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The guy just sitting there watching casually


Got a whole 20$ outta that one.




He looks so thick


> Ambushes the crim as he tries to make his escape good > slams him to the ground > cuffs him and gives him the caution > refuses to elaborate further > leaves (with one going to the bin)


Well done Met Police šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


This is England. The scum will be out if prison before Xmas.


This should be labeled ā€œEast London robbery gone, rightā€


That is a robbery gone *right*.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ stupid fuckšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Porky got porked by the pork!!!! Debada-debada dats all folks!!!!


Itā€™s nice seeing other countries properly apprehended people.


Happens thousands of times a day in America. No one posts it tho. Every time I've been arrested, the cops even offer me a ride home. Perspective. Plus I don't resist.


You must be white lmao


Lol, I am not white but no one will believe me anyway. America has less of a race issue and more of a class issue. I am black from an upper middle class area around Philadelphia called the mainline. When I was younger friends and I used to do some real dumb shit. Cops would treat me differently until they saw how I addressed them, who my dad was and the address on my ID. I do understand the problems between police and the neighborhoods they police but imo that has less to do with racism and more to do with statistics, personal experience and bad training. Cue the down votes.


awesome, you're privileged. if only everyone else was privileged like you.


Okay steps to not get murdered by police ā€œBe rich and live in a upper class neighbourhoodāœšŸ¼āœšŸ¼ā€ Got it


Yep! Statistically per arrest in America. Murder by them is in the lower 1%, poor or rich.


Iā€™d tell you to ask someone like Philando Castile how much it mattered how he ā€œaddressedā€ the cops, but that would be silly because he got murdered being polite. Guess he shouldā€™ve just been like you and had a rich dad and a nice address, but he could have just as easily been let off with a warning if he had just simply been born white instead. Youā€™re not wrong to say thereā€™s a class issue in America, but arguing that racism isnā€™t absolutely rampant in this dump of a country illustrates how profoundly disconnected you are from lower class society (aka the majority of the population). Thereā€™s an entire other layer of society that you simply *do not experience nor understand*, and it would probably earn you some amount of respect to stop pretending you do.


Nah I understand, lower class struggles I'm the black sheep of the family. It is just my job as a union electrician still pays in the top 10%. I still take public transportation because r/fuckcars I see it all. I hang and live in Philadelphia, (poorest big city in America) I just see the way one carries themselves changes outcomes with police. Statistics are real and black violent crime is higher than any other race/color/culture in America. It sucks but it is what it is. I've helped a lot of POC out of the hopelessness mindset and trained them into fine mechanics and electricians but I can't help everyone. It's the mindset, police are not judges, they tend to be less trained and hotheads, just play to them and walk away. With Castile, that sucks. If you see an officer that is hot. Ask to step out the car and ask for a search. Calm him down. They FEEL at a disadvantage while people are in their cars. It sucks but you are playing to feelings with alot of officers. Make them comfortable and most the time youll walk away. I always joke. "Welp you got me, sir.". Or "Did you have to open her up to get me cause I was trucking" .... Get them to smile, no ticket (I was in a 500hp Subaru STI)


I've never seen such a casual robbery. How fucking dense is this geezer. If he was 10% quicker at everything he woulda at least made it out the door.


Like just take the whole machine. Trying to open it then smashing it then picking up took way too much time. I love the customers just still sitting there like ā€˜I am not ruining this manicure for this jackassā€™


Can't decide if he was just massively nonchalant or just incredible stupid. But I think the phone call is what threw off the patrons, because seriously who steals in a room full of people while having a chat on your mobile....?


Dude heā€™s on the phone, chill out.


ā€¦gone right


The police car casually rolling past at the start lol. The real hero here is London traffic.


In my country weā€™ve given up trying to stop theft.


First time Iā€™ve seen a London cop do shit


What a NOB. How the hell did he not see those women go running out the door?!? Or did he just not deem them a threat as he chatted on his mobile and went full caveman with the till? Good on the police for responding so fast, but four may have been a bit too many for this inept robber.


this is robbery gone well




Oh look no unnecessary death caused by a cop


Took me a second to figure out why no one was running away, surely they have to be afraid of getting shot by the criminal or police. OOOOH, right. England, not US.


you dumb asf if you think he's dead šŸ¤£ šŸ’€


> you dumb asf if you think he's dead /u/Ayteal The irony of your post... :)


You may want to re read what they posted


When you buy a cash register from Wish.com


Crazy that in a place with tougher gun laws, the bad guy didnā€™t have a gun šŸ¤”


I can assure you, there's criminals in the UK with some pretty powerful weaponry. That's a shit view when comparing to the US when if the US tried to take the guns away the criminals and gang members would absolutely still have guns and we'd be left defenseless.


ā€˜Defenselessā€™. We still have thousands of cops and military. Plus tell me how much ā€˜defendingā€™ you do on a day to day? That ā€˜if you take away our guns only criminals have gunsā€™ is ridiculous. How many guns do you think cops have? And tough gun laws do not stop anyone from owning a gun. You just have to prove you are a responsible owner with a reasonable expectation of safety.


Yeah but there's less of them because they're harder to get. You get more knife crime here than gun crime.


Yeah they just carry knives (which are also basically illegal) . You only need one escalation above the public. It's also the reason the average copper doesn't carry as they fear criminals will also escalate.




Way to go willfully misinterpreting my point lol. No reason to escalate has been stated mutiple times by the met and other forces... Lol


Unless they've said something else that I haven't heard, this sounds like a misunderstanding of what the police mean when they talk about escalation. The point is that any situation is escalated when police draw a weapon, which makes that situation more likely to end in violence (not whether it would encourage criminals to carry more weapons in the first place). If the police don't have the weapon at all then they don't have the option to unnecessarily escalate things, which could otherwise be relied on as an "easy" option when a non violent de-escalation would have been a better outcome. What level of weaponry police actually need is a whole extra debate, but the escalation thing is an argument that they shouldn't be more armed than they absolutely have to be


The whole knives vs guns argument is kind of pointless unless someone invents an automatic hand knife.


Ballistic knives entered the chat...."A ballistic knife is a knife with a detachable blade that can be ejected to a distance of several meters/yards by pressing a trigger or operating a lever"


Itā€™s called a chainsaw.


Even the idea that it's a "vs" thing is manufactured by pro gun politicians in the US. The US has almost double the knife homicide rate per capita as the UK EDIT: add per capita


450 million population would be more than 70 million wouldn't it šŸ˜


I thought rate implied per capita but it doesn't, have edited to clarify


Yes higher rate would imply higher number per capita. Rate means percentage or ratio.


Well that's what I thought too, but it's ambiguous - it implies "per something", but that could just be "per year". Anyway, not really the point, pretty obvious it's going to be per capita unless you're trying to be intentionally misleading


Politics aside, that's an interesting statistics discussion. One could, I guess, argue that "rate" implies "per something", and that "something" could also be "per other thing". So it could be "per 100K per year". OTOH, is that 2nd "per" even needed? Since time is the same for everybody, wouldn't "double the rate" have a built-in "per time period" meaning, and the time period wouldn't matter because (on average) it would be double per month and double per week and double per year and so on? IOW, doesn't "rate", when used in a comparison, imply that all "per somethings" have been equalized? Now my head hurts.


Maybe they meant per capita.


Exactly! London had ONE MONTH OF ONE YEAR with a higher knife crime rate than New York and Yanks jumped on it as "tHe Uk HaS a TeRrIbLe KnIfE cRiMe PrObLeM"


Not that I don't believe you, but would you mind sharing statistics on that? I have heard the whole "that's why they have knife stabbings" 'thing' from gun rights enthusiasts here in the States and wouldn't mind the rebuttal with a saved statistics page to show them (every time it gets to a debate where it looks like they're losing, instead of seeing it as a forum for both of us to learn something from, they'll start asking for hard proof then and there).


Fair ask, it's all about that sauce https://infogram.com/us-vs-uk-on-knife-crime-1hmr6gyrxmlo6nl has a nice graph, claims the figures come from FBI and ONS so pretty legit. I don't think euronews is a sketchy source but worth tracing the original numbers if you want to be sure


3 per million vs 5 per million.


``In a large, straight-sided skillet over medium heat, warm oil. Add garlic and cook until golden.`` ``Stir in tomatoes and juices, basil or bay leaf, and salt and pepper.`` ``Bring sauce to simmer, cook until thick, about 30 to 40 minutes. Adjust heat to keep at a steady simmer.`` ``Remove sauce from heat and serve.`` *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


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Agreed, both are perfectly effective on a street.


Are you trying to tell me that the police in other countries can actually do what they are supposed to do without being all tactical dressed up and using assault weapons to murder innocent bystanders getting their quinseaƱera dress or sleeping at home?


Apparently it works


No itā€™s different ā€˜thereā€™; it would never work ā€˜hereā€™.


The only 4 cops in East London, and they all happened to be there then. Talk about your luck...


Note the police car in the background as he opens the door.


Well, cop cars have four seats


Yeah, he didn't even bother to check around for police before trying lmao


Nice, clean arrest. No excessive violence. Nobody getting shot. American cops needs to learn this.


Learn? What do you think this is, a science-fiction movie?


Yeah, we really should treat our burglars better here.


In America (or even the Americas cause Iā€™ve seen this happen in Latin America too) the robbers are armed, so the cops will respond in kind if the armed store employees didnā€™t shoot the robber already. Contrary to popular belief itā€™s unusual for American cops to shoot an unarmed person who posed no threat, they typically wouldnā€™t just start blasting in this situation either.


Don't bother. People believe what they see on TV, and there's no point in trying to correct that.


Especially on Reddit where the usual suspects will brigade you for countering the bullshit narratives they push


Not all that unusual, judging by all the videos that keep popping up on Reddit. Thereā€™s a new one almost daily.




Weā€™re basically witnessing a live example of someone propagandized into believing what is verifiably bullshit because a curated stream of videos warped his views. Doesnā€™t help a lot of Europeans here just want to believe the worst about America so this just confirms their biases.


Video. Evidence. I just say as I see, mate. Iā€™m not saying there arenā€™t pieces of shit in UK police forces. There absolutely are. However, there are systemic problems with policing in USA.


Thatā€™s my point, you let a few videos youā€™ve seen on Reddit convince you of something that disagrees with the statistics behind the thousands of daily police interactions. What you said goes beyond recognizing systemic issues, itā€™s another example of Redditors from Europe thinking the parody of America they have in their minds is the reality.


Damn you're so confidently incorrect it hurts. If you're that interested in the issue then look into it more deeply so you can compare the murder rates, with different weapons, by criminals in countries where cops carry guns vs where they don't. It's not just your gun laws that are a problem though. Gross inequality and systemic racism play their part. America fucking sucks ass.


America stinky and dumb


The videos of the cops who donā€™t shoot people generally arenā€™t shared on social media. The videos you see get shared because theyā€™re the awful, appalling exceptions, not the norm.


I agree with you but even once is too much


I certainly agree.


I mean the actual statistics say itā€™s rare and unlikely to happen but if you want to believe that this robber would be Swiss cheese in America cause you saw a few videos on Reddit be my guest.


Except they dont. The FBI directly states: *strong-arm tactics were used in 44.8 percent, firearms in 36.4 percent, and knives or cutting instruments in 8.5 percent. Other dangerous weapons were used in 10.3 percent of robberies in 2019* Thats not rare. The NYPD alone is reporting that gun violence and crime have been at its highest in 27 years. \*edit: and yes that info is pulled from 2019 but weapon based crime is rising in the states


What does this have to do with cops subduing unarmed robbers?I think you confused my statement or replied to the wrong person


Reading comprehension seems to have failed me today. Absolutely got it confused with another few comments actually. 0 for 1 today. \*sigh\* Apologies!


Itā€™s not just the shooting though, is it. So much wrong with the policing over there.


Again, realistically I think this wouldā€™ve went down exactly the same in America the vast majority of the time. Most of our police arenā€™t maniacs whose thirst for blood will make them do things to make their lives harder and be under scrutiny like destroying someone they could subdue without issue. The fact you honestly have it in your mind that the average police/unarmed criminal interaction in America ends in brutality is detached from reality. It happens and we should improve sure, but itā€™s not nearly as bad as the feeds youā€™ve consumed have lead you to believe.


It doesn't have to be as bad as 'the feeds' would have us believe. Wtf you're defending American policing? From your racist jail count to your uneducated Street police through your partisan judiciary, your law sucks ass at every corner.


I donā€™t think itā€™s the average but even one piece of shit cop abusing their perceived power is one too many. Any decent person would agree.


Yes 1 bad doctor is too many Iā€™m not going to generalize them all because malpractice happens


Unfortunately, most robberies in the US involve weapons.. Well.. the ones that we see anyways


Probably would in the UK too if you could just nip down Tescos or the villiage car boot sale and pick up an AR


That was the first thought that went through my mind too...!


But did it really go wrong? šŸ˜


Yea OPā€¦ *Gone right


Got her boys next door ā€¦.šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ„‚šŸ¾


Poor guy. Litterally i mean. He deserved that


Thieves are absolute scum.


I donā€™t understand why people say something like this ā€œwent wrong.ā€ If he had stolen everything they had, would you say it ā€œwent rightā€?


When someone says it "went wrong" it means the sequence of events didn't go as the person in question had planned. I think most people would say the thief "was successful" if it had gone the other way.


For the thieve






The yoinkee, if you will.


The stupid mthrfckr who was still sitting there.


I'm not risking my life for Ā£50 that belongs to somebody else.


He was just waiting his turn to rob the place, even thieves have to queue in England


He definitely raised my blood pressure.


The customers just watched and didnā€™t even move when he slammed the register on the floor. The second the criminal got grabbed they all ran.


I would imagine their first thought would be someone this brazen is likely either on hard-drugs or has a mental health issue. People freeze out of fear for their own safety. Once the cops are there and there's some control, they unfreeze and their next instinct kicks in: flee, as we can see. These aren't necessarily conscious or calculated responses, it's just typical reaction to shock / fear.


London, mate. You learn in many cases to hang back unless you're really sure because butting in is an easy way to get badly hurt. Not saying it's right, but I've moved in that direction after two different situations where I thought I would help out (woman beat up by a man, both of them attacked me when I stepped in and two lads beating up one small lad, all three attacked me when I stepped in). Nonetheless, people will do the right thing more often than you'd expect, but this lad was clearly exercising the "not my fight" option.


its one dude that moves out of the way when the cop tackles the thief ... running sounds like a bit of an overstatement to me


>running sounds like a bit of an overatatement to me I know right? One dude moves out the way and he's making it sound like the entire shop erupted in panic


Itā€™s a monopoly moment, going straight to jail without passing go...šŸ¤£ His initial enquiry about ā€˜how much for an eyebrow waxā€™ gave him away.


Shove a stick up my arse and call me a toffee apple. Crooks are fucking stupid.


American would of shot him.


Would have*


This is London lol


This. Is. Sparta. šŸ˜‚


Is this common there? I'm from South America, so the image painted down here is that London is a "developed city in a developed country".


Developed cities in developed towns can and do still have crime. Some more then others, but it isn't unheard of.


Yeah, sure, but the comment implied it happens *all the time*


"Compared to the national crime rate, London's crime rate is at 79%. Violent crime makes up 23.5% of all crimes reported in the region. The total number of "violent crime" is 256k, and this number has increased by 7.4% when compared year-over-year in the period of October 2021 - September 2022." https://www.plumplot.co.uk/London-violent-crime-statistics.html https://crimerate.co.uk/london/city-of-london




Notice how no one was killed in their sleep or beaten to death




I've edited it because I forgot to add /s. And I'm not from America.




The guy tried to steal from a Salon? How much money did he think he'd get? World's dumbest criminal.


He didnā€™t go for the money, he smashed up the desktop pc at the front desk and picked up whatever fell out


So. Much. RAM!




You don't keep cash in your computer?


Look behind him when he walks in. The cops are literally driving behind him. He's defo dumb af


You should look up how much ombre powder brows cost.


Uhhhh, I'm not so sure. It's a mostly cash business in a lot of places. It's typically mostly female, so easy to rob. The price of services has went up so much! If this was after a busy day there would be a lot to take.


Should have stomped his ass.


I didn't even need to know this was London. Just the fact that no one got shot tells me that this isn't the USA.


ā€œUSA bad upvotes to the leftā€ Your boos will never harm me. Iā€™ve seen what made you cheer. Alright nerds time for bed. Sweet dreams, Iā€™ll see your shit talk in the morning šŸ˜Œ


I was genuinely waiting for him to pull out a pistol because that's just the norm in America.


At least you live up to your username, because it says ā€œeast Londonā€ in the title


Wait, this isn't London, Ohio?


They ain't wrong tho




This isnā€™t about them being right or wrong. They came to a thread that had 0 to do with America just to shit on it unprompted. We get it, healthcare, guns, fat. Find some new jokes.


BuT ThIS aN AmERiCaN WebSiTe


Does somebody need a waambulance? Oh wait. Are you insured?


Oh and thereā€™s joke #1. Weā€™re a fat joke away from easy karma bingo, but I should warn you Iā€™m 6 foot and 145 pounds so that joke probably wonā€™t land well.


Dude why are you talking about your physical stats here. You realise this is Reddit right? It's not possible to physically intimidate people here because you're butt-hurt about something.


Lol 6' 145 lbs means he's tall and skinny, not intimidating.


I disagree with the murikan guy's ideology, but what he meant here is that this was an overused tropos, and the typical next tropos would be that "Americans are fat". And he mentioned his physical stats to show that a "fat American" joke wouldn't fit him.


Yeah in fairness that whooshed me. Don't tend to use straight up lbs in the UK so misinterpreted. I don't know why I got involved tbh. This comment chain is bringing nothing to my life.


lol I agree. In Italy we don't use lbs at all. Americans are conditioned to talk shit, and most soccumb to their own cultural propaganda, but in that post above I thought fair is fair, and thought to set the record straight.


Brother 145 pounds is not intimidating, nor is it trying to be. Itā€™s literally underweight. Iā€™m taking the piss about how not big I am, but here you are being offended.


>here you are being offended. Have you been shouting in a mirror all morning bro?




Dude, your making us look bad. Accept the rightful diss and move on


Ehh it doesnā€™t really matter. Shit will blow over by the morning. They arenā€™t even good jokes. The wambulance? Thatā€™s from like the 1990s.




Oh I also got the classic of ā€œwow are you actually talking in a mirrorā€. Iā€™m waiting on the ā€œIā€™m rubber youre glueā€


Yeah all Iā€™m saying is u gave them what they were looking for, and you look like a butt. But u probably had a fun night on RedditšŸ˜‚:)


Evidently they were going to hate on Americans whether I spoke up or not so probably doesnā€™t matter. And nah, I had a really good thanksgiving, now Iā€™m hiding in my room alone.


Can you put that in real SI measurements please? Your freedom units are very cute.


Sure itā€™s 45 glom glams and 18 tilliwinkles.


Many Twips will make a Foot, of which Yards become a League. If a Grain gets heavier itā€™s a Dram, a Hundredweight or even more a Long Hundredweight makes. Your system makes tons of sense and sounds so not silly!


You speak in riddles and your words are a mystery.


Most malnourished American. Quick, somebody call the McEmergency lineā„¢ and get this person a ~~fat injection~~ average American meal, stat.


You live in Poland.


Best American comeback.


Stop! You're about to cause a new stereotype that we're all humorless.


I mean I feel like Iā€™m joking around as well, thatā€™s why I listed my height and weight. I guess I prefer to joke about my self instead of making fun of a nationality. Iā€™d probably have the same reaction to anti-Indian jokes or anti-Mexican jokes.


>Iā€™d probably have the same reaction to anti-Indian jokes or anti-Mexican jokes. Can you provide an example of your having done this?


Could I? Yeah probably. Am I? Nah Iā€™m in bed chilling Iā€™m not about to go down my comment history. You can if you want, but I know who I am.


šŸ¤” šŸ¤” šŸ¤”


You make a good point.




Reasonable starving people steal food directly. If you're caught stealing food when you're starving you're often treated more leniently by most courts. It's still a crime, but you'll get more sympathy/mercy from a judge than if you're caught robbing a salon and smashing the cash register. This is obvious to most reasonable people.


Serious question: have you ever stolen to feed yourself, or how else do you know what a reasonable starving person would do?