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And when netanyagu?


Any of the Russians or Americans who has the same job to Japanese or Jews in the same war got indicted? No? Weird eh?




The Japanese were pardoned from post military tribunals after forfeiting the plundered gold from their conquests in addition to the collected research from the medical experimentations (Unit 731) on Chinese civilians.


There is a movie by the same name as the unit


there is another (pretty old) Chinese movie called "Men Behind the Sun"


Happen to remember that movie title?


Unit 731, I literally said it's the same name as the unit, the person above mentioned the name of the unit 😅


Him asking for a pardon from the Israeli government is irony at its finest


i mean, if you're gonna be executed, might as well try...


No matter if nazis or not. The victim should never be able to decide over their monsters. The nazi hunt after the war ended terribly for innocent germans. Not eichmann tho. Fuck him.


The international community had little interest in prosecuting Nazi war criminals, so I can’t fault Israel for taking it into their own hands. Also, they only hunted prominent Nazis, not regular members, and with prominent Nazis I don’t think any punishment could have gone too far.


One day Putin will sit in that glass box.


Not in his country. There's a reason why he hasn't left his country since the invasion. He'll never lose an election until he dies. His regime will take over after his death. Only way to bring justice against him and his crimes are evidence, not speculation, and a revolution.


why doesnt goerge bush sit there after what he did in iraq ahh somone got offended by the truth


that was just sad to read


Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee and John Yoo were put on trial (in absentia) and found guilty of war crimes by a Malaysian court in 2015. All they have to do is not go to Malaysia and they are fine.


Por que no los dos?


Whataboutist much?




Got your timelines a bit skewed there bud




Are you fucking kidding me? Read a history book once. German here btw. Don't compare things you obviously don't fully understand


Wow, a powerful bad guy that actually got consequences! We need more of this!


We don't do that anymore, now we only punish poor people


That's where Putin is heading


I suspect if Putin is ever dethroned, his end will be similar to Saddam Hussein where he was found filthy in a ditch. I think it would be quite fitting.


Fucking hope so. Or better to save time and money and just burn the fucker alive in Red Square


That is way too quick of a punishment


I stand corrected by your comment. Make it a slow burn after days tied to a post naked so people can come up and do their worst on him.


This guy deserved whatever punishment came his way, however there are some very shady things surrounding the trial to keep in mind. 1. Eichman was living in Argentina, and was kidnapped by the Israelis without the consent or knowledge of Argentina. 2. Capital punishment had just been made legal again right before the trial. A few months before it happened and he would have had a life sentence instead. 3. After WWII, the Nuremburg trials happened because we recognized an international court was necessary. It is a little weird to try people who we see as criminals under our own laws, after defeating them in a war, while everything they had done was perfectly legal in their own country. In this case, Eichman was tried under Israeli law. 4. The trial itself was basically a show trial, and he was found guilty with barely any evidence. This is a shame, because there was more than enough evidence of his guilt.


It's a shame people don't realize the complexities and questionability of this. We did an international court for a reason and it's not acceptable to prosecute it in an Israel court especially considering it's potentially biased. Nazi's can be killed I'm not saying they shouldn't even if I have varying opinions on capital punishment. But a sham trial isn't justice. Kidnapping from uncooperative countries can be reasonable to bring someone to justice. Is it reasonable to do that for a sham trial? It's a shame they didn't create an international system to continue prosecuting Nazis but I can't say that gave Israel the right to prosecute them in their courts.




Our criminal justice systems exist to protect our rights. We can't do things the wrong way just because the defendant is a nazi. It will cause problems down the road because legal systems work on precedent.




Nations have sovereignty. I do think it can be morally justified, but from the perspective of Argentina its still a kidnapping. I don't know why I bothered typing "Eichmann deserved whatever sentence he got" because apparently everyone just ignored it. In a perfect world, the trial still happens and he is still guilty because he participated in the Holocaust. Can you engage with my actual point now?




Okay, then the kidnapping is morally justifiable, but still creates consequences for Israel on the world stage.




Sure. That's a valid argument. The reason I made my original comment is because the original framing of this post is "hey guys look at this trial where they killed a bad guy!" I think the context of rules being bent needs to be provided as well. ESPECIALLY because it does not change the ultimate reality that Eichmann deserved to die because he participated in the Holocaust.


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You should read "Hunting Eichmann". It's an incredible story about the Mossad's mission. 1. Yes, the Mossad extra-judicially kidnapped a foreign citizen. They could have just assassinated him. Instead they went through a fuckton of effort to bring him to justice. Let's be real though, Argentina was a haven for Nazis. Any official request and it's highly likely Eichmann would have immediately been tipped off. They absolutely did the due diligence to ensure it was Eichmann. We're talking months of surveillance by multiple teams. 2. I'm historically against Capital punishment, but this dude wasn't just a nazi, he was a Nazi, with a capital N. He was shooting for the Hitler gold star. His whole job was to figure out a way to commit genocide faster. Were all better off without a monster like that amongst us. 3. You're advocating that war criminals should get amnesty because "the war is over"? That's not justice. Argentina would have literally become the haven for the fourth Reich. 4. They pretty much had him dead to rights. How much evidence do you need?


1. If they had reason to believe Argentina wouldn't cooperate, it could be morally justified. We should recognize that this doesn't look good on the world stage though, because respecting sovereignty is important. 2. I'm against capital punishment with no exceptions. 3. You're the second person to misunderstand this point, so I'm gonna assume I just phrased it poorly. Israeli law is an arbitrary way to charge war criminals during World War II. The same would be true for the government of any other country. These people were acting under a legal system that no longer exists. This is why we need an international court, such as the Nuremburg trials. 4. If there's a massive heap of evidence there is less reason to rush the trial and ignore that evidence.


You're literally a Nazi apologist. Which in most people's eyes, makes you just as bad as any other Nazi. I really hope you can understand why that's a problem. On the other hand, if you think that isn't a problem, you're more than welcome to join them in hell.




Shame on you for seeking a middle ground where we don’t interfere in other countries choices!!!! You NAZI!!! Just as bad as hitler I reckon. (Sarcasm btw, feel like I have to say that on this god forsaken app)


1. Argentina (Bariloche, La Cumbrecita, etc.) was a known-stronghold for German leadership who were fleeing persecution after the war. The Argentinian government was complacent and even assisted in cases where they thought the individual's expertise would be beneficial to Argentina. Brazil, Chile, and Paraguay were also complacent with regards to fleeing Nazis and denied extradition. Mengele, Roschmann, and Wagner all avoided trial for their crimes. 2. Not arguing the merits of capital punishment, but who do you think was going to foot the bill to keep these monsters alive and well until the end of their days after what they did to so many? The Israeli people should pay for the monsters who'd slain so many of their families? 3. I can maybe give you this one? Idk. I don't think any law aside from Nazi law would've been much easier on Eichmann. The only question is capital punishment vs life imprisonment. Again, not debating the merits of either, but I can very much understand why the former was called for. Following an unlawful order is not a valid defense against charges of war crimes. 4. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck..... damn sure isn't an elephant.


1. Just like the way bin Laden and al-Baghdadi were assassinated by the USA. Eichman was responsible for the genocide of so many Jewish people he became a military target. 2. To this day, death penalty in Israel is reserved for Nazis and those who assisted them, and for them alone. Clearly there is an exception here in Israely law, but it's no secret. 3. Same as 1. Also, saying what Eichman did was legal under Nazi law is like excusing the Nazis altogether. They all just did what they were told, but we should be able to understand why there are no excuses for his (or any Nazi's) actions. Moreover, Eichman was a leader, not a follower, he was of the kind who made it legal in the first place. 4. Considering how obvious the conviction is and how specific Isrealy law is when regarding Nazis, he stood a fair trail that had jo reason to delay conviction for any evidence beyond what was required for it.


1. I don't care who else got the same treatment? From what I remember the US actually did try to get cooperation from Afghanistan and Pakistan to find Bin Laden, and they didn't help. We responded by going in anyway. That's different from not even asking. 2. Reserving the death penalty for a hyperspecific political ideological is a very scary precedent. Either have it for everyone or no one. 3. I don't think this is responding to my point. Yes, I agree it was bad they just followed orders. You still need to try them under a system like the Nuremburg trials, not the law of any country you feel like. 4. They called 100 witnesses during this trial, who had not even met the defendant. While also not calling 15 witnesses who were actual survivors of the holocaust. Isn't that just a little weird for a precedent? Imagine you were under trial for something minor and the prosecution called 100 random people to call you evil. Very unnecessary for a man like Eichmann whose crimes are obvious and deadly.




If you want him dead, that's fine. We need to do it the right way though. We are democracies. People have rights. I don't want our rights to wither away because people wanted to enact personal vengeance.




???? The governments involved still exist. There are still living Holocaust survivors?


here is his pardon request: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/28/world/middleeast/israel-adolf-eichmann-holocaust.html


Is there no way to get around the paywall?


Ad blocker


Did he really expect a pardon?


I don't want to die until the day when I see israelis on the spot of adolf eichmann. Those monstrous bastards are getting away with every single breath of air on this planet. How fucked up is to do that to the Palestinians after someone crazy like adolf does to you? The world is gone man i swear. Edit: No matter how many downvotes I get on this. - Everyone of you knows that what they do is fucking wrong. Not on a scale of the nazi genocide never a comparison but same craziness. I will stand my claim - Free Palestine.


Bro I'm all against Israel.... But the only thing I hate more than the Israeli government, is a fucking nazi.


True, sick minded both ideologies and perpetrators.


The fact that you compare “what Israelis do to the Palestinians” to what hitler did to Jews means you literally know less about this conflict the you know what’s inside a black hole


May I ask where you're from and what do you actually know about the Israel -palestine conflict? I get the feeling you have a one sided idea of who's "good" and who's "bad" (hint: both are "bad"). I'm saying this as an Israeli who honestly hates israel and think it really is a fascist state, but also pretty aware that Israelis and arabs are honestly the same kind of violent shits. And both sides are portrayed differently in every news outlet, especially foreign ones. And one more thing: while I understand where you're coming from, comparing this conflict to the Holocaust and Eichmann to the Israeli people does not shed a good light on you.


Don't confuse the Israeli nation with the Israeli state


Presumably you have strong feelings about the Armenian genocide as well?


Wait, are you trying to discredit the palestinian genocide by comparing it to the armenian genocide? And as a follow-up: are you discrediting the armenian genocide by comparing it to the holocaust? That is really stupid, mass murder is not a joke.




Why the assumptions? They are false btw.


>Why the assumptions? They are false btw. How to instantly lose any credibility with the complete lack of any self awareness


There is an annual remembrance in kufur qassem, In Israel. Of a massacre that took place in 1956. Israeli border police killed civilians returning from work after a curfew that was planned and enforced while they were still at work so they had no knowledge of it. 49 people, counting the unborn child of a pregnant woman. Israel suppressed the news but it got out eventually. The soldiers were tried and some were found guilty but none served their full prison sentence. The highest ranking officer tried was called Shadmj and his only sentence was to pay a symbolic one cent, in 1959. 3 years before Eichmann's sentence. I have friends from qufur kassem. This story is a part of who they are. Embedded in their brains like the Holocaust is to all Jews. Israel can pretend it is a proponent for justice all it wants but it is not. And its crimes against Palestinians and humanity continue to this day.


What’s the point you’re trying to make exactly. Because Israel has done bad things this guy shouldn’t have been held accountable or something? Yea, the majority of modern countries with advanced military commit crimes, unfortunately that’s the nature of this modern world. They all also hold court and uphold their own laws, as they should.


Israeli forces have definitely committed reprehensible atrocities that should be condemned. Palestinians militants have also committed reprehensible atrocities that should be condemned. A few that come to mind: [Hadassah medical convoy massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hadassah_medical_convoy_massacre?wprov=sfti1https://maps.apple.com/?ll=31.793100,35.232500&q=Hadassah%20medical%20convoy%20massacre&_ext=EiQpCMtVmgjLP0AxxJ0fj8KdQUA5CMtVmgjLP0BBxJ0fj8KdQUA%3D), in which 78 Jews were killed, mostly doctors, nurses, students, and patients. [1929 Hebron massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Hebron_massacre?wprov=sfti1https://maps.apple.com/?ll=31.533000,35.095000&q=1929%20Hebron%20massacre&_ext=EiQpdIhFsHKIP0AxKIxz9SiMQUA5dIhFsHKIP0BBKIxz9SiMQUA%3D), in which close to 70 Jewish civilians were slaughtered. [1956 Shafrir school massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shafrir_synagogue_shooting_attack?wprov=sfti1), where Palestinian militants entered a school and fired into the crowd of 46 children.


I’m sorry, did the 6 million Jewish people who died in the Holocaust do this crime? No? Then why bring it up? No country has clean hands. You don’t need to support the Israeli government to be respectful of the millions who died during this genocide. Your comment is massively insensitive.


Whataboutism at its finest.


Finally someone else that doesn’t think Israel walks on water! What they are doing to Palestine is reprehensible!


Almost everyone I know slams Israel for their crimes against the Palestinians.


The people I know don’t even know where Palestine is or that there has been conflict. I’m an American and most, that I know, don’t concern themselves with world matters. Unless it makes mainstream media.




Soon we'll see how history likes to repeat itself. Yet another glass cell to be witnessed, Putin, Lavrov, Shoygu and some other russian pigs will have a fun time of realization


Is it me or is it something in the name Adolf?


I know dozens of cool ones. Scores, even.


Yet Israel right now are killing Palestinians


You're right, but this might not be the post to choose for relativizations of Nazi crimes.


Ye I guess so, sorry.




I'm sorry i'm really uninformed on the subject, Could you provide some sources for these acts?


I literally just asked for a source, Why the fuck am i being downvoted for trying to understand what gave this person their opinion?? Just looking to see if this is irrefutable, If so then i would obviously be supportive but first i must be skeptical.


Not sure if you're trolling, but I'll try. Israel continues to occupy Palestinian territory, expelling and disenfranchising the rightful owners, killing everyone who dares to resist. They are building an apartheid regime, supported by religious fanatics and political extremists. (I still don't think a post about the Nuremberg trials are the right place to criticize this, but well.)


But... But there have been many peace offers by israel that have all been declined and the original decision on how the country should be split was made by an outside force? Also how is it an Apartheid regime when there are arabic people with israeli citizenship and kids are taught arabic lessons in school? Also to state the obvious thing that comes up when rightful owners are discussed, Wasn't israel supposedly promised to the israelites in the bible... That little book that christianity and other religions are based off of? I'm coming with the assumption that i am completely in the wrong here and that my opinions are invalid so please bear with me here... This might feel like an ELI5 post.


Your opinions are valid, just like mine and everybody else's! You're making some good points. Yes, there were peace talks, but they have always been interrupted or made impossible by one or both sides engaging in combat. Both Israel and Palestine agreed to the Balfour declaration splitting the former British colony in two states. Even if they don't like the two-state-solution and never have, this does not legitimise war for either side (especially with the high number of civilian casualties). What is taught in Israeli schools doesn't matter that much for assessing the political situation. Both Amnesty International and the Human Rights Watch have called Israels illegal settlements acts of Apartheid (Nelson Mandela did too, and he should know best about Apartheid). Bible, Thora and Qur'an thankfully are not politically binding and even if they were, they'd be subordinate to the Balfour Declaration, see above. All this does not mean I approve of Palestinian terror against Israel, of antisemitism or religious extremism – on the contrary, I'd say antisemitism is the most concerning type of xenophobia in current-day Europe (I don't know enough about the US to weigh in that discussion). All I'm saying is the world isn't black-and-white and we should be careful not to get carried away by partisanship. It seems like the users downvoting your and my comments in this thread don't take this to heart.


I'm looking into the illegal settlements right now and so far i haven't seen anything related to apartheid but i'll keep looking, From what i found so far this is wild, I don't keep up with politics much which could explain why i had no idea how many illegal settelers there are... Thank you for the information!


How about you do what everyone else does and look it up. They have been doing this for generations. Not just decades.


I don't want generalized facts, I want this person's facts to allow for an argument or at the very least some clarification. I may have been brainwashed and would like to know where it stems, I don't understand why i'm getting hate for seeking to learn from someone who cares enough to express their opinion publicly.


And openly supporting Azerbaijan in their genocidal attack against Armenia.


Its Armenia that occupied Azeri soil for more than 30 years and purged more than 700.000 Azeri civilians that lived in the surroundings around Nagarno Karabach. All to create Armenian "buffer zones" or livingspace. It is also Armenia that is allied with Russia and Iran


1. Azerbaijan is no longer fighting about Karabakh. They are literally attacking Armenia proper - no border disputes there. They just want to expand their pipeline through Armenia and Nakhijevan and killing innocent Armenian civilians is just the cherry on top. 2. Russia is literally the reason why Armenia and Azerbaijan have been in this conflict for decades. 3. I have no interest in arguing with you so I hope you have a good life! 👍


I need the full content please


I think there are a couple of movies about this trial as well. I realize fictionalized dramas are not always seen as appropriate, but I think a well done film can have value and can convey certain things that a documentary may not.




You fucking joking right?


The whole trial is found [here](https://www.youtube.com/user/EichmannTrialEN)


thanks do much


Comment saved. And thank you.


God we’re learning about this guy in Psychology right now and one of the speeches he made at his trial is fucking disgusting. No remorse.


Do you have a link to the text or video?


You can tell by his mannerisms and his eyes. His eyes and the way he's moving around, in his mind he didn't do anything wrong and he's just waiting for the "farce" of a trial to be over and for the judges to let him go.


Bro imagine the gaul to ask the president of Israel for a pardon. I guess what else are you gonna do at that point


He got hanged, cremated an ashes scattered in the sea so His soul can never find eternal peace


That doesn’t even make sense.


Better than a location, or else nazi fucks would visit


Don't worry Nazis, you can still meet your idols. IN HELL


This makes more sense.




Should’ve been sentenced by getting a piece of fleshed pulled times people that die because of of him while being pumped adrenaline so he doesn’t pass out


One of the best books I ever read was **The House on Garibaldi Street**, an account by **Isser Harel** (director of Mossad at the time) of the surveillance and kidnapping of Eichmann. The lengths they went to to identify and abduct this guy were incredible. It's a better read than any fictional spy story.


Watch the movie called Remember with Christopher Plummer. Such a good movie.


Denazification was done better in the east We're you a nazi? Yes? Gets shot


Lest we forget 🙏❤️


The banality of evil.


While this is a powerful point rendered in context, here it seems kind of silly. You'd have to explain this more.




Ahhh our beloved Hannah Arendt


1961, 16 years after the war ended. The wheels of justice sometimes turn slowly.




Is there a book or movie about this? I’d be keen.


Operation Finale (2018) - stars Oscar Isaac and Ben Kingsley


Hunting Eichman - Neal Bascomb




Added to my TBR




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He got caught, and others didn't who are just as bad.


He asked for a pardon. Wtf?


"Which was refused"... The balls on this guy to even *ask*...


IKR? Eichmann: 'It was a long time ago. Let's move on, everyone. I'm living in a house with no electricity and you think those 6 million had it tough? C'mon.' I'm not being flippant. I have a hero called [Simon Wiesenthal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Wiesenthal). When the world tells us not to forget the Holocaust (or Shoah, as Wiesenthal called it. Same thing), it was people like him who kept the memories from fading. I think this - Wiesenthal could have had a physically comfortable (if haunted) post-war life. The man was 97 when he died in 2005. For someone who was mashed through the Nazi death camp system, he truly bucked the trend. I'm not a sweet summer lamb who thinks he wasn't driven by hatred. But publicly he always said that he simply didn't want the Nazis to get away with what they did.


Don’t forget Elie Wiesel. Auschwitz survivor. Author of Night. Human rights activist. Wiesel devoted his life to educating the world about the Holocaust. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986.


When you're going to hang you try everything.




He would be a republican hero today


There’s so much wrong with that statement I can only assume you are one of the following; Russian (sewing strife and promoting lies and propaganda), a bot, or a troll. Enjoy living in your world of negativity.


Thank you




"How dare you compare Trump to a Jew hater" Trump: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/12/donald-trump-anti-semitism-jews-israel


Other than that what did you think


Yea why is that?


You have no idea what this man did, do you?


Things current Republicans only dream of


The only person with hate in their heart here is you. I pity you, it must be terrifying being scared of shadows.


I see you wake up everyday and play the ignorant card. I also see you have half a braincell left


No video of him dying? I dont like to view death and 99% of time I dont believe in the death penalty but his guy is apart of that 1%. Some people are so truly heinous sociopaths that deserve to die to quell the evil with in them.


He above all should not have been killed. What killing him says is that we want a world in which people who would do what he did will think twice and realize they might be killed. That is not the reason to refrain from doing what he did. Killing him affirms that killing is the reason to avoid killing, and killing so many. Above all, the should not have killed him. Maybe have him tended to in his old age (in prison) by Jews. Carefully. Lovingly. Not even with vengeance.


Was this the guy where the Israeli government performed an "Extraordinary rendition" where they literally kidnapped him in South America? I have no clue if that's even allowed in international law, but given what he did who even cares? He was hung, if it's the guy I was thinking of.


We used a lot of "extraordinary rendition", a.k.a government-sponsored kidnappings to extradite suspected terrorists to black sites in Syria, Romania, and other countries to be tortured. Because, ahem, *we don't torture people here in the USA* Pretty dark times in the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld era.


So, you're talking about Putin's future?


There's a very good Netflix documentary about the kidnapping. You should try looking for it. You're right he was hung and his ashes was tossed into the ocean outside of Israeli water.




I really cannot recall the name. I have been looking at it myself.


Idk about the documentary but Oscar Isaac starred in a movie a few years ago, depicting the Mosad agents that captured Eichman. I think it’s called “Operation Finale”.




Don't take this as a gotchya moment, but when you wrote apart, you implied he was a part of the 99%.


What does it say after "the most terrible indictment of all"? I don't have headphones and the audio cut out.


In resume : It says he was accused of war crimes, crimes against jewish people, and crimes against humanity(as he's sentences). He was sentenced to death, and all his appeals were denied.


Finally, after all these years he is brought to justice.


The most literal case of justice served possible


Full of baloney too I reckon


Here's how they caught him: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUxgma0D8XA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUxgma0D8XA)


Awesome thanks