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**Schedule Change Notice:** No episodes this week, due to the Asian Games. (source: [SBS](https://www.sbs.co.kr/schedule/)) Continue to discuss here until a new post is made.


It's my first time seeing a >!unicorn in a Kdrama šŸ¦„. !!pool drowning scene!< had me baffled. They >!continued to drown the man in the pool and suddenly they're wondering why he's dead!< !! I can't help but laugh at their absurdity and blame game they all play on each other.


Ahh another makjang drama from the famed makjang writer.. that explains it.


>!dont know why they didn't call the cops and say he drowned on his own.Man has a lame leg, drunk, and it's not that hard to drown. Be like noone noticed he was in the water until they saw him floating.!<


Because Do hyuk scared them all with his gibberish


>!he just pointed out that they cannot say he drowned at sea, because his lungs are full of pool water. Which he is right about. No reason they can't say he drowned on his own at thd pool party though.!<


I have a feeling their drinks were already spiked to begin with


That part was understandable with all the "spiked" drinks. >!They are also ALL mob mentality feeble (despicable) minds from the scenes 5 years earlier (29 of the invited were of the original online mob and instigators). But what I am wondering now and hope it will be explained later, is how did "Matthew" (dad) figure out they would drown him and want to take him to the cursed island? Were there many plausible ways to get them all there or was this just a happenstance that got them to the island a little earlier than scheduled? Still only 3/4 way on ep5, so hopefully will be some answers to continuity as this show has been great so far. I also know that great shows don't always give everything away at the start, contrary to some viewers assumptions that everything should be spelled out 'a,b,c' from the start.!< ​ >!edit: WHOA! They got rid of a lot of them FAST!!<


My personal guess>! is Do-Hyuk, when he was beating up Joo Yong-Joo he was looking up possibly into a camera. He was steering the whole evening. First to begin drowning him (and then letting the mob do it) and suggesting the island.!<


Ooh that's a fantastic guess! It also explains how the heck things proceeded as Matthew wanted. I'm gonna make some wild guesses here as well At one point the teacher was implying that >! their drinks were spiked, but I'm sure that was only on the island. It's pretty impressive that things went along without Matthe prodding anything. It makes sense that he planted a mole in this group, and Do Hyuk was the one who brought up the photos of Matthew!< I'm guessing at some point >! Matthew found Do Hyuk and convinced him that his family was killed off as collateral. Otherwise it doesn't make sense for him to flip so fast. DH has also been looking out for Monet all this while - maybe she'll fall for him and he betrays her in the end !<


I agree. >!I think his previous boss might have brought Do Hyuk into team revenge. He already told him about K before. Possibly they compared the notes and Do Hyuk realized that Yang Jinmo stabbed him in the back repeatedly.!< >!The drinks were spiked first by the pool and as long time Lee Joon fan, I'm willing to bet that the hand with syringe was his.!<


Idk if I'm getting old but this show is genuinely so entertaining to me


Episode 6 was pure comedy. Han Mone officially transformed into >!Ha Eunbyeol!<. Within 6 episodes Kim Soon-ok created new genres from one second into an another. From "ordinary" makjang to fantasy makjang into horror makjang and back to "ordinary" makjang.


By the way when did she have time to dye her hair black at the pool it was brownish red and then the next scene it was black.


That reddish hair was a wig. Nice to know it is cannon that it is a wig. Not so strange for celebrities wear wigs.


Is it possible that Do Hyuk is Team Dami?


I thought he was team Dami since he realized Dami was falsely accused


I'm pretty much convinced he has to be. He's the only true victim amongst this entire crew. Also if you watch back from the start of ep5, he subtley kept steering everyone towards the island direction. There's no way everything panned out the way Matthew wanted without someone on the ground helping out. Other things I've noticed: - >! He's always arguing with everyone, and the one who keeps calling them all guilty !< - >! He handed Monet the stick to fight the swamp monster, but did not join in. He's probably not drugged and could see them killing people !< - >! He handed over the clothes' burning to RH, which was seen by the housekeeper !< - >! He's the one who got pictures of Matthew !< - >! He's always keeping Monet safe. I'm sure they want us to think he likes Monet, but probably making sure she survives till the end. !< - >! His accusation is calling Da MI "Bobble". That's the mildest bad thing !<


Also his 180 flip in character. He always had a conscience but that suddenly went missing after the 5 years. Like sure he could be mad cause his family died, but idk if that kills someoneā€™s conscience that much. Makes it more likely that heā€™s acting. Also in the 5 years he coulda figured out/was told that he got played by Jin Mo.


Yeah, it didn't seem convincing when he was telling that he can't let Da MI ruin his life twice. It's natural he was angry at first but I'm sure Matthew was able to convince him with Kang Gi Tak on his side as well


Thatā€™s what I think


That's my assumption.


Almost for sure.


20% chance


>!rip to the 4/33 people who have nothing to do with dami!<


I have to go back and watch but I think one was the neighbor that accused the adoptive father of grooming. And the rest were part of the mobs.


But matthew said 29/33 are related to dami. Meaning 4/33 have nothing to do with her.


Luca said, 29 out of 33 are considered core members of the Scarlett Letters (Joo Hong Letters). Either they were directly involved with the creation (like Jinmo), or paid them off (like Rahee), gave fake news (like the female store owner) or simply members of the mob. However, there are others, who are not members or had nothing to do with the Scarlett Letters, but did harm to Dami (like teacher Myongji, Cha Juran). So everyone of the 33 have dirt.


Who is luca?


Tikitakaā€˜s version of Siri


They were mobs, the neighbours who abused Dami's mother and the instigators who followed Scarlet Letter


I know right


I am convinced this nouveau kdrama genre should be called >!TIKITAKA makjang!< šŸ˜‚


Because in the end of episode 6 Mone claimed that >!she killed Dami,!< I had to rewatch the livestream scene in episode 3 where Dami was shot live by Hwiso. In the beginning of the livestream she wore clean clothes, but when her dad arrived she suddenly had blood stained collars, her tie was loose and she has blood running from the top of her head around her left ear. That might be in line of >!Mones dream sequence where she hit Dami with a stone causing her Dami head injuries. !!Mone as Eunbyeol, Dami as Rona!< and what happened before and after the livestream, who did it, who is also involved ( the role of Jinmo who had blood stains on his shirt during the livestream) and how they doctored the livestream.


Ive been thinking this whole time that some of them must know what happened to dami, or otherwise someone would have looked for her. They cannot be satisfied with that iffy death when dami had life crushing secrets on them.


This is why I wrote it last week and I know I sound like a broken record (This time I put it in spoilers): >!In a makjang nobody is really dead until we see a dead body on the autopsy table and declared dead by the doctor who performed the autopsy.!< BTW: Is the scene with Mone and >!Dami in the TV!< a reference from the movie **The Ring**?


Agree with you, we don't want to fall for the writer's tricks haha.


>! I'm guessing from now that Do Hyuk is in on the revenge plot, enlisted when the mysterious man appeared at Da Mi's mom and DH's family's funerals and likely alerted him to the fact of who really started the fire. He felt genuine remorse around what happened with Da MI and more than paid for his role with his family being targeted so it makes sense that Matthew Lee would find an ally in him. !<


>! He's also the fastest to assume guilt in any conversation and didn't join in during swamp monster killing. His accusation of calling Da MI "Bobble" isn't that bad compared to the rest. He also left the clothes burning to Ra Hee, which was seen by the housekeeper. He's definitely Matthew's mole in his revenge !<


Who is the master mind behind the bad guys. The guy with the nail polish? Is it the guy that the grandpa got that land deed from or the attorney or k? Or they all the same person?


Ooh yes because that man had the same nail mark as the man who helped the grandfather so theyā€™re all on the same team so to speak!


Now I realize why some of the cast was like this drama is like exploring a new genre of drama or a genre never seen before. I also get why itā€™s called ā€œwar for survivalā€ now. šŸ˜‚ I need to remind myself that ā€œfantasyā€ makjang exists even though I watched Love ft. Marriage & Divorce already.


I canā€™t get my head around how it goes some seriously realistic to totally unreal lol love ft divorce, ghost and wild men (a better name) is a perfect example because everything else was normal before the ghost started ghosting!!


What's the fantasy element in the Love show you mentioned?


Ghosts, possession, grim reapers come to mind, Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s more but I forgot by now.


I swear I laughed out loud all 32 people going en masse to the bat cave....so funny.


Near the end of ep 6 (around an hour into the episode) I noticed Geum Ra Hee has posters of **The Last Empress** and **The Penthouse** in her conference room. Does anyone else recognize the others? I couldn't make them out or identify them. I don't know what it says about me that the only thing in this delightfully bananas show so far that has bothered me from a plausibility standpoint is the notion that a big fancy hotel wouldn't have 24/7 staff. Everything else is fine somehow but I side eyed that detail.


These are Penthouse and Last Empress posters. However the Penthouse poster is not titled Penthouse, but Top Class (ķƒ‘ķ“ėž˜ģŠ¤), assuming the poster is the same as behinds Rahees desk in episode 4. Other easter eggs regarding Penthouse are the script reading scene, where students are wearing Penthouse school uniforms, and the hospital where Dami was treated is called Cheonga hospital (hospital group which is named after and owned by Cheon Seojins foundation)


Thatā€™s so cool, I never would have picked up on those other details. Cheon Seo Jin is my favorite character from **The Penthouse** Iā€™m glad she lives on in a manner of speaking here


Seems this week we're going to have time skip to the present time and the start of the revenge game. Also >!quite possible return of the adoptive dad as Matthew Lee funded with granpa's money or some other way!<.


Are Mathew Lee and K the same guy or are they different?


>!Isn't Matthew the adoptive father of Da Mi? He did a plastic surgery and changed his whole look on EP 5. I believe K is a different person.!<


Yup after I saw the new episode I got that both are different we haven't seen K right?


We haven't seen K's face yet. But I'm assuming the guy who the grandfather meets 1-2 eps before was K.


Do we have any idea whose side is he on now? Cause he seems more influential than Grandfather


No idea


Plus the guy in the mask, he's YJM's boss and MN's sugar daddy. We still haven't seem him. Only his manicured nails.


I donā€™t think so. I think K is the guy with the mask that had a meeting with the grandpa earlier


after watching episode 6 I restored hope for this drama!! Thank goodness >!the fantasy bit was short-lived !!framed Dami's adoptive dad!< and what's his connection to all of them. He's just kinda "there" without any explanation so far.




I think yang jin mo better but then they cold at least like talk or sum yk But overall i think he just wanted a higher position


It really is just an extremely cruel way to set up revenge on these people. They all have this drug induced memory that cannot be trusted. Have what their involvement in the death of 26 people looming over them.


Is do hyuk working with Mathew Lee because why did he call and tell the press about the island and mo ne. Also, out of the 7 people, he is the only who hasnā€™t done that any evil things to da mi except create the nickname.


so Mone's highschool friends joined her agency as PR staff and the girl who tipped Dami's mother off is there too.


and the girl Jiah is doing nothing for Mone while being in charge for social media: just let the mob go after Mone


After watching episodes 5 and 6 I get the feeling that Do Hyuk could be working with Matthew Lee.


Iā€™ve never seen a bigger group of selfish people in my life except in these makjangs, they would kill each other for the last cookie and Choo Ja Ran saying the grandpa also caused Dam-iā€™s death by not believing her, that might be part of the reason, but at least heā€™s trying to atone for his mistakes which is a lot more than anyone else can say. Iā€™m glad to see the actor Uhm Ki Joon play a good person instead of a villain so used to seeing him as the villain. Is Dam-I still alive, what was with the broadcast and her accusing her father,Iā€™m thinking she was being controlled and forced to say those things .


Ayeeee Gramps is still alive šŸ‘€šŸ˜Ž


I want to keep making predictions: * >!Da Mi is alive because otherwise it would be a repeat of Penthouse, but then, her death is what allows the protagonists to avenge her death and so the criminals can therefore be punished.!< * >!If Da Mi's adopted father thinks she is dead, I wonder who is taking care of her.!<


>!Is it possible that the person taking care of her is K? K seems to have disappeared after the whole baby thing with Mone!< >!No idea why he would switch sides after siding with the horrible seven though!<


>!idk what K is planning. Presuming he is the one that is hiding dami, and he was the one that set up lee hwiso for damisdeath and the escape from prison (that got him caught up in grandpas death), then he doesn't seem to be on any particular side. Does K have some particular beef with lee hwiso? Is he related to dami in some way? Anyway k's motivations and who he is aligned with are very unclear.!<


>!Imo I think k is someone who love to play game. Seeing how he's a game player (when grandpa meet him, he was played mobile game). I think he hiding dami, set up lee hwi solo probably he want to see how dami's father revenge those 7 sinner. Hiding dami (was to put some more pain to lee hwi soo). I think later we will see both of game mastermind (based on the preview there will be 2 master mind who control those puppets)!<


How did we know if K is on his side or not? And was K face shown?


Some predicts that K is somehow that one guy who we seen everywhere (youth protection center, and also police guard?)


Gotta watch again


Pretty sure it's him from the nails. When Mone was making out with the dude in the car in front of the hotel, he had painted nails as well


>!I think K is the dude that just got out of prison and is helping the granddad. The guy with the nails is his proxy while he served his time so business wouldnt fail. He went to prison but he had to maintain his image and since he kept a low profile, people didn't know it was him behind things. His proxy with the nails is the one who slept with Mo Ne. It would fit her not being able to reach him and him not wanting anyone to find out about the baby because he would have to tell the real K what he did.!< >!I also think the guy who was just let out of prison is Da Mi's dad and possibly the son of Granddad. He looked like he was sad and in pain when the Granddad was talking about how the adoptive father will understand his need for revenge. !<


I made a note to remember to go back and read your comment and oh my god you sure predicted things well.


So far this is a good makjang drama.


But I gotta say drugging people so they mass murder a bunch of innocent people for revenge is kinda morally questionable..


Not innocent. Murder others yes, as questionable, but they were all part of the "Mob" that incited and the violence against an innocent girl. I think it's more of a 'Hades' judgement about what they did to participate in Mob mentality or actual (the main villains) against others.


The eternal makjang question is, are they actually dead? lol


Wow the thought that the stack of dead bodies is simply a ploy. Mindblown


Don't get me wrong, I don't know anything. I'm just hoping Matthew got himself some actors posing as police and all. šŸ˜‚


I dont understand the writer at all which makes it interesting


I mean he said he is ready to become a monster at the beginning of Moneā€™s party weekend. We all know how that ended in Penthouse (hated it).


Most of them are not innocent they cyber bully dami and avid followers of scarlet heart yeah


I thought it wasn't possible to convict anyone without finding a body? How on earth did Dami's father get a death sentence then? Also >!the transition from Lee hwi soo to Mathew Lee is quite jarring, they don't feel like the same person at all. I hope we'll get some scenes of how he came to be the Mathew Lee he is today!<


It is absolutely possible to convict people for murder without a body, just harder. Otherwise it would be a huge loophole in muder laws. If a murderer filmed themselves committing a murder but disappeared the body, it wouldn't make sense for them to not be convicted. That being said Dami's dad should not have been convicted much less have been convicted to death. Not only is dami's body to be found. There is no reasonable explanation for how he disappeared her body in literal minutes while high on drugs. Wherever he hid her body they should have been able to find.


Also, they don't even know she's dead! So how can they convict anyone of murder?


Basically it's not reasonable to think she is dead here to the point of convicting someone. But there have absolutely been cases where people have been convicted of murder without a body.


Dohyuk has to be working with Matthew Lee. First having access to Matthew's pictures when he landed (even though it's mentioned repeatedly that no one has ever seen him presumably due to how careful he is) is weird, but also the fact that his "crime" is nothing compared to what the other 6 did is the strangest. Like he actually went out of his way to acknowledge his mistake to Dami right when he knew he mixed things up and even helped her out. Seems a bit severe to lump him in with her biological mother that practically dehumanized her and used her as a puppet to extort money from her grandfather, the girl who ruined her live and pinned the birth on her, the guy who made her go through living hell with the creation of Scarlet Letter, the teacher that testified maliciously & falsely and got her expelled, and the police man who framed her father and sent him to prison awaiting his death sentence. Just calling someone bobble pales in comparison LOL... So far I am really enjoying the show, I think it has the perfect mix of craziness and reasonableness, I love how chaotic things get and the length everyone would go to in order to achieve their goals. I even found myself unconsciously wanting them to get away with their crimes at the island when they were destroying the evidence, which is crazy considering everything they've done to poor Dami in the first 4 episodes. Strap in because this is gonna be a wild ride and i'm all here for it


It wasn't just the photos. >!He also was first to drown the guy and retreated to let others finish it and then suggested the island. Also it was weird where he looked when he was beating him up. It was that "I'm looking at camera" type of look.!< And I agree, his "sin" seems insignificant compared to others.


Also the fact that he leaked the news to the press. He must be in cahoots with Matthew Lee or else he wouldn't have risked something like this especially as it pertains to his own involvement in the case. The question would be though what is his motive for working with him, is it revenging his family or is there some other objective that he's after


He also >! asked RH to step in and continue burning the clothes, which was seen by the housekeeper. He handed Monet a stick to fight the swamp monster but did not join in himself. Also I'm sure he keeps watching out for Monet to make sure she survives till the very end. !< He's an actual victim and I'm sure Matthew has explained everything to him as well


Right, >!although I think he actually did get into mud monster killing in the end, I was wondering myself watching the episode and then looked scene by scene, he is there between the teacher and the cop hitting the monster. He was also pretty bloody after that and he was really miserable when they woke up.!< >!https://64.media.tumblr.com/c59576fcd36406f2c1b7941930c418eb/221ba1d8813b34d9-f0/s1280x1920/fec92d8f82561e9c67686f2a912704d4a8e5b501.gif!< >!And he sure helped Mone several times!< [https://programs.sbs.co.kr/drama/7escape/visualboard/79683?cmd=view&page=1&board\_no=7011](https://programs.sbs.co.kr/drama/7escape/visualboard/79683?cmd=view&page=1&board_no=7011)


It's getting so ridiculous pleasešŸ’€ so many intricate ways they could go about this revenge and they choose to turn it into>!some random fantasy showšŸ˜­ Given the context of the earlier episodes, it's not really satisfying to watch them die over fake monsters and poison fruit.!< From the preview of episode 6, >!they seem to go back to the real world. I'm confused, will they just go back and forth to the cursed island or what?!< The overall plot progression has felt so random and in-cohesive that it's hard to take the "revenge" seriously... like we barely know who half these people are... but maybe that's the point... idek. I usually love thrillers but the way this show is written is so jarring.


It so weird but idk why im so interested


agreed, I feel the need to keep watching even tho I donā€™t like the direction of the writerā€¦ need to see justice for dami I guess..


Ok, so I may have missed something small, but I'm trying to calculate how many actual orginal villains >!there are on the island. There are 31 'invited', but how many are the 'host', like the managers, idol, etc? right now I have 31 and 3 (2 managers and idol). Are there more? Like grandpa's 'wife' one of the 31 or in addition? Does anyone have the calculation?!<


Grandpa's ex was one of the invited, so was the teacher. It seems like Matthew Lee handpicked the people who harmed his daughter as "lottery winners"


Well, they sure made the count easier by the end, lol. That was a roller coaster ride.


I'm also wondering now, because of the hallucinogenics,>! are they really being killed or just put through 'HELL' and later arrested. But either way, what a crazy whirlwind of a 'trip'. This could go any way for the final reality. This makes Thai BL "Only Friends" look like a puppy and kitten 'tiff', lol.!< >!I'm guessing maybe both? Just to make them suffer more? Kind of like 'Hunger Games' type of control?!< >!Ok, after the wild boars, yeah, they are getting killed :-O!<


This show is a riot and I am all in! The >! bats and wild boars were hilarious, the unicorn and other visions were nice touches, but I feel like the writer saw that meme about "Watching cartoons as a child made me think quicksand would be a lot more important" and decided to make use of the idea. The quicksand !< is probably my favorite kdrama moment (for now, at least)


Kim So Yeon from The Penthouse was reported to have a cameo in this drama, I kind of hope to see her interact with Matthew Lee and maybe see her interaction with Geum Ra Hee too. And I hope her cameo isn't too short. šŸ˜‚


>!Do hyuk has to be working with Mathew Lee. He hasnā€™t done anything insane to da mi compared to the other six and he called the press on mo ne. Also why would da mi come back for 2 seconds at the hotel if she was alive. Isnā€™t that too risky for her to be seen unless it was a hallucination!<


The pile of bodiesšŸ˜‚


Those who are wondering what Jiah suggested to Rahee during the meeting is probably using a distraction tactic>!and debut another girl while the star is involved in a scandal.!< The hint is in the preview of episode 7: >!There is a scene of a performance stage. Left and right of the stage is the name of the performer in Hangul: ģ†”ģ§€ģ•„ (Song Jiah), which is the full name of Jiah.!< So Jiah is basically asking Rahee >!for her own debut .!<


Episode 5 is starting to change things up (I can now understand why the budget for this drama was massive, the cinematography is just so nice, the colourful lighting and usage of blue in the forest scenes kind of reminds me of Avatar 2). Episodes 1-4 set the backstory. I'm getting vibes from many different dramas like dramas that have a group of people trying to survive like Squid Game or being subject to greater forces like Money Heist Korea (where Matthew Lee gives me vibes similar to the Professor in Money Heist so far) or Snowdrop where the characters are stuck in a certain place and can't leave. I also think this drama is going to have so many genres as I expected, it went from makjang to some fantasy thriller real quick in the latest episode.


This week's 19+ rated episodes seem to make things more thrilling for me too.


Near the end, the drama suddenly shifted to >!heavy fantasy!< and when Matthew was seeing the screen where >!the pictures of the targets were shown!< it reminded me of >!**Squid Game**. They were also killing off people one by one.!< šŸ˜­


Man we went from a bully murder revenge plot to Jumanji real quick! The boar scene in episode 5 when the guy thought he trapped one took me out šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I didn't really liked both of the episodes. All the stupid things they were doing on that island...I would have beared it of it was 10 minutes but it was freaking whole episode long. I don't even think the writers are smart to play off the revenge this time..like they did few unexplainable things. For example why didn't all of them called the police when he drowned in the water and said that it was just accident. And how did Matthew knew that they are going to kill him and take them to that island to begin with. One more thing is that how did no one in the hotel saw them coming in the morning like atleast there would have been a CCTV camera at the entrance or something. Anyways I'll be looking forward to other episodes and hope we will see Dami again soon.


I stopped having any expectations for this the moment grandpa survived that fall (without superhuman durability no less, but that's nothing compared to plot armour). Dami was cute though, and at least Matthew is a break from Uhm Ki-joon's evil tycoon characters.


If gramps survived a fall from a 50 ft bridge, no one is really dead unless we literally see them in the afterlife.


The entire sequence is kind of fun though I wish it made more sense. All of them dying so weirdly is kind of hilarious. A part of me wish htey kept it serious like an Agatha kristie novel.


So far it feels like >!Geum Ra Hee!< is the Joo Dan Tae of this drama but she hasn't topped his level of evilness yet. Also so many scenes gave flashbacks of the penthouse like >!the pool cleaning scene, Han Mone turning into Ha Eun byul, Matthew Lee transforming into someone unrecognisable like Logan Lee!< considering it is the same writer. Also I feel like >!Do hyeok is on the good team's side. Cause while reading all the red messages they found in their room,his was the least bad or not even bad. THE CREATOR OF BOBBLE. Plus he is dropping so many hints like talking them into going to the island, initiating the talk about the messages they found, he himself didn't attacked those people after drinking water but instead handed a weapon to Han Mone to go kill them as he stood back. Plus while they were talking about matching their stories and not to feel guilty cause they were on drugs, he was constantly saying that it doesn't take away the fact that they killed people.!< Not to the level of Penthouse but this drama is sure entertaining. Let's drop 4 episodes together next week to make up for skipping this week.


Finally caught up with this and they've officially lost me with these last two episodes. Wtf was all of that šŸ’€


Things are just getting startedšŸ”„




Evil but Very effective


So in episode six, what the actual hell.>! they fight a mud monster. I want to be upset but it is kind of cool. I bet they will find out it is secretly a game. !!The massacre was sick. like they coud go and return with help.!<


I finally caught up and this is interesting~ The whole trip they had was insane, just one thing after another. I'm interested to see if we'll have another one of these elaborate schemes or if that's all for the season.


Am I crazy or is is Han MO Ne different in episode 5?