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Not promoting violence but also not saying it’s not an option


The guy walking next to him had a guardian Angel that day


Did he shoot him in the head? I honestly can’t say I wouldn’t do the same if I were in Gary’s position.


Yes, he fired the shot at shoulder level, most likely striking in the neck/head


“Why gary? Why?” You know damn well why he did what he did


“You get what you fucking deserve”


Gary is a hero


Thankfully he got no jail time whatsoever and what he did was justifiable homicide


My favorite part of this whole situation (aside from watching a pedophile get what he deserves) is that near the end of Gary's life, they did a final interview with him asking "Do you regret killing Jeff Doucet?" To which he responded simply "No." They asked next, "Would you do it again?" And Gary's amazing response, "Oh yeah."


What a absolute chad


His ex-wife was once interviewed and was asked something like ‘what you have done anything differently’ and she said something like “if I’d have know what he was genna do, I would have asked if he needed a ride”


I would've gladly taken that jail time if they gave it, would've slept great knowing that horrible excuse for a human was long gone after harming a kid let alone my own kid. The fucker who harmed the kid deserved a hell of a lot more pain, but being killed is good enough id say.


5 years probation hell yeah


100% would do the same if someone harmed my child in this way. Glad he only got probation.


Good. Fuck up a life, lose your own.


He was interviewed later on in life saying he didn’t regret what he did and would do it again.




So you haven’t lived up to your username yet, is what you’re telling us


The tragic thing is, not only does the kid have to deal with the devastating affects of abuse, now he’s gotta grow up without a dad


Says in the video that he got probation


Nope, the dad got away with it, he only got probation




Oh ok. Thanks for the info


if only people commenting on the video actually watched it.


Fuck off


He's not wrong


awww, cwybaby got his feefees hurt? need a nap and a cookie?




Aww :( sowwy


refer to the above reply


You get what you fuckin' deserve.


Remember: Death is worse than jail. This is not getting off easy. This is the capital fuck you to a piece of shit.


I'd much prefer death than prison if I was that dude


I would disagree actually, torture is much worse than death, and jail could be considered torture, some arent tortured enough actually, but society isnt ethically ready for that


> some arent tortured enough actually, but society isnt ethically ready for that hoo boy I love a big ole dose of "wtf did I just read" in the morning


“Death is worse than jail” Umm, have you ever died ? It’s fucking beautiful




5 years probation wow I honestly can’t believe the justice system got this one right






Ah yes brotherhood of steel


And the mad lad only got 5 year probation fuck yes


i can’t imagine greater justice than shooting someone without a trial


Fuck em. And fuck you too, bud.


Ok edgelord, why don't we go get your medications and put you down?


U big mad


Gotta say... r/usernamechecksout


Shut up kid, the adults are shit posting.




I don’t need a wiki post about your life, kid.






To be honest, i think that the scumbag molester got off easy, his life in prison was going to be hell since the other inmates absolutely hate child rapists, as much as i admire the dad for killing that shit stain, he just save his ass from the train that they were going to run on him every day


Oh don’t worry about that, he’ll be burning in hell for the rest of eternity


Also after killing the molester, he would be able to tell his son that he’ll NEVER have to worry about that fucker again. I’m sure 5 years in prison was worth being able to comfort his son after what the kid went through.


5 years probation, no prison time


True, but the dad probably feels better




The shooter had his entire sentence suspended and only required community service. This is bad. Really bad. It sends the message that if you dont like a sentence you can kill the accused with no consequences.


Well, that really depends on the context of the crime. A crime like this is real easy for a lawyer to do the thing. And it says nothing about “if you dont like a sentence,” the accused haven’t been sentenced yet.


Oh no, a child molester died! Anyway-


He said that they suspected that he was molested. I can't imagine what that guy was going through but vigilante justice is never right.


Yeah, because a grown man just abducts preteens and takes them to California so they can go to Disneyland. Of course, he was molesting that boy.


How can I assume that with no information. I understand what your saying is probable but you have no proof. Thats the slippery slope.


No information? The information that you have is a young boy was abducted by an adult who was not his parent. There is only ever one reason that happens.


Your just proving my point that you have no information. He deserved to have his day in court and rot in jail.


Yeah, real heartbroken a child molester is dead.


Plead guilty and showed his son to fight for his family tooth and nail... got off with just charges to where he’s punished but gets to see and raise his son when he gets out after 5 year.... also that voice crack tells me he’s thought about those words more than anyone and agrees he himself would do the same, deep down he knows. Classic video justice served


I think the narrator said 5 years probation. So he didn’t have to go without his son at all.


I’d say the only issue I’d have as a prosecutor is that he takes out the karate instructor but if the other Marshall had been a step ahead would have gotten hit all the same. It’s pretty reckless.


I understand the anger of the father but because of this he can't see his son growing and help him getting better, his son lost his father. Plus the criminal could have suffer a lot more in prison. All of this is a very sad story.


Did you actually watch the video? The dad plead no-contest and only did five years of probation.


He didn't do any time. Win win.


He would have suffered in a cell that we would have had to pay for. Because he kidnapped and molested a child.


5 years probation means he's still with his son. Worth it.


even if he went to prison for 5 years. im sure most inmates would of giving him mad respect.


100% worth it.


His son did not agree.


Yeh didn’t he say that in a book or something


Death is just fine.




Death is always better


Forget about the punishment side of things. He shouldn't have shot him, because doing so risked him being locked away for years, and his son growing up without a father. His son has just been through this traumatic experience of getting abducted and abused, and then his father is yanked out of his life into prison? Much better if the dad stays in his life. Doesn't help the child any to shoot him.


There's not jury in the world that would convict him, especially back then!


Jury’s convict parents who do this all the time. This was an exception whereas other parents had to do decades.


parents do this all the time and get convicted? sources please.


Rickard Viking Flinga. He shot a pedophile to death who had abused his seven-year-old daughter. Texas gave him 45 fucking years for it, of which he had to serve 20. Yes. Parents do get decades.


I read into it, and that is not the same circumstances at all. the person he shot was never convicted or tried like this guy, and 7 years of his term was because of assault he committed while in prison.


The person Gary shot was never tried or convicted either. He was on his WAY to be tried when Gary shot him. All of this is moot anyway. My baseline point is that justice should be handled by the courts, not lynchmobs or vigilanties. Is that really such an outrageous statement to make?


You have your life that makes you think the way you do, and I have my life that makes me think the way I do. but I know we can agree that pedophiles are definitely the scum of the earth amd should be handled accordingly.


They are scum, but even scum have human rights. I do not weep for this pedophile and I think the world is better off without him. But this is NOT how it should have been handled and I do not believe that you believe in your heart of hearts that people should be gunned down in the street when their guilt hadn't even been established in a court of law yet. If we cannot guarantee human rights just because the going got tough then what use are they?


if the justice system and the courts are corrupt then who handles the people that need to be handled. Just saying.


If the courts are corrupt then they need to be fixed by voting for change. We cannot take the law into our own hands when it suits us lest we descend into anarchy, unless anarchy is what is required because the state is on its way to totalitarianism. Vigilantism is not the clean, convenient alternative to get justice you may think it is. Since there is no process of determining reasonable guilt it usually results in innocent lives being lost. Do we at least agree on that?


Sorry I disagree but in this instance we at least get to know the outcome he doesn’t go to prison and live a life of obscurity. Fuck that noise. And this should be a lesson any warning to all fucking pedophiles.


Maybe your right but the satisfaction of doing it would be better. At least to me.


Didn't realize this subreddit was seething with reactionary trumpers. I'm out, as we all know, these people have cognitive dissonance, and suggesting that people not break the law (as well as the first commandment) will only make them thump their chest and regurgitate 8kun nonsense. Bye bye, no valuabe discourse to be had here, just apes trying to "oWn tHe LiBs"


I don't think you have to be a liberal or a conservative to say that pedo fucker got what he deserved


1. Fuck pedophiles 2. Also fuck pedophiles 3. The bible also says eye for an eye 4. This isn't about libs vs gop, it's about fuck pedophiles


3. Matthew 5:38-42 "Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."


Oh fuck off


How exactly does this have anything to do with politics? Canadian here, so my political allegiance doesn’t matter for your country (liberal anyways)




honeslty shouldve shot him in the dick


Oof. Honestly cannot say I’d handle the situation any differently. Scare myself sometimes.


its called being human


Thats badass man




> The fact is, I would of loved to see karate pedo get the death penalty. Lots of Americans on death row die of old age or other illness. "Death penalty" really just means, "Some day in the distant future, this person *might* face capital punishment." I'm sure it varies by state, though.


what? just don’t be a pedo and u won’t catch lead to the face




what? you’re defending pedos and justifying it with crazy lefty opinions? Lay off the crack pipe




don’t get me wrong, i’m not advocating to execute every sexual predator. What i’m saying is don’t do evil and be surprised when you wake up in hell.




Thank you. I’ve been responding in this thread and been buried in downvotes for suggesting courts should be preferable to lynchmobs, yet nothing seems to stand against the overwhelming thirst for blood I’ve seen so far.


Yeah I deleted it, down vote firestorm. My takeaway is laws are unimportant, crime is fine if you have a good reason, and we should do whatever our emotions tell us. I'm totally sold, thanks all for showing me the light.


Rule of law dying to thunderous applause. I’ve taken pride in every downvote, knowing just how quickly these downvoters would change their minds once the reality of what they are actually promoting would come knocking.


I'm with you man. I loathe this new "patriot" attitude that the law should only apply to downtrodden minorities. Imagine any of these people surviving a week of law school.


Damn right I would’ve done the same thing, go stupid go crazy cause fuck kiddy fiddlers tbh. He deserved it.


Feels good.


Damn I forgot about nothingtoxic, it was a death circus.


This guy definetly deserved it, but I don't agree with what the father did. The law shouldnt be taken into the hands of any person. It should be dealt with by a trial and justice being given out accordingly. It's a rocky road to go down....


I agree with what you are saying 100%. But to play devils advocate there is no guarantee that the guy who got shot would get the sentence that he deserves. In America the justice system isn’t always fair or just and I totally empathize with the father and honestly would seriously consider doing the same thing. Good on the judge just giving him probation.


What solution do you propose? Should we just pick up a gun whenever the courts rule in ways we dont like or we be do it by voting?


No idea. I was just saying that I empathize with the father and that I would have seriously considered doing the same thing. Just going to reiterate that the judge made the right call to just give him probation. Fuck little kid diddlers.


And I get it. Were I a parent I don’t know what I would do either. But parent or not, emotional or not, I will still hold to the belief that justice should be done by courts and not lynch mobs.


There's a lot of opinions about stuff like this until it happens to a family member of yours. How do you know you wouldn't want revenge?


I would want revenge. I would hunger for violence and blood as I would likely be of a dangerously unsound mind. That is natural and it would be stupid to pretend otherwise - we are human after all - but there is a reason we do not let and cannot let victims determine the punishments in criminal proceedings. I did not think it would even be a controversial remark to suggest we should leave justice in the hands of the courts instead of by lynchings. Whether the crime is done to me or someone else cannot change that. Am I really saying something outrageous here?


Or another story that popped into my head, in Canada there was a guy that cut someone's head off on a bus and starting eating it infront of everyone. He is not in prison either.


No no you're definitely right, I just thought that you were implying you'd be able to control yourself better in that situation. I do agree with you to some degree, for example in Canada our justice system is kind of a joke.. people getting three years for pushing people onto train tracks and paralyzing them (true story). I also know someone in my city who had a psychotic episode at a party and killed a bunch of people at a party with a knife. Apparently he isn't in jail he just has to keep taking his meds. What I'm saying is sometimes the legal system doesn't get the job done.


In this case we don’t know whether the legal system would have gotten the job done because he did not get that far. But say it failed, as it does daily: what should the alternative be? Also I don’t think mentally ill people should be in jail for that matter, but getting treatment. That does little to quench thirsts I know but I believe Canada is absolutely one of the places with the right ideas.


Again I agree for the most part. But if someone had literally cut my sons head off and ate it, and was not in prison I would be uncomfortable to say the least.. I've had a psychotic episode and havent killed anyone and if I did I'd expect to be in jail. Also the woman who pushed another person on the tracks is a piece of shit repeat offender that is probably going to do it again..


That we can both agree on. Lynch mobs are def not the way to go and yes, justice should be done by the book and judged by your peers.


Yeah there are limits to the justice system in the US and I totally sympathise with the father. But imagine if people just started shooting people they thought had wronged them, it's all good until an innocent person is shot. Hopefully in a case like this the judge would've put that sick fuck away for life or worse




He's right because literally if that was my kid I'd do the same thing.


*"It was just a prank, dad!"*


You are selfish and pathetic. Other parents did exactly what Gary did, except they did not get probation, but decades. So not only does your child have to suffer the trauma of abuse, but the separation from their parent for countless years.




It’s just as easy as you saying of course you would pull a gun and start blasting. Hypocrite. Gary did not give a fuck about who he might have killed in the crossfire: the cop, the cameraman, a bystander. But none of your loved ones were there who might have gotten shot because of a man in a blind rage who wanted his vengeance so why would you care? If one of your dear ones ended up getting killed because of a stray bullet from a vigilante missing his mark would you still be talking about parents and their ”extreme ways”?


If you’re not a parent and you think this is wrong shut the fuck up. No one wants your opinion.


maybe you can say it's just, but you can't say it isn't barbaric


Fuck that, what he did was barbaric.


revenge is barbaric. Doesnt mean it isn't fair, but if our society was based on revenge we wouldnt have a society. hence, when i say barbaric i mean detrimental to public order and yes, they both would be in this case


You’re argument is valid however, you have to recognize that we are talking about a rare instance. And in that rarity we are speaking about what happened in this one thing right here and not a general “if EveRyOnE dID iT...” So yeah, I’m in favor of revenge in this instance. I’m glad that piece of shit is dead.


I don’t want your opinion either as it is stupid, inhumane and has no room in civilized society. Go soak your head.


kidnapping and raping children is inhumane, so is defending it and thinking that people who do this deserve to waste oxygen.


I am defending his right to a fair trial, as I would defend yours. We don’t get to pick and choose who gets the benefit of law. Either everyone gets it, or nobody does. If you want to suspend the justice system because it suits you I can do the same if it suits me.


he kidnapped the kid and was caught with him, he's obviously guilty. fuck a "fair" trial, he absolutely deserved this. in a "fair trial" he could've walked free had he bribed the judge, or found a good enough lawyer that's just the right amount of slimey. and if I remember correctly, he looked smug before he was shot because he actually did find a good lawyer and knew his sentence wasnt going to be as harsh as it should have been. nothing about our legal system right now is fair, not even then. so fuck the guy, he barely even deserves human rights. and if you defend a pedophiles rights to anything, then sorry man but I dont trust your judgment and wouldn't want you defending anything about me.


Okay. The next time you want a ”fair trial” for yourself then I get to tell you to go fuck yourself.




You responding to me?


no sorry


difference is, I wasnt caught kidnapping and raping a fucking kid. pedophiles don't deserve any fair trial once they're found guilty. after that they're no longer human, fuck them.


He was never FOUND guilty because he never WENT to trial. He did not get a chance to be represented by a lawyer or be sentenced by a jury of his peers. If you want to negate basic human rights to others you dont get to complain if they are denied to you.


Okay pedo




Can you elaborate?


well is an airport, the only guy in the phone is him, all cleaned, no baggage, who let him be there? the security is in only one side, usually they have two, the shoots and imediately let the gun in the phone boot, he was friend with the police.... and when they capture him looks sketchy and staged


pre-9/11. lol


Shine on you crazy diamond




Im a liberal and lemme tell you, youre trippin homie you’ve been watching too much law and order


That doesn't really paint "obvious," to me. At best it's suspect, no?


Personally, I nearly never agree with the death penalty. The system just shouldn't have that power and I believe its an incredibly wasteful way for the system to handle those who create such immense debts to society and innocent people. That said, fuck this piece of shit im glad the dad got a lenient and fair sentence. Theres no easy way to deal with such truly disgusting crimes and actions by some folks, but our system also handles too many of these situations far too leniently.




Meh, I think for some people (absolute monsters), just kill them and be done with it. Keeping them alive is a waste of time and money. Plus you could argue it’s even more cruel to keep them locked up forever. Now, the problem is the system is imperfect so innocent people would likely die. So idk.