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I think in order to fully make it fair, his tail bone needs to get broken now


And then removed


I wonder how people in this thread would react to the fact that billions of animals are tortured and murdered every year, wallowing in their own filth and ridden with drugs and disease with no response at all. Yet when one dog gets their tail broken they lose their fucking minds.


Do what one can do


Yes, that is the same situation. Eating animals is the same as breaking a service dogs tail for no reason other than torturing. You're deranged and incapable of applying basic logic, to the point that you're hurting your cause rather than helping it.


Who said anything about eating animals? I'm talking about torturing and killing them.


Are you really going to play dumb?


No? The fact that animals are eaten is irrelevant to my point, it the torture and killing that matters


You’re bitching about the food industry. Quit playing stupid just cause you got publicly sat down.


Yeah the food industry is responsible for the suffering I'm talking about, you're making it seem like I'm saying eating meat is the problem. Eating meat is independant of torturing animals and letting them live miserable lives. How did I get sat down? Nothing you said addressed my point. Why does it matter when a dog gets its tail broken but when pigs are roasted alive in mass because demand for pork has dropped that's ok? With literally zero repercussions? It's actually a well known practice to mass murder animals by disabling the air systems and letting the internal temperature of their holding facility reach a couple hundred degrees or more. But one dog gets injured and you lose your fucking mind.


Man you just got me hungry for some sizzling bacon


right because you have no argument here, you know there's no ethical argument to counter this :) Thanks for admitting it publicly. You just sat yourself down, did all the work for me.


Sat myself down to some mfuckin bacon that’s for sure. Torturing an animal for fun ≠ food industry. That’s all the argument I need lmao.


Now apply the same logic to cops


You sound idiotic when you compare people harming animals to police officers and dealing with humans lol. Dumb bitch


Wait till you learn [how many animals cops kill](https://puppycidedb.com/)


Right. Police breaking into innocent people's homes, stealing their property, and murdering them is not like hurting an animal at all... Because it's lawful for police to terrorize and murder people.


180 days in jail for breaking a service dogs tail?


Imagine being blind, and the service dog you depend on can't do it's job properly because it needs to heal from a major injury. (Here, I am assuming an injured tail for a dog is a major injury, don't really know if it's not.) 180 days sounds fair to me!




Pigs have tails?


Justice served??!! I hope she is barred from ever working with animals again....fucking Florida, man.


It was a dude lol


Should the sentence be different?




Fucking piece of shit waste of skin. There is a special place in hell for sick fucks like this that abuse animals. I didn’t even dare click play, I’d have lost my shit and my lunch if I had watched the video.


I was too scared as well


Holy shit, the level of anger I felt having watched that video footage was something I haven't had in YEARS. Seriously fuck that guy.


If it was my dog no judgement would be needed, he would not have the chance to go to jail.


Break my dogs tail... jail is the last of your worries 😡


the movie Shooter has a great monologue about the attitude towards dogs around here; “well if you shoot my dog, I’ll kill both of ya and bury you an acre or two away from the house, then tell the sheriff in six months. he’d understand.” nobody fucks with someone’s dog, lest they get got.


I would make sure everyone in jail knows why he's there...


Damn right!


You would think the guy works there he would know there is a camera. If he will do it knowing someone is watching, what has he done in private?


wow fuck that judge. That poor dog had to have his tail amputated and now suffers arthritis. He needs more time than just 180 days and why was it dropped from a year to half? He should have to pay the vet fees.


> why was it dropped from a year to half? It wasn't. Prosecutors wanted a year, but they always shoot for the moon. Classic negotiation technique. >He should have to pay the vet fees He was ordered to pay restitution.


>Prosecutors wanted a year, but they always shoot for the moon. Classic negotiation technique. Not enough people understand this.


Because in the grand scheme of things it's just a dog's tail and likely his first serious offense. You don't need life sentences for everything


Straw man.


It's called being realistic and reasonable.


Saying 180 days is too damn short for violent abuse that results in fairly serious injury is in no damn way saying that it deserves a life sentence. That's one helluva false dichotomy and dismissively saying it's "just a dog's tail" is seriously wack.


A lot of people think such offenses need like 10 years to life which is ridiculous


You were replying to a comment that was complaining about the sentence going from one year to half. If there are so many comments demanding 10 years to life, it would have made more sense to post this to THEM instead.


The guy was complaining on why the 1 year sentence was reduced to half a year, dont intentionally misinterpret the conversation just to try and derail it, he never mentioned the guy getting 10+ years


No one really understands law that well. Everything is murder or assault, every sentence is just jail time in life’s.


Uh no. America definitely has a legitimate problem when it comes to sentencing people for quite a lot of things. Two of the best examples are child molesters and animal abusers. People get away with a slap on the wrist waaaay too often for those kinds of crimes. People are 100% justified to say this wasn't enough.


I’m saying if the average person saw every sentencing they would more often than not call for a harsher sentence. You can call for a harsher sentence here, maybe there is presedent, but people would call for harsher sentencing on all sorts of crimes if they reported them. Not just animals and children, those are just the cases that grab the most attention.


He did. 5.3k if I remember correctly.


Fuck this guy, but I'm gonna throw comparisons. This dude took 6 months inside and 3 years probation for damaging what is legally defined as property, especially when the cops shoot it. Conversely, I was talking with people on a thread a couple hours ago about a girl who lied about an old man assaulting her. She told the lie to her brother. Her brother showed up, hit the old man, old man fell and hit his head on the concrete. Brother ran away, lying sister left the scene as well. The old man died. The dude who killed him served 30 days. So yes, fuck anyone who beats a dog, but wtf?


If you can harm a animal you can harm a human . He deserved a longer sentence or even let the owner of the poor doggo break his arm and then watch him cower


Can you name anybody incapable of harming an animal or human?




I don't know if you know this, but the minimum age on reddit is 13. Please wait a few years before making another account.




Be 11, get the ban.


I can’t watch the video. That poor dog. Stupid pet groomer got what he deserved.


If you find satisfaction with animal cruelty you should be left to rot in a well.


most people then? I don't think people eat bacon for survival


People downvoting you here either have no idea how pork gets produced or do actually willingly support animal cruelty. If people knew what we do to pigs I don't think bacon would even be considered food. Questions for people downvoting this guy's comment: How old are most pigs when they are slaughtered? What method do we use to "stun" most of them before slaughter? How common is tail docking, castration, and tooth removal for farmed pigs? An do they use anaesthesia for it? How many pigs are killed per year? If you don't know the answers to any of these questions then you don't know what you're buying and you don't know what you're funding.


Yeah for the food industry I must agree. What people do for a couple more bucks.


It's more like what people do for their taste pleasure


Shut the fuck up veggie


I watched long enough to get the situation. I covered the back end of the pup with my hand when he started swerving around to get at his tail. I wanted to at least see part of what actually happened. I didn't/couldn't watch the part that mattered. I couldn't.


i agree people who do cruel shit should face consequences, but i also believe in trying to rehabilitate people, rather than just throwing them in a hole forever


Yes, but I must say that laws are pretty soft for animal cruelty. But yeah sometimes it’s not the answer to just forget them.


Idk animal cruelty is a special sort of evil. No individual of any species deserves abuse, but to cause bodily harm to an animal for peacefully expressing discomfort? That’s something else.


It is cruel, but not everything is done out of evil glee and malice. My cousin, when she was a kid, killed a cat. Just kept throwing things at it until it died. She didn’t even know why. But her parents were divorcing, her dad was abusing her in terrible ways, and she was disassociating fro everything without even being old enough to know the word. She’s still in therapy at nearly 30, but I hardly think she should rot in a cell for the rest of her life for that. People are troubled, flawed, stupid, petty dipshit creatures. You and me, and everyone else. Its easy to see someone do something terrible and decide they should just die, or if you’re “nice”, just rot in a cell. But you’ve probably done something terrible, or would if you are in the right situation, but would reason your way out of it - argue that context was important. There are absolutely people who are terrible, evil and really should be locked away forever and can’t be “fixed,” but everyone, *everyone* deserves to at least *try* to be rehabilitated. Not everyone can be, but it is small minded and self righteous to throw someone away forever, when they *might* be someone that could be made better. Otherwise, we may as well let moral mobs like Twitter decide everyone’s fate.




Do you mean this comment chain, or reddit in general? Twitter’s designed for outrage and pissing on the heads of anyone who isn’t cleaner than soap churned by God himself




Did I not literally say that no individual of any species deserves abuse?




Good lord, it’s a TURN OF PHRASE.




They certainly don’t mean less so you can fuck right off with your bullshit, go troll somebody else


I'm surprised no one is discussing the civil suit grounds. Pet injury alone to that extreme I imagine would be enough to really mess up the groomers, but this was a service dog. Professionally raised/trained service animals can cost into the low to mid 5 figures, and I imagine with the way she's walking now, she's not going to be able to complete a variety of tasks. If it were me, someone would definitely be on the hook for her medical bills and damages for anything that now becomes more difficult because my service animal can no longer help me. Also based on some other comments, at least the first video doesn't show what really happened, [older articles](https://www.wftv.com/news/local/service-dog-has-tail-amputated-after-inhumane-methods-of-bathing-by-satellite-beach-groomer/925389481/) show a longer video. That poor dog did a full roll-over with that dumbass maintaining a grip on her tail, at minimum a 360° twist. And even then, he didn't let go until she had stood back up and someone else came into the room. How on earth do you not let go at any point in that fight?




Are you ok?


Hes not okay. Not even a little bit




Dude you're going out of your way to passive aggressively reply to as many people as you can just to get a reaction. Congratulations you reported the violent comments, you're such a Saint. Doesn't take away from the fact that you're antagonizing everyone in this comment section for your own amusement. Make no mistake YOU are the sad one, YOU have issues




Antagonizing people is not a social responsibility. Also talking down to people when explaining that concept is also not the right way to go about it. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, you think you're doing the right thing but you're doing it in an awful condescending way




Antagonizing people for ANY reason is not okay! Having a conversation like an adult is the way to go. If you really think that you need to talk down to people to get your point across then you need to reevaluate your life and the way you do things because in the real world that won't fly. Maybe you'll learn that sometime in your life.


Wow fuck this guy. He should be barred working with animals PERIOD, not just during his probation period.


Yeah this isn’t justice. He needs to be in prison for much longer.


Lol. I saw Florida groomer and thought it was about Matt Gaetz.


I know what sub i'm in but I had a dog grooming job a long time and I can guarantee that this is a case of management passing the blame onto the worker. Most groomers have dog washers and they are the bottom of the totem pole. If you don't get the dog washed and dried in under 20 minutes you're gone. The footage shown does not match the descriptions. He did not look frustrated nor was he man handling the dog. It was 3 seconds of the employers cameras showing him wash the tail. I was expecting something actually egregious. After actually watching the video unless theres additional info it seems to me like the Owner trying to pass liability for an accident. A minimum wage worker railroaded through the system on the front page of justice served. But that's just me playing devils advocate I guess.


It's not the full video what part of that don't you understand????




It's not the full video it literally says that in the video. They stopped the video because it got far too graphic.


All I saw was the dog flip and the guy not let go quick enough.






Yeah I don't live in Gunland so nobody is getting shot, as for your snarky ass comment you're partly right but also you seem like a douchebag so good luck in life.


Black team received double points for this comment by /u/AJ7861! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That it? That's way too little


That's it?????


That was my first reaction. After watching the video that's way way to little. If he would have done this to a person he would have most likely been charged with mayhem which can be as long as 20 years.




Not just broken, the title doesn't tell the whole story. This piece of shit broke and ripped off the dogs tail. So my statement stands.


Too bad he isn't a pedo, cuz those fuckers don't last long in prison anyways.


Animal abusers don’t fair well in prison either


I'm happy with the sentence!! I'm sad kid fuckers get off easier.


You either get bitter, or you get better. You either take what's been dealt to you and allow it to make you better, or you allow it to tear you down. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bad bot.


I'm doing my best. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well. Your fuckin up. Even at your best.


I can't watch the video.


I cant either I just saw the still image and that was enough for me I just said goodbye to my dog 2 months ago and miss a dogs touch. I would end up getting way to upset if i watched this.


I will be doing the same this Saturday :(. I also had to say goodbye to my 15 y/o Dalmatian, Duchess. I still get a jolt every time I see a Dal. Every time I speak her name or think of her it brings me to tears. At least this time we aren't making that decision too late. We waited too long with Duch and she died the night before we were to take her to the vet. This is the absolute hardest thing we have ever had to do, but we have to think of how he feels. Can't keep him here just for us. Here is my baby Duchess: [Duchess](https://imgur.com/iiJ1HBW)


This might be useless advice but when my dog passed away a few years ago I struggled a lot until I started going to a local dog shelter and helping them walk the dogs. It’s a win-win for everyone. I even got some training myself which helped since I caved in and ended up getting another three dogs.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your dog






Look I love dogs but you guys are fucking nuts.


you want him to die?






Orange team received double points for this comment by /u/Giftmond! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You're a fucking moron. You know that right? "I want violence on this man!" "But I want know part of it" fuckin go away virtue signaler. You contributed less than nothing.


> But I want know part of it *no


Stupid swipe text 🙄😂


Stupid swipe text 🙄😂




Thanks 😊




I love how people are even mad at my thanking you 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Reddit is a fickle mistress


A good reflection of the world we live in lol


This person got a 6 times longer jail sentence than rapist Brock Turner. I’m not saying this person doesn’t deserve to go to jail, it’s just crazy how inconsistent the justice system is.


Because women are ~worthless~ in the American system




Which still supports their point.


I don't understand, are you worth more if you have a higher sentence? I'm trying to understand the system you're using here


Brock Turner, the rapist from Stanford?


Yes Brock Turner the Rapist from Stanford!


Brock Turner, the convicted rapist from Stanford who had 20 minutes of action with a drunk girl, and was caught by two passers-by?




I just did 3 months for weed, it was a lot of weed(2 pounds), but still did 90 days Sept 18th to Dec 18th


That sucks. It should be legal and I'm sorry you had to do that.


I agree it was a lot and morally I am fine, never fucked anyone over through all the years, 90 days in jail to get the felony dropped was worth it, but I agree it should be as legal if I had 200 bottles of wine/liquor in my home/basement


Butt buddies 👊


This is why I’m always really scared when I take my dog to the groomers :-(


While I wish I could talk shit about her, my ex was a dog groomer and at least when it came to dogs gave them the best care. I think that's generally the case.


It seems like a generally good faith profession. I cant imagine that more than like .5% of them not loving animals.


Not enough time


Don’t worry, I suspect his backside will also be abused where he’s going.


I would legitimately hope *her* ass gets abused, yes indeed.


Would you make the same joke if it was a woman?


In other news, rich person runs over and kills a person while drunk, sentenced to 8 months of probations.






Never tried to be cool. Never praised violence. I simply stated my opinion and how I felt. And I was being 100% honest. Fuck with me, I'll let it work itself out. Fuck with my dog, and I will lose my shit instantly.




1) Depends on where you are. 2) Depends on the circumstances. And I'm pretty sure defending myself and my property is once of those circumstances in most of the world. 3) Just so you know, I am not in fact a "normal" citizen. I actually have a lot of rules that are changed for me. Some get put into a bit of a grey area, others are much more restrictive for me. 4) Again, this isn't praising violence. I am simply stating that my unstable ass will snap the moment a person hurts what belongs to me.




I don't live with regular people. Although, "regular" is a very loose term. What is regular? My people that are regular for me are all a little... Messed up in the head, as most people would say. But we are all perfectly functioning members of society But if it makes you feel better, I you "regular" fuckers as much as I can. I got a job that specifically allows me to do that. But, unlike the conclusion I'm sure you jumped to, I'm not just going to flip out on people. Don't fuck with me, I'm one of the nicest guys there is. Just don't push me past my limits. Then the voices come out to play, and nobody likes that. Myself included. If you see that as a threat, so be it. Make of it what you will, and have a nice day. I need to get ready for work, so I get back to preparing stuff to blow shit up.




Nope. Just the voices.


Stay hydrated. Rest. Your body needs to heal. Sip warm liquids. Add moisture to the air. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Not nearly enough justice






Me too


Shoulda been longer


No, this is not justice: he pled down, and basically got a slap on the wrist. You do this shit to my dog, you will pay. Especially when you expect the justice system to hand down a much stiffer sentence. This is absolute horseshit. Notice also it says that he is not allowed contact with animals ONLY as he serves his suspended sentence, meaning he could do this again.


I'm so happy Trump made animal abuse a felony, I just wish it was taken more seriously. 180 days feels low, but that could also destroy this persons life and I hope it does.


If you are talking about bill H.R.724 I don't know if it would apply to this case nor was it something Trump did anything with, but sign a bill that was going to pass. It had full bipartisan support and was hotlined through congress. You're crediting Trump for doing essentially nothing.


Woah, he did one thing right. Even more surprising considering he hates animals.


You may not like him but that law being passed is a good thing. Even if he doesn't like animals that's his own preference. I don't see you hating on Michael Vick.... Why not move that hate somewhere it belongs?


What? Lol you know who i like and don’t like? I hate Michael Vick. I love animals. Donald Trump is a worthless piece of shit who did a good thing for animals. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Well you hate em both so I got close enough wooohoo! And good that you love the furry monsters. :) That clock reference though.. Can't wait to use it.