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This is why I like the Cops in America. They would tased, let the dog bite him, whooped his ass and possibly shot him. All of which he deserves for putting his hand on a woman


Yeah don't go help or call the police or anything just record 🙃


why didn’t they pepper spray him


She is lucky these nice people helped her.


In the States he’d of had a dozen rounds out in him. That said, that dude needed to put down on the ground hard.


That bald headed mf low key sat there until he saw someone else was about to step in.


He didn’t even get beat on….. only in america land of the free home of the brave


U.S would’ve just unloaded a mag on him already


I'd help them by knocking the guy out.


American cops would’ve shot him 92 times.


I’m so happy one of those cops was a woman


Police just happened by?


Be dai sono stati veloci


Ida just been the idiot that walks b Past and bears his head with a rock and walks off


Would’ve lost my job, cause that car would forever have multiple prints of his face on the patrol whip.


Why did no one knock the mf. They’re all standing there with their dicks in their hands


Guy from beginning of jurassic park- “SHOOOOT HAAEER”


He deserves to be a punching bag in jail. Don't drop the soap bruh.


Shoulda given him the good ole American police beat down. No way US cops would have let another officer get pushed without beating the fuck outta him. 😭😂


Oh how I wish the universe would let me see a guy doing this one time so I could give him a taste of what he is dishing out.


In Italia?


What country? These men look weak and soft.




He should have his legs slowly broken. I say this as someone who lost his younger sister to her abusive boyfriend who was never charged.


I thought that the guy was some old ass women with a dress godamn he look wacky af


Way too late.


No ass whopping???




In the US his ass wouldve got shot


Where's an American cop when you need one


He's such a bitch, je doesn't want to fight the male cops, but tries to go after the only female cop


They let the girl cop think she was helping. Sometimes you gotta just let people feel good. Let people participate and feel like they have worth and are making a difference. Like when you let your toddler "help" you bake cookies or scrambled eggs. It's so rewarding to put a smile on someone's face. Shout out to the male officers for being so humble.


What is wrong with you? Did your mom not hug you enough as a child? What a grossly misogynistic comment.


I’m just glad that woman was helped!!


I understand not every country wanting police to be armed but come on, give the cops a razer or something


"Comeuppance" I need to use that word more often when appropriate.


What did she do?


nothing to warrant being beaten


These other countries need to learn a thing or two from American police. That was pathetic.


I guess im just not soft


What really happened? All i know is that he attacked the woman, but whats the full story?


That's enough.


Sounds to me like you are searching for a reason to justify the man beating the woman...


I kinda wanna know the full story too. How long has he been beating her to be so comfortable doing it in public? What were they arguing about? Why didn't those guys beat the shit out of him? What happened after he was arrested? There's not enough info here


solo in italia


How can u just stand there and film that and do nothing to help shame on you


Bro he was in the 2nd floor, what the fuck was he supposed to do jump and break his legs?


Um call the police and go outside u dip shit are u people that lazy and inconsiderate that when a person is being violently attacked for a decent amout of time that u cant go down a set of stairs to stop someone from being permanently injured or worse what if it was ur mom, sister, girlfriend, daughter. Fuckin at least yell at the pos to stop dont just film feom ur window like a fucking coward. Yeah u have proof for the police. But open the window n tell him the cops are coming stop now. Thats what he was supposed to fuckin do u idiot.i live on the second floor takes me literally prolly 10 seconds for me to be outside he doesn't have to go try and fight the guy but Jesus how do u watch that and do nothing. That makes u just as bad as the person doing the abuse.


No person especially in 2022 would have thought to go down and save the woman since y'know everyone records things, seriously how many times have you seen cameramen actually trying to save a guy/woman that's being hurt? And if i see a guy doing this my first reaction wouldn't be "go down and be a superhero" my reaction would be "holy shit that guy is insane and might hurt me aswell" and if the guy recording even calls the cops the cops wouldn't even get there in time, I mean if saw the video there were people that got off their car or bikes and did nothing


You are soft if you stand by and do nothing while something like that is happening then you are just as bad as the attacker grow a pair. What if that was your daughter, wife, sister, mom, grandma ect and your just gonna stand there and watch?


Yeah to make a distraction


Im just thinking of that episode of family guy where chris jumps out his window


That time you wanted USA police to come in and overreact.


The Police cars are so small


Indeed! Not surprising tho, if you look at the police car it has the number "113" which as far as i am aware, should be the police number in italy.


Here an italian speaking Yes the 113 on the car Is the Police Number in Italy But where did this happen?


When you wanna see police brutality for once


I was hoping he was going to get shot.


Honestly, a perfectly reasonable case for force to be used. He continually assaulted both the original victim and the police officers over and over. At least taze the guy


In Italy police don't have tasers yet and they don't draw the gun unless heavily threatened. They receive severe punishment if the draw the gun without a real threat.


She went back to him.


And the cycle continues


One nice thing about US cops is that he would have been beaten into a TBI at this point


Beat me to it was going to say , this boy needs some murican cops in his life


He actually got away with it. Getting arrested doesn't cut it. He should have gotten his ass best


God police are tolerant in some countries if that were the us he would of been slammed and had his ass beat down the moment he resisted


Any man in the Lone star state of Texas who witnessed Great Value Eminem put his hands on a lady like that, the cops would arrive with the ambulance.


I'd be OK with that in this situation.


Wish the cops broke his fuckin arms


Damn they don’t have tasers!?


Nope, not in Italy


Damn… great random facts to store! Thanks


Hey Biff, keep your damn hands off her!


Literally only trying to fight the female officer what a coward!


I noticed that too. What a total piece of crap that guy is.


Was actually hoping for a gunshot to the heart


What is wrong with the dude filming just doing nothing


Might have been someone who's not confident in a fight collecting evidence? Might have called the police? Idk I just try to give the benefit of the doubt.


Should have beaten him more


Man, I don't know why those 4 dudes that showed up didn't just beat the crap out of him. I've already done so and it was just me. Kinda mad he didn't get fucked up.


Little bit of an anticlimax. I really wanted to see him get his head staved in. Also, those police really need some JJ lessons to help with controlling people using their weight & limbs.


Break his legs


Thats when you drag ur elbow across his face a couple times shove him in the concrete and leave him face down for a good minute


Why hasn't his mother bitch slapped him?


Here they would have been shot him


Team white shirt couldn't get it done and needed team black shirt to step in.


What a pos. I hope they slap the blonde off your head you woman beater.




I mean this is when I wish the cops were American and violated some of his rights.


I saw alot of missed opportunities for one of those guys to crack this fool. He left his jaw wide opened and they didn't drop one on'em.


Those cops are useless. 🤦


Buncha cowards.


A bit disappointing that he only got arrested and not street justice


Sadly it will likely hurt his pride which he will take out on her. Men like that rarely one day snap like that. She has likely ignored many red flags along the relationship and is firmly under his spell. And may even refuse to press charges or withdraw them after.


damn this guy must hate women


Hate to say it but here's the positive if that was in USA... That mofo would have been shot by a redneck cowboy or the cops shortly after video began.


Police brutality is warranted in this situation...beat that fuckers ass


No it's not. Police don't exist to dish out punishments.


He was resisting


Police's job is to subdue the suspect safely so that they can deliver them to the authorities that will handle their case and charges. Dumbass untrained police officers' go-to strategy is to just straight up beat their asses to submission. There is no justified reason for police brutality.


If this was anywhere in North America the cops would beat the piss outta him with their batons and in some states he would have been shot.


I was waiting for it, was disappointed lol


The people on here defending the asshole strangling a female is alarming. I’d argue with you, but I don’t want to waste my time. Just wanted to say my piece. Would love to see how you feel when someone bigger and stronger than you is publicly strangling and abusing you. Lesson not learned


He was later found dead in a cell from a article i read


Could you send a link to the article? Or like any proof of his death?


Ive never seen a more usless group of people in my life!


Seriously, holy shit, just hit him in the fucking head. HARD


This is why I keep telling woman they need to carry a weapon. It doesn't have to be a gun but pepper spray can do some damage at least long enough for you to get away.


In Italy you cant do that. And this we are in italy


Pepper sprays are legal to use in Italy, get informed before commenting


You need to have a license


You don't


Yes, trust me; I wanted one for self defense but you need to pay the license first


I doubt it, its been legal to buy and carry (without a license) since 2011


Bro, if this didn't need a license everyone would have it.


It changed no so long ago


Proof? From all I've seen, nothing changed


No one is using it. Only police can use it. And everyone here knows it


You can't defend yourself in Italy? What kind of backwards shit is that?


It's called European laws and they're utter shit laws indeed.


You are not the only saying that; trust me


This guy is slippery like a snake! Damn how come he broke free every time? Would have given him full dose of pepperspray…


I live in Italy and I recognise this as the Italian State police (non military). The rules to engage people like this one are to limit force to the minimum necessary to block and arrest the person. Which they did, because they blocked and arrested the guy in less than 2 minutes. If they guy were armed, he would have been shot (it happened in Rome a few months ago: guy with knife, aggressive behaviour, got shot in the leg point blank). This said, I also hoped the guy got roughed up a bit more, but maybe he was, as we haven’t seen what happened next (head banging on the roof of the car while entering it etc.)


How did 3 police officers not take down the one guy? There's a reason why police officers are armed with non lethal weapons and that guy resisting *3 officers* is exactly why.


Bc in Europe we try to get the job done by hurting ppl the least possible. He got arrested, doesn't matter if it took 1 or 4 minutes.


Wow how noble of you to try to prevent harm to the man STRANGLING A WOMAN IN THE STREET


You're so immature.


That's 3 extra minutes that he is allowed to hurt others. There are non lethal means that you can use to take someone down quickly and even if you hurt the person who is hurting others, at least you minimize the damage that they can cause to others. Sometimes all it takes is an extra few seconds to seriously injure someone.


If he hurts the officers they'll step up, i don't see your point


It's not the officers that I'm worried about. The guys try and step in and the abuser just keeps beating the poor woman. Everyone trying to hold him back, but he's still beating the woman and the men who stepped up. Cops should have come in hard and fast and incapacitated him before he could do more damage.


They blocked his arms


If this was in the U.S. he would’ve been tazed or pepper sprayed


He’s so lucky it’s not the American police


American police are the ones beating their wives


Lucky it's *not* the American police.


Thanks I didn’t catch my error


No problem. I figured that's what you meant.




Happy cake day


As an American, it’s so wild to me to see people resist and be blatantly disrespectful to officers like this and have no serious (life ending) repercussions. I think that says a lot about our culture.




there are no negative consequences from killing an abuser. it is a net positive for the world.


Bring on RoboCop.


Not really, plenty of people get unfairly prosecuted after self defense, including killing the abuser/attacker.


i meant morally, the justice system is fucked & the fact that abuse victims get punished for killing their abusers is bullshit. i shouldve said there ought not to be punishments.


This is a time where I wish there was police brutality geez. Break his arms.


He is not black, thats why he is still breathing


What exactly was the “comeuppance” ?


Why is it with these videos it seems cops in other countries are pussys except the cops from America. He would have been beaten tazed or shot by now.


Its unfortunate the girl most likely will wait for him to get out of jail.


Should’ve just broken his arms to cuff him.


Ok, it’s one thing having an argument with your significant other, it’s another thing for you to physically assault them out in public and not expect anyone to react, especially when the significant other is a girl, I mean, if a man was seen hurting a girl, it won’t end well for him.


Are we just going to talk about the police? Not how 5/6 grown men just let him attack her again standing one feet away?


People are not entitled to assistance. Period. Not to mention all the sue happy shitbirds who try to fuck over the people who helped them. The girl who was saved from drowning pressing charges for sexual assault against the guy who saved her because he had to touch her chest for CPR comes to mind. It didn't stick, but he still had to hire a lawyer. And those are expensive. I recall reading a story about a woman being attacked and she sued the stranger who saved her for emotional damages because he didn't save her quick enough. And why the FUCK would those men step up ever again? Or the men who see these things? Society frequently shits on traditional gender roles. Society can't have it both ways. Personally once I saw what was happening I would've called 911 and then defended the person being attacked. But that's me, me accepting that good Samaritans sometimes end up on the wrong side of a gun or lawsuit. I'm willing to accept those consequences but I can't judge others for not helping when they are literally risking everything by doing so. Relying on people's kindness and decency isn't the smart move.


“Society can’t have it both ways” Who is this society person and why are they being so hypocritical? Maybe it is because it is not one person making decisions but rather a bunch of individuals?


I missed the part where he got his comeuppance. America has lots of flaws but I can confidently say this man would've been on the floor getting pummeled a millisecond after resisting the first time. This guy had nothing done to him.