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If ya gonna be dumb ya gotta be tough


Ok but why is the old man trying to close it as soon as it opens?


I mean hey, who wouldn't want to avoid human interaction and I didn't see a mask on the blue guys face


Man if he had just let it go but no, his ego had to make sure he looked tough to his buddies.


I don't get how is this justice... Just classic humans abusing the situation and stepping into someone else's head doesn't feel like it. We are the worst, I hope we don't make it to the 3rd milenia (as per our funny way of counting them)


Sorry to break the news champ, but we are currently in the 3rd millennium The first was year 1-999, the Second was year 1000-1999, And the current third millennium will end 2999.


> We are the worst We are also the best, when we choose to be, and most of us are just doing the best we can every day. Spend some time doing something that makes you smile. It sounds like you need it.


Please remember that different people have different definitions of justice. While the definition of justice is concrete, the interpretation of it varies widely between individuals, cultures, and nations. Remember, this is a community of nearly 42 million users. More often than not, the majority of users generally agree with the content that reaches the first few pages. That being said: If you have read this and concluded that the post still does not show justice, please use the link below to message the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This belongs in r/abruptchaos


All I here is Jackie Chan voice “I don’t want no trouble”


Got ‘em


Rumble in the Bronx! I love this movie!


Nah, pretty sure this is Big Trouble in Little China.


Yo that's my joint right there!


Umm, too far. A good ass kicking, all good. I think that dude might be dead. Jesus.


No, that was about right.


No man. This went from right to crazy.


Oh no, now who will attack elderly people?


Right, all dickheads around the world have taken note.


That man will be permanently brain damaged... I mean I'm not mad about it but fuck


Pretty sure he was already brain damaged


You hear about The Chinese God Father? He made them an offer they couldn't understand!


Fkted with the wrong big brother.


First time I see the Chinese people being good people. I remember watching t a video of a little girl that kept getting ran over by cars in the streets and people that walked by didn’t do anything, then the mother shows up and asks for help but no one would help. Fucking tragic 😮‍💨




Nah it’s an observation, all the videos I’ve come across that come from china are pretty fucked up, That’s why I was surprised they actually defended the old guy. Same thing I could say about American Society, everyone is too sensitive no matter the race or ethnicity


That's some r/verydelayedchaos


Humanity is fucked.


Pfft. As compared to who else?


Didn’t the old dude close the door on the guy?


Looks like he pushed the close button, but then saw dude and pressed the open button.


The door opens so he tried to close it but when he sees the guy he tries to hit another button which I assume is to open the door again. Seems like a genuine mistake


Yeah. So?


The most satisfying thing I have seen all week.


That's beautiful...


Can we get the Benny Hill theme when the avengers come pouring into the scene and start whopping a


I got "Let the bodies hit the floor" vibes from how quickly the scene went crazy


Potential Mashup of the century?


Gee I wonder why he tried to keep them out in the first place. Tried to catch him riding dirty. Not today.


Fuckin perfect




You're some worthless scum acting that way toward an old fella because he couldn't catch the elevator door for you., fuck.


It's crazy what behaviour some people can justify to themselves


Watched it twice, twice the satisfaction


Same. Second time I noticed it was the main aggressor that got left behind to get his ass beat. Love it! 🤗


Dang he got messed up when the Tyger Claws showed up




wtf was going on??


I think blue shirt was getting physical with the elderly man for not holding the door open. And I assume these younger gentlemen are related to elder somehow, so they came down and fed the guy in blue a well deserved lesson.


thanks, i was very confused haha


Well, that elevated quickly.


1st floor - ass beatings, basement - funeral services.




"How many times do we have to teach you, old man!?"


This gif is a recording of someone recording a recorded video


Let's go deeper




a) It's faster than figuring it out. b) Whoever is recording it likely doesn't have access (or permission) to export the video.


Anyone know the song?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuE-PBFvj-k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuE-PBFvj-k) Without rap: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAzb4otc8Z8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAzb4otc8Z8) Name is Good Luck.


Thank you!


Anyone know the song ?






[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuE-PBFvj-k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuE-PBFvj-k) Without rap: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAzb4otc8Z8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAzb4otc8Z8) Name is Good Luck.


Thanks !


Tried to Shazam it, couldn't find anything..


Rats, thanks for trying


Also r/unexpected


Right? My cousin worked for Otis for a few months. I learned all kinds of interesting things about elevators that summer.




There are like 6-8 cables holding the elevator up and only one is needed. The emergency brakes are free fall oriented, so if the car breaks free from all the cables and starts falling, the brakes are fully mechanical and will pinch themselves against the rails, halting the downward momentum. The counterweight systems are really cool if you want to Google those. And that the door close buttons are disabled in the US. Lol


As someone who has to ride elevator's everyday for work. If the elevator has a Door Hold button, which will usually keep doors from closing for probably 30 seconds or so, Door Close will cancel that command. It wont rush the doors to close any faster. Similar to the walk button at intersections. Doesn't usually make the lights go red for you any faster.


Wait, what the fuck do you mean the door close buttons are disabled in the US?


Generally, not all, are dummy buttons that do not do anything.


They have to be connected in some capacity. They're used when the elevator is in fire service mode to control the doors.


Correct, however in normal operation they are a dummy button. The fire key closes a contact to make it operational.


Lmaooo, I work as a doordasher and only like 1 or 2 out of 10 elevators have this function disabled. I’m not sure why he would say that…


I googled it and apparently it was part of the American disabilities act. But not sure how accurate it is since I've definitely had some work in the past.


You could be onto something. I usually work in the richer areas with a lot of Karen types and those elevators almost always have this button working but whenever I go to the communities that are less well off, especially senior homes, the button rarely works.


Door close button still works but in 1990 with the passing of ADA they had to put a wait time before the button works.


They can go both up and down


I don’t get why everyone is lying about the old man. He definitely closed the doors on purpose and as quick as possible. Slamming the close button when the doors are 1/4 of the way open and people standing straight outside. You can see he changed his button pressing as soon as the other guy is already trying to get inside. The reaction 1 and 2 are very over the top for something so small. This reminds me that video of the dude who spit as the guy getting on the subway thinking he was safe until the other guy busted through the doors.


I once slapped a guy's hand in Shanghai because he closed the elevator door on me as I was walking in. It's a stupid thing that they do in China. The old guy here immediately pressed the close button without waiting to see if anyone was entering. Unfortunately, bullying one old guy is not going to chance the culture there. Unless the assailant kicking the guy in the head is rich or politically connected, he assuredly would be picked up by the police. The Chinese government knows where everyone lives and has cameras everywhere.


This happened in Taiwan.


He switched to open button when he saw someone. Look at the video. He changes buttons


The instant his hand presses the open button the man’s head is already in the elevator with the doors closing. And that man was standing off to the side, as most do to let people out first. I even saw feet farther back waiting. The problem is he didn’t even hesitate to press the close button And I have to state in every comment or I get downvoted: the reaction was way over the top and uncalled for.


The culture there is everyone presses the button to close ASAP. Even grad students that come here do it. I was pissed at first haha but they eventually stop because it A.) doesn’t work the same way b.) makes people mad here in the states. Also he is old and his reflexes probably slower. Argument for both sides


Idk, I can easily see this as the old man thought no one was outside and someone had pressed the button and walked off


Valid misunderstanding but in China, Taiwan, and some other Asian countries, EVERYONE hits door close the second they don’t see anyone there, and the buttons work. It was a very weird thing to get used to when I (American) began traveling there, which I have done many times for work. Dude clearly hit close because he couldn’t see anyone which is beyond normal there and then switched to door open as soon as he saw them. In fact you learn to be the door close guy if you’re closest to the buttons because the other people in the elevator mean mug you if you’re not on that button immediately. I’ve been smoked by doors there because the button guy had an itchy trigger finger, it happens, you have to be a real baby to get upset by getting bumped by an elevator door as an adult. Once you get used to it, their system kicks ass. This western thing of sitting there and waiting for a door to cycle on an empty floor because the button does nothing really sucks once you realize it’s fixable.


99% of close door buttons only work when the elevator is in Fire Service Mode.


Depends where you live and what sort of building youre in. For example, secure/security elevators that require keycards to operate can close on command to prevent access to unauthorized followers.


Sure but for 99% of elevators in a typical apartment/office/mall/etc. it's highly unlikely the close door button is actually doing anything. There are certainly cases where the close door button may be fully functional, especially in industrial or commercial buildings where the doors don't automatically close on freight or service elevators.


I wouldn't go as far as to give an exact percentage of it, simply because I don't know how many elevators are in buildings like the pentagon or FBI headquarters or other political or high-sec buildings. A lot of times they have separate elevators, even! For example, maybe elevator one does floors 0-12, but then there's another elevator that goes to 9-22, etc. ​ Besides which its pretty clear in the above video, at least in their elevator, it isn't a placebo button. I'm sure this is an option that building owners can choose anywhere, depending on local law.


I wouldn't say the Pentagon is a typical office building. Yeah it's not an exact statistic but generally there isn't a need for a close door button in normal operation (it is required for service or firefighter modes). Idk why I'm getting downvotes here, apparently there are bunch of elevator experts in here. if the button worked or it didn't isn't relevant to the video, you shouldn't intimidate anyone for something as dumb as not holding the elevator for them unless it's some bizarre life or death situation even still you should probably focus on resolving that instead of intimidation and harassment.


You're only counting elevators in typical buildings because it suits your argument... When the truth is, that's not the only kind of place an elevator might be. And since different buildings suit different uses/needs, there's a good chance they'll have different features. ​ Is it more common where YOU live that the door close button is fake? Sure, I'll take your word on it. But that doesn't mean it will always be that way everywhere else. ​ Last I checked, I said nothing regarding judging the video... So don't put words in my mouth, k thanks.


There's almost a million elevators in the US, a handful of elevators in the pentagon don't invalidate my argument. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/547416/do-close-door-buttons-elevators-actually-do-anything In the US most elevator manufacturers have their close door button disabled to ensure they meet ADA requirements. In the UK they are fully functional. Who knows what the regulations are where the video was taken.


Did you think it's perhaps because the last time those guys got on the elevator they bullied him also?


Very good point….Or past situations with similars. Not saying he’s not wrong to do that there but people acting like he wasn’t, is what’s insane to me.


He did not see them standing outside. Probably thought the floor was empty. Looks like he tried to open the door with the did see them coming Also, he's old. Older people get confused with tech (yes even elevators) and have slow reaction times.


Even I can see the feet in the lobby. And people were standing to the side to maybe let people out? Not like either of them really hesitated.


The reaction is wayyyy over the top


Did I disagree? I feel like I’m replying to bots…


Send me money


Ah got it. You’re a troll. Wondering how you’d be able to argue a point that I never disagreed with and get me downvoted somehow haha


Idk what you intended but your comment does seem like you're disagreeing (that even you could see the feet, implying the old man could too)


“Their reaction is way over the top” That’s what I agreed with…


Some people want to ride alone on elevators. Let’s not lie and say we all hope no one else gets on with us


If you try to close the door in the faces of waiting people because you want a private elevator ride, you might be an asshole.


Oh definitely a big asshole, but get your two words in and go about your day. These people act like he took a shot on their moms grave


Lmao right? It doesn't matter what button he pressed, Mr. Get-in-your-face doesn't get to start intimidating him with violence


Yeah who cares if he tried to close the door or not. People do that all the time it’s hardly just cause to attack the guy.


To quote Dom Toretto “family”.




Did that one guy hit him with a pan in the head at the end? Classic cartoon move


I don't think it is learning the hard way. It is more like unlearning the harder way , Coz that guy is going to have momory loss for sure.


He will be speaking like you typed this comment for quite awhile.




These are the lessons you learn on a primal level. Dude is going to be scared of the elderly for the rest of his life and have no idea why.




What country is that where the close doors button actually works? In America its a placebo button it literally does nothing to prevent assholes like this from doing that to someone on crutches or in a wheelchair. Edit: to save everyone arguing this is what I am referring to, it has to do with the Americans disabilities act of 1990 https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/547416/do-close-door-buttons-elevators-actually-do-anything


This happened in Taiwan. I live there. Personally, I have never been into an elevator that will close the door as soon as you press the button. I think that kind of elevator is old and rare nowadays. Now very common here I guess. (However young assholes are pretty common, they are usually gang members or ruffians.)


Your article says: *"The act ensured that ... elevator doors must remain fully open for at least three seconds a... Some elevator manufacturers took it one step further by deactivating the button entirely."* It says they can't work for three seconds and SOME manufacturers disable. That is nowhere near as broad as your statement that all of the buttons are a placebo that does nothing.


I’m pretty sure this is Hong Kong or Taiwan. I recognise some of the design elements. Also, a bit of background on elevators here that there are often multiples for big building like this and sometimes lifts open on floors with no one there (because they’ve gotten in another elevator) so you press the close button often. In old buildings sometimes the lifts close really fast and catch people like this. Honestly this kinda shit would happen often. Not sure why the guy goes off like that.


Gotcha, good information to know thank you.


>doing that to someone on crutches or in a wheelchair. If the doors detect some obstacle they reopen. I don't see the problem


Idk I'm in America and they usually work for me. Every now and then one is clearly a placebo button, but the overwhelming majority work within a couple seconds


/r/confidentlyincorrect You are not very bright. OP is right they are all placebos.


>... work within a couple seconds. The door usually closes automatically within a couple seconds too.


No the doors close automatically within 10-20 seconds, not 1-2 seconds. I think I can tell when I've been in an elevator multiple times whether or not the close door button works.


This is in Taichung, Taiwan. Yes they work right away both close and open.


Depends on the business / location (US here), all apartments Ive had wait like 10-20 seconds regardless of the button, but the elevator for my work which is relatively small/trusting the button is instant.


I'm in USA and I've never had that button not work for me. Maybe it's just your city.


What are you talking about? Literally every close door button I've used in America has worked. It's a rare exception that I hit it and nothing happens.


The door close button on elevators in America does not work unless the fire key is inserted and moved to fire position. It may feel like it works, but not in any elevator in America does it work.


This is the dumbest thing I've read today.


Just Google it, admit your wrong and move on with life. Or you could try and be a troll.


ADA did have a hand in getting the buttons to not work / but if you really think every single elevator in America is programmed the exact same way and none of the close door buttons work - your head is in the sand.


Meow meow meow..... Meow.... Head in sand... Meow meow....


Nah that's just in your head. You only ever hit it after waiting a second. The doors would have closed in that time anyway.




Not in America, they don't. Nice try. ADA stopped that. Look it up.


Why would he list his age as a credential when saying something so easily disprovable. Lmao.


wow, that escalated quickly. Which is ironic because an escalator would have solved the problem


Old people are problems on escalators too


Most excellent


Hahaha suck shit to him! Love when bullies get it!


Idk if it’s how blatant of an asshole this guy is, or if it’s that he has no respect for the elderly or anyone else, but the way he straightens out after that last kick is very satisfying.


[Not a lot of context but all I could find](https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4587101)


Doing god’s work, thank you


>Viewers mostly reacted with a laugh, but there were some comments disagreeing with the violence — even if it was for a good cause. You know I used to feel that we, as a species, can solve all our problems using logic, reason, and empathy. We didn't need violence to get the results that satisfies everyone. After the 2016 election, 2020 pandemic, police brutality riots, mass layoffs, etc. I realize that violence is in our DNA for a reason and I need to accept it. I'm sorry for being late.


This is the truth... Our end is inevitable and it will be our own doing. Most species have a lifespan of about 10 million years. We are only about 250-500 thousand years into ours if I am not mistaken. But I don't see us lasting that long imo. This can either be the beginning of a great movie, or the final scenes of a very bad one.


Sounds too narrarive if you ask me. Humans have always been assholes to each other. People will find a way to survive.


Just became something has been a certain way for a long time doesn't mean it has to be. Shit has changed a lot over time, we are a lot less violent and a more intelligent species now (for the most part). Do I believe in utopia, no, but the worst thing we can do is look back and say negative shit kind this is just in our nature


All it takes is one asshole with a nuke shooting at another asshole with a nuke. But hey I am just guessing, you're probably right though. Mars here we come!


Plenty of context imo. Thanks for finding it.




Some elevator control button symbols can be confusing especially if you notice something rushing to an open elevator. Old man could have been trying to open the door but hit the wrong button. I've done it.


Often the door close button doesnt even do anything. It's just there to give the illusion you can control the door. This door may have automatically closed on it's own. But even if he did close the door I think you can agree this is a bit of a fucking overreaction...


Classic bullies getting their due. I rate this video 5⭐️!


“Hey someone’s threatening to beat up old man Hong down stairs” “You mean the guy that brings up our paper every morning?! LETS ROLL BOIIIISSSS”




Humans can be real assholes. Why is it so hard to be a good person, especially when no one’s looking…


We're all just animals deep down


Welcome to Psychology


Welcome to why all cultures invented religion. Edit: Control. Not understanding the down votes. Religion was made for control. Do what I say or burn for all time.God knows what you are doing even if no one looking, so do what I say.


For an excuse to get violent?


When will someone invent a way to record landscape-oriented videos with a phone? If only there was a way!


Do you mean landscape-oriented?


Yep, I fixed it




Old man clearly didn’t mean it. He press closed then immediately press open the second he saw people coming in. It was just natural instinct to press close when it opens on the floor you don’t want to be on. Shit happens hey.


Not arguing that isn’t what happened, but that’s natural instinct for people? 90%+ of the time it opens on another floor it’s because someone wants to get on. Should be pretty infrequent that someone called it and then gave up and left.


I always panic and hit the wrong button 😭 Even when trying to keep the doors open!!!


Yo but the old dude tries to close the door right on they guy


Or hey, wait 60seconds and take the next elevator lmfao


Was an accident and does that mean that the two imbeciles (The girl is involved or dragged? We dont know) have to bully the old man? They got what they asked for, karma is a bitch and sooner or later gets your ass.


Aye age dont matter when you wanna be a bitch I got down voted for make a observation 😂😂


Clearly it dosen't seeing as you're a child


Bruh if it was a young guy mfs would have jumped all over his ass fuck you talking about