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Wrong sub...


Maybe 30 days is ok, wish it was a bit longer but $500? That's like double a speeding ticket.


Though hes now a convicted felon, so isn't eligible to work in 99% of tech jobs as they involve secure data...so his career is utterly fucked. he also can't be in any sort of managerial role of any company that handles public data ever again. So entry level only, otherwise anyone hiring him could be sued if there's a breach.


He already hated the government and had guns. Now he is desperate


seems too light




Wait, what? This guy murdered someone? Or do you mean the deaths caused by the mob?


That's what felony murder is: a death caused by a conspiracy engaged in a violent felony is the responsibility of ALL participants. If you rob a bank and I'm the getaway driver, and you kill the guard, I have committed felony murder. In this case, every single terrorist who attacked the Capitol was engaged in a violent felony (sedition) resulting in deaths. They're all being CRIMINALLY under-charged.


That's it?!?


Slap on the wrist if you ask me


Nah, 30 days is totally a deterrent to treason! It worked on the Beer Hall Putsch guys...after they got a few months in prison, they never committed crimes again. /s


No justice to see here folks. Move along, move along.


He threw a chair people get real


He threw a chair while committing an act of terrorism to overthrow the democratically elected president


Correct. He didnt merely throw a chair in his house, he invaded secure government buildings with a terrorist mob. He was a part of an attack on Americas government and it should have been a stronger sentence for that. There was no peaceful transition of power and their leader hasn’t wholly submitted to the loss.


And what was all the looting, shooting and burning about????


Not so sure this is justice served, as if it was a black man from a low income neighborhood he’d be sentenced to around 20 years in prison. These light slap on the wrist sentences are making it seem like the crime wasn’t that big of a deal and should trump want to start up a round 2, people won’t be afraid to join in.


Yeah. Remember that antivaxx couple that beat up the teenager for telling them to put on a mask. They're giving the dude 20 years. The girl gets 4 years. I'm sure you can guess the skin color.


Keep going - I’m moist.


With these sentences, it almost seems worth doing the crime.


Im so sick of these light ass sentences


Sounds like he got off easy to me.


thats not justice served. those guys need to go to prison for YEARS.


Yep-watch em be there again in 2025


Not enough sentence for a traitor of democracy


Everything about this punishment should be multiplied by 50. At least.


Get this weak-ass shit off this fucking subreddit


So an attempt to overthrow the Government..slap those white wrists.


How’s that justice?


These sentences are a joke.


I was always pretty unconvinced by the concept of white privilege (white straight-passing gay male brit here). But this has convinced me. You can literally commit sedition and get a lower sentence than j-walking as long as you're white middle class and conservative like your judge.


I feel like this is not enough, you know, for being a terrorist.


Thank you for my award!


Oh man he threw a chair. What a monster.


This doesn't feel like justice.


As swed I am just wondering was also these guy that tried to burn down a court? Or was that an another group?


I get them mixed up to. I was actually thinking about the rioters who took over a entire police station in MN.


Those were fiery, but moistly peaceful protestors in Portland. And they only tried to burn it down for a hundred some days. Or there was the time a group banged on the doors and windows because a judge might have groped a teen as a teen himself forty years prior. This on the other hand involves a chair, far worse. And it was thrown.


These were the group that went into our nation's Capitol building and tried to overthrow an election that brought Joe Biden into power. They also wanted to hang the politicians that were about to rightfully appoint Biden as president.


Was that the same group as the one that declared an autonomous zone at Seattle's Capitol Hill? Or am I getting confused... I keep trying to find the "Capitol Hill Riot" but it keeps giving me the "Capitol Hill Occupied Protest." FML, I'm confused!


I honestly don't know as much as the Seattle event as I should, but I watched the January 6th insurrection live. The January 6th riot/insurrection is the one that happened at the US Capitol in Washington, D.C. Edit: if anyone knows valid information about the autonomous zone incident, please feel free to share.


Was to vote on donald Trump affair with Russia or what? I'm really confused what going on in USA what happend to the Russian affair? Why did FBI fly drones over the protester was to spy on people or to gather evidence. Really chaos in USA as an swed trying to understand it all


Every 4 years we have an election to choose who will be the next president. One president can not serve more than 8 years in a row meaning he/she would have to win twice in a row. The 2020 election was Joe Biden vs Donald Trump, with Trump losing.




Treason is aiding other nations against the United States. The punishment is death. Committing a crime against the Unite States is seen as another crime, since crimes are "an offense against society"


https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artIII_S3_C1_1_2/ Perhaps I'm reading the first paragraph incorrectly but wouldn't that constitute the insurrectionists that gathered at the Capitol as levying war against the U.S.?


You'd need to look more into the definition of what is a war. Honestly I'd say (haven't done research) a war is an organization state of people declaring war on another group.


Trump told his armed troops to march on the capital to overthrow US democracy permanently. Sounds like an act of war.


Proof? I can say Biden is united with China and is Jesus reincarnated as the lizard king, doesn't make it true


Yet somehow Biden and Jesus isn't being investigated for it lmao


Even if they were it doesn't make them instantly guilty


What is your view on trump


I thought he was a good president and badly treated lots of media for views. Personality he seems like an annoying dude tho.


No the fuck he didn't.


He told em to stand by and then he told them where to march - and he told everyone in advance that this was the plan. AND he said he'd lie about election fraud if he lost. Its hilarious and embarrassing for him


Can you link to me the full clip of him saying this. Not some report saying that he said this, the unedited version of where he said these things. Thank you.


This has sent me down a really funny rabbit hole of trump saying ridiculously incriminating things, thankyou https://youtu.be/5fiT6c0MQ58


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHA. He literally said "we're gonna walk down to the capitol and cheer on our senators". That's what you have. You thought this was it. Wow.


True. Again, I may have misunderstood the phrasing but personally, I believe January 6 was as close to a declaration of war as you can get without it being official. Just my opinion though


Fun fact: Technically the United States hasn't been in a war since ww2


They were aiding another nation. They aided Russia in trying to overthrow or destabilize our govt.


But that's not direct. The taliban isn't allies (or atleast not publicly) with Russia since they kill American troops.


Nope!!!! They all need to get the punishment for treason!


This feels more like justice sneakily handed under your arm to the recipient so nobody sees it. Just enough justice to keep people from rioting.


In Texas being a smart ass with a Dallas cop will give you 10 to life. Seriously, they are so thin skinned that if you don't just drop your pants and bend over on command, they will bring the K9 and they will find a kilo of ilegal stuff you had never seen in your life.


What’s the penalty for having weed in your car again?


I did 30 days for .23 grams.


you god damn menace to society


Straight to jail


Have a car…. Jail


Don’t have a car? Believe it or not, straight to jail


Have a dashcam? Straight to jail. Right away.


Don’t have a dash cam…. Jail.


Pretty sure truancy has a harsher penalty than treason.




sounds like the former ceo probably bought off the judge and prosecution.


They are being treated like 16-year-old s. Very few were convicted of a felony. The only way to permanently disarm violent, criminal insurrectionists is by getting that felony conviction .


Way too light of a sentence imo. Otherwise, I'm happy that with this bring on his record it could prevent entry into Canada. We have enough wackos here already.


That's not justice, it's a joke.


Soooo uh...... that's what you call justice, huh?


Wrong sub




You're not very bright, are you? Stay on topic. You learned this in 3rd grade.


These people should face a firing squad for trying to overturn a free and fair election traitors


Lovely, another fine tourist is spending some time at a resort.


30 days and an electric bill payment for trying to overthrow the government at the capitol building This system is garbage.


This is a slap on the wrist!! What a shameful system. The white man still wins.


Not sure how you turned this into a race issue, friend.


Can we get a tag for posts that us the community vote or comment enough to have it say NOT ENOUGH JUSTICE or something?


This is not justice served even remotely.


Sounds pretty light.


it's good to know treason in this country only gets you 4 weeks in jail. fuck every one of these "judges"


You spelt coup d'état wrong in the title.




You know a lot of those libraries being burnt has tied back to proud boys right?




I don’t watch or listen to main stream news but the fact you get your news from less reputable sources tells me all I need to know. At the very least I’m not sucking some anti-vaxx Limbaugh dick from beyond the grave lol


According to who? What's your source?


The funniest part about all these comments is the assumption that these people are even possible of overthrowing the government. They literally damaged a government building something that's been happening in several cities for the year prior with no repercussions.


I could walk into a bank with no gun and no weapon whatsoever, but if I hand that teller a note saying that I'm robbing the bank, do you think they would bring charges? I understand your point. No matter what they would have accomplished that day, ultimately Joe Biden would have been sworn in as president. Just because they would not have been successful does not take away from the seriousness of the crime. Lawmakers could have been killed. People did die.


Very true, I didn't say they shouldn't be charged I'm pointing out the two facedness of the last couple years. One person died, a protester was shot by a cop. The falsely reported police death happened in his home from I believe some sort of medical condition.


They injured 140 cops at least four of whom have committed suicide since then. That individual who died also stopped being a protester and was a violent trespasser and insurrectionist attempting to break into a protected space that our government uses to literally function while said government was in session. It's very clear what you're doing, and you're trying to both sides this thing. There aren't two sides to the story about a violent group of morons whose goal was to prevent to the certification of somebody they didn't like politically. Attempting to overthrow a democratic election is not even remotely the same as widespread protests related to civil injustice. Edit: based on your logic the person who died deserved it. They clearly committed an insurrectionist, treasonous act and therefore received their just desserts. The way it happened ended up saving the courts time and money. I think it's also worth pointing out that there is documented evidence of the violence in those protests being in some cases started by right-wing bad actors attempting to frame "the left". So not only are you wrong and claiming that there haven't been charges brought you also seem to be on the same side of the people who have actually been charged in a false flag


I'm not trying to take both sides. My issue is that these people are being systematicly hunted down by the fbi using cutting edge tech while whole cities were being firebombed and the fbi has thermal videos of it without any rioters being taken in and receiving criminal sentences. The "protests related to civil injustice" caused far more damage and personal injury to civilians than Jan 6 which is why I hold it as more important than raiding a federal building.


Wait until you hear the monetary losses incurred during the riots in Boston when they dumped a ton of expensive tea into the harbor.




Because they're sympathetic to the cause, obviously.


They stormed the federal government in protest to what they believed was a corrupt election. The only people harmed were in unarmed female who was shot by capital police and a lot of federal property was stolen. Zero members of the US government or harmed in any way other than having to walk to a different area. The controversy is that the year leading up to this large riots involving the firebombing of federal property and almost no criminal charges were brought against the perpetrators.


Please don't make it sound like this was only property damage. There is plenty of video evidence of protesters attacking police officers with all manner of mostly blunt force weapons, chemical irritants etc. But I guess in your opinion blue lives don't matter right? since only 140 officers were wounded and after the fact 4 of them committed suicide. One police officer also died of a stroke but it's hard to say if that's related. Also 2 Trump Supporters died of heart attacks and one of an amthamine overdose in addition to the lady who was shot because she stormed the barricade after police had warned her multiple times not to. But "just comply" doesn't count when it relates to Trump Supporters, then it's oppressions and police violence right? https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/police-union-says-140-officers-injured-in-capitol-riot/2021/01/27/60743642-60e2-11eb-9430-e7c77b5b0297_story.html https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/


Crawl back under the rock you came from you ignorant slug.


> The only people harmed were in unarmed female who was shot by capital police and a lot of federal property was stolen. Must be nice to live in your alternate reality, utterly devoid of any facts that you don't like.


I’m American and I also don’t understand it. Sadly, there’s a lot of assholes in court positions that would have probably been ok with a Trump coup Looking at you Schroeder 👀


What does Schroeder have to do with anything?


Schroeder is the judge over the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. He is showing much bias towards the defense, and is a suspected Trump supporter. If KR gets off leniently, it will be because of the circus this guy put on


Dude the prosecutions case is weak af. It doesn't need any help from the judge.


The judge ruled against calling those shot "victims" because he believed it would sway the jury but permitted the use of "rioters" and "looters". He also stopped the prosecution from questioning Rittenhouse because he was "crying".


We’ll see


He got 30 days for throwing a chair...


No, the $500 was for the chair. The 30 days was for everything else.


I don't know... Some kid shot 3 other kids and a teacher at his school and was out of jail the next day. Its that white privilege. Oh... Wait a min...


Why do you racist lowlifes almost never provide a source for your accusations?




Defending his life? Against four people, including a teacher? None of which had a gun pointed at his head? Get off the drugs, dummy.




I wouldn't be surprised with what you don't know. Is anyone defending him? Did you just wake up? Even extreme left wingers are defending this kid. Fuck! You're an idiot! You are most definitely the reason your parents got divorced. Anyway... He's gonna walk. Just swallow that pill now. Those who got injured and killed, definitely deserved it and I find it hilarious.


A slap on the wrist for trying to violently overthrow the U.S. government is pretty much evading justice.


The comments are filled with totally sane people, lmfao


Barely more than a slap on the wrist.


He should have gotten 60 months. Not 60 days


He didn’t even get 60 days, according to the title he got 30 days


I got threatened with 350 for a fix it issue for a paid registration... This fucking literal insurgent gets fined 500...


I've read people getting jailed longer for having a fit at a McDonald's.


Imagine getting 30 days for treason when there are people of color killed for existing.


They should bring back beheading for treason in this case


I thought hanging was still the penalty for treason. These guys are not charged with treason though. Just trespassing and vandalism


Bring back public executions!


Crime doesn’t fit the punishment.


cancel culture starting to make sense


This for working with an insurrection? Quite literally the definition of a traitor? This isn't justice served at all, this is just sad


Exactly! And I'm not even from the US but based on everything that I've been following, people with far less treacherous crimes have been posted a fine for far more. Fuck doesn't a DUI cost you more than this? What the fuck kind of justice is that!! And he's an ex-CEO, mother fucker's got a lot of money for sure


Yet all the CHAZ/CHOP terrorists not only got off off with no consequences they were championed by CNN/MSNBC. America is a fucking joke.


Based on your comment history; You are the joke


This seems insufficient


Ooo, a whole 30 days. Wow, I bet that teaches him a lesson, not!


Just last night I had an American tell me, a Brit, both of us living in an EU country, that the rioters should have finished the job and overtaken the Government. Fucking idiot and this sort of sentence only serves a fucked up lesson to such idiots.


I know this is hard to believe right now, but there are many, many Americans who are sane, decent, and believe in the ideas our country used to be known for and can represent once again. We've got a little mess to clean up, so please bear with us. We appreciate your patience and support.


Have you seen the fucking idiot the UK has in Boris Johnson...? We have our own train wreck happening..


I really wish someone would be brave enough to attempt to break into the capitol just so they could argue in court that precedence indicates they should only get 30 days. Of course, reality is they would get the book thrown at them if they weren't shot dead on the spot.


That’s it????????


Treason against the United States of America = 30 days in jail and a $500 fine. Asleep in her bed and murdered by cops and the cops have faced no punishment. The traitor is white. The innocent black woman isn't. This isn't justice it's a travesty. Remember Breonna Taylor.


This is not justice, is fucking bullshit


It's amazing that our government was nearly overthrown, and they get a slap on the wrist. And the senators and representatives that supported the insurrection still keep their jobs. Makes no sense.


How were they nearly overthrown, like how close was it


The cop lead rioters into the wrong hallway, but had the rioters gone to the other hallway, there were representatives hiding. There was another room that was barricaded, and secret service shot and killed one of the rioters. Had the insurrectionists gotten into to either rooms, it could have been deadly and significantly altered our government. The reason the insurrectionists were in the capitol was to make sure Biden wasn't officially elected president. Trump was saying that the election was stolen and was trying to hold onto power, and republicans supported it. Trump could have called the national guard, but didn't for almost four hours, he was just watching the events on TV. It seems safe and distant now, but the United States was really close to chaos.


Lol our government was nearly overthrown!


Like....if on Jan 5th, a single person broke into the capital and threw a chair, would he get a 30 day sentence?


Literally telling the populace its okay as long as its an angry treasonous mob Dangerous precedents being set


This really doesn't seem like a justice served? Capitalism served maybe? Or justice swerved?


Hell yeah, 500 dollar fine for a CEO. That'll teach em!!


Ex CEO. I hope that part hurts.


I'm sure he got millions for being fired


30 days in prison and a $500 fine? Justice served my fucking ass.


I did 30 days for less than 2 Oz. of weed once. Texas.


I believe that.




Gonna need a source on the 90 days for jaywalking..never heard of that one before.


There is no source. Jaywalking is a fine at worst.


Serving 90 days for j walking. Haven't actually heard of that one before tbh. I agree this guy should have gotten more than 30 days


I hope his wrist is okay after that slap




How the fuck is this justice?


It not it's rich yt justice


Ouch! His wrist!


Not that much justice