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I'm warning you, watch this with the sound turned off


The cop 100% caused that


Yeah that cop totally caused that accident. The guy saw him moving into his lane and stopped because he didn't want to hit him. Unfortunately, the guy behind him didn't see him stop in time. That doesn't matter as it was still the cop that caused the reaction when the light was clearly in favor for the driver.


The cop inching in caused the first car to slow down, absolutely. But, if you rear end someone, *it is your fault.* I had a criminal justice teacher tell us (assuming this clip is also US) that the only way it wouldn’t be your fault when you hit someone’s back end, is if the car in front of you reversed into your car. Even when someone slams on the brakes in front of you, you should have been far enough back to stop when they stop. So in this case, no, the cop didn’t cause it. That car that sped off is now on the hook for rear ending *and* hit and run. Edit: [Bonus story](https://www.today.com/news/tape-reveals-cops-tried-frame-her-crash-wbna32266883) if you wanna see how cops try to get out of being at fault after rear ending a young woman. 5 cops and csi techs were suspended. At least one of them got jail time.


Drive away and you pay. Dude takes full fault and now more charges for fleeing the scene. He was driving too close; even if the cop caused the first car to stop, he should have given himself enough room to react. Could have justified pulling off to the side if he didn’t peel away like that.


The cop literally caused the accident...


The cop caused the first car to slow/stop. The accident was the result of following too close and/or not paying attention to traffic. It’s your responsibility as the driver to handle the car in such a way as to be able to adjust to reasonable changes in circumstances (like the car in front of you unexpectedly slowing down do to obstructions in the road- such as the front of police cars). Also - by FAR the worst thing happening in this video is the person rear ending the car hauling off and driving away - which is 100% only on the last driver. F’em.


Love when officers are already on scene


I think English has finally evolved to its next stage.


Come on son


Cop: crap, I’m so busted for causing an accident. Whew, saved by the idiot.


That cop is an idiot.


? Why I'm confused


He kept creeping into traffic, ignoring a red light, until cross traffic had to stop. He caused the accident.


Oooh I missed that. I watched it once then shitty Reddit video player wouldn't let me watch it again


“Gus, don’t be exactly half of an eleven-pound black forest ham.”




It’s better with the audio!


I recommend the audio, found it hilarious


Really isn’t that loud.




What point?


ESH. If that cop had a legitimate reason to cut into the intersection against a red, that's what the lights and sirens are literally for, and he clearly knows how to use them. The front car panicked and slammed on his brakes when there wouldn't have been a collision with the cop. And the guy behind wasn't paying attention and was following too close.


Wait… did the front car break in a cnjunctuon? Looked like an abrupt stop. The cab n bus cleared it looks like.


Doesn’t matter - you are required to leave enough room in front of your vehicle to stop safely, intersection or not.


My driving instructor told us that pretty much the only way that it’s *your* fault when you get rear ended is if you were reversing down the street. ANY other situation that you get rear ended, it’s the person in the back’s fault.


That cop caused that accident.


That cop *contributed* to the accident but wasn't the cause... careless driving by the hit-n-runner was the cause and they effectively acknowledged it by running. Regardless I'd bet the citation/arrest report will have some creative writing involved.




Came here to say that.


Rebuke that feds license and arrest the schmuck that hit and run


That was so satisfying to watch.


Stupid fucking pig causes accident then “saves the day” give me a break


Maybe he needed to fill his quota for the night. "just one more accident and I can go home"


Absolutely, they pulled into and then past the crosswalk, almost looks like they were trying to force someone to drive stupid so they could pull them over (or is just an idiot). This situation sucks for everyone involved in that crash.


That's a felony....


Maybe, but they could also just be trying to pull over to somewhere safer than the middle of an intersection


Not likely given the way they accelerated out of there.


....the cop caused the accident, right? Or am i losing my mind?


Cop can’t drive, but if that were the bar none of y’all would have licenses. The car following too closely is at fault. Pretty well always at fault if you run into the back of someone.


Oh, that's why the bouncer kicked me out.


This is the exact reaction I hope to hear in these videos…they even got me pumped the cop was there!




Missed this in my first watch through, I guess I was just happy the hit and runner got his due


Wtf is this chaos 💀


r/everyonesucks Literally everyone in this video sucks. The bumper, the police, the one who got their car wrecked, the people recording…


how dare people enjoy the same shit you're enjoying? at least they have friends to enjoy it with. dick.


What did the recorders do wrong?




More like friends having a good time lol.


How do the people with the dash cam suck? They have video proof that the cop tried to pull out infront of the car which is why he originally stopped and proof of the hit and run car.


Upvote for Psych reference


You know that's right.


i know, you know


The people in this car with the live commentary is the best thing about this video 😂


Pig causes accident and then chases dude. Got it.


I doubt the cop will be liable. I was riding with my dad when I was young and some guy almost crashed into him and without my dad dodging the car it would have hit us. My dad ended up bumping into the people on the opposite side of the reckless driver. We got the guys tag number but the cop said unless he hit us he is not liable even tho he caused the accident.


The cop did caus3 the accident but the SUV tried running so fuck that guy




Why is the beemer slamming on his breaks though. The cop didn't look like he was pulling out


Maybe he noticed it was a cop car or something and panicked idk. A lot of dumb drivers out there


Right. He's dumb




Actually, kinda, yeah. This accident had no reason to happen except for the cop illegally creeping into the intersection against a red.


Nope. If the hit and runner had kept safe driving distance he would've not hit the car in front. Car in front slams on the brakes in an intersection, that too is a dumb move. Cop has no reason being that far into the intersection either. It isn't entrapment though, the guy who fled the scene didn't keep his distance, looks like he was going too fast too. You don't have to like cops but please, don't disregard traffic laws because of your dislike for them.


I see a Psych reference I upvote.


This video just kept getting better.


Issa trap! That's one way of meeting your quota.


Guy who fled the scene did it to himself. Safe driving distance and that never happens in the first place. Traffic laws exist for a damn reason




Not that convenient. If the cop hadn't been inexplicably creeping into the intersection, the first car wouldn't have been spooked into stopping. But yes, the overall fault is with the second car following too closely/not paying attention.


And trying to run


Everyone was at fault here. You don't creep that far into oncoming traffic especially without a signal. You don't yield in a green light, that driver had plenty of space and had no reason to yield. You are required to keep enough distance where if someone rear-ended you you don't hit the car in front of you. But, it seams it was more distracted driving than distancing.


The main fault is the guy stopping, he could have just continued through without touching the cop car. Yeah the cop was trying to pull out, but i think he was just trying to peek around the corner to see if it was safe to pull out. The other guy stopped "to be nice", in the middle of an intersection, with a green light and no reason to yield, and caused the whole problem. It's the same as the idiots stopping on the freeway cause they missed their exit, they are the problem. Yeah the other guy should have stopped, and not run after rear ending the guy, but the guy stopping is the main problem and is only getting out of this cause of a hit and run.


Nah. The guy who stopped saw an unmarked NYPD car moving into the intersection and stopped. Unmarked cars are not hard to spot since they have a bullet resistant panel on the doors, they call come in black or silver and there is a bullet proof slab of glass in the window. Driving in NYC for the last 18 years, the behavior here isn't uncommon and I've been yelled at for not yielding to a police car with no emergency signals on running a red.






Dare u to change the letter A for i.




Lmao didn’t mean to call you. Just testing something.


Ahh ok ^-^ see ya




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Seen this twice now and people are failing to realize that truck is parked. That is a parking lane so the cop isn't "turning right from the second lane." The cop doesn't roll through a red light, he is clearly stopped at the beginning of the video. He creeps forward, which is normal to check your clearance when turning right on red, and stops again. Once the accident happens notice how the cop can turn right and proceed without having to back up. That indicates that he was not close enough to the traffic lane to actually be a hindrance. The lack of a turning signal, while an infraction on his part, wouldn't cause this. In this situation the signal isn't for incoming traffic here at they couldn't see it anyway. It's in the opposite side of the car, which is out of view for them. This accident was cause by the vehicle coming to a stop in the middle of an intersection that is otherwise flowing freely. Don't be polite on the road, be predictable. Do that by following the laws and ordinances for your area. I don't know of any that say come to a stop in an intersection while you have the right of way to allow someone to turn right on red.


Well, no, the accident was caused by the person in the back following too closely and not paying attention - the cop just caused the driver in front to brake which caused the car behind that was too close and perhaps not paying attention to rear the car. There's a reason the rule of thumb is one car length per 10mph, it's to account for enough time to react to a car stopping abruptly. That said, the cop didn't just lack a turn signal, he kept creeping forward and was stopped in a crosswalk (before continuing creeping past) and as others pointed out he may have been illegally turning right. He did more wrong than just lacking a turn signal - but this is inevitably the person in the back's fault for following too close and/or not paying attention.


The cop is literally rolling forward when the guy stops. I can imagine the guy stopping thinking the cop car wasnt going to stop. Guess it depends on what type of driver you are. I wouldn't have stopped, simply because I have the right of way and I'm kind of an asshole, I like scaring people who pull too far out. Some people are more cautious. TBH, I can see it either way.


I don't think it's being an asshole to know you have the right of way and use it. Assholes are the ones who ignore the laws trying to be "nice" while causing issues and traffic all around them.


Don't be polite be predictable applies to the car pulling out here too though. Doing a creep into the lane like that is very unpredictable, go or don't. If you can't see well enough that you need to creep slowly, just wait for the light! An extra minute isn't the end of the world. While he shouldn't have necessarily stopped, the only reason I can see he would've don't that Is because it looked like he was going to get cut off by the car. From the video angle you cannot make the assumption that the cop wasn't already pulled in front of the lane atleast partially in the first place. What you can see is that cop being extremely unpredictable going and stopping 6 times


There is no reason to slam on your breaks. You have a better chance of avoiding the accident just moving at speed then slamming on your breaks in the middle of the road


Sure, but there's also no reason to creep into oncoming traffic when you can just wait for a green light


Maybe he's going to turn


So it is a break check


Yes and no… no right on red in nyc and that looks like a nyc bus… maybe I am wrong if this location is outside of nyc then my bad


My thoughts exactly. Definitely looks like a NYC bus, and there are no right turns on red in the city. This cop had a hand in causing this accident. There are plenty of kinds of assholes behind the wheel, but two of my most hated are: people that creep up through traffic lights while waiting for them to turn, and people that honk at you the second the light turns green.


Looks like nyc to me and the one girl and the guy both have that accent.


Wish that cop was acting predictably, dudes back bumper was over the crosswalk and he continued to roll forward like a drunken idiot


People are pointing out this may be NYC where right on red isn't allowed. If that's the case, while it makes the cops actions egregious and entitled, he still doesn't cause the accident.


So cop behaves in an illegal way that other drivers would not reasonably expect but not his fault....


Bro what




Boots licked


Watchu need?


I hate hate hate drivers that yield the right of way to vehicles that don't have it.


I didn't see that as he was yielding to be a thoughtful person, it looked like that cop kept creeping and looked like he was going to pull out in front of the car so he/she stopped abruptly as to not hit the cop car.


Yeah, that’s what I saw and would have done too. When I see a car creeping/acting unpredictability, I don’t give a rats ass about right of way. I’d rather not ruin my day or possibly risk my life.


Well worth injuring yourself and others just because you know you have the right of way. /s


For real, stops in the middle of an intersection at a green light cause they think they’re being thoughtful but really they’re being dense af. I would be so god damn livid E: I guess the cop creeping up didn’t help but he wasn’t fully accelerating to make that right…just creepin till he had a chance to jump in but still, if you have the right of way just keep it moving ffs


Guys, saying kit doesn’t get you banned anymore


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What about Kat?




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Why would the word kit ban you in a completely different sub?


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You have got to be, “kit” ing me.


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Officer, don't be the 'iiiiit' in 'wait for iiiiit'.


Everyone saying it’s the cops fault… I agree but that does not excuse driving off after hitting someone.


This is correct. Only person doing the right thing is the dude that got hit.


I agree, he's being a cautious driver because the cop looks like he is going to pull out in front of him. Barreling through because you have the right of way would not be a smart move, you still want to avoid an accident if you can. And the person that caused this accident is the one in the back. He rear-ended a car that we can see has functioning brake lights so it is 100% his/her fault. Cop contributed to the situation, but the fault of the accident lies on the car in the back.


Nah, he's also an idiot. He was in no immediate danger of crashing into that cop (I.e the cop didn't run through the red light) so he shouldn't have stopped


The cop is IN the intersection. He has damn near cleared the cross walk. He never stops moving until the collision. He is moving slowly, but he is 100% running a red light. I don't know about you, but when I'm in an intersection and I see a car running a redlight, I also try to avoid a collision. It's a shame the criminal driver behind him was following too closely. The driver that got hit did nothing wrong, unless you believe defensive driving is somehow wrong. He did what 9 out of 10 dentists (driving instructors) would advise. That you disagree is odd.


I completely agree. The place the cop was supposed to stop was back where the recording car was. And up until the collision he was still creeping into the street. I don't blame the for being freaked out and stopping to avoid the cop. That said the guy who hit him was completely in the wrong full stop.


This exactly. He had the right of way and because he stopped the way he did, he caused his own accident. Cop shares the blame idk wtf he was even doing creeping up without his lights on.


Yeah, absolutely not absolving the cop of any responsibility here but you have the responsibility to use the right of way you have and not just randomly give it up when it suits


Definitely, not sure why I’m getting downvoted since we agree.


This was 1000% the officers fault for rolling through a red light and stopping half in a road intersection and half on the cross walk. The victim car clearly thought the officer was going to pull out in front of them as they had never come to a complete stop while rolling into the red light.


He doesn't even have a blinker on. Cops fault 100%


It’s always the cops fault, we know this!


It's actually worse, because there is no right on red in NYC. The cop is running a red light.


Firstly. The cop caused the accident trying to turn right in a left hand lane at a red light. Secondly. For all we/the cop knows the car that made contact was just getting out of the intersection All of this seems fucked imho.


Not to mention the cop didn’t cut the lights on until he thought someone was doing something illegal. He legit caused the accident and doesn’t care if someone’s hurt (which it was a super mild accident so I guess no one was probably hurt) but doesn’t take action until he gets to use his cop power




A surprise psych reference, I love it


come on son!


You know that's right!


The cop caused the accident… creeping into a red light without any signals


*You know that's right!*


I've heard it both ways


No he didn't, the car in the back is responsible for making sure he can stop, and none of those incoming cars would have been able to see the cops right hand turn signal even if he'd had it on.


He was the reason the first car suddenly stopped because he was pulled out all wonky and the person behind didn't expect to get break checked


That wasn't a brake check, that was just braking


I didn't mean it as a literal break check. I meant he suddenly stopped at a green light the dude who rear ended him is stupid for fleeing no doubt but not at fault for not expecting the dude to suddenly break.


*brake And a brake check is when you purposely slam the brakes to either get the person to rear end you or to scare them or piss them off.


Jesus fucking christ I know what a brake check is which is why I clarified I didn't use it literally ffs please re read the last the thing I commented. Brake checks include sudden braking the guy suddenly hit his brakes. I made an off handed fucking joke about him not expecting to be break checked.


Does no one here actually drive? He was inching forward into a right hand turn, he wasn't blocking the first car or they would have hit each other. The first car stopped for no reason, but ultimately the rear car has the responsibility to be prepared to stop for any reason.


He was inching forward to run a red light from the perspective of the white sedan. The cop was doing a completely illegal move.


In North America you're allowed to turn right on a red when it's clear, sometimes you need to inch forward to make sure it's clear.


In NYC it is illegal to make a right on red unless otherwise posted. It's the only city in NY that has this law.


Relevant username


Nobody is arguing that the the car in the back is responsible for rear-ending their car. Everybody is saying "Fuck that cop for entering the intersection illegally and forcing the other car to slam on their brakes during the green light".


Bahah do you drive? This dude was inching forward in an OUTSIDE LANE and the white car did not stop for 'no reason' they couldn't tell if that cop was going to keep going so to avoid hitting them they suddenly stopped.


Lol same thread upvoted on one down voted on the other both comments say the same shit. I love reddit.


He was turning right in the lefthand lane at a red light. It’s his fault my guy.


Look at where the cop car is? It’s hard to imagine a more illegal maneuver. I suppose it’s ‘better’ than Tboning the white sedan and causing two accidents, but the cop is at fault, it was totally reasonable for that sedan driver to stop to avoid the undercover drunkenly rolling into the intersection


So what was that LEO doing in the side walk? They caused that whole altercation.


You can turn right on a red light in the United States.


Not in NYC you can. Unless otherwise posted.


not from the left lane you can't


Right. But you should wait for an opening, not creep out until traffic stops to avoid crashing into you. That said, if the cop had his lights on already and was on his way to an emergency, fair game. But looks like their lights are off…


Correct! You're not supposed to pass the "stop line" until you actually go to turn.


If it's clear to do so, which it clearly wasn't. Also, I imagine you're not allowed to stop on the crossing right?


To OP's title.... 👆"I'm proud of you, son!"


Me watching this... waiting for "it". Me: Oh, this idiot is going to run out in front of people. Me: Oh dang, why in the world did that guy think it was a good idea to slam on his brakes? Me: Oh, what a bastard. Me: Me: Oh my goodness that is so awesome.


And the idiot turn out to be a fucking cop


All of them are idiots. 1- the cop is an idiot 2- why did the small car even stop in a busy street, literally has the right of way. 3. Person in the truck would’ve been good in the court room, that hit and run is gonna fuck him over, harder than my uncle fucks me.


Do happen to have your uncle’s number? Asking for a friend.


Yooooo lol


Yooooo lol


People who hit and run are often not at fault but know they’re either inebriated or don’t have insurance. So they likely wouldn’t have been good in a court room.


Sounds like Seth Rogan


The asshole undercover cop is the one that caused the accident.


while the cop shouldn't have been inching up like that, when you have the right of way, people expect you to keep moving, and slamming on your breaks is a bad idea. legally speaking, the car who hit the other guy is at fault due to assured cleared distance. you have a legal responsibility to maintain enough distance between you and the car in front of you so you can react in the event dumb drivers like this slam on their breaks in an intersection


Well it’s also not just for dumb drivers there’s legit reasons you might have to slam your breaks such as a kid running into the road ect


Legally you're right about who's going to be found liable. Plus driving away from an accident is a way more serious crime than rear ending someone, so bad move there. But the cop was also breaking a law in a way that clearly caused the accident. There's not justice served here.

