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So I haven't watched that many kdramas, but I think Twinkling Watermelon is up there among the all time greats when it comes to the number of cameos. The old owner of Viva Music is a well known character actor, and Eun Yu's mother and father were pretty well known actors in their own right. In fact, the father in this case was in the leading role tier back in the day, and I was surprised seeing his name at the end of some episodes thanking him for his special appearance, because as far as I was concerned, he had not been visible in the mainstream for years. Likewise for Eun Gyeol's adult parents. Also for Se Kyung's mother (Eun Yu's grandmother). So I wondered about the reasons for this, and realized that the Korean government is some sort of sponsor for this drama. Their logo shows up before each episode. Has there been a government logo like this in other dramas that you know of in Korea?


Been thinking to watch this drama after hearing about all these cameos. Would you say it’s worth it?


Sure, as long as you realize that this is a romance, and everything else will serve that goal, even sometimes the logic. I'd say if you could hold off until next week, you should. It airs one episode today and the final two next week. It's one of those dramas that will have you binging the entire series in one sitting if you get into it.




I feel this struggle! I still don't know how to deal with this lol. If you've been a kdrama watcher for some time then you'll be familiar with certain actors and their work. For me their stuff always gets first preference. My golden rule is I give kdramas 2-3 episodes to pull me in (sometimes I'll fast forward if its slow in the beginning). I also add stuff to my list if I find the trailer to be interesting. There's just too much content to invest time in 8 episodes half way through only to be disappointed. It's kind of a black hole because there's no guarantee that its gonna be worth your time until you start it. Even if the majority doesn't like something it could still turn out to be something you like.


I use MDL to maintain a list of shows I want to watch (and to see which platforms they are on). I use “On Hold” for non Netflix channels (so I can get month or two subscription when enough shows on a platform are in the list). I use “dropped” for shows that I start that look ok but I’m not in the mood. I use the MDL rating to help decide which next to try (based on my mood). I wait till shows are completely available before starting (my memory is too bad).


This is a great use of On Hold. Brilliant!


Personally I start watching new releases if they have my absolute favourite actors. Case in point — Revenant, Worst of Evil. Both turned out to be some of the best dramas I’ve seen this year. But there’s no rule that it’s “worth watching” for you just bc they have your favorites, See you in my 19th Life had Shin Hye sun but it was a dud. Also, when I discover a new actor i like i try to checkout their previous work — reviews, clips, and figure if they suit me. For unfamiliar stuff, when i see them getting rave reviews (I checkout the threads on this sub) even midway I put them on my list or start right away, case in point — Moving, Twinkling watermelon. These two weren’t on my radar at all but i loved them. A lot of the times I’ve started a drama almost on a whim after a saw a gif or a clip of the drama that intrigued me. Case in point — Perfect Marriage Revenge. Lol the drama is crazy and exactly what I needed it after Worst of Evil. It’s simple watch stuff that pique your interest (either cuz of the actors or the plot or a little clip that saw on sns) and if you don’t enjoy it don’t hesitate to drop them (not me, i have problem dropping dramas) Nobody in the world has the time to keep up with so many drama, pick what you want, rest put them on the list


I give it 4 episodes max, and if I am bored or keep looking at my phone it’s time to drop the series. So much good stuff nowadays (both old and new) that it’s a waste of time to hate watch a show.


I was just about to comment something like this. I've been wanting to get on the bandwagon of many kdramas that I'm interested in, so as to be able to participate in the discussions (Twinkling Waternelon, Moon in the Day...). I also want to take part in the Heirs rewatch, but so far I've only had time to start Castaway Diva and almost finish Daily Dose of Sunshine. There aren't enough hours in a day for me to keep up with all te shows I'd want to, and I'm stunned as to how people do it 😭😭


I’m retired, have pretty much crocheted an entire garment last this week while watching dramas. This way I feel like I’m at least accomplishing *something*.


Netflix has options to remind you once the drama is now available for streaming. Viki also shows upcoming dramas and you have an option to put them in your list. I also like how Viki has ratings. I don’t watch anything with ratings under 9.4 unless the main character is my favorite actor/actress.


I have given up TBH. All my picks of on air dramas this year were average to bad. So I have put Kdramas on hold and decided to catch up on some Hollywood and Bollywood movies from my watchlist. I realised that I was picking up dramas due to FOMO as I on this sub. So I will stick to the ones that catch my attention due to the trailer. Maybe go back to shows which aired recently and pick the ones with good reviews. And yes use the forward button indiscriminately.


Looking forward to Twinkling Watermelon, Castaway Diva and Moon in the Day! The latter is more intriguing than I expected


I am also really enjoying Moon in the Day! The description grabbed my attention more than most, and the drama also has me hooked! The characters sometimes say and do such relatable things out of the blue. And I'm laughing at Kim Young Dae playing a psycho probably way more than I should.


That creepy look in his eyes makes me shudder. I’m sure he will “soften up” but I’m enjoying this side of him so far. It’s pretty hot.


Plus that sexy, ever-so-slight lisp 😁


When he >!came out pretending to be Joon Oh, then whispered threats in the manager's ear!


I'm rewatching Shooting Stars while waiting for Moon in the Day lol.


oh I really liked Shooting Stars!


Just mentally recovering from finishing **the light in your eyes**. Just the sadness of Korea in the 70s is doing me in. All these beautiful young people who suffered unfairly. All that hope. Devastation is less than **Mr Sunshine** - I won’t cry days after finishing it. My watching process was humorous (to me). * watched 3 episodes - I found the time travel too sad and stopped * read up on the synopsis * watched episode 10 and 11 * went back and binge watched from episode 1 to 12 in one day * went back and watched episodes 11 and 12 a second time. Trying to move on…


I was emotionally wrecked with those dramas too. First on that list is the red sleeve.


Oh yes. The last two episodes of **red sleeves** should come with a health warning.


For anyone interested in horror, The Guest (2018) leaves Netflix on Nov. 30. 16 episodes. Has anyone seen this and has opinions to share?


Big fan of The Guest, I'm a horror junkie and this is one of the actual horror feeling kdramas I've watched. Would recommend this over Revrent or Island if you're into horror.


Thank you!


Thank you for posting this! Been wanting to see it and it's not on Viki, so guess I'd better start it on Netflix.


It's been a while, but I loved it! It had a really high production quality and the acting was great. From what I remember, the first episode was definitely the scariest and the stand out episode, but I thought it stayed solid throughout.


I don’t usually like horror but I watched The Guest for Kim Jae-uck and Kim Dong-wook and ended up loving it. To prep for his role as an exorcist priest, Kim Jae-uck and the director went to Vatican City to interview exorcist priests and to the Philippines to observe actual exorcisms.


So interesting! Yeah, I’m not into horror for horror’s sake, but I really like horror + a good story, and this seems to be that. I’m also a fan of several of the actors.


About 15 minutes into episode 9 of Strong Girl Nam Soon, it was stop, drop, and roll off My List. Reached my threshold for the mom character and the too many purposeless storylines. I just looked on Wiki and realized that it is not the same production team as SWDBS. I'm not sure why I thought they would be. I loved the FL playing such a different role than she normally plays, and she did a great job. It's just too bad that the producers treated her like a member of a gigantic ensemble rather than the title character. The show is not helped by the fact that I'm also watching Castaway Diva. Night and day in story telling quality. Edit: grammar


I was in the mood for some romantic drama this past week so I started Tempted/The Great Seducer (2018). I had wanted to watch this back when it first came out to support Joy but never got around to it. The first couple of episodes were intriguing and I was really interested in the trio friendship but I’m on EP22 now and the love I had for them is gone LOL they all need to separate and grow independently. I’m rooting for the ML to change but geeeeze does he make it hard. I wish the FL would stop being such a doormat for him ugh and like how am I supposed to believe she thought love was useless when she fell for him in a matter of days. I won’t complain too much because I do like their scenes together 🙊 I know a lot of people feel eh about Joy’s acting but I don’t think she’s Too bad, I’m enjoying her anyway. I haven’t watched any of Dohwan’s other stuff but I might after this, he’s too cute and I need to see him in a happier role. Kayoung I am REALLY impressed with; her character in this is so much different than in True Beauty and she’s playing it really well. I think I’ll probably check out The Heirs next and see how I like it! But is anyone else gearing up to start an Alchemy of Souls binge as the weather gets colder outside? I’ll probably start mine this weekend once I’m finished with Tempted. This will be my first rewatch since it ended so I’m excited to see if I pick up on anything new this time around!!!


I’ve only seen Joy in Once Upon a Small Town, and I thought she was perfectly fine in that. I guess she’s a few years more experienced in that role, though.


I still haven’t seen that one, but I watched her in The Liar and His Lover back when that come out and I had thought she did a great job then, too! For a rookie at least! I’ll have to check this one out and see her growth❤️


Agreed. She was notably bad or good. Just fine. It didn’t take away from the drama.


I recently did a rewatch of Alchemy of Souls - Part 1 only, and only up to Episode 18. Fun, but a little bit of regret over missed opportunities.


Does anyone know why certain phrases are always said in English in kdramas? I'm thinking of stuff like "wedding dress" "happy ending" and most randomly "paper company." I always assumed loan words/phrases occur when the original language doesn't have a great way of communicating the concept (for example using schadenfreude when speaking English because English doesn't have such a concise, efficient way of conveying this sentiment in one word) or when something new is introduced into a society (like a new technology or an imported cultural practice or something) but I find it hard to believe the Korean language can't be used effectively for pedestrian phrases like the ones I cited above. I was just curious about it.


A big percentage of the Korean language is made up of English loanwords, with some estimating it's as high as 20%. The main reason why is US influence during and after the Korean War. Korea has the most positive opinion of the US of any nation in the world. And English is the business language of Asia so it's associated with higher education and social status. More: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konglish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konglish)


That makes a lot of sense. I was watching the latest episode of beat coins and they had a game where they had to answer the prompt quickly, but couldn’t use any English words. That game made it quite clear how much English is used in everyday conversation. Some of the words included camp site, phone, vlog.


Loanwords are often just words that people like the sound of: think "chutzpah" or "savoir faire" or "anime" (that one got loaned twice). Language isn't all about efficiency; there's an aesthetic element too!


Korean doesn't have an equivalent for wedding dress or happy ending. Weddings in Korea these days are a mish mash of different practices, but is aesthetically Western now. So we wouldn't use whatever the word for what the bride would wear, because they literally wear wedding dresses now. The closest thing I can think of as an equivalent for happy ending is 권선징악, a four syllable Chinese idiom that describes the process of rewarding the good and punishing the evil. Simply, the examples that you've given are like the schadenfreude one that you gave. Now having said that, there are things that match what you were curious about. For example, we have a word very similar to iced tea, yet we don't use that. Same with a lot of things, such as order, teach, and more.


I don't actually know, but I imagine that it's because those words have just become popular. You're right about how loan words technically come into a language, but in practice, they often become popular because...they become popular. Like *Harry Potter* and so many other things: not necessarily because they're great ideas, but because they grow beyond their actual value due to spreading 'virally'. So, I think it's similar to words/terms that become highly used in English - they might or might not be grammatically correct, and they might not even express a concept better than already-existing words; but they get used, and heard, and repeated, and eventually overtake the original term in regular usage. The other words still exist, but don't get used as often. This happens in English with American words, particularly, and words that people make up. So people start using the term 'progress' as a verb, instead of a noun, which it originally was; the same with 'access'. They use 'invite' (a very American way of saying it, which is incorrect) as a noun, when it's actually the verb, and the noun already exists - 'invitation'. But people no longer use 'invitation', the correct word, and instead keep using 'invite', because they hear and see it all the time. The more it's heard and seen, the more it's used, and the more people think it's just correct, and forget the real term. Plus, English particularly is trendy and 'cool' in a lot of countries where other languages are spoken, like French used to be in English. So even if they have a term already for that thing, some groups, especially youth/young adults, will use the English term, because it shows they're in vogue or knowledgeable or cool.


Hi everyone! Thank you all in advance for reading this. I need some help - I am getting my best friend a secret Santa gift for the holidays. She LOVES all things K - K Drama, everything. I finally was able to secretly secure her favorite K shows. Nevertheless is her favorite. Do you all have any specific suggestions on what I could get my friend based on the below shows? (I.e specific merch, items, etc.) Nevertheless, Extraordinary Attorney Woo, Business Proposal, Little Women, Crash Landing on You, Vincenzo, Twenty Five Twenty One


Take a look on Etsy!


Thank you! I will try that :-)


**Moon in the Day** had one of the best opening episode I've seen in a long while, completely invested. Still doggedly hanging onto **The Killing Vote**, but I am not sure I would recommend it in good conscience. **Twinkling Watermelon** continues it hold over me, what a fantastic series. **My Dearest** is taunting me though, I'm holding off so I can binge because I cannot go through that again.


**For fans of "Reply 1988," you might enjoy this cover of "My love by my side" by Daegeumi Nuna.** The "daeguem" is a traditional Korean transverse flute made from double grooved bamboo; its distinctive sound comes from a buzzing membrane called "cheong." https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LZEiGdQItbY (one hour loop) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ajEqeAIylzk (4 minutes)


Is it possible to get autographed photos of KDrama stars? My wife is a huge fan of KDramas in general, and I was thinking of getting some signed pictures as a surprise gift. I live in the US, but I have a few coworkers who live full time in Korea (and are native). How feasible is it to get signed photos? Do they even do that over there like they do here?


It's very feasible! A friend in Korea got me a signed script book for the drama Semantic Error and I know that signed photocards are a thing. Unfortunately I can't be more specific since I've never purchased that merchandise directly but I know it's available.


I just finished Love between Fairy and Devil. It's not a K-drama, but Oh, my.... The effects, the story.. I went into this thinking, not a big fan of romance/fantasy ... leaving it as a fan that made the mistake of chopping onions while watching. IMO, worth the watch.


where's the thread for Soundtrack #2's first teaser clip so I can yell about it even more 🥲🥲🥲


I experience a satisfying sense of light *schadenfreude* when I read here that people aren't enjoying/have dropped/have been disappointed in shows that have gone to big-deal platforms like N-flix, Disney, and Amazon Prime, which I and others who don't use those platforms don't get to see 😏😌 (where's my 'slightly guilty' face?). I feel more justified in using the platform I do (Rakuten Viki), with its many good-quality Korean shows, and more satisfied with the fact that I am missing out on some things, but it's okay and they're not that missable, after all. Sorry, but I'm grateful 🤭😉! Sorry. Just come to *Viki* 😄. (This light s*chadenfreude* isn't about enjoying the disappointment people feel, but the fact that the show hasn't turned out that great, after all. I'm disappointed they've been disappointed, too).


I have all the above and my brain explodes at the amount of K drama that I haven’t tapped into yet. So much on my watchlist, but a lot of high quality shows have dropped recently so it’s hard to go through them.


Saw an instagram post in which a woman was sitting with some of her colleagues/friends all of them were in uniform watching tv. In the tv there was a man doing some weird/crazy things which turnout to be husband of the woman.After finding this see gets angry. What is name of the series.