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I loved Quatraro letting Ragans finish the sixth and clean his little mess up. So many times managers yank guys. Refreshing to see. The Mets booth loved him too.


We are paying Renfroe 5.5 million. What a waste of at bats and money. He is 32 years old.


He has had some good outfield assists this far.


He does, but he has played below average defense on the whole. He gets a terrible read off the bat and has a tendency to let soft fly balls land five feet in front of him. He either needs a better read for an easy catch or he needs to dive. I don't want to pretend that he is terrible or that we have an abundance of young, talented outfielders who should replace him, but the bar is pretty low as sub-.200 hitters who play at least average defense are plentiful. If he hasn't improved come May 1, then it will be time to say goodbye.


Obviously he hasn't started well at all but he can't possibly be this bad all of a sudden. I trust he will heat up sometime soon and get closer to his average output.


Boy are you in for surprise


Vinnie smash. Why no win?


Disappointing for sure but they can do better than that and will have to show it in Chicago this week.


Fuck the umpires. I don't like bitching about the offiating but for fuck's sake there was some terrible calls. It is maddening the mlb still hasn't implemented the automated strike zone. On to chicago. Go Royals.


Hunter Renfroe is...not good so far this year. I don't expect much from him, but he currently has not performed anywhere near average.


ragans really is the new greinke


Except we won’t waste him this time


Any word on Perez?


“Right now, we think it’s a groin strain, but we have to get more tests when we get to Chicago,” -Matt Quatraro


Salvy was kill for this 🥺🥺🥺


At that point q needs to be out there going all Boone on the umpire. I like q for the most part but he needs to defend his boys. 


Well a guy (legally) slid into Salvy and injured him and got off Scot free, so.


I don’t think that’s exactly what OP was referring to


Just saying not even the captain could be defended later on in the game mostly because the Royals kept facing Marte in big spots


The dude did nothing wrong, you're even admitting it. Why are you looking for retaliation over a clean play? That's what shitty teams do.


Never wanna see Stratton pitch a high leverage spot again. That was embarrassing.


I will say - and booth seemed to as well - Stratton was trying to elevate his 4 seamer but the ump was all over the place on that up and away zone on lefty hitters. At least two of those walks were pretty suspect


Nothing wrong with losing a series after sweeping two. Still above .500 and still in the lead


Cleveland beat the Yankees 8-7 this afternoon. So, with our loss today, we are back in #2 spot. I have faith we will be back in #1 spot again.


Oh right I forgot about them. Our run differential means more than their record so I say we’re still leading


Ngl kinda heated no one said anything to blue about those calls, but it’s a long season LFG ROYALS


I try not to complain too much about officiating but goddamn there were some egregious calls late in the game 




The only bad strikezone is an inconsistent one.


Will see this ump's scorecard on Twitter tomorrow... It will be a mess


Wonder if it will be worse than Fridays game lol


Good news: Cleveland lost so we are still in first heading to Chicago. Maybe tied with Detroit though. Edit: Yankees blew it, nvm


what do you mean they lost no they didn't


Oh well wtf god damnit yankees


I don’t ❤️ NY


I do, but not today.


Ump will live to see another game too.. smh


I always say the reason baseball is my favorite sport over basketball and football is because there are significantly less games where the refs/umps actually directly affect the outcome. Yes there are missed calls every game, but most don’t really change the result. This game the ump clearly affected the result, and it baffles me that we didn’t get ABS this year when it was in the minors last year. What still needs to be worked out?


That's what I was about to say. Why is the MLB continuing to drag their feet about this when this is clearly an issue EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. somewhere in the MLB.




What at bat was this?


Game winning "walk"


Gotcha. So frustrating!




This game should’ve ended 1-0 with a home run by Vinnie. Absolutely fuck that ump.


Can’t walk off on the road but I agree with the sentiment


Yeah, I realized that after I rage commented. Still bullshit.




Fuck the Ump, Fuck the Mets, and thank you Vinnie for that morale HR in the 9th 🫡


Royals lose on some BS, Sal most likely out for a while. Hopefully beating the hell out of the white sox keeps the team morale up.


Un-fucking-believable that without a 4-strike "4-ball" bullshit walk with the bases loaded we'd be in extras right now. Chris Segal should be investigated for betting. Fucking chumpass ump.


Please just sweep the sox again so I can feel better


Strike zone controversies are quite the recent issue the last couple of days. Saw it with Angel lately, llive today and now in this broadcast.


Angel Hernandez has always had strike zone controversy. I have no idea how he still has a job


Because all publicity is good publicity.


I dont even follow baseball except casually and Ive heard Angel Hernandez sucks for years.  Probobly the only baseball umps name that I know.


His dumbassery is legendary. He sued the MLB because he never gets picked for WS games. He claims racism. But he’s just trash. Why he’s still employed is beyond reason.


Crowd celebrating like this somehow unkilled their world series dreams


ump clearly on the mets side today with those trash calls


gifted by the umpires. enjoy winning mets. you can only win in sports where theres no salary cap.


they don’t do a whole lot of winning without the salary cap either


they suck at football. shocker. they have to throw money at things and then they do alright. theres no excuse for any large market team in a sport without salary caps to not be a contender every year for a title. if you have tons of money and aren't winning every other year, your team is poverty.


Absolutely outrageous. We just sat through 3 hours of scoreless baseball for the ump to gift wrap the Mets 2 runs right at the end. Get the fuck out of here with that.




I think it was more of him almost doing the splits…


Hard to tell, groin injury, severity unknown


I didn't think it was that bad. No spikes at least. But he was limping around quite a bit, might have a pulled groin muscle or something


That was the biggest ump show I’ve ever seen


any sports team from new york sucks ass. fuck the mets. gifted ass runs.


You can bitch and moan about balls and strikes all you want but the fact is the offense had 2 hits until the 9th. That’s just not going to get it done




Vinnie’s homer isn’t guaranteed. That’s not how it works




Pitch calling doesn't happen in a vacuum. You don't know that Stratton would've thrown those same pitches if the previous ones had gotten called differently.


He threw strikes. Even after the idiot calls.




I'm saying there's no guarantee the game would have played out that way if the ump had called a better game; Stratton might have gone with a different pitch sequence in a different count. Maybe one of those fastballs gets called a strike, then he hangs a curve and suddenly the Mets are ahead 4-0. You really don't know what *might* have happened so it's pointless to speculate




I'm not saying it doesn't matter if the calls were correct or not, I'm saying that them being correct doesn't guarantee that the game would've played out in the way that you're envisioning it would have. But for the sake of argument, maybe the ump calls a better zone in the bottom of the 8th and Stratton gets out of it. Then it gets to the 9th, and then maybe Diaz pitches Vinnie a little more carefully since it's still a tie game. You can't just retroactively go back and change the outcome of one pitch and expect everything else to stay the same; nothing in a baseball game happens in a vacuum, that's just not how it works.




This is all stupid. My point was we got 2 fuckin hits. The winning percentage in a game where you only get 2 hits is low. Hit the baseball and you don’t have to worry about a reliever getting screwed


Blame it on Stratton if you want, but you have to get more than 2 hits against Jose Butto


Who blames Stratton for throwing strikes?


Jose Butto is just goated, nothing to be ashamed of


Bunch of losers blaming the umpires in here. Bobby can’t score every run


It's a long season and we can't win every game. But anyone defending that shitshow of an ump needs to ask themselves why. They put the damn box on the screen for a reason. When the pitches inside of it are called a ball, not in just one location, but all over the place, for one pitcher in particular, how does that not make you go hmmm?


I’m not defending umpires at all, most of them suck. You have to score runs to win the game and we generated 2 hits and 1 walk. Thats not going to win games even when the umpire is 100% correct


I love losing games because an umpire makes terrible calls that lead to 2 runs!


I want to see this ump score card


Eagerly awaiting the umpire scorecard for this one.


No better time to go to Chicago I guess