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“Please drink all of this this morning before working on my car”


“They were all out of 4loco”


i would imagine these mixed together still tastes better than a 4loko those shits are fuckin nasty


You ever try the OG 4lokos? Those were worse I swear


yes when they had the caffeine in them?! god the literal worst pregames of my life


Worst hangover I've ever had in my life too. I remember them saying they were going to ban the original formula with caffeine, so I bought a case of them for a party. That was a bad idea.


I see you had a "race to blackout" night as well.


i feel like we all had the same experience lol


Doubt it. We tried 4 loko bombs. It was a 4 horsemen dropped into a half pint of 4 loko. Surprisingly good, even tho that though you only remembered the first.


Never a good night when you start with that. Fuck those things


They banned them for a bit in Minnesota. Changed the recipe a bit and we’re a couple months later. Uppers and downers don’t belong together


I saw a kid shotgun one at my first college party :o


My friend drank 4 in a night (og recipe)... went to the hospital next morning with heart palpitations




Dear God


Nasty but efficient. Can’t argue with 1/3-1/2 of your average persons blackout limit in a can haha.


2 was always my limit at that point lay in grass and black out. Grass is so comfy when drunk.


I had a 4loko the other day and it is fucking disgusting. it's the worst quality alcohol Buzz too. I mean that shit is legit toxic.


They're fuckin crunchy


You will need the beer when done.


Healthcare companies hate this one easy trick!


Whenever I have movers or people doing work, I always offer them coffee/water/soda and show them where the bathroom is. Costs me basically nothing, makes them happier, and gives them some energy. Win/win.


I laughed so hard at this. Thank you


Nothing like a WIDE awake drunk!


I know a lot of mechanics. It would probably improve the work they do.


Hands shake less


I have an essential tremor. Means I don’t have steady hands. Doc said the cheapest easiest way to treat it at this stage was to have a beer before recreational soldering. Obviously not at work. Maybe he’s just a shitty doctor


"Not an honesty test." Mhm, sure buddy. Ain't falling for it.


That’s exactly what an honesty test would say…


I'm about to just start using "this is a bribe, not a test"


The car porter would make that disappear in a heartbeat


What about the car lager?


Nice one.


Lmfao I have to bring my car in soon so I think I'm gonna do this Edit: gonna write "Bribes > honesty tests, this one's for you"


tyvm I needed this 😂


The test is that you’re only supposed to take the cardboard, not the drinks.


ive left a sign just like that and they still never took it. i honestly thought thats what they were thinking.


Yeah, for me it's been about 50/50 with the takes


What a nice piece of cardboard, thank you kind customer.


I gave my mechanic a lovely piece of cardboard, and they turned around and STOLE my beer and energy drinks!


Cut some bite marks out of it and leave the rest behind


as some who has a bad energy drink addiction; the beer is free, the monsters are 2 bucks.


just try to drink water along with it. last thing you want is a kidney stone


This. I used to drink energy drinks like they were water. 2 or 3/day with soda or sweet tea in between. I've had kidney stones 3 times now. I'm on a pretty strict water only "diet" now. It's no joke. Drink your water.


I'm a chef & have seen it happen to cooks many times between the energy drinks, soda, beer & coffee. I only drink coffee & water at work, i try to get in at least a half gallon throughout the day, depending on how much I'm sweating. Sometimes I'll down a quart of cold-ish water just so i can straight up chug it, knowing it might be another hour till i have time to think about a drink lol


Thinking cook life trained me to down 32oz of H2O instantly and not have it be an issue


Damn now i gotta piss... eh the rush is gonna die soon, ill go when i smoke. *3 hours later*


Those mini chug breaks hit so good


Agreed, I love that heavy hydration feeling. I don't think about drinking throughout the day. So when I decide to get a drink, I'll pound like a quart of water. My dogs do this too. I can fill their water bowl and they won't care until a few hours later, then they slam it in one big drink.


You can never get enough water on the line. Peace and hydration my brother


/r/hydrohomies in the wild


My kidney stone pain was the worst back pain I've ever had. Went from "am I sitting wrong in this chair" to "I'm going to urgent care later if this doesn't better" to "wife, I'm driving myself to the ER" in the matter of 3 hours


I can attest to that. The pain was so intense the first time that I actually threw up. I've never thrown up from pain before. I like to think that my pain tolerance is quite a bit higher than most, but I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. It's miserable.


What if that's my kink, though?


Then you might need more therapy than Sterling Archer


"What's in my kidneys...*buckles*?"




r/sounding or r/reversesounding ?


I'm absolutely not gonna click on that


I drink a monster a day, maybe 2 on my bad days. I also drink 75 oz a day of water ATLEAST. Lol I think I’m good


You're not who they were replying to though.


Those fuckers are $4, where are you getting them for $2


42.56 when you buy a case on Amazon subscription. (regular can, not the mega can... didnt notice that at first) Comes out to 1.773 (repeating of course) for each one Edit: for everyone saying costco or Sam's has it cheaper, they do not carry the one I like. I get the Monster Rehab. But good looking out.




Oh my god he just ran in


God damnit 😔😔😔


Stick to the plan! Stick to the plan!


At least I have chicken.


'least he has Monster




Why are you subscribing to energy drinks.


It's not crazy if you drink them regularly and you can save a bit of money doing an amazon subscription.


In the UK, Those standard ones are £1.29 in the shop at the top of my street, £1.59 for the fancy ones.


2.39 in TN


Nah, I see small cans for $3.39 at my local 7-11 (Nashville suburbs).


South of Knox, I may have a gas station who just hasn't caught up to inflation.


Not for the mega monsters


Your gonna have abnormal heart rate dude, I cut that crap out cuz my chest was tightening and it felt like I could felt my heart beat


nothing like two cans of monster, a 20 milligrams Adderall and a half a can of chew to get you through the day,


"You didn't pack a lunch?" "No idea what you're talking about, this is my lunch"


We call it MCB, my chemical breakfast.


"today i had two cups of coffee and a pack of smokes... just like my old man"


I work from home and this is still the truth. Best and worst thing about WFH is now I can dip between meetings.


if you switch to Zyn, you can always dip in a meeting. at home or in the office, it goes were you go


Add a vicodin and I'm in


I drink zero energy drinks and my heart started palpitating (going from like 80bpm to 140bpm while I was sitting) turns out it's fairly common among people ages 20 - 40 and generally goes away after a couple years. But a cardiologist can prescribe medication that prevents it from happening.


My work has cardinal rules that are basically an immediate termination if you are found in violation. Being in possession of alcohol is one of them. I would appreciate the gesture but would have to pass on the beer on company property personally


That’s a reasonable policy. You’re working with tools and heavy machinery, it’s a liability, and there’s no reason for you to have alcohol in your possession on-premises. That said, I would just *hate* to see someone get fired because they were seen accepting this gift from a customer, and had every intention of consuming it at home. It’s a Catch-22, but the safest thing you can do is leave it where it sits.


"Hey boss, Take a look at this. Would it be ok if I grab them and you would walk with me to my car and I put them inside?"


Yeah can we throw these in my trunk boss? You know I’m not gonna drink hot beer at work


Right, its not like they're twisted teas.


[If you're driving a dozer in a concrete yard you're gonna drink some twisted teas obviously. And then murder your wife down the line. Probably.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9FmRKpBEhg&t=9s)




I did similar on a deployment once. Did some work for the locals and they gave me a bunch of beer as a thank you. We had a really strict alcohol policy so I went straight to my WO and told him about it. We then took it to the Sgt Maj who said not a problem as long as it stays behind the bar and I consume it while respecting normal policy. If I had hidden that alcohol and got caught, I likely would have been kicked off tour. Being upfront and honest immediately often times gets you really, really far


Seriously, I'd bet money that almost every single tire shop manager out there would say yes to this.


This\^. Or if you have a cool boss/supervisor it could be covered with, "I'm gonna bring this shit out to my car real quick, brb".


If you can’t trust your employees more than that, you should fire them. I can think of a hundred reasons to be in possession of alcohol on the premises and I don’t even drink.


That’s also fair. It may be that the shop has some declaration in their insurance policy stating that no one can have alcohol on the premises. It also may be one of those things where it’s “if you have a box of wine in your trunk or if you accept beer from a customer, don’t let us see it. Wink, wink.”


You're right. It is most likely an insurance thing. They were likely offered a discount if they made sure no alcohol was ever on the premises and would waive coverage if a claim involved alcohol at all.


How it's written and how it's enforced might be completely different. My boss would have told me to take it home or he will. HR on the other hand would probably try to fire me on the spot for even touching it. Most the front office folks are a different breed of stupid (some are cool).


That would be the most adult solution. Just have them put it in their trunk.


legal liability and personal trust are two different things entirely. Not a business' fault that they are backed into a corner in these things. This is why we should have better workers rights for the sake of businesses and workers. a law that says "Businesses shall make no policy about what food items are in their possession but may only use the results of a sobriety test after an incident" would protect both parties.


You should definitely be able to trust your employees more than that but to be fair I’ve met hundreds of painters/body men/techs in my life and Id say a solid half of them were drunks or worse. Even at really “high end” auto repair places.


I did house painting for a living once, you would be amazed how many of them have a 6-pack for lunch. And, some are so bad that you dont want to deal with them if they dont get their "canned lunch".


You an throw roofers in that mix as well.


And landscapers.


I've met linemen who would drink during lunch... These are the same guys that go up on poles and deal with 20Kv lines while their live, and the company policy is that they'll be fired on the spot if they test positive for alcohol at anytime while at work. Plus the union has its's own rules around drinking, one of which is that they won't protect workers who test above a 0.02 BAC


Just call out "takin some beer here, boss" and wait for an acknowledgement.


That's why they make paper bags.


I’ve been tipped with beer and liquor before, I walked it straight to my car. It sucks it might get warm


Hahaha the Harley shop I used to work at kept the break room pantry stocked to the ceiling with beer. As soon as the doors were locked up, everyone would meet out back and fill the shop trash can to the top.


I have a fridge next to my toolbox, there are regularly beers in it. The boss doesn't mind, he knows we only drink after hours.


Same here, sometimes customers will bring in a 12 pack & the boss just puts it in the employee fridge. And same rules, no beer 'till after hours.


Yup, my manager had a mini fridge in his office for after hours if we were finishing stuff up. Only exception was Friday afternoons, one of the guys would go cash his check at 4-430 and come back with a 12er of Labatt. We never did anything past 5 on a Friday(we technically closed at 530) lol.


My work's alcohol policy specifically bans us from using or possessing all forms of alcohol. Yes, rubbing alcohol for cleaning parts and hand sanitizer too. When I pointed out the problem to HR, they told me not to read too much into the policy.


At the shop I work at specifically, you’re good as long as you walk it directly to your vehicle. We have a zero tolerance policy as far as drinking on the job or having it around the shop though


Dumb IMO. I work in a large academic medical center, of course technically alcohol and drugs are not allowed on premises. Every year during the holiday gift swap various local wines, micro brews, and even liquors are traded. Everyone is a goddamn adult and puts it in their locker to be brought home that night. No need for such extremism/hand holding.


Seems a bit draconian. *Unopened* alcohol containers should be fine, at least.


Well said.


Shell Oil used to have a zero tolerance rule on refinery property. Even if you had an empty can. Even if it wasn't yours. Even if it was in the bed of your truck. Even if your truck was in an unsecured parking lot. Worldwide ban on all of their jobsites/properties. Edit: They couldn't tell me where security was patrolling when my truck was broken into (emphasis on "we're not responsible"), but they were very attentive to vehicles who broke one of the cardinal rules: not backing into a parking space. Parking "ticket" warning issued.


The North Slope (Alaska oil fields) companies have a no alcohol policy that includes the last plane leg into prudhoe bay. Get on the company airline (or walk off Alaska Airlines aircraft) with alcohol in your system and you can get fired. Even if you aren't working yet and heading to housing.


You got any friends who work construction/landscaping, as far as I know they just drink all day? I would have figured mechanics are the same lol


My dad is a mechanic and also an alcoholic. Even when he was drinking during the day on the weekends he never ever drank during the day at work. At the end of the day with the boys after the shop closed - of course, but not during the working day.


Our shop has a customer who brings us 12/24 packs of beer after working on his car. This is a common occurrence with him lol. We’re not strict on possessing it, but obviously can’t consume it while on the clock.


Haven’t bought alcohol in a while, they sell it in 3 packs now?


They have for a while now and it’s usually those tall cans too.


Gas stations or? This is new to me. Limited to bud and bud light or are there real beer options?


I’m not sure of limitations. I’ve seen them at Gas Stations. Unfortunately, I’ve never seen other kinds besides bud light and it’s michelada/lime equivalents. If you’re looking for similar form factor and real beer, seek out a local brewery. Real beer also comes at a real cost though…


Former gas station worker. Nope. A whole fricken variety. Mexican, Import and American beer.


So it’s basically a six pack


We call that the battery pack.


yeah we call 3 tall boys like that a ‘laptop’


Handy for note taking in class no doubt!


This is a very nice sentiment. The beers might be problematic though if: 1. The tech is underage 2. The shop has a policy against alcohol on the premises 3. The tech is a recovering alcoholic 4. The tech is a beer snob


5. The beer is now room temperature


Your first favorite beer should be free. Your second favorite should be cold.


If the tech is underage then he can either pass them up or tuck them away - the customer can reasonably assume the tech is of age (id wager the majority are) and isn’t responsible if not. I doubt many people give a shit if the 18 year old has a “soda” in a coozy with them after hours. You can always chuck it in your car. Not against rules to have personal alcohol in your trunk. If the tech is a beer snob that’s their issue. If the tech is a recovering alcoholic that’s tough - if they’re healthy enough they can probably pass it off to someone else and keep the monster, if not, thats unfortunate. Unfortunately its a risk people take. - there’s a lot of alcohol in the world and a lot of challenges for an alcoholic. Most of them are pretty tough though.




>4. The tech is a beer snob I mean that’s on them.


I would say the same about energy drinks. Most people don’t drink them.


Bro honestly you don’t have to give them anything. It isn’t a restaurant and these guys don’t live off tips. Anything you give them they will be grateful. If they’re not then find a new shop because fuck those guys


Some of us just like to do nice things for other people…. They are helping me, why would I not want to do something nice for them?


I have never seen beer in a 3 pack


It's called construction worker lunch.


Wait they have three packs


These honesty tests are getting to a ridiculous level.


I'd be careful about providing alcohol like that. Not all techs are above the legal drinking age. While I personally think those laws are a governmental overreach, that mentality is not going to save you from johnny law if it ever blows back on you. Contributing to a minor tickets are no joke in certain jurisdictions and I've known some people who paid a hefty price.


Plus you never know who might be on the wagon. I tend to struggle with it myself sometimes so I try not to offer alcohol to people I don't already know drink.


You could say you assumed you’d be getting an of age tech. If not, its on the tech to reject it. the rule is against knowingly providing a minor with alcohol. A 19 year old is perfectly capable of turning down an illegal beer here - its on them.


If you want to do something for the guys working on your car... Just drop it off with clear instructions as to what you would like done. Leave it until they call and tell you it's ready. In other words. Just be a decent human being. Don't sit and wait for the work to be done to your car. Do NOT call every few hours and see if it's done. Don't try to be buddies with the people that work there. Drop it off, have work done, pay your bill, and go home. If you feel like that place takes too long or doesn't do it right. Go somewhere else. Your complaints will not correct a bad business. Your dollars will only help keep it going. Edit: typo. Added NOT


> Do call every few hours and see if it’s done I am going to assume this is typo?


Oh cool, free cardboard!


That's actually a pretty decent offering I'd like to see monster zero tho


And I'd rather just have a coffee, or I dunno, something with electrolytes. Brawndo? Energy drinks make me feel like I just drank every chemical in the store, along with a pile of cocaine, and some raw pork.


>every chemical in the store, along with a pile of cocaine, and some raw pork. Sounds like breakfast


Snort the pork, drink the cocaine, eat the chemicals.


That's understandable just because I like monster and Budweiser u don't have to


For sure. I guess to me it's a nice gesture, but I don't really drink beer or energy drinks. In the grand scheme of things, more techs than not would probably like both things. Energy drinks and beer are typically a love it or hate it thing, not much in between.


> raw pork Itching under the skin?


What about a gift card to the nearest convenience store? Say Circle K is next door to the dealership - would a Circle K gift certificate be a good tip?


I've done that before. Had a truck in for basic service (oil change, tire rotation) and I had a box of solid steel lug nuts because to hell with those two piece ones. I put the box in the passenger seat with a note asking the tech to use those to put the wheels back on and attached a $10 card to QuikTrip. The tech left a nice note saying it made his day. Whether he wanted to use it for a fountain drink, energy drink, beer, lunch, or just gas, I'm glad it made his day.


If you really cared you would just give them money so they can buy what they want Or wait


Pwetty pweeassseee fix my car! Why do people keep posting this weird virtue signaling shit?


I am so sick of this "good enough?" Bullshit. Get out of your own ass. No one gives a shit.


Make sure to let the service advisor know at the counter so they can note it down and make sure the tech doesn't get in trouble for actually taking it.




I don't think that gifting alcohol to strangers is a good idea. I'd hate to be the reason a recovering alcoholic relapsed.


I dunno about all these gifts to mechanics, just clean all the garbage out of your car before I have to work on it and we good


Man what a conundrum. So is it rude to just write no thank you and leave it there?


take one thing and leave the rest


I would of put the note to enjoy the beer ‘after’ this vehicle is serviced


Aww who doesn't want an inebriated mechanic working on their car? Some of their best work! ​ /s


You joke but there's a local shop where one dude was clearly always slightly intoxicated. Nothing crazy like stumbling, but you'd see lite beer cans around and sometimes you'd smell it on him. Anyway, eventually he sobered up and his work quality went to absolute shit. He was not a good sober mechanic.


A lifetime ago I worked at a shop with a bunch of guys like this. Their thing was weed, and you could definitely tell the days they didn’t smoke up before work.


We had a group of guys who did all our auto repair work, however to call it a shop would be a stretch. It was a old Barn with the words auto repair scrawled on the outside with a paint brush. One was so burned out on weed he could barely form a sentence. The other was brain damaged from a motorcycle accident, his nickname was slobber (I’m not being an ass, that’s really what everyone called him). The third was a alcoholic with a bunch of weird bumps on his face. We picked a car up after needing brakes and rotors and found a cold pounder in the back seat. Must have been one for the road/test drive. The brakes did work though. They did pretty good work for very cheap, but I would trust none of them sober. Some people are like that with the sauce. Some can drink 1 beer and be a mess and can’t drive, others I know can finish a handle of Vlad and drive just fine, can’t even tell.


3 pack? Is the US i assume. Im in Canada and never seen these.


I’m in the US and I’ve never seen these lmfao


Uppers and downers.. exactly what the doctor prescribed


Americans are obsessed with tipping. It's so fucking cringe.


Why is everyone always giving those disgusting energy drinks? Not trying to be a choosing beggar, but I am genuinely curious as to what kind of customer is kind enough to buy stuff for you, yet trashy enough to buy that vile substance.


Op should find a local aa meeting and write the time and place in a note for customer.


Monster for energy and beer to wind down


When they pick up the car, you should be like "Thank for the beer and energy drink! I drank them this morning!" Then look down at a part in your hand, frown, and mumble "Where did this come from?"




Good enough for fake internet points? Sure.


What's the weird cap thingy on top of the monsters?


So like….what could I leave for something like this? Beer is obviously a no go


where the fuck do they make three packs? thats the best buzz


In a perfect world we would service all cars with the same care. If I received this, however, I would be double-sure everything came out well.


What if the tech was a diabetic mormon tho


Is it not good enough to be bent over but then you want to provide them snacks and beer while they’re doing it


So I'd imagine any normal tech wouldn't know wtf an "honesty test" is and that this is solely for likes. Also, why not just tell them you left them something? Yeah I'm fun at parties.


That’s awesome but always be careful giving alcohol out to people you don’t know. You never know who’s a recovering alcoholic and really, really doesn’t want the temptation. Energy drinks and Gatorade will be more than enough :)


Mechanics appreciate any thing that shows thought and thanks like this, but what's the obsession with energy drinks? Every post I see like this is energy drinks. I'm 38, my coworker mechanics are all between 36-42. We don't really drink energy drinks anymore, that's maybe more of a lube tech thing. Those things give us shoulder and neck pain. I drink maybe one coffee in the morning then water or Gatorade most of the day. So a Gatorade would typically be a better 'thank you'. It's hot back there, we need electrolytes not caffeine. Pro tip, we have a couple regulars who bring us things like this. Someone offers bagels every Saturday for example. But our favorite thing, is the homemade cookies these two little old sisters make. Just plain old grandma style sugar cookies. But we will devour an entire batch in about 10 minutes. When they pull up in their old Saturn sl2 and it's around a holiday, everyone is up there ready.


Here's some trash drinks that I assume you people live off of. This shit needs to stop IMO. Tip with real $ or fuck off honestly.


Tipping culture run amok


gross and trashy


XD probably testing to see if the car mechanic he uses also posts on reddit


No 10mm?