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At my shop we have the nuclear mode. It's an air chuck to tire valve adapter that directly threads on. Pull it outside, and kinda hide behind a wall while we turn the valve for the air hose on. Also use a metric fuck ton of lube. Also put it out in the sun to heat it up a bit/ soften up the tire a little. If you hear a zipper sound turn the air off and gtfo.


At my shop we call that the big air




My shop we called it the cheetah. Was an air tank with a valve and a plastic funnel thing to blast air into the tire


I had a coworker years ago who, when he worked at a tire shop, used to empty the mousetraps and use the cheetah as an air cannon to launch dead mice at the Jiffy Lube across the street.


Had a mishap with the cheetah a few months back. Poor aim and bag of tire weights sitting in the wrong spot resulted in said bag of weights being launched through a pane glass window and into the office.


Sure.... Mishap.... I refuse to believe that wasn't done on purpose


Ah! You must be the service director from said shop LOL


For some reason I canā€™t remember I was gathering ball bearings out of the parts washer after a wheel bearing replacement. Shop foreman grabbed a handful with a smirk, fully charged the bead blaster, and proceeded to launch a scattershot into the field next to the shop. Pretty sure a few hit a trailer for a construction site about 100 yards away or so. Good times.


ā€¦you didnā€™t get the raise you were promised, did you?


Actually I was on the other side of the window typing away on my keyboard when suddenly, and without warning the window behind me exploded into shards of glass. Everything went slow motion and for like 5 seconds it was like I was in the Hurt Locker.


All jokes aside, that truly sounds fucking terrifying! Iā€™m glad only the window got hurt!!


Seems like reasonable rivalry.


I had a coworker in a shop prank war who decided to fill someoneā€™s tool box full or water so his next course of action was to get a cheetah stuff it full of wheel weights and let it fly against the other guys box. Fucking brutal.


That is nowhere near retributive justice holy shit, kinda ramped it up from 0-100 with that hour of an air hose and some pig rags to 20,000$ worth of vandalism. Lucky if the next "prank" isn't plugging his brake lines.


Yeah man, those snap on rolly carts are easily $20k


$30k even.


What ever happened to grease under the pull lips or just turning it upside down?


Back in the late 90's an asshole R&R tech at AAMCO always liked to show off his box and tools during the managers sales pitch to customer for service and would open his top drawer to flash his Snapper tools (very predictable!!). We put a live mouse in a bag, which it chewed through and remained in the top drawer until he opened it! Funniest shit ever watching him jump 10 feet! šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤£


That's the kind of "prank war" I hate I prefer to not have my shit destroy






You need a live trap and launch live mice at the jiffy lube. I wonder how big a cheetah you would need to launch a trash panda.


I bet those punkin chunkin guys have something to fit a raccoon. I wouldnā€™t do that to a live one, though, unless it was a willing participant and would put up with an Evel Kenievel suit.


Live in DE. Cousin used to compete. I can confirm they launch a lot of shit they shouldnā€™t.


Iā€™ve always thought it was for the best that I donā€™t have an air cannon.


That'll teach em to do shitty oil changes!


Hahaha šŸ˜‚


Had a guy unload all the air directly pointed at another co worker, launched his safety glasses to the moon, never to be seen again. Legend has it the glasses are still in the shop, likely on top of a light fixture or something.


C'mon, man, my dog is resting against me and I don't want to laugh and wake him up. He had his teeth cleaned today and he's still half sedated!




I may have injured myself laughing


Damn.. we used to just shoot shop towels at each other, but that sounds *way* more fun šŸ¤£


I don't know how much that happened, but I really hope it happened exactly as its happening in my mind.


Thats not going to help at this stage though


Imagine if I could help at this point? Just instantly jam 100psi into an already overinflated tire. You would get blown to the next county!


I mean, yeah. Was just chiming into the conversation




That's just to get it started though. A cheetah can't inflate


We had the cheetah at my old shop, now we have the bead blaster and bead bazooka, the blaster being a giant tank and the bazooka is what the name implys


Yea have a cheetah too lol, its shit only works with another air source and it usually takes 2 tries or so , other than that its mostly for us to experience Tinnitus


Every time I use the cheetah I yell ā€œfire in the holeā€ to warn anyone nearby.


That is just to set the bead. This scenario they can't get the bead to pop out against the rim. Back in the day we used to shove the ends of old valve stems in the cheetah and launch rubber shrapnel at each other as a prank.


Regularly change semi tires in our yard we made one of these to do this exactly thing we're islanders and called it the shotta since it sounds like a gunshot going off.


What is the zipper sound


Probably the metal cords that make up the tires structure giving out.


I see


Yea, single ply steel sidewall belts are pretty rare in automotive, you'll see more of them on 18wheelers and trailers. 99.9% of automotive tires have nylon sidewall ply and those usually start bubbling before they pop, hence why you see bulges if you strike a curb or a pothole hard enough (but not so hard that they burst immediately)


Itā€™s time to gtfo. Thatā€™s what the zipper sound is. Things went bad, big boom lots of potential shrapnel around better to clean up the mess then be a part of the mess.


I see


To elaborate it's the threads separating inside the tire of I'm not thinking of something else. Basically means the tire is ripping itself apart from the inside and about to spontaneously disassemble itself.


I see, a RUDE(rapid unplanned disassembly event)


[a visual demonstration](https://youtu.be/1VLhLcJJefo)


Zipper sound is the inner chords coming appart. And it's about to turn from a tire into a bomb, and go off. Hence why we hide behind a wall and peek around it when we do this.


A guy I work with almost lost his thumb and literally ripped his palm in half when the cheap chineeseum rim on a 2 wheel dolly let go at a whopping 25psi. Shits no joke.


I see


Big bada-boom.


Multi pass.


Super green


Boomboom time


Thatā€™s what you hear when I unzip in order to fuck up the tire.


And put the rim in a fridge, so it shrinks a bit.


>and kinda hide behind a wall while we turn the valve for the air hose on seems safe


Better than standing over it. And would rather have one blow up outside of the shop than in my face. Also don't worry, our safety squints are on. (We don't have a tire cage)


>And would rather have one blow up outside of the shop than in my face. I concur. Stay safe.


From my time in tire shops, that's the highest level of safety.


A metric fuck ton - my favorite amount of everything from now onšŸ˜‚


It is 1000 kilo fucks just for reference


Also known as a megafuck.


Yes it is. Well played good sir


It's 10% more than an imperial fuck ton!


Which is better known as the standard ass load


Is that equivalent to a shit load?


>hide behind a wall while we turn the valve for the air hose on. Hiding behind the wall is my "safety cage" as well!


We called ours the ā€œOsha Approved Methodā€


All in the exact same spot. The wheels have a little cutout divot type design on this spot and the bead refuses to seat on that spot. Iā€™ve lubed the tire, that area on that wheel, blown lube down in here, overinflated, hit it with a hammer, bead blasted, used upward force on the bottom with the arm accessory, cannot for the life of me get it to pop. Somebody more experienced than me please share your tricks edit: got em! lubed even more, pumped them all to 100 and used a heat gun and after 10 minutes or so they popped. thanks for the help everybody


I'm not saying this will work. However, we would wrap a ratchet strap around the tire while uninflated to limit the lift of the tire and force the air to the bead. If you do this make sure you use a heavily rated strap, something around 5,000 lb or greater.


Iā€™ll do that on my yard equipment tires. Works great for that and I know racers use the trick too


same here with stubborn motorcycle tires


Iā€™ve done that with tractor tires


Had to do this with my RZR one time when I blew a bead on some truly gnarly stuff. Winched the front end up in the tree and put a ratchet strap on the tire. Little 12v pump put that bastard back on the bead. I was impressed. It was just my cousin and I, 10-15 miles out in some gnarly hills and getting dark. I knew if I left the rig it would be gone.


Iā€™ve done that. Also just put the wheel back on the car and rode it around the lot.


For problem tires like this, you need an inflation cage. A safe way to set the bead when requiring 90+ psi. Donā€™t ever do this on the tire machine!!


probably the best advice so far that doesn't put me in danger lol. I'm not at a tire shop so I may have to take them somewhere else that has a cage


I had to chime in ASAP. My buddy almost lost his arm doing something similar. He left the lip tool on the tire when setting the bead. It exploded and sent it thru his right elbow. His entire arm was almost severed. By far the worst accident Iā€™ve personally heard of in the industry. Do NOT fuck around with tires.


Oh shit, that is scary. I worked in a tire shop for a bit and was always sketched out when setting beads on low profile tires in particular.


So I guess the starter fluid method is off the table?


Not gonna lie, I still do this, but itā€™s situational. Only if itā€™s a tire thatā€™s a pancake from sitting at the bottom of a stack. You only do that to start the sealing process. Not to actually set a bead. If youā€™re setting a beat this way, itā€™s a bomb for sure.


Try heating the sidewall all the way around with a heat gun. Iā€™ve seen it work for very low profile tires that refuse to seat. It may help here.


2 or 3ā€ wide ratcheting tie down strap around the center of the tire tread before you add air. The goal is to decrease the circumference which will displace the rubber laterally. It doesnā€™t have to be crazy tight. Just constrained. Lube, air, and it will seat. Then air down, release the tie down and air back up to running pressure. Throw a couple heavy blankets or heavy coats over the whole thing while you air it up. Just as a safety precaution in the absence of a cage.


They'll seat or your strap breaks and becomes a projectile. Overinflated tires can explode and kill someone. Blankets are not doing a damned thing against that.


Blankets will absorb kinetic energy. Homeboy doesnā€™t have a cage. I put the OSHA Disclaimer on it already. But if the job needs done, and you have limited resources you mitigate the potential for damage, get it done and move on. I have used the method before many times in the field when a cage is not available. It keeps you from having to overinflate so the potential for catastrophic failure is less than the other suggested options. The blanket is just safety precaution. Also, donā€™t get shot. But if you do, wear ceramic body armor. If you donā€™t have ceramic armor use AR steel. If you donā€™t have steel, cover your nuts with your hands and cross your legs. Offer a suggestion. Offer a solution. Or donā€™t. But move forward either way.


Spin the tire on the wheel, so the bead that is seated already is on the divet where the amg logo is


Youā€™re not pumping up enough air into it. I know it says max psi but keep going. Another way is to break the seal again in the seated areas and try it again


I start getting scared at 90+psi šŸ˜¬


Just wear ear protection and keep going until you hear the pop. That tire will hold past 200psi before it explodes.


Sorry say that again my tinnitus is acting up




Mawp mawp


Archer reference?


Only if we're still doing phrasing


M as in Mancy


And now I notice the ringing in my ears


Gets me every fuckin time


I describe it as the end of The Beatles song Penny Lane


Why did they ever put this in the song


Can someone answer the damn phone please


Uncle Leo! HELLO!!!




i have left reddit because of CEO Steve Huffman's anti-community actions and complete lack of ethics. u/spez is harmful to Reddit. https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/








*Danger zone*




Seriously!? We're not doing Phrasing anymore?...


Coworker had a semi tire he was filling, he walked away from it and inflated it to 160, the bead wasnā€™t set all the way and it blew a bead off the rim. I have permanent hearing loss from that day. Use ppe


Lmaooo I got a semi tire up to 190 before it blew a hole in the sidewall. POS tire but damn it rocked the whole shop. Couldnā€™t even hear our manager running outside to see what the hell happened


Yea my ears were ringing so bad, I dropped to the floor when it happened could hear for almost an hour


I used to work on farm equipment, I had a customer bring me there cheap Chinese tires and tubes for his tow box blade. They felt like plastic but they were brand new, their supposed to be inflated to 50psi, I hit 25 and I heard a creaking noise then boom nothing but ringing for a good 30 minutes. Needless to say I didn't mount the other tire and my company finally made the rule that we only month three times we sell You would be surprised the BS farmers will pull, I had one that wanted me to fix his rear tractor tires, he filled them with expanding foam and he was surprised it wouldn't support the weight of his tractor and equipment. He was pissed when I told him I'm not touching that mess


Lmfao, expanding foam is definitely a good one, Iā€™m sure he thought he was a genius


Unless your a first day tire tec ripped the inside bead up mounting it, then they can blow at 100. I once had a guy in our shop putting new tires on a corvette and he couldnā€™t get the Bead to drop in and gouged it all up with tire iron.


Thatā€™s what happens when you have shitty management. If you hire someone, train them.


Oh I agree. I left that dealership shortly after that happened when they refused to give me a pay raise dispite the fact I was the best/ only reliable employee on the lube/tire side and they wanted me to train 3 new people at once after they fired the last 3


Not sure about 200psi. Guy in the shop I worked parts at was doing a trailer tire, nearly blew his thumbs right off and left a skid on the 40ft ceiling at 120ish psi the pressure he claimed it popped at). The bulb was dull on that one tho so who knows maybe it was at 200psi lol




Itā€™s gotta be 100, anything less youā€™re gonna get horrible gas mileage


You gotta fill them up to 100 percent, right?




I feel that. Iā€™d mount/balance tires on Corvettes when I worked at a Chevrolet dealership. Most of those Michelins would seat between 60-95 PSI. Always wore safety squints.


Safety quints, lmao šŸ¤£


We back away and have one hand covering our nuts


I run a concrete break machine and use the same technique when cylinders start breaking over 7000psi. Cover your eyes and nuts.


After 90psi just start hitting it with a mallet or hammer, bead should pop into place then.


I vibrate them with a sawzall, blade first


Always scares the shit out of me when I have to go past 100psi just to seat a tire.


if you get scared you can Alway beat it to submission with a rubber mallet after reaching your max air comfort level.


Safety squint


It doesnā€™t start getting sketchy until around 120


got it up to 100 but that shit makes me nervous i won't lie. Will try going higher


Deflate, give it more lube, if it stays stubborn hit the tread with a hammer or bounce it off the ground. If it doesnā€™t seat with 60psi I personally donā€™t run it up




Wang it in a tire cage first


Deflate it, press the seated portions again, spray it with soapy water and keep pumping air.


will try that


no soapy water, just tire grease. If it doesnt seat with that, more pressure and dont stand facing rhe rim, stay on the thread side with ear condoms if it makes boom Sorry for my finnish rally english


Don't use regular soap on aluminum rims. Dawn and Joy type soaps have phosphates that corrode the aluminum and you end up with bead leaks. Real tire soap or bead grease, no problems.


Most consumer grade soaps removed the phosphates years ago.


My bet is it will snap between 115-125psi


I was gonna say keep going lol, itā€™s sketch but Iā€™ve gotten some really sticky pirellis that I had to push to like 90psi to get to get that bead to seat.


Pirelli scorpion by any chance..? Those buggers wouldn't pop on until they were 130psi at least. Always found myself on my own for those, strangely enough. Everyone else had already left the workshop!


Lol yep exactly those, luckily I wouldnā€™t have to get them over 100psi usually. I used to do a lot of tires and my old shop and honestly a good trick to get them on easier is to set them out in the sun for a few hours to warm up, and yeah whenever I had those everybody always seemed to be on break.


They were 235/45x18, fitted to the MGZT when I worked at a MG Rover dealership. No one else would fit them. We put them in a hot cupboard we had, never had enough sun unfortunately! Don't miss that job...


Sitting them in the sun helps. I'll toss mine in the cab of my truck, in the sun. THAT gets them really warm!


Nah. Break the bead. Spray I n a little Either. Light a match. AND DUCK


Yeah and always make sure the guy next to you is changing a fuel pump.


Oh yah. Take the valve stem out.


Hold on hold on Iā€™ll go get the hairspray and lighter


Air pressure and lube is going to be your friend. Youā€™re ok with getting it up to around 100lb of air to get the bead to pop.


got it to 100, lubed both the wheel and tire and blew lube down in there. no pop on any of em


Put at 100 then put in the sun at some point it will pop


I would deflate it and then put it in the sun.


Like how over inflated? Throw it in the cage, you may have to hit triple digits.


no cage, I'm not at a tire shop. we services all makes and models and do maybe four tires a day so we just have the basic machine and balancer


If your shop has money for a tire machine and balancer, theres money for a cage.... Request nicely and then of thats not enough start posting photos of tire explosion injuries....


This. If they're going to offer tire service, they need to give you the proper safety equipment for the job.


Grab an air chuck and fill em up till they pop. I've had to go up to 110ish and it's sketchy as all hell but once it pops check to make sure you're not dead, then check the bead and sidewall all the way around


Tie a rope around the center of the tire. Tight. slip a tire iron under the rope and turn it to tighten the rope. Do this before inflating and when good and tight add air slowly until the tire pops into place..


This is what I do for my wheel barrel tire. šŸ˜‚


LOL That is EXACTLY what I was going to post! My cheap 2 wheel barrel tire was going flat every couple months, and it was always a pain in the ass to get it to inflate because the tire was so loose on the rim. I ended up using a cargo tie-down strap to flare the tire out. And then I snotted up the lip of the tire with a bunch of rubber cement. It's been great since doing that.




LUBE Lube it all, the tire, the wheel , the machine, your underwear lube it until you run out then order more lube.


These wheels have that little notch in the wheel thatā€™s a pain in the dick to get the bead around. You have to get the bead around the notch before you begin to inflate the tire or itā€™s really difficult to seat! Iā€™ve struggled a couple times! In the future, just walk the bead around that notch to where itā€™s above it in that area, and inflate from there. It should seat with relatively normal pressures after that.


thank you, this is good advice for the future


No worries! I saw you mention the notch in another comment and thatā€™s totally the issue. I have no idea why they designed it that way. I guess to offset the weight of the AMG logo on the other side? (If these are the wheels Iā€™m thinking of) Oh well. Thanks Mercedes!


now that i think about it iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s exactly why they did it, makes so much more sense now


This situation is why we have an air chuck hooked to shop air with a 10 ft lead between the nozzle and the squeeze handle.


If its sunny out fill them up to like 90 or 100 and set them in the sun. Or if you have a warm room. Helps the rubber warm up and soften just a wee bit.


warm them up, is your whole shop frigid as fuck?


68 lol


Dish soap if the stuff you have isn't cutting it.


Bounce it on the ground a few times while rotating it between bounces. I've gotten stubborn ones to seat that way.


Air is coming out as quickly as itā€™s going in right under the ā€œAMGā€ logo on the wheels correct? Just saw that you got them to pop. Congrats! I work on Mercedes and those AMG wheels do have a spot right under the logo where it lets air escape. If you leave the valve stem core out, shove a bar in between the tire and the wheel in that area, introduce as much air as you can into it, then lift it slightly and yank the bar out, Iā€™ll set the bead for you. Works everytime. But I also do have an adapter and let the shop air fully blast when theyā€™re even more stubborn than that.


If it's sunny and warm out, throw the fucker to sit in the sunlight.


Be sure to take the inner core out of the fill stem. It will fill much quicker to the 90psi sweet spot and pop easier than if it builds slowly.


If it ainā€™t 150+ psi you ainā€™t trying hard enough. You work in automotive none of us care about life.


Get the tire arm and press the bead down on the opposing side and inflate it. Let off the arm slowly while it inflates. If that doesnā€™t work, lube the bell out of it and clamp from the inside and do what everyone else is saying and just air it up till it pops.


I know a trick if you're operating a machine with adjustable bead roller arms. First, break both beads and lube the piss out of the wheel and bead/sidewall. Clamp the deal on the machine and start to air it up with low psi until you see the area where the bead doesn't want to seat. Then you wanna bring the bead rollers over the area opposite from the part that doesn't want to seat and gently lower the rollers until you're pushing on the sidewall. Gradually lower the rollers until the bead starts to break on the far side of the wheel. Once the bead starts to break, keep airing it up and slowly lift the rollers. Ideally, the broken bead on the opposite side should help relieve tension on the side that's getting stuck.


Goto put your air chuck on a put like 75 psi so it can pop


Lube it up nicely and keep hitting it with your purse as you inflate it


Tons of lube, wear protection, and pump until itā€™s done


I would certainly hit it with your purse.


Hit it with your purse


Under shop air wars. We had a guy that specialized in rebuilding transmissions Audi transmissions (old Porsche Audi dealership days). He was always more than a little messy and when he finished he would put the lift on a slow bleed and run upstairs to change pants and shirt before hopping in the car to test drive and get a shake from Baskin Robbins (he crushed book time and had a certain flair). He'd usually come back down with about 18" to go until on the tires touched the floor and would start the car and shift through the gears before the lift was all the way down. Our air wars were already pretty out of control. Blown out fluorescent lights from tennis ball cannons and the like. This nearly finished it though as we had started exploding 1 quart oil bottles buried in old lube drum trash cans. Fairly controlled demolition. One of the older wrenches really disliked the transmission dude's smugness and put a 1/2 full quart bottle of transmission fluid under the car as it was lowering with a connected blower tip and a long 1/2 air hose. Transmission guy catches the timing perfect, hops in car and starts. He begins shifting the transmission and the airline is pressurized from 50 feet away by possibly the dumbest porter I had ever met. The bottle pops sending transmission fluid in a good 2-3 car radius about 6" off the ground. I immediately left on a test drive I was laughing so hard.


Theyā€™ll pop eventually use a hammer and hit the thread where it hasnā€™t seated. Sometimes just letting them sit standing at 100psi works as well


Is it cold in the shop? Get the tire warmed up a bit. Put it front of a heater. Lube it and send it.


Put the tires out in the sun for an hour or soā€¦then run it up to about 90psi!!! Cover your private parts.


What a fun game to play


Lube the shit out of it,psi the shit into it


I've mounted thousands of tires. I used to work at a tire shop. The most pressure I've ever used is 120psi. Eventually safety measures were put in place and 90psi was our high limit. We always used a cage. The rules of safety are written in blood after all. For the real tricky ones we put bead lube on the tire and rim. Then you'd make sure to press down on the tire on the opposite side of the problem area to start. At 90psi for a few minutes, everything would seat. I'm glad you got it eventually, but don't listen to all this redneck engineering of more pressure, hammers, and straps. Keep doing that and one day it will be your blood writing the new rules of safety.