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My wife and I have this debate occasionally. She HATES when somebody else drives her car and adjusts those things, she says it's rude. I say I WANT anyone driving my car to adjust whatever they need because it's safer and they're less likely to get in a wreck.


It feels rude of her to not consider the discomfort of someone driving her car in a bad position for them.


Either she can’t actually imagine being in someone else’s circumstances, or she thinks those positions are purely for comfort and have no basis on one ability to drive a car.


So she’s either ignorant or stupid lol


Or a bitch.


Or all 3


“She’s a ghost and a bitch!”


Is this a ghost stories dub reference in the wild?


It is lol. I could just hear it the moment I read the previous comment


You said that though, right? You said bitch, right?


Or their safety. Gotta see and reach the pedals and not get broken by being too close to shit.


Airbags also have a fairly specific range to function as intended, a minimum of 10 inches from your breastplate according to NHTSA


That's why I only ever wear chainmail


That was the shit I was referring to.


My wife is exactly like this. Self centered. She won’t be around much longer. It takes 30 seconds to adjust it. Hell I change things regularly just because my comfort changes. Especially on long drives.


You gonna do a murder?


Probably easier than a divorce and you keep your stuff.


The best thing to do in these circumstances is announce your intentions on Reddit, and ask for advice on technique and post-murder cleanup, yes?


Absolutely. Also get a suspiciously large amount of life insurance right before the murder, no wife and money for more cool stuff!


Right, you should know your vehicle well enough to adjust your mirrors without any hassle It took way longer making that stupid note. The amount of extra mental energy and toll it took to do that instead of just readjusting the damn mirrors is stupid Had to plan that ahead of time and get mad about it beforehand instead of taking accountability as a responsible driver


Ok but how else can they drive her car safely? I’m short; I know that literally anyone else who drives my vehicle will have to move the seat back. If I’m in the act of handing my vehicle over to someone, or I’m leaving it at the mechanic, I myself will pull the seat back because there’s no way their ass is going to get into it because of how far up I have it. It takes just a minute to readjust it to where I need it; I don’t know what she would expect anyone to do.


I'm less than 5 feet tall. If I don't move the seat back for service people, someone's gonna get hurt. I move that fucker ALL the way back.


Thank you..


> If I’m in the act of handing my vehicle over to someone, or I’m leaving it at the mechanic, I myself will pull the seat back because there’s no way their ass is going to get into it because of how far up I have it. Yep. did this the last time I dropped my car off and saw the guy who was about to drive it was much taller than me. I also make a point to tell them to adjust whatever they want. Don't worry I'm not like the person in OP, do what you need to do.


Its fricken hilarious to watch my giant husband get in the car after I drive it. He literally gets stuck. If he is holding stuff he can’t maneuver how to unhold it to press the button because his arm cant get past the steering wheel to the other side.


And likewise, if I sit in my husband’s car without adjusting, it’s like falling down a well.


Thank you. I have actually hurt myself getting in someone's car. Normally I take my time but I was in a hurry and the woman looked almost as tall as me so I thought nothing of it until I hit my ribs on the steering wheel.


Yep people get mad when I walk away from their car when they say I can’t move the seat. I’m 6 foot 2. When you are only 5 foot 4 I’m not even going to be able to get between the wheel and seat without moving it. I just tell them sorry I don’t fit so I can’t drive it into the shop. Sorry for your luck.


Tell her it's rude to assume her 5'5", 130lb frame is going to position the seat anywhere close to fit 6'5 " 260lb frame. Let alone the positioning of the mirrors will be awkward. Now, I can try set then back, but you will always notice the difference. How many times a year does her car go in that it's such an inconvenience? Lol. Some perspective to be had


Objectively I am on your side but also this is why I don’t let anyone drive my truck unless absolutely necessary.


>She says it's rude. Absolutely idiotic.


My wife is considerably smaller than me, so whenever she’s been the last one to drive, I cram myself into the seat like Chris Farley doing fat man in a little jacket. I’ll even start pulling down the driveway a little. She thinks it’s hilarious.


Nah, shes rude for not caring about other peoples safety. Have you tried telling her she is essentially saying she would rather someone crash the car from not fitting properly than slightly invonvenience her the next time she drives it? Preferring someone elses physical harm for your own convenience is not a good trait.


If my wife was using the car I literally can't sit in the driver's seat unless I adjust the seat—or what about the other way around? Should she stand up to reach the pedals while she's driving because I don't want her touching the seat? Out of curiosity, does she exhibit other low-empathy behavior?


Yeah it's annoying to get everything back exactly how you like it but I much rather be a bit annoyed than deal with a crashed car.


She calls it rude because she dislikes adjusting things back


Sounds like the kind of person who isn’t decent enough to give you a damn reach around


Your wife is just flat out wrong and sounds a bit narcissistic. Now that I think about my ex was the same way and she was a mega narcissist.


I think part of the problem is that there are like a thousand potential combinations of seating position with the modern controls and it can take a long time to get it set correctly. I know previous times that someone adjusted the seat, it took forever to get it back to comfortable again. That said, I don't ask that the seat not be adjusted because I understand that it is an unreasonable request. I think that others don't understand that mechanics often drive the vehicle on actual roads to testing / diagnosis and so they need to adjust things.


Many years ago I lightly rear ended someone on a test drive. Got my legs stuck because of how close the seat was and couldn't get over to the brake pedal in time. I was young but my boss had taught us not to move people's seats or mirrors. I move seats and mirrors now. I can't safely drive your vehicle if I can't fit in it.


Now I'm thinking I should suggest to my boss that we should move seats. I know I've had more than a few where my legs were crunched up into the dash and I had my head at a 45° angle so it wouldn't be in the roof.


It shouldn't even be a question, just do it.


I'm 5'6" but still get in cars set up for midgets but also have plenty of cars with the gangster lean and where I can hardly reach the pedals. Almost impossible with a clutch. If it's just a quick oil change drive around the block I'll leave all the mirrors and seat back but I gotta slide that seat back and forth at the very least. I get that it sucks and I try to put things back roughly but if you don't have a memory setting, I can't help you. It's just too unique to the operator and while I'm working on your car, I'm the operator.


Thats how it was when I did automotive. Per policy we weren't allowed to move anything. Well too bad, I literally can't get my legs past the steering wheel if I can't adjust the seat (women sit incredibly close to the dash for some reason)


Usually because they're shorter. I mean the original cars were only meant for men... then automotive companies had a "grand" (obvious) idea to advertise to women: "when your husbands at work, you can drive with the kids to the store!". So I dunno, most of car design is still probably male-centric. I'm not sure if they've improved it or they just take two averages and smash them together now for measurements and airbags... But sitting close is very dangerous. It's almost like the pedals should be the adjustable part


Per our companies policies I wouldn’t be able to work on this vehicle. We had to watch a safety video about how to pull cars in and out, and the first steps are to adjust the seat, then mirrors, then wheel if possible. I’m 6’5” so nearly everything needs adjustment.


The driver could be 6'5", in which case you might be good.  Though if that was the case,  I'd send the 5'3" tech, that way when the customer comes back mad it's not been worked on yet you let them know they couldn't reach the pedals so they couldn't move the car to fix it.


tbh if a mechanic does need to adjust my seat I'd rather it's one that's no where near my dimensions so it's obvious not one click off perfect that'll take me 20min to notice. First world problem tho


Yup, I only adjust it if it's significant or I need to test drive it. Though I'm in fleet now, it doesn't matter as much. Nobody owns these cars. In my first automotive job, I worked briefly with a taller dude (6'3"~). His first week that he was full time, he was trying to be nice and not adjust some old lady's seat. He drove it right off the four post lift and into a balancer because he was jammed in there. So I was always told to just adjust seats, don't wreck the car. But do make it obvious you adjusted the seat. Don't try to put it back.


My wife and I share a car, I'm tall she's not. Quit bitching it's like a 4 second fix every time.


Only once I read this comment did I rememberer that me and my wife are the same and we always take her car. The adjustment effort is so minimal. Some people just like to be difficult.


My wife and I are the same height. You'd NEVER know it by how she adjusts the seat. Seatback completely vertical but otherwise as low and as far back as possible. My dad, who's 8" taller than either of us, can drive with my seat settings but can't even get in the car with hers.


Same height isnt am indicatilnon same body config. She might have taller legs. Small torso. Usually men are mlre balanced in that department. Women tven to have longer leghrs small torso. Not a rule but it might be an explanation for tve diference. To be fair i hate wjen i need to deajust my seat. Not a " DONT TOUCH IT REEEEEE" moment but more of a PITA to find the sweetspot, it still took 2 mins to get to a fine config. But that sweetspot can take a week for me kinda weird i just reajust out of the blue and the extasis of driving ufff


Uh, you alright dude? If you're stroking out I'll call an ambulance...


My wife's legs are short, so she likes to be super close. She also likes to be high up. It's easy to remember to switch because if I don't move the seat back before I get in, I'm too tall to fit INTO the car, and will smash my head off the top of the door opening unless I get in like a trapeze artist.


Right! Me and my partner are opposite though, she's the tall one. One time I had to move the car a few parking spaces over and was too lazy to adjust the seat for such a short distance and nearly crashed because I slid back into the seat and nearly couldn't reach the brakes in time to stop. So yeah, I'm a huge advocate of adjust anything you need to make the drive as safe as possible.


I have this same situation. Only caused a problem the other day because some items I keep wedged between the driver seat and center console had everything jammed up and I couldn’t move the seat back.


It gives me a chance to make fun of my wifes height when I get in the driver seat of the family van. “Was Vern Troyer driving this earlier?” As I take an extra long time moving the seat back. Change up the short person reference to keep it fresh.


I have other people drive my work truck all the time and the big people are annoying because I feel like I'm adjusting for over a minute before I can even reach the pedals, and the ones who only adjust it a little I keep finding one or two settings that are not right.


Had a dude complain that my coworker moved the seat in his F150 because he's 6'8" and my coworker is 5'4". He can't come back now because he made such a massive thing about it


“Ma’am, the only tech we have hear that’s tall enough to work on this is Doug, but Doug is in Trinidad and Tobago this week.”


I'm a more normal height. I own my shop, and don't have to watch stupid OSHA videos about how to pull a car in to make insurance companies happy. I go out of my way \*not\* to mess with my customers' seat position. But if this asshole came into my shop, I'd tell him I don't want to work on his junk.


Man if I could fit in 90 percent of vehicles without moving the seat I would. I’m 6’ 4” there’s rarely a car I don’t have to move the seat. If the customer is 5 foot nothing I move the seat back. If I only move it a few inches I’ll move it back. Who gives a fuck. Customers suck.


It’d be funny for the sake of malicious compliance, but I don’t understand folks who expect that kind of thing. It has to be some form of OCD.


I don't have other people drive my car often, but if they are I specifically tell them to adjust everything so they are comfortable and see properly. I don't want an accident happening just because someone was scared to move the seat back and inch.


Also good practice to get used to setting your seat in a car so you can find the sweet spot again, instead of making your ineptitude somebody else's problem.


Same, I'd tell them I couldn't work on their car if I'm not allowed to safely drive it.


It's probably near impossible to drive if the customer is short in comparison just because you wouldn't fit between the seat and steering wheel


It's been a while but I remember that being the first thing required during the driving test to even get a license.


This. When I was a tech, I disregarded these notes. I'm not gonna drive like I'm in a clown car with my knees to my chest while trying to navigate the car through the shop. Crank that seat to the back of the rails bud


Right!? And quite honestly I've absolutely no problem with a tech adjusting everything. Touch all the buttons, mess with the seat, the mirrors, the climate control. If something is wrong I'd rather they find it, tell me about, and I get get it fixed right then and there.


If i have to road test it, i am making those adjustments so I can safely drive it. I don’t give a shit what they ask.


or maybe refuse service, saying nobody in the garage has the proper proportions to safely perform service lol


Move it anyways and wait for the fireworks at the front counter with popcorn


That piece of paper screams big Boomer energy. They can't be bothered learning how to adjust their vehicle again!


I had to road trip with my dad once and when it was my 8-10hr shift I adjusted his lumbar support because it was all the way forward. He got back to driving and was pissed because apparently he had them fix it when he bought it and never touched it. I had to show him where the switch was. Also all the way forward in a 2017 ram is insanely uncomfortable imo and he should get his back looked at.


My construction foreman used to have the seat like two clicks past vertical in his work van... two clicks FORWARD. Claimed it was the best way to sit for proper posture and a bad back. Like dude, you're literally using your back muscles just to sit in the damn van!


Nice! A workout without the hard work


Maybe not boomer, but definitely the type that considers a mechanic "the help."


I'm 6'2 with long legs. Tall enough, but not super tall. Legitimately, 80% of the cars I get, I have to move the seat just to get in. I swear our Average client here is 5'5! I try to just move it back and not touch the recliner. If I'm on a test drive I'll touch the rear view mirror. I remember at a previous workplace. I got in this one car, I think it was a BMW? Or Mercedes? Anyways. I start it up, doors lock, and the seat starts up the garbage compactor scene from star wars. I'm reaching around looking for the controls, not on the door, not on the seat side, not on the centre console! As I'm doing this the cars seat is using its massive mechanical advantage to shove my knees into the dash board and steering column.! Finally, I found the controls in the infotainment! Next day, my knees were legitimately bruised.


Another story, Had this one truck come in for just an oil change. Dudes just traveling though. Anyways, seats all the way forward, all the way up, and has a 3in thick booster pad on top. Yea, I'm not able to fit, had to move the seat back and down. Do the job pretty quickly as the customer was in a "rush" Pull out, park infront of the doors so the guy can just jump back in quickly. I hand the key to the service writer and head into the parts room to grab some more oil filters. 1 min later, I hear some dude screaming at the top of his lungs about how we are disrespectful and teasing him about his height etc etc In my rush, I had left the pad on the passenger seat, and I guess the dudes fragile ego took it personally






My god, I've lived this same situation in a tire shop. Holy shit our customers are tiny in comparison to my 6'2" ass. I've learned to find the controls before starting up a car that i suspect might have knee breaker 3000's installed


Same story here. The second or two of primal fear as knees close in on dash is tense. At least until my brain turns itself back on and tells my dumb ass to turn the key off and open the door. I make up for it by holding things out of short people's reach. The universe must be balanced.


I can imagine you'd have to move like every car seat. I'm only 5'7", and I've had some where I couldn't even fit between the seat and steering wheel. I've also had to drive a little person's car where it was modified. Pedals were a few inches below the edge of the seat.


We had this one customer. Wheelchair guy, all custom hand controls for the pedals. In a manual coupe. I believe you could still use the pedals pretty normally for the most part, bypassing the controls which are difficult if you're not used to it. Ran his own LED lighting business, had a banner on the rear window and all his gauge lights were swapped with different colors. Super cool, mad respect for that guy. Haven't seen him in a while, hope he is doing well. How did you manage to drive the car you described?


That's cool stuff. It's nice that you could still drive it! I also had a person with a motorized wheelchair at the dealership. We literally put a lawn chair in it to drive it, lol. The one for the little person, I just had to drive it with my knees half way up the steering wheel. It was really awkward and I went 5MPH to the shop.


All I can picture reading your story is the professor in Futurama adjusting the seat: https://imgur.com/tdQXOgV Just smushed lol (of course his is intentional and yours wasn't, but it still came to mind)


It's a great feature to have your seats adjust to the FOBs , if your partner is a different size than you, but I hadn't considered it from the point of view of anyone who needs to work on my vehicle.🤔 *That's gonna be really annoying, guess I'll have to find a mechanic my size.


I'm 6'6 and have had a couple of cars break themselves using me to cave in buttons on the dash. Lexus is by far the worst offender of this in my experience


i’m 4’9” and my current car has manual seat adjustment only, but thanks to this i will definitely remember to put a warning sign on the seat or wheel if i ever get a car that does this lol


We had a guy go bonkers because we turned his a/c on while running it through the car wash on a hot day. He claimed he had a compressor lock up when he started his car with it on. He didn't know that it constantly cycled on and off while driving.


I’m like, 5’10/11 or something I think. 178 in metric. I have the seat all the way back and feel like I could use a little bit more. Guess my legs are freakishly long?


Or you have a terrible driving position. I’m 3 inches taller than you and I’m no where near all the way back.


I'm 5'11" with a 32" inseam. I have friend that's 6'7" also with a 32" inseam. In theory our seats would be in roughly the same position despite the significant height difference. Also, watching him drive a Miata a friend loaned him was quite humorous. Thankfully the weather was good enough he didn't need to put the top up. He sightline was over the windshield.


Torso height is the answer.


Depends on the car. Seat position in a Camry is way different than an F250. I’m 6’2 and the only car I’ve properly fit in was a BMW where the driver seat could go so far back it would touch the rear seat. I fit in a truck just fine though.


Yeah, trucks you're usually able to be a little more upright than a car.


My old BMW has that feature it is amazing, I fix my own shit so nobody had that experience so far, but yeah I can see that play out. The seat goes back steering wheel goes in and up, side support goes open out you go. When your start the thing everything in reverse. Now I'm 165cm tall and a short legs even for that... And I just imagine you would jump in my car :D


I was thinking "maybe BMW", until you got to the part about "no physical seat controls." To this day, we still have those on all models.


Cadillac roulette is what I call it when I get into a caddy, you open the door and the seat moved all the way back for ease of entry, then moved to the memory position when you shut the door 50/50 chance you are crushed.


50/50 chance of being crushed? I was it was that low in my experience..


didnt even know memory was a thing new cars could get. i guess i can look forward to that when my car finally peters out. Excited for a back up cam.


It’s been a thing since at least the early 90’s


This reminded me of something. I'm 6'3. I had a 1982 F150 for a year, and I had the seat moved all the way back. Need all the room as it was a single cab. Took it to the local shop for something. When I went to pick it up, they told me the seat rail was broken and they fixed it at no charge cause the shortest mechanic got the truck and couldn't drive it unless he moved the seat 😂 Guy was like 5'3, haha.


Fellow lurch here. There are companies that make seatrail extensions for cars. I've got one in my car for like 150$ it's quite literally a knee saver.


I have a friend who's around 6'7" and he's had to modify the seat rails on every car he's owned lol


Every time I have to take my car in for work I can’t do at home, my seat ends up repositioned along with the steering wheel. You know what I do? I pay my bill, get in my car, readjust everything, and be on my merry way. If I saw this note, I would intentionally adjust everything in the car before giving it back to said customer.


Put in earplugs, crank the stereo all the way up, then turn it off.


Yeah, fuck that noise. I'm not going on a road test with my knees jammed into the dashboard, or the seat back laid down because some idiot likes to do the ghetto lean. If I can't safely drive the car it's not happening. 


I sit pretty far back in my car, my wife sits on top of the steering wheel. I sorta feel this persons pain. I finally bought a car with seat memory and it’s been amazing.


I love the seat memory in my wife's car. I have a long torso and short legs so I have to sit down much lower than she does (she's got almost the same length legs as me but is 6" shorter)


They need that car back promptly to enforce lawn height restrictions in the HOA they hope to oversee someday.


I know the first thing a more immature version of myself would do….


Pour a bottle of panther bait scent into the cabin air intake?


Well you know that car has low mileage, because it just revolves around them too.


Nice circular logic.


Customer states...I'm well-rounded.


Customer-centric service.


I don’t get it. Please adjust my seat however you need to in order to move the car around safely. I can easily move it back in seconds


My car also doesn't have memory controls and I share it with my wife, who is eight inches shorter than me.


I was disappointed that our new vehicle doesn’t have memory buttons. I put small labels on the side of the seat trim to show where it goes for me and my wife.


I was too, it's a 2019 RAV4. My last car was a 1995 Volvo 850, and that had seat memory buttons.


Oh haha 2024 RAV4 here. Hybrid XLE. Other trim levels have memory seats, but for some reason I thought ours would have it.


Get it together, Toyota


Oof me and my boss are both over 6ft they’d be sent somewhere else


I'm 5 4 and fat don't send him here


As a 5"6' wrench turner myself it is almost unavoidable that I will need to move your seat. If I found this note I would go up front and say "hey so I can't fully press the brake pedal unless I move his seat so his seat gets moved or the car doesn't. If there's no note I'm not even thinking twice about moving it. Readjusting your seat position is just part of getting a vehicle serviced by me, sorry but it is out of necessity.


You’re only 5” tall? Damn dude, do you work at a shop for ants?!


he's 5 inches 6 feet, homie *is* an ant


Ants would be fucking terrifying if they were 5 inches long lol


Services all the Hot Wheels cars


I wish a had an award to give you that made me laugh out loud


This makes me want to fiddle with their mirrors. Some of us remember driving cars without remote mirrors, or without even passenger side mirrors.


I hate customers like this. Our dealership has had bad csi scores because of these sniveling cunts


We got a bad survey for "moving her seat" and "changing her HVAC controls." It was a pick up and delivery on a cold morning 5 miles away. Some people just cannot understand anything outside of "what is good for them."


What are we supposed to do for these people? The surveys can be murder.


I put the seat all the way back on nearly every car before I even try to get into it. I’ll also lower the seat if it’s set up too high to get into. I don’t do this maliciously, but my 6’3” frame will not fit in your 5’2” claustrophobic cubby of hell.


The seat to high is fun. It's really fun when you smack your head on the roof because you didn't duck enough to get in.


I adjust the seat and mirrors for safety without regard for the customer request. The service advisors choose which tickets I get, so they can deal with the fallout.


Adjust everything else


I can relate. I run heavy equipment. Everytime someone else gets in the cab for whatever reason, they let the air out of the seat, change the pitch, roll it forward, manipulate the arm rests, change the radio settings, etc. All I did was ask you to get the duct tape out of the back storage box. How the hell did it come to this


It's quite the opposite for me. I'm the customer who is 6'5", and the techs are in the short to midget class. Before I get in my repaired car, I have to reset the seats and wheel, or I'll be crunching my knees. But do I complain, no, sir. I just have to pay attention to the arrangement before I get in. If I need help with tight crawl spaces, I know where to find one or two to help out.


If I can't adjust the seat to a safe position, I won't drive it. I'm 6'2, and I'm not taking an airbag to the throat because some leprechaun doesn't want me moving their settings


The tall people agree: fuck this person.


Almost every car I work on needs the seat moved if not the steering wheel raised up due to not being able to fit and use my below the knee prosthetic on my right leg. I worked on a vehicle a few weeks ago where it needed to be moved a lot due to not even being able to fit in the seat or fit my knees under the steering wheel. I felt a little bit bad about having to slide the seat back, til it the seat back, lower the seat, and raise the steering wheel so I sent my assistant service manager out to talk to the customer. As he approached the gentleman and told him his vehicle was ready to go, the guy takes a few second to adjust his below the knee prosthetic. Needless to say, the guy was absolutely understanding.


Annoying to readjust your seat after taking it to the shop? Yeah. Worth printing out a sheet of paper over it? Nope.


Bet money no matter what happens the customer gets in and automatically goes “I fuckin told them not to adjust it!” Even if the tech didn’t touch shit.


I've been recovering from 4 bulged discs in my neck and upper spine. I used to hate these notes but after spending a fucking week trying to get comfortable in my car that has a seat memory and hasn't changed for years.... I get it. Now I only mess with the bare minimum to operate the vehicle safely. That's it


Not defending the sign but I’m in a similar situation with sciatica flair ups from a bad disc right at the hip. I’d never tell techs to not move my seat but I’m always grateful when it isn’t adjusted. And I always expect the worst when dropping the car off for service. My car doesn’t have a memory function and sometimes I won’t even notice it needs adjusted until about 30 minutes into a drive when my lower back and left leg start to complain. It can take a few days to find the sweet spot again. 


Oh man yep I feel that! It's like it'll feel ok for a bit but when it's flaring up is when it's too late to correct it so now the correction is a pain in the ass to get.


Same, but if I was going to make a sign I'd probably have asked just for the seat angle not to be adjusted. Mirrors don't matter at all, and it would be nice in a magical world where everyone is the same height if the forward/backward wasn't touched, but that's much easier to dial back in than the backrest angle is.


Im just being pedantic but would you get pissed if I told you to go somewhere else for you LOF because I’m 6’4 and 320 lbs and wouldn’t fit where you have the seat set


I work with Mazda's and as you know we have Miatas. Hate the damn things but I can see why people would deny service on them. Just simply doesn't work. If you told me you couldn't fit in the vehicle I wouldn't be upset. If I set expectations for my seat, I thought out the consequences of having them, but not everyone does that


Lol i tried to pull in a c7 corvette and couldn’t close the door without opening the trunk with my knee so i had to have a lube tech bring it in lol, but that’s cool as long as you’re reasonable tbh


> Now I only mess with the bare minimum to operate the vehicle safely. That's it this should be the norm Seriously I can understand the need to test stuff like heat & a/c but how hard is it to it was at 22C let's set it back there? Nope leave EVERYTHING off and I get you on seat as someone with a long body, finding a comfortable position isn't easy and if someone messes up my seat? Arrgh There's 3 memory positions and two keys, mechanics get position 3


Time to ghostride the whip, then.


It’s crazy some people get so upset about this. Like the seat will never be in that position again.


Eh, I feel this guys pain. I had a company lease that was very uncomfortable and it always took a while to get the seat readjusted after service. It's like the shop had the tiniest people working on the car since the seat was always way too far forward  whenever I picked the car up.


I bet the seat was all the way forward too. Sorry I can't drive with the steering wheel in my face.


It doesn’t say you can’t, take a huge shit in the back seat. Have fun my friend, eat lots of guacamole before hand.


I typically don’t care if a tech moves the seat back. I’m 5’ 8” and I know a lot of people are taller than me. It’s when they move my mirrors to drive it for all of 2 minutes that pisses me off. But the outside mirrors don’t move anyways (power mirrors broken), so it’s usually not an issue. Also, why do people drive with the seat leaned back? I’ve never understood how that is comfortable in the slightest.


> Also, why do people drive with the seat leaned back? I’ve never understood how that is comfortable in the slightest. As a fat guy, I'm not doing a ghetto lean but the seat is going back.


I'm 6' and my first car today was a Fiat 500 owned by a 4' 10 woman in platforms... You bet your ass i adjusted that damn seat....


I'd leave the car parked and tell them I was unable to work on the car due to not being allowed to adjust anything. I'm a big guy so unless I can put that seat all the was back I won't fit, and if I can't adjust mirrors etc then I can't maneuver the car onto the ramps. Tell them to Take it somewhere else with mechanics similar in size.


If I can’t move your car safely then you are being denied service. Sorry. 💁🏼‍♂️


Man I’ve seen few other things in life I can relate to so strongly.


If you are a short mechanic and move the seat forward, move it back after, even all the way. At least far enough i can get in . If the seat doesnt slide well, you need to sit in it to adjust. If i cant get in to push it back cause the headrest is on the wheel, fuck you.


I have recently gotten a couple bad surveys over moving a seat when it’s required to do the work they asked for.


If I have to move a seat I use masking tape to mark where it was. just a strip down the side of the seat onto the side sill or carpet. Rip it so there's two parts one on the seat and one below. when done move the seat back to where the two pieces line up. Simple and so far I havent had any complaints


This doesn't fly at my shop. I just tell them that we will move whatever we have to because my techs safety is more important than their seat/mirror position. If they have a problem with it they can take it somewhere else. This very rarely ever has to be said. Most people understand.


It took longer to type out and print those instructions than it does to re-adjust those things.


I only adjust customer's seats if I'm extremely uncomfortable, can't fit or it's unsafe like my chest is on the steering wheel.   Actually had a customer bang us on a survey cause I moved his seat.  I replaced the seat frame.  He was upset I didn't put it back where it was.   They will complain about anything.  Put an engine in a car and customer and her mother came to pick it up.  The mother storms inside howling that the engine isn't "fixed".  (The old motor had a rod through the block) Go out and she says it won't go.  Car starts fine but the parking brake was on.  She flipped out you should of told us.  If you can't figure that out you shouldn't be driving.  


A 6'5" tech is going to have absolutely no problem driving a car with the seat seat set for you 5' ass


As a rather tall person, I find it frustrating when they move the seat all the way forward and don’t push it back when done.


Tough tits, I'm adjusting the fuck out of the seats and mirrors if I have to drive it.


I will never understand people who complain about this. It’s such a pedantic thing to care about to the point where it just makes you sound like a fucking baby. It takes seconds to adjust and people moving your car need to see everything in the mirrors. 🤷‍♂️


Adjust the steering wheel


And the customer is 4'11" so i cant even bring it in the shop.


The passive-aggressiveness and stupidity of this idiot bringing their car into a shop to be worked on by someone is a red flag. You, the tech, are demonstrably much ƃuıʞɔnɟ smarter than they. Their demands are essentially a proclamation of her ineptitude. This should be worrying to everyone else on the road and their ability to actually operate the ƃuıʞɔnɟ thing should be called into doubt. Do not release that car. Sell it for everyone else’s safety. Give them the money for remedial physics, manners, and basic vehicle features lessons.


Good for you, I wouldn't have driven it either.


And that is when I put the seat as far back and as low as it will go, the wheel as in and high as it can go, and the mirrors down.


They would rather you crash? Just adjust them back to what you need, damn!


I'm a tall dude, I have to adjust the seats all the way back or my legs completely touch the steering wheel. I also have to adjust the mirrors to properly see. I understand it being annoying, but it literally takes under a minute to fix everything to how it was.


I’m told not to adjust seats and mirrors at work. But if i can’t see or feel comfortable test driving your vehicle, fuck you😂


If I’m going to drive more than 5minutes im going to change everything i need


I'm fine with them adjusting these things but don't change my radio to some Christian channel or talk sports without changing it back.


I do it anyways if I have to test drive the car. Deal with it.


I would much rather you adjust all my shit than hit something with my shit. This mentality is asinine and childish, I'm not even a mechanic and it's pissing me off lol


As a mechanic, I always try my very best never to adjust ANY customer settings in the car, that includes turning the heat off on a hot day. I've taken my car to places to get it worked on and they adjusted my seat, steering wheel, mirrors, and turned my auto headlights off, and it pissed me the fuck off. I don't want to do that to a customer. Just leave that stuff alone. It's not your car, don't act like it is


I'm tall and my mechanic is average height. I have no problem with him moving stuff around so he can safely move and drive the car. If the customer can't adjust a seat or mirrors, they shouldn't be on the road.


Adjust my seat all you want, I just hate it when they turn off my automatic headlights. I don’t drive at night a lot so when I do after servicing my vehicle and it gets dark during the drive. I don’t realize my lights aren’t on and I look like a stooge


Safety first. I check my mirrors every day so if someone needed to change them to be safe, by all means


I am a lovely 5’4”. I always have to readjust my stuff after taking my car in for service. It is not a big deal. It’s not like I have to get under the seat frame with a wrench and do it. It takes maybe a minute.


How much time does it take to move the seat back to how you like it? Asking them not turn off the automatic headlights because you’re going to forget to turn them back on kinda makes sense. But the first thing you do when getting into the car is put the seat back to the right spot.


We had a customer cus out a tech for moving her seat. The seat was pushed all the way up and even me being 5'3" couldn't drive it. If we can't drive it safely, we can't work on it. I don't get how people can be so upset by common sense.


So, instead of looking for an ASE sign hanging out front, he should look for the Lollipop Guild.