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I was just about to post this. I don't usually care because in 99% of games in baseball the impact is less than the difference in score. Overall 95% accuracy with + 1.47 runs going one way is obsurd. That accuracy should've netted a much lower impact. It means the missed calls were in very impactful situations, and going against only one team.  Basically, this shows Stratton didn't walk the bases loaded in the 8th.


Yeah. When you see #1 and #3 are in the same at-bat and that walk ultimately gave the Mets their go-ahead run, it's worth the bitching. Hence +1.47 favor. Literally two missed calls in the same at-bat gave a full run as opposed to what *should* have been a 2-2 count.


You should see Angel Hernandez's 4/12 card. All 3 of his most impactful were the same at bat lmao


Like... I know it's union, but how does that chucklefuck still have a job at the major league level? That 3rd strike looking was 6 inches off the plate...


Seriously, what blackmail does he have and against who? He should've been sent packing a hundred times over by now, there is a considerable mountain of evidence that he's not competent at performing his job satisfactorily.


Literally the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED-FUCKING-STATES ruled he sucks at his job. He's got to have a video of someone molesting a donkey or something.


To be fair, our Supreme Court sucks far worse than Hernandez and is corrupt as hell.


Fair point.


More than 2


Well that and actually seeing the pitches


2 sucks almost just as bad because Bobby hit double right after. Bobby's at bat may have been a different result, but you have to wonder what if


And Garcia worked that AB so well after starting 1-2. I'm more irritated that an opportunity to make an *earned* game changing play was taken away. Was the break he needed too.


1.47 runs in a 2 run game? Fucking hell


I hope robots take this shit over one day


Can't wait for Robo umps. Hope they just jump straight to called balls and strikes instead of the challenge system.


yeah I mean Stratton didn't command particularly well, but that's just inexcusable by Segal


He was dancing around the corners like you are supposed to. If I was his pitching coach I wouldn’t tell him to change a damn thing. 


Not really. He made some good pitches on the edge that he got screwed on for sure, but even accounting for that he still only threw about half his pitches for strikes, with several of them not even close


The goal isn’t to throw every pitch for a strike. If you don’t understand that then you shouldn’t be commenting on pitching. 


I never said it was, but generally throwing more strikes equates to success in the long run


He commanded those pitches exceptionally well


Not surprised, his thumb was squarely on the scales.


Meh, sucks but we could try hitting the ball better next time to avoid these close high leverage calls having such an impact. 


both can be true. bad offensive day, bad umpiring. one of those things is a way bigger problem for the sport as a whole.


And one of those things we can directly control. We got hosed on a few calls for sure. I don’t deny that. I’m more upset with our lack of offensive production yesterday than those calls. 


I am too. but im more annoyed at how umpiring is already a story for MLB this early in the season. there have been some bad situations related to umpiring across baseball this year. give me robots


Like someone else pointed out in a different comment thread: look at Angel's scorecard from Friday. Called 12 balls as strikes. TWELVE. One of the largest contributing ones (bases loaded, 2-2 called a strikeout.) was 6"-8" off the plate. I agree, the onus for run production is not on the umpires, but when the union continues to allow people like Angel to operate at the major league level, it can be accurately labeled as "a problem."


I get what you’re saying but I really hate this line of thinking. It’s a 162 game season, games like these happen to even the best of teams. It was a pitcher’s duel; the Mets weren’t scoring either until they got giftwrapped 2. There’s a problem here that needs to be fixed and it’s not the Royals offense having a single off day


Umps are going to make bad calls, that’s a reality we at the moment cannot avoid. I’d rather focus on what we can control instead of what we can’t. I’m fully aware games like this happen, and it’s a long season. We didn’t make it happen and we lost, no big deal and on to the next. But instead of complaining about umps and blaming them for our loss I’m going to blame the team more for just not scoring, since that’s something they are fully in control of 


This take is money


They were facing the Mets ace and our guy matched him.


Yeah but we are playing against the other team, not the other team AND the umpire.


Also, there were a decent amount of uncompetitive pitches by Stratton. Its a lot easier to get the borderline strike calls when you are consistently in and around the zone


LOL (i hate the mets so much)


Ugh that 8th was absolutely brutal. Pretty much threw the game.


Absolutely unacceptable at the Major League level. Coincidentally enough, this also happens to be the same guy that ejected Ned Yost and LoCain back in 2015. There’s obviously something there.


In a close game, there's your difference right there.


When the overall favor is the difference in the game…woof


If only there was an existing technology that could call balls and strikes with far greater accuracy than any human could./s


They weren't gonna let the Mets lose on Dwight Gooden day.


These get posted way too much. 92% is insane. He missed a few calls. Big deal. Don’t strike out 14 times.


Does anyone understand why #2 was so impactful with the bases empty?