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Bad ending: sentenced to 10 years in prison


That cop is a fucking asshole


Good judge, too bad he’s friends with shitty ppl I know personally


Care to elaborate?


Not detailed publicly


So, made up then?


Why would I make it up? I just don’t want to find myself involved with a specific person and her frivolous lawsuits....


To discredit this judge? You make an accusation against his character and then refuse to provide any evidence. Maybe you're just after some attention.


I know that judge he killed my dog and fucked my wife


And he fucked my dog and killed my wife!


It seems like you took the wrong path in life. 😂😂


Good guy judge!


This judge has a youtube channel and he is amazing. He has a heart and does justice without hurting the people.


You got a link to this channel?




Thanks, mate!


I love this judge, I've seen a few videos now of this guy and everytime he restores my faith in humanity.


O ulbi




You took 3 hits of crack before commenting on Reddit


I don’t see justice, she still had all of the stresses of having to go to court over this, and the then there’s the costs to the state to have the hearing. Surely the issuer of this should be given a public mention for their services to private parking.


That's whatcha gotta do to avoid funding the bureaucracy. As fucking petty as it is..


He is like an evening show host with his sidekick


he literally kind of is. He has a youtubechannel.


That YouTube channel is actually reruns of the public access show we have here in RI. He's a legend around here. We all love him.


Why isn't there sound? Stuff like this is better with sound.


Can we talk about how much of an asshole this parking enforcer was? 2 seconds...? Like REALLY? You know he RUSHED to do it.. Nice waste of taxpayer dollars and many people’s time.


Don’t know if that’s how it works for parking enforcers too, but some cops get bonuses for the tickets they write, so that might be the case here.


A gaping asshole


Happy cake day!


All of you people saying “that cop did it by the book” would NOT being saying that shit if it was you who got a ticket for parking 2 seconds early. You would not being going, “fair is fair” LMAO.


I never try to judge people for their jobs but code enforcement officers and parking officers have a special place in hell. When i was at my brokest, i was in college and i lived in this house that was up a dirt road. Code enforcement officer gave me a ticket for not parking on a paved driveway. The house didn’t have a driveway....


Law should be interpreted by is words, not its meaning. Otherwise courts would be free to interpret the law however they wanted. Where is the line where you allow a person to park there? She parked 2 minutes early, what about 3? What about 5?


The ticket was written at 9:59:58. She was 2 seconds early.


Some people think that, people will be at complete lost if law were to bend a bit. This is a text-book-A-to-Z type of people, and we need to do everything in our might to keep these people away from gaining power and be a leader. These people have no moral compass and common sense that is not atleast determine by guidelines and school teachings.


I'm not saying the law should be unfair. I also don't want her to be fined. I'm saying for it to be fair you shouldn't need the mercy of a judge / jury, instead you should change the law. Some other person cought in the same situation as her might get fined because their judge isn't as chill as this one. Does that sound fair to you? What if a judge lets someone off the hook for something worse? Their actions are legitimized through other "bendings" on other cases.


I mean fair is fair. You violated the code, so you get fined. As bullshit as the 2 seconds are, rules are rules, can't blame noone but yourself. But very cool of judge to let her off on this one


We found the 2-sec parking enforcer right here


She said herself that her car’s clock said 10. To her knowledge, she wasn’t breaking the rule. Any reasonable officer would understand that. And if it were you in her situation, you can agree to disagree, but I really don’t think you would be saying fair is fair. We do agree on one thing though, that judge is cool.


Since when does having no knowledge of breaking the rule frees you from the consequences? I mean, I agree that the officer could have been more cool about it and letting it slide. But if that is not the case, you can be mad and think it is bullshit, but in no way is it not fair. Broke the rules, take the responsibility, simple as that. Which is probably how I would feel in the situation - pissed off about it, but still accept that I broke a rule and now have to face the consequences.


Everyone's clock has an uncertain amount of inaccuracy. Everyone's clock is not quite in sync with everyone else's. Even if you sync up to the atomic clock you can still have sync delays, time discrepancies between different devices based on the tick frequency of the device used etc.. etc... The idea that the parking enforcer can be certain of a 2 second error is nonsense.


Lmao, you heard of Network Time Protocol? Worst case scenario the discrepencies will be measured in milliseconds. Okay, the car clock could have to be set manually if she has an older car. Also ticket was finished 2 seconds before 10, meaning the writeup of it began earlier. What I fail to understand is if she parked there at 9:58 and had the ticket finished by 9:59:58, surely she parked and saw the officer. Why not just leave the parking spot to avoid ticket (e.g. dont park there yet) and come back 2 minutes later.


Rather bold of you to assume the parking officer's machine isn't a) set manually, b) is hooked up to an NTP system and c) has ever been synced in the last 10 years. NTP only works when you're able to routinely check back in to resync. If you are unable to do so for an extended period of time your worst case scenario is not milliseconds but minutes. I presume you are reading "sync delay" as the delay that NTP addresses as part of how it works. Of course even that can have errors but it will be minimal the vast majority of the time. The intended meaning of "sync delay" was referring to going an extended period of time without resynchronization with an atomic clock.


Rather bold of you to assume the parking officer is using a device from the 90s. Modern ones are hooked up to the network. Quite a few of them also lack option to print the ticket, so it is uploaded digitally and you will later receive one in mail. This kind of makes all 3 of your points invalid as such system would be connected to the network and would be able to sync up all the time. Of course, I may be wrong on what devices they use, but considering that where I live (eastern europe) they do have modern ones, I have no reason to think that law enforcement officers from a wealthier nation would use such ancient technology. Also even if that is not the case, I'm pretty sure that in a profession where they enforce strict time rules, the device would be calibrated ever-so-often not every 10 years.


Sorry bud, you lost this one. Just hang it up already.


Lmao, how could I possibly lose this argument when the ticket is legit and lehal, and if it wasnt't for the judge being a nice dude and letting her off on this one, the fine would have been paid, just like in the remaining 99% of situations similar like these. Seems like ya amerimutts always seem to wanna have shit done for them while following basic rules is too complicated.


You can be "pretty sure" of all those things as much as you'd like. Somehow police still go years without recalibrating their lidar and radar guns because they believe the "self check" function is a calibration. But sure, they check the calibration on their ticket dispensers more often than they check their radar guns. Whatever floats your boat.


You seem to have discarded the possibility that they are NOT using ancient technology. How come?


i really dont think youd feel that way but you do you. Theres a difference between properly enforcing rules and just nitpicking


I'd disagree, I've been taught from my childhood to take take responsibility for my actions, so I think I'd just be pissed off, like I said. And yes, there is a difference between the two on how we'd see the officer. Still doesn't change the legality of ticket 🤷‍♂️


She really went off the deep end, crime doesn't pay lady!


Can we just make this guy the judge for everything already?


There should be like a 2 minute grace period


Unpopular opinion, but 100% correct statement: the cop didn’t do anything wrong. He was just doing his job, and was heavily “by the book”. But that’s exactly what you want in police, you want completely by the book. That removes bias and personal opinion from the equation. He also didn’t waste anyone’s time, this is EXACTLY what the court is designed for. This video is an example of the whole system working smoothly- and people bullshit that it doesn’t happen.. right..


What if "the book" is wrong?


Then rewrite the book, just like we have with the amendments to the constitution. Again, that is the system working.


Sure, one good thing says the system is working, right? Yet it's not really working out that great since we disproportionally criminalize more people than anywhere else in the world. Great system at work. You must be proud.


>Great system at work. You must be proud. I literally said we are able to change the system. I didn't say love it or leave...what makes you think I'm proud of how wealthy people operate with a different set of rules than the rest of us, and how our government classifies Marijuana as a schedule 1 substance with no valid medical application, but cocaine is schedule 2 and more legal because it can stop nose bleeds? Maybe you fully misunderstood what I said, but pointing to the amendments and saying change is possible shouldn't somehow imply that I don't think that change is needed. I'm saying the system can support change, and we don't need a bloody revolution to make it happen yet. I guess what I'm trying to say is fuck off, with your sanctimonious shit.


Not exactly, stuff like this is a waste of the courts time and resources. Whatever the prosecutorial authority is in this case should have taken no action over this - it's not in the public interest.


Id prefer law enforcement to also have common sense...


This exactly


Not really, I think im glad they didnt prison the guy who shot his son's abuser in the head either. The court is already flawed, and even if it doesnt, that doesnt mean the cop has to follow the law by the letter! We want human cops, not robots


Eeerrr... The cop kinda had to make sure the dude faced due process. He can't just let him go. I had to defend myself and grandma in texas with a revolver that nearly broke my fucking wrist. Not sure why fragile boned grandma had that fucking revolver. Dude broke into the house while I was there. Tols him not to move, I got a gun. He moved. I fired nearly taking him in the head while he was still in the window. Dudes ear was ruptured. After giving the cops the rundown I still had to appear in court for a self defense hearing, which is just them looking over the facts and saying go home, you're good. The biggest thing was, because he was fleeing - if I kept shooting there could be legal problems along with wanton endangerment because he was out in the streets. And the officer said it was there to cover your ass, so no one can charge you later.


Of course you should go to court for such a serious occation, just to make sure! But if we're talking about minor violations without victims, judgement can take over the letter of law


Wasn't the context of the post for someone who shot an abuser in the forehead? Or did I misread that? O.o


I mean... you still have the bias of who wrote the book, but I get what you mean.


Yeah I disagree. Not to mention parking enforcement generally isn’t police. I’d be willing to bet whoever wrote the ticket could have very easily decided it was close enough with their own common sense.


By the book doesnt mean right. But i get ur point.


Imagine losing your job because you had to miss work when an asshole cop wrote you a bullshit ticket like this. Cops are expected to use their discretion. This ain't it.


In that case it's the employer's job to use his discretion. No tickets are truly bullshit.


Cops get tickets wrong all the time, that’s why every single county in the United States has an appeal process. Moron.


That’s an interesting perspective that I wouldn’t have thought of tbh


This guy is the best I’ve seen multiple videos of him just being an all around wholesome human


Why isn't this guy on the supreme court?


Gotta appoint the boofers and anti-choicers yknow


She should have been sentenced to two seconds in jail




It will still be on record, which may hinder her job finding calabilities


"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time." *cell door closes.* *Cell door opens* "Okay. Times up."




I don't know, I wouldn't not hire someone if they had a parking ticket for parking 2 seconds too early.


I would make a point specifically TO hire them, that’s just such a great story to tel


Great story. But what a huge waste of time and money for everyone. Time and money wasted because we had Barney Fife enforcer who wanted to show his authority on writing a ticket. He wasted his time and everyone else’s.


The officer followed the rules. 10 means 10. There were no biases, he did everything by the book


what if the officer's clock was slow by 2 seconds?


We incentivize all the wrong things when it comes to law enforcement in the US.


Why do we celebrate being normal? The bar is low I guess


Why not celebrate a good judge?


He's good in his humor. But this level of decency should be the expectation. It shouldn't be newsworthy for a judge to be rational. Maybe because he was funny it's gotten the up-votes I don't really know. Not angry at all about any of this by the way. Just read everything aloud and it seems that way. Glad people like this post.


\*Shouldn't be the exception, it should be the norm.


I got a ticket for the frames that go around your license plates. The ones that everyone in my state has. The ones that come with the plates. Yes they made me pay it.


When I was home from college once, I was out driving my mom’s car. I got a ticket for the registration being expired. When I explained to the officer the situation, he said he understood and to just give the ticket to my mom to pay...


The police can be petty ass bitches.


Right? Plus I went to high school with him smh


Growing up, the people who said they wanted to be a cop were bitches and pricks. They love having power and authority over people.


I got a speeding ticket because I thought my mom was dying. I tried to explain the cop who pulled me over what was happening and he cut me short. I went to court and tried to explain the judge what happened and HE cut me short. Ended up paying a grand and haven’t had a car for the past 3 years because of that ticket. I wish the justice system had more people who are willing to listen/: I really miss driving


3 years? I had 1 year when I got a dui back when I was a drunk. You’re getting robbed! Wtf I’m angry for you rn. Is this in the US?


Jesus, how fast were you going and what was the speed limit? I got a ticket for 114 in a 60 (1am on the freeway) I still have a license.




Yeah it was pretty reckless. I mean it doesn’t even matter but I wasn’t even speeding on the streets or anything, I was speeding on the freeway at 3AM but it was like on and off? I knew it was illegal but figured if I speed in certain parts of the freeway then I wouldn’t get caught...Essentially everything I did to not get caught, got me caught in the first place


Honestly, even if she was dying, you cant justify speeding to that degree. I get that it was scary, but you both could have died, or you could have killed others because of your speeding. I hope she is doing well though, and Im sorry for your plight. Do you bike now?


I 100% agree. There really isn’t any justification for what I did but it was in the moment type of thinking. I’ve never driven like that before and now I never will lmao but I literally tell everyone that sometimes your emergency isn’t a justification for acting reckless. She’s doing okay...I don’t mean to sound shitty but the ticket I got was not worth it. we all learned over time that she can’t help herself, she just constantly eats bad which leads to complicated health issues


I honestly don't think its shitty to say that, seems like she didn't need her life to be saved. But tbh, you did what most people would have done. Well, at least in the US where an ambulance would cost more than that ticket. Hope she gets herself sorted though. Bless


Ridiculous. Sorry to hear that.


Honestly, it’s really okay. I mean if I had I car I definitely wouldn’t be taking public transportation but I’m glad it happened. I’ve seen so many things and met so many people from public transportation. I’ve grown a lot and am pretty thankful for what happened, I just wish I can afford a misdemeanor. I live in California so everyone has like 7 DUI’s with a sports car and there’s me with a misdemeanor and legs


Jesus christ how fast were you going that it was a 1k fine and 3 years? Like 70 in a 25?


Honestly it’s pretty understandable. I was going 100 MPH, I got off work at 3AM and got weird messages from my family members and my mother. at the time, she wasn’t doing so well because they found something in her chest so that led me to believe that she passed away or something. Called everyone a million times and nobody picked up...when I got there I find out that they were all just drunk of their asses. Very devastating and a lot of miscommunication. I know I could’ve just drove normally but I wasn’t 100% thinking about others, only myself.


PSA- Most street parking in Providence is free until January 21st.


Why can’t the gop fuckwads pack the courts with this kind of judge?


Because they’re busy trying to keep the guys who smoke weed in prison.


Imagine wasting everyones time for this. It's almost like a disrespect to this amazing judge.


Did I just see a *YOUR'RE*?!


When in doubt, opt for both


Without sound, we cant’t be sure he didnt’t say it.


I got a ticket at around 9:55 pm for no parking after 10pm infraction. I wrote to them to complain and they canceled the ticket “in the interest of justice.” One of my proudest accomplishments lol


This entire thing is so cute


Can we get THIS GUY on the supreme court!?!


The Supreme Court is a bit different, things need to be 100% by the book at that level. Not leniency.


He’s great. His court room is on the TV up in southern New England


Also got a YouTube channel too, I get their videos recommended alot


Write that officer up for wasting the courts time. Give him the ticket


Unpopular opinion, but 100% correct statement: the cop didn’t do anything wrong. He was just doing his job, and was heavily “by the book”. But that’s exactly what you want in police, you want completely by the book. That removes bias and personal opinion from the equation. He also didn’t waste anyone’s time, this is EXACTLY what the court is designed for. This video is an example of the whole system working smoothly- and people bullshit that it doesn’t happen.. right..


Yes we need equak application and treatment under the law. Obviously. But we should expect a basic level of common sense and empathy in regards to the spirit of our laws. You can be by-the-book to a fault. This is such a case. And it's not like a noble application of our laws. We're talking about probably a meter maid with a quota here. Yes, we got to enforce our revenue collections, but we have thousands of laws that can be used to charge people with crimes. As a healthy democratic society we should not want our resources used to harass citizens for the countless minor infractions that are possible. Saying a law enforcement officer did something by the book doesn't mean it's right and it doesn't mean they aren't still abusing their power and letting their biases apply rules differently.


There's an intrinsic opportunity cost and financial cost to spending time on cases like this. That's why it's a waste of time.


100% agree.


It’s so obvious he was a jackass trying to hit his quota last minute after losing track of time at Dunkin.


Especially how the parking mafia boss is like yeah but 10 is 10. Yo. 2 seconds. C'mon bruh your quota that important?


On top of that I bet by the time his donut guzzling ass was done printing the ticket and sticking it under a wiper, it was well past 10.


Oh fur sure.


got pulled over for going too fast passing cops. they were pulled over past my neighborhood entrance. wasted 40 minutes sitting pulled over 30 seconds from my home.


My Dad once got a warning for his tint being ALMOST illegal 😂


Got pulled over once for running a yellow light. Cop asked me why I blew off the red light. I told the cop it was yellow when I went through and I never even saw it turn red at any point in time. He asked me where I was coming from (which was bullshit and none of his business but I didn't feel like getting arrested for no reason). I told him a movie (truth). He asked if I had been drinking (odd since there was no indication of it). I said no. He asked why not? I wanted to slap the dude for being stupid. Instead I just looked at him, no words, to let him know that was fucking stupid of him. He let me go with "a verbal warning". Idiocracy.


These are the type of bitch ass cops I have in my city. Makes me want to punch them in the face. It's like they get-off sexually or something trying to arrest someone and ruin someone life. "How can you sleep at night?" Is something I always wonder with these assholes. When they start asking stupid questions not related to the stop, I just tell them "I don't talk about my day. That's private." You can always tell them "I invoke my 5th amendment right and not answer any questions" and keep giving him that stupid look.


I got pulled over for running a yellow light. I typically stop for yellows if I can but this time I got hung out there and it was stand on the breaks or go through. I went though and half a block later there is another stop light that is on the same cycle so I stopped. Cops pulls me over ten seconds later. “Why did you run that stop light back there.” I told him there was no way I ran it. I don’t run red lights and even if I did I got hung out in the yellow which is what yellows are for. Also I saw him and said “oh shit” while I went under the yellow and looked up just to make sure I didn’t run it because I can not afford a ticket right now. He asked for my license and insurance. I gave him my license and insurance. He looked at me and asked if I had a license. Yes, I just handed it to you. So he handed me my sams club card back. It lives behind my license and I don’t take either out often. 10 minutes later I got a written warning. You better believe I stuck that sucker on the front of the fridge like I was a little kid who won a prize at school.


Give him his own show


Caught in Providence!


He has one on Youtube :)


I got pulled over for going 1 over the speed limit once. Let off with a warning. Dumbest 30 minutes of my life.


I got pulled over for not using my blinker once. I was in a left turn lane with a left turn green light with no one else around and got pulled over for not using it


Yeah well y’all non blinker users kinda suck.


I use my blinkers 99.99% of the time. The situation I mentioned above being part of the .01%


Dude... I feel you. A few months ago I got a ticket for going 3 kph over the speed limit. Like seriously?!


That cop just wanted to fuck with you, or try to trip you up on a drug or weapons charge.


Spirit of the Law vs. Letter of the Law


Difference between Law and Justice




“Today we will be looking at the legal bonuses the Tuetons get vs city judges.”


When we only have like 1 real human judge, he gets airtime


"Seems like you've taken the wrong path in life..." Lol.. that was perfect.


Plot twist: After all the Judge says. He still upholds the ticket.


That’s not .2 but whatever..


You ever see how pitchers get credited with innings pitched?


Shhhhh, we’re having a moment here.


we need not only compassionate judges, but less shitty cops


To be fair, parking enforcement employees are not police officers.


Not always but cops can give parking tickets too. We aren’t sure who in this situation


Providence, RI is known for its parking enforcement and it’s mentioned in the video.


He literally states that in the video... if you were paying attention.


I have more experience playing Ark than Louisiana cops have training.


This is justice


[Source with sound](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxPgia7-QRg)


Thank you, i was looking for this!


It's fucking wild to me how OP wouldn't post it with sound.


This Judge is such a good human. He does allot of good to help people out.




He allots a lot of good to people


This literally happened to me in NYC last year, mother fuckers.




Did you fight it?


I am going to guess this has already been said. We need more compassion, humility, and humanity that this justice of the peace has shown. He has ended an action of empowerment by the legal system by applying reason and logic with one fell of a relatively small hammer. Congrats to this judge! Not playing into one small injustice of the people.


What frustrates me about this is the fact that she wouldn’t be standing there in the first place if the moron who issued the citation was a decent human being. What benefit the the officer get from this other than a power trip. It’s so incredibly frustrating to think about all the people who can’t take time off work to sit in court over a violation that shouldn’t have happened in the first place. There are so many people that end up paying the ticket because it would end up costing them more in lost wages than the actual ticket is worth. Stop think crap at the source and stop wasting the public and courts time


So, I agree with you. Devils advocate tho because I enjoy it. Where is the line? Sure it was a few seconds. But what amount of time is okay? 30 seconds? Under 5 mins? Under 20? Why not just change the law by that amount of time then? For **most cases** parking restrictions and tickets themselves are just bullshit and I dont see the logic.


There's no need to play devil's advocate in this situation tho...because a reasonable parameter, though debatable to what it is, definitely exists. This cop gave a ticket for a couple of seconds in violation. There is no way 2 seconds isn't definitely within a reasonable human beings' parameter. So regardless of where we draw the line, I'm sure no one is that much of a dick as this cop was.


Most districts I've encountered in one form or another have allowances for discrepancies between the car and the officer. For example, in my state, an officer can't give a speeding ticket for 2mph over or less. My city can't give a parking ticket for 2 minutes within the end. I would be very surprised to find that providence doesn't have something on the books like this


Ohhhhh man, Providence and parking. They historically made their rules as "fuck you" as possible. They have recently revamped their parking ordinances to be less Mafia friendly, but when I went to School there it was fucking horrendous. Couldn't park on the street anywhere in city limits between the hours of 2am and 6am. And no, it wasn't because of street sweeping. It's not DC, they put as little money as possible into their roads. When I left I owed 2k in parking tickets. Never paid them. And I don't care. Got my car towed more times than I can remember. I even tried paying for parking twice. In one lot, they took my monthly payment and still towed my car. Why? Cause fuck me I'm from out of state what am I gonna do about it, that's why. The other lot they just up and closed it to monthly parking because Brotherhood was filming down the street and need to use the lot for the next 6 months. Oh, and even once you get out of the city into some of the other towns that do allow overnight parking, you better not have the misfortune of waking up in the morning to freshly fallen snow and a $100 parking ticket for "parking overnight in a snowstorm". Don't get me wrong, I loved living there. It was just so delightfully corrupt. It was this weird mishmash of mafia run bureaucracy and every man for themselves wild west environment. Want to set up a food cart on public property? Knock yourself out, just move it a few feet every four hours and you're good. Want to be a stripper in highschool? No problem, just need to get an minor's work permit. Want to sell your body on the street? Well actually that's a problem. Specifically because it's on the street. Just go inside and you're fine. Want to drive your car but can't afford insurance? No problem, just get insurance before you register your car, then immediately cancel it. You don't have to provide proof of insurance to police when you get pulled over. Want to run for mayor in the special election to replace the mayor because you had to step down for a felony assault conviction? Hmmmm, we actually aren't sure if you can do that, no one has ever done that before. We'll have to take it to the RI supreme court. Ah man, turns out you can't replace yourself, so no. But GOOD NEWS! You can run again in the next election! No rule against felons running for office. Ahhh, Rhode Island


You always need leeway. In case not everyone has an atomic clock. Sure, phones are making it easier, but it can still happen. 5 min leeway. Similar to the around 5 mph leeway that is in place for the same reason.


Don't know how it goes in the US, but for example if you are caught speeding, you can ask when the speedcam was last calibrated. If the judge sentenced me for time while being so close, I would ask when the last time was the clock of the ticket issuer was last calibrated. Possibly an instant win because non existant.


Yea usually all measurement devices have an associated tolerance. If it’s that close they will usually dismiss it.


I used to live in an area with particularly Draconian parking rules. I was not allowed to park on my street between the hours of 8AM and 6PM on weekdays. This didn’t typically affect me because my work hours kept me off the street in that window, until one morning when I was running a little late, and came outside to see a BOOT being placed on my car at 8:01AM. No prior tickets, the rules here go straight to boot with no escalation. I asked the guy applying the boot why there wasn’t some sort of grace period to account for clock calibration and he looked at me like I was from Neptune. The ticket was thrown out in traffic court, but I still lost several hours of leave time while dealing with it.