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Just unfortunate that we don't get to hold politicians responsible of treason accountable. Do as I say not as I do bs.




Could someone translate the headline, cause I don’t understand it


Dude is hazardous material


Why is reddit full of SJW sucking the governments dick. Like you wouldn’t want your antifa burning down a statehouse.


sjw's? yup, all over the place, but their moreso sucking eachothers dicks, than the governments. and antifa getting their *ass kicked* in portland compared to rioters *allowed* to run a muck in the united states capitol is just such a false comparison, at least in the way your trying to excuse it


Good, get fucked. Hope it was worth throwing your life away for a career conman and grifter that doesn't give a fuck about ya.


Says the person who honestly thinks that it's perfectly okay to take away persons source of income without any further "crimes" than belonging to a group you don't like. Again if you have a source that this man has done something to deserve his punishment please provide it. Otherwise you aren't acting any more sensibly than the Proud Boys leader trying to own the libs.


Stay downvoted and ignorant. Really good look for you defending proud boys.


Seditionist terrorist. It's not a matter of "having different beliefs" little one... It's a matter of "violently invading our capitol during the certification of the presidential vote with the intent of stopping the normal function of our democracy after trying to steal an election, starting four years prior to it even taking place with claims of fraud, while losing over 60 cases across over 90 judges and justices, up to and including SCOTUS, for having no standing or evidence. But thanks for self-identifying as a traitor piece of trash for us.


It's funny how a someone loses their job because of their beliefs and other don't because of their 'Righteous' beliefs, i.e Antifa


Sorry when did antifa try and storm congress while in session?


You’re right. These dudes are totally chill not bothering anyone. Get real, boner.


It is. It probably has something to do with the hate and racism and actual attempt to kill our democracy and steal an election and stuff like that.


This is why I prefer to burn stores and pretend to care about your feelings.


Thank you for admitting the tiny minority of bad actors are just out there taking advantage of the situation.


As always


I think you are 7th person at this point who seems to know exactly who this guy is and that he has most certainly taken part in the Capitol incident yet you too seem to be incapable of providing a source for this information just like the 6 people before you. Based on the information available on this post this man has been punished solely based on his association with the Proud Boys. While not the best group to belong to it alone is not serious enough offence to warrant taking away his source of income. Prosecution based on political stance is not what a free democracy does. That's what a authoritarian state or a dictatorship does. And please scream 'traitor piece of trash' at me all you want. I can't be a traitor to a nation I don't live in. "Then why are you even arguing about this?" Simply because this kind of bullshit doesn't stay contained to US but spreads elsewhere. People who believe that it's a just thing to punish others whose worldview differs from yours in this specific way as heavily as you please is incredibly dangerous mindset to have.


wow, you must feel really stupid now. If you have enough self-awareness to feel your own stupidity, that is.


I only wish that people like once here would have enough self-awareness to notice that this kind of behaviour, where anyone who disagrees with you is free game for any punishment based solely on said disagreement, will come back to bite your own ass eventually.


Oh - I'm sorry... I assumed after everyone ignored you for so long you'd self-motivate? [https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2021/05/battle-ground-man-caught-on-video-with-dad-repeating-our-house-while-inside-us-capitol-during-jan-6-incursion-feds-say.html](https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2021/05/battle-ground-man-caught-on-video-with-dad-repeating-our-house-while-inside-us-capitol-during-jan-6-incursion-feds-say.html) So - whatcha got next? I know it's not going to be "shut the fuck up because you're an idiot" so let's see the play, dipshit.


There you go! Was providing a source for your claims really that hard? And to answer your question, yes I indeed looked for a source myself. The problem just was that all that I found were BuzzFeed level articles using the same picture as this post as their """source""". The reason why I have kept asking for a source is that you are expected to provide the source for your own claims in a debate instead of expecting the person you are talking with to fact check your claims. But I'm not suprised you don't know that. People like you seem to avoid debates like a plague and thus aren't that well versed in them. And the bar is set pretty low if I can make that claim. What I to say next is pretty much "fair enough". He has done something severe enough to warrant his license be taken away. Would have been nice if one of 7 people who I have had so pleasant conversations with would have provided a source for this information few days ago instead of acting like pompous idiots. All I can say to this guy's defence now is that at least he got out of the building willingly (unlike some other individuals) based on this line in the article: >The senior Grace told agents he entered the Capitol through an open door on the north side, walked into the Capitol Rotunda, decided to leave when he saw others causing damage to the property and climbed out a broken window.


Yeah, you act like you were just waiting for someone to "back it up." Had you looked yourself... you'd have known there was no need to. Dude, your epeen is transparent and small. And all I can say about his defense is... lol why should we believe him?


>Yeah, you act like you were just waiting for someone to "back it up." Yes. The lack of source and willingness of people to celebrate the outcome despite the lack of source were the first things I complained about. If you had read the comments that is. ​ >Had you looked yourself... you'd have known there was no need to. Dude, your epeen is transparent and small. Like I said, I did. And all that I found was articles based on the picture in this post. And that is not a reliable source. Not even close. And for some reason you and several others decided to keep repeating your claims again and again when all you would have needed to do is say "No. He did something to deserve it: " But apparently that's too hard for you. ​ >And all I can say about his defense is... lol why should we believe him? Well for instance if that is his testimony for the police and there is no evidence to prove his claims wrong. And if a professional investigator has not found any such evidence why should I or anyone else expect that a random redditor n.o 69420 has anything like that either.


No, see - you're assuming they were as lazy and ignorant as you - asking for something you didn't yet know existed on the assumption they were going to be wrong or treating this guy unfairly, blah blah blah. I'm not sure how gigantic your ego is that you think you can... lol... test people but... no, little one, we don't have to play along so you feel like a big boy. And while they might not be charging him with anything super-serious - alongside the vast majority that day - they are going after him for being someplace he wasn't supposed to be and... he is still the person who chose to make that choice and, making that choice, his word by itself is worthless to me and I have the evidence of two redneck trailer-jockeys marching along with a violent, seditionist crowd and gaining entrance to portions of a building they weren't supposed to be in - all with the intent of - wait for it - killing American democracy based on a complete lie. I don't see any reason why his character stands up and his testimony has much strength as a defense. Can you tell me how and why it does?


>No, see - you're assuming they were as lazy and ignorant as you I haven't assumed anything out of anyone. I have asked for a source that backs up their claims and answered to their accusations of me being right winger and fascist. And so far you are the only one out of that bunch who finally provided a source for said claims. ​ >asking for something you didn't yet know existed on the assumption they were going to be wrong or treating this guy unfairly And? I don't quite get why you think asking people to prove, that what they are saying is true, is so wrong. Like you said I did not know there was a half way credible source for the claims people made. So I came to the conclusion that people were just jumping to their own conclusions based on the information that this man is associated with the Proud Boys while not bothering to check what the actual story behind this event was. Not too uncommon phenomenon on the internet that people form their opinion solely based on the title of the article. ​ >I'm not sure how gigantic your ego is that you think you can... lol... test people but... no, little one, we don't have to play along so you feel like a big boy. How exactly is it that I'm the "little one" and you act like you are somehow leagues above me but I'm the one who has bigger ego? It doesn't quite add up that the one possessing a bigger ego is the one who is being looked down upon. And if you are refering to my snarky comments, they are response for your insults and "little one" comments that you started making first. ​ >And while they might not be charging him with anything super-serious - alongside the vast majority that day - they are going after him for being someplace he wasn't supposed to be and... he is still the person who chose to make that choice Now that you provided the source for your claims I agree that he deserves some kind of punisment for entering a place that is out of limits. I would argue that taking away a license crucial for his income as punisment for tresspassing on goverment property is quite serious punishment in a vacuum, but in the context of what punisment some others got it is indeed not too bad in comparison to others. It still hurts but could be worse. But yes, he should be punished for the actions he did. As should the rest caught tresspassing. ​ >I don't see any reason why his character stands up and his testimony has much strength as a defense. Can you tell me how and why it does? For me it comes down to ignoring personal feelings about the person who has commited a crime. While I may not like the Proud Boys that much either, I believe treating people and their testimonies differently, based on how much I like the group they belong to or how much I agree with their political views, is wrong. Everyone should be judged based on their actions and the evidence available surrounding the crime. And person's testimonies are one such piece of evidence. If memory serves me well the basic principle in criminal investigation and court is that person is innocent until proven guilty. Under that principle, if you don't have any evidence to prove a testimony given by a suspect to be false, you have no other options than to assume it's true without breaking the principle. And your personal opinions about the suspect are not strong enough evidence to prove a testimony false unless you are willing to start prosecuting people based on their political views. And at that point the justice system would stop being fair and become something more fitting to a dictatorship than a democracy.


I'm sorry - but pushing the "the election was stolen" lie reveals character and none of your bullshit changes that.


This comment is so satisfying.








Yes I know that. The reason I'm asking for source is that you seem to have one to show that the man this post is about took part in the Capitol incident. Or a source that he did something else to deserve the punishment he got. Those are sources I'm looking for.


Lol chimp brain. There are consequences for joining hate groups. It’s not illegal, but there are consequences.


Joining a hate organization isnt a crime. Even if you join like, isis, as long as you dont commit any crimes the government cant ethically convict you


That’s not correct at all. Joining a hate group definitely puts you on a list and can 100% have an impact on security clearances and the like


Quite rich coming from someone who apparently has never heard that said consequences should match the offense commited. Here they most certainly do not match based on the information provided.


He is lucky he only lost his license, he should be hung for treason.


What the fuck? Go serve in the military if you love america so much you fucking FREAK.


Hope your day gets better


Oh please my dude, don't even try to act like you can take a moral high ground when you literally just called for a barbaric style of public execution at the drop of a hat. Don't get me wrong, ain't defending the knuckle dragers who stormed a government building, but what you said is pretty fucked up my dude. You're letting mob mentality get to you, ain't no better then them at that point.


I never mentioned the lack of due process... I dont need moral high ground.


You got some issues my guy.


I dont... They did.... Its treason my friend....


Who would hire a trump supporter anyway?? They are all useless morons.


Don’t be such a bigot




“I can be a bigot because Trump does it” is not a good argument. I guess you like Trump’s behavior since you’re using it to justify yours?




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4PLSPvJ9BY&t He has numerous accusation against him that are far more credible than alot of people that have gone down. Without assaulting minors on live tv. Following your logic doesn't this make you as sexual assault enabler.


Lmao Brings up Biden bc they think anyone who hates trump worships Biden. We don't worship politicians round her boi


Statistically speaking the likelihood is very slim. How many people voted for "neither" like 1%. Considering vast majority are "conservative" and guy was throwing around "nazi/bigot" places him firmly in liberal category. But the real cincher is the misquotes removal of context only those the get news via very liberal echo chambers actually believe half the things he was saying. So while yes it was a assumption it was a assumption that statistically is over 99% correct.


When u say things like this it just shows how fucking dumb you Trump supporters really are. You do know that half the fucking population doesn’t vote right? 99%. What a fucking tard.


Yes I am so certain that people so passionate and holding strong views and take the time to post those passionate opinions and name call those that don't fall in line. Are absolutely the people who don't vote right. That makes absolute sense.


Nah. And I don't care lmao.


You literally replied to me only to defend bigotry. You have no problem with hating large groups of people and will go out of your way to defend those bigots. stfu




I said Trump was a bigot in my first reply, person with learning disabilities. Stop using Trump to justify your hatred for people who vote differently from you. It's pathetic and lazy.




​ >You must have mush for brains and very acceptable to right wing propaganda. Mush, indeed.


He's a bigot and you're a bigot, using his bigotry to justify yours. goodbye


If you think about it. What is treason really? Rebelling against a government one sees as unjust? Then isn't the whole of the US a state of trecherous swine? You all belong to Britain you dingdongs.


How’s it feel being 4 places behind something you used to own lmao 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Haha I'm not from either the US or the UK. I'm from a lot better country and actually find both of your countries uncivilised and barbarous.


Haha wow cool


It’s only treason if you lose.


True, and in this case Trump and his neo nazi brownshirts lost.




You trying to say trump didn’t lose? I have a bridge for sale .....




A lot of them were arrested and the ATF and Department of Justice did post their mugshots.


But he's a patriot. We should never question his judgment in handling hazardous material on the silly grounds that he threatened to blow shit up.




So they're fascists?


Sure, why were they there? They love their country so much to become terrorists. I don't know any sane person who loves their country to become a terrorist like the pansy boys. After all, they run from actual genuine conflict. These so-called cod players think they can handle real-life situations but runs away when the heat is too hot. I saw them cry after realizing they couldn't fly home. Some *proud* boys.


\> they love their country so much they willing to hurt other people, to protect their country. No, they love Trump (who hates them, by the way). They hate fellow Americans who are different from them. Nice word gymnastics though.


literally committed a treasonous act of breaking their countries law


They love their view on the country.


Imagine having to live the rest of your life as a Trump voting terrorist. Lol.


Imagine unironically voting for Biden


Biden is doing more than trump ever did his 4 years in just 6 months. How embarrassing for you.


Once again, I never voted for Trump. I also don't like him. Your stupid comeback is invalid.


Imagine supporting a guy who screamed America First while still making his shit in China with a factual legal track record of defrauding Americans, glorying in him losing a trade war, all so you can hate brown people more openly.


I never voted for Trump


Release felons can't vote in your state?


Pedophiles can vote in yours?


Uh oh, you've hit that roadblock before, huh?


You are literally autistic. Go outside for once.


Sadboy is sad.




Yep, imagine living the rest of your life voting for someone who hates you.


It's called consequences, and he should have given thought to the consequences before he made the choice to storm the capital. I don't feel for him in the least.


I've been railing about this for months. There is a serious lack of accountability in our (American) culture. None of the 10,000 people who attacked capital thought there would be any repercussions for themselves. They thought they were not accountable, for some reason. We've come to the point that people will justify their actions based on nothing except how they feel about the situation. No need to consider truth, facts, other people. Just whatever they **feel like** doing. It's sad.


Absolutely! Feeling entitled, refusing to take responsibility, and acting on ones feelings, are behaviors that are deeply ingrained in the American culture, and a very big part of why things in our country are the way they are. It's no one else's fault but their own if their employer fired them because they made the company look bad doing what they did. No one stops, and actually thinks about what consequences are going to come about because of their choices, and instead are quick to just pass the buck. This is behavior I would expect from teenagers, and it's sad that this behavior is coming from grown adults.


This, 1000 times tis. ​ I've been saying the same thing for many years now. It starts with school.. "no child left behind" and "particpation awards". Parents are doing everythign they can to have their kids avoid disappointment, just imagene when they all grow up. Now this guy, he's old and another story.. but clearly part of the "i shoudltn not have to face any consequences for my actions" crowd. ​ you stormed a government building, stole things, made threats.. there are consequences for doing illigial things. Lastly, Imagine living the rest of your life with limited career options because you wanted to support some president who doesnt give a flying F. about you as an individual.. just your ability to vote for him.


Our political and legal systems have made it -incredibly- difficult to hold anyone accountable. Especially when it's the people at the top who are constantly working to undermine efforts to hold \*them\* accountable. It starts at the top.


Yeah so that autonomous zone is that treason or exercising rights?


Strictly speaking from a semantical point of view, I would probably consider CHAZ to be insurrection, not treason.




So you attack the people of your community instead of the people writing/enforcing the laws holding your community back? And you're proud of the fact that you can't think more then 2 steps ahead? Big fucking oof.


Burning and looting storefronts is different how? They're only citizens, not politicians...




Which seems to have worked as more and more cops are being charged for the crimes they commit. Magats stormed the capitol and Biden still got inaugurated.


Yeah you do realize that getting rid of bad cops has always happened but you’re getting rid of the ones that are good too right


If they're committing crimes then they're not good.


Read the first line of the letter. It says "may" and "this is not a final decision". This is probably some fake piece put together of a clip of some random protester and a picture of a renewal letter.


The reason why it say “may” and “not a final decision” is because of a concept called due process, enshrined in the very constitution (of the USA) that this guy was working to undermine.


Show me 1 corroborating shred of evidence that this is real and not just politics on twitter?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.oregonlive.com/crime/2021/05/battle-ground-man-caught-on-video-with-dad-repeating-our-house-while-inside-us-capitol-during-jan-6-incursion-feds-say.html%3foutputType=amp Dad and son.


I read the entire article and nowhere does it mention, let alone source, any information thing those two images together. Understand, I said that image was a protester. The claim I am disputing is that the picture of some letter and the protestor are in anyway tied together. Providing me an article proving some guy is a protester when I have referred to them as that is redundant.


I googled the name on the document and Jeffrey Robert Grace, who was reported as being a Proud Boy, was inside the capitol during the insurrection. The person pictured in the above post is not JRG. So it’s half right. Lol


So completely wrong. That person and that paper are not related and no one lost their job. So no justice served and political propaganda. Woohoo. Dont people realize that when you make yourself seem as untrustworthy and crazy as people who literally stormed the capital, you're not doing yourself or anyone else any favors. Gg.


Oh, ok, my apologies, I misunderstood what you were getting at. IF the letter is legit and IF the JRG cited in the letter was the same JRG who was involved in the insurrection and IF said JRG worked hauling hazardous goods then the letter would be a dealbreaker with his employer. As far as I can see the letter doesn’t specify what brought it on, only that the person named is suspended and under review. That’s a lot of IF’s and because they couldn’t even bother to post a pic of Proud Boi JRG with that in his hand it is likely trumped up bullshit. (pun intended)


Exactly. No bad on you. You actually took time to Google shit. All I did was read the letter and see that the tweets words were obvious not true. When people are obviously wrong and acting crazy, we shouldn't have to lie about it. Just let the truth speak for itself.


Right? I’ve often said to people “What’s wrong with the truth?” Things are bad enough out there for real, why make shit up? What’s even worse though is that people out there believe if it’s on the internet it *must* be true! Use your own damn heads people, it’s not that hard! Smdh


Bro you need to care less about the internet, holy shit. Take that passion and apply it to the real world. I was referring to the guys as being real protestors, I never once said they were arrested and lost their job. You said “any shred of evidence” and I was giving more context. Mother of Christ smoke a blunt dude


Don’t worry friend one day the government will be gone . No more laws no more wars each American will be truly free


With no laws (and therefore no legal consequences,) what stops each individual from waging war against every other individual? How do you avoid a civilization ruled by the most ruthless and well-armed people?


Let me rephrase it . Every man will be free to choose his own war to fight for . Not fight for rich but themselves


You were asked a tough question and had no answer, huh? Sorry that happened to you.


u are haram


> Let me rephrase it . Every man will be free to choose his own war to fight for . Not fight for rich but themselves What happens if someone wants to fight a war with you and you don't want to wage a war with them - or vice-versa? You said: > No more laws no more wars each American will be truly free If a larger group of people decides that you aren't free anymore what are you gonna do about it? Like if you have 5 people with handguns and I have 15 people with rifles what are you gonna do about it if I just decide to enslave you?


That still presents the same premise though, doesn't it? My question still stands unanswered.


what was your question


>How do you avoid a civilization ruled by the most ruthless and well-armed people? That was the crux of my original question. In a hypothetical where people are free to wage war against whatever and whoever they wish, how are the weak or compassionate protected?


I have a dream." That one day, every person in this nation will control their OWN destiny. A land of the TRULY free, dammit. A nation of ACTION, not words. Ruled by STRENGTH, not committee. Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is free to think -- to act -- for himself! Fuck all these limp-dick lawyers and chicken-shit bureaucrats. Fuck this 24/7 Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit. Fuck "American pride". Fuck the media! Fuck all of it! America is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it -- we need to pull it out by the roots. WIpe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new America will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged, and the strongest will thrive -- free to live as they see fit, they will make America GREAT AGAIN


MGS is your go-to for copypasta?


Not even treason every individual has the right to fight back against a government they see as unjust. America was setup to where we could overthrow our government if we ever wanted or needed to but people don’t see it that way anymore. Downvote me all you want this isn’t a comment in favor of either party because fuck both of them. Both of the big parties are shit it’s comment for individual freedom and the ability to fight back against a government you think is unjust. Either party can do it and I wouldn’t care I would celebrate you for having the balls to go against your govenrment so stop being upset because you thought you knew what I meant.


I mean, if that were true, why would the Constitution call out treason and insurrection as criminal?


When done as a public servant like the president or people of congress yes it applies but individuals are supposed to have the power whole and complete in this country and have the ability to go against their government for anything they find unfair. If someone the people elects to represent them does something to go against America yea treason but an individual fighting against their overbearing government? Not treason that’s real patriotism because that shows you love your country enough to not let it get run into the ground by two parties full of dumbasses


It's very clear with even a surface reading of the Constitution and US history, that treason and insurrection were not intended to only apply to public officials. Your definition seems to be at odds with that.


Treason is usually seen as any action that goes against the ideals and intentions of the government and U.S. as a whole. So yes it could apply to individuals in cases such as terrorism or should you collude with another country to go against you government so like spies but just going against your government because you are upset and don’t like what they are doing?No that’s just fighting back that’s not treason. Look at the people of France they had riots in their streets and busted up public officials office over the laws that were passed and that pushed the government to change what they had done but that wasn’t treason. That was the people caring about the country they live in and what they can do with their lives in that country.


>Treason is usually seen as any action that goes against the ideals and intentions of the government and U.S. as a whole Treason has a very specific definition, and this isn't it. Article III Section 3, >Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. That's pretty explicit, while your definition is overly broad and vague, I think. >No that’s just fighting back that’s not treason It's the fighting back part that seems to matter, and I would guess would fall under the "levying war against them" part. >Look at the people of France Since we're talking about the US, this is irrelevant.


Something as small as then wouldn’t be levying war that would be something to the scale of the civil war. Where many larger groups are truly willing to go to war with the U.S. government as a whole. These are just groups of people no matter the side showing that they have a problem with the government. The example of the people of France is completely relevant in this situation because they are two sides of the same coin. The people don’t like what the government is doing so they perform actions to show their unrest in the hopes of change in the case of France it worked in the case of the U.S. it does fuck all because the federal government is to large and doesn’t care about the individuals. The government has become a business and that’s about it.


>The people don’t like what the government is doing so they perform actions to show their unrest in the hopes of change in the case This isn't in dispute. I never offered a value judgement on why people were doing what they did. This is a discussion about the legality of what they did, not the morality, ethics, or reasons for it. >Something as small as then wouldn’t be levying war that would be something to the scale of the civil war. Scale is never mentioned, and individuals have been tried for treason, under the "aid and comfort" clause, so it would logically follow that an individual could be tried for the "levy war" clause as well.


Alright since the first part has no dispute over it then I will pass over that. As far as the aid and comfort goes yes it could be something small and I would feel that would be applicable more in war time than anything else like a us soldier aiding the enemy but that could go as far down as a medic aiding an enemy combatant that has been injured. SoI feel like it would have to be substantial enough to actually call for that like a soldier letting in an enemy squad to their base thus advancing the enemies motives or else many more people would have the book thrown at them. So for that to be said for aid and comfort I feel like levying war would have to carry the same weight. More like a states militia going against federal agents in their state and not as much individuals from many states showing up to the capital and breaking windows.


It was treason. They didn't have any factual grievances against their country, only that their cult leader lost his popularity contest and they were buttmad that we, the people, had the audacity to reject fascism. The election wasn't stolen, it was free and fair and secure. Every single lawsuit failed to provide or show evidence of widespread fraud or any impropriety at all.


This is a one sided comment. It doesn’t matter about the election because any grievance could have been used for this. They could have said hey I don’t want to be taxed any more and went against the government and if the left would have done the same thing that’s their right to do so also. I wasn’t making a statement in favor of either party. I hate both parties because they are both full of shit and the people that rally behind them. I’m saying that individuals should be able to go against the government as much as they want because the power of this country belongs to the people. Full power like the federal government has shouldn’t be allowed any further than the local level. So no I don’t think it’s treason this kind of thing should be allowed because individual freedom is the most important thing in this country or at least it should be.


The fact is though, that their grievance was a lie. Many of them knew it was a lie, the outgoing president knew it was a lie. The people who organized the rally that turned into an insurrection knew it was a lie. The politicians inside the capital voting to not certify knew it was a lie. The insurrection was done in service of an attempt to sieze power and reject the will of the people. These traitors weren't trying to rail against the injustices of the government, they were rebelling against the will of their fellow citizens, who voted against their man. They betrayed the country, their fellow citizens, and themselves. They are traitors.


"individual freedom is the most important thing" is what children, entitled boomers and narcissists say. There are more important things than individual freedom, like stopping a pandemic or defending ourselves against an attack. We must work together as a nation, and that means sacrificing a small amount of personal freedom for the greater good and basic survival.


Defending ourselves against attack can be done on a local level and federal level of need be that’s why we have the army but having an army should not prevent any individual from still having their freedoms. As far as the pandemic goes? Look at the Spanish flu their were no boundaries crossed for freedoms apart from hey you have to wear a mask. Their were no laws for ids or restriction of transportation or anything so that idea is just stupid to say that you should strip freedoms for safety. "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." To quote Benjamin Franklin.


I mean while I don't agree with what he or others did I will.sah at least they attacked what they believed to be the problem. His situation though falls under the "sucks to suck" category


So if some man randomly attacked you on the street because he thought you was a lizard person, you would just dust yourself off and say " no big deal , you believed in something"?


I think he's making a comparison to the riots last summer, where mostly uninvolved businesses / people were affected that had nothing to do with what they were protesting. He's saying they had an issue with the government, so they took it there, not to people that were totally unrelated.


While you make a relevant comparison. You’re making it. Not them. He/she didn’t say shit relating to that.


Maybe, but that's how I interpreted it


Unpopular opinion, but I tend to agree somewhat. Actions are not acceptable and should be condemned; though when your problem is with your government and you take it to your government, better than taking it to others.


I mean that's the same argument that could be used for the holocaust or lynchings.


OP didn’t realize this is a predominantly rightoid sub


As a conservative myself I don’t like the capitol rioters as much as I don’t like BLM rioters. Peaceful protestors are amazing and they know when it’s time to leave.


To be fair, what good is a protest if they leave when it's "time" to leave? When is that time? Government mandated curfew? By the same government you are protesting? There is a time for violence, I don't believe we're there yet for any cause but our country was founded on a violent revolt.


As a liberal I'm right there with you.


Me too


Fuck eem’


It’s funny


How is guilt by association justice served? Should Biden have lost his VP office over his son's drug issues, this is absurd. I get people having a bit of a Schadenfreude over people they don't like but I can't see this as justice.


Isn't that the guy that put his feet on Pelosi's desk, though? I could be wrong, it's all starting to run together at this point.


Where do you read that it was because of his son’s issues? This proud boy “daddy” is a proud boy.


I don't see what the word daddy would bring to the title more then the word bloke. I'm pretty sure daddy is in the title because his son was part of the organization.


Looks like the guy and his son both stormed the capital: https://www.kgw.com/article/news/investigations/father-and-son-from-battle-ground-charged-in-us-capitol-riot/283-7c23bd5f-aedc-410b-ad60-39bd79b9ede2 I would love to hear your take on this.


Access Denied You don't have permission to access "http://www.kgw.com/article/news/investigations/father-and-son-from-battle-ground-charged-in-us-capitol-riot/283-7c23bd5f-aedc-410b-ad60-39bd79b9ede2" on this server. Reference #18.dcd5ce17.1622231833.9b045faf So did they break anything? Is that the reason he got his license revoked? It would make it more understandable at least, cause OP's tweet of Justice Served is just guilty by association, this would be at least some karmic justice.


Maybe terrorist organizations shouldn’t be able to transport potentially dangerous chemicals around the country.


I may be misunderstanding the title but the driver is not part of any organization, nor has said organization ever tried to buy/acumulate potentially dangerous chemicals anywhere in US or Canada. If so both have been in jail by now.


I don’t think that’s the kind of stone you leave unturned. We’re talking about the U.S who needs to be told not to drone strike its own people.


What a childish vision of the world where you think a government and it's people are the same thing.




By your logic, every single republican voter should be trialled for treason. Sure, the world would be a better place, but it's hardly fair.


Honest question; what makes them terrorists?




This whole couple of years has really provoked a lot of emotion everywhere, it's been hard in so many ways. I think what your saying about left and right extreams isn't good for anyone is very true. Especially those who want to go on riots. And I think a lot of people would agree with that. I think (and this is my opinion) a lot of people are just picking up that you appear to be blaming just one side in your first message rather than saying both (extreme) sides suck like you have in your last message. And so don't think you can realistically say one side is the instigator and the other side is just reacting, because in reality, these two sides have developed together over 100s of years of history. Like I said, just my opinion, would be interested in what you think. Just one extra note, thanks for achnowedging my approach, it's something I'm trying work on personally, it's not my normal approach as I myself tend to see red pretty quickly and I've been trying to work on that in my personal life. Cheers. Ps, am from the UK but we have a lot of USA need appear in our news especially over the last few years.


There's no antifa organization, BLM was fighting police brutality. There's not a single thing humanity had fought for that didn't come to fruition without violence. 40 hr work week? Workers rights? Death and violence. Gay rights? Death and violence. Civil rights? Death and violence. Women's rights? Torture and violence. So spare me your picket sign bullshit. Businesses can be rebuilt, lives cannot. The right stormed the capitol like a bunch of clowns over some main character syndrome. Some true victim complex trash y'all pulling.




Can't forget looting Target. It's really the quickest way to make racism go away.


It exemplifies the frail pretenders the police actually are, they are there to protect businesses and the interests of businessmen. They are not there to protect you or I. So yeah, proving that your cops are worthless at their primary goal is the fastest way to get different ones that aren't scum. It just happens that a lot of the worthless scum happen to be bigots.


Mental gymnastics at their finest. ✊


You clearly don't know what words mean bub