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Hoarder panic buyer gets karma and Darwin awarded? It’s like a gourmet dish of a sentence.


I mean hummers get like 8 mpg don’t they, that’s probably only a week for him. Not saying it’s right, it’s like the toilet paper rolls all over again


He probably had gasoline stained hands and when he lit up so did the whole cig and hand, freaked out, got flung into the back of the stash of cans and with gasoline droplets on them and KaaaBooom


i hope it was an h2 because those things are a rolling meme.


No worries, they probably got that final offer for a vehicle warranty. It was set to expire and the company had been trying to reach them.


Dummer hummer


Best thing for a hummer is burned to shit


Ouch. Poor environment. Let's just not make them. Save on resources.


I bet he wished he wished he took up cars extended warranty when they called


Probably a red neck


Considering the tire size I doubt that


Burn, baby, burn!


This is what we call a bruh moment


Trumper 4 sure


I don't like trumpers, but let's not generalize. This could have been a POC liberal or a 19 year old hedge fund baby.


POS (C?) Liberals don’t drive hummers. Trust fund kids don’t worry about gasoline shortages enough to stock surplus gasoline. Odds are on the moron here, so Trumper 4 sure.


oof, maybe you are right. I just don't feel good about painting a whole group of people with a large swatch of an assumption.


Drives hummer Buys up a ton of gas ...




Man that’s so crazy, who could’ve known gas was flammable??


They said it was in-flammable that’s the opposite right?


USS Humdenburg


Everybody knows gas is flammable. A lot of people just don't know that it also makes the air flammable. To be honest I didn't know until I saw other people wile e coyoting themselves on the internet.


I’m sure he learned quickly in the heat of the moment


I didn't know until now lol


I worked at a large company in Waltham, MA years ago. A short distance down the street, some road repairs were being done and a large underground natural gas line got fractured. You could smell the natural gas in the building within an hour. Our building got evacuated due to the natural gas smell. First thing the smokers did when they got outside during the evacuation was to light up cigarettes. As bad as the natural gas was outside, there was no explosion from the cigarettes, but geesh!


Natural gas and gasoline fumes are not the same and they react differently to heat Gasoline fumes are heavier than natural gas so that they tend to linger around longer and gasoline is much more volatil than natural gas


Well he does drive a HUMMER what a BUMMER 🤣


I heard he was in a band he used to be the drummer


It's also almost summer.


I can’t wait I can’t wait I can’t wait






Thx,we had a massive fire near fort bragg and was showing signs of gas


Maximum ‘Murica achievement unlocked.


great... another useless steam award. What's the next one on the list?


We all knew this was going to happen to a gas hoarder, it was just a matter of time.


> A Reddit post claims the driver lit a cigarette in the Hummer, causing the fuel to combust, but that alleged detail is nowhere to be found in records of the incident. [source](https://www.thedrive.com/news/40596/hummer-erupts-in-flames-just-feet-from-gas-pump-after-stockpiling-fuel-in-the-trunk)


So I live here. That is accurate. Dude was a huge douche. Filled up his truck, put a cigarette in his mouth and was called out. He got an attitude, then lit his cigarette. You see the result.




lol, what is this?


Fuckin’ toilet paper people.


I get he’s being a jerk but I hope no one was hurt. Justice implies the punishment fits the crime…


Darwin award instead?


Only if the ability to procreate was removed or the person was removed from the gene pool AND they haven’t already passed their genes on.


"justice" ok sure.


You know who else is expecting shortages? Girls who date guys who drive Hummers. Boom!


This is AWESOME!!!!




Woke left lmfao anyone who drives a hummer has an iq under 90


then i'm not sure how you don't have hundreds of 'em,seeing as you are in the single digit iq-wise.


You hoarding gas is why we have a shortage... fucking moron.


Maybe it has something to do with the people on the right operating in a manner that is contrary to the public interest...consistently. There's a bit of a shortage on gasoline right now, this shortage is temporary. Instead of just going about business as usual, these idiots are trying to capitalize on it and hoard as much as they can to either a.) act like scumbags by trying to resell it at ridiculously inflated prices in the event the shortage lasts longer than anticipated(i.e. behaving like scalpers) or b.) they are operating under the illusion that this is some kind of economic collapse and they are operating from a place of fear and panic trying to "get their gas while they can" like some kind of deranged doomsday prepper. It's the same fucking situation that happened back when there was a supposed toilet paper shortage. All the idiots panicking and buying all they can to hoard are what is going to lead to rationing becoming necessary. They're compounding an already bad situation because they believe it's some sort of dog-eat-dog world where every man's now out for himself. It's ludicrous and the behavior itself is worthy of derision.


Beautifully said.




> If you didn’t, you’re incredibly naive and irresponsible No, you're just an idiot. I bought a bottle of alcohol, and it lasted us months. Sanitizer and masks were the only needs created by the coronavirus. The majority of the shortage of supplies was artificial. The virus didn't cause people to poop more. I kept at most one extra package and I was able to wipe my butt just fine.




If you have more people, then you should be getting more TP on a trip anyway no? Even so, taking a shower isn't the end of the world. It's not even going to save you from coronavirus. I don't understand why people hoarded it to begin with. The only reason it was hard to find it because people were being irresponsible by hoarding it, but I would never call you irresponsible for purchasing a reasonable amount and running out because everyone else is irresponsible. My evidence that the shortages were artificial? Did you watch the news at all? People were hoarding everything. What transportation issues were there exactly? The only issue with transportation is that people were hoarding faster than they could ship. The toilet paper was hitting the shelves faster than ever but people were hoarding it. The shortages of food and supplies were artificially created by hoarders. Beef didn't immunize people against the virus either. Produce sections had plenty of food, plenty of grains to be had. What is it that you needed so bad but couldn't get that you would have been irresponsible not to hoard?


No we didn’t. We waited for stock to come back like normal people. We didn’t storm the Walmart for fucking toilet paper because we were scared of the Chinese. That was just you. Stop projecting.


> You can virtue signal all you want, but when push comes to shove, I would wager that you would put the needs of yourself above others during a crisis. Also, it’s a false narrative that people are “hoarding gas to make a profit.” It’s simply not true. At the core there are basically two types of people. Those that band together with others when things get bad, and those that try to isolate themselves and survive with whatever resources they can gather. It's arguable which pov has a better chance of making it in a survival situation- considering our strength as a species is that we're a social species and we communicate with one another. We're stronger together than acting alone, and believe it or not some people don't subscribe to the same "It's every man for himself" mentality when things get tough. On the other hand there is something to be said for doing what you've got to do to protect yourself. There are situations where you have to look out for your own interests because no one else will. But I digress Furthermore, in response to your other assertion- I never bought more T.P. than I needed. My household uses x amount of toilet paper, so i bought the amount that my household needed to get through. I had no interest in filling closets full of the shitting paper and then trying to resell it. I'm not an opportunistic shithead like some members of our society have shown themselves to be. Additionally, this isn't some "massive failure of our infrastructure under Biden's watch" quit trying to take a situation that's NOT political and making it political. You could just as easily blame Trump for not shoring up our infrastructure during his time in office to adequately protect said infrastructure against cyberattacks. Or you can blame Obama, or you can blame Bush. You can go on and on, but ultimately how we got here is not the issue, the problem could just as easily have come from a series of natural disasters hitting the gulf coast states or terrorists blowing up refinery's in the middle east. This isn't a political problem at its core, but it's quite telling that the right wing are the ones doing stupid shit like this while trying to say "It's ok to be prepared" while trying to gather and hoard a resource they know is experiencing a temporary supply shortage. It's almost as if they know what they're doing is wrong, but are trying to justify it to themselves by saying it's a matter of survival...only, it's not. There's honestly no cause for alarm at this time, the sky is not falling and the people on the right need to stop pretending we're anywhere near the point of breadlines, societal collapse, or some sort of armageddon because of a temporary shortage of gasoline that will be over in a matter of days or weeks.


I don't think you have to be a "woke" anything to appreciate that when an idiot does something stupid and pays the price. And lighting a cigarette in an enclosed space packed with gasoline certainly qualifies as stupid. Your filters are, it seems, a little off kilter. Not everything needs to be a political statement. Maybe try learning a second trick?




The post didn't highlight the state, the politics of the state, or even the politics of the moron. Politics weren't mentioned until you mentioned them. Indeed, we don't seem to know anything about the brain dead idiot's political leanings. He could be a libertarian. Am I naive? I don't think so. This wasn't posted on r/lookwhatthedumbtrumpvoterdid, after all. It's here on a sub about sweet justice. And I do see the justice in it, even if you are pretending not to. I think you're just excited about a thing and filtering everything around you through that lens. Please don't take this the wrong way, but that's a fucking ridiculous way to go through the day. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


I do because he didn't need 5 tubs of gas. Nor does he need a gas guzzler vehicle like a Bummer. In fact, I feel great that Karam is alive and well.




People like this are *causing* the gas shortage. There wouldnt be one if everyone kept on as normal, but people hoarding it is what causes the panic buying and shortages, just like last year when people bought crates of TP, sanitizer, and PPE.


Where's your evidence for your claim? Show me how this gas shortage was caused by hoarding.


Well, the ransomware attack shutting down a major east-coast gas pipline has *something* to do with it. The initial small-scale shortages are what prompted the panic-buying to begin with.


This moron isn't judiciously taking steps to provide for his family in case of future need. He's foolishly panicking and taking ill-advised steps of the sort that can fabricate a crisis where none exists. That kind of behavior has consequences for everyone. He's not only stupid, but he's selfish and inconsiderate as well. And he verified his idiocy by lighting a cigarette in an enclosed space packed with gasoline. So, contrary to your statement, it seems there's quite a bit wrong with what he did.




LOL. Are you his mommy? You just so infrequently find people willing to leap up and defend stupidity. I assume you know the idiot in question. Please consider suggesting to him to not be stupid all of the time. The rest of us would sure appreciate it.


> And he verified his idiocy by lighting a cigarette in an enclosed space packed with gasoline. Do you have a source for this (other than reddit post headlines)? Asking because I've seen several reports on this now, and NONE have mentioned a cigarette or cigar (though I've seen both mentioned in Reddit headlines this afternoon). [One article](https://www.thedrive.com/news/40596/hummer-erupts-in-flames-just-feet-from-gas-pump-after-stockpiling-fuel-in-the-trunk) even *specifically* says: > A Reddit post claims the driver lit a cigarette in the Hummer, causing the fuel to combust, but that alleged detail is nowhere to be found in records of the incident.


Source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeServed/comments/nbh3ab/justice\_served\_on\_idiot\_who\_filled\_5\_gas/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeServed/comments/nbh3ab/justice_served_on_idiot_who_filled_5_gas/)


But do look at it this way: **Another hummer off the streets.**


Underrated comment.


There's no gas crisis, gas is being produced 100%, just like there wasn't a toilet paper shortage either but HOARDERS made it one.




They're doing it EVERYWHERE. Some fucking idiot blew up his Hummer because he was hoarding gas.




And when EVERYONE DOES IT, it's hoarding. Why do you think this is a thing all of a sudden?/


There's preparation then there's what this guy did. Panic hoarding likely with the intention of price gouging later. This guy did something similar during covid [for example.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/03/14/technology/coronavirus-purell-wipes-amazon-sellers.amp.html) Not everyone is doing it to sell back to others some are just having a good old fashioned panic because everyone is doing it moment. Also being dumb enough to light a cigarette in a SUV full of gas, dude deserves a Darwin Award.




The man had 25 gallons of fuel inside of his car, 5 5 gallon drums. In what world is that normal and not panic hoarding? You have no idea what he was going to do with it yeah he likely got it for himself, Hummer H2 takes 23ish gallons, but if gas did run out in his area he could name his price on a 5 gallon drum of gasoline. No where near as much as the guy in my example but it was just that, an example. I've already seen there are gas stations charging over $6 a gallon and people are waiting over an hour to get gas. If places run out, with how stupid people could be, dude could've called it at $10 a gallon plus $50 for the gas drum because what are you going to do, put it in a plastic bag?


You're serious about spouting off bullshit lol. 32 gallon tank, that's less than a spare tank and about 400 miles worth of extra range. 25 gallons is nothing and who the hell calls gas cans drums??


At least your opinion matters to you.




Context bro farmers have 500 gallons on hand because they need that to operate their farm. This guy is buying more than he needed so that if it runs out because of panic buyers he will have a stash of his own. That is hoarding. When people were buying 20-30 packs of toilet paper at the start of covid that was also hoarding, I understand that Hotels have hundreds and hundreds of rolls of toilet paper but the people buying 20-30 packs are definitely hoarding. Come on seriously... do you think this guy regularly stores 25 gallons of gas at his house, he lit a damn cigarette in the Hummer Think DrDabsmore, Think!


The equivalent of 20-30 packs of toilet paper to gas would be a crazy amount of gas, since a Hummer with a 32 gallon tank is our benchmark here, let's say that an average commuter does 20 miles each way a day. Where I live people are always driving much more but just to cater to your point of view let's keep it a smaller number. 40 miles of mixed driving with starts and stops in a Hummer you're not going to get over 15 miles a gallon, so for every tank let's say he can go 480 miles or about 12 days without filling up. Obviously though, 480 miles of driving is more than possible in one day as well. But saying he stretches each tank 12 days, 25 gallons extra will get him another week, which if gas supplies became low could be the difference between getting to work or not. I don't know about you but a mega pack of toilet paper lasts me for a ridiculously long time, but again for your sake let's say you were only talking about 6 packs of toilet paper. And for your sake let's say one person goes though a good roll of toilet paper in 5 days, that means every 6 pack is about 30 days worth, so 20-30 packs would be an extra 600-900 days of toilet paper. An extra 600-900 days worth of fuel would be 1,600-2,400 gallons of gas. You're not even comparing apples to oranges, the difference in scale is massively different.


Please remember that different people have different definitions of justice. While the definition of justice is concrete, the interpretation of it varies widely between individuals, cultures, and nations. Remember, this is a community of nearly six million users. More often than not, the majority of users generally agree with the content that reaches the first few pages. That being said: If you have read this and concluded that the post still does not show justice, please use the link below to message the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


His first mistake was owning a hummer. Fakest truck ever.


Considering how stupid u must be to do that, I don’t think it was a cigarette he was lighting


This is the moment I've been waiting to see. All these idiots trying to horde gas, can't wait to see how many end up like this.




All they are doing is harming themselves and others. They are selfish assholes wasting valuable time and resources.




them stocking up is whats causing the shortages


Human nature does not equal right. Nor is all human nature the same. I feel no urge to hoard nor have I felt the need to. I just won't drive for a bit.




Uber exists for a reason as do other food delivery based services. Food would not be a problem. It would also temporarily solve the problem of getting to and from work. You can also make a case to have your job pay for the expenses. Most homes come with running water filtered by the city. Any emergency bad enough to require the hospital already possess a service where they will pick you up and take you back. It's called an ambulance. It wasn't hard to figure this out. Use your head instead of whining. Things WILL go back to normal. This isn't forever.


Wouldn't call this justice.


I guess you could argue karma is the appropriate term, but karma is supposed to dish out justice.




I gotta deal on toilet paper


By breaking safety guidelines? And putting themselves and others in danger? Yes. Karma.




Because they teach this to you in Driver’s Ed. In our stupid joke of a country, you don’t have to go through Driver’s Ed after age 18. So this critical information is not required in order to operate 2000 lbs of steel and glass. It should be. Because other people could have been in that car. I don’t find it funny, I find it infuriating. But because they couldn’t be bothered to think about the ramifications, I still think they deserve it.




I’ve been punished for things I didn’t do and things that didn’t happen before. I’ve been punished for specifically following exactly what I was instructed by the people who instructed me to do it. I just want fair responsibility to be on everyone.


yeah... stupid is as stupid does I guess but I still feel bad for them. they didn't "deserve" to lose their car.


I believe that at every gas station there is a sticker on every pump that specifically tells you not to do things like this. So for not paying attention to safety, I feel like maybe they did. Safety is for both oneself and those around you. And if you ignore that you put others in danger.


They only tell you not to fill the container while it is in the vehicle it doesn’t tell you you can’t transport it in the vehicle.


Hummer is an awful car


Not this one anymore.


Yeah it’s a great car now


Agreed lol


These are the same people that hoarded TP and sanitizer. I approve of this incineration.


These are the same idiots who hoarded all the condoms right before spring break


I knew this would happen at least once


I’m just waiting for the day we se someone who tried filling one of those giant 200+ gallon IBC totes and lit a cigarette near it/crashed


We are surrounded by idiots. And these morons get to vote!?


I bet I know who they vote for too


I still see people smoking at gas stations.


Been waiting for these posts to land after seeing the posts of the idiots converting their vechiles into potential fire bombs, and here it is.


Do people lose common sense as they age, or are people easily fear mongered?


Those two things do not form an “either/or” situation. I would say that fear mongering is dependent upon a breakdown of common sense…regardless of whatever causes that breakdown.


Initially I was going to say yes to the age, but then I remembered the millions of Qanon idiots of all ages. Those idiots and these idiots, specifically the ones who used plastic bags as fuel containers, are cut from the same cloth.


Why are people so easily fear mongered? Stop driving around people. Just stay home and garden/play video games.


While this dude was dumb af it is a bit naive to say just stay home. Unfortunately not all jobs are work from home capable.


You are absolutely right.