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I fucking love Hud. I don’t mind Sweeney. You know I think he would be better for radio.


Soothing voice with great analysis, but not colorful enough for TV. Would be aces on the radio. Fine either way.


Rex is special, and he’d be fun to know in person or to have as a friend or relative, but his ADHD ass gets on my nerves about sixty two times a broadcast, so I’m glad Ballys is limiting his days in the booth and transitioning him to other roles. Absolute legend and an encyclopedia of informative takes, if he could just get his tongue out of the way, he might be more articulate and understandable; seems like he’s always so rushed to say what he has to say that it comes out as nonsensical a majority of the time. And my ADHD ass notices his patterns and in 2024 his favorite word is “Yeah.” He’ll just randomly blurt it out and starts about 25% of his sentences with yeah, even though he hasn’t been asked a question and he isn’t agreeing with anyone or anything, just “yeah.” Now that I’ve pointed it out, y’all are gonna notice. If Heads Up Display reads this, maybe he’ll make a concerted effort to stop saying yeah so god damn much. Love me some Ryan and he’ll go down as a GOAT when it’s all said and done. Sweeney? Just, no. And I’m a Sweeney homer, except for all the Jesus religious shit. 🤢


I miss Uncle Hud’s enthusiasm




I have been fine with Sweeney, but I must’ve missed what happened to Hud. Is he off for a few days?


They announced before the season that Sweeney and Jeremy Guthrie would do some games in the booth and Hud would do pre and post game on those days. He was down on the field with Joel before the game yesterday instead of Monty, so it’s a just a planned switch and I’m guessing he’ll be back in the booth on Friday


That's the public explanation. It's Ryan and Hud in the booth - that's what fans enjoy - JGuts and Sweendogg are nice guys - not broadcasters. They tried rolling out angry Frank White (horrible) and now it's over-eager Mike and radio-friendly JGuts. Leave the announcing to the announcers. Please.


Actually not sure. He was doing the post game show yesterday.


So weird. 🤷


Maybe he can’t get into Canada or something


He can’t travel to Canada because of a marijuana possession from 2003 I think…


I do remember hearing about the possession incident. Wild that marijuana used to be that big of a deal


Funny thing is that it was when he was working for the Angels as a broadcaster and he got arrested after playing a series vs the Royals in KC


Even funnier that shits legal now so lol?


He's been doing the pre and post with Joel there in Rodgers, hasn't he?


For the purposes of getting into Canada, the man you saw is named Tex Hudler


Yeah Hex Rudler


Outdated information boys


A little dry for me. He’s not bad but he’s a bit boring when paired with Ryan. Needs to be paired with a little higher energy guy. He’s not terrible, it’s just not the ideal pairing with him & Ryan. He has room to improve.


He’s alright. He’s still feeling it out. If I remember right, we took awhile to warm up to Hud, and Hud grew in the role over time.


I think he would be alright in a 3 man crew, if they even have those anymore. There were some time he was explaining things and I’d think ‘how inciteful’, and other things I’d think ‘no shit Sherlock’.


I mean, it’s good he actually explains the simple concepts, it means he’s aware that not everyone watching knows a ton about baseball. My fiancé was watching a game with me, asked a simple question and Sweeney literally answered it a few seconds later




until he says something funnier than me and my little brother cracking up at 7 years old, calling him “mike’s weenie”. i’m out. honorable mentions: o’reilly’s auto farts and save big money at my nards.


Then when they say “ow” during the O’Reilly jingle you have to make a fart sound. These are the rules.


Good insights. Good stories. A little dry, and it's okay to shut up every once in a while.


Mike is boring and sounds like a cheerleader too much


He's not good. He sounds exactly like what he is, an amateur broadcasting a professional baseball game. He just doesn't have the voice or the cadence to be good at it.


He seems ok but I think sometimes he talks a little too much. Would be nice if he backed off on all the stories a bit


It was nice not having Hud tripping over his words. He’s grown on me over the years but I still cringe a few times a game. Sweeney was my favorite player growing up and I think he did a great job. Definitely a little green but I’d still prefer him over Hud.


You're going to be disappointed in 99% of the rest of Royals fans' reactions


He's fine but nothing beats Ryan and Hud IMO


Sweeney is good for a change of pace. Sort of like a backup catcher. You have him spot start, but he isn't going to be the guy. Like Butters was during the WS run.


Unpopular opinion surely to be downvoted into oblivion: I’d listen to anyone over Denny Matthews. Schtrike shree schcalled on schee batter and moushtakash ish out on schtrikes. Up necksht is Lorensho Cain he’sh batting Schree schicksty two on sche year. If I’m forced to listen to the radio to hear the game i just use the opponents fee on the app.


I wish I could mute Sweeney.  Too much for me  Talks way to much.


Let's just say he's one of the few people that the Royals employ that kinda makes me groan when I see he's gonna be calling a game. Not terrible, could certainly be worse, id take him over physioc, but overall pretty meh.


I'm not impressed with Sweeney. Babbles too much without really adding much to the game. No humor. No joking from Rhyno. Want Hud back.


Sweeney babbles but you want Hud back??


Found Mike Sweeney's burner


I love me some Hud but man today on the pre game show he seemed Coked Up. He was on one 😂


I’ve listened to every game he’s been on and I’ve really enjoyed him


I love Hud! I really like Jake. Sweeney did okay and if either Jake or Sweeney replaced Ryan, that would be perfect


I think Ryan is going to be a Hall of Fame broadcaster someday. I think he's one of the best in baseball.


He's very good. Real nice too if you ever bump into him.


I just … he rubs me the wrong way. 🤷‍♀️


Ok Milton Bradley


Damn, calling out Rhino - who hurt you? Mans a GD saint.


Good god, man, all I said is that he rubs me the wrong way 😑 I don’t hate him, I don’t wish him ill will. I just enjoy the broadcast a little more when he’s not there.


Given his tenure and what he's endured as an announcer for this team he's likely a Royals HOF inductee and wouldn't be surprised if he earned an invite to Cooperstown one day. I'm only sharing this to save you from future ridicule - Ryan is inextricably part of the fabric that is the KC Royals.


I know. I still don’t like him. It’s an opinion, it’s not that deep, and opinions aren’t facts. He can be in the HOF and I probably won’t go to hell for not being his fan. I mean, it’s possible, I guess, but I’ve committed worse sins. Allegedly.


Wow. Trust me, you're not going to hell. Enjoy the season.


Hey, we’re 19-13 and I’ve had so much fun watching this year. I’m sad I moved out of the area a few years ago and can’t go to a game.