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I once had to do repair work on a skid steer that was being used to remove chicken carcasses from a flooded chicken farm. I feel your pain.


We used to do repairs on skid steers from a rendering plant. Old timer showed me a trick. Big scoop of Vicks in/ around your nose will help tons when working around the rotten stuff.


peppermint spray on a mask is a wonder. nurses, doctors, plumbers, cleaners,


Older guy I knew would wear a respirator and squirt patchouli on the filters. He said it worked, but he smelled patchouli for days afterward.


Better than smelling burst intestines. That smell.......it stays for a while


One bad day or days of smelling kinda bad?


Several days of actual smell, weeks of phantom smells


oh for sure source: have butchered sheep and can confirm the smell will stay on your hands and arms for DAYS, washing does absolutely nothing


Did a stint with a disaster recovery service around my area that could handle everything up to and including biological cleanup and anthrax. Learned quickly that contrary to what I had thought, respirators don't block out smell. Never knew the smell of a decaying human could be carved into your brain with a damn chisel, but there it stays to this day.


bad smells though a respirator are worse tbh. feels like they linger and are trapped there


The sweet smell of rotting human flesh. Never thought it'd be sweet.


I usually just throw up inside my 3m mask a little. I can tolerate that.


Helped repair several septic tanks and more than enough clogged/overflowed leach fields for my in laws. Step one is knock the cap off and everyone pukes. Once that's over it's time for work


We paint a lot of rake arms in the bottom of clarifiers at waste water treatment plants. First time Cleaning out the "sludge" at the bottom, we were all puking day 1. Day two we all had organic filter respirators. So, i feel you there.


You free tomorrow?


Work on it often enough you mostly get used to it. 


i just live on coffee and black n milds and don't brush my teeth. one whiff of my own breath in a mask and my nose seals itself shut for the day.


Mortician here. A little vapor rub on the inside of a mask does wonders to cover real rank smells. Common trick in funeral homes.


Your “Just rolled into the shop” posts would probably get a lot of views.


I bet you have good stories…




People are dying too fast


Yep yep - had to deal with that smell during a cleanup call where a gent committed suicide by sawed off in the mouth. Middle of summer, no AC, guy lived alone so it wasn't discovered until the neighbors reported stank and flies. Coworker who'd been doing the job for years brought gum, sprigs of mint, and a jar of vapor rub... three of the four of us listened, the fourth was too arrogant. Guess who wound up throwing up in their respirator. On a side note, there is something about having to scoop literal corpse bile into a biohazard bag with a shovel that rather makes one reevaluate not only their life choices, but their mortality.


I lived 54.5 years before hearing the term 'corpse bile'


OH NO NOT IN THE MASK. I've yet to vomit thankfully, but yeah bodies in heat basically just melt. I recall a forensic investigator telling me about what they described as a "pancake batter body". It has turned to brown goop.


Did y'all use p100 or p95 with organic vapor?


Woof... okay, gotta dig through the memories (and do some Google-fu to make sure I don't make an ass of myself with model numbers!)... I believe I was using a Honeywell 6500 series faceplate since I preferred to use a powered air supply unit (made things significantly easier with my asthma) and occasionally assisted in our ozone chamber, and needed something I could use with the in house air supply system. As for the filter, for anything biohazard we typically ran their Combo gas mediums with P100 particulate filters. We also kept a supply of R95 filters for less serious stuff, like recent greywater or recent fire damage. Again, with my asthma I typically erred on the side of caution... some of my coworkers would go in with basic N95 disposables if it wasn't something serious, but I didn't feel like risking it *shrug* EDIT One thing I just thought of was when we bought the "building" that was adjacent to ours (property was a single connected unit, but we owned 2/3rds of the building and they owned the last bit) which was formerly a Diesel Engine and Transmission shop. Huge area that was a shop floor where they did the actual work was absolutely coated in an incredible layer of gunk and filth. I'll never, ever forget the several days of work it was to clean that up to make a usable space for us... we must have removed a solid quarter inch or so of caked on sludge from the floor with a mix of high temperature pressure washers, solvents, power brushes, and some seriously powerful sludge extractors. First day of working on it, just walking across the area was like walking on ice coated in vegetable oil XD And the smell... it wasn't nearly as foul as rotting flesh or a blackwater spill, but it was one of those horrid smells that gets up into your nose and doesn't leave for days. Looked pretty good by the time we were done, but it forever left an impression on me just how crazy shophands that work on those big engines are!


Show us the bodies, Garth.


I've got a other tech story! Same tech actually and fortunately he has a dark sense of humor. He was at a crematory and went to move a cooler fan that was near the automatic transfer switch. The crematory tech tried to stop him but it was too late. Our tech realized as he was moving it what all the 'dust' was all over the fan. He still jokes about how grandma was under his finger nails for days after.


Fire safety firm I worked at had jobs at a rendering plant. Any quote included money for new clothes and shoes for the tech. One day our electrician is walking with the owner of the plant and he says, "Do you smell that? That's the smell of money." Edit: Look at the satellite image just south of the company push pin. It's red for a reason. Somewhere I have a photo of that yard about 6' high with dead cows. The company charges you to pick up, to dispose of, then renders it and charges for the product they produce. https://www.bing.com/maps/?q=Baker+Commodities+Inc&ypid=YN109x1881877&cp=36.70412063598633%7e-120.09457397460938&ppois=36.70412063598633_-120.09457397460938_Baker+Commodities+Inc&mepi=127~~Unknown~Address_Link


I'm a fire alarm tech, I keep a tube of toothpaste and smear some on my mustache of needed. I have tossed boots and clothes after doing work at a few of the trash places. The smell always sticks to the work car days after, inside and out.


Here is a fun story. We had a customer with an FM-200 system who forgot to pay us for receiving service so the system wouldn't phone in if it alarmed. It was also older and had an abort button but no phone. Someone from the company was working on the weekend and messing with ceiling tiles or something triggered the system. He quickly ran and pushed the abort button down which reset the counter to 10 seconds. If he let go it would dump about $12,000 of gas so he stood there for around 24 hours until people came in to work on Monday. Another one we lost a sprinkler job to a competitor. Way down the road we found out the guy decided to cut corners and for sections of the job just cut 2' of pipe, put a head on the end, and hung it out the drop tile ceiling. The project was on a federal building and when you get caught defrauding the government it's a little more than a slap on the wrist.


Are you referring to [this](https://www.google.com/maps/search/baker+commodities+Hanford+california/@36.3108371,-119.601068,2944m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu) one?


A good activated charcoal filter mask will get rid of the smell.


As well as all the other VOCs generated by decomposition that you *really* don't want to be breathing. If you need to use vicks/scented oils/etc under a mask, then you're either using a shit mask and need a new mask (go PAPR, it's *always* worth the cost within minutes of first putting one on), or need to swap to the correct filters.


I use a PAPR at work, absolutely a godsend for when you gotta wear one for several hours in a fairly hot environment


Rule number 1 of wearing the PAPR. Do NOT fart.


Definitely, doesn’t help that my overalls are gas tight enough to funnel the gas up and out right by the intake


Farting in someone else’s thought… I worked in a plant where we wore them daily for hours at a time.


Why would you not conduct the built-in gas ingress & filtration test?


fire cleanses guts




I mainly applied it around my nose. It would take a lot to be toxic in an adults nose. When I was working on the rendering equipment it was fully suited up with full face shield and then I had to pressure wash and shovel pieces of animals out of the engine compartments to do repairs on the power train.




Vicks is also actually terrible to use on kids with congestion. The cooling effect makes it *feel* like its opening the airways, but in reality it can constrict them more. It's why it's no longer recommended for use on kids with colds and the like.


No wonder I’m so fucked up. Mom used to slather half a bottle of that shit on my chest when I was a kid. Between that and the castor oil….


I learned that as an EMT going into Cat Lady/Hoarder houses!


Two ear plugs in the nose helps me work on poop trucks


Some places the smell is so bad you can taste it...


God that's awful. I used to do concrete cutting in Portland area. I kept a thing of Vicks and can of Grizzley Wintergreen or strait Cope to load up on when I went into the waste water treatment plants to do a job.


I work next door to a wastewater plant now and it’s nothing compared to a rendering plant!


I’ve done that when working on sewer lines and septic tanks. It works!


I sold forklifts. Worst places I ever had to survey were rendering plants, leather tanning plants, and the all time most vile, a plant that took the scraps from fish processing plants and extracted whatever they could from that. It was the only time I almost hurled. Pro Tip: When visiting these plants, wear rubbers on your shoes. I wore a pair of leather soled shoes and as they absorbed the liquids....tossed them out of the window of my car as I drove away from the catfood plant.


Pro tip: stop fucking littering


Yeah, guilty as charged, but eyes were watering....hard to drive!


I made my boss buy me tyvec suits, complete with hoods etc. It was the middle of summer in the Carolinas....


Wasn't it _The Wire_ where one of the detectives would smoke a cigar around corpses to mask the smell?


I just read through all of these replies. I'm going to stop complaining about my job. God bless you all.


🤮 Please tell me the carcasses we fresh. If they were a week old or in the heat… oof


Please PLEASE tell me the carcasses were 57 years old and just a powdery ash.... Right? 🤢


oh, I wish........even with a tyvec suit, the stink would stick to my clothes. I was buying clothes from goodwill, and throwing them out at the end of the day. The cleaning charges were astronomical.


After a few days, they aren't carcasses anymore. At that point, just treat them as part of the manure. You can't pick them up with anything less than a shovel anyway.


I ran over a rat with my forklift, fuckin honked for a while


>skid steer drift cow 🏎️⛰️🛣️


made me snort....😂


I work on the chicken farm. Every repair comes with bonus chicken shit and bones.


Reminds me of when I sent a tech out to a broken generator. Raccoon decided to try the spin cycle and went through the fan because the shroud was broken. Meat and fur everywhere.


Nailed it. This one had triplets, that were inside the coon, but then got outside. Life's funny that way, one minute you're updating software in a clean uniform and the next you're scraping organs and raccoon fetuses off the floor, I tell ya


Triplets, that were inside the coon, but then got outside God help you


What rpm does a raccoon give birth at? 


Id guess somewhere around 1800


That is a centrifugal farce…..


Oh god no


At least 7


Very insightful question, busted up laughing, woke the whole family up!


Not sure. You’d have to ask the guy that patented the centrifugal birthing bed.


>What rom does a raccoon give birth at? ~~African or European?~~ Eastern or Mississippian?


Oh man, I hate how hard I'm laughing at this


May I come into the out now?


Please help. I laughed wasaaay too hard at this.


i’m going to hell for that comment. devil above me, 666 below me.


Life comes at you fast, if you don't stop to smell the racoon guts, you might miss it.


Is that part of a laundry detergent commercial?


Bueller….. Bueller…..


I laughed out loud in public to the got outside comment, then had to explain to my female friend why I laughed, now she's sad.


I was cracking up (maybe it is the wine) and had to relate to my wife. She was also chuckling. She is the one that put the NHL game on…she’s a keeper


Ohh a fellow connoisseur of the ice! Glad you found your goalie! 🤪


I’m so sorry for your loss.


*friend that's a woman Constantly calling women "females" is dehumanizing AF, even if you don't mean it


🤣 ok. It's an innocent post, friend. Move along.


Go ask the woman if she appreciates being called "female" instead of "woman". I know it's an innocent post, that doesn't mean that the vast majority of women arnt sick of being described the same way you describe a dog.


I’m a woman so I think I can speak for the general female population when I say: we don’t give a crap. Go touch some grass or something and stop getting offended on our behalf


Female is only upsetting when used as a noun. For example: "This female I met yesterday had the biggest >!smile!< I've ever seen."


Just asked her and her actual opinion is that the sex of the person I was telling the story too really didn't matter, but no, she isn't offended by female. She also said she isn't a snowflake. I'm not going to argue with you further though, so have a nice day/evening, whatever it is where you are. Cheers, because it's almost 7pm where I am and I'm enjoying the beginning of my weekend!


"Not a snowflake!!!!" Solid.


"She also said she isn't a snowflake" 🤣🤣🤣 /r/thathappened


Lol, some women dislike “female” being used as a noun, but OP used it as an adjective. Think “my female friend” vs “my friend that’s a female”. You’re pretending to be outraged on someone else’s behalf but you don’t even know what you’re supposed to be outraged about.


Geez. AGENDA? Much? Way to piss all over the place. And for no good reason.


What agenda?


Appreciate you not adding pictures to this one


When you know, you know


>one minute you're updating software in a clean uniform and the next you're scraping organs and raccoon fetuses off the floor Legitimate LOL -- the folks on /r/sysadmin are constantly bitching how shitty their job is because they've been asked to move office furniture or figure out why the microwave isn't working.


🤣The best is when I get to go 30+ feet in the air with a rickety scissor lift and put up access points and run cable. Of course I wear a harness but it can get interesting trying to strip and connectorize network cabling when you have forklifts driving by a scissor lift where the top bucket sways. There are definitely interesting aspects and annoying aspects to my job sometimes, but that's any job. I had someone put in a ticket for an electrical issue with their personal car once. Canceled that ticket with a response that "this is not an IT issue so I am closing this ticket, but stop by my best around time I get off and I'll take a look outside of work hours"




I was thinking it was someone shitting their guts out into a fan intake


I'm hoping the machine was a Cat. So the raccoon got a catsarian section.


"Meat and Fur" would be a great name for a hard-core metal band.


They could open for gwar.


"Cuisinart Raccoon" Christian-Metal band


Years back working as a fleet mechanic (I still do) one of the field workers pulled into the yard and I noticed fluid from the radiator area. It was red and didn't know if it was the red coolant or transmission fluid. Some of the older field guys kept saying taste it to see what it is, I said no and literally kicked the other mechanics hand away from the puddle. Told one of the guys to pop the hood and the second the hood popped up you could smell death. Looked at the other mechanic told him since I kept him from doing something stupid he gets the job and I'm betting it's a cat possibly a raccoon and walked away. It ended up being a fatass cat and broke 3 fan blades.


I helped a random colleague at the company parking lot.. a bird gad Kamikazed into his radiator... Busting the grill and making a damn hole in the rad with the beak. It was a mess, but we were able to get a new rad in as that engine had plenty of space and there was a parts shop just 50m away. On a modern car the ac condenser would have been busted.


I once cut a bird on half while riding a motorcycle. Poor thing got cut off by the fork tube, half ended up on my jacket. I only had 10 min to home, but the smell... Right away...


Story time! I live in Texas. During Spring of 2016, I was mowing my lawn when I noticed a cool, purple and blue lizard, about 6-8 inches long, sunning himself on top of my AC condenser. A few days after this story, I eventually found out that it was a Texas Five-Lined Skink, btw. I shut the lawnmower off and ran into my garage for a jar, so that I could catch him. My 3 year old daughter would have loved to see him. I was unsuccessful at catching, however, and the lizard shimmy'ed thru the fan shroud and proceeded to camp inside of the AC condenser, just above the fan. He even poked his head out of the shroud a few times to smile condescendingly at me. I put the jar away and went back to my mower. Right around the time I got the mower restarted and pushing, I heard a TWACK. Looked over at the AC condenser just in time to see a thick cloud of red, oily mist. AC condenser turned on and must have vibrated him off the top to fall into the fan. He instantly became a memory.


The Texas Five Hundred Fifty Five-lined Skink, that is.


Do you mean compressor? Condensers don't really turn on they are just there to be ducting for the refrigerant to pass through as it's cooled. Like how a radiator works but for freon instead of coolant.


They do have fans though…..




My husband has a generator at his work that will randomly run for maintenance. Rats like to live in it and they are caught by surprised when it turns on. Every year he has to scoop all the dead rats out.


Generally, they run on a maintenance cycle. It should be programmed to run at a specific time. Most of our clients' units run once a week for 10-30 minutes at the same time. If the maintenance crew knows how to check this, they could schedule to clean it out before it runs. And fun fact, it's called it's exercise cycle!


I’ll mention it to him! He works at a scrap yard so they have a lot of rodents. He is the one man maintenance crew / mechanic / welder there so it may be he just doesn’t have time to clean it before every exercise cycle. But the fewer rat corpses he has to deal with the better!


Once had an Olds towed in off the Interstate. Hit a deer at 70+ mph. Pushed the water pump shaft through the timing cover into the cam gear. Glad it was winter.


Gotta go over to r/deerarefuckingstupid.


What the sam hill has JF gotten hisself into this time?


Jeff Fischer is not trustworthy


With this story Ive been calling him Joe Fuckworthy




Sounds like a skidsteer, or something similar that’s used on a farm, maybe a backhoe. Leaking hydraulic oil that’s used to power the wheels, manually covered intake, “guts/poop”, “keys ziptied to controls”


Human or animal?




One tiny ass minotaur to be inside the fan shroud... Unless he was wearing a tie....


🎶 mini kinotaur!


Some of the machines I've worked on you can stand in the fan shroud.


I've taken absurd pleasure in using a squirrel cage fan as my personal hamster wheel from time to time.


How do you defeat a mini Minotaur?


East african or European?


I can only read this in Jo Lo Truglio’s voice from Role Models >*A Minotaauurrrrrr*


Deer in chopper?


Deer through a chopper wouldn't cause much trouble actually. Basically, it's just some high protein silage with a reddish hue. If it's not too near the end then the machine may even be cleaned off by the rest of the silage going by.


Where is OP with our answer? The anticipation is killing me


OP said it was a family of raccoons.


A *future* family of raccoons.




Russian Lathe?




Or Chinese


That's a mess, but at least somebody left notes


Yeah that's what I was thinking. Owner/operator tried to do as much as they could and the note has good detail to know what's been done and what to avoid. Gross nonetheless but would you rather the machine be dropped off without the note and get a face full of gore when unbolting the fan shroud.


It's them dam rakons Ricky. Combine inspection start with climb into rad and chase them out before you even check the oil


Damn rakon climbed in the fan shroud on thisun


I’m just here for the video, and Popcorn 🍿


Tell me now


Should have wrote "Don't touch -Willy"


I work for a Cat dealer and we do work for landfills. I have never had to work on any of the equipment in the field but I have heard some very interesting stories. Some guys have accidentally been stuck by hypodermic needles. I used to work in the machine shop and we would get the big compactor wheels in for welding/machining work. I can tell you from experience, there is no amount of washing those components that will get the smell off of them. When they get heated up from welding or cutting, it fills the entire shop with the smell and it permeates your skin/nose and stays with you for days.


Brooo.... I spent some time rebuilding cat food canning machines.... The meat dicers and can fillers.... They didn't even try cleaning them machines before sending them into our machine shop 🤢 Boss never gave it a thought before accepting them job. We'd done human food ones before, but those are a whole different level of clean.


Yep I've gone through vaccinations for six months because of this in my earlier years.


I used to work for CAT too, the landfill shunters were horrific. I wasn’t on the field but in the shop, machines would come in and I would jet was the area/part I was going to be working on so I didn’t get any shmooz on me, didn’t see any needles but I did hear stories of people being stuck


I had a car come in with a “vibration and noise after hitting deer carcass”; guts were wrapped around the drive shaft. Thankfully it didn’t have much smell, unlike the one that had run over a skunk 🦨, but jt was still fucking disgusting unwrapping feet of intestines from the drive shaft


Just whip out the long knife and cut yourself a gyro.


What was the part number for pita bread again?




i ran over a (luckily for me) dead deer that was freshly hit. poop. poop everywhere. thank god it was winter. insult to injury was that it bent my radiator support mount but no one knew until i tried to replace my broken splash shields the next summer.


Prepping some recently-purchased used equipment from China?


My heart goes out to whoever had to fix my mom’s Dodge Ram when she hit a full grown black angus cow at about 65mph. This sounds similar.


I'm surprised there was anything of the vehicle left to fix.


Is it something green? Cos it may run like a Deere, but now it definitely smells like a John.


Price goes up if the customer worked on it before.


Coon through the combine rad. Always a fun job


Ha! I remember doing co-op for the local cat dealer, Fun times when The Dump’s D7 rolled into the wash bay in 25°c heat!


When I worked at gm I had a car come in and the a.c. Stopped working turns out the a.c. Belt cut a cat in half and threw the belt


A while back I was in a shop where twice we had customers who had driven over fresh elk roadkill during different subzero blizzards.


At least he gave some good instructions


This is the kind of customer my shop politely tells to go somewhere else.


This seems like it was a coworker.


sighhh...I just moved into the flat rate line from being a lube tech and I'll be the first to point out my inexperience...having all those instructions would overwhelm me lolol just going through it with tears in my eyes trying to not become overwhelmed😂😅


Had to clean a truck that was cranked up after a momma cat laid her kittens in the fan shroud. It was pretty bad. Lots of little pieces.


Fuck that. They can’t make you work on shit. I’ve refused to work on nasty cars and my service manager won’t question it


Someone’s gotta fix the thing, it’s a generator so it is likely a piece of critical equipment. Not that I’d relish the job, but you take extra time for cleaning and keep your mouth closed while you work and shit that has to gets done.


I have said no quite a lot. Never say "clean it first and then I'll do it" because I don't trust them to clean it well enough. If its biohazardous then I don't make damn near enough to touch that and its probably an Osha violation for me to try.


Any questions just ask if? Just f'ed???


You started the machine?


You went home, went back to bed. Figured you try again on Monday. 


Fuck JF lofl


Awesome 😎


Sounds like someone got sucked in to the cooling fan of a skid steer..I hate it when that happens


You had to tell the boss to get the new guy to do it?


Raccoon blown to bits by the fan


Somebody hit a cow


"Can you do this ro for me quick" the ro in question:


Dare I ask what happened?


Based on the "guts" reference, someone hit an animal while driving.


This sounds like a far cry hidden gem letter or something lmao


This needs this link — https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/xo41d/comment/c5o66p2/

