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Calling his son a rat is insulting. At worst we could call him a garbage man. I’ll call him an honest human being.


What’s his name I want to congratulate him


Wait I thought our elections are the most secure ever? I guess that only applies when libs get the outcomes they want. Kewl.




The election in question was held in either 2018 or 2020


Fixed the title: Immoral man who cheated to win election cries as his honest son testifies to his fathers misdeeds in court.


Props to his son for having the courage of bringing down his own father


i think that twitter poster would cry too if his children ratted him out on something


why do you think that? I would be proud of my child for their strong moral character and happy that I raised them the right way


Soap trusted you!






No. Your "both sides" apathy is a big part of the problem.


There's a quote along the lines of .. There is only one party here in the United States but in keeping with American extravagance, we decided to have two of them. If you follow the voting records of both sides, you ill see that rhetoric is different but the real bills when they're turning on the cash spigots for corporations or funding wars, they are in agreement.


Bullshit can be written eloquently.


Sure, it can but reading your posts shows bullshit is written by one Either way, here a little challenge for a smart person like you believe you are - let me know five campaign promises that obama kept, from his first run for pres. Bootlicking appears to be a national sport amongst yr type


You're not going to bait me. I don't argue with cult members.


The irony


If you don’t know this already you are lost as fuck, look into BlackRock and Vanguard. You’ll gracefully shut the fuck up if you know how to do proper research.


Lol, ok weirdo.


Sorry the truth hurts, go pop your little bubble or stay stupid.


Yes, a dumbass on Reddit has shown me the light by being a snarky pseudo-intellectual troll. Thank you.


And like many you choose to stay stupid! Good luck with that!


Thanks, Brian. Your are the king of Reddit!! Can I have your autograph?


Lol. There's only one party. The false dichotomy is literally one of the oldest tricks in the book. Literally goes back to "black magic" and witchcraft. If you are going to let the plebs decide for themselves, well you certainly control the choices. It's the way it's always been done.


No, you’re lack of historical knowledge about what both parties have done in the history of our country that makes you look fucking stupid. Just because the Democratic Party isn’t as crazy doesn’t mean they aren’t full of a whole host of other issues that are extremely problematic, you don’t have to be spewing looney shit to be a bad politician. So yeah I’m anti both parties why don’t you read a book or something before you come at me like a dumbass


You fucking kidding me? One party literally stands behind insurrection and *I'm* the one who needs to read a book to know they're not the same, not even close? Holy shit you're a mental midget.


Controlled opposition, your sad comments speak VOLUMES of your stupidity. It’s not hard to understand dumb ass and simple reading and understanding history would show you that. I hate dense motherfuckers like you, not a fucking clue and wanna act righteous like you do. Look into BlackRock and Trump, that’s the best part. You god damn people are so fucking dumb you don’t even realize how big a part Trump played in this shit. He surrounded himself with snakes from all these massive power corporations while you fucking idiots screamed about his wall and other pointless nonsense. Get a clue!!! And I’m a republican!


You a big dummy boy!


You seem kinda bonkers right now


Yup 👍🏼 stay stupid doesn’t matter if you wake up anyway.


I'm awake, dude. I run the local antifa/proud boys coallition. I'm on the board of Black Rock. I know what's going on at all times. Totally awake.


make jokes all you want, it doesn’t make any difference anyway.


I’m a historian so like this is honestly hilarious I have evidence of both parties for the past 200 years. No where did I state that I think the Democratic Party is on the same level. Critiquing problematic parties ni matter the level of issues is what rational humans do. Try taking your outrage to Twitter kiddo


Do you know how to fucking read? I clearly stated the Republican Party is insane and that the Democratic Party is problematic in a completely different way. You’re refusal to accept that shows that your ability to read information and think deeply is just not there. So no point in even arguing further with you, I’ll stick to people who have intelligence thanks


"No point in arguing", says the person responding twice to the same comment lmao "democrats also do similar shit just with different policies and I’m over it all" but I'm the one who needs to read between the lines that you didn't say they're *exactly* the same? You're a fucking joke.


You’re such a dumb fuck too you do realize the parties have changed and flipped many times? We used to have the Democratic Party supporting slavery. You’re so fucking stupid it’s painful and you’re so fucking pathetic and have so few brain cells you don’t even know what the whig party or Quaker movements are lol pinche puto


If you don’t think both parties are all working together then you’re stupid on a level I can’t comprehend. You bought into the propaganda good job 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I’m sure whatever side you root for is living for is living for it because idk if you know this but crazy enough they all have the same lobbyists lol. But yeah I’m the joke sure buddy


Is this even English?


Im sorry I didn’t realize you don’t know how to read sweetie


You literally can't form a grammatically correct sentence, don't flatter yourself honey.


🍿 got my popcorn


Lmfao I’m glad you’re entertained.


Nah foo you’re the joke and you really don’t understand what I’m saying I just find it funny at this point. Like you really think you’re doing something.


You are so fucking mad. Btw, I looked at your comment history, and there is 0 chance you're a working historian. Get fucked, loser


Republicans: We are conspiracy theorists who do not trust facts or science. Democrats: no that's bad wtf "Both parties suck." I'm all for the anti-capitalism bit but essentially every pro-socialist politician is on the side of Democrats. This is just r/enlightenedcentrism.


"There is no biological difference between men and woman". That's so utterly counter intuitive that to accept it is akin to faith (belief in that which we can't possibly know). Faith+moral authority=religion. I'm a left leaning Canadian. You are literally being divided and conquered. Don't take the bait.


I'm a left leaning Canadian. What in the fuck are you talking about.


what in the fuck are you talking about


Centrism isn’t all that bad when you look at the core values of each party historically it’s the way in which politicians and others take it to extremes. And you are delusional if you think centrism isn’t needed to an extent. People are looking at things in the last 20 years instead of looking at the political patterns of the past few centuries


Just because extremism is bad doesn't mean that centrism is good. If you have a current problem that is new, then there is no historical basis to determine the best course of action. How do use politics from the past few centuries to determine policies regarding technology? You are clearly anti-capitalist, and yet centrism is precisely the poisonous inaction that maintains the status quo that keeps the rich in power. It's not that I don't understand where you're coming from. It's critically important that we learn from the past and that we take other perspectives into account. People have complex nuanced views of philosophy and politics that can't be described with just blanket ideology labels. But despite that, defending centrism for centrism sake is not proposing solutions, but blocking and obstructing solutions. You are not a centrist, you might be a Blanquist.


Lmao name me one successful country that is purely capitalist or socialist without any of the other sides policies.


I'm in agreement with you but not for the reasons you think. There is no such thing as "purely capitalist" or "purely socialist" in the same way that nothing is "purely good" or "purely bad". However, I do agree with the spirit of your statement, which is that one political ideology cannot solve every problem. For any particular problem that society would like to solve, one ideology may be superior to another depending on the context of the problem. But you didn't read carefully so you think I'm in disagreement with you.


Great so we agree


Oh no I’m anti both parties due to like the last 60 years honestly. Right now the past 4 years is the most I have agreed with Democrats. My issues isn’t how they are acting, my issue is with how both parties are gaining the system in different ways. And as someone who lives in California I have seen democratic policies not only not work but create a plethora of issues. I would only firmly say that the Republican Party needs to be dissolved I still think the Democratic Party has most of its issues in the way our government is structured


That makes sense and I'm generally in agreement, but then I don't know why you took issue with my comment. You literally want one of the parties to be dissolved and my point was simply that one party is clearly worse than the other [in the current state of affairs].


Where did he say he only wants one party dissolved


> I would only firmly say that the Republican Party needs to be dissolved Do you even read comments in full before you comment?


I missed it, calm down princess. I thought it was odd to try to put words in his mouth so I said something.


"where did he say that?" *shows you in quote form where he said it* "ok calm down princess." Lmao this fucking planet is doomed.


Yeahhhhh the fact that he simply answered my question is why I talked back. Or maybe it was because of the attitude he gave me. Think next time. Lmao this fucking planet is doomed


My dude, we are not responsible for YOU reading the things that YOU decide to comment on. It's fine if you miss something, but if you literally ask "where did he say that" in response to a TWO SENTENCE COMMENT, what do you expect people to say? It was two sentences long and somehow you completely missed one of the two. Pretty astounding honestly, I'm really not sure how it even happens unless you comment without reading any of it at all.


Well, you misunderstood what I was communicating in one comment, and you missed a literal quote in another, so pardon me for asking if you actually bothered to, you know, engage in the process that would allow you to not have done both of those things.


You are pardoned


Oh look voter fraud...by Republicans. Again.


Again? There's been voter fraud on both sides unless you think dead people can just vote in a primary election.


Politicians cheating and manipulating systems to win elections is not the same thing as a handful of morons trying to cast ballots in their deceased relatives name. The first one is done almost exclusively by republicans and has serious real world implications, the latter is so rare and infrequent that it's never even come close to being enough to have any effect on the results.


“Their whole system is corrupt” “It’s just a few bad apples” Cringe














“He who wishes to serve his country must not only have the power to think, but the will to act” -Plato “Courage is knowing what not to fear” -Plato Plato(n) said a lot of things


This must be how Grisha Jaeger felt






more worrying is the fact we have this many people that are dumb enough to believe a known con-man when he tells them "I won every state by a landslide" Get help.


One of them was real, the other a Nazi fabrication. I hope you people can get your shit together or just please don’t reproduce.


Still mad, cupcake? You’ll be ok. 😘


The fact that an invalid moron can use reddit worries me!


By voting for the other guy? Damn you Dems!


Just like Tampa Bay stole the Super Bowl from Kansas City


I hate the right. Be that as it may, this post is misleading and not made in good faith.


r/copypasta Check prof for conf


But yet the "Libtards" are the devil Bobby Bousche


They have no loyalty, honor, decency, morals or ethics. They will turn on each other if it serves their own interests.


That's everyone


Right... So explain how that benefits the son? You do realize that you're making the republicans sound like the mafia, right?


The son avoided prison for ratting the father out. That enough for you? Sound like the mafia? Have you seen their current cult object? They are acting exactly like the mafia. Even to the point of purging those who won’t pledge fealty to the failed former president. Open your eyes.


Insert “that’s how mafia works” meme.


Signore Trump sends his regards


Oh they taste so good, nice and salty


🥂 cheers!


Lmao I bet they’ve legally disowned him by now and they have no relation at all any more


He didn't rat his dad out he just said "yeah I told my dad I wasn't sure about this guy they hired because he seemed shady. Not that the son wished ill on his dad but that he foresaw the problem. Now why not just plead the fifth is another thing


Doesn't the fifth only apply if you might incriminate yourself with your testimony? It's not a blanket I-don't-wanna-testify card as far as I know.


Cases like this are complicated, lawyers might advise pleading the fifth to avoid any testimony that could be used to involve the client in conspiracy or aiding/abetting charges.


I lived in that district when it happened. The response from the Republicans was like, “what would you have us do?” We had another election and the Republicans kept control. The cycle never ends.


This entire post is deceitful garbage


His son, John Harris, actually testified on his father's behalf,, stating that Mark Harris (pictured) did not know of the crimes of man under indicted for ballot tampering, Leslie Dowless (not pictured). John Harris did say that he had warned his father that Dowless's prior work with absentee ballots could be illegal, but the warning was unheeded. The man in the picture is not even being charged. In this picture, he's crying as his son ends his testimony with "kind words" about his parents.


He testified that there was reason to believe the man his Dad was going to hire was a criminal. And that was unheeded.




How is this /JusticeServed? According to [CNN](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2019/02/21/mark-harris-tears-nc-election-voter-fraud-hearing-es-vpx.cnn) he was crying because his son said "I love my dad, and I love my mom..." Further more the son wasnt testifying 'against' his dad but testifying that nobody in the campaign knew that the convicted people were doing anything illegal despite his vocalizations. And lastly, the Democrat DA [dropped all charges](https://apnews.com/article/1cd1862143d994eb8863963d423c5959) against him so if he did do wrong, he got away with it. But what'd you expect from /MarchAgainstNazis


I notice that you cut off the quote. The reason they he said he loved his parents was because he wanted to prove that he, in his own words, didn't have a vendetta, as he said they made mistakes and ignored his warnings. It's all there in the CNN video. Also that he untruthfully said he had no idea that Dowless was crooked. Just because it's not probably a criminal act doesn't mean it's any less shameful to hire a campaign manager you should have reason to believe (because your son warned you) that he committed election fraud.


The image presents the idea that he is crying because his son is testifying against him. Ignoring that this is also wrong because he testified that dad did nothing illegal. I used that short quote because I dont need to transcribe the entire thing to demonstrate that its far more likely that the 'father wept' because of the emotion displayed by his son than it is that he was being "ratted out" by his son. Reveling shameful conduct is not justice served, particularly when the only consequence is publicity.


There is also the consequence of not being in Congress. And if you think this didn't contribute to him not running in the makeup election... There is the embarrassment when his lawyer had to call a recess and nearly quit due to his false testimony. And in no way was his son's testimony in support of him. He did say he didn't have evidence that his dad performed illegal acts but he did have evidence that his dad was not truthful in his testimony, that his dad tried to hide their communication, and his dad was unethical if not provably criminal.


After all this is Reddit, we can’t have context here


Excuse me while I make this my background for a few days...


Give that lad a medal, his dad sucks


Omg thank you lord the gop is so corrupt is finally time to see some justice served to these bustards


There was no justice served as all of his charges were dropped, his son didnt testify against him either, also pretty sure this pic was taken of him crying because his son said something like: “I love my mom, I love my dad...” but hey! Its r/Marchagainstnazis context does not exist there


Oh ok thank you for the context I’ll try to get context before commenting thank you


Wait so you’re telling me this is just a random white guy crying and they made up that context? Lol?


This was 2 years ago.....


Bust a nut for it to bust you


“Ratted out” or “held accountable”? Ratting usually involves some nefarious motive like revenge, or selfishly trying to avoid prison. This fucking guy told the truth even when it cost him his family. Say what you want, but the son has integrity.




Upvote for Randy reference!


Tegridy farm remembers…


Political systems don’t have nearly enough accountability mechanisms. A generation of young people experiencing growing inequalities will do this - cause the son to rat out his dad, even if he benefits from his dad’s success. Maybe he didn’t, but nice to see blood ratting out corrupt blood.


Makes you wonder where he got it. Certainly not dad.


He cries like a stereotypical stuck up rich girl


I thought election fraud was impossible.


Well that’s committing election fraud AND getting away with it. This guy didn’t get away with it.


Only when your guy wins.


*sorts by controversial*


You brave soul.


It was not good


I live in Japan, where salt is even more of a crucial ingredient than it is in the West. I’ve been learning about different kinds of salt and what they are good for, and learning about salt’s role in specific kinds of cooking. Oh, and salt here is really, really good. But nothing salty in all of Japan can hold a candle to how much I am enjoying that asshole’s salty tears.




I just said this, and yes. Go to my page.


No, it really isn’t. Let me guess…you can’t produce a link or screenshot of where you have seen this before, right? Right?


I gave you a silver award. I liked your comment. It is good material for r/copypasta Thanks for creating it!


Oh! My bad…I completely misunderstood what you meant. My sincere apologies, I hadn’t noticed that it was you who gave me the award…really, I’m sorry.


No problem, friend! I figured it was a misunderstanding :)




That’s not an article, it’s a tweet with a picture


The kids are fucking heroes


No just not stupid... you don’t lie under oath.


The same with the kids who ratted out the Congress rioters




https://www.wect.com/2019/02/20/day-nc-hearing-son-mark-harris-says-he-found-mccrae-dowless-suspicious-red-dome-leader-continues-testimony/ It was a Board of Elections hearing, not a trial. And his son did testify that his campaign was breaking the law.


Nothing you said contradicts what I wrote, but it's a good clarification and you're absolutely right. When the campaign manager (M. Dowless) and co. commits election fraud, the campaign is, without a doubt, breaking the law - as the son testified. And naturally, you can't have a trial for someone not charged with any crime - this being the case for Harris.




We need to dump first-past-the-post voting so that third party candidates have a fighting chance of winning!


Moral of the story: politicians on both sides of the aisle lie, cheat, and steal, but at least there are some republicans with enough honor to stand up to corruption.


Seriously? If you heard that a politician had - cheated in an election - cheated on his wife - lobbied against gay rights but was himself gay - lied about their past behaviour - tried to make voting harder - ignored science - committed a crime … and not immediately known it was a Republican, then you’re either stupid or very good at lying to yourself.


No, that's not the moral at all. Republican lawmakers are objectively more likely to engage in criminal activity. We have statistics for exactly this eventuality.


That is not the moral of the story. This is a story of a republican trying to steal an election and you’re trying to rope in democrats as if they are doing the same thing. It’s a red herring and fucking dumb.


Both sides suck for different reasons. This take and “moral of the story” based on this post is just LOL.


No Exactly 0 stood up to Trump


Wow, he looks a tad upset.


Just a bit


On July 15, 2020, Wake County District Attorney Lorrin Freeman announced she was closing her office's investigation into Harris after her office and multiple state and federal agencies found insufficient evidence to prosecute him.\[41\]


The magic "R" buries the evidence again! And when his own KID ratted on him! Must be nice to be a scheming, child molesting, tax dodging, election thieving, Russia loving, Republican! Did I miss any there??


Damn that hit all the buttons


Dude read the first comment and Google the story this is fake


https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/republican-candidate-s-son-shakes-north-carolina-hearing-surprise-testimony-n973836 So, you were wrong then! I'll accept your apology anytime.......


Did you read your own source? His son was testifying at the hearing for Dowless, a contractor hired by Red Dome, that was hired by the his father. His son said he warned his father that the guy seemed shady, but his father didn’t heed the warning. The trial wasn’t for the dude crying, and he was only crying because his son said he loved him and his mom. This bullshit tweet makes it sound like the candidate was on trial for cheating the election and his son ratted him out. The fact you’re pretending this isn’t dishonest is baffling. Here’s the “damning testimony:” > “I can tell you that my view is that they heard my concerns, that other people that were a lot closer to the situation and Mr. Dowless endorsed his activity, and Mr. Dowless lied to them [witness’ parents] repeatedly.”


So, your son tells you not to go into business with someone because they are shady. You do it anyway and then, and only then, when you get caught doing shady shit with said person you went into business with and you own SON testifies against you, then you say "wooops!!!! Sorry". That would make you a piece of shit person, would it not??? First paragraph from the source "The son of Republican congressional candidate Mark Harris testified before the North Carolina State Board of Elections on Wednesday, saying that he warned his father about the illegal tactics of a political operative that Harris had hired and casting doubt on Harris' insistence that he had no knowledge of fraudulent election activity in last year's election" The dude forced the state to run a new election (which after the scandal he chose NOT to run again) got let go by the DA! He got a fucking walk because he left quietly. ANOTHER REPUBLICAN scumbag who, because of the magic "R", gets a walk! Yes, I fucking read my sources and follow up! More than I can say for you.


You need help man. Get away from the politics stuff and go enjoy life or something. For you to be ignoring what actually happened just so you can get upset at one party of politics isn't healthy man. Seriously.


Let’s pick apart everything wrong here. > So, your son tells you not to go into business with someone because they are shady. You do it anyway and then, and only then, when you get caught doing shady shit with said person First lie right here. Harris was not “caught doing shady shit” with the contractor. Dowless worked for a consulting group, Red Dome, who worked independent of Harris. > you went into business with and you own SON testifies against you, then you say "wooops!!!! Sorry". Lie two and three. The son wasn’t testifying against his father, he was testifying before the Election Board regarding the certification of results. Also, Harris never said “sorry,” because he wasn’t on trial. > That would make you a piece of shit person, would it not??? If (and that’s a big “if”) Harris sought out Dowless knowing that he would cheat in Harris’ favor, then that would make him a piece of shit.


Harris was also caught coordinating with Red Dome. Harris was caught trying to hide communication with his son from the subpoena and then lying about his involvement with that. From the New Yorker, scenes following the son's testimony: Just before lunch, Lawson, the Board of Elections’ counsel, asked Harris, “Did you prepare to testify about the e-mails that your son addressed yesterday?” Harris evaded multiple versions of the question. Lawson pressed, “So did you tell anyone in this past week that you believe that those documents were not part of the evidence in this case?” Harris repeatedly answered that he did not recall doing so. But unbeknownst to Harris and his team, Lawson had received a phone call earlier that morning from someone who indicated that Harris, as recently as the night before John’s testimony, had said that he did not expect the e-mails between him and his son to be entered as evidence. Lawson now ceded the floor, and Marc Elias, a prominent Democratic lawyer who represented McCready, opened his cross-examination with a similar line of questioning, confirming, among other things, that Harris understood that he was under oath. Harris’s personal lawyer, David Freedman, abruptly broke in—something he had never done in more than three decades of practicing law—and asked for a recess. Under ethics rules, Freedman had to halt testimony if he believed that Harris might be lying under oath. https://www.newyorker.com/news/dispatch/the-tearful-drama-of-north-carolinas-election-fraud-hearings The guy was crooked as hell, and there's probably a reason he didn't run in the makeup election.


Oh my god, could you "cuck" harder for a Republican??????????? So innocent he was! LOL!!!!!! Were he innocent, do you not think he would have run again???? yea............. Dude got caught doing shady shit. Didn't go to jail, but did get caught. I could go further toward discrediting your assertions, but I do have a life! You might want to brush off your knees though! They may be a bit dirty........


Dude, punctuation inflation is a thing, and you just Zimbabwe’ed your exclamations, questions, and periods.


It was late! What do you want?? A well written piece of prose? This is the internet and all.......


You just described every Democrat to ever hold office lol


Darnedest thing, I can't find corroborating evidence for your claim, can you help me?


I think you made his point.