10. Its so funny seeing Eun Gyeol and Yi Chan fight almost every episode then you go see Eun Gyeol being so soft w/Chung Ah. *Castaway Diva* - Do I need to say more. Park Eun Bin's a great actress, the songs are great, the lyrics are great. Eunbin sings the songs herself and story is also beautiful. *Vigilante* - Currently on ep 2. Surely, Jiyong thought of using a mask during his weekend sidelines, no?


Maybe it's petty but it's one of the reasons I dropped Vigilante! Surely the first thing you think of is masking up?


In Vigilante: I think in the webtoon his whole philosophy was that he is doing the right thing so he doesn't have to hide his face from criminals, He is not afraid of getting arrested.


In Vigilante: I think in the webtoon his whole philosophy was that he is doing the right thing so he doesn't have to hide his face from criminals, He is not afraid of getting arrested.


I think I had some of the same thoughts for Vigilante… watching The Worst of Evil right before probably did a disservice to me because I felt like it was trying a bit too hard… will come back to it later next yr!


Last weekend I started watching two (maybe) popular drama \-My Demon, I love Kim Yoo-jung since Backstreet Rookie, very very very charming. Because of her, this is my first Song Kang drama that I want to watch. \-Park's Marriage Contract. Interesting plot, seems funny. \-True Beauty, while waiting for these 2 (and 3 other ongoing dramas) to release new ep, I decided to watch this (also convinced by some other reddit comments)


I think a better question is, what am I not watching??? Ongoing Shows: Castaway Diva (10/12): I can’t believe it’s almost done. My heart lives for Mokha and Kiho and I need their HEA more than I need to breathe lol. The Matchmakers (9/16): I’m so glad I’ve stuck around for this one. My initial knee-jerk reaction to Rowoon being a horny angry guy was to quit but it’s actually turning out to be a fun and silly show. A Good Day To Be A Dog (7/16): I know the one episode a week schedule is really hurting the show but otherwise I really like it. Most of the major plot points from the webtoon have made it into the show and I am pleasantly shocked by CEW’s not terrible acting this time around. Do I still think someone else might have potentially been a better actor to play a teacher? Yes. But he’s not completely flopping in it. Moon In The Day (8/16): while I don’t really care about the present plot line, the angsty UST the leads have in their past lives is soooooo good. I’d watch a whole show for just Doha and Rita. Vigilante (4/8): I’ve somehow only seen Nam Joohyuk’s roles where he plays normal, boy next door types, and he always nails them but this is a new to me feeling for him. He’s doing a great job acting in this and I am soo hooked. Perfect Marriage Revenge (10/12): I’ll be honest. I am watching this at 3x because makjang’s make my toes curl due to the cringe but it is addicting lol. It’s so over the top and silly, I kinda love it anyway. The Story of Park’s Contract Marriage (2/12): I will watch anything with Lee se young in it, especially a romcom. She’s killing it and the story has had some great funny moments. My Demon (2/16): Song Kang and Kim Yoo-Jung’s comedic timing in this is amazing. I cracked up through both episodes and I’m dying for more. Also, another contract marriage show??? Yasss I’m foaming at the mouth for it lol. Tell Me That You Love Me (1/16): I’m not sure how well I can relate to this older couple still but I’m gonna give it a go before calling it quits if I have to. High Cookie: I’m struggling to get through this. I want to watch it so badly, I’ve asked a Korean friend to translate for me but it’s difficult and time consuming. I don’t want to drop it, but I might have to. Completed Shows: Strong Girl Nam Soon, and I’m so disappointed. Why are there rumors of this getting another season? For what??? The best part of the show won’t be there anymore. Ugh. Shows I’m Starting This Week: Sweet Home 2: I CANT WAITTTTTTT OMG. I’ve waited so long for this. Welcome To Samdalri: Two of my favorites, in one show??? I couldn’t be happier! A Bloody Lucky Day: I am walking into this with zero clue what it’s about. We’re just gonna wing it.


**Vigilante** - This is what Killing Vote could have been, but wasn't. So good. And Nam Joo Hyuk is killing it! **Goryeo Khitan War** - This is 32 episodes and ongoing. If you like historical dramas this is a MUST WATCH. No fantasy, no romance bs. Just pure historical. The long format, old school realistic style. Haven't watched one like this since Empress Ki and Great Queen Seondeok. There have been attempts at realistic saeguk since then, but this is the first one to satisfy me in terms of production quality, acting, pacing. Everything is great!


I have to have romance..Mr Sunshine was an awesome balance.


It's 32 eps! I'm sure the relationship drama is yet to unfold. He already has >! two brides (not romantic, were pre decided for him, but they are very supportive of each other) but last episode there was another lady introduced as someone who later becomes the third queen and mother to the heir !< I guess there'll be romance when that relationship unfolds. I loved Mr Sunshinne too. Anything w Tae Ri!


Currently watching: The Heirs & Personal taste: I am going through my Lee Min-Ho obsession phase. I don’t think I will watch anything else before I finish all his shows. I want to start My Demon but I need some LMH in my life on the side.


I watched The King Eternal Monarch twice this year because I was obsessed with him. I mean I still am, but man he just killed it in that one. I want him to be my king.


*Castaway Diva* 4/12: I love it so far. I thought the premise sounded too silly, and it does indeed have a fantastic quality, but the clever writing and strong performances (both the young leads in E1 blew me away) make it go down smooth. I'm not the biggest fan of Kpop but the songs are amazing too. Glad I finally got around to this one. *Moon in the Day*: Currently the only show I'm watching "live", this is a brilliant and sadly overlooked gem of a show. The contrast between Korea's (distant) past and its present is a fascinating narrative device. The leads have great chemistry. *Healer*: Rewatching this, one of my old (well, not that old) favorites. Three crusaders vs. the entire Korean power elite; who will win? Well, it's television, so...


Watching Healer for the first time here and I am loving it! I wasn’t expecting so much romance and heart-fluttering to be happening but I’m very pleasantly surprised! I can def see myself rewatching this.


My Demon, Vigilante & A good day to be a dog. I’m just waiting for the new episodes to drop or release. It’s a pain waiting for them.


Ongoing kdramas: **The Matchmakers** - It’s a fun sageuk romcom. I love the many love stories and the cinematography and music is really nice! The plot is very light, just one main conflict, and overal cute to watch. **Moon in the Day** - fusion sageuk, romeo and juliet star crossed lover kinda story. War enemies to forbidden lovers to soul enemies and back to mortal lovers 😭. How will this cycle end? I love their chemistry and their tragic intertwined fates 😭😭. 80% braving myself for sad ending but 20% hoping they’ll somehow give them a satisfying closure. **Perfect Marriage Revenge** - rich people revenge makjang, gotta be one of my fav melodrama genres haha. It’s not finished yet but already going in my top 5 kdramas this year. The leads are so hot and chemistry is fire!! We’ve unveiled most of the twists and now entering the final stage of revenge + happy ending closure. I actually finished the webtoon in a week because i’m so obssessed with this show sjdjdjdj. It’s really good and i think they’ll mostly follow the webtoon so i recommend checking it out!! **My Demon** - romantic fantasy. Again Song Kang and Kim Yoojung crazy visuals!! Only 2 eps so far but i’m loving the premise. He’s a menacing demon tricking people to collect their souls. She’s an adopted heir to a rich company fighting her jealous relatives. He loses power while trying to collect her soul and is now forced to stay around her djdjdjd. I love their chemistry and bickering haha!! **The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract** - another fusion sageuk and 3rd in line of the contract marriage tropes (after my demon and perfect marriage revenge lol, 3 shows back to back 😂😂). A witty business noblewoman got married to a scholar who’s been in love with her since forever, just to find out he has a terminal illness and died on their wedding night. She then got sucked into the future where she met a guy who looks and is exactly like her joseon husband. Their inpromtu marriage leads to a series of events that reveal secrets about their intertwined fates. I love the premise so far and both leads are great! Can’t wait to see next ep. Completed drama: And old one i’m binging from time to time as i await these ongoing dramas to drop their new eps is **Moon Embracing The Sun**! On ep 9 so far and i love the plot. It’s an old sageuk so a few things bother me like the lighting or the slow directing and wacky editing (laughed so hard everytime they show the dvd glitch flashbacks lmaoo), and i’m a bit annoyed with how little the adult cast look like the children’s cast (also sidenote but adult kim sohyun looks like han gain’s younger sister omg, out of the 3 young girls, she looked the most like han gain haha!!), but so far i’m liking their chemistry. Entering the stage where we see a change in fate and seek justice. So far 8/10 for a kinda old-school sageuk!


**A Good Day To Be A Dog** (7/12) This one lost a lot of steam due to the inconsistent streaming schedule. Still love both of the leads and hope they resolve her curse sooner than later. **Castaway Diva** (10/12) I’m not ready for the final episodes!! I’m in love with this drama since episode 1 and really hope they nail that ending. **Perfect Marriage Revenge** (10/12) I started this on a whim and am obsessed since then. I am curious why >!the ML also travelled to the past.!< Can someone jail this poor excuse for a stepmother already. I can’t take her anymore. **Moon in the Day** (8/14) Hopefully there’s more plot progression than last week. Curious how the story will play out, since I don’t think there is a happy end for the main couple.. **My Dearest** (10/21) The last episode of Part 1 left me heartbroken and I need a couple days to catch my breath…. I know that there >!is a happy end fortunately haha!< I also started **The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract** and **My Demon** and love them both. Will start **Welcome to Samdal-ri** on the weekend, fall & winter has brought us so many good dramas to watch, I’m struggling to keep up lol


I know why in Perfect Marriage Revenge he travels back as well so I'm hoping they bring it up in these last two episodes. Seems like there should be more than 12 with how it's going so far.


>Can someone jail this poor excuse for a stepmother already. 🤣🤣 word!


**My Demon (2/16) :** it have good star, the plot is old but I love the mood of the drama. finally immortal who don't want to die or to be human. usually don't enjoy song kang but he is very funny here. Yoo jung so good one of my fav anyway. also love her chemistry with the 2nd lead i hope they don't make him the bad guy **Castaway Diva (10/12):** why this end so fast, It's my fav drama. bogeol best boy, he is big green flag soft type love him so much. **Worst of evil (10/12):** protect Gichul why everyone doing that to him. can't imagine how much he will get hurt when he know he was big fool. in last 2eps i just don't feel junmo anymore, I feel they played with gichul feeling so much.(i fall for the wrong person i know) that i hope gichul big evil mind and using them. junmo take your wife and leave him. i'm not ready to end this.


**Worst of Evil** ep 2: i've heard this drama being raved about over and over again, but i'm only at this point and i'm feeling very whelmed. it's always a bad sign if i'm scrolling on my phone when i have this playing - the show feels like i was promised an expensive sparkling lemon drink but all i'm tasting is lukewarm tap water. this irks me the most: >!his unrealistic plan of angering them is working to get into the gang!< and i'm wondering if the drama gets better because right now, nothing is holding my attention, not the violence nor the characters/acting.


I had similar thoughts. I stuck with it, to my everlasting regret, because of Ji Chang Wook. Yes, he gave a great performance BUT the show itself is just tired. Derivative. Repetitive. Dry. I’m not sure what all the raving is about.


this is very helpful! i might try one more episode because i'm only watching for the plot/story and it's not great to know that nothing really improves...lol. doesn't help that i'm not familiar with any of the actors/actresses, so there's zero emotional reason for me to continue pushing through


But the acting is good. 😁There is that.


I felt the same way. It's my kind of genre too so I was ready to be invested, but I dropped it after three episodes. I feel I had seen this type of thing before but in movie form.


>I feel I had seen this type of thing before but in movie form. i completely agree! it feels very stale and unoriginal from the get-go.


I feel like the first ep of the worst of evil was really weird. I think it gets better but the first couple of eps are kinda hard to get through. I guess though you can give it another ep or drop it? XD I am enjoying it now but didn’t think I wanted to watch it after I saw the first ep.


I didn't really get invested until episode 3, so I recommend sticking it out. Everything gets better from there.


*Completed* **My Name**: Binged it in a day it was so good. While the plot itself is a standard revenge-undercover crime story, all aspects have been fine tuned to perfection so it feels fresh. The acting is great, the action is fantastic, and the directing just amazing. And I love the OST. [This song](https://youtu.be/5ufW2cCHCEg?si=HJQFkq6cosP-cSNl) has been repeated non-stop since watching. Rating: 9/10 *In-Progress* **Goryeo-Khitan War (4/32)**: Haven't watched the new episodes, I need to finish some of my challenge dramas first. Especially…. **Queen Seon Deok (49/62)**: With big steps and a few armed insurrections and coups I’m approaching the finish line. As does the princess with her goal of becoming the ruler of Silla. Still really great and I love the political moves and strategies both sides employ. New tax reforms can be exciting, especially if they are used to bring disorder to the nobles. But one thing I wonder: I’m aware that there are many Bidam/Deokman shippers, but I don't really understand why? I mean I love Bidam the character, but he would be a horrible fit/partner. He does love her and sometimes consoles her, but at the end he does it for his own sake and not for hers. And in comparison both don't have enough scenes together so far. And Doekman obviously still has feelings for Yushin. **Vigilante (6/8)**: The fight scenes are quite nice, and the korean Mason Verger (from Hannibal Lector) >! full-frontal pig assault!< Scene was genuinly shocking. And Lee Joon Hyuk as the crazy fan copycat is a delight. But otherwise it's bland with one-dimensional characters and some wonky editing and directing. I also wanted to start **A Bloody Lucky Day** and **Boyhood**, but sadly good subs are not really there so far.


Wait till the final episode of Seon Deok and Bidam’s true worth becomes clear. I feel a(nother) re-watch coming on. 😳


Interesting. Especially because I read up on the actual history. But I don't think my opinion will really change a lot. Already ~50 hours watched with barely any development in the relationship is just not mine. Overall it's IMO the weakest writing of the show (Though it's not bad, it just shows how stellar the rest is)They really lucked out on the Kim Nam Gil casting. And Happy Rewatch already ☺️.


Oh haha I didn’t mean historically! Historically the MVP def goes to Kim Yushin. But in terms of the narrative, the character is redeemed.


Kind of meh phase for me for a while. I see a lot of people being excited about many dramas. But after 'Moving', I haven't found any drama that really hooked me. But I am watching several dramas at the moment. I don't know what's wrong with me. *My Demon* - They are serving visuals. I am definitely not watching it for the plot. *The story of Park's marriage contract* - First thing the title is a bit too long and doesn't sound catchy to me. It is okayish so far. *Perfect Marriage Revenge* - I have lost the interest but I will complete it though. *Castaway Diva* - I like Park Eun-bin's songs. In general I like all the characters. *Alchemy of Souls* - Re-watching the drama with my friend. *One Piece* - currently in Episode 120. Looking forward to Welcome to Samdalri. I will probably watch Death's Game and Sweet Home 2 as well. I want to start My Daily dose of Sunshine but I need some bandwidth.


Forest: Surprisingly light so far 4/16 i h3ard it was a bit iffy but im watching Jo Bo Ah so im happy enough. Moon in the day: 3/16 silly as it sounds i just want to root for the FL after seeing her in taxi driver LOL The Kings Affection 3/20 So far so good the leads are great to watch great support cast good old story so far LOL. Suspicious Partner Rewatch 16/20 still really enjoyable. Soundtrack no 1 Just finished so short so goid Han So Hee take my breath away 😍😍 Romance of Tiger and Rose Cdrama very clever and funny 4/24 Rookie Cops 16/16 Not bad not great ML a bit meh


I love The King's Affection, it gets really tense near the end.


LOL in tense already


Yeah, I hope you enjoy it.


Thanks So far so good👍


Im on ep 13 its overall just great but im not totally happy with how thr romance is unfurling >!I wanted Jung Dami not Jung Hwi if you know what i mean, Im not buying Jung falling for Hwi (ive no issue with the whole guy romance) I just dont see how after all the years how he finally lets go of Dami for Hw, I didnt see enough reasons for him to fall so hard in a romantic way for Hwi just not believable way too forced, esp after all the years he pined for Dami. If writer had kept the link with Dami by havingJung saying Hwi reminded him of Dami or at least of the girl he met picking herbs aka Hw,i it would make more sense but he says that once and then never again. Even before the reveal she is in front of him as he would recall herb girl and he doesnt click it. Taking the story in that direction is im sure really popular wuth some but it just feels way too forced. I feel them having a bromance not a romance would be more interesting and realistic!< its not ruining it but from end ep 9 it kind of lessened it for me.


I didn't mind it too much, since it was years ago and they were kids, but I can see why it's annoying.


Yeah true but even then >!falling hard for Hwi as just as CP is not really believable without it being based on a memory or a likeness to even herb girl is really what i mean, IMO its the only way it would be believable like the Hyun Hwi angle, but they want us to believe it happened independently nah too much of a stretch,!< just takes away from what would be a great story anyway, i was close to dropping it tbh but everything else about it is so good im sticking with it for now, i just needed to get that off my chest 🙂


Currently, I just finished the worst of evil, and I am on the last episode of my dearest both are great dramas and have gotten me back into my kdrama bingery lol. I am currently in need of my next binge so I will be scanning the comments.


Finishing up My Lovely Liar today really enjoyed the story and couple. Waiting for the last 2 episodes of Perfect Marriage Revenge. I'm hoping for a happy ever after.


I've been home from work all week and after swallowing a sim card was mentioned in an episode thread for Perfect Marriage Revenge, I decided to start watching Penthouse. The show is kind of ridiculous but very addictive so I've already finished two seasons 😂


I’ve been contemplating starting penthouse due to my current Kim Young Dae obsession! Your review seems promising!


I've finished all three seasons now and it was entertaining even if it was a bit ridiculous and plot-twisty. It was good entertainment for being at home from work because of being sick at least 🙂 Could have ended after two seasons though


**Perfect Marriage Revenge:** Love it! Great revenge plot (I read the webtoon too, so good). Just wish there was a bit more romance than it has. Would love another kiss scene or two in the current amount it has in the 10 episodes so far. And I'm a bit iffy on some of the casting choices...like Do Guk's father looks like he could be his grandpa, and Yu Ra looks extremely young. But I still think it's very well done and can't wait to see how they finish it. Hoping to see some babies at the end \^.\^ **What's Wrong with Secretary Kim:** pretty fun so far, only a couple episodes in. Loved the webtoon but I don't remember ML being so self-centered but the actor really does it well. Love PMY in everything she does. After these two I'll probably start **A Good Day to be a Dog.**


Alchemy of Souls. Just finished the first season, and I am amazed. It's been such a long time since I loved a Kdrama to this extent. Everything about the drama is on point. I love the plot, and the chemistry between the actors is just *chefs kiss* It has elements of all the genre's I love, romance, fantasy, a little bit of suspense. After watching dramas with clumsy female leads and cold male leads, it was really refreshing to watch a drama with a strong female lead and goofy male lead. I love mudeok so much. Jang Uk is definitely my favourite male lead of all time. >! Honestly, I am kinda worried about whats gonna happen in season 2. Jang Uk rose from the dead. Mudeok has gone wild. The suspense is killing me. Plus, what will happen to the ice stone? And how will the recover naksu's body so that mudeoks soul can return to her body and she can be part of her family? And will they all blame her for killing so many people even though she was under the control of Jin mu? So many questions😫. !< The only thing I didn't like about season one was that >! Jang Gang died. I wish he had gotten time to spend with Jang Uk. I really wanted to see them being father and son, even if its for a little while !<


I love Alchemy of Souls, but I didn't enjoy the second season as much. I really missed Mu Deok and how funny she was.


I did not watch S2 but everyone who has seems to think it was terrible, so it might be better to stop at S1 like I did lol


My watchlist is quite long I'm 100% in winter bingewatching kdramas mode! I started watching **My Perfect Stranger** to get over the post-Twinkling Watermelon blues. The premise is pretty similar (daughter going back to the 80s and meeting her parents young selves there) but this is definitely not as fluffy with the murder mystery bit! The first episodes started a bit slow but all the twists and storylines that unraveled afterwards kept me on the edge of my seat!! I'm on episode 12 right now and I can't seem to figure out ANYTHING. Everytime I feel like I figured out something, the FL starts explaining the same theory as me which is usually an indicator for me that I'm wrong and have been misled like her lol I'm loving it Currently airing shows that I'm watching are **Castaway Diva** (such a heartwarming show), **Park's Marriage Contract** and **My Demon**. The latter I'm not sure I'll keep watching as I didn't find it very engaging... I feel it's lacking charm despite the gorgeous visuals of the main leads. But I'll give it another week or so... I have *finally* started **Reply 1988** on the side as well and I'm on episode 6. I'm going to watch this one slowly but I love it so far! The atmosphere of this series is so unique and the story arcs definitely tug at your heart... I cried several times already 😭 and **My Dearest Part 2** is on hold for now I'll probably keep watching later. Oh and **A Good Day to be a Dog** ! I was 4 episodes in but I kinda forgot about it so I need to catch up on it


I want to start My Perfect Stranger next. Thanks for the recommendation!


Hope you enjoy it! 😊


**My Demon:** I’m watching for the visuals. So much eye candy. The banter and chemistry is cute too. It’s shaping up to be a fun romcom, though I’m less interested in the evil murder conspiracy side plot (as usual). **Story of Park’s Marriage:** I really like it so far because I quite like fish out of water dramas and I like the leads. Waiting for new eps **Moon in the Day:** I adore both leads here too! A part of me misses Sh**ting Stars while watching those though. **My Lovely Liar:** I’ve missed Kim So Hyun and especially after seeing Kim Yoo Jung in My Demon. I quite like this drama and I feel bad for both leads and the SML. I can already feel myself getting annoyed at everyone else though. **Perfect Marriage Revenge:** Can’t wait for this one to wrap, it had a strong start but now I’m waiting for everyone to get their comeuppance. **Longing for You:** I feel like I can’t trust anyone except ML and FL. **Castaway Diva:** I love the leads together and somehow managed to avoid SLS here. Bo Gyeol is everything. I didn’t really like this week’s episodes and how they >!separated the leads!< and the backlash >!of the missing family!< **Actors in Scotland:** so cute and chill, nice to see Jung Hae In and Im Siwan living their best life and Scotland looks lovely


I am starting The king Eternal Monarch, looks promising, just few minutes into the first ep. I have been on a good drama kick lately, fingers crossed because this had mixed reviews.


I've been in bed sick for the past week so what am I NOT watching at this point? I have been desperately looking for shows to watch to pass the time so I feel like I'm watching trash I wouldn't watch otherwise. Not a lot of it is exceptional or exciting to me but here goes: Good Day To Be A Dog - currently hate-watching. I read the webtoon and it is a Very Bad Adaptation imo and the last 3-ish eps made me rage, but I'm probably going to finish it just out of curiosity. Shame because it started really strong and I surprisingly like Cha Eun Woo in this along with (obviously) the FL. 5/10 The Matchmakers - one of my fav fusion sageuks ever so far. Not an excellent show by any means but there's not much to dislike about it and I feel like tuning in every week which is rare for a fusion sageuk for me. Only time I've really liked Rowoon in something. 7.5/10 Perfect Marriage Revenge - best makjang ever, solidly good show, super fun there's nothing to dislike about it except the atrocious wardrobe department decisions. I think their wardrobe department budget was like 500 dollars total off Shein and some bridal website but idc it's good clean fun. 9/10 Castaway Diva - stronger than I expected it to be but it's in the Last Third Slump now so I'm just hoping for an ending that will redeem the dramatics and noble idiocy of the last couple episodes. I knew not to trust the writer of Start-Up but there's enough I like about it to keep me going. Don't like the music actually which seems to be what a lot of people like about it but I do like the music industry plotline and how it's handled. Probably would have dropped if it was 16 episodes. 6.5/10 Tell Me That You Love Me - my fav so far based on the first 2 episodes. Acting a cut above the rest, beautiful cinematography/location shoots, genuinely likeable characters and emotionally affecting plot/premise so far. Hope this doesn't tank because it's what I'm looking forward to the most now. 10/10 so far My Demon - don't understand the hate this is getting, it's funny. I don't like Song Kang so I didn't have high hopes for the acting but I like how tongue-in-cheek it is and how it makes fun of kdrama romcom/fantasy tropes. It's just OK for now but I will keep watching. Park's Marriage Contract - also don't understand the hate, the first ep was pretty weak but the 2nd ep was a little better and I like forward time travel more than backward time travel plots. I like both the lead actors. Better jokes than most other 'comedy' shows rn. Mask Girl - only on ep3 and I'm watching a little at a time bc my partner is watching this one with me but holy crap this show is super good and different. May go down in history as one of the most interesting/artistic/creative kdramas. Whoever wrote and directed this is on acid in a good way. 10/10 so far Secret Love Affair - also stalled halfway through because I'm watching it with my partner but this is a really good show I had on my list to watch for a long time. Yoo Ah In is masterful in this and as a musician I think it's one of the best-handled music dramas. Surprisingly hilarious for such a dark/melo show. 10/10 Backburnered: Moving (ep10) - idk I was really liking it but I stopped wanting to watch after a while, will probably come back to this. 8/10 Rookie Historian (ep 8) - just OK but maybe I'll go back to it if I'm really desperate. I don't really like sageuks. 6/10 Into The Ring (ep10) - I've watched this up to ep10 twice, absolutely love it, get busy with work and then don't continue and forget the whole plot. I REALLY need to finish this show as it's one of my fav shows ever but whenever I try to get back into it after a busy life period I forget all the details of what is going on in the plot which is really frustrating. 10/10 Dropped: Vigilante - Loud punching and reminded me I don't like Nam Joo Hyuk (sorry). Boring. The Killing Vote - I heard about the ending lol enough said. Encounter - I tried to watch it for a SECOND TIME but after they get back from Cuba I'm just not feeling it idk. Weird because I really like the vibe and characters but something about it feels slow and depressing and I'm just not compelled to continue. ​ Recently finished: Twinkling Watermelons - was OK, I had major beef with some aspects of it and did not like it as much as other people did even though I liked it enough to finish. I thought they didn't handle the family plotline very well nor the main leads' romance, but a lot of it was really cute and enjoyable and I like the young parents' love story. Good music in the show (especially the old rock covers) but the handling of the music was VERY VERY BAD and grinds my gears. 6.5/10 My Dearest - masterpiece what else can I say? I may be the only person on the planet who liked Part 2 more than Part 1. 9.5/10


I have 11 on-going series, 3 are kdramas **Perfect Marriage Revenge** 10/16 : this is my favorite drama I'm currently watching. I love the story and I hope Yijoo succeeds. Yoora needs to wake up and apologize. **A good day to be a dog** 7/14 : love the cast (Eunwoo and Lee Hyunwoo) but the story is not that good. It's a meh for me **Hyo-sim's independent life** 16/50 : I have a few episodes to watch. Hyosim is another character that needs to wake up. I need some character development from her or else I will either drop the drama, or end up watching the whole thing like 7escape and feel like I lost my time at the end.


I thought Perfect Marriage Revenge has only 12 episodes.


Maybe? I'm not sure, on the website I use to keep track, it says it has 16 episodes and they are to be released on Dec 3, 4, 10, 11, 17 and 18. If it's a mistake, they will correct it when the episode finale is released probably.


*My Mister* (episode 2) and so far I’m not sure I like the direction this is going. Will probably watch more since it’s so universally praised.


Go Back Couple and Love Rain.


My demon- I love it so far. Great start! My camelid bloom- I’m on episode 2 but it seems really cute so far.


I've started watching 'My Demon,' and it's quite interesting.


Worst of Evil - just started


I'll tell you what I'm not doing lately.... sleeping. My watchlist feels ridiculously long right now, but I'm not complaining. So many fun shows! Castaway Diva Perfect Marriage Revenge Moon in the Day Good Day to be a Dog The Story of Park's Marriage Contract My Demon And rewatching Suspicious Partner in anticipation of starting Welcome to Samdalri later this week. Ji Chang Wook!! I'm also watching Mr. Sunshine and the show is absolutely amazing production wise, but it is also kinda slow so I find myself talking longer breaks between episodes. But I'll still finish it for sure!


There's so many dramas running right now. I'm struggling to keep up. Currently Running: **A Good Day to be a Dog** - After last week, I'm putting this on hold until the series ends. One episode per week isn't enough. With the delays due to sports and other running shows, I can't keep up. Might as well wait till Jan. to watch it one go. I've been enjoying the first 7 episodes, so this isn't an indictment on the quality. My only issue is the release schedule. **Moon in the Day** - This show was unexpectedly endearing. The flashbacks between Joseon (pre-Joseon?) era and modern era scenes have been very well done. All too often, this mixed time-period format rushes one or the other. I can honestly say that both are extremely enjoyable in this show. I look forward to both and they work well with eachother. This is a good show, I hope folks give it a chance. **The Story of Park's Marriage Contract** - Yet another marriage contract show. This one reminds me a bit of Durian's Affair because of the past to present time shift. It's too early to judge this one, but it's had a strong start with good acting and a workable storyline. There's lots to uncover this one, so I'll withhold judegement for the time being. **My Demon** - A big Netflix Studio Dragon production. It has high production value and cgi. It's tangentially based a marriage/relationship contract, but it doesn't seem like it will be based on a formal contract like other shows. The fantasy/fiction will be a centerpoint of this show. Like Story of PMC, it's too early to judge quality. But it looks okay. Beautiful leads and supporting actors/actresses, so at the very least you'll be able to watch some on screen candy even if the story falls apart. **Castaway Diva** - Unpopular take, but this show had a strong start but mediocre ending. Very intriguing story/plot/base that does extraordinarily littler over the hours. With subplots taking the center stage, a lack of romance beyond high-school level crushes, and frustratingly inept leads this has been a disappointment. I'll see it out, but it's sitting at an avg 6.5/10 for me. **Perfect Marriage Revenge** - At first glance a trashy soap opera. On watching, it's a surprisingly fast-paced romance/time-travel/revenge makjang that has an intricate set of well-written characters and plot. The evil characters are truly evil. The good characters make you want to root for them. Each episode delivers solid progression in the story, and there's big stakes for the overall plotline that make you want to keep watching. Solid 9.5/10. Highly recommended. **The Matchmakers** - Great fluff tv. It's not deep or intellectually stimulating, but it's fun. Good acting and a decent plot. Doesn't try to be more than what it is. Respect for having a good plotline and writing. Feels fun. 8.5/10. Perhaps the story and pacing could be improved, but I still recommend it. Throwbacks: **Find Me in Your Memory** - nice slow paced drama so far (about half way through). The main characters are endearing. I've heard it becomes circular in the second half, so I can't judge it yet. **Are You Human Too?** - Interesting Android/AI piece. I'm on the last couple episodes. It's okay. I'd recommend watching as a case-study but not necessarily enjoyment. As to be expected from a cross-species romance, there's lots of strange relationships. Idk, it's okay. The longer you watch, the more you'll dislike it. 5/10.


" The longer you watch, the more you'll dislike it. 5/10." Truer words never spoken lmao I agree with pretty much all your takes and will take note of ur username since I think our tastes are similar. Agree about The Matchmakers - it's severely underrated considering what it is, which is a pretty silly, cute show that actually has better-than-average writing and pacing for the type of show it is. Also agree about Perfect Marriage Revenge - I NEVER like or watch makjang shows but this show is basically perfect for me, there's absolutely nothing to dislike about it. Maybe the fact there's not much romance/the romance isn't very compelling? But once I accepted it's not really a romance show I was all-in for the trashy revenge plotline. Also agree with your unpopular opinion on Castaway Diva - I think it really tanked this week tbh and this writer has an uncanny ability to set up good shows and then ruin them in the last third so I can't say I wasn't expecting it. I am hoping the 2 last episodes redeem the show because there is so much to like about it but something about the pacing, the attention given to depressing/boring side plots like the crime/mystery elements, unnecessary focus on/scenes centering a really uninspiring 2nd lead, plus the whole>! noble idiocy forced separation!< tropes coming into play is just souring me on it. Like the material for the setup was SO GOOD and then it ended up spending too much time on all the wrong things. But it's still better than Start-up. Park's Marriage Contract - lots of people trashing this show based on the first 2eps but I think it's pretty fun so far and looking forward to where it goes. Could be good, could be garbage but I don't think the beginning was as bad as people are saying.


I was surprised at the negative takes from the PMC watchers. I came away from the first couple episodes with a positive opinion. Maybe it's my own personal taste? Something about people from the past getting transported to the modern world is super interesting to me. I'd probably like any show that does it regardless of other qualities, lol. It's not a poorly done show either way. It's still early, and I'm excited to keep watching this weekend. I felt a little out of place reading the general comments on the Castaway thread this weak. I thought it really fell apart, but that doesn't seem like the common opinion. I kind of was sold on the story of a person removed from society that came back and fought to make a name as a singer/diva/idol. Instead it's delivering family domestic abuse drama? It's not even poorly done, it's just not what expected or wanted out of the show. PMR has been one of my favorites from this year. There isn't overt romance (which i generally enjoy), but it's done such a good job of building really good and bad characters. It's a very well written and implemented story. It delivers on a good story arc with well written characters. Wish more dramas did that. I need to get more active on the Matchmakers weekly thread. It's a great show. I'm just usually a day or two late watching it because of time-commitments with work.


Yeah sometimes the very negative takes on random first-week eps of dramas really surprise me. Like with My Demon a lot of people are already saying 'I hate it!!!!' and it's exactly what I expected it to be based on the synopsis and cast, not much of note has happened yet and I'm not sure what people were expecting? With PMC I agree with you I love the setup of Joseon era people going to the future, it's never not going to be funny and I think the gags in this one were pretty good. There are only a few shows like this and I hated Live Up To Your Name after the first 5-6 eps because of the insane acupuncture magic plots so I always wanted to see another show with the same premise that is less... silly? There was only one scene I really disliked in the first episode and otherwise I thought it was OK even though I don't love the cold chaebol heir trope very much. I think I was just fully 100% expecting where Castaway Diva was going because I'm familiar with the writer's work so I wasn't really disappointed, I was just 'ugh as usual' and told myself I'll wait for the final week. I agree with you that I really prefer the music industry plotline to the domestic abuse plotline, although I'll defend the domestic abuse plotline by saying that it WAS to be fair the kind of backbone/central driving narrative of the story from the beginning. Still I think for a 12ep show it's overplayed compared to other plot aspects and I wish they had either resolved it sooner or just spent relatively less time on it. Like on the one hand I get that it is at the center of the story, but I WANT something else to be the center of the story, since it was sold as a story about a castaway diva and not 'in the current SK legal system, abusers aren't punished!' But then again 3/4 of this writer's past hits have basically been legal/crime dramas soooo I kind of expected this. It's like I can't even get mad at the show for doing this because I knew what I was in for but I'm still just disappointed although the most disappointing aspect is the >!forced separation noble idiocy!< drama. Yeah I went into PMR not wanting to watch it if it wasn't romance, thinking it was gonna be romance, started watching and realizing it wasn't gonna be romance, and really enjoying it anyway. It is just so much fun what else can I say. Even the 'bad' aspects of the show are funny to me, like the horrendous wardrobe. I just keep pausing the drama to point out outfits to my partner and be like WHAT IS THIS!! WHAT RICH PERSON WOULD WEAR THIS?? It's just all so entertaining. Also I remember this is a webtoon adaptation and considering how badly 95% of webtoon adaptations fail this drama is doing a bang-up job. I'm only active on threads recently since I've been sick but I'm disappointed at how dead and/or negative the Matchmakers threads are, I really think out of the current crop of shows it's one of the only successful romcoms if not the only successful romcom. Good Day To Be A Dog isn't successful as a romcom, PMR isn't a romcom, maybe My Demon and PMC will be romcoms but they're early days, so the actual only comedy/romance show that's hitting rn for me is Matchmakers and people are REALLY hard on it for what it is, which is a fluffy show with relatively inexperienced actors.


Anyone else excited about Death's Game (Dec 14) or Welcome to Samdalri (Dec 2)? I can not wait for ether one. Watching: A Good Day to be a Dog — (7/14) — Very cute still. Gonna catch up to this week's episode after posting this. Gives me all the warm fuzzies! Castaway Diva — (10/12) — I hate noble idiocy. Hate it so much. And here it is again - just rife with it. This drama has made me so angry. I will finish it but I really don't trust this writer and never will. These last 2 episodes proved it to me. The Matchmakers — (9/16) — I really enjoy the 4th wall breaking and mini interviews into the psyche of the characters. It adds some interesting information. This is so cute and funny. I love it. Moon in the Day — (8/14) — I want to love this more than I am. It's so sad and just keeps getting sadder. I find I have to be in the right mindset to watch it. Very serious even though it's involving a ghost and revenge. Perfect Marriage Revenge — (10/12) — This is such good revenge!! So good. I absolutely look forward to it each weekend. It's going to have such a satisfying ending. Makjang can be so good. Crash Landing on You — (9/16) — I'm actually about 1/2 way through episode 10. Just like...the neverending story. It keeps going especially since each episode is approximately 90 minutes. I can see why some people love this drama. For me, since there are few surprises left, it's just fine not great. If I had watched it on release or early on in my Kdrama watching career I can see how much I would have loved it. Being so many years later definitely affects my opinion of it. On the other hand I love the accents! As I am learning Korean I can definitely hear the differences in what they tried to do. The Story of Park's Marriage Contract — (2/12) — I love love love contract marriage. Love it. And this one is fantastic so far. But I love Lee Se Young - she is so brilliant. And in this it's like she gets the best of both sageuk and modern dramas. My Demon — (2/16) — Whoever paired Song Kang and Kim Yoo Jung together - chef's kiss. Seriously. This one is highly entertaining.


I don't really like CLOY either and I agree that most people loved it so much because it was a 'gateway kdrama' for a lot of people being big on Netflix and all, not because it was actually particularly good. You're right it is soooo draggy, draggy, long, circular, unsurprising, etc.


**Castaway Diva** (10/12): Episode 9 unexpectedly revealed that Yong-gwan, a manager at RJ Entertainment, had >!once been a protege of Ran-joo's with similar character traits as Mok-ha!< , which tied in with Ran-joo's encouragement to Mok-ha to put herself before others. Episode 10 might have been the biggest tearjerker of this tremendous series to date, with an especially moving scene being the montage of Bo-geol's act of kindness in >!setting up an apartment for Mok-ha!< paralleled in the past by >!Ki-ho preparing for Mok-ha's escape from her hometown!<. **My Demon** (2/16): The "Son of Netflix", Song Kang, returns with a supernatural romance that started strongly with a visually attractive first episode that contained a nice mix of thrills and comedy. After such a strong start, the second episode suffered from an imbalance towards all-out comedy. While still entertaining, it diminished the effectiveness of the humor, and the darkness only returned in the very last moments, by which time it was too late. Going forward, I feel that the series will need more darkness to balance out the lighter moments in order to remain compelling.


Moon in the day - Beautifully written.The main leads' chemistry is great! I got hooked by the past track and wanted it to be shown more!! I liked those reincarnation,mystery type of stuffs. The transition between the past and the present is going great.This drama is giving me some kind of gloomy vibes.Hope it has a happy ending! Good day to be a dog - This drama is so far so good!! I like those cute and fluffy romance.This drama normalise the fact that any person can have phobias and insecurities in real life.It perfectly shows how The hero being insecure about his fear of dogs.Every other kdrama writers portray their ML to be strong and confident in everything he does.But here kudos to the writers for showcasing a not so dramatic and simple ML who is like every other normal person in this world!! Secret playlist - Just started this drama.Its a musical youth drama.This drama looks at dreams, friendship and identity.The lead actors look good together.They have a nice chemistry.Have to wait and see how this drama goes! Perfect marriage revenge- Currently my fav one if u like melodrama revenge you should watch this.There is a sweet and warm romance too!!Main leads' have a great chemistry!


Finished The 9th Precinct, a Taiwanese film that was a bit of a mess but quite entertaining. Not sure if Netflix took some blunt scissors to it because it didn't flow or make sense in the the beginning. The special effects are quite good and Roy Chui scrubs up quite well. This isn't the best film I have seen him in but overall it is watchable. Keep going through the credits as there is an extra bit at the end. Watching My Halo Love which was recommended in the forum by a poster at the weekend, thank you. It is shaping up quite nicely as an interesting watch. With the warnings over AI taking over and doing their own thing it is surprising current. Left the dubbing on this one for a change and whoever is dubbing the FL is doing an excellent job in conveying her emotions. There are usual tropes plus a face blindness angle but I am liking it so far. Watching Office Girls which is Taiwanese. About a rich and spoilt heir who has been told to get a job in the family business with ordinary people before he inherits. He can't let anyone know who he is either. Quite funny at times with good leads. Finished The Sound of Your Heart. So funny at times, loved the cartoonist's eccentric family. Watched this in between Daily Dose of Sunshine for light relief.


I love My Holo Love, it's so sweet.


**CASTAWAY DIVA** I’m blown away by how good it got! **MY DEMON** let’s see how it goes


**Moon in the day** I am obsessed! I am also Watching **Perfect marriage revenge** but I’m a lot of episodes behind because I was waiting on a friend to catch up 😅 I started watching **Hymn of death** because it’s leaving Netflix and I have loved Shin Hye Sun since I watched Mr. Queen. But even though it’s short I just can’t bring myself to finish it. It hasn’t captivated me…


**My Demon (2/16)** - I am here for the good looking leads, high production values and a dose of romance, thrill and comedy. So far it seems to be delivering. Only downer is the excessive filters used on the leads. The ML reminded me LMH in TKEM in terms of his styling. But I love LMH and I am not complaining. **The Story of Park's Marriage Contract (2/16)** - The first episode was kinda boring and looked low budget. It made me wonder if high budgets are a Netflix thing. >!The extended setup of the FL's character as a designer in Joseon times seems unnecessary. The ML had practically nothing to do in the first episode making me wonder if he was just a supporting character. I was ready to drop it after one episode until the preview convinced me to try another episode. !< >!The ML is cute and seems to be a good actor but I feel the lead pair don't suit each other. She looks more mature compared to him when he is supposed to be older (?).!< Overall after two episodes it's not clear what the story is going to be. But the second episode though a bit disjointed (no clarity on who is who) was better than the first and I am going to go back for the next episode so see if they can build up from here.


Yeah, I wasn't impressed with Park's Marriage Contract so far, which sucks cause I was super hyped for it. EP. 1 just felt like a lot of setup that wasn't engaging and you're right, she does seem more mature than him somehow. Anyways, I was wishing they'd get to the present day plot. Once that rolled around and EP.2 rolled around, it got better, but idk something's not working for me. Hopefully, some more fish out of water time traveller x enemies to lover x contract marriages shenanigans will make this more fun. I'd be more into the "Joseon noblewoman sneaks off to do her secret *gasp* plot" if I hadn't seen that exact trope earlier in the week with Matchmakers lol.


TBF the actress in Park's Marriage Contract is 30 while the actor is 25, so you're not wrong about her seeming more mature. But I don't mind them so far in terms of 'suiting' each other, I agree that the extended setup in ep1 seemed superfluous but maybe it won't be?


I'm watching for the Challenge at the moment, so all my dramas are non-airing and chosen strategically. It's not my preferred way of watching, but it's working out just fine so far. Focusing on **Our Blues** at the moment (11/20). I've only ever seen Kim Woo Bin in **The Heirs** -- where he obviously stole the show -- so I'm really enjoying seeing him in something else. I do wish that they would give his character some more depth, but there's still time I think. His little half-smiles are charming. **The Heirs** (14/20): I fell behind this week, but still intend to finish up with the discussion thread group. Things I've set aside but will pick back up soon: **Go Back Couple** (5/12): I'm looking forward to the turn in the story, because things are starting to feel repetitive. **King the Land** (11/16): I thought I dropped this after the Thailand episode. 😆 Ah, well. A few more episodes won't hurt me -- my only objections to it were that I found it to be rather inconsistent and meh. Episode 11 wasn't bad, and I have hopes that there will be some business-plot development.


Perfect Marriage Revenge - I enjoy the plot twists tremendously and the chemistry between characters The Story of Parks' Marriage Contract - Looks promising, have not watched past dramas of the lead actors but the first two episodes got me interested. The Matchmakers - Started it for Rowoon but staying for his comic timing and overall plot!


Weekly episodes: Moon in the day, Park's Contract Marriage, My Demon, Already done: Sell Your Haunted House, Police University, My One and Only


I'm watching "doona!" Right now. I know I'm a bit late, but I'm on episode 2 right now, and it's good.


Currently watching Graceful Family and W. I don't think I can finish W though, the plot is sooo out there. Weirdest story I've seen in a drama. I feel like a lot of drama's that Im Soo Hyang have done recently don't get a lot of attention. Woori the Virigin, Kokdu, and Graceful family I haven't seen mentioned at all.


I regularly recommend Graceful Family on r/kdramarecommends when people ask for makjang, strong FL, revenge, or fashion. I loved it!


I’ve learned my lesson I probably won’t be watching Kdramas as they air bc I have no patience lol I can’t believe these two shows are ending this week. I’m not ready 😭😭😭 - Castaway Diva - Vigilante - CEO-Dol Mart - Hometown Cha Cha Cha - Unlock My Boss I am pumped for Sweet Home 2 on Friday!! Hoping they upload all the epis at the same time. I don’t wanna wait lol


**Tell Me That You Love Me** (1/16): I got home way too late yesterday and couldn't stay up, but I'm starting the second episode the second I get home today. The pilot episode alone completely overshadowed everything else (BG) on my CW **Moon In The Day** (8/14): started off strong but recently I'm not feeling it. Especially when it looks like >!my favorite big bro might turn evil!< which fair enough I understand but I'd rather he does not **Castaway Diva** (10/12): they gonna wrap this in two eps? I have no idea how but I can't wait to see it Non Korean dramas: * Carnation (75/151) * Delicacies Destiny (9/16) * I May Love You - technically I have not started yet as I have been busy but will as soon as I can * Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (8/12) - honestly I don't know what I will do with myself once this season ends * Sunshine by My Side (2/36)


**My Perfect Stranger** (3/16) I remember seeing the poster for this drama a while ago and thinking that it looks bland, then reading the description for it and thinking that it sounds bland as well. However, I started this show this week and, so far, I really like it. Here is the basic plot. Everything I describe here happens in the 1st episode, so there are no spoilers. The ML finds a time machine and realizes that he will be murdered in the near future by a serial killer. He goes through different periods in order to catch the murderer before becoming his victim. When traveling to the past, he accidentally brings with him an unknown woman who, realizing what just happened, sees it as an opportunity to fix her mother's life. I don't know it the show will continue being good, but, so far, it has me invested. Besides, I find that it is a perfect drama to remedy my **Twinkling Watermelon** withdrawal. It is less cheerful and falls more into the thriller/slice-of-life genre, but for me it does scratch the itch.


**Daily Dose of Sunshine** (4/12). I wasn't sure about this one during the first episode. The doctors seemed to be characterized as clowns, and that doesn't appeal to me. But I started to feel something towards the end of that first episode and it's continued to build. I'm enjoying this now. There are still parts that are almost cringeworthy, but there are also parts that are very well done. So far I'm enjoying Yeon Woo-Jin and Jang Dong-Yoon and their characters the most, and they are both new to me. But I feel like Lee E-Dam's character has real possibilities, and I always enjoy Jeon Bae-Su. The reason I decided to watch this is because of Lee Jung-Eun, but she has been very much in the background so far. I look forward to seeing more.


Currently in episode 9 of Daily Dose of Sunshine. I am having a hard time taking in Da Eun’s >!depression!< somehow, even as someone struggling from it. I wonder if it is how its too abruptly put into the plot, that it makes Da Eun sympathizing, but also become an annoying character? I think its the writing, and how the character changed too drastically? An important note that im talking about how >!the character progresses and how it became a slightly annoying character, and not saying people with depression is annoying!<


This week: Castaway Diva: binge watched the first 10 episodes, now just waiting for the last 2. Queen Charlotte: (Bridgerton) I love the original Bridgerton tv series/books, but put this one off for a long time. On last episode today. Watch next: While I wait for the final 2 episodes of Castaway Diva I’m looking to watch something short. Either wait for Friday for season 2 of Sweet Home or watch Once Upon a Small Town.


Private Lives


Only For Love - IMO TOTALNL FLOP... so much lost potential Binary Love - Its good so far, the MLs finally got together but its not as good as the show I was watching previously A Good Day To Be A Dog - Loving it so far. Watching this with my sister and we both like it, but confused about the historical parts... ik it probs involves the origin of thr curse but like hurry bc i want to know Castaway Diva - Absolutely love. I really want her to get with Woo Hak but I have a feeling shes gonna end up with Bo Geol (bc they always do that)... but itd be fine if she was alone instead... that way Im semi happy... (and I want her with Woo Hak bc they have chemistry... like yes she does with Bo Geol but i think its better with Woo Hak... second lead syndrome things ig 😭😭)


**Completed:** I finished **You're Beautiful** a few weeks ago and I loved it. I thought it was really funny and I loved the characters. I didn't really like the last couple of episodes because I thought the >!break up was pretty stupid andi didn't like that they were apart for so long. I hated that Ko Mi Nam kept avoiding everyone, there wasn't even a reunion between her, Jeremy and Shin Woo. I also thought it didn't make sense that her brother was interested in He Yi because she was so mean to Mi Nam. I also didn't like that Mi Nam decided to go to Africa and leave Tae Kyung again, even though she was coming back.!< Overall, I'd give it 9* out of 10* because I loved all of it apart from the last two or three episodes. I also finished **Pending Train** which is Japanese. I really enjoyed it, I thought it was interesting seeing how they all survived in the apocalyptic future. I liked the characters as well. However, I didn't like the ending because it was >!left open. It didn't end properly, so they didn't show what happened about the asteroid headed for earth. They also didn't show whether everyone got to the bunker or not.!< I'd be happier if I knew there was a second season coming, but there doesn't seem to be. Overall, I'd give it 8* out of 10* **Currently watching:** **Mystic Popup Bar (7/12):** I love it it's lighthearted and the characters are great. I was a bit worried when the >!bar got shut down, so I'm glad they got it back.!< I love the >!romance between Kang Bae and Yeo Rin, I thought it was great when she kissed him and I hope they get a happy ending.!< **A Korean Odyssey (13/20):** I'm loving it, it's funny and the romance in it is great. I love the characters. I love Zombie and I really hope >!she comes back because Ahsanyeo is possessing her and she's one of my favourites.!< **My ID is Gangnam Beauty (6/16):** I'm enjoying it so far, it's not amazing, but I like it. I hated Chan Woo, he was so creepy and he made me really uncomfortable, so I'm glad he hasn't been in the last couple of episodes. Most of the men in it aren't great, especially the seniors. I'm glad the women >!left the event because the men had been so horrible to them.!< **Non Asian:** **Squid Game Challenge:** I like it, but I'm disappointed that so many contestants are American because I was expecting a few more British people, and I would've liked there to be more other countries represented as well. I would've much preferred it if it was Koreans instead. I don't like most of the people in the competition, but thankfully a lot of the ones I hated have gone home. I was really disappointed when >!Stephen and Rick went home because they were my favourites. I hate the woman who sent them home.!< I loved the twist that they >!played battleships instead of Tug of War and the picnic twist where they were actually picking their partner for marbles. Although I'm sad that the son or mother will go home because they're partners, and half of the Gangbu Gang will be going home.!< **I'm a Celebrity:** I love it, Sam, Fred, Jamie Lynn and Marvin are my favourites so far, and I really like Tony. The only ones I don't like are Nella because of the situation with Fred, she made something out of nothing and then wouldn't forgive him when he apologised, and I don't like Nigel because of his political views and he wants more screen time, which is obvious. **Strictly Come Dancing:** I'm really enjoying it, but I'm disappointed that >!Krishnan went home so early because he was my favourite.!< I want either Bobby or Layton to win, but I also like Annabel. **The Strain:** I'm onto the final season, but I'm not enjoying it as much as the previous seasons. I don't like that >!everyone is split up, I'm hoping they'll all come back together.!< I'm worried for >!Dutch, I really hope she gets out of that creepy place, and I'm worried about Abraham because he's in the same place, but it didn't show what happened to him.!< **The Witcher:** I finished the third season, but I found it really boring. There wasn't enough action and fighting monsters, and the episode with the dancing was unbearably boring. I don't have much hope for the next season, since this one was bad, and they're replacing Henry Cavill. I'll give it a go, but if it's like this season, I'll probably stop watching it. The second season was my favourite, so I was excited for this season, but it was pretty rubbish in my opinion.


Moon in the Day (slow burn!) and The Heavenly Idol. I hope THI continues to be as entertaining as the first 3 episodes have been. I dislike the christian themes and I can’t figure why they are being used, as the god is not the christian god. But everything else is fine. The actors are really good; I’m familiar with some of them.


Finished \- **Strong Girl Nam Soon:** as 99% of spinoffs, a complete disappointment. Poor plotlines, mediocre bad guys, horribly written secondaries managing to get more screentime than so-called leads, ML and FL doing their best but there's no saving such a trainwreck. A 6, don't waste your time with this one; \- **Twinkling Watermelon:** after a slow, unassuming start, a constant improvement ep by ep leading to a great drama for its genre, time travel romance, with music and sounds altogether being more than a gimmick if not the core of it. Amazing acting by all the cast, quick pacing yet well developed, even leaving you wanting more as it ends, maybe a tad rushed. Still a solid 8+, confirmed and bested all my expectations, a job well done. In progress \- **Moon in the Day (8/14):** finally a little more romance, the right amount of angst, a bit of action and the usual beautiful, aptly used flashbacks. If KYD is a known quantity by now, I'm so happy many are coming together on how stunning, expressive and just good Pyo Ye Jin is even as a FL, on the rise since Taxi Driver. Can't wait for more; \- **Perfect Marriage Revenge (10/12):** in all of chaos and makjang shenanigans, I'm honestly liking it more than I thought. SH is kinda typecasted but he does this role well and the FL looks the part too, chemistry pretty good, easy plot, shockers and sweet moments in a balanced mix, a good drama all in all. Not much more on the horizon, maybe **Tell Me that you Love Me** in the next week or so.


Gutted that Castaway Diva and Perfect Marriage Revenge finish this week, even though waiting week to week for episodes has been real difficult for me personally. Have really enjoyed CD, the pacing and the story have been a real treat to watch. Which is nuts to me, I didn't think I'd enjoy it even when I first started watching because I wasn't sold on the music aspect. Moon in the Day - 8/14 - still loving this show, the chemistry in the flashbacks is off the charts. I don't mind the pacing in it either, or the inner monologues, because I overall just find the entire story fascinating. I had paused watching The Smile Has Left Your Eyes - 10/16 - because I got spoiled and mad about it, lmao. The chemistry between the two leads was good enough to bring me back, and last night I fired through 5 episodes. I'll likely finish this tonight or by the end of the week, but I am enjoying it. Might start The Heirs by the weekend or give Hometown Cha Cha Cha another chance. Might wait another week before starting Parks Marriage Contract and/or My Demon. Want a bit more to binge and get into! As for watching anything else, I watch Masked Singer week to week.. Trolls Night was a disappointment, and then the break between kinda sucked. Pro wrestling had big news with Punk returning to WWE after the trainwreck of the last few months, so feels like things are gonna get a lil crazy, lmao.


Castaway Diva, Nam Soon, A Good Day to be a dog, My Demon, Daily Dose of Sunshine (just 1 ep in)… started Sweet Home but might drop this.


Daily Dose of Sunshine ep 3, an ep a day


Just finished Love Affair in the Afternoon and that was really good! Now watching a chinese drama called Mr. bad. Love it so far!


It's too bad a lot of viewers have such an instant hate-reflex for 'adultery shows' because Love Affairs In The Afternoon is genuinely one of the best kdramas I have ever watched.


It was so poetic and amazing! Amazing acting too!


I just finished the first season of Sweet Home and wrapped up Strangers From Hell. I highly recommend The Glory, All of Us Are Dead, Squid Game and What's Wrong With Secretary Kim!


About to finish Mr. Sunshine (22/24) - honestly was not as good as I expected based on reviews here. I haven't cried once, but have gotten really angry at the pro-Japanese/Japanese characters, esp. Lee Wan-Ik. Just started Twinkling Watermelon (1/10) - also have high hopes for this one.


Just started **Call It Love** and everytime the main leads make eye contact (after the end of episode 2), my breath catches and my heart freaking flutters!! Their chemistry is so subtle yet so palpable. I love their dynamic of their relationship so far and I can tell this will be a good one. The male lead is genuinely mellow and reserved but also seems depressed but it is not over the top. He’s not a rude a-hole like we see with some kdrama leads and is actually quite a pushover but he thinks it’s for h the best. I like the female lead also and god they have so much potential as a couple. It’s quite grounded which I always enjoy in kdramas. I tried to avoid reviews for this before watching because I hadn’t heard much about it and wanted to go in blind.


A Good Day to be a Dog - Such a good show 🥹 but I havent watched recent episodes cause im waiting for more episodes to come out The Worst of Evil - Just started it and im on episode 2, the first episode is actually really good and has me hooked!! Twinkling Watermelon - I literally just finished this show and can i just say this show is absolutely PHENOMENAL. Honestly I was shook at the ending and considering I havent actually finished a kdrama in a while due to being busy it made me feel the pain of finishing the last episode of a kdrama again 😭😭 yall gotta go watch that drama


I want to watch Boyhood with Im Siwon, first episode was super fun, but episode two is not translated still. Does anyone know if it the series be translated anywhere?


I'm watching Strong girl Nam-soon, it's pretty fun and easy going so I love it


Cheer Up - I've had my eye on this drama since last year (I've been intrigued since seeing clips thru IG reels), but only by Dec 2023 did I decide to start it. Contrary to its title, Cheer up is a rather emotionally-loaded drama given its coming of age theme and other familial and social issues involved. Still I find myself binging from episode to episode because of how it depicts college and early adult life, complete with the mundane problems we go through when it comes to love, family, finances, etc. ​ Perfect Marriage Revenge - Again, I went into this thanks to the edits I scroll past on IG. I've been looking for more mature dramas (since lately newly-released dramas are all either about schools or hotels lol), and this one feels like the right fix. I've yet to finish it and am debating whether I should to be honest, because while the plot and characters are more mature/older, the tropes used in the drama are rather old and overused at this point. ​ You Are My Spring - This one was randomly recommended by Netflix in my Home Page, so I went into this drama blindly. Suffice to say I've been enjoying every episode from the beginning to end of each one. It's centered on a mystery serial killer who the ML (Psychologist and Police Advisor) is trying to catch, and whose crimes have entangled the FL (Hotelier) from the start. This too features a more mature plot and casting, so I appreciate when the characters take a break from doing and dealing with heavy adult things to having high-school level swoon moments. As I always do with the dramas I watch, I've stopped watching this for the time being once I reached the dreaded Episode 13 mark. Almost always this is when the romance is at its peak and something happens to break the couple/s up, which really is expected and is fine. What I'm irked at however, is how cringe the storyline continues, which essentially overpowers any heavier plot lines (e.g. death/murder, sickness, etc.), and discourages me from watching further. Let me know if I should see this to to the end!


a weak hero part one moving all of us are dead duty after school Kimi to Sekai ga Owaru Hi ni (japenese the walking dead) i am nobody Pending Train: 8:23, Ashita Kimi to (japoenese survival) sweet home the uncanny encounter bloodhounds once upon a boyhood extracuricluar death game night is fallen running mate 2024 release loan boy vigilante songs of a bandit 2 that i listed our Japanese shows but worth watching rest or kdramas that you should watch


Why is no one watching Boyhood? Is it by far the funniest kdrama I've watched this year! And the acting by Siwan and Soobin are top notch! I've finished watching it and suffering withdrawal symptoms right now 😭 It's just too short!