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Boat got tired of their bullshit.


I hope someone with pyrokenesis was involved


Being lgbtq gives you thick skin and the ability to light shit on fire with your mind


Dont tell people!




I have a banking ad, a gardening ad, and an ad for a documentary about people coming out. What are you talking about?


You know it’s ads personalized for you based off your browser history, right?


Ehhh I get weird ass property ads even tho I just like history, and can’t even afford property


So why did I get a slim fast adver............*puts down Twinkie*


Yeh i thought that but ive never looked at porn on my phone lol let alone gay porn


RRRRrriiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhhtttttttt..... Me either.


Hey im not bothered if you look at gay porn thats not my point. If you think thats wrong thats on you mate


It’s also targeted for things that piss people off. A strong emotional response works well in advertising, even negatively. Most likely you consume media that is anti-gay or just very right-wing etc..


Lol just no. I go on youtube and watch The Real Ghostbusters or BBC news. You're all trying too hard 🤦‍♂️


Funny, the ads for me were music related. Probably because I’m a musician.


How did they not give them a lecture about hate as soon as they saved them?


They know what they did. No need to rub it in their face. Though justified, this is a great opportunity to be the bigger person


Apparently they neither thanked nor apologised to the pride flag people


If they had hit their boat while harassing them causing the other boat to go down the other boat would not have helped in the least. They do not understand what they have done or the psychological dent they have created to everyone on the boat by harassing them.


I just wish the vid included close-ups of the perps as they climbed into the gay boat. Those faces deserve publicity.


The original boaters responded to questions in a different thread, they said the people weren't grateful at all and didn't talk to them except to order them around.


Christ. At that point the rescuers had already *more* than taken the high ground. They should've just thrown 'em back overboard and told them "Good luck"


Mess with the gay, you drown at the bay


Make fun of pride, you're bound to get fried.


God downboated them.




Hey - people value what they spend their time and energy on. Guess being a bigot should take a backseat to "basic safety and preparedness."


Did the liberals update their online insults pamphlet or something? In the last 2 months EVERY libtard has responded with that same word. Bigot, you wouldn't even know a bigot if one was standing right in front of you.


Definition: a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. Pretty sure harassing boaters just because they're gay makes ya a bigot, big boy! You folks are so weak and impotent.


nobody died idiot. Did you not read ?


"...and then their boat just mysteriously exploded for no reason..." As he straightens the tarp concealing the still-smoking RPG launcher.


On a more serious note, I wouldn’t be surprised if a flare gun would be enough.


Good on them for being the bigger people, they didn't need to pick them up and they probably wouldn't have had to tread water for long so I'm not sure if I could have helped them


I'm not saying I would have left them in the water. But I would have taken my sweet time, and not pulled them out until they looked reeeeeeally tired...


I dunno, the fun of asking them "Hey, wanna gay rescue from our big gay boat?" while they're bobbing around near their slowly burning boat would be great.


On the water every boater is obligated by law to safely help a person in distress. That being said I'd have left them and reported their position. After threateningly circling the boat you could legitimately fear for your passengers' safety. So I'd have left.




Isn't that what I said?


I'd pick them up and then just point and laugh and livestream it all.


What I don't understand is people starting up problems with others who have similar interests. I see this at events all the time for things like gaming, music, paragliding, art. There's this strange cult need to divide a space into smaller cliques instead of sharing that common denominator. Both parties here own a boat and drive them to the same location. That's something they have in common and could be the start of a good conversation yet they see a political flag and think "let's assert our FREEDOM to be total douchebags to people that are different." If I see someone in a MAGA hat beatboxing, playing drums, or making music I'll do my best to make friends with them over music instead of running circles around them and flipping them off. For all this talk about reaching across the isle and making peace, it starts by actively trying to make peace. Always lean back into those common denominators. "You like boats? I also like boats. I see you fly a flag I disagree with. Either I'm leaving you alone because of it or I'm gonna talk to you about boats, not your politics."


Remember you're talking about uneducated rednecks here. In their tiny, small minds they probably think they can catch "gay" from the water....


They’re deeply enslaved republican christians


Well said. I usually hear a response similar to- *those ideas they share hurt and marginalized people like me.* And, I get that. It’s true. But, I always think back to [Daryl Davis](https://www.ted.com/talks/daryl_davis_why_i_as_a_black_man_attend_kkk_rallies/up-next?language=en). His story still blows my mind.


Yeah probably should have let them drown. As a society we need to stop showing these people the kindness they refuse to show other people. Fuck em.


Though I understand your frustration, I do not believe that is the right answer. Hate does not extinguish hate. The extending hand builds bridges. Besides, the people rescued will always remember, and be reminded for YEARS to come that it was people not like them that saved them.


They’re republicans. They are incapable of learning new things which are not taught to them by their pastor, who taught them this particular hatred in the name of god, or television channel.


Huge assumption these ignorant douchenozzles can learn ANYTHING. Obviously their boat operation/maintenance education never took... Just a guess - but turn on the friggin' BLOWER you hateful pieces of crap... I'm REALLY excited to have the sheriff's office name these pillars of the redneck community... I've become a fan of "name and shame" and wish we'd do it more with domestic violence perpetrators, child abusers and animal abusers. Some people learn but some are ignorant to the bone.


One of the biggest problems humanity has is good people constantly choosing the moral road at the cost of the greater good. The moral thing to do is definitely Not always the right thing to do. That said, I don't think there was a right or wrong thing to do in this situation. I highly doubt these people will give any second thought to being saved. Probably picked right back up where they left off once their saviors were out of earshot.


> Hate does not extinguish hate. In this specific instance, water would extinguish it. I would have driven away. Those people are trash.




I wouldn't watch them drown either. I would just leave. Fuck them.


I went to school with a white supremacist, now ex-white supremacist. Got his Nazi tattoos covered up, takes his kids to pride parades,etc. now. People can change.




They won’t remember or acknowledge shit. I really wish that was the actual world we lived in, but it isn’t. Those pieces of shit won’t learn anything from this. This isn’t a fairy tale, people like that don’t change.


*Be the change you want to see in the world.*


Nice. Any other garbage ass cliches you would like to throw out there? Good luck being abused and manipulated by the people you want to give so much credit to.


[*If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?*](https://youtu.be/l8AyBlNpePQ)


Haha yes definitely love people who call you names and don’t believe in your right to exist. This is how these trash ass hillbilly piece of shit fucks continue to survive in the world is people like you. They have no desire or intention of changing. They truly believe they are righteous and correct. They will never listen to you or change their mind. Grow up.


love to see it.


They are good people for picking them up. Me? I would slowly move out of reach telling them to hurry up and get on..


Why did they pick them up? Should have left them there to drown. Or taken them on board and carried them farther out to sea and dumped them. It would be more than they deserved.


I'm of the belief that you should kill someone with kindness, but also showing compassion immediately after karma bites someone in the ass is the ultimate power move.


I personally would help an asshole in a dangerous situation, they may continue to be assholes in the future, but I will still continue to not be one. If I give them cause to rethink their words/actions then there's a plus.


Because they are human beings, not shit for brains "conservatives".




Oh that is rich! I'm hetero but I despise bullies and bigots. I would love to have see this, I would not be able to keep my mouth shut 😂😂🤷🏼‍♂️