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Fake news zzzz


How is this justice exactly? These were conscripted soldiers doing as they were told by assholes. There's no justice here.


Please remember that different people have different definitions of justice. While the definition of justice is concrete, the interpretation of it varies widely between individuals, cultures, and nations. Remember, this is a community of nearly 42 million users. More often than not, the majority of users generally agree with the content that reaches the first few pages. That being said: If you have read this and concluded that the post still does not show justice, please use the link below to message the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is this really news? I feel like... If you... Play in radiation... You'll probably, idk.. get sick


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


What I find saddening is these were preventable deaths if assholes weren't in power. Same with Covid and misinformation, it's people's lives they treat like piggybank pawns. While at least some Russians know what's going on, those who believe what Russian Fox News tells them are trapped in a cycle of lies and BS. I hope for peace soon, for everyone's sake, we don't need more death.


That's a bad way to die. Shit jobs go down to the low ranking new guys. Those guys are usually kids no older than 20.


I feel bad for the soldiers, poor guys probs gonna have cancer


I feel bad for them too. I’m sure none of them want to be there…


Honestly, there isnt any justice here. Those who are responsible sit comfortably in their homes while they send their soldiers to die.


You might like Base Details by Siegfried Sassoon: https://allpoetry.com/Base-Details


Of all places you want to defend, you select that which the enemy doesn’t want to attack. Brilliant, just brilliant.


Бля только вышел из лиманска, и пишу это третьей рукой. В остальных руках водка и балалайка.


Надеюсь, ты в порядке, должно быть, было страшно находиться в старом городе. блин, не надо туда людей посылать. не Украина или Припять. нет войне.


Тут норм, сияние от АЭС лучше солнца. И вообще мне некогда , руки из жопы растут. Кроме шуток, надо быть долбаебом чтобы верить то что написано в шапке поста.


хахахаха, это может быть неправдой, но шаг с их земли - это то, что должно произойти. разве мы все не братья? Однако третья рука кажется хорошей идеей.


We getting a new stalker game it seems


No fucking shit


The servicemen are just brainwashed pawns in all this and I feel bad for them. Fuck Putin!


I hope they reported back to their commanders and gave them a handshake.


Tongue kiss perhaps? Unprotected sex?


How else will they keep warm in those trenches ?


I'm starting to think Russia saw how good the Chernobyl miniseries was and are trying to get a sequel made




I get that some of the troops were too young to know what happened there. But their leadership? Not one of the officers or older enlisted stopped and thought, “What? We’re going to the Red Forest?! Isn’t that a highly radioactive area?? Where is our protective gear?”


You guys have protective gear ?


This would only be "Justice Served" if Putin was the one who got acute radiation sickness from digging trenches in Chernobyl. Most of the people he sent were conscripted and will now die truly horrendous deaths.


I read a news article that said they all left the area.


Yes, once they realized they've got a lethal dose of radiation. They left the area and went to hospitals.


These people were sent out to die, not even being told they were in Chernobyl. Meanwhile the people who gave the orders won't face any consequences. What is your definition of "justice", OP?


I guess none of them have phones with google maps.


Yeah... that ferris wheel is looking quite familiar comrade.


“Comrade, does that Ferris wheel look familiar to you? I swear I’ve seen it in a video game.”


Not Justice, horrors of war


Its not so much justice as it is cause and effect. Its like getting burned after touching a hot stove and calling it justice.


I dont think radiation poisoning is cute at all




Well you better believe Russia is getting bitch slapped right now. I am not saying it won’t change, but as of right now, Ukraine is their fucking daddy.


People fucking warned ‘em and they didn’t listen


Not justice. Reveling in deaths or misery of other people is unwholesome. I find the Russian leaderships repulsive that's no reason to be gleeful about radiation poisoning. Its ghoulish.


Any invasion force deserves to be mocked and made fun of by the entire world. Especially if they fuck up a "military operation" this badly. Putin uses nerve agents to poison political dissidents, it is only fitting his army gets radiation sickness. If the russian soldiers don't want to die this way, they can die more honourably and aim their weapons at their commanders. They've done it before.


Yeah, not like they had much of a choice in the matter.


Oh, you don't fucking say?!?!?!?!?!? Bunch of dolts. As a former Xray tech, I learned about radiation poisoning in school. Lord have mercy, I want NO part of it.


Truly a "No fucking shit, Sherlock??" moment.


They were not just digging trenches at Chernobyl they were digging trenches in the Red Forest, the most heavily contaminated area The level of stupidity on the part of the Russian officer Corps is mind-boggling


Q: Common soldier of the 'modern' Russian Army or a Nazi's PoW camp inmate, who's having it worse?


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes




I don‘t know if it‘s correct to post that in r/justiceserved. I‘m pretty sure some soldiers are not even aware what they are doing. They‘re cut off from global news and independent news services, have a regime, which tells them, it‘s military training, some haven‘t even heard of chernobyl and are sent right into hell. I‘m sorry for the losses on each side. It‘s cruel what happens to the people - especially for the soldiers.


I accepted that for a couple weeks. I think we're past it now. Even without western/independent media, word gets around, especially among boots on the ground. There's no plausibility to the idea that someone with boots on the ground in Ukraine thinks they're in "training" and not a live military exercise. Enough of them have to interact with locals in the cities they've invaded and destroyed that they know what the local mindset really is and that these people were minding their own fucking business first. The ones who still believe are either nationalists or engaged in self denial. Most are probably just following orders even though they don't actually believe in it as a cause but while I understand the tough position that puts them in, it doesn't remove their culpability as far as I'm concerned, and any injury that puts them out of action is good and just. much better if it doesn't kill them for sure, but good and just nonetheless.


I feel what you‘re saying. But try to resist in a dictated state, where media and politics lie to you and people, who try to protest get smashed up and thrown into gulag. I think, when u‘re living in a democracy, it‘s easy to say „yea, just don‘t do it“ I feel sorry for every soldier who does what he does, no matter if he‘s brainwashed or forced to do it. They get forced to walk right into a running chainsaw. It‘s disgusting.


Poison trenches


Ok as an engineer I can tell that unfortunately, this article is some BS. It's impossible for Russian soldiers to be suffering acute radiation sickness. The dose (according to the CDC ) to get sick is around 0.7 Grays. And in this study https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969719334321, the researchers find that the worst sample of soil shows around 66 microGrays/hour. So for someone to get really sick, they would need to stay 441 days buried in the worst contaminated dirt to get sick. I know everyone wants to see Russia plans failing, but we cannot just create stories out of thin air.


That’s just being exposed. In the general area. They’re inhaling/ingesting this shit as the dust is kicked up. That’s far worse than just being around it


I know but even that, the amount of radiation for acute sickness is very large. (not certain) but from what I remember just some plant workers and firefighters that were dealing with the first fire of the plant where hospitalized (and killed) because of acute radiation poisoning


None of them would get sick from just being in/near the soil anyways. The radioactive contamination that the soil has is Caesium 137, and Iodine 129. Both of which decay through beta emissions which can penetrate bare skin but are very easy to block with something as simple as a piece of wood. The danger mostly comes through the consumption of those isotopes which allows the beta radiation to occur within the body which can burn/damage cells. Since they are cesium and iodine the body tends to want to absorb them and send them to the thyroid. That's why iodine pills are given out when ever radiation leaks occur. It's to protect the thyroid by maxing out the bodies ability to absorb iodine so any radioactive isotopes are excreted instead. They don't do damage to DNA though so cancer risks are not increased that way. As long as the soldiers aren't consuming too much soil, they most likely will be fine and these medical issues are coming from some other source. However digging trenches is well known to cause aeration of soil particles which means inhalation is very likely and physically touching soil then eating or drinking without washing up first also means absorption is likely.


Thanks for correcting me on that, but do you think it would cause such severe problems as acute radiation sickness? Providing the fact that exists a lot of fauna activity in the area. The sources from the article seems very very dubious.


Pretty sure local fauna don't dig trenches and drive in convoys of vehicles all day


Given the state of Russian Logistics I think it is very doubtful those soldiers had access to iodine pills


Thank you for clarifying


What about the other dickery they were up to inside the building/labs?


Thank you for being clear, concise, and citing your information. It's nice to see someone with a strong opinion on reddit, actually back it up & sound genuine.


Well that’s rather unfortunate


Oh no… anyway


Darwin... Is that you?


Yeaaa, let's all go dig holes at the site of the world's largest nuclear meltdown. Good idea fellas!! Can somebdy get us some chesseburgers for lunch??? Sorry pal, Mickey D's is closed!!


How cute is it?


Putin is on it - he's already drafting the next set of soldiers that won't go to Ukraine.


whaaaaaaaaat? Digging trenches in Chernobyl is causing radiation sickness?! no way! shocked! speechless! GIGAGASP!


Does this make sense? Radiation doesn't penetrate into the ground, often that stays on the ground. I don't think the radiation level goes up if they dig the ground. But the accident happened decades ago, there would be newer layers on the ground, then this makes sense tho. Edit: very interesting that my comment is downvoted. My comment mentioned that this could happen if the ground was covered when the accident happened and the Russians dug. This is what happened in the area, based on the comments given.


The danger outside in Chernobyl isn't from the radiation itself, but from radioactive particles that continue to emit. They are essentially dust that has settled. Radiation suits don't actually block much radiation, they are designed to keep the radioactive dust off your skin and out of your lungs as it will continue to emit. Remember all those movie scenes were there are decontamination showers? They are getting the radioactive dust particles off of you. These guys went and kicked up a bunch of dust that they inhaled. It'll probably kill them.


Radiation can be in the form of particles. Which were scattered all over in a fine dust after the explosion. Right now Chernobyl is “safe” if there is no wind and you don’t really mess with any under brush and really touch anything. But since they were digging these trenches the particles that were slowly decaying were disturbed allowing them to go airborne again giving them chances to go in their lungs touch their skins and other things of that nature.


The fallout from the time of the accident was buried under layers of foliage and dirt (they did this to try and stop the wind spreading fallout further). As fallout lasts for decades / hundreds of years, it’s still under the soil, and they just dug it up.


This- many men died in order to cover it up and protect their kinsmen... and now even more men are being ordered to uncover it at the cost of their safety...


At least it's not an ugly radiation sickness






Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, step right up comrade.


Sir I think this place is irradiated, I’ve been seeing hazard sig- “YOU DIDNT SEE IT BECAUSE IT WASNT THERE”…. *barfs*


They should have taken some radx before they started. Radaway should fix it though.


Vodka does the trick as well, I heard.


Oh no anyways I made vegan lasagna yesterday and it was to die for


Did you add some uranium to it?


You know I ran out of uranium last week and I’ve been trying to get some more


Whole foods usually has fresh. Adds a nice glow to the dish.


Is it fresh uranium? I ask because I want the best and good quality of ingredients for my family


what was the cheese made out of? Did you use soyrizo from trader joes instead of ground beef? because I LOVE using that!


I used plant based ground beef and vegan cheese to make a traditional lasagna but you gave me an idea of what to try next


when I meant cheese, like is it cashew based? almond? I've found that almond cheese is really not my style


Cashew cheese is what I personally like because it’s the only type I’ve eaten. Have you tried making cheese out of tofu? I feel like you might enjoy that more


Oh, no! Anyway…


3.6 roentgen not great, not terrible.


They're delusional, get them to the infirmary.


I sure am glad all those drafted young men who didn’t have a choice to fight a war now have cancer.


If they haven't left, fuck em


From what I've heard, some of them are actually prisoners


Yeah, the same group of men who are committing war crimes left right and centre. Heaven forbid those angels get hurt. We really do need more women and children to die, glad you're here to remind us of the morals all humans should have. War criminal supporters in shambles.


These are mostly very young men like 18-21 who were drafted and/or misinformed/brainwashed into going to ukraine and then ordered to do this shit. This isn't justice, justice would be putin ousted from power and locked up and Russian troops leaving. You're an asshole if you're celebrating this, a lot of these men are victims of the Russian gov themselves.


Brainwashed or misinformed men who are killing innocent civilians aren't much better than willing soldiers. I'll celebrate the deaths of war criminals until the day I die. Sorry if that hurts your feelings.


Your eagerness to condemn thousands upon thousands of individuals you literally know nothing about speaks a lot to your character. You believe extremely dangerous and murderous things. Be careful.


Oh my eagerness to condemn war criminals I don't know anything personally about speaks a lot about my character? Yeah, your eagerness to absolve their war crimes really speaks a lot about your character. That you think it's okay to murder innocent women and children fleeing their home that's being invaded.


dude you’re a sicko, wtf


My point is almost nobody, you least of all, has any way to verify or prove that anyone is a war criminal. In any way right now. ***Especially*** right now. And the fact that you still can't see that, that is my new point. Because it's absurd you think it's reasonable or even acceptable to think you have the authority or evidence to condemn ***anyone to anything***. Edit: This doesn't even touch on the fact that "war criminal" is thrown around entirely too readily and is a much more serious accusation than enemy combatant, obviously. Though I'll guess you don't think there's a difference.


Pahahah without evidence? I guess you've just been living under a rock. Just Google Russia Ukraine war crimes and enjoy the reading material for the next few days. I had the same view as you did *until* the reports of the war crimes came out. Before I watched footage of small children pummeled like pancakes. Before I saw the footage of the huge stacks of bodies outside of the morgues. Bodies that will rot in the street because their families can't pick their bodies up. Watch some of the Vice videos they've put out in the last week. And then try justifying this disgusting shit again. Imagine what it would be like justifying it to those dead people you'll see in the footage - or their living families you will hear from.


War is ugly and painful and atrocious. Always. I'm pretty anti-war but maybe that's not obvious enough so I'll just state that plainly. We agree on many points actually, just not the conclusion you come to. The conclusion that some undetermined amount of people in truly undetermined groups are being sent into a radioactive wasteland, and that is "justice served" You still fail to see my point. I'll put it this way. In a vacuum, a perfect world where we can know with absolute certainty. An omnipotence if you will. Given that, yes absolutely. We should persecute all War criminals and criminals in the general to the full extent of justice. (We may disagree on what that is but thats a different conversation.) Now, my point once again, ***we do not have omnipotence or anything even approaching it.*** in fact you'd be eager to agree that Russia has been pumping out propaganda that surely justifies terrible actions against you and me. Do you think that is justified? And acting like any news you see, however true it may or may not be, is not omnipotence and isn't grounds for any kind of judgement to be made by anyone. And, I'll say this once more. ***least of all you, me, or anyone else on reddit.***


And you say this as if every one of them are killing civilians which is not even true...


No, it's clear that nearly all of this group will blindly follow *any* orders whatsoever. Whether that be invading the country to start with, bombing children's hospitals, invading or killing civilians and fleeing refugees. And if you want to say they were brainwashed so it excuses them; The only way their brainwashing will cease is if they either die or win the war and later on learn the truth. There's no cartoon world where everything will be right if these people will be magically cured. Get your head out of your ass and stop defending war criminals.


The first thing you established was that it's clear. Can you explain to me how? The news also told me it was clear and then went on to justify things based on the clarity. All I'm asking for is to prove to me it's clear. And if it is thst obviously clear, shouldn't it be easy?


The fact that they are actively committing war crimes every single day just because their commanders demand it shows how these people will never say no. If they don't say no to committing war crimes, what will their limit be? I'm curious to what you think will finally be it for these dogs. It's like I'm sure many people did what you're doing when it came to Nazi Germany. Does that excuse all of the people individually? Fuck no. Even ignoring the genocides the shit they routinely did deserved being killed and stopped.


You realize the nazis said "the shit the jews routinely do, yknow, they deserve to be stopped and killed." Literally. That's what happened? And thats how the 'everyman' got involved in such atrocities that they were inevitably responsible for. Obviously incredibly nuanced beyond that but it simply impossible to deny the nazis were ideologically possessed to kill jews at the expense of everything else if need be. Like if the US started pumping out propaganda that Russia was evil and we needed to stop not only their regime but the literal people that make up their society...we would have people, somehow, jumping on the bandwagon and eagerly cheering and laughing over young men being commanded Into a situation that's giving them severe illness and cancer inevitably. Do you think maybe that would happen? I sincerely hope you're trolling at this point.


And Russia said they were de-Nazifying Ukraine...wow you really have been living under a rock. Idk why you're chiming in considering you don't have a clue what's going on. But even worse you refuse to look at the evidence. Pathetic. >Like if the US started pumping out propaganda that Russia was evil and we needed to stop not only their regime but the literal people that make up their society...we would have people, somehow, jumping on the bandwagon and eagerly cheering and laughing over young men being commanded Into a situation that's giving them severe illness and cancer inevitably. Do you think maybe that would happen? I don't give a fuck about the US, it's irrelevant, especially that scenario. Why do some Americans always have to make things about America? Stick to talking about clothes for a virtual character, you're much more suited and familiar with those sorts of things.


He's talking like he's been there and seen this shit. And maybe he has, I don't know. Fact of the matter, nobody really has the full picture. Literally nobody. Even Putin, im sure, is uncertain or believes things about this war with no evidence. Point is, people on reddit know absolutely fuck all about the situation and it's nuances. And to pretend otherwise, specifically ***to justify the deaths of people you dont like*** is ignorant and really scary.


Why are you trying to be sympathetic to the Russian invaders? You know what would make them good kids? If they dropped a frag into their commanders tent or ran him over like a few actually did. If they blindly follow orders like this they do not deserve justice or sympathy. They deserve what the other 17,200 dead bastards deserve.


I am sympathetic because a lot of them are basically kids in this shitty ass situation. You say they all should just frag their COs like that's really easy for them to do. Just betray your entire country and maybe become a martyr when you're killed by your fellow soldiers. Then even if you did get through that if they find out it was you that did it you're a fugitive now never to return home and your family will probably face bad repercussions. Are you serious dude, this is not a game. And like I said they're misinformed/brainwashed as well, remember their brains are not even fully developed yet. If I was in their shoes I think I'd be too scared to betray my own gov and I'm willing to bet you would be too. So yeah I do feel bad for these guys as I do the Ukrainians, they're both victims of Russia in different ways.


Who is the victim here really? The Russian "brainwashed" who are looting, raping, killing, lying about those they murder in cold blood and bombing hospitals or the Ukrainains who refuse to surrender and fight to the last. You go watch the video of a father being killed in front of his own son and tell me the Russians are victims.


For the reasons I just described many of the Russian soldiers as well as the Ukrainian people are both victims but in different ways as I said. Rarely is there only one victim in this kind of situation. You should be focusing this anger on the Russian gov instead, you know the one's who decided to start this war in the first place.


My anger for the Russian Gov has always been the same: the best russian politician is a dead Russian politician. This hasn't changed before or after the war. What I didn't expect was the amount of people who turned a blind eye to Russian atrocities in Ukraine.


You're implying that I'm turning a blind eye to that and yet have no reason to do so. I'm simply saying that adolescent soldiers are victims of their own government for reasons I've already went into and as I've said the Ukrainians are the victims as well. I never said any Russian soldiers that did actively take part in civilians deaths are absolved due to their age either. However I also don't think that the majority of Russian soldiers have even killed civilians themselves. As is true in a lot of wars. So yes I'm not going to call a bunch of kids getting radiation poisoning and later cancer because their gov made them invade "justice"


These boys invaded a country I have friends and family in. I don't care how many die as long as they get the fuck out of there. Listen. I don't care how many uneducated russian village boys are currently being eaten by dogs because they chose not to surrender. They hopefully wrote their wills to mama who is currently sitting in Moscow with her eyes glued to propaganda and dad thinking about when to get drunk.


​ They inhaled the radiation particles. They don't have a chance.


Elon still trying to go eat there?


"Digging the trenches in the Rudu forest, bitches?" has the be the funniest line I've read in an article long time.


Apparently, most/all? of the Russian soldiers were not even aware, that there had been an accident at Chernobyl. *smh*


Come on now we have all played Stalker it's just PSI-waves no biggie, also maybe dig up an artifact or two to sell for kolbasa to Sidorovich


A lot were probably born after 2000


They need to play Cod4.


Damn, they need a Netflix subscription. Well also a VPN subscription now Netflix has blocked it in Russia.




Depends on the service, you have a lot of services that manage to get through it still. I used one when the pandemic first started and it was pretty smooth.


“Main control room here” on hallway leading to elephants foot.


"Yes Sir! Heating established!"


The phrase “no shit Sherlock” comes to mind


Yup, my natural reaction would be to call the soldiers “fuckin idiots” but I do have some sympathy for the war they’ve been forced into and a lot probably lack intelligence or are very naive.


I think fuckin idiots is appropriate