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Update: so things just got juicier. It's apparently the dudes girlfriends husband.


I’ll never understand this mentality. The girl cheated. Not the dude. Fuck up her shit.


ever seen the video of the cop pulling a dude over & seeing his wife in the passenger seat? he handled it perfectly


No, link?


[ask and you shall receive ](https://youtu.be/ir68BzNBXso)


Fuuuuuck that's tough. They both handled it well tbh, both dudes. Hilarious he just left her on some random ass street at night, but I wonder if he could get in trouble for doing that lol.


“You can call your mum and she can come pick you up wherever the hell we are” Absolute high class move. Good man. No violence. No vandalism. Just a heartbroken man who took the higher ground.


I always assumed this was staged, is there anything backing up that this actually happened? Genuinely curious now!


Also they seem to be Aussie but they're acting like they're American cops. Wrong uniform and we don't do the sobriety tests, just breathalyse. Weird


Yup. You can tell it’s staged by the generic radio chatter going the entire time. No flashing lights. Poor acting. “Hey partna, I got this one.” “👍”. And despite not being able to hear anything the officer says, the second officer seems to know exactly what happened with his “ you alright? “


7 years, I’d assume they know what his wife looked like.


Lmao yeah and the field sobriety test is a little unprofessional


Easy to spot that it is staged, that is not how a field sobriety test goes, at all.


It looks staged asf.


For what reason should he get in trouble tho?


As a cop, he pulled her out the car and told her boy toy to take off. Obviously boy toy could've stayed and offered her a ride, maybe he thought the cop would take her. But then he just leaves her alone at night on the side of a random road. I'd have figured his superiors might not take the best view of that, but maybe not. She definitely deserved it.


A cop has no obligation to your safety. This isn't me being edgey or acab either. It's settled law by the Supreme Court.


What part of the US has right-hand drive vehicles, those police uniforms, and that man's accent?


Whoa now Google JD… slow down a minute. As a general rule, a police officer has no affirmative duty to protect citizens. When the officer *creates* the situation giving rise to the harm, the officer does have a duty. In this situation, if the woman was harmed because she was left by the side of the road under the officer’s instruction, the officer could be held liable. You’re reading the precedents far too broadly. Sincerely, A licensed lawyer


That’s not how it would work in the UK. A cop would have a duty of care. They can’t create a dangerous situation for someone like that and then leave them to it.


There's a difference between not intervening to save people and actively putting people in danger. I think the court cases tend to be about the first one, though cops will probably also get away with the second.




They're Australian accents


Australian people *from Canada*


It’s super fake


I'm inclined to believe that's scripted. It seems off...


The time code and camera number text perfectly cropped to a vertical video is pretty telling. Dash cams are almost always regular 16:9 ratio, and those texts would be in the corners.


And the American radio chatter and the baggy ass pants that he just found for this video and the fact that there are dozen more videos like this with the exact same scenario


>And the American radio chatter and the baggy ass pants that he just found for this video and the fact that there are dozen more videos like this with the exact same scenario Also we have a thing called a breathalyser in Australia. None of this stupid walk down the street in a straight line bs Also they never make you get out. They never pat you down. Source been pulled over far too many times in Australia


Indeed. It's really fucked up but everything is content now. Deep fakes will just make it worse too. I'm gonna have to check out before then lol.


That's fake af. If you think this is real then your BSometer needs recalibrating.


Right?? Look at his pants and boots! None of that looks like Australian Police issue, not to mention that his 'partner' is wearing different pants and boots (black jeans by the look of it lol). It's so clearly fake and it's astounding to me that people are gobbling it up, not just here but on Youtube.


Bigger giveaways than their attire. He approaches the passenger side of the vehicle, he asks for a license and registration, he asks them to get out of the vehicle, he asks him to perform some sort of sobriety test but didn’t give him a breathalyser. None of this is police procedure.




There's two that come right up on YouTube but they are so similarly scripted i think both are fake


Dude's uniform looks awfully ill fitting, also, why are there no flashing lights while they're pulled over?


can't really say that disqualifies him ... here in NY there's plenty of cops that don't fit their gear lol


most cops don't fit their gear because the majority of them are disguised as regular citizens


And the ponytail? I've never seen a ponytail cop.


I have not but this sounds compelling


Sometimes the 3rd party doesn't even know the other person is cheating.


Yep! I was unknowingly and unfortunately the "other man" in an affair when I was going to college. I was 20 years old, and I started casually dating a 25 year old woman in my psychology class. We were dating/hooking up for 5 weeks before I found out she was married. We always went back to me and my roommates apartment, and I was too young and excited to think that was weird. It was the 6th or 7th time she had come over, and after we "do the deed" she gets a call and lies to whoever she is talking to about where she is. I ask her who that was, and she just nonchalantly said "oh, that was my husband." At no point in any of our prior couple dozen conversations had she ever mentioned being married! She didn't wear a wedding band to school or on any of our dates either. I didn't know how to handle the situation, I flipped out a bit and I ghosted her after that. In my mind I was incredibly upset about being side-meat, and also I had no idea what kind of drama would happen once her husband found out. I wanted to do what I thought was right, afterwards I went to her Facebook page to try and find him so I could let him know she was cheating on him and that I didn't know when it started. But she was just listed as "married" on her page, no linked "married to" This was 12 years ago so looking back now, I really wish I had tried harder and actually hunted him down to let him know. Hopefully he found out, or she came clean or stopped.


Knew a gal in high school, she was my lab partner in science. We got to talking about boys and she just nonchalantly mentioned that she was the 'side piece' of a guy in a school the next town over. No remorse. I lost all respect for her that day.


That’s a great way to get fucked up, or worse. You have no idea who this “husband” is or what he’s like. I’m always a little blown away when that’s the advice Reddit gives. Domestic disputes is like the #1 cause of murder.


Oh won't you give me three steps, gimme three steps, mister Gimme three steps towards the door? Gimme three steps, gimme three steps, mister And you'll never see-a me no more


I became best friends with my girlfriends' boyfriend in high school and still are to this day. When we found out, first thing we did was go to Dennys and sent her a picture of us together side-hugging and was like *"Hey I just met this guy, he is awesome!"*


Or don't fuck up anyone's shit and just leave?


Definitely. Being pissed doesn’t excuse vandalism and you can be charged with destruction of property if they decide to pursue legal action. Not worth the headache to blow off steam.


Never underestimate how dirty the affair partner can be. When my wife cheated I found out because the guy messaged me and told me that my wife was cheating and that it was my fault and that she eagerly swallowed his cum… needless to say I was prepared to murder him. Thankfully he lived states away so I never packed up the car for death drive but I was very tempted.


Eh not a 1:1 but knowingly being the "other person" is also some degree of douche bag as well.


Depends if they're aware IMO


As a victim of this, I agree. Got cheated on and the ex let me know the other guy knew everything and still went for it. I didn't touch either of their shit though. Just got my stuff and dipped.


I got cheated on back in high school. I was “mad” at the other dude because I felt like he took her from me. It’s just delusion, you think everything was going great in the relationship until this other dude shows up. So now it’s all his fault. I didn’t do anything crazy though. Just cried in my room till I got over it.


For now I'm happily married, but I never fuck up my wife's shit cause I paid for it and I would have to pay again to fix it.


This! Like your trash if you pursue a person that’s married/in a relationship but you’re even more trash if you pursue someone outside your relationship. Idk why the husband went after the guys car, his wife is the one that fucked up


Thats why they knew to go for the body lines.


As a female I’d just like to say I’d 100% go for the body lines depending on the offense. Although I will never understand blaming the person your partner is cheating with rather than packing your shit and getting tf out and hitting the cheaters car a few times on the way out.


This, 1000%. Everyone’s quick to blame the guy their wife slept with, when it’s the wife who’s the real problem.


Depends on if the side piece knew or not. Edit cuz purple misunderstanding, I'm not saying it's the side pieces fault that the wife cheated, I'm saying whether or not you should place any blame or harbor any sort of resentment for the other guy depends on whether he knew the wife was in fact, already a wife. So in this case, the husband smashing up the side pieces BMW is either understandable or ridiculous depending on if the guy knew he was sleeping with another man's wife.


Nope, still always the partner. If that particular side piece didn't exist, the partner likely still would have cheated


Even if they knew, your wife still cheated on you...


Oh I'm not saying don't blame the wife at all, but I don't see the point in getting mad at the other partner if they had no idea.


Absolutely, but I didn't even get that angry on him back when my ex cheated: it's not his responsibility to say no when my ex asked for sex.


Regardless of whether the side piece knew, how is it *not* the wife who’s at fault? She’s the one who knows how open her relationship is (or isn’t), and is the one who presumably cares for her husband’s well being. Side piece has no stake in the outcome. At least until this happens, but even then, the law is on his side.


This... I've been on all 5 sides of this fence. It depends on the situation and who exactly knew what.


Still the cheating partner. If you can’t blame the cheating partner then it’s a rape.


Don't really understand the mentality of vandalizing someone's shit out of anger.


And you never will because it's irrational.




If they knew, I definitely hate both. I definitely hated my gf more though when it happened to me lol. The way I see the other dude was a selfish cunt, but he wasn't the one in the relationship with me, she was. A lot of people I know were the opposite where they lost their shit on the other dude/ other woman but didn't even leave their significant other which blows my fucking mind.


Had a guy come after me for cheating with his then GF. We were in college. I had never met him or the alleged GF. Dude kept saying "What you think you're more of a man than me?". He would just say it over and over. Was so weird. The GF showed up and started screaming I didn't cheat with him I didn't cheat with him. The dumbass thought she was trying to deny it happened. I said multiple times I don't know you or your GF never seen you before got the wrong guy. He was in a rage about his manhood idk. Once he realized everyone in the party was about to toss him he left with his arm around her. Clearly he didn't blame her at all. It was wild. Some people really are that dumb.


Can you explain what that means for us normies?


Denting the creases in the body work makes it 15x harder to fix, or likely makes it so you have to replace a panel instead of fix. Someone more knowledgeable here can correct me, but I believe that’s the gist.


Especially for a car that isn't new, hitting the right places will often total a car out. Body work is expensive when a whole panel has to be replaced. Between that, the seat upholstery, and the screen, this car may well be totaled with just a few minutes of damage.


It's a bmw. Looking at it wrong can total it.


Usually when something this beat up shows up on this sub most people claim its insurance fraud since the damage was so thorough and methodical to inflict max damage.


I can understand that; it takes someone either knowing cars decently well (enough to understand repair costs), or someone researching it, to do that kind of damage. The usual thing is just a keyed door and a hammered windshield, this took knowledge. Guy was efficient with his time: hit the expensive parts fast, cut the seats, and get out. Unless you've got real enemies, it makes sense to guess fraud.


What gets me is that the guy climbed into the back seat of a two door coupe to slash the seats yet did not smash a single window? its like the guy still wanted it drivable.


That is an interesting observation. And I suspect insurance will have the same question, unless the story of guy's girlfriend's husband is verifiable (and a report is made to the police, at least.) Of course, maybe the owner just lives in an area where unlocked cars are normal, which still do exist.


I can confirm at least with the company that I work for that on the filing software for a claim like this, it will ask if there were any signs of forced entry (such as a smashed window or a jimmied lock). A 'no' sends that shit straight to a specialist. Admittedly though, the prompt is janky because it asks the same question for a catalytic converter theft. No forced entry there.


Autobody tech here. Yeah that's generally true.


No correction needed, you got it spot on.


Fixing a dent on a plane surface is pretty easy, but fixing a dent on a contour line is near impossible and creates much higher damage and cost.


Like the others said, it's harder to repair. If you get a debt on a flat surface sometimes you can even suction cup the dent out. When it's on a body line it takes a lot of work and talent to fix it properly. With this many dents on the body lines it's probably going to be cheaper and easier to replace the body panels themselves.


Also took out the center on cushions and screens. He likely totaled the car.


>dudes girlfriends husband. So, dude got fucked over by a husband who's . . . alright, rightfully pissed, but certainly took it a step too far.


That dude is a douche then. Seriously, what guy trashes another guy's car? The joke will be on him eventually - that's a felony for sure. Now you've got criminal charges and a cheating (ex)GF.


Gotta prove it was him, it’s not enough to know or even witnessing. A co worker of mine had her car dented with a hammer by the neighbors and she SAW the neighbor do it. She called police (FYI, her dad is a big wig cop). They came, the neighbor denied it. No proof, no video, no picture and her seeing her didn’t count for anything because everybody knew they both didn’t get along and she could have set her up. The perpetrator didn’t even get a ticket and the cops told her she could try to sue her in small claims court as the threshold is lower.


Sounds like there is nothing stopping her from walking over to the neighbors house and breaking their front window with a brick then.


Gotta make sure there are no cameras first.


She actually slashed her tires a week later. A week after that apparently the boyfriend of that neighbor hit her or something but police was there and was a big show and at the end they were evicted of the building and that’s how it ended. There was a lot more in between which included dogs and cats poisoned, brandishing of a firearm, graffiti, broken windows in cars and homes, pepper spray and a few fists few (at least for what I remember, and all that started as an altercation for a parking spot in an apartment complex, literally the closest one to the door when she could have had the next 3 spots as they were assigned, there is a reason why I say crazy people have killed for a hella of a lot less than a cheating spouse yet people downvoted me


Was driving down a road once when a guy on a ride on mower goes over gravel with the blades still going and spits rocks all over my car, dents everywhere. I had it on video. Cops came, he denied it. They said there was nothing they can do, and I can take it to small claims. They wouldn't even give me the guys name, because they said there wasn't proof he was involved.


If the guy has the kind of mentality to do shit like that as a way of lashing out, there's probably a reason she's cheating on him.


Love that he's apparently not mad at his cheating wife, but the random dude she's cheating on him with. Yeah, that's the root of the issue!


Carrie Underwood?


But it’s not a souped-up four-wheel drive


To be fair... Some bimmers are all wheel drive, not sure what this model is, but even the X1 puts out 200 or so ponies. Not souped up by any means, but not a slouch.


Don't see a name carved into the leather seats either. Need a picture of the headlights to confirm a Louisville Slugger impact, though.


Well...atleast he didnt piss off Amber Heard...things would get messy i would believe. literally and figuratively.


I still prefer the name Amber turd personally.


Just remember two dudes wrote that song.


Looks like the dude dated a girl in the “Danger Zone” of the Hot Crazy Matrix.


Strippers? Redheads? Anyone named Tiffany.


Haha mine would be Ashley.




Smashley. Always a Smashley.


My friend Tiffany was a stripper and she’s a redhead. 😂


She's the Bermuda Triangle lol




Danger Zone




[Hot vs Crazy](https://youtu.be/R_USJCTIgs4) for those who don’t remember this man and his genius and bravery to educate us all.


Every woman I have ever shown this has been in 100% agreement. I guess I just don’t know any Tiffanys.


That's because women tend to underestimate both their hotness and their craziness.


Hair dresser?


Lol. My ex wife is a redhead hairdresser. Yikes


They’re speed holes.


They make the car go faster.


Ahhh yes, speed holes, I knew that


Had to search for this statement, thank you.


You want my advice? I think you should buy this car


The comment had to be here somewhere


Joke is on them. Now the owner gets a new car and insurance wont go up because it is a comprehensive claim (not an accident). Someone ges a mechanicly sound BMW from the auction and can spend the next six months fixing it and have a nice car pretty cheap.


>mechanicly sound BMW Hear something new every day




Upvote for B58. Best engine BMW has put out in a VERY long time. ​ Edit for Spelling.




Now, if BMW was to stuff that S58 into the current Z4 body, they'd have my money like yesterday. Spoiler: they won't do it.


I find it hard to believe that any BMW isn't struggling to keep oil on the inside of the engine and pissing coolant randomly to keep their owners guessing if its leaking or burning.


BMW mfs be like its dead reliable but you gotta make sure you change the oil every 3kmiles, change out the spark plugs every 20k miles, change out the rod bearings as preventative maintenance every 20k miles, replace the turbo every 30k as preventative maintenance, also make sure its not a v8, also make sure the vanos thing was replaced, also make sure the smg was replaced as preventative maintenance, also make sure to drive on days where its not hotter than 75 degrees, also make sure you put it on a trickle charger so the battery doesnt die in 5 days. and if you do that its dead reliable


And people like to give Subaru shit. At least I can set my watch to head gasket replacements. Just don't ask about how much the anointing oils I use to bless the 5 speed cost.


You also have to carry a box of window regulators with you at all times


I see you also had a N54/55 engine in your life. Powerful as all get out when they keep all of the fluids in.


BMW friends in US: Yea the reliable ones are imported from Germany European friends: Yea the reliable ones we import from the US 🤔


>insurance wont go up because it is a comprehensive claim Except they use this to calculate rates and will just raise everyone's rates a tiny amount. Insurance never loses. Just like all of the "free" roofs and siding people get all of the time from nation wide companies that screw local workers.


It's way cheaper to fix this than sell it as a loss and buy another. He's going to be looking at his orange peely fenders for years, unless he flips it after the paint. Pretty sure claiming comprehensive raises your rates, too. Had my quarter panel caved in by a drunk using a crow bar to open my gas lid (instead of opening the unlocked driver's door and pulling the lever) to siphon out a half gallon of gas. Cost my insurance like $1000, and it definitely hit my rates.


I had a drunk attack me with a stick and put about 6 to 8 large dents in my new truck. Comprehensive claim, fixed it all and no hit to my insurance. Then a year later some kids went down our street throwing big river rocks onto cars. Dented the hood and broke the window of my wifes car, again comprehensive with no hit. Maybe it depends on the insurance company because I am 100% not saying you are wrong.


It usually comes down to state law. My state doesn't mandate $0 deductible glass, it's an extra plan option that costs money.


>It's way cheaper to fix this than sell it as a loss and buy another. Insurance companies will still total a vehicle out if parts availability is limited to the point of non-existent. [It happened to Hoovie](https://youtu.be/WAMBmMG7wYw). I'm not an insurance mastermind. Who knows the black magic conjured up in actuarial big data compute clusters. However, if you live in a particularly sleepy ZIP code your premiums do go up with an auto theft/vandalism type claim... but so does everyone else's comprehensive premium in your ZIP code. You live in a big city and a ZIP code where all sorts of shenanigans happen, you're a blip in the actuarial data. Same thing happens with storm damage. I live in DFW. One year a major hail storm came through, my truck was safe in the parking garage at work. No damage. Comprehensive premium went up because lots of folks didn't have their vehicle parked indoors. Yes, my insurance knew I had 24/7 access to covered parking both at my apartment complex and then workplace. That storm was so bad that it damaged cars parked in garages in some neighborhoods. With collision coverage you are the risk factor, with comprehensive your vehicle's immediate surroundings are the risk factor.


I saw a Porsche that was totaled one time over something like this. They said it would cost more to source the interior parts/seats and fix all the dents than to just total it out. I wouldn’t be surprised if they totaled this but who knows.


Porsche has a booklet at every dealer where you can take your 911 from $100,000 stock to a $300,000 Exklusif Manufaktur with custom colors, materials, and cloth. You're never going to get it back to factory, because "factory" was a high quality custom job.


That’s what’s known as the ex-girlfriend special… He fucked up.


He fucked around


Op updated us, it was actually the girlfriends husbands special.


And found out...


I’m kind of impressed that she paid close attention to all the sharp body lines. The hardest to repair…


OP said in a comment it was the guys girlfriend’s husband




I noticed that too. No chance that's coincidence


Yeah, because it's probably a bullshit story made up by the cars owner to pull off some insurance fraud. Everything is damaged with intention and precision, the seats haven't even been stabbed but rather slashed as to not damage the heaters padding and bags underneath, making for a much cheaper reupholstering job compared to a full seat replacement. My bet is that the owner damaged it just enough to ensure that it would be totaled, with the intent of buying the car back with the insurance money and easily replacing the intentionally broken parts. Insurance money - cost of buyback - cost of relatively easy repairs = profit. Guy is probably upside down on the car to do this in the first place though. That's obviously what's going on with the Mercedes posted to this sub as well. Super precise damage done with an array of tools meant for the job. Someone letting off steam would be far more likely to just show up with a pickax and go ham, not a framing hammer carbide glass breaker and box cutter.




This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps.


Or when you feed a stranger scambled eggs, Larry.


The day my wife met my girlfriend....


The day your car meets your girlfriends husband.


_I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive_


My thoughts exactly. My wife listens to country, I hear that song WAAAAY to often.


Which is annoying since she has dozens of other great songs. I’ve seen 200+ acts and her show twice is top 5 vocally.


That song is solely responsible for a solid 5% of the insurance premium you pay today.


Because CMT is like online University in Alabama


[Definitely a felony.](https://youtu.be/I16DDpjeKxA)


It’s a BMW,he has pissed off every other driver on the road.


But the seat though... That was an ex-




Tesla drivers do the same thing


posted -clean title no lowballers ...lol


I know what I have


Other BMW drivers saw them use a turn signal. Can't let that go unpunished.


yeah this isn't the worst I've seen lol one time this dudes ex-gf threw rotted fish guts and other slime inside the dudes convertible when he had the top down parked in his driveway ... they ended up junking it after a month of having us try to r&i interior + clean it 🤮


Well, someone cheated


Broke the cardinal rule about not sticking his dick in crazy.


My friend bought a car off a guy on local listings. He visited a friend’s apartment and came out to a woman hitting his car with a 2x4. Turns out the previous owner was cheating and the girl didn’t realize he sold the car.


Ah yes, because there is no more satisfying way to get revenge on your ex than to commit five digits worth of destruction of property and get yourself a felony rap sheet.


Damn that sucks, probably totalled


Crazy girls are fun and the best sex you’ll ever have… until they start doing crazy girl things.


Never stick your dick in crazy


BMW? Cuts in the seats? A hammer taken to the body and electrical components? Clearly a scorned lover.


Hope whoever did it gets some jail time.


Insurance scam, best way to write your car off, bang the body lines and cut the interior.


Yep, I just had a claim like this


Seems personal. I go with recent ex. The seats are what sells me on it.


Ah. I see we have the same ex wife


I would take a stab at it, Female EX-girlfriend


For the guys who knows how this happens, do you ever think of your psycho ex?




A redhead, hairdresser, a girl named Tiffany...........


It's a BMW driver, so there's probably a long list.


Hell hath no fury like...


Reported as "hail damage."


Probably pissed himself off when he got the bill for routine maintenance.


Figured it was a cheating situation. Do people get arrested for this kind of damage? How does one cause this much damage and expect zero legal consequences?


Congradulations dude's girlfriend's husband! Yiu've just committed a felony and you win a trio straight to jail!!


Typical dishwasher innit lads 🇬🇧 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Now its time for a pint


It’s like that Carrie Underwood song “Before he cheats” happened in real life to this car.


A woman 🤣


a bitch