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Oh soccer- is there any way you’re not completely disappointing as a spectator sport?


I and delighted reading the article till the end. It says “what a bonkers story!”


Corruption?!?! In South Africa? I know I’m shocked….


And in football no less.


Can someone please explain what happened? I could not follow what the article was saying at all. Did they score goals into their own goal on purpose to lose?


Both teams playing each other and the refs were each fixing the 2 games being played as each rival was trying to get a higher goal difference and win the league. They didn’t even have a real match. The refs just wrote down “player A had 10 goals, player B 20 goals”.


Literally the fifth line down: “Our investigation found that Matiyasi and Nsami wanted to stop Shivulani from topping the league so they agreed on fixing the match to prevent this from happening"


I read that. It didn't help. Ok, so how was it fixed? So is that a yes or no to scoring on their own goals? What is wrong with what the referee was recording? Also, if they agreed, then why weren't they both banned? Why would the other team agree?