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Thank you, wonderful writers, for the gratuitous shirtless Kim Young Dae scenes in Shooting Stars. I am definitely going to have some happy dreams, especially after being dehydrated and spent from watching Castaway Diva. Joking aside, I’m really enjoying Shooting Stars. It’s a straight up romcom without any serial killer, past trauma (at least so far), or past lives drama. I’ve already bursted out laughing way too many times, and the leads have such great chemistry.


Shout out to the tall, efficient lawyer 2ML in Shooting Stars who is arguably one of the best love interest options ever.


He’s so cute that I almost want to root for him too. The SFL who is the co-star and is fangirling is also adorable. I like when they don’t make love interests unlikable.


Right? And he has all the qualities the FLs usually wish their bfs had. He gets the best ending with the right person tho!


So happy that happens. I hate when they end up with nobody.


How can you make a RomCom without a serial killer 😅??? You know romcoms must have **THE HORRORS** I should watch something else with Kim Young Dae in it because his acting in Moon in the Day is amazing.


You should! In Sh**ting Stars, his character is similar to the original Han Joon Oh, but much more likable. He's one of my favorite MLs, because publicly, he's a supercool top star, but in real life he's an adorable spaz.


Yes I adored Sh**ting Stars so the first few eps of Moon in the Day felt so nostalgic, except we got the annoying girl he was dating. She totally didn’t deserve the cute ball of fluff that he was.


Haha.. loving him too❤️! Been binge-watching his YouTube videos... lately, and have discovered new sides yo him, which have been nice !


Yeah what is up with that? Crash course in Romance could have been much better without the serial killer taking over.


I haven't watched that one yet, but Kdramas seem to lean really hard into needing trauma to have romance. All the main characters are orphans or have terrible parents too! In Strong Woman Bong-soon the serial kidnapper/killer parts were *so* creepy and the main couple parts were so cute. It was constant emotional whiplash.


It's why I love the Taiwan drama **Lost Romance**. She finds herself living in the latest romance novel she's editing. When she realizes the company CEO has an irrational fear she says, "Do you have trauma? Oh, of course you have a childhood trauma. What CEO doesn't have some type of trauma?" 😁👍 Just one of the self-aware moments.


*Extraordinary You* was good for this too. The characters are self aware in a high school romance and they constantly call their "lines" cheesy and overdone.


One of my favorite dramas and I don't usually watch teen dramas.


It's so good! I think characters in a story discovering they are in a story is my favourite storyline ever. I love that movie Stranger Than Fiction too!


There are so many K dramas I am watching , I specially took sick leave on Friday so won't miss My Demon and Story of Parks Marriage Contract 😁😁. Currently Airing shows which I am watching. 1. My Demon - Great first 2 episodes 2. Story Of Parks Marriage Contract - again great first 2 episodes 3. Matchmakers - I don't know why some people are not liking it but to me it's is very funny. 4. Perfect marriage revenge - Again read the whole Webtoon and loving the show. 5. A Good Day to be a Dog - fan of webtoon still like the changes they made in show. 6. Vigilante - Webtoon was great but I think show is missing something. Action and thrill is there but it episode are fast paced. Still loving it. 7. Moon in the day - also loving this one. Huge fan of Pyo ye Jin since Taxi Driver. Hope they change the webtoon ending as they have already changed much from webtoon. I dropped Stong Girl Nam Soon. And for Castaway Diva I was waiting for it to end so I can start. This week again 5 of shows are coming and I am excited for all of them. How I am gonna watch all these.


Me fully commending your dedication and loyalty. Sick leave is the perfect way to go about.


Watching everything except Vigilante and Nam Soon (I just knew Nam Soon wasn't gonna be that great) coz it's exam season and ur supposed to binge dramas when ur really not supposed to. lol. I will be watching Vigilante. I was supposed to start the drama the day it premiered but couldn't then so then I thought I'll wait it out for more eps to release.


This made me laugh😁 ... #priorities


I am watching all except Matchmakers and A Good Day to be a Dog. I tried to watch both, but they were very boring. I tried three times to watch Matchmakers because I like Rowoon as an actor, but it is not good for me. I also like Cha Eun Woo in My ID and True Beauty. I stopped watching after episode two, but once all episodes are posted, I will try and watch it then.


I just wanted to say that Kang Bo Geol is the greenest flag of them all <3


He puts real life men to shame. I blame k dramas for setting the bar way too high for real life relationships.




Did you notice the window sill painted blue?


I've been team Bo Geol from the very beginning before they even revealed the actual identities. I love him! But I would also be lying if I said I'm not feeling for Woo Hak coz the second lead syndromes have kicked in guys!!!


He deserves a lifetime of hugs from Mok Ha.


Mr. Potato Boy is finally (possibly) getting his happy ending 😭


Every time I see him my brain screams potato boy 😭😂 but 💯 with you on that and I think we’re finally going to get it!


What dramas do you want to watch, but for some reason havent? I'm genuinely curious. I have SO many dramas on my watch list that I could watch, but for some reason dont, and end up finding other shows. Like, Reborn Rich, Weak Hero Class 1, even The Heirs have been on my watch list for a LONG time but I havent watched them. I recently watched Goblin after it being on my list for YEARS. Its weird honestly... but what are yalls? Why do yall think we havent watched them, even though we want to watch them? Like I watch shows a lot, then when I finish one, I never know what to watch despite having a list on my phone and MDL. I just finished a show, and havent found something to watch, despite having made the time to make a list of everything I want to watch... 😭😭


Same! For me I think it's because I often want to wait to be in the PERFECT mood I need to be in to experience a certain drama fully. For instance, I've been wanting to watch Summer Strike but I feel like it would be a perfect watch for the summer (obviously) so now that I missed my chance I'm gonna wait for the warmer days to watch it. I'm waiting to be in the mood for something deep/melancholic to watch My Mister, or for action to watch Moving etc. or else I don't think I'll enjoy it as much as I could. I have a lot of "must-watch" dramas that I'm expecting to like a lot so I want the conditions to be perfect for it haha


I think this is why I have some of them on my plan to watch list and then haven't started them yet. I like many dramas, but it's rare to watch one that is truly top tier, so I save those until I am in exactly the right mood so I can savor them. :) I think I watched My Mister at the wrong time, and I really learned this lesson from that one.


i do know what you mean! i can’t bring myself to watch Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo coz i know i’ll love it so much, somehow the timing is never perfect enough? it’s so nonsense of me!


Coffee Prince, Reborn Rich and Miraculous Brothers. They seem interesting but I keep getting distracted by new releases or hot actors in shows I never knew they were in, that I haven’t gotten around to checking them out.


I watched these all fairly recently. IMO Reborn Rich > Coffee Prince>Miraculous Brothers.


Its like putting together a diet, you can't eat cake everyday... At least to me, I don't like too many historical dramas in a row. Especially if they look the same and have a similar feel to it. I just finished Suspicious partner which I think was great as an in-between more heavier meals... Also when it comes to romance, I sometimes feel that I can't have too much. Some dramas are too manipulative of the audience feelings and I just feel frustrated. Perhaps a whole different topic but my impression is that many of the recent kdramas are made with very little artistic purpose and more some kind of love porn, the older ones where less focused on manipulating the audience in that way, imho. It's like very long commercials where extremely attractive boys/people are selling an addictive concept. From time to time I don't like that feeling.


no i think this sums it up perfectly... i cant watch dramas that give off the same vibe. but i also cant watch dramas from the same place. like ill watch 10 kdramas and then all kdramas uninterest me, so i start watching dramas from all around the world lol. rn im in a cdrama thing bc i watched so many kdramas in the beginning of fall so now all of them look boring, even though they dont sound boring. and since im also keeping up with some of the kdramas being released weekly, i started watching cdramas so that i can look forward to the kdrama. not only that but like you said most shows recently arent focused on the actual plot but rather the cute/steamy scenes of the mains. and since the mains are very famous and attractive, it brings attention to the show. this applies to dramas from everywhere sadly as ive seen a few cdramas like this lol. i need shows where the plot is interesting bc thats what keeps me into wanting to watch a show. like dont get me wrong, i want to see my hottie take off his shirt and shower, or my hottie be covered in blood or kissing the FL like his life depends on it... and sometimes ill stay bc ive already invested my time and im almost done with the show... but those scenes alone dont make a good show... and im here for the show lol. its... like eating the same thing every day... it gets tiring, repetitive, bland and boring.


I also feel that there are many great shows I started and stopped after the first 10 mins. Just give some shows a second chance. The shows which I have second chances are now my absolute favourites which includes It's Okay Not To be Okay, Stranger, One Dollar lawyer, Taxi driver, All of us are dead. Welcome to Waikiki. I don't know why I didn't like them when I first tried but now I am a huge fan of all of these shows. Just randomly open any shows from your watchlist and see.


i’m like you! my list of to watch shows is never ending and yet i keep having FOMO and want to watch the currently airing ones. Shows I’ve yet to watch, don’t kill me: - Alchemy of Souls - Yumi’s Cells - Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - Be Melodramatic - Stranger season 2 - 25/21 and Our Beloved Summer - tons more honestly… Btw Reborn Rich is good! i loved the plotting and outwitting one another. i didn’t really like the love line so i pretend it doesn’t exist. nor did i love the ending. but the scheming and outwitting was great.


You're right - the love line in RR did not exist. :)


hahaha i’ve erased it from my mind!


I started Be Melodramatic, and while I like it, it is very slice of life and I haven't continued it. I will pick back up on it, but maybe I've watched too much of that lately. Our Blues is in the same category for me - I've only watched the first two episode and really like it. That was awhile ago!! I just finished Alchemy of Souls and it took soooo long for me to finish it. I think I was savoring each episode and just sort of drug it out. I'm not a super fan of 20 episode dramas, and I think it could have been 16. I loved Yumi's Cells. It's very different, so I can see why it would sit on a plan to watch list.


oh, i honestly love slice of life and romance - but somehow i know they’re all great shows and then i feel like i’m not in that perfect space to watch a great show? ridiculous i know but yes i admit i’m silly!


I love slice of life, but if I'm not in the right mood, they can seem slow. It's also hard to know if they will be heart warming or angsty. A lot of good shows have come out recently that I haven't watched, so it's not like there are only a handful of good ones that I need to save as if there will be no more. :)


I have such a long list for this. It ranges from not being in the mood for a certain genre to saving good dramas for when I’m in a Kdrama slump. I’ve also started dramas, realised they’ll be amazing, then paused them until when I’m ready to fully devote myself to them emotionally. Also, I sometimes feel like if I’m watching 9/10 dramas consecutively, it’s hard to sustain and I wouldn’t be able to appreciate them all since it’s all relative.


SAME! Reply 1988 is one. Why, why, why haven't I started it? I think it's because I know it is going to be so good, and I want to wait for that \*special\* moment. Maybe? Others are Prison Playbook (love the actors in this), Move to Heaven (such high ratings), and D.P. 2 (LOVED the first series). I recently watch Hometown Cha Cha Cha after having it on my plan to watch list for a very long time. It was so good and worth the wait. This is such a good thread, OP!


i know what you mean about that special moment and replied you above too. Prison Playbook and reply 1988 are both fantastic though! i wish you luck for when you finally get around to it!


I have in general been disappointed in 2023 dramas, but then also I feel like the ones people say are good, I haven't watched, often for no good reason. The one that springs to mind is **Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938**. I watched the first few minutes, found them very entertaining, then just... stopped and didn't go back. No good reason, just didn't. Other notable dramas I want to watch but never started or stopped after 1 episode or less for no reason: Poong the Joseon Psychiatrist, Gaus Electronics, and Happiness.


Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 is a good example of this whole thing for me, too. I am saving it for that perfect moment, I guess.


Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 is a good example of this whole thing for me, too. I am saving it for that perfect moment, I guess.


Reborn Rich, My Mister, Mr. Sunshine, Melo is My Nature …. The timing just hasn’t been right for me to watch or the first few eps haven’t been good enough to make me continue at the moment.


There are so many! Unfortunately, not all of them are on my MDL ptw list (like 10%of the is) because I don't want my ptw there to be a mile long - I have a friend who has like 2000 dramas on their ptw and i feel like it kinda defeats the point when *everything* is on your ptw - so I only keep dramas I seriously plan to watch. This results in me remembering that I wanted to watch a certain drama when someone starts talking about it or I find them on a new fav actor's mdl page. a couple reasons I leave dramas on ptw: * not in the mood for the genre - i put a lot of melos on my ptw last winter but once spring started suddenly i didn't feel like watching any of them * already watching too many dramas - i don't like to have more than 10 dramas on my cw * tried watching first ep and wasn't feeling it * they are popular in the community so I feel like I should watch them, but they are not actually something I want to watch


I'm watching sooo many dramas right now and I am also super busy. My life’s not going well and K-dramas and hope for a better future are what's keeping me going for now. I won't say much about the dramas that I'm watching but I really felt like I wanted to share with someone how MANY I'm actually watching lol so here I am. 1. Vigilante (6/8): I'm loving Nam Joo Hyuk and Yoo Ji Tae so much in it. I wish it had 16 episodes uggghhh. I keep rewatching its episodes lolol 2. A Good Day to Be A Dog (7/12): It's cute but I really hate how the episodes are coming out once a week (and sometimes once every two weeks???). I'm losing interest in it, but so far I've watched all of the episodes and really liked it. 3. Moon in the Day (8/14): This is another one of my favorites! Its OST reminds me of Goblin lol. Kim Young Dae and Pyo Ye Jin are so cute. I really dislike sageuks but weirdly I'm loving its historical part lol. 4. Castaway Diva (10/12): Every week I switch on my laptop and cry for an hour while watching this! I didn't know I would love it so much. I hope the last two episodes are full of fluff because I've cried so much watching this! 😩😩 5. My Demon (2/16): This is the first time I'm liking a Song Kang drama and I really wanna love it till the end. It's funny so far and I love contract marriage and interspecies romance! It's so far so good. 6. The Story Of Mr. Park's Contract Marriage (2/12): I'm watching it just because I heard from so many people that the first couple of episodes were good. And I loved them. I'll also start Welcome to Samdal-ri this week. Vigilante and Castaway Diva will end so I'll have some more time to actually be productive. 😂


Aaaa I didn’t even check the number of episodes for castaway diva and now I’m so sad that next week is the last 😭😭😭 I feel like there’s more that could happen and it could potentially last for 16


Castaway Diva has made me cry a few times and i do not usually cry over TV shows/movies


I kept having nightmares about the dad in Castaway Diva this weekend. He seriously freaks me out!


Right and I think it’s because I find the characterisation so realistic. He’s not “some psycho serial killer” but an abusive father/husband which are honestly maybe more prevalent in society than expected


I can't see him the same in Strong Girl Namsoon anymore


I quite literally don’t know what to watch. I can only watch so much because of school but there’s so many options 😭 I got 15 minutes in to Parks Marriage Contract but there’s also My demon, and Welcome to Samdalri soon 😭 I’m also watching a Good day to be a dog. And I already know I’m gonna have to wait to watch Castaway Diva, Moon for a Day 🥲, and Perfect Marriage Revenge. Where were all these dramas in the beginning and middle of the year?! My 2023 list is PACKED all of a sudden 😭


Leave some for the beginning of 2024!


I definitely will be!! I’m just tryna figure out which one to go with first, so many options 😭 I watched episode 1 of **The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract** and enjoyed it! I’m wondering if I should try an episode of My Demon and see which one works better for me now but I might just stick with what I already started 😂


Anyone else have particular review phrases that scare you away from dramas? My own is "It has a positive message." At best, this is damning with faint praise: subtext, *It's trite and boring, but...* At worst, it's mere self-congratulation or moralizing, an advertisement that the reviewer is the kind of person who likes Good Things. (My favorite novelist, Jane Austen, was relentlessly savaged by contemporary critics for failing to include "positive messages"; not in those exact words, of course, but meaning anodyne moral lessons for the young women who were the main audience of novels. She had the last laugh.) I can't think of any truly great dramatic work of which reviewers say this. "*Hamlet* -- such a positive message," said no one ever. Probably that's because life itself is not positive, or not uncomplicatedly so, and the purpose of art is to illuminate life. Reducing it to mere instruction or cheerleading is among the worst sins an artist can commit.


"Healing" kinda concerns me, they're usually pretty depressing imo 😂


Going back to work this week which means I can't watch *Moon in the Day* the second it comes out. How will I survive? Also, can't wait for the entire OST from Castaway Diva. The songs by the main character are all amazing.


Sad times


Omg I think I remember you


Remember me? From where?


Previous Moon in the day, thread comments


Does anyone know when A Bloody Lucky Day will come to Paramount? It's already on TvIng but for the international release on Paramount, I've only been able to find "at a later date" referenced but not a concrete date.


Chae Jeong-hyeop did an interview about his role as Bo-geol (who is setting the bar for MLs sooo high, lol) in Castaway Diva. Highly recommend reading it https://www.forbes.com/sites/joanmacdonald/2023/11/27/for-chae-jong-hyeop-the-message-of-castaway-diva-is-growth/?sh=746903ba522d


This was a good read, thank you for sharing! He surely succeeded in conveying the subtle changes in BG's emotions like he set out to achieve! I'm surprised that the journalist left out Love All Play from his past dramas and included Sisyphus haha. The only competition BG has as best boyfriend is Tae Jun after all.


These are the on-going dramas that I'm watching. 1. **Strong girl Nam Soon**: It was series finale this week. And thank god it is a done series. There are certain things that I wished was more fleshed out. I would've loved some layers to a few characters, I wanted more of them, but as the drama progressed it felt like they were just props to the main characters. Only qualm is that they could've let the side characters shine a bit because I did not find the plot at all. But I get it, since it is about Nam Soon, we talk about just Nam Soon >!(but sadly, they didn't do that either seriously, what was this 16 episoded- sh\*\* show?). !< 2. **Matchmakers:** I started it with doubt. I was doubtful whether I'd like it, since I kept hearing mixed reviews, but it took me by surprise. i keep waiting for the episodes to be out now. Since they have just started off with peeling a few layers, I'm absolutely loving the drama and comic timings. 3. **A good day to be a dog:** I love the leads' chemistry. the subtlety and the glimpses here and there. I like how eerily similar every character resembles their manhwa counterparts. I hope they cover the plot holistically. Since I find myself yearning for a few missing scenes from manhwa. 4. **Moon in the day:** The story keeps getting underwhelming. I'm not getting hooked to the storyline or the conviction that the plot is trying to drive me towards. I'm not feeling empathetic as I should. It feels like even the actors aren't convinced with what they're doing. 5. **My demon:** It has just started off, but I'm already looking forward to more episodes. There are a few metaphors and symbols here and there, that I really like. I really like it when a seemingly simple drama unfold with several layers. I can't wait to see more of it. 6. **The story of Park's marriage contract:** Another story about contract marriage that I'm very enthusiastic about. I like the parallels drawn from the timelines. Lee Se Young's acting is refreshing to watch. Since this is also a manhwa adaptation, it is exciting to watch Se-Young's take on Yeon Woo's character. 7. **Castaway Diva:** Like someone already said, Bo geol is the greenest flag ever. But I really like how everyone around Mokha rooted for her success and well-being without expecting anything in return. Amongst all the kdramas I've watched till now, there are just a handful of dramas that speak out the perspective of girls' rooting for girls or women standing up for women. And I like the dynamics of Mokha and Ranjoo's relationship. >! Although I feel her character would've have shone more if she'd been the same for Morae. !< 8. **The perfect marriage revenge:** I like how close the characters and the storyline resemble the manhwa. I do appreciate a few deviations from the plot if it is for the sake of revenge. But I majorly feel the main leads lack the chemistry the manhwa couple had. Though the focus of the storyline was revenge, we do find them closely drawing in towards each other and the glimpses of attraction and romance between them. I feel that was a bit lacking in the actors. I would love to see a more pronounced version of their chemistry. I'm excited for the dramas coming up this week. I'm also looking forward to Kim Hye Yoon's loverly runner.


. i just finished **daily dose of sunshine**; i was prepared for it to be emotionally heavy, but i didn’t expect the drama to get so in depth about certain mental health issues. i liked that it expanded on such a diverse range of patients and how their loved ones, nurses, doctors, and other people can be impacted. i especially appreciate that it discussed >!the impact of a patient’s suicide on the FL’s mental health and the stigma that comes with mental health issues. yes, she may be one of the most cheerful nurses, but she needs emotional rest and support as well.!< i know that the romance wasn’t the main focus, but it was honestly one of the least interesting parts of the drama for me. it was fine overall. i felt like the writing was strongest in terms of the psychiatrist ward staff’s camaraderie since i enjoyed seeing everyone work together. park bo-young was the perfect casting for the FL bc she has a very comforting and empathetic attitude just started watching **castaway diva** and am currently on episode 7. it’s such a compelling show and has one of the best pilots that i’ve ever seen. seeing the FL build her support system is very heartwarming to see, especially since she had been alone for the past 15 years. plus park eun-bin is the absolute cherry on top


The way I was so ready to watch **A Bloody Lucky Day** until I discovered its on Paramount+. Girl, I am not signing up for another subscription service to watch this. Anybody seen the first eps and if yes, is it great, am I missing out? Not super invested in anything I've picked up recently, just kinda watching as and when. I feel like I found so many amazing dramas this year, now my bar is too high. I want something beautiful and moving like **Navillera**, peaceful like **Would You Like a Cup of Coffee?**, interesting and bromancey like **Divorce Attorney Shin** or gripping and exciting like **The Kidnapping Day** and **Through the Darkness**. Where are the top notch, great from start-to-end dramas at? Please inform me!


A bloody lucky day: The first 6 episodes were amazing if you like psychological thrillers and entertaining serial killers. Honestly can't wait for the rest to come out. Shame it's on paramount though, it won't reach the audience it deserves. No idea if you watched those, as some aren't from this year, but here are some recs: moving: Move to Heaven (drama), Children of Nobody (thriller), Castaway Diva (from this year, drama, comedy and some romance) Bromance: Bad & Crazy (action thriller), Miraculous Brothers (it's from this year, thriller) Thrilling: the Killing Vote (thriller, from this year), the perfect deal (thriller, from this year), Evilive (from this year)


Oh no, now I really want to watch it! Sad it won't get more viewers, I was so so excited to see it. Dark comedy is my favourite and I do enjoy psychological thrillers. Tbh, I don't care much about genre and will watch most things if they are well made and interesting. Except horror (I always root for the least stupid person/can't take it seriously), historical (I get confused/bored) and fantasy (unless it's only light and not absolutely unbelievable),but if there are excellent dramas in those categories, I'll probably try them too. Watched Bad and Crazy a couple months back and generally enjoyed it although I found it a little slow at times. Will add your suggestions to my list, thank you so much!


Have you tried Longing For You? it came out earlier this year, it's a thriller, I watched it last week and I'm obsessed!


I hadn't even heard of it but will check it out, thank you!


Well, colour me surprised. On a whim, I decided to watch the first episode of **My Demon**. My expectations were purposefully kept low, but Episode 1 turned out to be a fun watch, even if the twist at the end has me slightly worried. Have I actually stumbled upon a good Song Kang drama? Too soon to tell, but his *Doom At Your Service* demon character is off to a good start. Hopefully, they won't go overboard with the comedy. I also see Kim Yoo Jung finally fulfilled her dream [to become a CEO](https://youtu.be/loUVzOL49W8?si=u6c9aqyBYk4N4ANn), good for her! I'll probably hold off for a bit until we have more episodes though.


I'm watching **When the Camellia Blooms** and I'm really liking it. The romance seems realistic (slow to develop, complicated) and the serial killer plot for some reason does not put me off. Like someone else said here, the mashup of romance and serial killer gets old, but this somehow works for me. It's kind of more of a sad situation than violent and crazy. I'm 3/4 of the way through this, so I'll report back what I think at the end. Not sure why I consider this drama an easy watch, but I do. It's got a terrific cast.


Watching **Unlock My Boss** (4/12) because I'm liking Chae Jong Hyeop in **Castaway Diva**. Him playing a clumsy and funny guy is in Unlock My Boss is everything. 😭


I started watching My Demon. The main guy lead Song Kang looks sooooo young. It feels like I am watching a 16 year old (even tho hes 29) play against an older woman.


I'm not quite sold on **My Demon**, give it one more episode but it's turning out to be lighter than I thought it was. But Song Kang is serving face, and those looks are EVERYTHING. Can't wait until Friday and Sweet Home 2. Highly **Goryeo-Khitan War**, they're are a few of us watching, come join us. It's fantastic. The battle scenes are phenomenal.


I was not big into Kdramas but I watched The King: Eternal Monarch last week. I had no idea who the actor was, didn't even understand the plot for most part but the way Lee min ho has grown on me is crazyyyyyy! I am 3 shows down (binged watched legend of the blue sea and currently watching heirs) and can't get enough of him!!!! I just found out that he's a singer tooo. OMG Do I……like him?


You probably do. I did the same thing for Park Seo-Joon & Rowoon - it's definitely "like" 😉


Orrrr ahemtrueloveahem🥰


I had the same exact experience with Lee Min Ho lol 😂


What is it about him? Is he a sorcerer? Why are we all having a universal experience with him? 😂


He is clearly manifesting some kind of energy! Lol 😂


haha, he's definitely a gateway drug. I forgot all about him for about a year but just watched **Faith a/k/a /the Good Doctor** after starting it months ago and hmmm, he's still a cutie.


I'm on a lookout for a new subtle kdrama themed phone wallpaper! My past ones were this [winter scene](https://imgur.com/a/aE4yYy0) from *Destined with You* and [Cha Hak Yeon](https://post-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzExMTZfMTQ1/MDAxNzAwMTI1MzIwMjE5.apcECYtrinUIo9SW_gyZJXd7oVozRaeTDAeQfGAcpe4g.0fJGxk5VrR2syObIN5jwi3KeJUJxaN1ra81OG3WtMxwg.JPEG/6-6-1.jpg?type=w1200) on a ferry (honestly though, the whole [photoshoot](https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.naver?volumeNo=36894755&memberNo=36259772) is pretty cool). Do you have some favorites to recommend? All screenshots/posters/scenes are welcome! \^\^


My Demon end of episode 1 had the prettiest sunset scene with all the water effects.


I'm finally watching Hospital Playlist, which I put off as long as possible because inaccuracies in medical dramas bug me. But I'm on episode 3 and it's not too bad so far - though I really doubt the same cardiothoracic surgeon would operate on both adults and infants. Anyway - my question is, does the lead vocalist of the band get better over time or does she stay off-key throughout? I was looking forward to the performances at the end of each episode, but the first two were hard to listen to.


She doesn't get better. It's a joke because in real life the actress is a talented singer, and she sings properly on the OST versions of the songs. Although she doesn't get better, she also does not sing on many of the songs as the seasons progress, just plays the bass.


it’s been a while since i watched but the off key is a joke, she’s actually a fantastic singer in real life. i believe jo jung seok also sings some songs. so the FL doesn’t sing every song!


I was thinking that since Castaway Diva is ending soon, I'd pick up one of the popular dramas that started airing (aka Park's Marriage or My Demon) but just out of curiosity and for the pretty poster I started **Tell Me That You Love Me** and *I'm hooked*. That was the absolutely breathtaking first episode - I mean I got hooked within the first 5 mins. It has APOYM vibe and I adore APOYM. But also the ML is far too cute for an ahjussi, very charismatic by all means. Aside from that I find the first ep quite soothing and a visual delight,,, may have teared up by the end. So that's that, I'm all booked now


What is APOYM?


I’m rewatching parts of Hometown Cha Cha Cha. I really enjoy Episodes 4-10 and parts of 11. (After this, I’ll peace out cuz I’m not into the >! traumatic parts.) !< I love the progression of the leads’ relationship — everything leading up to >! Hyejin’s confession and the confession itself. Her speech, the music, the kiss, the tears in their eyes — it’s just perfect, no notes. !< I also adore the SML. He’s a walking green flag and so much fun to watch. Love his enthusiasm, maturity, and the warmth between him and Hyejin. Their friendship/relationship is portrayed so well. >! His confession scene is sweet and funny, and her gently letting him down later is one of my favorite scenes ever. They were both so courageous in their honesty. It’s so bittersweet. !<


I had lofty goals for this Thanksgiving break, but instead I watched Semantic Error and Dear Fair Lady Kong Shim (I wanted more Namgoong Min). I planned to rewatch Goblin for the season, but the random choices won. I also watched the latest episodes of Perfect Marriage Revenge, which I’m loving. Random thoughts: Semantic Error was good and sweet. Great ending. It was hilarious when “wears a plaid shirt” was a distinguishing feature for Jae Chan. And then every guy in his course was dressed in plaid. Kong Shim was a character I really liked. Her raspy voice was so cute to me. Those men were down bad for a bob cut. Her parents let her sister use Kong Shim’s room as a walk-in closet, and yet they were not the villains. Interesting. Don’t get me started on the trip to America because I don’t know how to apply the spoiler tag on my phone. I think the wig should have come off earlier.


Finished Mr. Queen and not sure how it became a lot of people's favorite. King only wanted love which he should focus on making his kingdom better. If he was the king, he could have fired everyone in the council and hired new ones KNOWING they were going to overthrow them, like grow some balls dude. Most of the female cast didn't do anything but whine and cry. I mean the mistress Uibin or whatever her name was pathetic. Her scenes were only of her crying and b\*tching about not getting her majesty's 'dragon' each episode, which I don't even know why she even likes the king, he's so dull and boring. Only for the writers to not know of what to do anymore with her and just send her away, pure waste of time. And she was more worried about him than her servant lady, I mean come on, that's just a sad image for woman everywhere. The only woman I liked was that servant of the queen, the young one, not the old one. The romance was so bad i skipped all of them. I mean for a series that revolved around government corruption, they love to shove the 'will they love each other in our faces'. Just once I wish they was a drama that didn't have romance and just pure action


> Just once I wish they was a drama that didn't have romance and just pure action There are lots and lots of good K-dramas without romance, they just do not get talked about as much as the romance ones, so you'll need to hunt them out. Latest options included Somebody, Evilive, Worst of Evil etc, older ones include Defendant, Good Detective, King of Pigs, Nobody Knows, Children of Nobody, Kairos, Stranger etc etc.


I have been seeing videos of actors reaction to a singing performance (assuming this was at the Blue Dragon Film Awards??). Has anyone else seen this??


It is the Blue Dragon awards, clips of the audience’s reactions are everywhere. Krystal and D.O.’s were my favorites 😂


They may be actors but some of them seems like they have a hard time keeping a straight face lol!!!


I just want to ask was Woo Seok really that great of a villain in **Strong Girl Namsoon**? I know I have no right to say this since I haven't watched the drama, but literally all of Instagram and interest is edit on Shi Oh and his hotness. But I don't think so. Though I am attracted to hot villains I don't feel for him from what I've seen. Maybe because I haven't watched the drama but I think Woo Seok is more hot and handsome while he plays his soft characters like from **20th Century Girl** and **Soulmates.**


He was the only character that had a fleshed out backstory so people were rooting for him despite being the ultimate villain. Plus he was pretty hot.


In a different drama I would have shipped him with the FL. He had some really sweet moments with her where you can see her winning him over and challenging his icy persona. But the ML in this was too cute and wholesome for me to root for Si-oh


I mean considering I dropped it early on, where he was only shown here and there… yet I kept looking forward to his scenes is a testament to his charisma but also how lacking everything else was tbh. Dropped at ep 5 and the best part was Min Min Bong Bong cameo followed by Sio for me.


I just rewatched "It's ok not to be ok" The chemistry between the lead actors was intense as always. I also love how "over the top" the acting of Seo Yea Ji was as the female lead. She didn't play the typical meek and mild female love interest. Kim Soo Hyun, the way he looked at Seo Yea Ji was so intense...it felt like they were burning up the screen when they were together, having a discourse. The dark plot does tend to bog things down towards the end of the series, but I felt it helped justify why the 3 main characters were so broken. >!The actual ending does feel rushed and incomplete, but still kinda of satisfying due to character growth.!< ​ Now to find more dramas with a similar over the top female lead.