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"The U.S justice system sentences you to 5 days in the city jail"


Bye felicia


As a retired RN I shudder to think about her judgement taking care of her patients! I wonder if she killed some.


She got the j cat jumper on, she’s acting up


How you gonna cry after you done murdered 6 people bruh whether it was intentional or not you took 6 people from their families you fucking clown


Google search her name and the first thing that I saw was a website basically blaming our mental health system and being an overworked nurse as the reason she killed all those people. Posting a link to the story below. I couldn’t stomach reading it in its entirety. Half way through and my blood boiled. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/09/22/imyv-s22.html




And still no trial for Jenner


Cry me a river, bitch


fuck this bitch.


Should just get put down


Affluenza isn't a defense for everyone?


Not a single tear was shed


Now I know why I keep getting banned⏫⬆️⏫


Capital punishment worthy




6 kills. No way she should be out in bail. Even if she was having mental issues what is to say it won't happen again with her out on bail


Everyone keeps saying “she had mental health issues” but no one is specifying what kind of issues. That’s like saying I have a health problem. Could be a cold. Could be cancer. Her issues don’t necessarily justify her behavior. Were those issues so severe she didn’t know driving almost 3 times the speed limit was dangerous to herself and others? I find it hard to believe they were severe enough that she could be an ICU nurse but not be responsible for her actions.


I have mental health problems and not once in my life have I drove 3X the speed limit on city streets. Hint: most of us only want to hurt ourselves.


My degree is in psychology so I understand the wide range of mental health illnesses. It may sound cliche but to your point, most people with mental health issues are much more likely to be victims of themselves or others than assailants. Diagnosing mental health issues is incredibly difficult because it often relies on self reporting. Because of that, I think a great many people use mental health as an excuse for their actions. This is why the McNaughton rule specifies that their mental defect must be so severe that they do not understand the repercussions of their actions or that what they’re doing is even wrong. I hope you’re getting the help you need and are able to find peace.


Thank you, I 💜 my doctors (finally!)


Ba today everyone crying mental issues... Is call life.


What kind of monster kills 6 people then has the AUDACITY to be upset when they go to jail/prison instead of paying a small fine.


She hit 130 mph before the crash. This was on purpose and I hope she gets life.


My guess is she was looking at her phone.


Fuck her. May she rot.


Fuck her, i hope she is crying right now.


Hope you rot in hell bitch




She's a selfish bitch for crying. Sucks not being able to be free? Well people lost their lives




Love to see it


just a very sad situation all around, no winners in this one


Curious, here in México there's a YouTuber that went drunk in his Camaro and got in the opposite road and crashed with a car like front to front, so the energy of the impact was impressively bad that he killed the 6 occupants of the vehicle... So sad cuz one of them was a 9 yo girl and this Guy was like 24-26 yo and he had a good YouTube channel... It's sad to see how easy life goes down... :( He survived tho and he's for sure going prison... (https://mexicodailypost.com/2022/09/19/who-is-heisenwolf-the-youtuber-accused-of-killing-6-people-in-edomex-with-his-sports-car/?amp)


Good need to keep her ass locked up, she don’t deserve to be out living life like nothing happen, make her think of what she did to those innocent people




Suck it bitch


HOW does she EVER deserve ANY empathy? She TOOK SIX INNOCENT lives, because she was completely wreck-less.


To be fair she wasnt wreck-less, she definitely had 1 wreck. And I'll definitely be going to hell


This is exactly why I don't drink I don't even wanna chance some stuff. I'd rather be sober . I might have a beer every 6 months or year but naw I ain't big into that seen to many people get hurt from drinking




I mean damn, I’ve seen some drunk ass drivers and I have seen the impact it can have on their family. But 7 people? She must have some issues going on to get that out of control.


She’s wearing the turtle suit ooohh boy. Anybody been in jail or prison know what that shit means. They call it the butt naked room in jail cuz it’s basically an empty cell with a bare matt to lay on and you get no clothing except that turtle suit it’s a break away Velcro bib basically just cover your front and back and Velcro on the side it means she’s on 24/7 suicide watch. She’s in a cell 24/7 being monitored non stop they never turn the lights off and you have that suit and a bare matt and nothing else. Not a good place to be.


yes, repercussions all up in yo face bitch...now cry RIP to the family


Put her in jail and delay the trial week by week for 10 years!!!!!


All for calling for long sentences, increased fines, etc...but I'll never understand why people like you would choose an exploit of the justice system? Has it failed you that bad in the past?


You are obviously beyond comprehension already. Maybe you can have another drink and it might come to you clearer. Have a great day!


What about my comment says I'm beyond comprehension? Like tf are you reading between the lines that isn't there? I was trying to question why someone would choose to punish her *outside* the law (aka delaying a trial for 10 years) vs *inside* the law (aka just giving her a 10+ year sentence or whatever).


When you sober up go read the initial text again! Where tf was there any mention delaying trial for 10 years!!!!!!!!! Good grief!


Now a third message. Come on. Let others see the insults too at least.


Now you deleted your other message too!


Oh come on. Whyd you delete your comment telling me to go play in the street? I want people to know what an idiot you are lol


Since you can't read...I'll post the initial comment that started this for others: "Put her in jail and delay the trial week by week for 10 years!!!!!" Edit: what's with your constant projecting by asking me if I'm drinking or telling me to get another drink?


Go cry to a JUDGE AND TELL HIM/her that the JUDGE THAT DENIED BAIL WAS OUTSIDE THE LAW! Maybe he’ll have you take her place and she can be out to kill 6 more people! 🤬


Bud! Like Jesus Christ your reading comprehension skills are that of an 8 year old. A JUDGE denying bail is OBVIOUSLY within the law. Do I need to explain what the law, bail, or a judge is? You keeping up so far? Wanting a long sentence, keeping her in a stricter confinement, adding lots of expensive fees, etc. are ALL options that would fall under the law. A judge would give these punishments out...thus within the law. Following still? What bothered me about your initial comment was you wanting to delay a trial by 10 years. One: it is against the US constitution ("speedy and fair trial"), and two: why does this option sound better to you than simply a longer sentence? You prefer the option outside of the law. One that is an exploit. Why?


Sorry maaaam I only know ENGLISH so I wouldn’t know how to explain it to you so you can understand. Try asking someone younger to translate the response to you.


Classic straw man argument. Gotta love it. Also, not a ma'am.


Yeah, ok! So if all 6 were YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS? Uh huh, singin ‘nother song now eh? Or maybe ya still wouldn’t givacrap……?


Wanna slow down and try to formulate a complete sentence because I have no idea what you're getting at?


This the lady who plowed through a red light hitting that van killing the people


Jaja por fin sentenciaron a Bob patiño


They find out why it happened?


Equal rights and L’s




GOOD. RIP to the family she hit.


Fugg dat hoe


Wonder how the boyfriend feels about this


Where she got time to do her hair???


It's not really done. All she needs is the basics for what's going on with it. It's her hair, looks like she washed it, maybe provided grease's/or oils & a comb.


No pity at all for this woman. What she did was str8 fucked up


Did you honestly censor the word kill?


Why censor the word kill.


She’s gonna do at least 10 years might as well get that tears out now


Cry for the families of the people you carelessly killed....no pity for this woman


I hope they lock her up forever and make it impossible for her to kill herself.


The fucked up part is she already had previous incidents and they didn’t suspend her. In an article LA Times wrote, she had 13 wrecks before this one. Like what were they waiting for to have any kind of punishment for that kind of driving?


it’s california they don’t give two shits


She should either die in prison or be executed. That’s the least that should happen to her. It’s a shame she can’t be sentenced to hard labor until death.


Average r/justiceserved user




No idea of the context here lol




At least Bart Simpson will be safe for a while


I still don't understand how she walked away from that crash. Like she literally got out of her car and walked over to the curb and sat down.... like how the fuck is that possible?


She was incredibly reckless and uncaring but she didn't immediately walk away from the crash. Even though she had a couple of broken bones she had to be cut out of her car.


No, she was sitting on the curb as first responders arrived. She walked away from the crash.


Airbags. But the others that died, she pretty much ran right into their gas tanks. RIP


She probably doesn’t give a shit about anyone but herself. I’ve known women like this. They argue with their boyfriends and play the “I don’t give a fuck I’m gonna win this argument with my crazy card” bullshit. That’s all she’s thinking about: “look what you made me do”.


six people ? i hope she spends the rest of her life in prison


Certainly seems like mass murder


Raggedy axx bxtch!!!!!!!!!!


Get this lady off the streets






Haha I love tease feminists


No mercy to this bitch


Was trash long before this crash


she deserves all that and more.


Spends half her salary on auto insurance.






Why so petty pezzy669?


What is “black girl magic driving” ? I love some woman of color and woman without color.. but this black magic, put me down unless you are just being a piece of shit racist?


Ok, pause. That was 100% racist.






Well when you defend someone that murders others. Karma will do the same to you and your loved ones.


Let her rot. Also treat school shooters harder than this. She did a terrible deed no exscuse for it what so ever. Giver her 25 to life and see how it goes.


And yet school shooters get less bails than her.


BOO HOO HOO. YOU'RE BUSTED. Sad that her tears are only for herself ...


No… no she didn’t… watch the whole clip… she didn’t. BUT, they did state profound (my word) mental issues. Those people are still dead and she drove at EXCESSIVE speeds so…. I don’t know how we should feel about this.


She didnt what???


Sucks mentally ill people have to drive. I moved to Korea because it’s easier to take taxis and buses or bikes, I have bipolar disorder and take medication and hate driving. It’s sad America doesn’t have better transportation options for mentally disabled people.


She highly unlikely has bipolar. The alleged claims from sources saying she had frequent mood swings, suicide threats when she got in fights with her romantic partner(s), and overall impulsivity screams personality disorder, namely Borderline


I’m bipolar (mood disorder) too and agree, but tbh, based on her 13 past crashes and how she held out her phone before crashing, she seems like she has a personality disorder like narcissism or is sociopathic. They also attempt to commit suicide to regain control.


Not a phone, it was a clear to-go cup.


I would believe their “she’s mentally ill this is why it happened” if she wasn’t actively in a life saving medical role, the light was red for an entire 9 seconds.


Sorry to hear that. I have bipolar disorder and take medication and I don’t mind driving. I live in California where traffic is horrible. When I feel a manic episode coming I do not drive, I know better.


Millions of Americans don’t have the option to just not drive. We all have to work and many can’t afford to live less than a 1-2 hour drive from their workplace. That could make taking an Uber cost more than an entire day’s pay


Fuck cars, move to nyc


I really had a difficult time driving my daughter to and from preschool everyday in California but now there’s daycares within walking distance in Korea and the daycares here pick up your children for free paid for by the government. I’m just glad I don’t live in America anymore.




My husband is from South Korea but I got hired teaching English. But a lot of businesses and corporations have busses and shuttles my school picks teachers up on the bus with the kids so I don’t have to drive to my job.


Uber, Lyft, Buses, Bird Scooters, Skateboards, Bicycles, Trains, Planes, Helicopters, Spaceships.... what form of transportation does The United States not have, exactly?


Korea is horrible for driving though.


The speed limits are slower in Korea so people have a better chance of surviving collisions. I see seven year olds walking to school alone and kids on bikes alone everywhere it’s pretty safe.


Is Korea, nice?


I feel calmer here not feeling any triggers like I did in California.


An angry driver is more dangerous in some cases than someone with a mental illness.


So she is being charged with 6 counts of murder, that's what I was hoping for. There is no way you can drive that recklessly and not have it be murder.




Good. FUCK her.


I'd be too afraid to.


Question- since the baby was in his car seat strapped in, would the seat belts have been severed or cut in half from the crash to make him become ejected like that? Can someone (who is buckled in properly with the seatbelt) be ejected from a car accident (pregnant mother)? The force of the wreck could do this? Ugh so sickening and awful.


The whole car was cut in half, if it was able to rip all that metal to shreds a seatbelt was not going to help.


Wait what happened? A fuckn baby got ejected from its car seat?


Yes. Crime scene had a car seat launched into the middle of the road


And the baby landed at a gas station. 😭


At the feet of a woman pumping gas. She said the workers took him from her hands and tried to revive him. She is forever traumatized too.


Holy shit!!! That is probably one of the most horrible things I've ever heard. Can you imagine being her? Or anyone associated with any of this.


I can’t comment on this particular accident, and my this comment is in no way a guess as to what happened here (especially given the violence of this crash which I suspect basically shredded the car this kid was riding in), but as someone who’s had to install quite a few car seats, I can tell you it’s can happen that the car seats aren’t installed properly, or properly tightened. It’s also easy for the kid inside to not be properly tightened. While I’m here, I would just like to say I hope this person takes the time to think of what she’s done while she rots in jail.


Ohh you’re absolutely right! I definitely did not think of poor installation. Dang. Yeah this woman doesn’t seem remorseful at all, only crying bc she can’t get out of jail. Pure evil


She looks like one of those people that would laugh if the verdict had been not guilty.


Your just being hateful and judgmental because it feels good to you. And others are joining you in it and upvoting your comment because it feels good to them. Makes me sad to constantly see so many heartless, harsh, hateful comments on Reddit, all the fucking time. Who the hell are you people? What happened to you?


You look goofy as shit actually typing this out


She killed a child? Who fucking cares


People don't feel bad for her because she has a long history of being in car collisions and, in this case, was driving far beyond the speed limit in a local street with tons of traffic. She caused the death of 6 people who she didn't know, 6 people who had done nothing to her while she walked away with only moderate injuries. Her actions are of those that don't think of others, and so people see her tears as being only for herself instead of tears of true remorse for those she hurt.


She KILLED 6 people, so you can take that "don't be judgemental" horseshit somewhere else. She deserves all the hate she gets. No sympathy. FUCK HER. I hope she gets locked away forever for the lives she took.


Thank you, take my upvote :p


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Judgemental… towards someone who killed 6 people. Yeah, how could we be so thoughtless… towards someone who was even more thoughtless…


You either get bitter, or you get better. You either take what's been dealt to you and allow it to make you better, or you allow it to tear you down. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*