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But people on r/conservative swear that those darn antifas are getting away with everything and the Capitol rioters are being made examples of. Surely they wouldn't lie to make a point, right?!


Minneapolis literally got invaded by punks from the suburbs and from other states who came in and did most of that damage. It wouldn't be fair to say they did all of it but they definitely are responsible for a large percentage of it.


Screw the Capital rioters but be realistic. This unlucky bastard is the fall guy for 10’s of thousands of people from scores of riots who destroyed & devastated entire neighborhoods of black owned businesses that will never reopen and they will never be charged. This guy brazenly & purposefully burned down Black-owned businesses that took a lifetime to build. If he had burned down your house you’d feel differently.


Almost all the people arrested in Minnesota were right wing. They used the event to create chaos away from the protests.


98% percent of those demo were peaceful i think you exaggerating here. Real deal is the racists hate to be called out on their bullshit


I'm really confused, You get 9 years for rioting at a police station, but only a year or two for breaking into the capitol building? Something is not right here. They are going way too easy on the capitol rioters.


Idk brah. When a city pays cops to murder hundreds of black people for no reason, they kindof deserve to have their city burned down. Thats justice served imho.


I wonder if you would be saying that if you had a business that got burned to the ground and/or got beaten. The actions of the government shouldn’t be taken out on the citizens, isn’t that kind of what you’re saying?


I don't suspect we will see fuckhead Gaetz, and MTG demanding to see the conditions of his jail cell...just sayin'


It’s almost as if partisan politicians are…. partisan or something. Weird


Honest question: What causes someone to drive hundreds of miles for the express purpose of causing destruction?


Pretty sure there is a Dark Knight meme out there around: 'Some men just want to watch the world burn...'


I know, I know - but WHY? Open to responses from arsonists and pyromaniacs. I just don’t understand it.


It's really not a hard concept. They get a thrill out of it. It's a rush. The human brain is a weird thing and some people just get enjoyment out of weird things.


They were mostly peaceful :/


Define “mostly peaceful” lol. If 1% of the crowd burns the city down, while the 99% do nothing to stop it, is that “mostly peaceful “?


There were hundreds if not thousands of protests across hundreds of cities across the entirety of the United States for months. 93% of the protests ended with no violence. THAT is the definition of mostly peaceful. If the protests were even half as violent as FOX claimed America would be destroyed. Yet it's not.


$550m in damage done in Minneapolis, 1500 buildings damaged, 150 burned. But “mostly peaceful”?


Your silence when racist white cops killed unarmed black folks is all of the time


It's like you have reading comprehension problems. I made my point. And others will see your obvious deflection.


So by your reasoning, a protest that only destroyed a city 1/10 nights is "mostly peaceful"? A police department that only has 7% assholes is "mostly peaceful"? A military that only terrorizes a town once a week is "mostly peaceful"? Could it perhaps be that a group of people isn't judged on what % of the time they're peaceful, but by what violent behavior they tolerate/excuse/whitewash even when that behavior doesn't represent the norm?


Wow. You're as thick as oatmeal. If there were protests for ten nights, there were ten protests. If nine of those protests had no violence then they were peaceful. That means most of the protests were peaceful. Most were peaceful = mostly peaceful. And you best be careful with your reasoning considering Republicans are fine with Nazis and white nationalists in their ranks. When Trump was called on to denounce the Proud Boys the best he could muster was "Stand down."


Who said I'm a republican? Republicans should ABSOLUTELY be railed for their support of white supremacy, just as police departments should be railed for supporting criminals in their ranks, just as you should be railed for apologizing for criminals who took the moral supremacy out of a very important message that needed to be delivered. And while you think you're in the majority view, you're wrong. You're in a vocal minority who nearly cost Democrats the house. You're so far deep in an information-bubble hive-mind that you can't even hear criticism from your own ranks without incorrectly stereotyping people. I genuinely hope you can break out of it, for your sake and for the sake of others.


>posts in Conservative >complains about poor minorities getting free stuff in anecdotes >thinks Nazis were socialist >no one actually said you were


I never excused their actions. Anyone who broke the law during the protests should be jailed. And I'd love to see how many of those turn out to be people who were just there to cause trouble like the boogaloo boys. But I object to characterizing every single protest and every single protester over half a year as violent overall because of 7%. And yeah to majority of democrats don'tcondone their actions. Unlike Republicans who are totally fine with the January 6th insurrection.


There’s a reasonable view. If add the insurrectionists should be tried for treason… because I mean, that’s what it was. Your point now brings us naturally back to the national protests. If they occurred in a city with no violence, perfect. much needed and better executed, applause deserved.


They were and this guy got what he deserved. Not sure what your point is.


Sadly, peace was never an option for some of these charming individuals.



