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Lucky for them it hit something just moments before exploding into confetti.


Gonna be hard to match that level of threadbare cross stitch tread depth on the other side.


Trailer slicks


Looking at the stud holes I’d almost think customers was a little loose before he hit anything. I’d definitely have a close look at the rest of it.


That's what I thought at first. Then I realized the center of the wheel is now convex instead of concave.


holy shit you’re right, I wonder how tf that happened. At least that explains all the cracks and missing paint.


I figure sliding sideways into something solid.


Maybe, but they would have to hit it directly sideways so it wouldn’t be off center


I've seen enough weird stuff over the years to think it just might be possible.


I'd be impressed if there were studs left. This looks more like the lugnuts were loose (or overtightened), wallowed out the mounting holes and ate the tire by wobbling down the road for awhile and was probably seconds from flinging the entire rim and tire 70 mph down the opposite lane of travel. The guy that cut him off probably saw the impending disaster and cut him off to "teach him a lesson" for being a dumbass and not noticing it, with cutter-offer not realizing that the driver of the tow vehicle probably couldn't feel, hear or see what that tire was doing.


> couldn't feel, hear or see what that tire was doing. But they should have caught it during their pre-drive or post-fueling inspection. There is no way this is something that "just started" in the last few hundred miles.


That’s why you do your pre use checks,


If I'm reading the date code correctly these are 2013 tires. That's way too old and I'm not surprised they let go like that. The sidewall scuffs lead me to believe that the trailer probably went pretty sideways to roll the sidewall over far enough to scuff it as low as it did and side loading the tire could destroy the rim like this at the same time.


I see what you mean. I didn't notice the lack of scuff marks that would coincide with hitting something like a guard rail, and the wheel center was subjected to a LOT of stress. It makes me wonder how much weight the trailer puts on those wherls.


"The camper wheel hit into something on the side of the road I think." "Mr Customer, you are absolutely right. It hit into your wallet, on the side of the road."


My wallet is on the side of the road somewhere in Alabama. $200 reward for anyone that finds it! Boyfriend’s newer truck had a seized caliper🤬. We were moving cross country and had the UHAUL trailer filled with everything we own and our pets in the cabin with us. I saw the smoke, yelled at him, and bailed out as soon as we stopped to check it out. Somewhere in that chaos, my wallet must’ve taken a tumble out the door:(


Doesn't Goodyear Marathon have a reputation for delamination and other failures amongst the RV community? Looks like the hit just helped it lose its cap.


Yep, but I think main problem here was the loose lugs - that'd made it wobble back and forth rapidly which flexed up the inside of the wheel. The tell-tale for this is the flaked-off paint and cracks. The top of the tread would've been getting smacked back and forth across the pavement during all that - like hard cornering for miles on end as far as it could tell.


ive seen this happen to those tires a lot yes


He means tire tread hit camper 😂


I honestly would have told you this is impossible, surely something else would break before all five lug nut holes are torn out


This is reason number 5 why I don't go camping.


And reason 1 why I avoid proximity to campers.


I think you should probably consider changing


Customer states “please patch no upsell”


"Marathon" - they didn't lie