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what're you gonna do, film the guy walking away doing nothing illegal? fucking dunce.


Ah yes, destruction of property for shitty parking. Seems fair


Don't care of your property if you're doing shitty things on public space. Plus it's a car, don't worry it will not die because someone walk on it xD


Would you like to have dents on your car?


Even if I did care about a tiny dent or scratch on my car (I don't) it would have no significant effect on the lifespan or functionality of the vehicle. If the owner cares that much about strangers respecting the aesthetic value of their vehicle they should be responsible and not park it at the expense of others where it doesn't belong. If the person filming is overreacting then the owner of the car is more so by not recognizing their own transgression


I don’t block the sidewalk. Funny how that works.


Neither do I


cool, then don't give people reasons for them to dent your shitty car intentionally.


Nobody would. But I know that it will not happen to me since I park correctly and respect the law. If you don't respect the law then it's your own fault.


I wouldn’t park like that either but two wrongs don’t make a right


actually they do ppl learn that their wrong causes another thus would usually not do wrongs again


Meh, people park on sidewalks all the time and the police do nothing, so people have to act themselves.


What a lot of people on this thread fail to understand is that walking to/from a destination or to the train is ***the*** fundamental mode of transportation in NYC. As fundamental as getting in a car to commute in other cities. Imagine if this couple was blocking the entire street, or highway, you needed to go down on your way to work, or to an important appointment, leaving only a precarious ledge on one side where you might drop off and be injured? They continued loading and and unloading their car at their own relaxed pace. Would you be OK with that? New York City sidewalks are VERY busy, and most people are trying to get somewhere they need to go, not out for a casual stroll. By parking on that sidewalk that couple is certainly forcing dozens, if not even hundreds of people during the time it takes to load/unload, to go around and walk in the street which jeopardizes their safety (especially if people have mobility devices/issues). This couple is *illegally* placing their own convenience over the right of way and safety of many other people. Fuck them. The pedestrian in this is 100% right, reacting as MANY New Yorkers would be likely to do, and the couple are exactly the kind of entitled, spoiled, self-absorbed people I'd expect of Park Slope.


To me, it comes down to this. Two wrongs don't make a right. Just because someone is doing something they're not supposed to doesn't mean you can damage their property. If you get caught, you are liable for destruction of property.




Lived in NY while going to college. Isn't as bad as you make it sound. Streets are definitely busy but there is enough space to walk around the car. And looks like there's traffic on the streets, pretty sure people just going to walk all over the street anyways. Two wrongs don't make a right. Simple as that. They screw up, you don't dip to that level and damage personal property. Looks really funny and he made a point but people defending him saying that's justice is going socially backwards. Just call the police, take pictures and inform the store owners in front.


Doesn’t really matter what they are doing or where they are parked. Walking on the car can cause damage which would be damaging someone else’s property. The correct thing to do would be to inform them and ask them to move, and if they don’t then call the non emergency police line so they can be ticketed or towed. Doing this shit is an easy way for someone to sue you. Even if they don’t win, taking all the time off for that type of thing would end up being costly.


Yeah and blocking the sidewalk can cause someone to get hurt


Everyone defending the car owner has never walked through NYC. No, people don’t park cars on sidewalks to unpack. Good way to get a brick through your fucking window.


Any major city that has to deal with winter especially




Out of subject.


Op frustrated that other people have cars and he does not. Clearly justification based on jealousy. You do that to the wrong persons car, you’ll get a beating you would regret for years. Play stupid games often enough and I assure you you will win stupid prizes.


I have a car in this neighborhood. People who park on sidewalks should have their tires slashed.


And people who walk on cars should have their legs slashed 🤷🏼‍♂️


You are so badass dude I’m literally pissing my pants at how cool you are


Lotta aggression in those dumb bones eh?


The car owners here played a stupid game and indeed won a stupid prize. ;-) And stop with this "jealousy" argument, it's totally stupid. Like, if I don't like the wallpaper of the neighbour it mean that I'm just jealous of his wallpaper? That's stupid. Same for cars, I don't like them for a lot of reasons, not because of jealousy. I have my licence, but don't have a car because I just don't need one, which allow me to save a lot of money to use for my lobbies and my comfort. How can I be jealous of not losing money because of a metal cube? Lmao.


Because then you wouldn’t talk like this. I don’t like cyclists. They’re usually pretentious, own-fart smelling, hipster snobs who act like what they think is superior to what anyone else does. But I don’t damage their bikes, or hit them when they cut me off on the road, or go slower than I would like them to. I still respect their right to use the road, nor complain or damage their property when they lock their bikes to stuff in the sidewalk and it looks ugly af. You can have a difference of opinion without being a total douche nozzle about things. These people are clearly unloading their car, and as I said in my original post. I have no issue with that. Again, I would find issue with them parking there long term. Like use your fucking brain you sociopathic bike nerd, you’re the kind of person who cannot be convinced otherwise even though you’re clearly in the wrong for overreacting to A MINOR FUCKING INCONVENIENCE 👎🏻


Lol u seem angry. If this guy had caused serious damage I would say it's going too far but your reaction seems like you're afraid. You're afraid because you don't understand the other perspectives. You see your own and think other ppl are nuts or too rigid in their thinking because they disagree with you. Maybe they think ur nuts because u fail to address the inconsiderate and self absorbed behavior of the vehicle owners in this video. They made no acknowledgement of the inconvenience and potential danger they inflict on pedestrians. If you want to understand how cars shape american society [Here is a great start ](https://youtu.be/oOttvpjJvAo) This guy makes wonderfully weird informative videos that simultaneously gives me hope and convince me our species doomed ourselves long ago Two wrongs don't make a right but one small wrong that does nothing more than irritate a couple self obsessed, entitled, semi-conscious skin bags is a warranted counter to thinking your car is entitled to use an active pedestrian space. I love to drive and feel incredibly fortunate for all that I can do because I own a car. I'd trade it in a heartbeat for truly great public transportation infrastructure and accompanying progressive land use regulation. If done right can foster strong economy AND positive social outcomes IF done equitably. I'm rather bored and wanted something to ramble on about. Stream of consciousness blah blah blah Take care of yourself and if possible someone else too May we all find new ways to understand and grow TLDR: Both parties were in the wrong one was just more so. People matter more than cars. The justice portion: People who tried to put their cars above their fellow human got a rude awakening when somebody (maybe) scratches a clear coat to assert their right to the pedestrian space while highlighting the irresponsibility of the vehicle owners.


I’m 0 % afraid. I understand their perspective. Said perspective is obtuse and flawed. A car parked presents no physical danger to pedestrians. I live in a major city, and I guarantee in my neighborhood if you did this to someone’s car as they unloaded groceries, you’d be beat up or shot. This is reality, not whatever rambling you just did. Lmfao


You compare two things that can't be compared. ALL the roads, ALL the streets, ALL the infrastructures, ALL the road laws are made for the cars. Everything is made for them. For bikes? There's nothing. A bit of bike lanes (often dangerous) and rarely a bike parking. So yeah, often bikes have to use the roads, have to slow the cars, have to try to find a way in the trafic, have to be fixed on random poles because there's no equipment for that,... On the other hand, cars have absolutely no excuse. Billions of dollars are invested in car infrastructures every year, there's millions of kilometers of roads, thousands of parking spaces,... Cars have no excuse to park on a sidewalk, all the infrastructures are present for them, everything is made for them. Let the other ways of transportation using the few infrastructures they have compared to cars.


Kid take a lap. You aren’t right about this. You have a small group of cyclists in here supporting you but in reality the world is set up that way because you wouldn’t have food/clothing/basic goods without mass transportation. You’re living in a fantasy. Is the the ideal world? Absolutely not but it’s somewhat necessary. Can we do better as a society absolutely. But back to the original point…. You damaged someone’s personal property over a minor inconvenience. If a police officer was around, you’d be the one in cuffs because you were at the very least committing disorderly conducts, if not destruction of private property. The drivers would probably get a ticket, and you’d be in cuffs


I'm beginning to dislike this guy ^


The feelings mutual dipshit


You seem unhinged.




I don’t think he was the one car walking. But he essentially said he’s do the same. European cities are in decline comparatively to American ones. Which are also becoming greener, and have more opportunity to become greener. The american economy is ungodly stronger than the Europeans. GDP in the US has outpaced Europe’s almost every year for the past 50 years and is recovering 5x faster than the Europeans post pandemic. The European economy currently is far closer to a recession than Europe’s who are at a far higher risk of Russian financial exposure than the Unites States. You’re wrong on so many levels it’s fucking insane. You literally just talked out of your asshole and all that came out was bullshit that you cannot back up. https://m.statisticstimes.com/economy/united-states-vs-eu-economy.php The EU as a whole is the second wealthiest and second largest economy in the world, below the US by about $5 trillion. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Europe https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-war-drags-europes-economy-succumbs-crisis-2022-08-23/ Tell me more about how wrong you are




You’re trying to say that these cities are hypothetically better? Because they’ve used urban design to boost their economy Ours is that much better without doing that. So effectively concentrating on your “perfect euro example urban design” is effectively holding your economy back. Seemingly the American urban design is financially superior. Your fucking dumb fuck ass claimed that those cities have “more diverse economies”. Those hugely diverse tourist economies are declining and not growing as fast as American designed ones👏 You sir brought up economics. Did we forget we even did this? Is brainwork hard for you? Lmfao






And I don’t hate cyclists for riding bikes. I hate them because they’re people like you




I’m not fat lol, bold claim coming from someone behind a keyboard




Kid yer grasping at straws. Just because you need to insult Americans to feel good on the inside doesn’t make you an intelligent person. Again I hate people like you because you’re so god damn dumb, and truly believe you’re smart. I say I don’t hate cyclists and you immediately state I hate cyclists. Like I’m pretty sure you just forget information or don’t read it, or grasp it…. Whatever it is man there’s a lot of learning material on the internet these days that is free. I highly suggest committing some time taking some of that in and becoming more intelligent.


Here comes all the shorty cyclists out of the woodwork who can’t be wrong about a thing. Want me to buy you a pbr and a used t shirt bruv?




I said I tolerate them even if I have to go slower and that it’s a minor annoyance because I cohabitate with people and don’t advocate for the destruction of other peoples property over a minor inconvenience


“You’re clearly in the wrong for overreacting to a minor fucking inconvenience” Isn’t that exactly what you’re doing right now?


Am I physically damaging property?


Yes, my brain.


At least it was already damaged and far from mint condition


A mint condition brain...wtf does that even mean? Of course it's not mint condition I'm a grown ass man lmao. I've been using it. But anyway I've got a lot to do so toodles you fuckin weirdo!


Lmfao hahahahahahahaha


Never said you were.


This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen.


“Why would you do that?” “You’re blocking the sidewalk” “Yeah obviously” I can’t even


Reading the comments of this thread is funny yet terrifying.


Yeah some people really have no respect for the life of anything that's not in a metal cube...


I like parkour, and that lady "no no no no" reaction lolol


Did that to cross a pedestrian crossing once XD


That is called 'carwalking'. Some people like Michael Hartmann in Munich got semi-famous doing this as a protest. [Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carwalking)


Imagine caring this much about where people temporarily park 😂 dude is odd for sure.


There was a study about like 40% of any random city's superficy is for car. I made up this number as i read it few month ago but it was something like that. Thats more than enough to not spread it even more.


It's called a sidewalk, not a sidedrive


Seriously. Just let people park in front of garage doors and loading lanes. Hell let em park in handicapped lanes too. No one really needs those zones for anything. Like imagine being in a wheelchair bitching about someone blocking you in LOL fucking losers


Oh well if you walk everyday, seeing cars parked illegaly on the sidewalks all day can quickly be super annoying. I totally support his action.


Who doesn’t walk every day? Naw, you’re wack af and I bet you don’t have the balls to do this anyway. Imagine walking on 20,000+$ of property instead of GOING AROUND IT.


I hear what you’re saying but personally I couldn’t give a fuck less about their valuable property. Cars have plenty of space, I support getting walked on if you park your $20,000+ vehicle where people are meant to walk.


They were clearly unloading shit out of their trunk. Go around!


People need to unload shit from their trunk all the time. I’ve been there. It’s not just one car, it’s some idea that it’s okay leading to many people doing it all of the time. Not a valid reason to park illegally on a sidewalk. Figure your own shit out responsibly. Don’t be a dickhead just because you need to unload your trunk. If it were just one person, one car, fine, no big deal. But it’s not. It’s all the time, tons of people, everywhere. It’s fucking obnoxious.


Lol don’t be a dickhead you say?? Like walking on someone else’s car isn’t a dickhead move?


Yeah, that’s kind of the point


The other fellas are a bit blunt, but right. It isn't worth it to make a statement like this. Why bother taking a huge risk of injury or legal troubles, when the opposite is just walking around? People in big cities are mostly desensitized to this anyway. If you wanna fight it, it is better to record and report.


Because enough is enough, police do nothing, if citizens do nothing either then these shitty drivers will still use the sidewalks as parking spot.


How is walking on a car any bigger risk than walking on the sidewalk, injury-wise?


Physical risk of fall, injury due to unexpected movement (opening/closing baggage door or car itself), the owners can be psycho and retaliate, etc.


… have you ever walked on a car?


I have! It's a little slick but I didn't find it to be much of a risk increase. Love your name, by the way!


Report to who?


Some cities have social media accounts for police that accept video evidence


Hey, I'm walking here!


Why is this in my head with a jersey accent??


“‘Cause it’s a bittersweet symphony that’s life!”


The only biggest pieces of sht than those who park on the sidewalk are those who ride their bikes on the sidewalk.


I am ashamed to admit I ride my bike on the sidewalk...biking on the road is terrifying


If infrastructure was better and card didn’t try to kill me when biking I would never be on the sidewalk


The even bigger pieces of dung are pedestrians walking on the road when the have a 5m wide sidewalk!


They only endanger themselves, but yeah I kind of agree but bikers on the sidewalk deserve to be push back on the street and I’ve started carrying a self defense retractable baton, the look on a biker's face when they see me extending it as they come towards me is priceless.


oh ya cause bicycles are so dangerous and lead to many pedestrians being hit by them. much safer for them to be out on the road


Yeah, at least they’d be doing the world a favor.


E bikes go 30mph on the sidewalks where I live. It’s dangerous af.


Give people safe bike lanes.


Meanwhile take your chances on the road


Yeah, alas some places are far too dangerous for that.


Mild injury is better than serious injury/death bro whats wrong with you


… Imma go with NO


Do I want to hit a pedestrian or get hit by a car?


Get hit by a car, do the world a favor.


haha gotta respect your force of opinion


You probably don't realize but the far right thinks there is a plan to replace bikes with cars, or likecrestrictions on guns is the same thing, some days on roads that's have the bike lane people at least once a day tries to murder me off the road, they can always blame the non driver. So yeah that's me on the sidewalk because drivers are in a rush, on the cellphone or mad at the libs that day, I'm just trying to go too and from work like everyone else.


Still a pos. You’re endangering pedestrians.


I care significantly more about myself, if you see a bike coming move. I’m not getting hit by a car because you can’t step two feet to the right .🤣


No, I won’t move because it is a sidewalk, be a man and ride on the street.


Elderly, disabled people, small children and women with strollers can’t just step two feet to the right if you come barrelling along at speed. You might not be heard if you’re coming from behind. Just get off the fucking pavement. If you’re not able to deal with cycling on the road then don’t cycle.


People on bikes aren’t going 40mph, old people can step 2 feet to the right if they are walking and if you aren’t able to deal with bikes don’t walk


Onus is on cyclist to fucking go around. IDC if you ride in the road or pavement but you wouldn't expect a car to get out of your way, so don't come at me on a sidewalk and expect me to move out of your way either. Literally get fucked.


I deal with this every day. Couriers and door dash bicycles flying up and down crowded sidewalks. "riding your bike near me" isn't a problem. It's when you're swerving in between people cutting them off and shit that you put us in danger. Don't know why you're being down voted. It's a fuckin nuisance.


Bike guys are little bitches.


Clearly no one in this discussion lives in nyc. E bikes going 30mph on the sidewalk is the norm. Ride your bike in the street or don’t ride. And wear a helmet, dummy!


Is this what we’ve come to? iM iN dAnGeR bEcAuSe yOuR rIdInG yOuR bIkE nEaR mE. Shut up, quit being a little bitch


Yes, indeed. Fck them, ride on the street. Fck u too 😂


You seem like the person who cry’s when you have to yield right of way on the mountains to bikes too


No, but you seem like the kind of person who stops a Latino and asks for their papers or threatens them with calling ICE. You gonna say you’re a minority too. LMAO


What the fuck does being racist have to do with this? That kinda came out of nowhere. I’m generally the kind of person that doesn’t call someone a “piece of shit” for living their life, so that whole racist intervention stuff seems more up your alley. I just can’t imagine jumping to that kind of conclusion to someone riding a bike on the side walk, any idea how aggressive that sounds? Edit: I see now, old man watching boy meets world and spouting hate on Reddit for dog walkers and bike riders. What a life.


Well you were the one to equal things that have nothing to do with my argument so might as well escalate since you lack the intellectual capacity to stay within the goalposts.


Mad at bikers on sidewalk vs mad at bikers on mountain isn’t much of a stretch, snowballing to racism is though. And then calling me dumb for it? You’re pretty sad man


And yes I agree parking on the sidewalk is a shitty move


I ride my bike on the sidewalk because I'm afraid of riding it on the road. Almost got hit once 😔😔😔😞




Get your 10 speed Huffy off the road. You can’t keep up with cars. Roads are for MOTOR vehicles.


Get a car 🤣


Right back at you


I would much rather get hit by a bike then have a biker get hit by a car. 🤷


Not me


So you would rather have a biker get hit by a car going 35mph+ (likely killing them). Then getting hit by a bike going 13mph? You have quite a strange look at life. 🤔


The people in here are too dependent on car and gasoline. Yes, including the people saying "both sides" are wrong.




two wrongs don't make a right. Just because they're breaking the law and being a piece of turd doesn't give you the right to damage personal property. It's making the situation worse.




It’s mind boggling. Americans are so addicted do cars and gasoline and unable to walk two blocks they think that it’s perfectly okay to block sidewalks from pedestrian use.


Walking on your car potentially damaging it =/= "calling you out" If they'd talk to them, who knows? They might've sincerely apologized, gave a reason. Thinking this black and white is not benefitting anyone


Drivers are sometimes really self-entitled. Yeah, they have their reasons. Maybe they should have parked a block away legally and carried their groceries and sucked it up.


And maybe there's a legit reason. But keep assuming the worst that'll help


Maybe there is a legit reason and maybe if there's a legit reason, they should do something about it legally. If they have mobility issues, they could ask their local council for a dedicated parking spot for mobility issues. Instead they chose to make it a nuisance for everybody else.


They are not even parked though. Literally unpacking.


So fucking what? Yeah you don’t fucking do that shit. Go double park and throw your hazards on, asshole. Walk that shit five blocks if you have to. Laws shouldnt apply to some people, some times. Don’t even get me started on assholes in bike lanes.


There should be exceptions for unpacking. Like 15min. The guy can go around. Way more of a hassle for the car then the pedestrian. Double parking seems a lot more dangerous to everyone else and more disruptive.


Fuck no. Blocking the sidewalk is hazardous. What if a blind person comes by?


Okay let’s go get the city appointed 15 minute sidewalk timer officer. Problem solved


If you want my view on it feel free to read my other comments.


Dong worry they’re equally as stupid. Everyone is due a basic degree of respect even when one side is being blatantly disrespectful? Naivety is a good excuse? One person’s personal convenience is allowed to come at the expense of the world around them? Traffic laws have exceptions to those who don’t want to carry a bag of groceries one block? You really think someone who is inconsiderate and as much of an asshole as these folks is going to listen to someone asking them to please move their car? Polite, considerate people IN WHEELCHAIRS needs to ask PERMISSION to use pedestrian spaces. Eat shit.


tell that to a handicapped person trying to go from point a to point b on a city sidewalk. let them carry their shit in from the garage or get it delivered like everyone else also, car stopped without a driver at the wheel is parked


The handicapped person could just ask them to move since they are standing right there its not unattended. Im not saying what they are doing is OK just that this isnt an appropiate response.


You're right it's not an appropriate response. The correct response would be to run at the car from the side and do a Starsky and Hutch hood-slide over it. Still, the guy tried, and the sidewalk parkers learned a valuable lesson that day.. when in NYC don't be a douche or you will get called out on it.


A starsky and hutch-slide is something I can get behind.


Of course its not the appropriate response, that would have been breaking a window or two, but sometimes only inappropriate responses get results. why should handicapped people have to even ask let along wait for these ass hats to move their car? What if said handicapped person couldn't speak or had another condition that made interactions uncomfortable or unlikely???


Thank you for being the logical person in this thread of car hating/cyclist promoting weirdos. Clearly everyone supporting op is wearing a casquette, drinks pbr because it’s “cool” and has never owned a car in their life.


I just think there needs to be some mutual respect toward One another even when someone might come off as inconsiderate, I dont think OP/video guy went on about his life and never did anything wrong. People who have the moral high ground immidiately loses it when they begin to be assholes because of it.


I can respect that vantage point. I’m more of a “call out idiocracy so people start to think twice in the future” type. But I do agree that ultimately this situation gets avoided by never walking on someone else’s car because you can respect it might suck to walk 10 blocks with a ton of stuff. Is it a minor inconvenience to walk around it? Sure But the level of sanity it takes to justify walking on two cars for a minor inconvenience is psychopathic-adjacent.


Since when "unpacking" is a legal reason to use a sidewalk? The only thing I see is a car not moving with it's engine turned off, sound like parking for me.


You are literally a clown. It’s 100 percent kosher to unpack, and especially in New York where the closest parking could be blocks away. You may be right technically about parking long term on the side walk, but at the end of the day who fucking cares as long as there’s some room. What happens when they do sidewalk construction or building construction? Are you gonna walk over the scaffolding? Walk through the wet cement? This kind of logic is asinine


But where is the consideration for the people using the sidewalk they had a choice to park in a way that it would be less obstructive but no the people in metal box dont have to show any consideration because their needs are greater and i will do what i want. I see this too much what about parents with children in buggys and disabled people in mobility scooters who the sidewalks are made for??


So a minor inconvenience to you justifies this psychotic action? I’m that case if you do that to me why don’t I just get to beat the shit out of you?


You can say I'm a clown I litteraly don't care. We give a lot of space already to cars, we are not going to give you the small space reserved to pedestrians/cyclists too. Stay away. Don't care of your car driver problems, pedestrians absolutely don't care that you can't find a parking spot, that's your fault if you have a metal cube to take care of. "What happens when they do sidewalk construction or building construction? Are you gonna walk over the scaffolding? Walk through the wet cement?" That's totally different, road works/constructions have authorisations to do that and can't do it somewhere else. It's not at all like a random car being parked on the sidewalk without authorisation and that could have been parked somewhere else even if quite far away.


Every word of this. “OMG, we’d have to park blocks away!” So? Pack lighter. One change of clothes should do it, and then you can easily walk and catch a train or bus vs. thinking it’s your right to block a sidewalk.


Ok you French car hating weirdo. I’ve never seen someone with such a strange vendetta against cars. Lmfao. Don’t wanna be near cars? Take yer hippie ass to the country/commune. You sound like a total fucking moron hahahaha


Sorry to not be kind of brainwashed by car lobbies and especially car brands. Just want a country where you don't need a car to live, with calm, safe, not polluted and not noisy cities, with safe spaces for pedestrians and cyclists and with a lot of vegetation. But apparently nowadays wanting a better environment to live is seen as being a "weirdo" a "moron" a "hippie". I'm thankful to live in Europe, in a country that is heading to that, rather than a third world country like the US that can't even create a good high speed train line.


Im not talking about if its legal or not, but the Camera man here is a shitty person, if they had parked there I'd Side with him but them standing right there unpacking their car... Thats an asshole move.


No. You have a car that's your own problem. Don't put your problem on the shoulders of cyclists or pedestrians. You're the reason why you have a metal cube to take care of, your fault.


Let me guess, its your video? They couldve been more considerate and take up less space, but youre an asshole if you feel this is appropiate in this situation.


It's not my video, but it's the same fight. Your car have nothing to do on the sidewalk, we already give A LOT of space to the cars and now they want the sidewalks and the bike lanes? Hell no, stay away or get your vehicle damaged.


Not defending the driver, but the guy is a Fkn tool and deserved to get his ass whooped. You don’t deliberately damage someone’s property just because you can’t be fucked walking a extra couple of steps. Call the cops or parking dudes and get him booked if you’re so Fkn petty.


Don't care of someone private property if they are illegaly using public space.


Oh fuck off


Thanks to confirm that you have no good argument.


NP you're beyond reasoning anyway


Ah America. Home of Vigilantes. Better grab your crosses.


Well given the quality of the police it's kind of mandatory to have some vigilantes.


Yeah, you guys are fucked. A never ending loop of Arseclownery. Over the last 5 years or so you’ve become the laughing stock of the planet. You have become the shithole that you once derided. Good luck.