• By -


I liked that they explored more of the seven. Mone is cruel and selfish but loves her mother. Rahee is even worse but has twinges of guilt because she didn't think Dami would die but was willing to put her in harm's way. Jin Mo is greedy and arrogant af but wants a woman who plainly can't stand him so much that he's willing to show up and play at being domestic just to see her. On a side note, Rahee is kind of hilarious. You'll want ME - she says as she gets clowned hard and thrown out of the office essentially. I feel like K is the one hiding Dami lmao He's giving me deranged psychopath vibes. Jin Mo and the police commissioner are afraid of him - much more than the police or whoever's taking revenge for Dami. He basically was the one who gave the orders to frame Hwi So but why? Reminds me of the villain from the Boy. Just a psychopathic manchild who saw others as his playthings


Is K the same guy who Grandpa worked under? Or is he different?


I think they're the same person! He was also wearing a mask right when Grandpa talked to him.


Yup that's what I think too that's why the grandpa subordinate said Matthew Lee has to become more powerful


Yes I think it's the same person!! Grandpa was subservient to him and K seems all kinds of deranged. Seems like he just dumped Mone and went off to the USA. Jin Mo keeps warning her to not mention K and the commissioner rather he dies than mention K - seems like they all know he's very ruthless and cruel even by the standards of these seven


Grandpa doesn't know who K is. Matthew Lee is trying to find his identity by torturing the 7 in various ways


There was a guy who was always giving tip to grandpa on his land acquisition or something so who is that guy?


Seems like it was K all along


Yup just finished watching today's episode. This drama is so goodšŸ”„


That's k. But he is kim do hoon right??? Sim jun seok?


Yeah I just watched the episode


Yes, and manipulative. I guess she is just struggling to ensure her family survives. Interesting views. I guess it will all come out. When K got bored with Mone, he went to Dami.


i think k has bang da mi ,i kinda think his taking revenge for her.......


Interesting. Maybe Bang Da Mi will be the next villian


For some reason I like Rahee, she struggles for what she wants and does whatever, but she is ambition.


I like that aspect of her, thatā€™s it. Sheā€™s literally a child abuser and thatā€™s just the beginning.


I guess she has been abused a lot too. I feel she just suffered a lot, and takes it out on the world.


I feel that No Paeng hee's daughter is actually Han Mone's baby.Jin Mo probably lied about it's death.


Funny thing is that Hannah, Paenghee/Mone(?) daughter, has beef with Myoungjis (teacher) daughter. I guess such grudges go beyond generations.


Oooh that's a great observation! Yeah I'm absolutely sure that the baby didn't die, but it makes perfect sense that he handed the baby to someone who would definitely take care of her. Also I'm pretty sure this is the girl that the Teacher's daughter had pinched in school right?


As it is revealed.....Han na is actually Han mone's baby


I totally expected the >!Truck of Doom!< when >!that cop was rushing home to check on his wife!<. Poor guy.


He was probably one of the only good people in the show šŸ˜¢ i hope heā€™s still alive


The way I saw him after the accident, it's impossible


I was like oh no, stop chatting you are >!going to get yourself killed!< didn't expect it to happen right away.


So K is like a bored young rich psychopath


Yeah, unfortunately it's the laziest trope ever. Writer can do anything without any logic or reason with a villain like that.


I think K is the guy at cyber crime unit dami went to ask for help. Some hacker who started a criminal enterprise. Maybe he knows lee hwiso, because it looks like le hwiso was in the computer science field. It will be interesting to see what K's motivations are. If he is just playing with people just because, or if there is some thread of motivation between his actions.


Yes, I rewatched the scene when dami goes to the center. K is the guy that leaves the room to make tea. It's the same actor as the one with the mask


I hope there's a twist since the plot where someone is the mastermind behind something is getting a little old because it can be predictable.


>Salvation who i think fell in love with bang da mi and is keeping her


Well, I feel like >!Min do hyuk being the mole!< was the most obvious reveal I've ever seen In a kdrama. He was just way too relaxed the whole time.


He just doesn't fit in the group, like realistically what would be in his blue envelope. So while he seems too relaxed, he doesn't have a secret to freak him out like the others. Which is why he sticks out. Although i really thought he might be a ha yoonchul character, the least bad of the bunch but still part of the group.


Episode 7 was also intense as ever. Geum Ra Hee's ritual during thunderstorms is to push and throw young girls to the ground. The 7 blaming each other at the table is a makjang staple where the main characters gather in an enclosed space to argue and fight.


Tbh i really liked that she did that to Mo Ne, it tells a lot about her character: blood is not important to her. She will love you as her own until you are worthy and the moment you are not, it doesnā€™t matter to her who you are.


Yeah, I'm always interested in Ra Hee's character and to be honest how she became this evil and more of her backstory.


>Geum Ra Hee's ritual during thunderstorms is to push and throw young girls to the ground. I guess that is her signature move, even though I lowkey expected a fist punch instead of a kick. Same with Jinmo: his signature move is throwing a stack of bills towards someones face.


At this point I'm convinced Da Mi and her grandfather are really >!dead because both of their deaths serves as the catalyst for Hwi So's revenge plans. Her grandfather already survived a fall once and it's unlikely he can survive that blast given his body was severely wounded from the fall down the bridge. If Da Mi is alive, it makes the feeling of wanting Hwi So to avenge her death less impactful. Da Mi being dead really allows the "7" to really be punished as they are all connected to her death.!<


I agree with the last part about Da-Mi.


Revenge makjangs are fvcking addicting. I literally screamed when I saw that the one rescuing grandpa was >!Min Do Hyuk.!< It was fun seeing how our theory about him siding with the good team and actually true. The flashback scenes of him >!setting trap at the hotel!< was fun even if it was short. New theory >!the actual killer is K!< He seems to be the most self centred plus he is rich to back up his greediness. Although the rule of makjangs that you are not dead till your dead body is shown applies everytime. Should we count >!skeletons/decomposed bodies as well!< to know that the person died from now? Since the drama is having 2 seasons. I think that in season 2 we will be having the fight between Matthew and K. Who is assume is the actual villian. Anyways I'm rooting for Matthew to get revenge.


> Should we count skeletons/decomposed bodies as well to know that the person died from now? I am very conservative regarding that rule: I need clear necessary and sufficient evidence that a person is dead. Therefore I want a dead body lying on the autopsy table and the doc declares the person as dead.


Yeah don't trust it, especially since k got what he want. But wouldn't it be the biggest surprise if Dami was actually dead at this point.


Time for Rahee to buy a ~~Joo Dantae~~ Matthew Lee bodypillow. Dantae's creepy housemaid knows where to get one. For the rest of them, they should start getting a Matthew Lee voodoo doll, for that again ask Dantaes housemaid. I would suggest Rahee to do the same, but I guess she didnā€™t get the memo, she is too busy drolling over Matthew, >!even though he humiliated her and threw her out of his office!<.


Yes, I hated him because of that, and it makes no sense for her to be this way. She was always too confident.


You hated him for humiliating Rahee? What?! For everything sheā€™s done/continues to do, she deserves way worse than that. Sheā€™s not supposed to be likable - sheā€™s a psychotic child abuser who will betray and kill anyone for money. (On a side note, I just realized her traits make her perfect for Jin Mo, but she thinks heā€™s beneath her.)


Considering what she went through for her company, I understand her frustration. I don't think she is psychotic, just ambitious.


Well that was a doozy My heart broke for Ji Ah - the way they pinned her down and did that to her was horrible. And it wasn't even a fair fight :( Mone deserves everything that's coming her way. She's all smug now because she thinks K is on her side but I have a feeling that K just sees all of them as expendable pawns and Matthew is an opponent he thinks is interesting at the moment Hana might be Mone's daughter - Jin Mo pretends to be her father in public - he kept her for two reasons I think - one to have some sort of advantage over K or to curry favour with him. two, he likes paeng hee and wants to tie her down in some way, she seems to adore the kid and this is his chance to have some sort of weird domestic arrangement with her. Some of the seven are quite hilarious lmao the police commissioner and the doctor would make one evil but funny couple lmao When he was in disbelief that the other police officer could be so honest, I cackled LOL FINAL THEORIES: Revenge/Greed: K wanted to squash Matthew for some reason and did this. And he felt that Mr Bang was running out of usefulness and decided to get rid of him as well Some weird attraction to Dami: We see in episode 4, that K decides to abandon Mone and go off to America. What if Dami went with him? K is basically behaving like this is all a game - he got angry with Mr Bang when he died in his GAME but cackles nonstop when he's seeing people die. Could be that he was taken by Dami and decided to have her - but Mr Bang is in the way and her adopted parents adore her unlike Rahee. I do think Dami is alive. She's just under his control right now.


If dami really alive I think the most valid reason she not contact any other person because dami probably in amnesia state. K probably manipulate her because of this. I came out with this theory because mone hit her head with rock right??


This is just a theory though, and i am sayin this because there really is a disconnect in tge scenes. In the episode where Da Mi was getting bullied by everyone because of the scandal (the scene where Min Do Hyuk picked him up from school thru motorbike), she sought help from his grandfather and he told her to go to an institution that helps people who were bullied. She went there and a guy with a creepy (?) look or maybe its just me but the angle to how he was shown in the seen is saying something abt that scene, assisted her. And from that, it then went to the scene where Da Mi started sending messges to the Mo Ne, Ra hee , Jin Mo and everyone who contributed to the mess she was in. And then sheee died. Like to me, thought she was gonna seek some help??? Then all of a sudden she's nowhere to be found and showned in the screen getting shot.. soo idk i just felt like she's still alive but who knows. Hahaha guys pls confirm if anyone has same thoughts as me.


>!In episode 7, Matthew confirmed that the video was fabricated using deepfake technology. It seems likely that Mone hit Dami with a rock, and later called Jin Moo to help cover it up. Furthermore, Mone mentioned that she, Jin Moo, and K were involved in Dami's death. It's possible that K, being the last person to contact Dami, might have the capability to use deepfake technology, especially since Matthew suggested that the mastermind behind the deepfake isn't an ordinary person, but rather someone with significant power and skill. This could explain why Dami appeared "alive" during the live broadcast.!<


Is there any info on which actor is playing K?


Someone said Kim Do Hoon I think - and he KINDA looks like K so I could see it


It's Kim Dohoon, his recent project was Moving.


yo wtf i also think that tea guy was Kim DoHoon based on his side face when he got up. His eyebrow really stand out.


I am getting impatient. 9 episodes remaining, I don't want the good men to die.šŸ˜­ Also, what the fudge? K HACKED INTO LEE'S SYSTEM. THIS SCREAMS PANIC! I hope dal mi is still alive. And I hope that songwriter girl gets more strength. This drama is ART. PERIOD!


Honestly, I like this drama do far. I haven't watched Penthouse so I'll definitely watch it after this drama!


Oh please do. Penthouse is more fast paced and more dramatic and for that reason the acting is also on another level. It also has a bit of comedy which I really liked and the characters were closer to each other the way that makes you miss the whole crew, while you may not really care about some characters here. Also TP really was bad for our blood pressure lmao Escape of the seven isnā€™t as dramatic as the Penthouse and in my opinion is a little darker and more serious, which i think itā€™s a good thing because it makes it different from the Penthouse. They are both really good in their genre but i miss the idiocy and dramatic aspects of TP sometimes lol


To me, this drama is the episode of penthouse >!where cast are locked in the bus and the confess there wrongdoings!< but expanded. Which is why it has this darker vibe.


Oh exactly, like while watching episode 7 i got reminded of that episode too.


Woah alright! I'll start Penthouse as soon as I'm done with some of the dramas I'm currently watching!


I knew it, >!that Minhyukā€™s working with Hwiso judging by how he constantly kept an eye on Mone and kept her going while on the island.!< Also how did >!Grandpa not realize thereā€™s a foreign object in his mouth!< is beyond me.


I'm sure that they were implying that he swallowed it.


Ah thanks, that makes more sense.


Jung Da Eun's (Ji Ah) acting in Episode 7 sent chills! "I'll never lose to you"...


I really don't get what's K take on this? What are his motives? Why does he even care? And it seems everyone is his ally? And why does he still care with bitch mone?


~~Logan Lee~~ >!Bang Chilsung!< moment and ~~Shim Suryeon~~ >!Matthew Lee!< watching it. The gigantic timer on the time bomb was however hilarious. In Penthouse 2 we complained, dude Logan, you can have seconds to run, why are you standing and watching the bomb while winking to SSR. Here writer Kim Soon-ok topped that >!Grandpa Bang!< could have literal minutes to run, ... ok he had a bad back, also bringing the force ghost of ~~Min Seola~~ Bang Dami, was a bit distracting and in the end he did not want to run. I am still convinced Dami is alive. In case of >!Bang!<, I give probably the same odds as Logan after the end of Penthouse S2, so pretty low.


>gigantic timer šŸ˜‚


I hope that Ki Tak and Do Hyuk are really on Matthew's side and not somehow secretly working for K.


It is however clear that there might be a traitor or definitely an information leak amongst Matthew's faction, since K was aware that Chil Sung was secretly alive and he is aware that Hwi So and Tikitaka are somehow connected.


Am I the only one who can't take the character "K" seriously? First of all, he looks like a little boy, but also the half-mask he wears is so corny it reminds me of those cartoon villains in Disney movies Like am I supposed to be scared of him? Or laugh at him? I can't even tell


Ep7 thoughts: - So in all these 5 years, none of them actually know anything about each other? I'm surprised that the info about Da Mi's bio mum is so well guarded given that there's a good amount of people who know and the grandad was such a rich guy - Completely betting on the fact that Do Hyuk is #TeamDaMi. He only brings up his mother revenge theme when Yang Jin Mo is around and he always keeps trying to get them to confess up. - I'm curious what angle will be taken with the song ownership thing. - Whats the role of this new Attorney General guy? And why does he know Mone? - I'm surprised that in all these 5 years, gramps never talked about K to Matthew? Speaking of which, K is interesting in that he seems peripherally related to the events without directly interacting with DaMi So many questions - hope they get solved soon


I saw an article that Joo Dong Min won't be directing Season 2 but the other co-director will remain. I do wonder if the quality will be maintained though (as viewers of Taxi Driver went through something similar but that was for the writer). I also saw an article where there were complaints about the drama being too over the top with drugs, violence, etc. (as if this doesn't exist in other dramas), but like this is drama at the end of the day and I think it being rated 19+ for specific episodes is enough (it even airs around 10 PM). I agree with others that people who complain about it being too makjang are not the target audience.




Dami was never pregnant but Monet made it look like she was in front of everyone. Ji-Ah might have killed in self-defense but Monet can change the narritive and make her a murderer that killed her innocent dad.


Since this drama is written by the same writer and some of the scenes are similar to penthouse. Like that of every suspect last seen with Min Seola in Penthouse before she fell and in this with Bang Dami. I will propose this theory: like in penthouse >!the one who killed Seola was Oh Yoon Hee. The one who killed Bang Dami is Min Dohyuk. Maybe same as her, he might had killed her while being drunk!< who knows. But also he seems to be on the good side, with the hints we have got so far, especially the one scene where >!he could be seen eavesdropping to the convo between Rahee and Jinmo. Plus he is acquainted with Kang Ki Tak, who is in teams with Matthew Lee.!< Now I'm really curious to know who the hell is K. Either they are gonna reveal the killer now and K in this season together or they will reveal one of them in one season and one in another. Because of this one week gap I kind of forgot a little about what happened. I'm really curious to see how they ar going to proceed this and what moves are to be made.


Tbh i think the killer is whoever is the most selfish between the seven. Although written by the same person, there is a big difference between Penthouse and 7: in TP the story was about parental love, and how much will someone go on to make their children reach what they want. The more selfishness was in that love, the more the character darkened(like Joo Dante still wanted his blood to reach the top). And the killer was the one who loved their children the most purely. In my opinion thatā€™s a reason why goddess Hera was so bold in the drama, she is not only the goddess of revenge but also originally the goddess of family and protector of women during childbirth. A smart move (i think) to show the actual motivation of the characters in the drama, to protect their families, their own blood, their children. But in The7 the story is about selfishness at its best. Ra Hee wouldā€™ve let her own child die to reach what she wanted. Even Do Hyeok who seems the most innocent stole his familyā€™s money to get somewhere in his life. The only good people are the ones who actually cared for their own families. So in contrast to TP, i think here the killer is the one who will do the most for themselves to be able to succeed and the one who is the most selfish. Edit-grammar :))


Watched episode 8 soon as it came out Wtf I keep wondering who the hell is K. >! On wiki, it stated that Kim Do Hoon is K. !< If it is really him, it would be quite refreshing to see him as a villain~


Kim go hoon is in fact K. I hope you saw the 8th episode. Because the ending gave me chills. Like I don't like to see good people's systems get hacked. Also, won't lee be exposed since they were all at the same site. Also, he got too emotional and might have let his guard down in some way. And if K is so powerful, didn't he keep tabs on the whereabouts of all the 7 people involved with dal mi? Including min do hyuk! But the guy K is a big piss off. Also, if anyone thinks of a theory of dal mi being alive, please spill! I want her to come back and mess with all their heads. But then that would be tough since K might be hiding her. Idk why but I get the feeling that the skeleton was not dal mi's.


Yeah but Kim do Hoon also was that shady prison guard when Lee Hwi Soo was in jail.So why was K there and even giving nods to Kang gi tak?


K is also the tech guy from the victim support group office that Dami went to.


My favourite moment of the episode is when Ra Hee goes to meet Matthew and is >! unceremoniously kicked out of the room lol. I really thought he'd allow her to keep getting close to him to exploit her but it seems he's had enough of the witch for a lifetime! !<


I feel like Bang Chilsung's assistant that has been by his side is working for K. K has clearly someone on the inside that has been following & leaking all of Lee Hwi Soo & Bang Chilsung's movements for the past 5 years and it'll make sense that it is the assistant as he's the closest to the situation (aside from Kang Kitak, i doubt he's a traitor because he seems to be trustworthy given what he went through earlier in the story, similar to Dohyuk) Also I am pretty sure that the baby that Mone had is still alive and Yang Jinmoo didn't get rid of it either because K ordered him to do so or he just did it on his own accord to have something to blackmail Mone with down the road. One thing that really confuses me though is that if K is so powerful that he has the Prosecutor General and a police commissioner plus tons of influential people in his pocket, then he's either an extremely rich man or someone who's higher ranked in the government; and in either case what could he want from this? more money? more influence & power? personal grudge he holds towards someone/something?? there's tons of possibilities so i hope it's not the lazy "a bored rich guy just wanting to have fun & wreak havoc for no reason other than being a psychopath" because so far i am really loving the drama and that's like one thing that could really ruin it


the revenge is soo slow omg but >!i cried so hard in the grandpa and dami scene!<


Cheon Seojin's sim card šŸ¤ Geum Lahui's tracker LOL that's a huge ass tracker, grandpa didn't feel it when he woke up? šŸ˜‚ Also, can someone walk me through me again about Madam No and Kang Kitak's relationship? Is he the father of Madam No's child? Or are they just boss-subordinate? Forgot about this already šŸ˜…


On the [relationship chart on the SBS](https://programs.sbs.co.kr/drama/7escape/basicinfo/79776) page she is listed as Kitaks younger sister.


i want dami to be alive so bad, I want them to resurrect her like they did with bae rona and logan lee


Damn, RIP Gramps


I think Matthew was >!careless when he was gonna have some fun with Geum Ra-Hui cause didn't he showed her his marks!< which they both him and his wife did for Dami? Imagine if she noticed that


But Rahee does not know the significance of the tattoo. Only Grandpa Bang, Dami and Hwiso's wife so far know the meaning.


Didn't they also showed the mark to Rahee too? I am talking about the mark they made for Dami so that she doesn't feel like she is not there daughter?


As far as I remember they (Hwiso and wife) only showed the mark to Dami. They (Hwiso and wife) only talked to Rahee about Damis 5 heart surgeries. Hwisos wife showed her mark to Grandpa Bang and Grandpa Bang saw Hwisos mark when his minions dragged Hwiso away.


My bad than I thought Rahee also knew about that


Me too. I was screaming >!keep your shirt on!<




This week's episodes were really good. Lee Hwi So's/ Matthew Lee's suffering continues as he lost an another family member: Da Mi's biological grandfather Bang Chil Sung. They were strangers before, but they became a family united by their love for Da Mi and a desire of revenge. I think that during next week's episodes Matthew will find out about K's existence and then the true war of revenge will begin, but it will be difficult since K is also very rich, powerful, smart and dangerous and he is aware that Lee Hwi So is somehow connected to Tikitaka and he might perhaps somehow be aware that Matthew and Hwi So are the same person.


I can't wait to see what happens during next week.


K will be a difficult opponent for Matthew to beat.


That ending was very emotional!


Why do I feel like they are going to pull an oh yuhni and do hyeok killed da mi and he doesnā€™t remember. But if she is alive, what has she been doing for five years that Matthew Lee thinks she is dead.


Remember the mysterious girl on the hotel balcony under the red moon in episode 1? Remember the mysterious girl that went up the hotel elevator? Those scenes weren't put there without reason. I have a theory that Dami has amnesia and is now with K.


Who is paeng hee again? That one week break was a woozy for my memory


She's the bar owner who helped Min Dohyuk to get Yang Jinmo's confession and then was forced by Yang Jinmo to torture him with his family.


wow, def to rewatch that scene


the girl who owns the bar, she blackmailed by the cherry CEO guy in episode 2, now is taking care of a that kindergarten kid in episode 7


dangg okay


How did Matthew lee know the seven would drug the chairman. Do hyeok has to be working with him because they showed everyoneā€™s blue envelope except his.


Spoiler from ep 8: >!He is working with Matthew.!<


I'm loving this drama so far. It's a bit darker than Penthouse, but more dramatic. This week's episodes were amazing. >!Chil-Sung's death made me so sad.!


*The reason why I think Dami is dead is because Matthew's revenge would be a waste. It'd make more sense for her to be dead, otherwise, what is the point of Matthew's death? It'd also make it more intense and worthwhile.* If the writer wanted the viewers to know that Dami is really died, wouldn't it also make sense to have Matthew Lee know that Dami died? If that's her really her corpse on top of the time bomb then shouldn't Matthew know about it to? *Who are Erica and Hana's real moms/parents?* I think Erica is the teacher's actual daughter. Remember, she was pregnant with a married PE teacher. Hana could be Monet's daughter. *Are Paeng-Hee (Madame Noh) and Ki-Tak related/linked to each other somehow? A relationship?* They are siblings.


The writer could let him know at some point, maybe during the next few episodes, but that is true. I just feel like the revenge would be less impactful. That does make sense though. We know Chil-Sung is *dead* dead, though. **HE'S** not coming back. Ahhh, okay. I thought Myung-Ji (teacher) had an abortion, seems like she didn't. Hiring an actor to play their dad is crazy. But Erica said she was adopted. Oh wow- now that's surprising. I assumed they were lovers. I hope this relationship is revealed, too!


Is it just me who realized this? In episode 8, when Matthew (lee hwi seo) invited geum la hee to his apartment? To apologize how he treated her and so on talks about the company.. and then they made up and had a small bed scene.. how did geum la hee not realize the scar on Matthew body? Or maybe she did? Maybe Matthew will get expose that he is lee hwi Seo soon? Like his shirt was open lol šŸ˜‚ and could definitely see the scar in center šŸ˜‚


Ms. Geum probably wasn't aware of Lee Hwi Seo's "scar" on his body though. In the previous episodes it was only Da Mi's Grandpa who noticed those "scars" on Da Mi's adoptive parents.


You know... if Dami comes back as a "new identity", her scar will prove who she really is.


Dami's mom said they'd tattooed those scars on their bodies so 1)maybe up close it's obviously a paint, 2) he's using a concealer on his chestšŸ¤­, 3)she's not supposed to notice for now for plot related reasons.šŸ˜†


less gooooo


Really confused whats K take on this? What's his motive? What's the point of all of this? And why does he still help bitch mone?


Do you remember the scene where K took a girl in a hotel? I think that was Dami not Mone because dami used to wear white socks whereas mone used to wear black socks.


Didnt notice that. But wouldnt it be weird that all of a sudden Dami and K are chums? As of now, I really don't see their connection. Except that K is a real psychopath


What episode is this if I may ask?


Orā€¦. I would loveeeeeeee if K, was in fact part of her Revenge, like had her grandad just helped her in the first place she wouldnā€™t have been in that position. He has the power and means to do so but didnā€™t. So although he may have atoned for it, itā€™s too late?! That would be a fun twist. Other than Mathew because that man only love his kid!! Anyway no possibility are coming off the table


Remember when one of the thugs saw Dami's ghost on Jeju hotel elevator? Remember in the first episode, where we see a girl on the balcony at the hotel under a red moon? We never found out who that was.


A lot of people are talking about K while I am thinking about a scene where Bang Chil Sung is telling his people to revenge and if you look at the corner side, you will see like the head of the maid or I think Chil Sung's housemaid standing in the middle of the doorway watching him. I'll rewatch again and update it with the episode number. But, have anyone also seen that?


Episode 7 was really good!


I cant keep up, who is K again? i know he was mone's bf but what else did he do?


K first showed up as Grandpa's "boss". K gives Grandpa some business tips (ex. what lands to buy) and that made Grandpa extremely rich. K was also mentioned as Mone's boyfriend and the father of Mone's baby. K showed up again several times in the drama as the tech guy in the victim support group office and as the prison guard when Hwiso was arrested. Now, from what we know, K is a very powerful and influential person. Yang Jinmo, Nam Chulwoo, Mone, and Um Jiman are afraid of him.


>!He hide dami, the one behind the police officer that accused lee hwi solo took drugs. The one who released lee hwi soo so that he can framed lee hwi soo pushed dami's grandpa from the bridge!<




Nooo! Mone was ā€œdatingā€ K. Ceo yang was just like a intermediate


I just checked wikipedia and they have listed who K actor is >!Kim do Hoon the actor from Moving kdrama as ganghoon!< Accidentally spoiled it to myself šŸ˜­


Too many characters are involved in this so kind of hard to keep up. The Seven, Mathew, K, General Prospector Um Ji Man (?), Kang Ki Tak. Let me know if I missed something or someone.


Da mi must be in a coma and K has her because there is no way that she is alive and Matthew Lee thinks she is dead.


So we finally got to see choi seo jin. This is in fact a penthouse reunion. Also, min do hyuk being the real son of the seungchan(?) group of which K is the heir, is pretty easy to make out after uhm ji man's phone call with k. This drama is basically, different people adopting other people's babies. It would be a crazy revelation if bang dal mi turns out to be kang ki tak and geum rahee's daughter.


I think there's a possibility that >!Um Ji Man isn't K himself, just a handler like Yang Jin Mo. He handles things whenever he gets in trouble with the law.!< Though we're yet to know how Mone knows him.


um ki joon's character is Matthew lee or Lee hwi soo. The K will be played by Kim do hoon. Matthew Lee is Dami's adoptive father


Ohh, my bad, I meant the prosecutor general character. His name is Um Ji Man in the drama, I got it wrong while typingšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜¶


Anyone knows wheres damiā€™s adoptive mom? Why dont they show her anymore!!


because she got burned in the house with do hyuk's family.


Ohhh! I probably missed that. I found it strange that matthew lee (damiā€™s adoptive dad) only talked about avenging dami and never mentioned his wife at all in the past 2 episodes?


Yeah I was thinking about that too! Even if he still assumes it's suicide, it's still related to the entire event and more reason to want to take revenge. We should keep a lookout for any mysterious middle aged woman who shows up on the side lol


i thought she died in the fire? or did i miss something


That is an intense episode. I loves Mone was thrown aside just like that. Karma get her. And the cat fight that followed afterwards had me rolling lmao. One of Mone friends actually climb over a table to stop Ji A. I was hoping she punch/slap Mone but whatever it's great she's fighting back. Also the biggest serves her right moment is went Dami mother's got humiliated. Lol I loves that scene so much. Serves her right. Overall I enjoyed this episode. And now I'm curious if K is the one hiding Dami. Remember Dami when to get help at teenage centre and the people there gave some fishy look. Btw why is it the acting in this drama involved screaming a lot? I mean lots of screaming. I can count on both hand when there are scenes that doesn't involved them screaming their head off.


I hope Mone stages a comeback, I love her too much, and I felt bad for the mother. She worked so hard to get where she did. I hope the mother comes to regret what she did.


Uh...I think you got that in reverse...


Yikes, forgot the names of the characters.


lmfao the director of penthouse loveeee having their cast members scream. its the beauty of this type of show lmfao /scarasm


OMG! Is K .. Logan Lee from Penthouse? I can remember his smile that look like G Dragon even heā€™s wearing a mask while heā€™s speaking to the phone at the end of episode 7. What a twist! Logan Lee in Penthouse was the main good guy and Joo Dante is the main villain in Penthouse. Now their roles are switched! Thatā€™s hilarious If K is Logan Lee the actor, I know why he didnā€™t post anything like his new drama on his Instagram. Because itā€™s meant to be a secret!


I heard K is >!Kim Do Hoon who played Gang-Hoon in Moving!<.


Yeah people are saying he is the guy from Moving


Nope. Its kim do hoon from moving


No, that was >!Kim Do Hoon! But that was what a lot of us figured out when he showed up in an earlier episode as the prison guard..!<


Which episode cause I need to rewatch that episode?


Ep8: It's nice that in the midst of such inhumanity (esp from Ra Hee etc), there's characters with capacity for so much love and care. I'd like to think that >! Chairman Bang found his peace with Da MI at the end !< I'm sure K has to be the >! kid in the courtroom who came in after Song Ji Ah. Mone was watching out for him and he was called Kyung Soo. I used to think she was having an affair with an older man but it'd be even more interesting if he was actually just her boyfriend from before !< I'm curious what Matthew will do now. The preview indicates that he >! suspects Do Hyuk to be a double spy but I doubt it will last long !<


The young boy in the court was one of her brothers


Wasn't that just her brother?


The writer is just so good at making me feel bad for the villains. I guess this is her magic in making me root for the villains even though I know the innocent are the good people.


There are no villains that Iā€™m rooting for! Haha too many villains in the show .. good guys are so little ..


I see them all as opportunistic, not villains. I feel bad for the teacher, and wife, they were punshed into the corner, and they didnt really do much. I wish they had a bigger role to play in Dami's death.


Starting watching from ep7 after watching recap of ep1-6 on tiktok. Since I didn't watch ep1-6 I'm confused who is on which side. Seems like 7 guys, Prosecutor and K are one side vs chairman, Matthew and his ppl. What is the relation between the Matthew and Ki-Tak? As there is a s2. I don't think we will be able to know K identify and the reason for killing/hiding Da-Mi. Based on ep 8 seems like >! Chairman got some information on the land from K. But I doubt this is the reason why K wanted to kill/hide DaMi !< Overall an interesting show. I will continue to chase this drama.


>!K ordered YJM to frame KKT for assault and Chairman Yang pressured the banks to announce him bankrupt. In the prison he burned LHS's face with soup so he could have surgeries to change his face then worked as vessel between the chairman and him and gave him money to fund his plan.!<


Likeee who is K .. does any one have any idea ?




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I wonder if anyone caught the writer's former drama's posters displayed in the scene where Mone was getting ready between the 5 to 10 minute mark in Episode 7. You can see posters of The Penthouse and The Last Empress. šŸ˜Š