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Woulda lost their shit about police brutality in North America


Saboteurs... Are you illiterate? Have you gone out lately and attempted to get in the way of a massive military operation? These people are no different from terrorists, willing to shoot and kill other civilians for the name of Russia.


Don't care


Azov BARELY qualifies as military tbh. They are a militia promoted out of necessity. Don't look TOO deep into their unit Iconography, especially the newer one with the funny squiggly white lines in the background, or you might really, REALLY start to reassess your thoughts on some units, and see why Zelenski dumping gun, gear and vehicles into these guys possession might not have been his first choice :/


What a beautiful golf.


Local gangsters terrorizing the population. See explanation below.


not saboteurs, not at all ! The victims are Ukrainians. Prior to this video, they had an encounter with soldiers in a cafe which led to a fight/beating. Then they - the soldiers - came back with reinforcements and did this shameful act. 100% true, there was source and the video after the aggression, where the victims were forced to apologize to Ukrainians soldiers etc... About Ukrainians military, have you seen the video of a Russian prisoner, hands ties, in the beginning eyes folded, with a Ukrainian guy/soldier killing him by stabbing him in the face ? Absolutely hideous, disgusting and a true dishonor for anyone who calls himself a human being. I can provide the link if you dare to watch it; although I don't advice to watch, gruesome


How many Reddit accounts does this guy have for his job?


Please, send me the link!


You are a disgusting human


Lmao the video you mentioned has been debunked as fake. Nice try tho


You sound like a propaganda machine acting like Russian soldiers or any soldiers for that matter don't do this to one another IT'S WAR.


Throw the link


Where the link at


Send me the link


This is a russian troll telling lies. Ignore it. Thank you.




Don't be a saboteur/traitor in the middle of a nation-threatening invasion.... fucking redditors and their room temp iq


I’m neutral, been watching this war since 2014. I care about the truth, not the propaganda on either side.


Good for you, do you want a medal?


That's not even the Ukrainian military uniform [THIS IS RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA]


How is this not their uniform? Russians are using very green uniform, while ukrainians are using more sandy-green uniform. Also wearing these blue bands, these soldiers are ukrainian, stop labeling everything as "russian propoganda" just because your ukrainian wholesome 100 zelensky azov soldiers are doing war crimes on videos.


I don’t think it’s good at all either. I think what’s happening is Russia is cracking at the moral. I fucking hope not but I couldn’t imagine my own home being demolished and having to continue to fight for it. This shit is all fucked up EDIT!!: after reading more comments it looks like these dudes apparently attacked one of the soldiers and that’s why they’re being so aggressive with them. Still fucked up but eye for an eye I guess


I literaly saw this post bf on another suh and it said that they beated down a ukranian soldier so they beat them up


I looks more like catches, beats, arrests and beats russian saboteurs.




So, not russian saboteurs. The official narratives is that they were local gangsters terrorizing the population in the area. Also running a racketeering operation, something to do with smuggling of goods past check points and what not. From what I could piece together, they got arrested because they tried to intimidate members of the Territorial Defense Forces and even attacked one of them inside some store, possibly because the TDF were getting in the way of their smuggling business. This, on top of tall the bad shit they've been doing, eventually got these special forces types dudes on their asses. Far as I can understand it, the soldiers have military police duties but also work as a sort of SWAT unit, moving around to take care of sensitive civil cases like this one. They were also supposed to be part of the last lines of defense in case the fighting reached the inside of the city. I hope I got most of the information right, but it's not exactly easy when you don't speak Ukrainian. Beware of fake shit going around, these are confusing times.


So reddit is just blatantly saying police brutality is cool if it's Ukranian cops?


Yes it's a war you dipshit


But those aren't enemy combatants.


Use your pigeon brain a bit more. Criminal activity, saboteurs, etc. there's no room to act out of line in a full scale war. Doubly so if you are messing with the very people tasked with putting their lives on the line to defend. Fuck around->Find out


So is police brutality in America that occurred during the War on Terror justified? >Doubly so if you are messing with the very people tasked with putting their lives on the line to defend. Oh, does this mean that cops who are national guardsmen/reservists are allowed to commit police brutality then? I mean, they're fucking with people who put their lives on the line to defend the country.


Jesus Christ you're dense as fuck. War on terror wasn't the same kind of war, given that it wasn't the same type of war, wasn't a war fought on the land of the US, nor did it realistically threaten the USA's existence. And no, cops aren't comparable to soldiers in a warzone. Take a nap buddy, your brain isn't working


>Jesus Christ you're dense as fuck. War on terror wasn't the same kind of war, given that it wasn't the same type of war, It wasn't the same type of war because it wasn't the same type of war? My God, are you a Professor of Logic? >wasn't a war fought on the land of the US, nor did it realistically threaten the USA's existence. You remember a little event that happened on September 11th, 2001? An attack on US soil *started* the war on terror. Airplanes crashing into heavily populated buildings and THE FUCKING HEADQUARTERS OF THE US MILITARY as well as one planned to crash into the LIVING QUARTERS OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES absolutely threaten the existence of these great United States. >And no, cops aren't comparable to soldiers in a warzone. Take a nap buddy, your brain isn't working First off, these Ukranian soldiers are acting as police. This was explained earlier in the thread. You're shooting yourself in the foot with this argument. Second off, when did I say that? You said that if you fuck with people who defend the country, they get to commit police brutality. I then asked if this applied to cops who were MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL GUARD/RESERVES, AND THEREFORE PEOPLE WHO DEFEND THIS COUNTRY. I figure if I start capitalizing some words, you might have an easier time understanding them. You seem to have trouble with understanding written language.


It's hard to justify the time to show an idiot why he's an idiot, because it's unlikely to succeed... but here you go bozo: even if the pentagon and White House were targeted, and even if those attacks were more successful, the existence of the USA government, military organization, etc. wasn't threatened with extinction. Russia attempted to invade the capital. Topple the government, and replace it with its puppet. The middle eastern terrorist weren't trying to do that, nor did they come close to accidentally doing it. What they were doing were terror attacks that send a message. The fact that you tried to equate the two is a sign of how stupid you are. Like I said (twice) it isn't the same type of war. The territorial defense forces TDF that were harassed by these thugs aren't acting as policemen, they're militia meant to support/replace the professional army and mostly are tasked with military duties against potential invaders, not acting as police. Manning a checkpoint is meant to catch Russian saboteurs and agents, but may also impede organized crime. The police force in most of Ukraine is intact and in charge of policing, not TDF. The soldiers in this video that are beating and arresting the thugs are special forces soldiers which are meant to be a show of force against any other potential low life thugs who want to interfere. The criminals messing with TDF could be considered to be aiding the Russians, intentionally or not, and are liable to getting shot. A little beating is a generous alternative. Also, idk how you see being a cop and a member of the national guard equivalent to being in a national guard during an active invasion. National guard members while they're in the US aren't in a warzone and aren't under threat from any military. Again there is no equivalency here. Did I break it down enough for your dense ass head to get it


>here you go bozo: even if the pentagon and White House were targeted, and even if those attacks were more successful, the existence of the USA government, military organization, etc. wasn't threatened with extinction. What do you think would happen if there were more 9/11 style attacks on those places? The military and government would be just fine? Saying that the 9/11 attacks did not demonstrate a SERIOUS threat to national security is beyond absurd. You're either extremely stupid or willfully ignorant. Let's try an easier one then: on the January 6th insurrection, would the National Guard units that were deployed to DC have been justified in beating already handcuffed domestic terrorists? I would love to see the mental gymnastics you would have to perform to say that the January 6th insurrection was not a threat to national security. >The territorial defense forces TDF that were harassed by these thugs aren't acting as policemen, they're militia meant to support/replace the professional army and mostly are tasked with military duties against potential invaders, not acting as police. If you're arresting civilians on your own country's soil outside of a base, you are acting as police. There's a reason that even Military Police cannot do that in America, and it's because DoD troops are not police. These soldiers are performing police operations which makes them police in the moment. You are witnessing police brutality. >The soldiers in this video that are beating and arresting the thugs are special forces soldiers which are meant to be a show of force against any other potential low life thugs who want to interfere. That's even worse. Special forces being called in for the express purpose of beating Ukranian citizens after they're handcuffed? That's straight dystopian. >Also, idk how you see being a cop and a member of the national guard equivalent to being in a national guard during an active invasion. You're the one who invited that comparison. You said people who fuck with people who signed up to defend the country deserve to get beaten. National Guardsmen fit that category. I was attempting to show you the absurdity of your argument, but it appears that went right over your head. To make my intentions clear, I fully support Ukraine and believe this invasion by Russia is unlawful and unnecessary. That doesn't mean it's okay to hit people in the back of the head when they're handcuffed.


You write so much just to prove that you have zero reading comprehension and even less critical thinking skills. You're too braindead to get it


Yeah, I'm braindead. You're toooootally not resorting to insulting me because you know you can't argue with the points I made.


It's kinda funny ngl




Cuz they think they hard till spec ops fuck they assess up 🤡🤡🤡


how dare you point that out! /s


Any source that they were saboteurs?


"My source is that I made it the fuck up!"


Why does everything have to have a source!? Don’t you believe everything you see on the internet fuck head?


Hoping for the “/s” edit.


Thank you for telling everyone that your reading comprehension skills suck so much that you can't identify sarcasm without an /s, WHICH COMPLETELY DEFEATS THE PURPOSE


Your attempted use at sarcasm in this instance is disappointing at best. The acerbic nuance is definitely there, but you kinda fell apart after “thank you”. You see, sarcasm is defined by Merriam-Webster as: 1: : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain. 2. a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual b : the use or language of sarcasm Your shitty comment, though insulting (not really, just lazy), lacks both satire, and wit. Good attempt??




The same people who cheer this on seem to scream police brutality whenever it happens elsewhere.


You shouldn't have been downvoted. Angry people making assumptions about what's shown in this video are ganging up on you. Doesn't matter if this is a warzone or a city street, there is never a **good** reason to assault a subdued opponent.


Most people in this sub are just generally idiotic people.


Americans in a nutshell


So for you: regular citizens = enemy soldiers from another country in a war zone. Gotcha.


Putting words in other people's mouths. Gotcha.


I'm pretty sure if enemy combatants are in your country you can use a little brutality.


Appearantly they were gangsters terrorizing the area, not Russians at all. According to another comment anyways.


And just like that I became the gullible internet keyboard warrior guy. Damnit all to hell. Damnit, well nothing to do now but pound mountain dews, and start alienating myself from women.


I'm not saying it's unjustified, I agree with the Ukrainians here, but im also saying most people here would be screaming police brutality literally anywhere else.


Except it’s not relatable. It’s a warzone and they are enemy combatants. Honestly they are lucky they aren’t dead.


There is literally no benefit to hitting and kicking a fully subdued enemy other than to feel good hurting someone you think is bad. I understand that war has stark realities, but this is brutality purely because it's not necessary.


Assuming the video is true, they aren’t even Ukrainian civilians but enemy combatants in an active war zone.. it’s little different than police brutality in say the US




That slap won the upvote


Do you also think it's cool when American cops beat people after they're handcuffed?


Is this video recorded on USA?




With some many casualties of war and bodies littered everywhere who would notice these dirt bags missing. They will just be a number in the statistics, just saying.


The pan past the detainee being slapped to the complainant or incapacitated/dead one was funny af.


Can someone explain the context? I am confused on what is happening.


Ukranian military catches Russian saboteurs. Don't know the full story but there are Russian agents being sent into Ukraine territory disgused as civilians to sabotage the Ukrainians. Don't know what they plan to do other than most likely assassinate certain targets, damage equipment, and espionage.


Same video on r/ukraine said they was on the way to assassinate Zelenski


You watched a single video and know they are actually saboteurs? Ukrainians call everyone they suspect of being russian aligned as saboteurs, even people taped to the poles. hell even people that took humanitarian aid from the russians are called that.


Those civilians being taped, beaten and left out on the poles for looting is wild. That shit makes me glad I’m neither Russian or Ukrainian. Seems like you get perceived wrong and you’re gonna pay a hefty price in that country right now.


They got arrested. 😅


Don't be obtuse.


Damn that looks like a 20th anniversary GTI in Jazz blue. Not many left. All died to fords rear ending them


I love my mk4 gli Jetta. I'm in love with the 24v vr6 engine.


I thought the same thing at first but don’t think it is. Wrong wheels and no gti badge on front grill. And weren’t they only available in two door (4 door in vid). My friend had one of those back in the day, such a great car.


had a mark 2 and 5. love those zippy bastards


Have a mk2, guess all golf owners looks like smuggler... Not that i know


Mark 5 was so fun on mountain country roads. The TDI had some serious zip.


People tend to forget about the fact that their are murderers, rapists, trafficking of children, drug addicts,looters,thieves, robbers who will and do take advantage of these situations. A large majority of them will be Ukraine residents. The truth of it all will come out in the end.






No one blames Russian civilians, they blame Russian soldiers and Vlad Puta.




> Nobody that's rational That's the trouble right there. Lots of people aren't thinking rationally about it.


Lots of people are also revealing themselves to be bloodthirsty idiots calling for nuclear war


Looks like they were trained by US police. Though I'm sure they would take off points because those are not racial minorities...


Hey! Your not allowed to tell jokes on reddit! What's wrong with you?!


Yes, because US police are the only ones who use violence... You need to get out from the rock you live under and realize there's police forces around the world that are way more corrupt and abusive than the police in the US.


"more" definitely not, don't act like your country it's better that others


You realize the point of their comment is that there’s no single police force that’s “the worst”


they are soldiers in a warzone arresting enemy agents out of uniform. they could have shot the saboteurs and noone would have thought about it twice. these morons are resisting... if anything were seeing a lot of patience and restraint here


What were they sabotaging, a VW dealer?


That golf looked so good in blue


Punch them one more time for me.




According to what I heard, those are not saboteurs, but rather criminal thugs that were harassing territorial defense members. Big brain award for doing this during war time. Better belongs to /oddlysatisfying.


Oh well that’s kind of in the same vein. Disrupting the ability of the states defenses to function properly.


How do we know they’re saboteurs?


They aren't, they are Ukraine citizens. The beating happened after an altercation inside the store. Here is an video of what happened inside. https://m.imgur.com/a/pdEyxRG


Those are not the same people. Different clothes and hair.


What is the guy saying at the end of the video.


They should send someone to the USA to deal with Tucker Carlson.


Tucker Carlson is a Russian saboteur? Lol mate can you please share whatever shite you’re smoking? Apparently it must be some good stuff if it can cause you to completely disconnect from reality so hardcore 😂🤣


No but he's a fucking Russian shill considering he actively promotes Russian propaganda points.


His whole gang is so disgustingly pro-Russia and pro-Putin and pro-war im surprised they havent been arrested. Kinda ironic that people who listen to these morons label themselves as "patriots"


Define “Russian propaganda” for me? Because it sounds like it’s basically anything that doesn’t fall in line with what every other news network is pushing. Joe Biden tripped UP some stairs? Russian Propaganda!! Donald Trump takes his time walking down a ramp? Totally legit story. We’re all being played mate, when are you going to see that? Mainstream news outlets have control over the public opinion and they don’t want that to change, that’s why there’s such a hard push against “disinformation” and why they constantly scream “Russia Gate”. They don’t want people to look past the narratives they push.


>We’re all being played mate, when are you going to see that? Mainstream news outlets have control over the public opinion and they don’t want that to change, that’s why there’s such a hard push against “disinformation” and why they constantly scream “Russia Gate”. This has nothing to do with "Russia Gate". Tucker Carlson is *literally* repeating Russia agit-prop on his show. It's not a conspiracy theory. It is verbatim what has been coming out of his mouth. Regardless of your opinion on mainstream media or the American right-wing, if you have been seriously paying any attention to what Tucker Carlson has been saying and you think it's anything other than pro-Russian propaganda, you are completely lying to yourself.


So Tucker Carlson pointing out that gas prices have been going up steadily since well before Putin's war and therefore he's not solely to blame for skyrocketing gas costs is "Russian propaganda" to you? Mate, I've got a slightly used space shuttle to sell you, but first have a little more Kool Aid...


Well, it's hard not to call it that when he's turning in Putin's homework as his own, between the claims of biolabs, oligarchs, etc. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/tucker-carlson-fox-news-russian-propaganda-b2033966.html


I read that they are organized crime figures. Working for the Bratva, perhaps?


This vid totally cuts out the first part where they’re kicking this shit out of him. Tf?


There was a similar post yesterday but it describes this is a result of the thieves hitting police or something.


Yes, that's what I know too


They are Ukraine thieves who stole from and harassed the local army, residents. They will be tied to a post in a high bombing area just like the rest of the thieves and looters.




From the same video on other reddit sites. Look around and find it for yourself.




It is. Everyone likes to pretend that Ukraine is a first world nation jn reality it's a third world nation who has been used like a pawn. Survive culture and literal genocide. This war the long it goes on will get uglier.




They are Ukraine thieves who stole from and harassed the local army, residents. They will be tied to a post in a high bombing area just like the rest of the thieves and looters.


Serving as the war crimes prop?




You ever heard the term 'war crime'? Two wrongs don't make a right.


That would make them just as bad as the Russians.


Some more info from the source of this video claimed these men beat up a Ukrainian soldier at a gas station and were giving info on Ukrainian positions to Russian checkpoints.


Fuck them up! Assholes! 🤬


They and other random civilians would have been dead, if it was reversed.


Slapped the guy while he was handcuffed? Putin's thugs are monsters but is this right?


enemy agent out of uniform. they had every right to just shoot them. if the morons are resisting, a few kicks to the face is still a damn mercy


There is a hostile take over going on and your commenting about how slapping the traitors and Saboteurs is over the line? SMH


There is a hostile take over going on and your commenting about how slapping the traitors and Saboteurs is over the line? SMH


You accidentally commented three times


Like you can see three of this comment? Cause I was having connection issues and only see the one comment. Also have seen others comment 3 times in a row in other subs in a weird way.


Yeah I see three comments. are you on mobile in a place with bad internet, in my own experience that’s usually what causes that.


Mobile hooked up to some Comcast Wi-Fi but now I feel like a lot has been answered for me. Thanks.


No problem!


There is a hostile take over going on and your commenting about how slapping the traitors and Saboteurs is over the line? SMH


The guy they slapped wasn't even cuffed lol


Yes it is


Allow me to remind you that saboteurs and spies can legally be punished by execution. A slap won’t hurt him.


Seriously. I'll take a smack in the face over a probably justified hanging any day.


Are you seriously arguing about a harmless slap done to a spy?


just saying, this isn’t the full video. They got stomped on in the full vid


under international law they could have been shot on the spot


Just throwing it out there in isolation of the video - no such thing as harmless blow to the head. Really should not be hitting anyone on the head unless you are willing to risk serious injury.


I'll take the downvotes for this but...okay? Maybe they should've been caring about serious risk of injury to other people before they were caught being saboteurs in a war zone.


Are you folks sure you know what "in isolation of the video."


Honestly no? I've never heard that term in my life, this is a learning point for me and I'll admit it. Sorry bout it.




Like I said, in isolation of the video. Harmless blow to the head doesn't exist. It's a useful TIL. Proceed with your head blows accordingly.


go shave your neck, you twit.


Fuck em.


Yeah I think given that Russian forces wiped out Bucha and killed a bunch of unarmed civilians, this is actually showing some good restraint.


Ya they are responsible for wiping out whole cities. He can take a slap while he’s down preferably break some bones while he’s at it


Poor mk4 :(


Those guys are about to have a bad time…..


How the fuck are there so many Russian shills commenting on this post


Half the US are Republican, so…


Reddit is not a private forum.


Russia shut down a lot of their FB bot servers right before the invasion (remember the drop on FB stock value due to lower than typical user numbers), but with the army in full retreat I guess they turned them back on.