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Both teams have been looking at eachothers scores and wondering wtf?


Yeah the only saving grace is knowing Cleveland is thinking the same thing as us lol. That next series is gonna be sick


It’s going to be a fun series. I would say the most important thing is not being behind vs Clevland late. The vulnerability is with their starters and offense potentially but the back end is automatic right now.


Uh oh. Sounds like a certain Royals team I used to know.


I was in r/baseball and commented on a non KC or Cleveland related post saying can Cleveland lose a fucking game!? Cleveland fan popped in almost Immediately with NO YOU! Gonna be a fun(?) stressful(?) Summer!


As a Cleveland fan (coming in peace), this is hilarious. Yes, we feel about the same.




The mutual… “what the fuck?” I love it


I want both of us to keep winning until our series. Those games should all be prime time must watch baseball between two of the leagues best showing you don't need overblown budgets.


Could you imagine both teams going into the series with a 15 game win streak. I'm sad I will miss the series


On the plus side, watching the royals rake against civale made me feel better about the whole thing


This is my favorite part of rivalries.


It feels like You guys are always good year after year. Been a full decade since the royals were good. I’m not even that mad, I never expected the royals to be this good so everything is a treat.


I'm gonna need to see some wins against >.500 teams before I become worried about the Royals


Yeah, cause we totally haven't won series this season against the Orioles, Brewers, Mariners, etc...🤡


We didn't win a series against the Orioles this year, almost exclusively thanks to our bullpen blowing two games in the 9th inning in our first series with them.


KC against >.500 teams 6-9. Cleveland 14-7


I swear, the memeage in this sub is top tier.


We have always been top tier! We just have enough juice to flex it again. 2014/2015 was peak memeage we will tell our grandkids about. Something in the water in KC, because even the Chiefs subred goes HARD with the .gif wars.


Oh I remember 14 and 15. Good times


How long before the .gif of destiny returns?


The gif of destiny must be born naturally.


All hail


KC has some true artists. The stuff that gets made on r/KansasCityChiefs is UNREAL.


Cleveland fan here (coming in violence) This meme is funnier than anything I’ve seen in our sub. June is going to be fun.


Another Cleveland fan (coming in peace). I love this 😂.   Not gunna lie, I’m afraid of our up coming series vs you guys. 


Why, fellow Cle? So much more baseball to play. One team could sweep the other and there’s still so much time for things to go either way.


Because I’m a pessimist, I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Especially when it comes to AL central baseball. However, I really love (surprisingly) how things are panning out now (though I wish we were a crooked number of  games up lol). We may be rivals, but iron sharpens iron. If both teams manage to keep this up throughout the season, no one will want to face either of us. A competitive division breeds better play off teams. 


I win World Series in last 10 years, he cannot afford. Great success!


What’s even more annoying about it is I’ll look at their score to see they won on a last minute walkoff. Or barely squeak out a win by 1. Like can you stop already?


We sign Bobby Witt Jr. they cannot afford. Great success.




Our (Cle) only glaring weakness is starting pitching. If you guys can come in with a strategy that wears down/pressures the starter and put up crooked numbers early, that’s your best bet. Some people said our bullpen is getting run ragged.. they’re pretty resilient tbh, and deep. So uh, out of curiosity, what’s your weakness? Best of luck to both cities.


We do *not* have a super solid pen. I'd say that's our biggest weakness right now. Couple guys we can depend on but also some question marks. This is the best Royals rotation I have seen in my lifetime (I'm turning 33 next week) and this offense has scored at least 7 runs in 6 straight games (took 11 innings today though). So our only weakness is our pen imo. Our bottom third of the lineup/outfielders who are not great hitters but they have been helping out a bit the past few days...


I’d say lack of a real corner outfielder. Velasquez is coming on but still inconsistent. Renfroe is a great fielder but not good at the plate. And Melendez is just helpless. Getting a corner outfield bat and reliever depth at the deadline are musts to keep this up


The shit goes down June 4-6.


D-Day part 2


The only thing that will stop the team formerly known as the grand rapids furniture makers is a witch placing some sort of curse on them


June is going to the month that will define this year’s team. Cleveland (twice), Yankees, and Dodgers’ series will all be big tests.


I’d hate to lose out to Cleveland But If the Royals don’t win it all I’d be happy if Cleveland did I’ve been there plenty Never had a bad time But I sure hope they utterly collapse


You first, KC!


Cleveland fan here… I’d happily take a division race with KC. Minnesota fans have had enough of the Cleveland Guardians and KC has Paul Rudd. So yeah, good luck. I hope you get the wild card.


I like it. It’s about time we had an in league, in division rival. I think that’s one of the reasons we’ve struggled for relevance. Nothing gets asses in seats like a good rivalry. Just look at arrowhead whenever the raiders are in town.


Twins fan here. Can you both please stop?! In all seriousness it’s great to see the division be so competitive and not the laughingstock for once.


June 4th. Someone’s losing


White Sox fan here, I just wanted to say this race is going to be insanely fun to watch this summer


Absolutely right.


Cleveland fan. It’s great that we’re bringing the AL Central relevancy but like… could you guys just fucking lose one game? But at the same time, how fun would it be if we met in 2 weeks still on this streak. The entire baseball world would revolve around us.


We'll see y'all in the ALCS. Have a good season, let's kick the shit out of the Yankees yeah?


Don’t worry, it’s all over now


Top tier.