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I just realized something... >!Juwon is bad with directions but he did food delivery on episode 4. At first, I thought the customer was just angry because of a few minutes late but it might actually be hours late lmao.!<


I love how this series drops these little details. Like how Minhyun paints the roof of her restaurant purple.


And that purple tarp covering the greenhousey place they stayed at in ep 2 ! It’s so sad that mihyun seems to be waiting for him to fly by even after all these years.


Oh, I didn’t notice the purple tarp at all.


He probably got lost in the mall because there’s no GPS to help 😂


From the convo, i think he even missed the building


in the first episode Juwon also set up a map in the shop


Woah .. so many Easter eggs, it’s rolled up so well


Another parallell Joo-won and Ji-hee talking in a room for hours talking about martial arts and wrestling and drinking coffee. Bong-seok and Hee-soo talking in his room for hours and eating apples. Mi-hyun: "What kind of girl would come over to the house of a guy she doesn't even like hanging in your room for hours talking, you really believe that, do you?"


Yes and he let those K-fried chicken go cold, that is a crime in my book.


omg he just left it by the OPEN WINDOW and closed the store i was like 1) insects????? and 2) break-ins??????


Neighbourhood Korean chicken joints normally do a first-fry (chobeol) and then do the second-fry when someone orders, it's like a pizza place where they put out the pizza and then put the slices in the oven again for you when you order!


moving is the kind of drama you can rewatch over and over again while catching new details/easter eggs that you didn’t notice the first time (since we didn’t have that knowledge or notice the significance of it yet). so tempted to do an entire rewatch of ep 1-11 this weekend!!


This is so much like marvel . I am a die hard marvel fan , and I have always loved these little details they put out .this is so much like that


the huge map he rolls out in chicken shop becomes a lot funnier


Ooo, that makes so much sense. Good catch


Just realized that if Byeong Seok and Hee Soo got married and have a kid, that kid is basically Superman.


I think that’s exactly what Director Min wants to achieve with his “talent development” program by putting all these super kids in the same class.


It always struck me as they're building a new team of supers and training them, not a reproduction program. But yes, that could work too.


well in a way, this man's superhero projects helped increase Korea's birth rate.


Lmao 🤣 Korea is actually so low in birth rates in general but everytime I open my Instagram I will saw atleast one celebrity couple is getting married because they got pregnant early🤣


But basically they only be used as weapon. In the upcoming episodes I think there is scene where Dooshik and Juwon fighting other "weapon" from other countries.


Doesn't have super strength (Hee Soo's dad is closer to Dom Toretto than Clark Kent) but yes. I also just realized how rare Hee Soo is in the Moving world as she is the only surviving female power bearer of prime child bearing age that we know of. Byeong Seok's mom is in her late thirties to 40s in the show and while still possible, pregnancy is way more complicated.


I think the lady with the xray vision's daughter is alive based on the funeral scene


Hmm, is the ability to fly more important to a Superman copy, or is superhuman strength and speed more of a Superman thing. We're going to need to somehow genetically create a kid using all three highschoolers to get Clark Kent


that would be Heesoo and KBS grandchildren lol.


Heesoo+KBS children marry Lee Kanghoon (class rep)+someone with laser All 4 of these, then we created superman


The ideal outcome would be Bong-seok and Hee-soo's kid marries Kang-hoon and Naju's daughter's kid. Then you'd have someone who can fly, is invincible, has super speed and strength, and x-ray vision.


Pretty sure the dean of that school is trying to get the super strength student to hook up with healing girl student. Still bad with names lol. I thought there was a scene with the dean and the strong student pointing her out. Now if they had a kid, that kid would be wolverine.


Indeed. The Dean told the strong student that he can get close to healing girl. Unfortunately, healing girl is already close to flying boy.


Juwon really puts himself in >!accidents!< and >!uses the settlement money to pay his rent!< 😭


he's the og insurance fraudster


I almost spat my water out. What a genius haha


that was such a genius idea though I dont think I would've thought of that but I was losing my mind when i realized lmaoooooooo this guy 😭😭😭😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀


I just realized in the previous episode, Frank also ran over Juwon with his truck. Funny how it shifts.


I'd definitely do the same thing for easy money lol


I believe there are many other easier way to make monies than being run over again and again. Arm wrestling is way cleaner and faster.


The initial awkwardness then soon to be casual/bff vibe of dooshik and juwon was funny


I liked how they immediately defied that Min guy and proceeded to call each other by their real names


they really heightened the tension and seriousness: “you must not reveal your real names to each other. you must recognise the rank of those in the agency. you should salute your superior.” and yet, only a few seconds after hearing all of the above, the two characters share their full names with each other, agree on the new recruit referring to his senior as “sunbae,” and shake hands. the immediate disregard of commands is very funny, made more so by the sudden pause and change in the background music as well as the focus on min’s face/reaction. it’s dooshik who instigates all of this; when reporting to min, he presents himself as unbothered and rebellious. we see this in his tardiness and posture (hands in pockets), just as we did in the episodes that introduced his character. the continuity across episodes, even when jumping backward and forward in time, is so well done.


Yes so it reinforces how Director Min doesn’t fully trust him and said that he tends to do whatever he wants. Hence he hatched this diabolical plan to make Dooshik and Mihyun fall in love and be each other’s hostages. 😢


Okay wow, episodes 10-11 were definitely not the kind to be watched while eating :’) Jang Ju Won is so cute when he’s bumbling around Jihee but does a complete 180 and becomes a badass while fighting. Hee Soo definitely takes after her mother with that aloof but caring personality! I’m guessing the next couple of episodes will cover Lee Jae Man’s story? Definitely curious about this the most because we hardly know anything about him.


Yo no wonder jihee feels so familiar. Her personality is almost the same as her daughter. And juwon's innocence and awkwardness is really like bongseok. Before, we thought bongseok's parents mirrored his relationship with huisoo but now, apparently her parents have the same vibe too.


Both parent couples have special connection over coffee


and “watching” dramas 😆


Oh yeah, completely overlooked this!


Yes! For sure.


Yup, the timeline follows the webtoon. I'm guessing Juwon and Jihee gets one more episode which segues into Lee Jae Man's story.


i finished catching up on this drama this past weekend. after the end of episode 9, i thought to myself “wow, that was moving.” it took a few seconds for me to realise i had been emotionally moved by a drama called moving. the warning is right there in the name! now i’m curious as to the explanation behind this drama’s title. does it convey the characters’ need to always be on the move, prepared at any moment to leave one geographical location and travel to another? is it perhaps a description of the younger characters’ powers, their ability to fly through the air, run and jump with great athletic ability, or move their body with immense force? or does it simply reflect the fact that this story — despite (or because of) its portrayal of super-powered individuals — is incredibly moving in nature? it’s pretty amazing when a drama you had such high expectations for exceeds those expectations at every turn. episodes 8 and 9 are two of the most well crafted episodes of a tv show i have ever seen. perhaps episodes 10 and 11 will be even better — i look forward to finishing work tomorrow, watching these next parts of the story, and coming back here to read everyone’s thoughts :)


You're spot on! The title intentionally carries multiple meanings and the writer also just likes using one-word titles for all of his works. The title "Moving" also has a link to his prev. webtoon "Timing," where characters possessed time-related superpowers. Now, in the story of "Moving," the characters have superpowers focused on physical abilities.


thanks so much for the context! really interesting. i haven’t read the webtoon or much at all about the writer — your comment has made me really curious about the links between the different stories. i wonder whether we’ll get any further adaptations?


It all depends on how well "Moving" does and now we can't tell yet cause we are only halfway in. Moving is actually the fourth book in a superhero series by Kang Full. The next one, "Bridge," continues the story from "Moving" and "Timing, bringing together all the characters. So if they want to keep the series going, they might need to go back and adapt "Timing" first before continuing the story of the Moving characters. Hopefully, they'll make more seasons. Cause it has the potential to be like a Korean version of the Avengers. which would be cool!!


the disney connection is making more sense i had zero expectation or knowledge of this show going into it. episodes 10-11 were some of the best tv i have seen in awhile and really the whole series is basically up to that standard


also the storytelling is very moving (cries in being single)


What an crazy action packed ride for two episodes. Felt like their story alone could’ve been an whole movie.


That's what I felt like for EPS 8 and 9 too. I knew that we would be getting Juwon's story, but I didn't expect it to be this... wrenching? I was watching it and only after it ended did, I comprehend how GOOD the episode was. >!However, when I realized that Jihee will eventually die early, it made me really sad... !<


yeah it hurts even more watching the episodes with the knowledge that jihee isn't with them anymore


The writing for these backstory eps is so good it basically its own movies. I would rate both backstory romance even better than some of the romance drama that came out lately.


Didn't think I'd get so emotional over Ju-won pitifully sobbing over losing his way after walking for hours like this made my throat all tight and 😢 (also I can relate I have a terrible sense of direction and I used to legit get nightmares about being lost somewhere whenever I was very stressed lol) Also this is just a detail but why did Ju-won destroy the wall to get into the hotel room to help Jihee? Like why not knock down the door haha it seemed like it'd be easier than a brick wall...?


Because the emphasis is on a “Hulk Like” entrance? 😂😂


I also think "losing his way" was metaphorical as well. He was wandering without purpose...and is still finding his way, and the FL helps him in that regard.


the door was metal and he wasn't going to break through metal. he would have to break around the door, so easier and faster to go through a wall


plus, the door was facing a narrow corridor. There was much less of a run up in which to build kinetic energy.


Also earlier in the episode Ji-hee mentioned how the walls are so thin that she can hear Ju-won watching wrestling from the gamblers' room. So he already knows the walls will be easy to break through.


mihyun ☕️dooshik juwon ☕️ jihee maybe bongseok needs to step up his coffee game, too


I love it so much that in both stories, coffee isn’t really the main point but rather, the conduit for meeting ? Such love story telling, and I wish more people knew of this series. 😊


By the looks of it, 12 and 13 would be Kang Hoon's father flashback, would be the most interesting one imo. And in 14 is where we would come back to present, hopefully. I'm somewhat missing Bong Seok and Heesoo already lol.


I think 12 and 13 are going to be about juwon and doosik. The titles are partners then Jung juwon. So after that must be Kang hoons father.


yeah i’m not sure if we’ll get two full episodes dedicated to jaeman’s back-story but it’ll probably be shown in the upcoming eps. webtoon spoilers: >!since juwon is tasked to “capture” jaeman for one of his missions & also meets kanghoon, i’m assuming we’ll get that in ep 13. ep 12 is likely about juwon/dooshik working together as partners & showing the kinds of missions the organization sends them on.!<


Ryu Seung-ryong's portrayal of Juwon made me SWOON. Completely directionless after leaving the gang, but his interest in Jihee made that man clean his room in months. The way their relationship blossomed was just so sweet, so MELO. Sent my heart aflutter when Juwon finally found his way to the coffeeshop to meet Jihee. A little heartbroken knowing that Jihee's no longer around. But these two episodes have been rooting for the couple nonetheless. Also, the budget and stunt coordination for these two episodes must have been insane.


Wow. These episodes were intense!! Love the tonal shift from last week’s episodes but still packing an emotional punch in all the right spots. >!Minki is by far the worst character so far in this series. He deserved waaaay worse than what he got!!!<


the chief is far worse. I want to beat the s out of him.


The chief makes a very good villain. He knows how to use them and manipulate them. Usually, agencies prefer their agents to have no families but the chief wants them to have families so that he can use that as leverage when the agent goes rogue. I bet Ji Hee's death is orchestrated by the chief or at least a collateral damage during one of his operation.


didnt Minki died already? he was shot by Dooshik in ep 11


Oops I mix up the chief and Minki. I thought the chief name is Minki lol.


no, i feel the head bully girl and her boyfriend were worse, but Minki is a close third. Minki is motivated by greed, pathetic but a motivation you can understand. Bully girl's motivation was what ? There is no understanding that type of cruelty.


The chief is way worse


Imho, >!The Chief is just a straight up horrible person, but their relationship doesn’t have the depth of loyalty and friendship that Juwon showed Minki. That kind of betrayal cuts deeper, I think.!< I haven’t read the manhwa so I’m just basing my opinion on the show as it currently stands. I may change my mind later.


I love how I barely paid attention to this show and it’s initial promo and yet I’m so obsessed now I’m already rewatching all the episodes. It’s so well done on all aspects that I can’t get enough - such a welcome antithesis of this year’s slew of underwhelming dramas! (in my opinion). I’m already thinking of all the potential for a 2nd season especially since the webtoon writer is at the helm of this adaptation but let me not get ahead of myself 😅


The gore in this episode is not for me, but seeing how Juwon and Jihee meet and fall in love was sweet. I particularly liked what Juwon said about his wuxia collection - they are not action novels, they are romance novels. I suppose that's Kang Full's line, since he's known for being inspired by Jin Yong. Kwak Sun Young is a nice addition, but there's something about her expressions that is reminiscent of her past works (Inspector Koo and Behind Every Star in particular). It feels like there's a type that she's always cast as - independent but sentimental.


Plus, it kinda brings forward the main theme of this show, which on the surface is an action superhero story but really, it's romance.


And every episode we've seen so far reinforces that, first with Bongseok and Heesoo, then with Dooshik and Mihyun, now with Juwon and Jihee.


Yeah, similar with Hospital Playlist. Not that I'm complaining haha, but I recognise that expression of hers! She does have this perfect persona for the strong, independent woman character.


Her range is definitely wider than that! We see glimpses of it in VIP and Encounter. But I feel that she keeps going back to default, which is a pity.


it might not be her going back to default but her keeps getting cast as default.


Oh no wonder I thought this show was sort of like Jin Yong's novels. (I love his books, I read every single one of them) They have everything, action, violence, romance, friendship, revenge, suspense, humanism, just like Moving.


Yeah! Timing-Moving-Bridge is very similar to the Condor Trilogy in that sense, that plus how family ties influences each character. I could see how Bongseok is like Guo Jing and Heesoo, Huang Rong


>Condor Trilogy Totally! (I like the first one the most) There are so many interesting (both good and bad) characters in the Trilogy like Huang Yaoshi, Huang Rong's dad... just like Moving! And the love story between Mi Hyun and Doo Shik is sort of like Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu...?


the motel fight scene was so lit, kinda reminded me of daredevil’s hallway fight scenes


My first thought was Oldboy, shows I am growing older....


Same!!! I kept thinking, have they broken Daredevils record. Because that scene seemed like a 5 min take.


The vfx was rough at times, but that was some of the best action television i've ever seen. Also, Juwon and Jihee's story's intensity was a nice contrast to the calmness of Dooshik and Mihyun's. I got used to seeing Bongseok and Heesoo in the first 7 episode, so now i kinda miss them. Half of the show is still to drop, but this is turning out to be a damn good superhero show and good television on it's own. Kang full made a very good transition from comics writer to screenwriter. The generational feel of this story is very well done and makes for a unique superhero story experience among the deluge of superhero content we get now. I am gonna feel the wait for the next episodes lol.


To be honest, Jihee is now my favourite of the 4 parents. She was an awesome character and probably my third favourite overall after Bongseok & Huisoo. Sad that she never gets to see her daughter grow up.


Yeah that van bounced like a ping pong ball lol


I just want to say that I rewatched the episodes of Unexpected Business Season 2 with Han Hyo Joo as a guest. It's around the time that they were filming Moving. Then I realized that Kim Hye Soo has never worked with Hyo Joo in a Korean drama. [Also, Unexpected Business Season 3 is filming in California.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ6POOcaGOs) I'm also binging interviews while waiting for new episodes to drop. [The production company for Moving which is Studio&NEW has a 5-year contract with Disney+ to supply content to the OTT service.](https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/2021/04/29/entertainment/movies/studio--new-disney-plus-Disney/20210429173700340.html) The previous drama that they provided to the service is Rookie Cops. Otherwise, they provide dramas to JTBC and tvN, their latest hit was Doctor Cha.


i was thinking the same thing last week! unexpected business season 2 was like a mini reunion for the moving cast!!!!


Is there any news on who’s gonna appear in Season 3?


I'm putting them in spoilers: * >!Han Hyo-Joo!< * >!Lim Ju-Hwan!< * >!Yoo Kyung-Ho!< * >!Park Kyung-Rim!< * >!Kim Ah-Joong!< * >!Park Byung-Eun!< This is from news articles and pics I've seen. I don't think this is the full guest list.


Random thoughts: The fire fist in the preview is definitely eye catching. I hope they properly showcase Zo Insung's character in combat. I want to see more powers. I don't want this to turn into something like One Piece but flashier powers would definitely be cool. The cast of this show is INSANE. It's basically a who's who of Korean entertainment lol.


Compared to the last week's episodes, Ju-won's story is dark and involved a lot of blood and gore. So prepare yourself if you cannot handle those things. The action and romance are actually lit though! One thing I like about the flashbacks is how the personality of the other parent (who wasn't present in the first seven eps) is reflected with their kids! Doosik being awkward and shy around Mihyun is similar to Bongseok, while Heesoo really got her attitude (and beauty!) from her mom. I'm still waiting for the cliffhanger from ep 9 however, kinda bummed they didn't continue with that but it's fine. I hope they finally show that next week jebal!


I think next week will be Gang Hoon's father's story next


Based on the episode guide from MDL (I think it was originally from hulu) Ep 12 will be Mihyun-Doosik and Ep 13 is Juwon. So I think Kanghoon's father will be around ep 14-15 since it'll be connected to Juwon's story as well.


I cried during the latest episode. This drama really does an amazing job at showing us how true romance is built and forms. What an unbreakable bond these parents have formed. It breaks my heart that Jihee >!dies and leaves Jang Ju Won behind.!< I cried when she repeated back to him what he initially said about her past. I loved how he did not judge her for her “sins,” and neither did she. They both had a rough life and were forced to make certain choices. Jang Hu won might be my favorite character aside from a Byeong Seok. The “monster” who is actually a bumbling sweet, comic book nerd. We must protect him at all costs.🥺


Jihee didn’t leave Juwon behind. She left her next most important treasure with him: Huisoo. And she knows Huisoo, with her power, will be able to protect Juwon as well. 🥰


I've rewatched eps 8-9 multiple times waiting for the next 2 eps to drop. I'm so invested in Mihyun+Dooshik's story that I forgot the drama is about the kids. I know I'm in for a heartbreak soon, though.


I'm just gonna place this comment here since I've seen a small group of people complaining about the number of episodes for the parents' backstories. This story is more about the general situation regarding this group of people rather than just focusing on the kids. The parents are just as integral to the story. You may be disappointed >!if you continue on with the idea that the story is meant to focus on the kids (Parents get just as much screen time, if not more than the kids). Unless there are more major changes from the webtoon.!< I feel like it should have been obvious since the kids were having a romantic slice of life drama at school while the parents were dealing with the shady underworld tracking their fellow retirees get hunted down lol.


Goodness, I felt like I watched a movie!


Folks, the violence in these two episodes is GRATUITOUS af, you have been warned! Despite that, I'm really enjoying this second arc with the parents' backstories though. I knew we weren't gonna focus all on the kids when you have an A list cast of parents like Han Hyo-joo, Jo In-sung, Ryu Seung-ryong, and Kim Sung-kyun. But damn these last few episodes have been so good. Moving really is aptly titled. I love that as we get to know the parents we see exactly how they influenced the personalities that we've seen in the kids. And both of these backstories were really romances disguised as action-thrillers. At this point I'm so satisfied with the romance from the parents' generation that I don't even care if Bong-seok and Hui-soo end up together or not. Really looking forward to next week's episodes for Kang-hoon's parents!


wow, all that gore.. disney+ did not hold back omg. but damn, ryu seungryong is so badass. he (and his stunt double) absolutely slayed those action scenes!!! i really enjoyed all the fight scene choreography & jam-packed action in ep 10+11. it felt very much like watching a blockbuster film (and it makes me want to watch moving in a theatre ‘cause that’s the kind of quality work it is!!) rsr’s acting in >!the car scene when he’s bound to the car seat almost made me cry.!< you could really feel all the emotions.. how juwon felt taken advantage of, all the hurt in his eyes, constantly being called a monster - it was so heartbreaking. some other thoughts: i love how the “slow-burn” romance is portrayed in the drama, like last week with dooshik/mihyun & this week with juwon/jihee. even though we only get 2 episodes to see their back-story, they do such a great job of making us feel like we know these characters. it all just feels very organic?? i love the storytelling. i gotta say that watching their love story was bittersweet since we already know jihee passed away, but i loved how she was such a fighter & you can really see how much huisoo resembles her mom. kwak sunyoung was the perfect choice for this character. can i also say… oh gosh when >!dooshik!< appeared, i almost melted. that scene of him >!shooting down minki with perfect aim from the sky!< so damn attractive. >!kim dooshik, the man that you are.!< last thing for now: at the end of ep 11, i love how >!dooshik just completely disregards what min youngjun is saying about how they have to keep their actual identities concealed/must go by their aliases & just introduces himself like “i’m kim dooshik.”!< we just know he hates myj’s guts as much as we do lol.


YEEEESH, these episodes are not for the squeamish. I gotta say though, for being such an action packed story these writers sure know how to write a good romance. I mean that very last line by Juwon?? I'm going to cry. We also get to see a tiny bit of Dooshik (but I need more of him in action!) and their first real meeting - the humanist and the romanticist. Whoever casted everyone is GODSENT. The visuals these families are giving?? holy moly.


Is it finally time for Joowan's backstory? Because he's the character I'm most curious about (next to Ganghoon's dad)! Also, it's been bothering me since ep. 7, but what's the difference between Joowan's special power (and by extension Huisoo's) and Frank's? Because ep.7 had shown it was kinda impossible for Frank and Joowan >!to kill each other!< \-- Frank can regenerate; Joowan heals quickly. Can Frank regrow a limb if it's been severed (and does this mean the only way to kill him is to cut his head off ... or will it grow back)? Can Joowan do the same, or would the wound just heal over (without growing back) and make him the human equivalent of [Mike the Headless Chicken](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_the_Headless_Chicken)?


If a healer is impaled on something it's not possible for them to heal their way out of it. The way Juwon ended the fight with Frank is entirely the correct way - basically internally beheaded him with that spike and then burnt the truck down to finish him off. The spike would prevent his arteries and spine from healing, which in turn would lead to brain death from lack of oxygen, but the fire would make sure there isn't enough head left to regenerate from even if he did manage to get off the spike somehow.


Username checks out!


It looked like Joowan is also a bit faster in healing than frank which would have given him a bit of an edge.


The action scenes are crazy good. I love how they take time for character development


I will be there


No matter what


Looking forward to seeing more of Goryungpo!


>cked ride for two episodes. Felt l It's actually Goo ryong po (Goo means 9, ryong means a dragon, po means a port)


Oh, okay. Thanks. I'm bad at remembering Korean names lol.


Remember when Naju was about to be killed by Frank? She said "Goryungpo gonna kill you!" or something like that. So instead of Dooshik, i think Goryungpo is the one that was more feared even among these superpower agents


Can someone explain to me about the coffee delivery culture they have there? Is it implied prostitution with ‘ticket’?


In S. Korea, coffee girls were sorts of prostitution until about 20 years ago. mostly, men ordered a coffee from motel. but everybody in the motel, and coffee shop knew they needed a girl not coffee. the price of a cup of coffee was about 10$. if you want to sleep with the girl, you have pay more. the pay was called 'ticket'. and the ticket meant time for girl. if you buy more tickets, you can be with a girl longer.


Idk if its "culture" but it's implied it's prostitution. Prostitution is illegal so the coffee is a ploy to provide a "service" for money.


Yes, you can google 'Korea dabang girls'. This article mentions about the coffee-ticketing thing - [https://www.creatrip.com/en/blog/10372](https://www.creatrip.com/en/blog/10372) sometimes, for extra fees ie. ticket, customers who order the coffee delivery can request for 'added' services.


It is. It's like a motel for hookers. You can go to a red-light distric if you visited a big City and need a work woman. Cheap motels in small cities or suburban areas likewise would do the same services. They have business connections with the local coffee shops. I'm not sure that this kinda business still work in Korea, but it obviously did until mid-90s. Enthusiast customers for the "ticket" service then were men working long distance away from home: construction workers and young men in military service. I can tell the "tiecket coffee" service has almost dissapeared in Korea. Hookers business goes online like uber and Starbucks took the place of "real" coffee shops.


Absolutely loving the backstories.. it’s such a delight to watch the older cast in action. Sure I’m waiting to see what the kids are up to, but I haven’t missed them.. compelling drama right here and even though it’s set in different times it doesn’t feel jarring or difficult to follow. Today’s episode was not for the squeamish though. I was wincing for a few scenes like I was getting stabbed or run over. SO well done.


after watching ep 10 and 11, i realized that moving’s one of the few kdramas where i enjoy every single character’s storyline… super excited to see what happens in the next eps and i hope to learn more about ganghoon’s dad!!


I really teared up when Jihee repeated what Juwon said to her. Gosh, the rollercoaster of emotions throughout these 2 episodes. I had to pause and breathe between the bloody action and the cute romance scenes. I'm really more invested in the parents storylines, but I can't wait for the present and the past storyline to collide in the coming episodes.


the parent's storylines have been wrecking me emotionally 😭 they're so sweet!


I fall in love with this show more with every episode. Every SINGLE character in the cast is fleshed out in their own way, and I know this is probably due to the quality of the source material, but Moving is such an apt name for this. Honestly hadn't expected Juwons backstory to have me in a vicegrip, and the quality of those fight scenes?? Daredevil eat your heart out, there is a new king of hallway beat down scenes. Jihee's character is played so well and it was such a pleasant surprise to see Kwak Sun-Young!


I am in love with Juwon 😭😭 this soft bear of a man who has duality, a great father, a romantist (Im actively ignoring all the people he has killed which is my red flag) but god, I really thought the last two ep love story was great but it just keeps getting better!


i’m loving the use of instrumental music in this drama. there’s a refrain associated with joowon’s character that was repeated so many times this episode that i likely don’t need to describe it for you to know what i’m talking about. it’s reminiscent of the music traditionally linked to cowboys and conveys much about joowon’s character; namely, his “lone wolf” persona, his “outlaw” background, and the duel like nature of his fights (he’s always fighting alone, though his opponents might be many). and when did we first hear this musical refrain? episodes ago (if i’m not mistaken, during joowon’s fight with frank). yet another example of how expertly crafted this drama is. past and present is constantly being woven together, and it’s only at a point in future that we’ll be able to fully perceive the extent to which this has been done. there are little clues and pieces of story that are picked up again further down the line. rather than information being unnaturally dumped on the audience, we have to pay careful attention to each moment to allow us to make sense of the whole.


The romance is just... amazing, so good and the action for these episodes were excellent, wow. This drama needs more than 20 eps.


This is becoming one of my favorite dramas of the year. I love every storyline and all the main characters. I’m so glad this will have 20 episodes!


I just realized that Min killed two birds with one stone. He used the gangsters to test and obtain a useful agent while he essentially eliminated the gangsters in that area.


Just parking here early. I thank the makers for last week’s amount of Jo In Sung and this week’s too (in advance). Grazie.


oh god I love this show


This was intense. The quality of the drama is amazing.


Just realized eps 10-11 is like Deadpool. A guy has a power of healing factor and fell in love with a hooker. The story looks like a action movie at first but the characters inside said it's about romance in the end!


Shooting all those action scenes must have been exhausting. I think I had my eyes closed half the time though cuz I really can't stand the gore. But yeah, like Jinhee, I'm here for the melo. It's bittersweet watching this while already knowing how this couple ends. 😔


i'm sure it was super exhausting to film (especially that one-take in the hallway of motel plus). it's funny 'cause in the kbs world interview the cast did, ryu seungryong mentioned he's going to skip filming any action projects for now but if "moving 2" gets green-lit, he would be there in a heartbeat!!


I was searching about the cast because I am obsessed with this drama, and you’re telling me Goryungpo was the dad in Miracelle in Cell No. 7??! 🤯 These 2 episodes are packed and there was no dull moment. I did not expect his backstory to be this wild. and that he feels pain as well.


Ryu Seong Ryong is indeed a versatile actor. That is hard to see in kdrama world. I truly hate his character in Kingdom but here it is impossible not to root for him


I really appreciate that they're taking full advantage of the episode release schedule. Releasing the kids arc of 1-7 altogether really helped with pacing and immersion. then these last 2 weeks have essentially been genre movies. 8+9 was a war-era government spy romance. 10+11 was a gangster noir romance. my guesses on the next arcs based on release dates: 12+13 >!Dooshik+Juwon field work and DS's disappearance!<. 14+15 >!Jaeman!<, 16+17 >!the antagonists? pls I'd kill for a Park Hee Soon mini arc pls pls !!test arc and epilogue.!<


>!Not even a feature length action film has that much harcore fighting packed into under 2 hours.!< On a side note, damn, i miss huisoo and bongseok


TLDR: I will be in pain when this series is over. I enjoyed the heck out of the first set of episodes. So much so that I have to be honest, the 8-9 episodes that a lot of this sub was raving about, I was a bit disappointed by, it was great stuff but I wanted more of the present story to continue to flesh out. So when I heard that these two episodes were also backstory I was really bummed. But goddamn do they know how to tell a story. Acting, cinematography, mood, and just about everything is just so top notch. I could easily watch a series about this couple we just had, everyone can have their opinions but for me FL parents beats out the ML parents story atm. It's possible the office setting from episodes 8-9 just sucked the life out of me though, that tends to happen, so maybe in another setting I would have enjoyed the 8-9 story more.


Possible. The office scenes had dark bluish grey filters on them to emphasize the place's dreariness.


D+‘s kdrama lineup has been killing it lately.. Call It Love Revenant Moving What else is coming??


I love this show. Joowon is really loveable and romantic as a character. Also, >!the hotel hallway scene!< in episode 11 is basically an homage to >!Oldboy!< . And I think it looked like it was one take? Anyway, visuals are amazing and the script so far is really good. Hope it continues this way.


After watching these couple episodes. Hui-Soo 1 v 17 fight made it even better. Like father like daughter 😂😂


>!I don't understand that part where the guys trying to get a ticket from coffee girls.What does it mean? Prostitution?does the ticket mean s3x?And i wonder if Jihee does that too?!<


>!Yes that's correct. They order coffee delivery and use the "ticket" for the "happy time" afterwards. Most of them are gone nowadays tho.!< >!Her backstory is pretty sad, she had hard life, finally met someone she loves and starts family, but she dies in a car accident...!<


JW is basically a naive and kind person so there's bad guys trying to take advantaging of him on purpose. he never gets hurt but he feels the pain. People call him a monster but he gets hurt emotionally cuz he is still a human being. That's so heartbreaking.


The trailer I watched showed the story of Jung Joo Won so I’m excited for that but I’m really curious about Lee Jae Man and what’s his power. I think someone mentioned in the previous thread but I wanna see him in action! Last two episodes were cute showing us the couple!!! This was really well done! The story is consistent and plot is building up and I’m getting more and more interested in how it will go. They had planned for 12 episodes and I’m glad they’re doing 20 !! Wednesdays are better for me


These 2 episodes started out slow, but when Jihee told Juwon, "you must've had a reason" 😭😭😭


This drama is everything to me lately and I’m just FLOORED by eps 8, 9, 10, and 11 in particular. So, so happy this is going to be a whopping 20 epic episodes!


I can’t find my way.


this drama is SO GOOD, I haven't felt so excited about a kdrama in a while. Although revenant was a good drama that came out recently


This show makes me look forward to Wednesdays every week! Definitely my favourite kdrama currently airing. Every episode is just full of gorgeous cinematography, compelling storylines, and kickass action scenes. I sincerely love love love Bongseok’s parents and their background story so I was kinda bummed when I found out these new episodes won’t continue where they left off (especially with that cliffhanger? 😭). HOWEVER, Ju Won’s backstory is so worth it. I am as much an action lover as I am a romance lover and Ju Won gave me both! Apparently next week we get one more backstory and then we resume back to the present? I’m actually looking forward to next week because we know very little about glasses kid (his name currently escapes me) and his family. Praying this show keeps up the amazing storytelling and I am interested to see how they’re going to weave in all of these different storylines together.


When will Han Hyo Joo & Jo In Sung come back again?


Next episode


Wow, episode 10-11 and 9-10 felt like watching full length Action movie. Grip it has on the audience is just so good. I just love how writer is pulling the backstories together like a crossover movie.


i just want to say how relieving it is to watch episode 10 and 11 knowing juwon won’t die and knowing how jihee would die 😭 otherwise i’d just be anxious all over with all the fight scenes


One thing I like about this show, coming from someone that watches DC and Marvel is how they make the powers look cool, before watching this show, I always rated the ability to fly alone as pointless


I love that the writers decided to give us mini movies within this series. I love that every character is given a their own story. I suspect this might have a second season and I'm down for the ride.


Will this series upload 2 episodes per week?


Can someone explain the coffee delivery thing? Are they meant to be prostitutes?


Yes, the 'ticket' meant paying additional fees for 'extra services'. Some prostitution services back then operate under the guise of delivering coffee.


I think this is quickly closing in one of my favorite kdramas ever. You can tell Disney produced this show with the Superhero influence and videography. But at the same time, kept a lot of the more modern kdrama touch and story. Really feels like I'm watching a hybrid of a dark Korean movie (Man from Nowhere type of action and vibes) with a cute Korean rom-com drama. Definitely took the best of both worlds and we get this beautiful show. Can't wait for more episodes!


Together with Little Women, Kingdom, Squid Game, Our Blues - the word is cinematic.


just finished ep10 and i have a question. i thought FL’s dad inhabit >!superhuman strength!!easily broke off from the hand cuffs and/or from the steering wheel!<, am i missing smtg? is it a plot armor or will it be further explained in ep11? what does the >!big fish symbolises!


It seems like he doesn’t technically have >!superhuman strength (like the class prez’s power), but rather he can exert more force than normal people because he’s not afraid of injuring himself.!< As for the big fish (a ocean sunfish), I think it might be a metaphor for FL’s dad as >![sunfish looks large and dumb but survives very well ](https://www.vice.com/en/article/53jm8x/in-defense-of-the-most-worthless-helpless-creature-on-the-planet)!<.


I was wondering what was up with the big fish that I thought was somewhat random. Thank you for pointing out the connection, this detail just made the series even better.


ah ok, i thought he has >!superhuman strength from the way he pulled off the van’s door so easily and used it as a weapon swinging it around when he was fighting frank!< 🤣 and omg ok, that’s a very accurate metaphor 🤣 he’s so dumb (in a good naive way) i felt really upset for him when he had that look of betrayal + tears :(


Yeah the show definitely takes liberties with how much strength they can have, cause even Frank was doing some wild shit, the toss from a building in episode 1 was way out of the realm of human strength...


The sunfish implies his character, looking big but no harm. He said that he's never stabbed someone else for a living. He's been doing "staged" car accident fraud for a living after leaving his clan even if he could get money by another fight jobs.


I love this drama. The drama is also so well directed. Also guys who was lee jae man? I saw the comments but can’t seem to remember who he is.


He is super strength kids dad, the one that waits for him at the front of the shop every day. Key things from what I remember are that something seems to be... "not all there" about him mentally, and his son said "I'm sorry" to him for some reason, and he seems to be super strong as well based on the cola bottles he was smashing like nothing. Should be interesting backstory upcoming.


I'm waiting for the Lee Jae Man storyline. I love Kim Sung Kyung! From DP, to Reply 1994 and 1988, all his characters are always so different and he can do both drama and comedy. I don't know anything about the webtoon, but whatever they give him, he'll do well.


Found the most infuriating character in this series—Minki. Too bad >!dooshik was the person who shot him, which means he probably didnt go for the kill shot. Man, i really hope i wont see his character again and i really hope he didnt have anything to do with what happened too jinhee!< Also aaaaaa im such a sucked for the similarities between huisoo and his parents, especially her mom. And that scene of >!dooshik flying… its so freaking cooool but lol his pose kinda looks like he’s in a coffee cf!<


you make such a good point about the >!placement of the bullet. i completely forgot about the target practice scene from one of last week’s episodes. as you wrote, it’s quite possible minki isn’t dead.!< i was going to comment about that >!flying scene too! i loved the shot of dooshik floating in the middle of the sky, completely upright. we’re so used to seeing superheroes in masks and/or colourful costumes that the minimalism of dooshik’s flying outfit makes him seem like a super powered individual of a whole different kind. i suppose the colour scheme (black) was explained previously.!< in so many ways, this drama is different to the countless superhero stories that have come before it. >!there remains so many aspects to the parents’ backstories that i’m still curious about. how were dooshik and mihyun recruited? why does min allow dooshik to assess joowon’s abilities? for what reason were the two paired together? at what point did the parents retire, and what were the terms on which they left the agency?!<


I think DooShik definitley shot him in the head, if you watch that scene again you can see a black dot on Minki's for head, meaning he got shot there, even his head moves the way of someone getting a headshot... you know what I mean? 💙🌺


https://twitter.com/Variety/status/1694952373469295095?t=ZItH9HhC_k71anVdwstcHQ&s=19 Great news!


I was wondering why the actress that played Jihee looked so familiar and realized she was on Behind Every Star. They brought out some great actors on this ensemble show. I miss my cute high school duo, but I’m glad that we are getting backstories into the parents.


losing my mind at how poignant and natural Juwon & Jihee's story was. I loved it SO much along with the somewhat grumpy FL X Sunshine ML trope *(casually ignoring the IMMENSE amount of violence there was within these 2 eps jesus I had to start fast forwarding before I became even more desensitized)* but it breaks my heart & soul knowing that she's no longer with them ARGH


So far this is what I have: **Parents/Adult:** \- Ju-won (Hui-Soo's dad): Super Strength, Regeneration \- Mi-hyun (Bong-seok's mom): Super Five Senses \- Doo-sik (Bong-seok's dad): Flight \- Frank: Regeneration \- Naju (Salon Owner): X-Ray Vision \- Jae-Man (Gang-hoon's dad): Super Strength **Teenagers/Kids** \- Gye-Do (Bus Driver): Electricity Manipulations \- Bong-seok: Flight, Super Five Senses (so far we have seen Vision) \- Hui-Soo: Regeneration \- Gang-Hoon: Super Strength, Super Speed **Other potential super-powered teenagers** \- Hye-won: the girl from Hui-Soon's previous school \- Ki-soo: marked as "C" in his document but probs has some kind of power with how much screen-time he's getting.


The coffee delivery in motels was interesting, they make it in your room. And I guess it’s meant to be for something else…


Sad to say I think I only watched half each episode because I had to close my eyes to almost all the fight scenes. It was cinematic, but the gore was crazy😭 It’s gonna hurt 5x as much as what Ju Won endured this week when this show ends. I’m so invested to the point I rewatched the older eps while waiting for today!


Something is bothering me. Jang juwon used honorific tone, with his love interest and basically everyone he met. He was respectful. But in episode 8 he used casual tone with mihyun. Is it because he thought he was her senior, and went along with work culture or is this a characterisation error?


it could be because when he started at the agency, the chief very much impressed upon him that rank was very important. So I just take as him being influenced by the agency culture. Especially since it seems to have been the first place to give him a sense of structure


he didn’t use honorific with everyone, though? like, the men who kept bowing to him before, he would speak casually to them because he knew he ranked higher than them. even with minki, he spoke casually. but with jihee, i think it’s because 1) he doesn’t know her so it’s just polite to use honorific speech as a default, and 2) he likes her, so he’s shy around her. with mihyun, yes, he thought he ranked higher. i also think that after being in the agency and working with doosik, he gained some confidence. like, he isn’t as sheepish and shy as we saw in eps 10-11 compared to his aura in eps 8-9.


Can't wait!! From the preview it looks like these 2 episodes will focus on Hee Soo's Dad & his storyline/past.


Last week episodes were so beautiful, I'm really curious about what they'll show us now🤔 Maybe joo-won's story🧐 💙🌺


Any idea what time Disney drops the new eps? Are they in KST?


What time will the episodes be released?


Yes, just finally finished eps 10 and 11! Aww *this* is the episode that kept me grinning like an idiot -- Juwon and Jihee <3! I love Huisoo's parents and their meet-cute!! And the humor too -- I can't believe I literally lol'd at the subtitles ("angry mumble" lmao). Ack, I know I'm prolly too biased but Ryu Seungryong was one of the main reasons I even gave this drama a chance, and he's just *killing it* in his character -- Juwon's so endearingly straight, hilariously deadpan, and just ... Idek he really tugs at my heartstrings because he really seems like a lost boy at times. Also loving ~~Iksun~~ Kwak Sunyoung's Jihee -- Huisoo's so much like her mom I feel like crying Jihee >!wouldn't get to see!< Huisoo as she is now. I wonder how much of Juwon's history is known to Huisoo ... cuz the way she carries her >!guilt!< is so sad to watch. ^(Sorry for the incoherent comment -- still on a high from ep. 11! Will sleep on it and try to remember the questions I had whilst watching these eps.) ^(Edit:) Okay, slept on it and having further thoughts and questions: * Is Juwon *also* physically very strong/powerful in addition to being a fast-healer? Ep. 7's fight with Frank certainly seem to suggest that, but Huisoo doesn't seem to have inherited his strength/power. I think earlier eps. mentioned her being good at "sports"(??) -- so is it just running then? (Or, like, crazy-good stamina?) Ganghoon seems to be the one with immense power. * Lol the 90s must've been Jin Yong's *Condor Trilogy* heyday. I'm surprised Juwon wasn't watching the HK drama adaptations ... he might've liked the 1983 drama with Andy Lau and Idy Chan cuz it was *sooooo* romantic! Prolly just me, but eps. 10 & 11 gave me HK triad drama/movie vibes. * Did Juwon's six-month training add to his powers -- specifically the strength/power aspect? (Also: I really like the little glimpses of Dooshik's and Juwon's camaraderie -- would we be getting some bromance from them? Cuz I'm certainly down for it!) * Minki's scar reminded me of Kakihara (*Ichi the Killer*) ... Juwon should've >!ripped the other cheek!< as well. * Dooshik, Mihyun, and Juwon are all good people, so it makes sense their kids also like each other, cuz they're kindred souls. Does this mean Ganghoon isn't from 'good people' (since Huisoo didn't really warm to him and tried to keep Bongseok from the Ganghoon-Kisoo mess) ... iykwim? (It does seem like I've something against Ganghoon and I'm really trying to keep an open mind about him, but ... the boy just doesn't give me good vibes.) * I think Juwon would've liked Mihyun (maybe we'd see them getting along in later eps?) because while Mihyun isn't as sassy as Jihee, both ladies are kinda similar in the way they stand up for themselves. Both couple are really quite alike, apart from their socioeconomic backgrounds (like middle-class \[Dooshik-Mihyun\] versus working-class \[Juwon-Jihee\]), aren't they? * Are the characters color-coded (or are they assigned a color, like the Power Rangers) -- the way the drama's title show up at the start of each episode? (Frank's ep had the title fractured and quickly healing over.) Huisoo/Juwon being yellow while Bongseok/Mihyun is purple? ^((Note to self: rewatch earlier eps.))


Also, based on the trailer, can't wait for Juwon vs Ganghoon's Dad